#include "ragel/ragel.h" #include #include #include "bcode-internal.h" #include #include #include #include #define PLACEHOLDER 0xDEADBEEF #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) typedef uint8_t fspec_strsz; struct membuf { struct fspec_mem mem; fspec_off written; }; static void membuf_bounds_check(const struct membuf *buf, const fspec_off nmemb) { assert(buf); if (buf->mem.len < nmemb || buf->written > buf->mem.len - nmemb) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: %" PRI_FSPEC_OFF " bytes exceeds the maximum storage size of %zu bytes", __func__, buf->written + nmemb, buf->mem.len); } static void membuf_terminate(struct membuf *buf, const void *data, const fspec_off data_sz) { membuf_bounds_check(buf, data_sz); memcpy((char*)buf->mem.data + buf->written, data, data_sz); } static void membuf_replace(struct membuf *buf, const fspec_off off, const void *data, const fspec_off data_sz) { assert(buf->mem.len >= data_sz && off <= buf->mem.len - data_sz); memcpy((char*)buf->mem.data + off, data, data_sz); } static void membuf_append_at(struct membuf *buf, const fspec_off off, const void *data, const fspec_off data_sz) { assert(off <= buf->written); membuf_bounds_check(buf, data_sz); const size_t rest = buf->written - off; memmove((char*)buf->mem.data + off + data_sz, (char*)buf->mem.data + off, rest); membuf_replace(buf, off, data, data_sz); buf->written += data_sz; assert(buf->written <= buf->mem.len); } static void membuf_append(struct membuf *buf, const void *data, const fspec_off data_sz) { membuf_append_at(buf, buf->written, data, data_sz); } struct varbuf { struct membuf buf; fspec_off offset; }; static inline void varbuf_begin(struct varbuf *var) { assert(var); var->offset = var->buf.written; assert(var->offset <= var->buf.mem.len); } static void varbuf_reset(struct varbuf *var) { assert(var); var->offset = var->buf.written = 0; } static inline void varbuf_remove_last(struct varbuf *var) { assert(var); assert(var->buf.written >= var->offset); const fspec_off size = var->buf.written - var->offset; assert(var->buf.written >= size); var->buf.written -= size; assert(var->buf.written <= var->buf.mem.len); } enum section { SECTION_DATA, SECTION_CODE, SECTION_LAST, }; struct codebuf { struct membuf buf; const void *decl[FSPEC_DECLARATION_LAST], *end[SECTION_LAST], *strings; fspec_var declarations; }; static void codebuf_append(struct codebuf *code, const enum section section, const void *data, const fspec_off data_sz) { assert(code->end[section]); const fspec_off off = (char*)code->end[section] - (char*)code->buf.mem.data; membuf_append_at(&code->buf, off, data, data_sz); for (enum section s = section; s < ARRAY_SIZE(code->end); ++s) { code->end[s] = (char*)code->end[s] + data_sz; assert((char*)code->end[s] <= (char*)code->buf.mem.data + code->buf.mem.len); } if (section == SECTION_DATA) { for (enum fspec_declaration d = 0; d < ARRAY_SIZE(code->decl); ++d) { code->decl[d] = (code->decl[d] ? (char*)code->decl[d] + data_sz : NULL); assert((char*)code->decl[d] <= (char*)code->buf.mem.data + code->buf.mem.len); } } assert(code->end[SECTION_DATA] <= code->end[SECTION_CODE]); assert((char*)code->end[SECTION_CODE] == (char*)code->buf.mem.data + code->buf.written); } static void codebuf_append_op(struct codebuf *code, const enum fspec_op op) { codebuf_append(code, SECTION_CODE, &op, sizeof(op)); } static uint8_t arg_sizeof(const enum fspec_arg type) { switch (type) { case FSPEC_ARG_DAT: case FSPEC_ARG_OFF: case FSPEC_ARG_STR: return sizeof(fspec_off); case FSPEC_ARG_NUM: return sizeof(fspec_num); case FSPEC_ARG_VAR: return sizeof(fspec_var); case FSPEC_ARG_EOF: break; case FSPEC_ARG_LAST: errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: unexpected argument type %u", __func__, type); } return 0; } static void codebuf_append_arg(struct codebuf *code, const enum fspec_arg type, const void *v) { assert(code); codebuf_append_op(code, FSPEC_OP_ARG); codebuf_append(code, SECTION_CODE, &type, sizeof(type)); codebuf_append(code, SECTION_CODE, v, arg_sizeof(type)); } static