/* * pacman.c * * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include "config.h" /* TODO hard to believe all these are needed just for this file */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* debug tracing (mtrace) */ #include /* alpm */ #include #include /* pacman */ #include "pacman.h" #include "util.h" #include "callback.h" #include "conf.h" #include "package.h" /* Operations */ enum { PM_OP_MAIN = 1, PM_OP_ADD, PM_OP_REMOVE, PM_OP_UPGRADE, PM_OP_QUERY, PM_OP_SYNC, PM_OP_DEPTEST }; config_t *config; pmdb_t *db_local; /* list of targets specified on command line */ static alpm_list_t *pm_targets; /** * @brief Display usage/syntax for the specified operation. * * @param op the operation code requested * @param myname basename(argv[0]) */ static void usage(int op, char *myname) { /* prefetch some strings for usage below, which moves a lot of calls * out of gettext. */ char * const str_opt = _("options"); char * const str_file = _("file"); char * const str_pkg = _("package"); char * const str_usg = _("usage"); char * const str_opr = _("operation"); if(op == PM_OP_MAIN) { printf("%s: %s <%s> [...]\n", str_usg, myname, str_opr); printf("%s:\n", str_opt); printf(" %s {-h --help}\n", myname); printf(" %s {-V --version}\n", myname); printf(" %s {-A --add} [%s] <%s>\n", myname, str_opt, str_file); printf(" %s {-F --freshen} [%s] <%s>\n", myname, str_opt, str_file); printf(" %s {-Q --query} [%s] [%s]\n", myname, str_opt, str_pkg); printf(" %s {-R --remove} [%s] <%s>\n", myname, str_opt, str_pkg); printf(" %s {-S --sync} [%s] [%s]\n", myname, str_opt, str_pkg); printf(" %s {-U --upgrade} [%s] <%s>\n", myname, str_opt, str_file); printf(_("\nuse '%s --help' with other options for more syntax\n"), myname); } else { if(op == PM_OP_ADD) { printf("%s: %s {-A --add} [%s] <%s>\n", str_usg, myname, str_opt, str_file); printf("%s:\n", str_opt); printf(_(" -d, --nodeps skip dependency checks\n")); printf(_(" -f, --force force install, overwrite conflicting files\n")); } else if(op == PM_OP_REMOVE) { printf("%s: %s {-R --remove} [%s] <%s>\n", str_usg, myname, str_opt, str_pkg); printf(_("usage: %s {-R --remove} [options] \n"), myname); printf("%s:\n", str_opt); printf(_(" -c, --cascade remove packages and all packages that depend on them\n")); printf(_(" -d, --nodeps skip dependency checks\n")); printf(_(" -k, --dbonly only remove database entry, do not remove files\n")); printf(_(" -n, --nosave remove configuration files as well\n")); printf(_(" -s, --recursive remove dependencies also (that won't break packages)\n")); } else if(op == PM_OP_UPGRADE) { if(config->flags & PM_TRANS_FLAG_FRESHEN) { printf("%s: %s {-F --freshen} [%s] <%s>\n", str_usg, myname, str_opt, str_file); } else { printf("%s: %s {-U --upgrade} [%s] <%s>\n", str_usg, myname, str_opt, str_file); } printf("%s:\n", str_opt); printf(_(" -d, --nodeps skip dependency checks\n")); printf(_(" -f, --force force install, overwrite conflicting files\n")); } else if(op == PM_OP_QUERY) { printf("%s: %s {-Q --query} [%s] [%s]\n", str_usg, myname, str_opt, str_pkg); printf("%s:\n", str_opt); printf(_(" -c, --changelog view the changelog of a package\n")); printf(_(" -e, --orphans list all packages installed as dependencies but no longer\n" " required by any package\n")); printf(_(" -g, --groups view all members of a package group\n")); printf(_(" -i, --info view package information\n")); printf(_(" -l, --list list the contents of the queried package\n")); printf(_(" -m, --foreign list installed packages not found in sync db(s)\n")); printf(_(" -o, --owns query the package that owns \n")); printf(_(" -p, --file query a package file instead of the database\n")); printf(_(" -s, --search search locally-installed packages for matching strings\n")); printf(_(" -u, --upgrades list all packages that can be upgraded\n")); } else if(op == PM_OP_SYNC) { printf("%s: %s {-S --sync} [%s] [%s]\n", str_usg, myname, str_opt, str_pkg); printf("%s:\n", str_opt); printf(_(" -c, --clean remove old packages from cache directory (-cc for all)\n")); printf(_(" -d, --nodeps skip dependency checks\n")); printf(_(" -e, --dependsonly