#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "linker/dlfcn.h" #include "linker/linker.h" #include "jvm/jvm.h" #include static int run_jni_game(struct jvm *jvm) { // Works only with unity libs for now // XXX: What this basically is that, we port the Java bits to C // XXX: This will become unneccessary as we make dalvik interpreter struct { union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject); } native_init_jni; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject); } native_done; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jstring); } native_file; union { void *ptr; jboolean (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject); } native_pause; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jint, jobject); } native_recreate_gfx_state; union { void *ptr; jboolean (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject); } native_render; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject); } native_resume; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jboolean); } native_focus_changed; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jstring); } native_set_input_string; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject); } native_soft_input_closed; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jboolean); } native_set_input_canceled; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject); } native_init_www; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject); } native_init_web_request; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong); } native_add_vsync_time; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jboolean); } native_forward_events_to_dalvik; union { void *ptr; void (*fun)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject); } native_inject_event; } unity; static const char *unity_player_class = "com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"; unity.native_init_jni.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "initJni"); unity.native_done.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeDone"); unity.native_file.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeFile"); unity.native_pause.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativePause"); unity.native_recreate_gfx_state.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeRecreateGfxState"); unity.native_render.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeRender"); unity.native_resume.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeResume"); unity.native_focus_changed.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeFocusChanged"); unity.native_set_input_string.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeSetInputString"); unity.native_soft_input_closed.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeSoftInputClosed"); unity.native_set_input_canceled.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeSetInputCanceled"); unity.native_init_www.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeInitWWW"); unity.native_init_web_request.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeInitWebRequest"); unity.native_add_vsync_time.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeAddVSyncTime"); unity.native_forward_events_to_dalvik.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeForwardEventsToDalvik"); unity.native_inject_event.ptr = jvm_get_native_method(jvm, unity_player_class, "nativeInjectEvent"); if (!unity.native_init_jni.ptr || !unity.native_file.ptr) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "not a unity jni lib"); const jobject context = jvm->native.AllocObject(&jvm->env, jvm->native.FindClass(&jvm->env, "android/app/Activity")); unity.native_init_jni.fun(&jvm->env, context, context); unity.native_file.fun(&jvm->env, context, jvm->env->NewStringUTF(&jvm->env, getenv("ANDROID_PACKAGE_FILE"))); { DIR *dir; const char *obb_dir = getenv("ANDROID_EXTERNAL_OBB_DIR"); if (obb_dir && (dir = opendir(obb_dir))) { for (struct dirent *d; (d = readdir(dir));) { char path[4096]; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", obb_dir, d->d_name); unity.native_file.fun(&jvm->env, context, jvm->env->NewStringUTF(&jvm->env, path)); } } } // unity.native_forward_events_to_dalvik.fun(&jvm->env, context, true); unity.native_init_www.fun(&jvm->env, context, jvm->env->FindClass(&jvm->env, "com/unity3d/player/WWW")); unity.native_init_web_request.fun(&jvm->env, context, jvm->env->FindClass(&jvm->env, "com/unity3d/player/UnityWebRequest")); unity.native_recreate_gfx_state.fun(&jvm->env, context, 0, context); unity.native_focus_changed.fun(&jvm->env, context, true); unity.native_resume.fun(&jvm->env, context); unity.native_done.fun(&jvm->env, context); // unity.native_add_vsync_time.fun(&jvm->env, context, 0); while (unity.native_render.fun(&jvm->env, context)) { static int i = 0; if (++i >= 10) { unity.native_inject_event.fun(&jvm->env, context, jvm->native.AllocObject(&jvm->env, jvm->native.FindClass(&jvm->env, "android/view/MotionEvent"))); i = 0; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static void raw_start(void *entry, int argc, const char *argv[]) { // XXX: make this part of the linker when it's rewritten #if ANDROID_X86_LINKER __asm__("mov 2*4(%ebp),%eax"); /* entry */ __asm__("mov 3*4(%ebp),%ecx"); /* argc */ __asm__("mov 4*4(%ebp),%edx"); /* argv */ __asm__("mov %edx,%esp"); /* trim stack. */ __asm__("push %edx"); /* push argv */ __asm__("push %ecx"); /* push argc */ __asm__("sub %edx,%edx"); /* no rtld_fini function */ __asm__("jmp *%eax"); /* goto entry */ #else warnx("raw_start not implemented for this asm platform, can't execute binaries."); #endif } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "usage: "); printf("loading module: %s\n", argv[1]); { // FIXME: when bionic linker is rewritten it will just use system search path char abs[PATH_MAX], paths[4096]; realpath(argv[1], abs); snprintf(paths, sizeof(paths), "%s:%s", dirname(abs), "runtime-ndk"); dl_parse_library_path(paths, ":"); } void *handle; if (!(handle = bionic_dlopen(argv[1], RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NOW))) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "dlopen failed: %s", bionic_dlerror()); struct { union { void *ptr; jint (*fun)(void*, void*); } JNI_OnLoad; union { void *ptr; } start; } entry; { union { char bytes[sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr)]; Elf32_Ehdr hdr; } elf; FILE *f; if (!(f = fopen(argv[1], "rb"))) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "fopen(%s)", argv[1]); fread(elf.bytes, 1, sizeof(elf.bytes), f); fclose(f); struct soinfo *si = handle; if (elf.hdr.e_entry) entry.start.ptr = (void*)(intptr_t)(si->base + elf.hdr.e_entry); } int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; if (entry.start.ptr) { printf("jumping to %p\n", entry.start.ptr); raw_start(entry.start.ptr, argc - 1, &argv[1]); } else if ((entry.JNI_OnLoad.ptr = bionic_dlsym(handle, "JNI_OnLoad"))) { struct jvm jvm; jvm_init(&jvm); entry.JNI_OnLoad.fun(&jvm.vm, NULL); ret = run_jni_game(&jvm); jvm_release(&jvm); } else { warnx("no entrypoint found in %s", argv[1]); } printf("unloading module: %s\n", argv[1]); bionic_dlclose(handle); printf("exiting\n"); return ret; }