void codebuf_replace_arg(struct codebuf *code, const enum fspec_arg *arg, const enum fspec_arg type, const void *v) { assert(code && arg); assert(*arg == type); const fspec_off off = ((char*)arg + 1) - (char*)code->buf.mem.data; membuf_replace(&code->buf, off, v, arg_sizeof(type)); } static bool get_string_offset(const void *start, const void *end, const void *str, const fspec_strsz str_sz, void const **out_off) { assert(out_off); while (start < end) { fspec_strsz len; memcpy(&len, start, sizeof(len)); if (len == str_sz && !memcmp((char*)start + sizeof(len), str, len)) { *out_off = start; return true; } start = (char*)start + sizeof(len) + len + 1; } return false; } static void codebuf_append_arg_cstr(struct codebuf *code, const void *str, const fspec_strsz str_sz) { const void *ptr; if (!get_string_offset(code->strings, code->end[SECTION_DATA], str, str_sz, &ptr)) { ptr = code->end[SECTION_DATA]; codebuf_append(code, SECTION_DATA, &str_sz, sizeof(str_sz)); codebuf_append(code, SECTION_DATA, str, str_sz); codebuf_append(code, SECTION_DATA, (char[]){ 0 }, 1); } const fspec_off off = (char*)ptr - (char*)code->buf.mem.data; codebuf_append_arg(code, FSPEC_ARG_STR, &off); } static const enum fspec_op* get_named_op(const enum fspec_op *start, const void *end, const void *data, const enum fspec_op op, const uint8_t nth, const void *name, const fspec_strsz name_sz, fspec_var *out_id) { fspec_var id = 0; if ((void*)start < end && *start == FSPEC_OP_DECLARATION) id = fspec_arg_get_num(fspec_op_get_arg(start, end, 2, 1<decl[FSPEC_DECLARATION_STRUCT] : code->end[SECTION_DATA]); return get_named_op(start, code->end[SECTION_CODE], code->buf.mem.data, FSPEC_OP_DECLARATION, 4, str->data, str->len, out_id); } static bool codebuf_append_arg_var(struct codebuf *code, const bool member, const struct fspec_mem *var) { fspec_var id = -1; if (!get_declaration(code, member, var, &id)) return false; codebuf_append_arg(code, FSPEC_ARG_VAR, &id); return true; } static void codebuf_append_declaration(struct codebuf *code, const enum fspec_declaration decl) { code->decl[decl] = code->end[SECTION_CODE]; codebuf_append_op(code, FSPEC_OP_DECLARATION); codebuf_append_arg(code, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ decl }); codebuf_append_arg(code, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ code->declarations++ }); codebuf_append_arg(code, FSPEC_ARG_OFF, (fspec_off[]){ PLACEHOLDER }); } enum stack_type { STACK_STR, STACK_NUM, }; struct stack { union { struct fspec_mem str; uint64_t num; }; enum stack_type type; }; static const char* stack_type_to_str(const enum stack_type type) { switch (type) { case STACK_STR: return "str"; case STACK_NUM: return "num"; }; return "unknown"; } static void stack_check_type(const struct stack *stack, const enum stack_type type) { assert(stack); if (stack->type != type) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "tried to get '%s' from stack, but the last pushed type was '%s'", stack_type_to_str(type), stack_type_to_str(stack->type)); } static const struct fspec_mem* stack_get_str(const struct stack *stack) { stack_check_type(stack, STACK_STR); return &stack->str; } static uint64_t stack_get_num(const struct stack *stack) { stack_check_type(stack, STACK_NUM); return stack->num; } struct state { struct ragel ragel; struct stack stack; struct codebuf out; struct varbuf var; }; static void state_stack_num(struct state *state, const uint8_t base) { assert(state); membuf_terminate(&state->var.buf, (char[]){ 0 }, 1); const char *str = (char*)state->var.buf.mem.data + state->var.offset; state->stack.type = STACK_NUM; state->stack.num = strtoll(str + (base == 16 && *str == 'x'), NULL, base); varbuf_remove_last(&state->var); } static void state_append_arg_var(struct state *state, const bool member, const struct fspec_mem *str) { assert(state && str); if (!codebuf_append_arg_var(&state->out, member, str)) ragel_throw_error(&state->ragel, "'%s' undeclared", (char*)str->data); } static