install dependencies only\n")); printf(_(" -f, --force force install, overwrite conflicting files\n")); printf(_(" -g, --groups view all members of a package group\n")); printf(_(" -i, --info view package information\n")); printf(_(" -l, --list view a list of packages in a repo\n")); printf(_(" -p, --print-uris print out URIs for given packages and their dependencies\n")); printf(_(" -s, --search search remote repositories for matching strings\n")); printf(_(" -u, --sysupgrade upgrade all packages that are out of date\n")); printf(_(" -w, --downloadonly download packages but do not install/upgrade anything\n")); printf(_(" -y, --refresh download fresh package databases from the server\n")); printf(_(" --ignore ignore a package upgrade (can be used more than once)\n")); } printf(_(" --config set an alternate configuration file\n")); printf(_(" --noconfirm do not ask for any confirmation\n")); printf(_(" --ask pre-specify answers for questions (see manpage)\n")); printf(_(" --noprogressbar do not show a progress bar when downloading files\n")); printf(_(" --noscriptlet do not execute the install scriptlet if one exists\n")); printf(_(" -v, --verbose be verbose\n")); printf(_(" -r, --root set an alternate installation root\n")); printf(_(" -b, --dbpath set an alternate database location\n")); printf(_(" --cachedir set an alternate package cache location\n")); printf(_(" --lock set an alternate lockfile location\n")); } } /** * @brief Output pacman version and copyright. */ static void version(void) { printf("\n"); printf(" .--. Pacman v%s - libalpm v%s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION, LIB_VERSION); printf("/ _.-' .-. .-. .-. Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Judd Vinet \n"); printf("\\ '-. '-' '-' '-'\n"); printf(" '--'\n"); printf(_(" This program may be freely redistributed under\n" " the terms of the GNU General Public License\n")); printf("\n"); } /** * @brief Sets up gettext localization. * Safe to call multiple times. */ /* Inspired by the monotone function localize_monotone. */ static void localize(void) { static int init = 0; if (!init) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain(PACKAGE); init = 1; } } /** * @brief Set user agent environment variable. */ static void setuseragent(void) { const char *pacman = "Pacman/" PACKAGE_VERSION; const char *libalpm = "libalpm/" LIB_VERSION; char agent[101]; struct utsname un; uname(&un); snprintf(agent, 100, "%s (%s %s %s; %s) %s", pacman, un.sysname, un.machine, un.release, setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, NULL), libalpm); setenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT", agent, 0); } /** * @brief Catches thrown signals. * Performs necessary cleanup to ensure database is in a consistant * state. * * @param signum the thrown signal */ static void cleanup(int signum) { if(signum==SIGSEGV) { /* write a log message and write to stderr */ cb_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, "segmentation fault"); fprintf(stderr, "Internal pacman error: Segmentation fault.\n" "Please submit a full bug report with --debug if appropriate.\n"); exit(signum); } else if((signum == SIGINT) && (alpm_trans_release() == -1) && (pm_errno == PM_ERR_TRANS_COMMITING)) { return; } /* free alpm library resources */ if(alpm_release() == -1) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: %s\n"), alpm_strerror(pm_errno)); } /* free memory */ FREELIST(pm_targets); if(config) { config_free(config); config = NULL; } exit(signum); } /** * @brief Parse command-line arguments for each operation * * @param argc argc * @param argv argv * * @return 0 on success, 1 on error */ static int parseargs(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt; int option_index = 0; static struct option opts[] = { {"add", no_argument, 0, 'A'}, {"freshen", no_argument, 0, 'F'}, {"query", no_argument, 0, 'Q'}, {"remove", no_argument, 0, 'R'}, {"sync", no_argument, 0, 'S'}, {"deptest", no_argument, 0, 'T'}, /* used by makepkg */ {"upgrade", no_argument, 0, 'U'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {"dbpath", required_argument, 