#include #include #include #include #include #define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE #include #include "jvm/jni.h" // System #define PROP_NAME_MAX 32 #define PROP_VALUE_MAX 92 int __system_property_get(const char *name, char *value) { return 0; } // AConfiguration struct AConfiguration { char nop; }; struct AAssetManager { char nop; }; struct AConfiguration* AConfiguration_new(void) { return calloc(1, sizeof(struct AConfiguration)); } void AConfiguration_delete(struct AConfiguration *config) { free(config); } void AConfiguration_fromAssetManager(struct AConfiguration *out, struct AAssetManager *am) { } // ALooper static struct ALooper { char nop; } thread_looper; typedef void* ALooper_callbackFunc; struct ALooper* ALooper_forThread(void) { return &thread_looper; } struct ALooper* ALooper_prepare(int opts) { return &thread_looper; } void ALooper_wake(struct ALooper *looper) { } int ALooper_pollAll(int timeoutMillis, int *outFd, int *outEvents, void **outData) { return 0; } int ALooper_pollOnce(int timeoutMillis, int *outFd, int *outEvents, void **outData) { return 0; } // ASensor struct ASensor { char nop; }; const char* ASensor_getName(struct ASensor const *sensor) { return NULL; } const char* ASensor_getVendor(struct ASensor const *sensor) { return NULL; } int ASensor_getType(struct ASensor const *sensor) { return 0; } float ASensor_getResolution(struct ASensor const *sensor) { return 0; } int ASensor_getMinDelay(struct ASensor const *sensor) { return 0; } struct ASensorEvent { char nop; }; struct ASensorEventQueue { char nop; }; int ASensorEventQueue_enableSensor(struct ASensorEventQueue *queue, struct ASensor const *sensor) { return 0; } int ASensorEventQueue_disableSensor(struct ASensorEventQueue *queue, struct ASensor const *sensor) { return 0; } int ASensorEventQueue_setEventRate(struct ASensorEventQueue *queue, struct ASensor const *sensor, int32_t usec) { return 0; } int ASensorEventQueue_hasEvents(struct ASensorEventQueue *queue) { return 0; } size_t ASensorEventQueue_getEvents(struct ASensorEventQueue *queue, struct ASensorEvent *events, size_t count) { return 0; } struct ASensorManager { char nop; }; struct ASensorList { char nop; }; struct ASensorManager* ASensorManager_getInstance() { return NULL; } struct ASensor const* ASensorManager_getDefaultSensor(struct ASensorManager *manager, int type) { return NULL; } int ASensorManager_getSensorList(struct ASensorManager *manager, struct ASensorList *list) { return 0; } struct ASensorEventQueue* ASensorManager_createEventQueue(struct ASensorManager *manager, struct ALooper *looper, int ident, ALooper_callbackFunc callback, void *data) { return NULL; } int ASensorManager_destroyEventQueue(struct ASensorManager *manager, struct ASensorEventQueue *queue) { return 0; } // AInput struct AInputEvent { char nop; }; int32_t AInputEvent_getType(const struct AInputEvent *event) { return 0; } int32_t AInputEvent_getDeviceId(const struct AInputEvent *event) { return 0; } int32_t AInputEvent_getSource(const struct AInputEvent *event) { return 0; } int32_t AMotionEvent_getEdgeFlags(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getTouchMajor(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getTouchMinor(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index) { return 0; } int32_t AMotionEvent_getPointerId(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index) { return 0; } int64_t AMotionEvent_getDownTime(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event) { return 0; } size_t AMotionEvent_getPointerCount(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getXPrecision(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getYPrecision(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getToolMajor(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getToolMinor(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getX(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getY(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getSize(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getPressure(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index) { return 0; } int64_t AMotionEvent_getEventTime(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event) { return 0; } int32_t