#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) static size_t to_hex(const uint8_t *buf, const size_t buf_sz, char *out, const size_t out_sz, const bool reverse) { assert(out); const char nibble[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; const uint8_t nbs = sizeof(nibble) - 1; size_t w = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < buf_sz && out_sz > 2 && w < out_sz - 2; ++i) { for (uint8_t c = 0; c < CHAR_BIT / 8 && w < out_sz; ++c) { const size_t idx = (reverse ? (buf_sz - 1) - i : i); const uint8_t hi = (buf[idx] >> (4 * (c + 1))) & nbs; const uint8_t lo = (buf[idx] >> (8 * c)) & nbs; out[w++] = nibble[hi]; out[w++] = nibble[lo]; } } assert(w < out_sz); out[w] = 0; return w; } static void print_dec(const uint8_t *buf, const size_t size, const bool is_signed) { char hex[2 * sizeof(fspec_num) + 1]; to_hex(buf, size, hex, sizeof(hex), true); static_assert(sizeof(fspec_num) <= sizeof(uint64_t), "fspec_num is larger than uint64_t"); if (is_signed) { printf("%ld", (int64_t)strtoll(hex, NULL, 16)); } else { printf("%lu", (uint64_t)strtoull(hex, NULL, 16)); } } static void print_udec(const uint8_t *buf, const size_t size) { print_dec(buf, size, false); } static void print_sdec(const uint8_t *buf, const size_t size) { print_dec(buf, size, true); } static void print_hex(const uint8_t *buf, const size_t size) { char hex[2 * sizeof(fspec_num) + 1]; to_hex(buf, size, hex, sizeof(hex), false); printf("%s", hex); } static void print_array(const uint8_t *buf, const size_t size, const size_t nmemb, void (*fun)(const uint8_t *buf, const size_t size)) { const int indent = 4; if (nmemb > 8) { printf("{\n%*s", indent, ""); } else if (nmemb > 1) { printf("{ "); } for (size_t n = 0; n < nmemb; ++n) { fun(buf + n * size, size); printf("%s", (nmemb > 1 && n + 1 < nmemb ? ", " : "")); if (!((n + 1) % 8)) printf("\n%*s", indent, ""); } printf("%s\n", (nmemb > 8 ? "\n}" : (nmemb > 1 ? " }" : ""))); } static void print_str(const char *buf, const size_t size, const size_t nmemb) { const bool has_nl = memchr(buf, '\n', size * nmemb); if (has_nl) puts("```"); for (size_t n = 0; n < size * nmemb && buf[n] != 0; ++n) printf("%c", buf[n]); puts((has_nl ? "```" : "")); } struct code { const enum fspec_op *start, *end, *data; }; static void dump_ops(const struct code *code) { for (const enum fspec_op *op = code->start; op; op = fspec_op_next(op, code->end, false)) { printf("%*s- ", (*op == FSPEC_OP_ARG ? 2 : 0), ""); switch (*op) { case FSPEC_OP_HEADER: printf("header\n"); break; case FSPEC_OP_DECLARATION: printf("declaration\n"); break; case FSPEC_OP_READ: printf("read\n"); break; case FSPEC_OP_GOTO: printf("goto\n"); break; case FSPEC_OP_FILTER: printf("filter\n"); break; case FSPEC_OP_VISUAL: printf("visual\n"); break; case FSPEC_OP_ARG: { const enum fspec_arg *arg = (void*)(op + 1); printf("arg "); switch (*arg) { case FSPEC_ARG_STR: printf("str %s\n", fspec_arg_get_cstr(arg, code->data)); break; case FSPEC_ARG_VAR: printf("var %" PRI_FSPEC_NUM "\n", fspec_arg_get_num(arg)); break; case FSPEC_ARG_NUM: printf("num %" PRI_FSPEC_NUM "\n", fspec_arg_get_num(arg)); break; case FSPEC_ARG_OFF: printf("off %" PRI_FSPEC_NUM "\n", fspec_arg_get_num(arg)); break; case FSPEC_ARG_DAT: printf("dat %" PRI_FSPEC_NUM "\n", fspec_arg_get_num(arg)); break; case FSPEC_ARG_EOF: printf("eof\n"); break; case FSPEC_ARG_LAST: break; } } break; case FSPEC_OP_LAST: break; } } } static const enum fspec_op* get_last_struct(const struct code *code) { const enum fspec_op *last = NULL; for (const enum fspec_op *op = code->start; op; op = fspec_op_next(op, code->end, true)) { const enum fspec_arg *arg; if (*op == FSPEC_OP_DECLARATION && (arg = fspec_op_get_arg(op, code->end, 1, 1<data = realloc(buf->data, size))) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "realloc(%zu)", size); buf->len = size; } static inline void dynbuf_resize_if_needed(struct dynbuf *buf, const size_t