void state_append_declaration(struct state *state, const enum fspec_declaration decl, const struct fspec_mem *str) { assert(state && str); if (get_declaration(&state->out, (decl == FSPEC_DECLARATION_MEMBER), str, NULL)) ragel_throw_error(&state->ragel, "'%s' redeclared", (char*)str->data); codebuf_append_declaration(&state->out, decl); codebuf_append_arg_cstr(&state->out, str->data, str->len); } static void state_finish_declaration(struct state *state, const enum fspec_declaration decl) { assert(state && state->out.decl[decl]); const char *end = state->out.end[SECTION_CODE]; const fspec_off off = end - (char*)state->out.decl[decl]; codebuf_replace_arg(&state->out, fspec_op_get_arg(state->out.decl[decl], end, 3, 1<out.decl[decl] = NULL; } %%{ machine fspec_lexer; variable p state.ragel.p; variable pe state.ragel.pe; variable eof state.ragel.eof; write data noerror nofinal; action arg_eof { codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_EOF, NULL); } action arg_num { codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ stack_get_num(&state.stack) }); } action arg_str { const struct fspec_mem *str = stack_get_str(&state.stack); codebuf_append_arg_cstr(&state.out, str->data, str->len); } action arg_var { state_append_arg_var(&state, true, stack_get_str(&state.stack)); } action filter { codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_FILTER); } action goto { codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_GOTO); state_append_arg_var(&state, false, stack_get_str(&state.stack)); } action vnul { codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_VISUAL); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ FSPEC_VISUAL_NUL }); } action vdec { codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_VISUAL); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ FSPEC_VISUAL_DEC }); } action vhex { codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_VISUAL); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ FSPEC_VISUAL_HEX }); } action vstr { codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_VISUAL); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ FSPEC_VISUAL_STR }); } action r8 { codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_READ); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ 8 }); } action r16 { codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_READ); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ 16 }); } action r32 { codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_READ); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ 32 }); } action r64 { codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_READ); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ 64 }); } action member_end { state_finish_declaration(&state, FSPEC_DECLARATION_MEMBER); } action member_start { state_append_declaration(&state, FSPEC_DECLARATION_MEMBER, stack_get_str(&state.stack)); } action struct_end { state_finish_declaration(&state, FSPEC_DECLARATION_STRUCT); } action struct_start { state_append_declaration(&state, FSPEC_DECLARATION_STRUCT, stack_get_str(&state.stack)); } action stack_oct { state_stack_num(&state, 8); } action stack_hex { state_stack_num(&state, 16); } action stack_dec { state_stack_num(&state, 10); } action stack_str { membuf_terminate(&state.var.buf, (char[]){ 0 }, 1); state.stack.type = STACK_STR; state.stack.str = state.var.buf.mem; state.stack.str.len = state.var.buf.written; } action store_esc_num { const fspec_num v = stack_get_num(&state.stack); assert(v <= 255); const uint8_t u8 = v; membuf_append(&state.var.buf, &u8, sizeof(u8)); } action store_esc { const struct { const char e, v; } map[] = { { .e = 'a', .v = '\a' }, { .e = 'b', .v = '\b' }, { .e = 'f', .v = '\f' }, { .e = 'n', .v = '\n' }, { .e = 'r', .v = '\r' }, { .e = 't', .v = '\t' }, { .e = 'v', .v = '\v' }, { .e = '\\', .v = '\\' }, { .e = '\'', .v = '\'' }, { .e = '\"', .v = '"' }, { .e = 'e', .v = 0x1B }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(map); ++i) { if (*state.ragel.p != map[i].e) continue; membuf_append(&state.var.buf, &map[i].v, sizeof(map[i].v)); break; } } action store { membuf_append(&state.var.buf, state.ragel.p, 1); } action begin_num { varbuf_begin(&state.var); } action begin_str { varbuf_reset(&state.var); } action type_err { ragel_throw_error(&state.ragel, "unknown type name"); } action visual_err { ragel_throw_error(&state.ragel, "unknown visualization"); } action syntax_err { ragel_throw_error(&state.ragel, "malformed input (machine failed here or in next expression)"); } action line { ragel_advance_line(&state.ragel); } # Semantic quote = ['"]; newline = '\n'; esc = [abfnrtv\\'"e]; esc_chr = '\\'; esc_hex = 'x' <: xdigit{2}; hex = '0x' <: xdigit{1,}; oct = [0-7]{1,3}; dec = [\-+]? <: (([1-9] <: digit*) | '0'); valid = ^cntrl; comment = '//' <: valid* :>> newline; type = ('u8' | 's8') %r8 | ('u16' | 's16') %r16 | ('u32' | 's32') %r32 | ('u64' | 's64') %r64; visual = 'nul' %vnul | 'dec' %vdec | 'hex' %vhex | 'str' %vstr; reserved = 'struct' | type | visual; name = ((alpha | '_') <: (alnum | '_')*) - reserved; # Stack stack_name = name >begin_str $store %stack_str; stack_hex = hex >begin_num $store %stack_hex; stack_dec = dec >begin_num $store %stack_dec; stack_oct = oct >begin_num $store %stack_oct; stack_esc_hex = esc_hex >begin_num $store %stack_hex; stack_esc = esc_chr <: ((stack_esc_hex | stack_oct) %store_esc_num | esc %~store_esc); stack_str = quote <: ((stack_esc? <: print? $store) - zlen)* >begin_str %stack_str :>> quote; stack_num = stack_dec | stack_hex; # Catchers catch_struct = 'struct ' <: stack_name; catch_type = (catch_struct %goto | type) $!type_err; catch_args = stack_num %arg_num | stack_str %arg_str | stack_name %arg_var; catch_array = '[' <: (catch_args | '$' %arg_eof) :>> ']'; catch_filter = ' | ' %filter <: stack_name %arg_str :>> ('(' <: catch_args? <: (', ' <: catch_args)* :>> ')')?; catch_visual = ' ' <: visual $!visual_err; # Abstract member = stack_name %member_start :> ': ' <: (catch_type <: catch_array* catch_filter* catch_visual?) :>> ';' %member_end; struct = catch_struct %struct_start :>> ' {' <: (space | comment | member)* :>> '};' %struct_end; line = valid* :>> newline %line; main := ((space | comment | struct)* & line*) $!syntax_err; }%% bool fspec_lexer_parse(struct fspec_lexer *lexer, const char *name) { int cs; %% write init; (void)fspec_lexer_en_main; assert(lexer); assert(lexer->ops.read); assert(lexer->mem.input.data && lexer->mem.input.len); assert(lexer->mem.output.data && lexer->mem.output.len); assert(lexer->mem.input.len <= (size_t)~0 && "input storage size exceeds size_t range"); assert(lexer->mem.output.len <= (fspec_off)~0 && "output storage size exceeds fspec_off range"); char var[256]; struct state state = { .ragel.name = name, .ragel.lineno = 1, .var.buf.mem = { .data = var, .len = sizeof(var) }, .out.buf.mem = lexer->mem.output, }; static const fspec_num version = 0; state.out.end[SECTION_CODE] = state.out.end[SECTION_DATA] = state.out.buf.mem.data; codebuf_append_op(&state.out, FSPEC_OP_HEADER); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, &version); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_NUM, (fspec_num[]){ PLACEHOLDER }); codebuf_append_arg(&state.out, FSPEC_ARG_DAT, (fspec_off[]){ PLACEHOLDER }); state.out.end[SECTION_DATA] = state.out.end[SECTION_CODE]; state.out.strings = state.out.end[SECTION_DATA]; struct fspec_mem input = lexer->mem.input; for (bool eof = false; !state.ragel.error && !eof;) { const size_t bytes = lexer->ops.read(lexer, input.data, 1, input.len); const struct ragel_mem rl = { .data = input.data, .end = (char*)input.data + bytes }; ragel_feed_input(&state.ragel, (eof = (bytes < input.len)), &rl); %% write exec; } { const void *end = state.out.end[SECTION_CODE]; codebuf_replace_arg(&state.out, fspec_op_get_arg(state.out.buf.mem.data, end, 2, 1<mem.output.len = state.out.buf.written; return !state.ragel.error; }