AMotionEvent_getFlags(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event) { return 0; } int32_t AMotionEvent_getMetaState(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event) { return 0; } int32_t AMotionEvent_getAction(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event) { return 0; } size_t AMotionEvent_getHistorySize(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event) { return 0; } int64_t AMotionEvent_getHistoricalEventTime(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t history_index) { return 0; } size_t AMotionEvent_getHistoricalSize(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index, size_t history_index) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getHistoricalPressure(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index, size_t history_index) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getHistoricalX(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index, size_t history_index) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getHistoricalY(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index, size_t history_index) { return 0; } float AMotionEvent_getOrientation(const struct AInputEvent *motion_event, size_t pointer_index) { return 0; } int32_t AKeyEvent_getKeyCode(const struct AInputEvent *key_event) { return 0; } int32_t AKeyEvent_getMetaState(const struct AInputEvent *key_event) { return 0; } int32_t AKeyEvent_getAction(const struct AInputEvent *key_event) { return 0; } struct AInputQueue { char nop; }; void AInputQueue_attachLooper(struct AInputQueue *queue, struct ALooper *looper, int ident, ALooper_callbackFunc callback, void *data) { } void AInputQueue_detachLooper(struct AInputQueue *queue) { } int32_t AInputQueue_hasEvents(struct AInputQueue *queue) { return 0; } int32_t AInputQueue_getEvent(struct AInputQueue *queue, struct AInputEvent **outEvent) { return 0; } int32_t AInputQueue_preDispatchEvent(struct AInputQueue *queue, struct AInputEvent *event) { return 0; } void AInputQueue_finishEvent(struct AInputQueue *queue, struct AInputEvent *event, int handled) { } // ANative struct ANativeWindow { GLFWwindow *glfw; }; enum { WINDOW_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 = 1, WINDOW_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 = 2, WINDOW_FORMAT_RGB_565 = 4, }; struct ANativeWindow_Buffer { // The number of pixels that are show horizontally. int32_t width; // The number of pixels that are shown vertically. int32_t height; // The number of *pixels* that a line in the buffer takes in // memory. This may be >= width. int32_t stride; // The format of the buffer. One of WINDOW_FORMAT_* int32_t format; // The actual bits. void* bits; // Do not touch. uint32_t reserved[6]; }; struct ARect { int32_t left, top, right, bottom; }; static void glfw_error_cb(int code, const char *error) { fprintf(stderr, "glfw: (%d) %s\n", code, error); } struct ANativeWindow* ANativeWindow_fromSurface(JNIEnv* env, jobject surface) { assert(env && surface); struct ANativeWindow *window; if (!(window = calloc(1, sizeof(*window)))) return NULL; glfwInit(); fprintf(stderr, "glfw: %s\n", glfwGetVersionString()); glfwSetErrorCallback(glfw_error_cb); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_NO_API); window->glfw = glfwCreateWindow(1024, 768, "ANativeWindow", NULL, NULL); assert(window->glfw); return window; } void ANativeWindow_acquire(struct ANativeWindow *window) { assert(window); // FIXME: refcount } void ANativeWindow_release(struct ANativeWindow *window) { assert(window); // FIXME: refcount } int32_t ANativeWindow_getWidth(struct ANativeWindow *window) { assert(window); int v = 0; glfwGetWindowSize(window->glfw, &v, NULL); return v; } int32_t ANativeWindow_getHeight(struct ANativeWindow *window) { assert(window); int v = 0; glfwGetWindowSize(window->glfw, NULL, &v); return v; } int32_t ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry(struct ANativeWindow *window, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t format) { assert(window); return 0; } int32_t ANativeWindow_lock(struct ANativeWindow *window, struct ANativeWindow_Buffer *outBuffer, struct ARect *inOutDirtyBounds) { assert(window); *outBuffer = (struct ANativeWindow_Buffer){0}; return 0; } int32_t ANativeWindow_unlockAndPost(struct ANativeWindow *window) { assert(window); return 0; }