size) { if (buf->len >= size) return; dynbuf_resize(buf, size); } static inline void dynbuf_grow_if_needed(struct dynbuf *buf, const size_t nmemb) { assert(buf); if (buf->len >= nmemb && buf->written <= buf->len - nmemb) return; dynbuf_resize(buf, buf->written + nmemb); } static inline void dynbuf_append(struct dynbuf *buf, const void *data, const size_t data_sz) { dynbuf_grow_if_needed(buf, data_sz); memcpy((char*)buf->data + buf->written, data, data_sz); buf->written += data_sz; assert(buf->written <= buf->len); } static inline void dynbuf_reset(struct dynbuf *buf) { assert(buf); buf->written = 0; } static inline void dynbuf_release(struct dynbuf *buf) { assert(buf); free(buf->data); *buf = (struct dynbuf){0}; } static void display(const void *buf, const size_t size, const size_t nmemb, const bool is_signed, const enum fspec_visual visual) { switch (visual) { case FSPEC_VISUAL_NUL: puts("..."); break; case FSPEC_VISUAL_STR: print_str(buf, size, nmemb); break; case FSPEC_VISUAL_HEX: print_array(buf, size, nmemb, print_hex); break; case FSPEC_VISUAL_DEC: print_array(buf, size, nmemb, (is_signed ? print_sdec : print_udec)); break; case FSPEC_VISUAL_LAST: break; } } struct decl { struct dynbuf buf; const char *name; const void *start, *end; size_t nmemb; uint8_t size; enum fspec_visual visual; enum fspec_declaration declaration; }; static void decl_display(const struct decl *decl) { assert(decl); assert(decl->size * decl->nmemb <= decl->buf.len); printf("%s: ", decl->name); display(decl->buf.data, decl->size, decl->nmemb, false, decl->visual); } static fspec_num decl_get_num(const struct decl *decl) { assert(decl); assert(decl->nmemb == 1); assert(decl->size * decl->nmemb <= decl->buf.len); char hex[2 * sizeof(fspec_num) + 1]; to_hex(decl->buf.data, decl->size, hex, sizeof(hex), true); static_assert(sizeof(fspec_num) <= sizeof(uint64_t), "fspec_num is larger than uint64_t"); return (fspec_num)strtoull(hex, NULL, 16); } static const char* decl_get_cstr(const struct decl *decl) { assert(decl); return decl->buf.data; } struct context { struct code code; struct decl *decl; fspec_num decl_count; }; static fspec_num var_get_num(const struct context *context, const enum fspec_arg *arg) { assert(context && arg); return decl_get_num(&context->decl[fspec_arg_get_num(arg)]); } static const char* var_get_cstr(const struct context *context, const enum fspec_arg *arg) { assert(context && arg); return decl_get_cstr(&context->decl[fspec_arg_get_num(arg)]); } enum type { TYPE_NUM, TYPE_STR, }; static enum type var_get_type(const struct context *context, const enum fspec_arg *arg) { assert(context && arg); const struct decl *decl = &context->decl[fspec_arg_get_num(arg)]; switch (decl->visual) { case FSPEC_VISUAL_DEC: case FSPEC_VISUAL_HEX: case FSPEC_VISUAL_NUL: return TYPE_NUM; case FSPEC_VISUAL_STR: return TYPE_STR; case FSPEC_VISUAL_LAST: break; } return ~0; } static void filter_decompress(const struct context *context, struct decl *decl) { assert(decl); const enum fspec_arg *arg; if (!(arg = fspec_op_get_arg(context->code.start, context->code.end, 2, 1<code.data); if (!(codec = squash_get_codec(algo))) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "unknown compression '%s'", algo); SquashOptions *opts; if (!(opts = squash_options_new(codec, NULL))) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "squash_options_new"); size_t dsize = squash_codec_get_uncompressed_size(codec, decl->buf.len, decl->buf.data); dsize = (dsize ? dsize : decl->buf.len * 2); { const enum fspec_arg *var = arg; if ((arg = fspec_arg_next(arg, context->code.end, 1, 1<code.end, 1, 1<code.data); if (!