0, 'b'}, {"cascade", no_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"changelog", no_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"clean", no_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"nodeps", no_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"dependsonly",no_argument, 0, 'e'}, {"orphans", no_argument, 0, 'e'}, {"force", no_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"groups", no_argument, 0, 'g'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"info", no_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"dbonly", no_argument, 0, 'k'}, {"list", no_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"nosave", no_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"foreign", no_argument, 0, 'm'}, {"owns", no_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"file", no_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"print-uris", no_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"root", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"recursive", no_argument, 0, 's'}, {"search", no_argument, 0, 's'}, {"upgrades", no_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"sysupgrade", no_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"downloadonly", no_argument, 0, 'w'}, {"refresh", no_argument, 0, 'y'}, {"noconfirm", no_argument, 0, 1000}, {"config", required_argument, 0, 1001}, {"ignore", required_argument, 0, 1002}, {"debug", optional_argument, 0, 1003}, {"noprogressbar", no_argument, 0, 1004}, {"noscriptlet", no_argument, 0, 1005}, {"ask", required_argument, 0, 1006}, {"cachedir", required_argument, 0, 1007}, {"lock", required_argument, 0, 1008}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; struct stat st; unsigned short logmask; while((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "ARUFQSTr:b:vkhscVfmnoldepiuwygz", opts, &option_index))) { if(opt < 0) { break; } switch(opt) { case 0: break; case 1000: config->noconfirm = 1; break; case 1001: if(config->configfile) { free(config->configfile); } config->configfile = strndup(optarg, PATH_MAX); break; case 1002: alpm_option_add_ignorepkg(strdup(optarg)); break; case 1003: /* debug levels are made more 'human readable' than using a raw logmask * here, we will ALWAYS set error and warning for now, though perhaps a * --quiet option will remove these later */ logmask = PM_LOG_ERROR | PM_LOG_WARNING; if(optarg) { unsigned short debug = atoi(optarg); switch(debug) { case 3: logmask |= PM_LOG_FUNCTION; /* fall through */ case 2: logmask |= PM_LOG_DOWNLOAD; /*fall through */ case 1: logmask |= PM_LOG_DEBUG; break; default: fprintf(stderr, _("error: '%s' is not a valid debug level"), optarg); return(1); } } else { logmask |= PM_LOG_DEBUG; } /* progress bars get wonky with debug on, shut them off */ config->noprogressbar = 1; alpm_option_set_logmask(logmask); break; case 1004: config->noprogressbar = 1; break; case 1005: config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_NOSCRIPTLET; break; case 1006: config->noask = 1; config->ask = atoi(optarg); break; case 1007: if(stat(optarg, &st) == -1 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: '%s' is not a valid cache directory\n"), optarg); return(1); } alpm_option_set_cachedir(optarg); break; case 1008: alpm_option_set_lockfile(optarg); break; case 'A': config->op = (config->op != PM_OP_MAIN ? 0 : PM_OP_ADD); break; case 'F': config->op = (config->op != PM_OP_MAIN ? 0 : PM_OP_UPGRADE); config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_FRESHEN; break; case 'Q': config->op = (config->op != PM_OP_MAIN ? 0 : PM_OP_QUERY); break; case 'R': config->op = (config->op != PM_OP_MAIN ? 0 : PM_OP_REMOVE); break; case 'S': config->op = (config->op != PM_OP_MAIN ? 0 : PM_OP_SYNC); break; case 'T': config->op = (config->op != PM_OP_MAIN ? 0 : PM_OP_DEPTEST); break; case 'U': config->op = (config->op != PM_OP_MAIN ? 0 : PM_OP_UPGRADE); break; case 'V': config->version = 1; break; case 'b': if(stat(optarg, &st) == -1 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: '%s' is not a valid db path\n"), optarg); return(1); } alpm_option_set_dbpath(optarg); break; case 'c': (config->op_s_clean)++; config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_CASCADE; config->op_q_changelog = 1; break; case 'd': config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_NODEPS; break; case 'e': config->op_q_orphans++; config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_DEPENDSONLY; break; case 'f': config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_FORCE; break; case 'g': (config->group)++; break; case 'h': config->help = 1; break; case 'i': (config->op_q_info)++; (config->op_s_info)++; break; case 'k': config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_DBONLY; break; case 'l': config->op_q_list = 1; break; case 'm': config->op_q_foreign = 1; break; case 'n': config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_NOSAVE; break; case 'o': config->op_q_owns = 1; break; case 'p': config->op_q_isfile = 1; config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_PRINTURIS; break; case 'r': if(stat(optarg, &st) == -1 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: '%s' is not a valid root path\n"), optarg); return(1); } alpm_option_set_root(optarg); break; case 's': config->op_s_search = 1; config->op_q_search = 1; config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_RECURSE; break; case 'u': config->op_s_upgrade = 1; config->op_q_upgrade = 1; break; case 'v': (config->verbose)++; break; case 'w': config->op_s_downloadonly = 1; config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_DOWNLOADONLY; config->flags |= PM_TRANS_FLAG_NOCONFLICTS; break; case 'y': (config->op_s_sync)++; break; case '?': return(1); default: return(1); } } if(config->op == 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: only one operation may be used at a time\n")); return(1); } if(config->help) { usage(config->op, basename(argv[0])); return(2); } if(config->version) { version(); return(2); } while(optind < argc) { /* add the target to our target array */ pm_targets = alpm_list_add(pm_targets, strdup(argv[optind])); optind++; } return(0); } /* The real parseconfig. Called with a null section argument by the publicly * visible parseconfig so we can recall from within ourself on an include */ static int _parseconfig(const char *file, const char *givensection) { FILE *fp = NULL; char line[PATH_MAX+1]; int linenum = 0; char *ptr, *section = NULL; pmdb_t *db = NULL; fp = fopen(file, "r"); if(fp == NULL) { return(1); } if(givensection != NULL) { section = strdup(givensection); } while(fgets(line, PATH_MAX, fp)) { linenum++; strtrim(line); /* ignore whole line and end of line comments */ if(strlen(line) == 0 || line[0] == '#') { continue; } if((ptr = strchr(line, '#'))) { *ptr = '\0'; } if(line[0] == '[' && line[strlen(line)-1] == ']') { /* new config section, skip the '[' */ ptr = &line[1]; if(section) { free(section); } section = strdup(ptr); section[strlen(section)-1] = '\0'; printf(_("config: new section '%s'\n"), section); if(!strlen(section)) { printf("PM_ERR_CONF_BAD_SECTION\n"); return(1); } /* a section/database named local is not allowed */ if(!strcmp(section, "local")) { printf("PM_ERR_CONF_LOCAL\n"); return(1); } /* if we are not looking at the options section, register a db */ if(strcmp(section, "options") != 0) { alpm_db_register(section); } } else { /* directive */ char *key; const char *upperkey; /* strsep modifies the 'line' string: 'key \0 ptr' */ key = line; ptr = line; strsep(&ptr, "="); strtrim(key); strtrim(ptr); if(key == NULL) { printf("PM_ERR_CONF_BAD_SYNTAX\n"); return(1); } upperkey = strtoupper(strdup(key)); if(section == NULL && (strcmp(key, "Include") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "INCLUDE") == 0)) { printf("PM_ERR_CONF_DIRECTIVE_OUTSIDE_SECTION\n"); return(1); } if(ptr == NULL) { /* directives without settings */ /* TODO shouldn't we check if these are in the [options] section? */ if(strcmp(key, "NoPassiveFTP") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "NOPASSIVEFTP") == 0) { alpm_option_set_nopassiveftp(1); printf(_("config: nopassiveftp\n")); } else if(strcmp(key, "UseSyslog") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "USESYSLOG") == 0) { alpm_option_set_usesyslog(1); printf(_("config: usesyslog\n")); } else if(strcmp(key, "ILoveCandy") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "ILOVECANDY") == 0) { config->chomp = 1; printf(_("config: chomp\n")); } else if(strcmp(key, "UseColor") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "USECOLOR") == 0) { config->usecolor = 1; printf(_("config: usecolor\n")); } else if(strcmp(key, "ShowSize") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "SHOWSIZE") == 0) { config->showsize= 1; printf(_("config: showsize\n")); } else { printf("PM_ERR_CONF_BAD_SYNTAX\n"); return(1); } } else { /* directives with settings */ if(strcmp(key, "Include") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "INCLUDE") == 0) { printf(_("config: including %s\n"), ptr); _parseconfig(ptr, section); } else if(strcmp(section, "options") == 0) { if(strcmp(key, "NoUpgrade") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "NOUPGRADE") == 0) { /* TODO functionalize this */ char *p = ptr; char *q; while((q = strchr(p, ' '))) { *q = '\0'; alpm_option_add_noupgrade(p); printf(_("config: noupgrade: %s\n"), p); p = q; p++; } alpm_option_add_noupgrade(p); printf(_("config: noupgrade: %s\n"), p); } else if(strcmp(key, "NoExtract") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "NOEXTRACT") == 0) { char *p = ptr; char *q; while((q = strchr(p, ' '))) { *q = '\0'; alpm_option_add_noextract(p); printf(_("config: noextract: %s\n"), p); p = q; p++; } alpm_option_add_noextract(p); printf(_("config: noextract: %s\n"), p); } else if(strcmp(key, "IgnorePkg") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "IGNOREPKG") == 0) { char *p = ptr; char *q; while((q = strchr(p, ' '))) { *q = '\0'; alpm_option_add_ignorepkg(p); printf(_("config: ignorepkg: %s"), p); p = q; p++; } alpm_option_add_ignorepkg(p); printf(_("config: ignorepkg: %s\n"), p); } else if(strcmp(key, "HoldPkg") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "HOLDPKG") == 0) { char *p = ptr; char *q; while((q = strchr(p, ' '))) { *q = '\0'; alpm_option_add_holdpkg(p); printf(_("config: holdpkg: %s\n"), p); p = q; p++; } alpm_option_add_holdpkg(p); printf(_("config: holdpkg: %s\n"), p); } else if(strcmp(key, "DBPath") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "DBPATH") == 0) { alpm_option_set_dbpath(ptr); printf(_("config: dbpath: %s\n"), ptr); } else if(strcmp(key, "CacheDir") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "CACHEDIR") == 0) { alpm_option_set_cachedir(ptr); printf(_("config: cachedir: %s\n"), ptr); } else if(strcmp(key, "RootDir") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "ROOTDIR") == 0) { alpm_option_set_root(ptr); printf(_("config: rootdir: %s\n"), ptr); } else if (strcmp(key, "LogFile") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "LOGFILE") == 0) { alpm_option_set_logfile(ptr); printf(_("config: logfile: %s\n"), ptr); } else if (strcmp(key, "LockFile") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "LOCKFILE") == 0) { alpm_option_set_lockfile(ptr); printf(_("config: lockfile: %s\n"), ptr); } else if (strcmp(key, "XferCommand") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "XFERCOMMAND") == 0) { alpm_option_set_xfercommand(ptr); printf(_("config: xfercommand: %s\n"), ptr); } else if (strcmp(key, "UpgradeDelay") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "UPGRADEDELAY") == 0) { /* The config value is in days, we use seconds */ time_t ud = atol(ptr) * 60 * 60 *24; alpm_option_set_upgradedelay(ud); printf(_("config: upgradedelay: %d\n"), (int)ud); } else { printf("PM_ERR_CONF_BAD_SYNTAX\n"); return(1); } } else { if(strcmp(key, "Server") == 0 || strcmp(upperkey, "SERVER") == 0) { /* let's attempt a replacement for the current repo */ char *server = strreplace(ptr, "$repo", section); if(alpm_db_setserver(db, server) != 0) { /* pm_errno is set by alpm_db_setserver */ return(1); } free(server); } else { printf("PM_ERR_CONF_BAD_SYNTAX\n"); return(1); } } } } } fclose(fp); return(0); } /** Parse a configuration file. * @param file path to the config file. * @return 0 on success, non-zero on error */ int parseconfig(const char *file) { /* call the real parseconfig function with a null section argument */ return(_parseconfig(file, NULL)); } /** * @brief Main function. * * @param argc argc * @param argv argv * * @return A return code indicating success, failure, etc. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret = 0; /* may not work with CYGWIN */ uid_t myuid; #if defined(PACMAN_DEBUG) /* need to ensure we have mcheck installed */ /*setenv("MALLOC_TRACE","pacman.mtrace", 0);*/ mtrace(); #endif /* set signal handlers */ signal(SIGINT, cleanup); signal(SIGTERM, cleanup); signal(SIGSEGV, cleanup); /* i18n init */ localize(); /* set user agent for downloading */ setuseragent(); /* init config data */ config = config_new(); config->op = PM_OP_MAIN; /* disable progressbar if the output is redirected */ if(!isatty(1)) { config->noprogressbar = 1; } /* initialize pm library */ if(alpm_initialize() == -1) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: failed to initialize alpm library (%s)\n"), alpm_strerror(pm_errno)); cleanup(1); } /* parse the command line */ ret = parseargs(argc, argv); if(ret != 0) { config_free(config); exit(ret); } /* see if we're root or not */ myuid = geteuid(); /* check if we have sufficient permission for the requested operation */ if(myuid > 0) { if(config->op != PM_OP_MAIN && config->op != PM_OP_QUERY && config->op != PM_OP_DEPTEST) { if((config->op == PM_OP_SYNC && !config->op_s_sync && (config->op_s_search || config->group || config->op_q_list || config->op_q_info || config->flags & PM_TRANS_FLAG_PRINTURIS)) || (config->op == PM_OP_DEPTEST && config->op_d_resolve) || (strcmp(alpm_option_get_root(), "/") != 0)) { /* special case: PM_OP_SYNC can be used w/ config->op_s_search by any user */ /* special case: ignore root user check if -r is specified, fall back on * normal FS checking */ } else { fprintf(stderr, _("error: you cannot perform this operation unless you are root.\n")); config_free(config); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } /* Setup logging as soon as possible, to print out maximum debugging info */ alpm_option_set_logcb(cb_log); if(config->configfile == NULL) { config->configfile = strdup(CONFFILE); } if(parseconfig(config->configfile) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: failed to parse config (%s)\n"), alpm_strerror(pm_errno)); cleanup(1); } /* set library parameters */ alpm_option_set_dlcb(cb_dl_progress); if(config->verbose > 0) { printf("Root : %s\n", alpm_option_get_root()); printf("Conf File : %s\n", config->configfile); printf("DBPath : %s\n", alpm_option_get_dbpath()); printf("CacheDir : %s\n", alpm_option_get_cachedir()); printf("Lock File : %s\n", alpm_option_get_lockfile()); printf("Log File : %s\n", alpm_option_get_logfile()); list_display("Targets :", pm_targets); } /* Opening local database */ db_local = alpm_db_register("local"); if(db_local == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: could not register 'local' database (%s)\n"), alpm_strerror(pm_errno)); cleanup(1); } /* TODO This is pretty messy, shouldn't checking be done later in the ops * themselves? I can't even digest this if statement. */ if(alpm_list_count(pm_targets) == 0 && !(config->op == PM_OP_QUERY || (config->op == PM_OP_SYNC && (config->op_s_sync || config->op_s_upgrade || config->op_s_search || config->op_s_clean || config->group || config->op_q_list)))) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: no targets specified (use -h for help)\n")); cleanup(1); } /* start the requested operation */ switch(config->op) { case PM_OP_ADD: ret = pacman_add(pm_targets); break; case PM_OP_REMOVE: ret = pacman_remove(pm_targets); break; case PM_OP_UPGRADE: ret = pacman_upgrade(pm_targets); break; case PM_OP_QUERY: ret = pacman_query(pm_targets); break; case PM_OP_SYNC: ret = pacman_sync(pm_targets); break; case PM_OP_DEPTEST: ret = pacman_deptest(pm_targets); break; default: fprintf(stderr, _("error: no operation specified (use -h for help)\n")); ret = 1; } cleanup(ret); /* not reached */ return(0); } /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: */