(var = fspec_arg_next(var, context->code.end, 1, ~0))) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "expected argument for key '%s'", key); switch (*var) { case FSPEC_ARG_STR: squash_options_set_string(opts, key, fspec_arg_get_cstr(var, context->code.data)); break; case FSPEC_ARG_NUM: squash_options_set_int(opts, key, fspec_arg_get_num(var)); break; case FSPEC_ARG_VAR: if (var_get_type(context, var) == TYPE_STR) { squash_options_set_string(opts, key, var_get_cstr(context, var)); } else { squash_options_set_int(opts, key, var_get_num(context, var)); } break; default: break; } } } // what a horrible api squash_object_ref(opts); SquashStatus r; struct dynbuf buf = {0}; dynbuf_resize(&buf, dsize); while ((r = squash_codec_decompress_with_options(codec, &buf.len, buf.data, decl->buf.len, decl->buf.data, opts)) == SQUASH_BUFFER_FULL) dynbuf_resize(&buf, dsize *= 2); dynbuf_resize_if_needed(&buf, (buf.written = buf.len)); squash_object_unref(opts); if (r != SQUASH_OK) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "squash_codec_decompress(%zu, %zu) = %d: %s", dsize, decl->buf.len, r, squash_status_to_string(r)); dynbuf_release(&decl->buf); decl->buf = buf; decl->nmemb = buf.len / decl->size; } static void filter_decode(const struct context *context, struct decl *decl) { assert(decl); const enum fspec_arg *arg; if (!(arg = fspec_op_get_arg(context->code.start, context->code.end, 2, 1<code.data); static const char *sys_encoding; if (!sys_encoding) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); sys_encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET); } iconv_t iv; if ((iv = iconv_open(sys_encoding, encoding)) == (iconv_t)-1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "iconv_open(%s, %s)", sys_encoding, encoding); struct dynbuf buf = {0}; const uint8_t *in = decl->buf.data; size_t in_left = decl->buf.written; do { char enc[1024], *out = enc; size_t out_left = sizeof(enc); errno = 0; if (iconv(iv, (char**)&in, &in_left, &out, &out_left) == (size_t)-1 && errno != E2BIG) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "iconv(%s, %s)", sys_encoding, encoding); dynbuf_append(&buf, enc, sizeof(enc) - out_left); } while (in_left > 0); iconv_close(iv); dynbuf_release(&decl->buf); decl->buf = buf; decl->nmemb = buf.len / decl->size; } static void call(const struct context *context, FILE *f) { assert(context && f); struct decl *decl = NULL; for (const enum fspec_op *op = context->code.start; op; op = fspec_op_next(op, context->code.end, true)) { if (decl && op == decl->end) { decl_display(decl); decl = NULL; } switch (*op) { case FSPEC_OP_DECLARATION: { const enum fspec_arg *arg; arg = fspec_op_get_arg(op, context->code.end, 2, 1<decl[fspec_arg_get_num(arg)]; dynbuf_reset(&decl->buf); } break; case FSPEC_OP_READ: { assert(decl); const enum fspec_arg *arg = fspec_op_get_arg(op, context->code.end, 1, 1<size = fspec_arg_get_num(arg) / 8; decl->nmemb = 0; for (const enum fspec_arg *var = arg; (var = fspec_arg_next(var, context->code.end, 1, ~0));) { switch (*var) { case FSPEC_ARG_NUM: case FSPEC_ARG_VAR: { const fspec_num v = (*var == FSPEC_ARG_NUM ? fspec_arg_get_num(var) : var_get_num(context, var)); if (v == 0) { goto noop; } else if (v > 1) { const size_t nmemb = (decl->nmemb ? decl->nmemb : 1) * v; dynbuf_grow_if_needed(&decl->buf, decl->size * nmemb); const size_t read = fread((char*)decl->buf.data + decl->buf.written, decl->size, nmemb, f); decl->buf.written += decl->size * read; decl->nmemb += read; } } break; case FSPEC_ARG_STR: break; case FSPEC_ARG_EOF: { const size_t nmemb = (decl->nmemb ? decl->nmemb : 1); size_t read = 0, r = nmemb; while (r == nmemb) { dynbuf_grow_if_needed(&decl->buf, decl->size * nmemb); read += (r = fread((char*)decl->buf.data + decl->buf.written, decl->size, nmemb, f)); decl->buf.written += decl->size * r; }; decl->nmemb += read; } break; default: break; } } noop: if (!fspec_arg_next(arg, context->code.end, 1, ~0)) { dynbuf_grow_if_needed(&decl->buf, decl->size * 1); const size_t read = fread((char*)decl->buf.data + decl->buf.written, decl->size, 1, f); decl->buf.written += decl->size * read; decl->nmemb = read; } } break; case FSPEC_OP_GOTO: { decl = NULL; const enum fspec_arg *arg = fspec_op_get_arg(op, context->code.end, 1, 1<decl[fspec_arg_get_num(arg)]; struct context c = *context; c.code.start = d->start; c.code.end = d->end; for (const enum fspec_arg *var = arg; (var = fspec_arg_next(var, context->code.end, 1, ~0));) { switch (*var) { case FSPEC_ARG_NUM: case FSPEC_ARG_VAR: { const fspec_num v = (*var == FSPEC_ARG_NUM ? fspec_arg_get_num(var) : var_get_num(context, var)); for (fspec_num i = 0; i < v; ++i) call(&c, f); } break; // XXX: How to handle STR with stdin? // With fseek would be easy. case FSPEC_ARG_STR: break; case FSPEC_ARG_EOF: while (!feof(f)) call(&c, f); break; default: break; } } if (!fspec_arg_next(arg, context->code.end, 1, ~0)) call(&c, f); } break; case FSPEC_OP_FILTER: { assert(decl); const enum fspec_arg *arg = fspec_op_get_arg(op, context->code.end, 1, 1<code.data); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(map); ++i) { if (!strcmp(filter, map[i].name)) { struct context c = *context; c.code.start = op; map[i].fun(&c, decl); break; } if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(map) - 1) warnx("unknown filter '%s'", filter); } } break; case FSPEC_OP_VISUAL: { assert(decl); const enum fspec_arg *arg = fspec_op_get_arg(op, context->code.end, 1, 1<visual = fspec_arg_get_num(arg); } break; case FSPEC_OP_ARG: case FSPEC_OP_HEADER: case FSPEC_OP_LAST: break; } } if (decl && context->code.end == decl->end) decl_display(decl); } static void setup(const struct context *context) { assert(context); for (const enum fspec_op *op = context->code.start; op; op = fspec_op_next(op, context->code.end, true)) { switch (*op) { case FSPEC_OP_DECLARATION: { const enum fspec_arg *arg[4]; arg[0] = fspec_op_get_arg(op, context->code.end, 1, 1<code.end, 1, 1<code.end, 1, 1<code.end, 1, 1<decl[id]; decl->declaration = fspec_arg_get_num(arg[0]); decl->name = fspec_arg_get_cstr(arg[3], context->code.data); decl->visual = FSPEC_VISUAL_DEC; decl->start = op; decl->end = (char*)op + fspec_arg_get_num(arg[2]); assert(!decl->buf.data); } break; default: break; } } } static void execute(const struct fspec_mem *mem) { assert(mem); struct context context = { .code.start = mem->data, .code.end = (void*)((char*)mem->data + mem->len), .code.data = mem->data }; printf("output: %zu bytes\n", mem->len); dump_ops(&context.code); const enum fspec_arg *arg = fspec_op_get_arg(context.code.data, context.code.end, 2, 1<member) - offsetof(type, member))) struct lexer { struct fspec_lexer lexer; FILE *file; }; static size_t fspec_lexer_read(struct fspec_lexer *lexer, void *ptr, const size_t size, const size_t nmemb) { assert(lexer && ptr); struct lexer *l = container_of(lexer, struct lexer, lexer); return fread(ptr, size, nmemb, l->file); } static size_t fspec_validator_read(struct fspec_validator *validator, void *ptr, const size_t size, const size_t nmemb) { assert(validator && ptr); assert(ptr == validator->mem.input.data); const size_t read = validator->mem.input.len / size; assert((validator->mem.input.len && read == nmemb) || (!validator->mem.input.len && !read)); validator->mem.input.len -= read * size; assert(validator->mem.input.len == 0); return read; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "usage: %s file.spec < data", argv[0]); char output[4096]; struct fspec_mem bcode = {0}; { char input[4096]; struct lexer l = { .lexer = { .ops.read = fspec_lexer_read, .mem.input = { .data = input, sizeof(input) }, .mem.output = { .data = output, sizeof(output) }, }, .file = fopen_or_die(argv[1], "rb"), }; if (!fspec_lexer_parse(&l.lexer, argv[1])) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); fclose(l.file); bcode = l.lexer.mem.output; } { struct fspec_validator validator = { .ops.read = fspec_validator_read, .mem.input = bcode, }; if (!fspec_validator_parse(&validator, argv[1])) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } execute(&bcode); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }