/* * util.c * * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Pacman Development Team * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* intmax_t */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H #include /* tcflush */ #endif #include #include /* pacman */ #include "util.h" #include "conf.h" #include "callback.h" int trans_init(alpm_transflag_t flags) { int ret; if(config->print) { ret = alpm_trans_init(config->handle, flags, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { ret = alpm_trans_init(config->handle, flags, cb_trans_evt, cb_trans_conv, cb_trans_progress); } if(ret == -1) { enum _alpm_errno_t err = alpm_errno(config->handle); pm_fprintf(stderr, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("failed to init transaction (%s)\n"), alpm_strerror(err)); if(err == ALPM_ERR_HANDLE_LOCK) { fprintf(stderr, _(" if you're sure a package manager is not already\n" " running, you can remove %s\n"), alpm_option_get_lockfile(config->handle)); } return -1; } return 0; } int trans_release(void) { if(alpm_trans_release(config->handle) == -1) { pm_fprintf(stderr, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("failed to release transaction (%s)\n"), alpm_strerror(alpm_errno(config->handle))); return -1; } return 0; } int needs_root(void) { switch(config->op) { case PM_OP_DATABASE: return 1; case PM_OP_UPGRADE: case PM_OP_REMOVE: return !config->print; case PM_OP_SYNC: return (config->op_s_clean || config->op_s_sync || (!config->group && !config->op_s_info && !config->op_q_list && !config->op_s_search && !config->print)); default: return 0; } } /* discard unhandled input on the terminal's input buffer */ static int flush_term_input(void) { #ifdef HAVE_TCFLUSH if(isatty(fileno(stdin))) { return tcflush(fileno(stdin), TCIFLUSH); } #endif /* fail silently */ return 0; } /* gets the current screen column width */ int getcols() { int termwidth = -1; const int default_tty = 80; const int default_notty = 0; if(!isatty(fileno(stdout))) { return default_notty; } #ifdef TIOCGSIZE struct ttysize win; if(ioctl(1, TIOCGSIZE, &win) == 0) { termwidth = win.ts_cols; } #elif defined(TIOCGWINSZ) struct winsize win; if(ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) == 0) { termwidth = win.ws_col; } #endif return termwidth <= 0 ? default_tty : termwidth; } /* does the same thing as 'rm -rf' */ int rmrf(const char *path) { int errflag = 0; struct dirent *dp; DIR *dirp; if(!unlink(path)) { return 0; } else { if(errno == ENOENT) { return 0; } else if(errno == EPERM) { /* fallthrough */ } else if(errno == EISDIR) { /* fallthrough */ } else if(errno == ENOTDIR) { return 1; } else { /* not a directory */ return 1; } dirp = opendir(path); if(!dirp) { return 1; } for(dp = readdir(dirp); dp != NULL; dp = readdir(dirp)) { if(dp->d_ino) { char name[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(name, "%s/%s", path, dp->d_name); if(strcmp(dp->d_name, "..") != 0 && strcmp(dp->d_name, ".") != 0) { errflag += rmrf(name); } } } closedir(dirp); if(rmdir(path)) { errflag++; } return errflag; } } /** Parse the basename of a program from a path. * @param path path to parse basename from * * @return everything following the final '/' */ const char *mbasename(const char *path) { const char *last = strrchr(path, '/'); if(last) { return last + 1; } return path; } /** Parse the dirname of a program from a path. * The path returned should be freed. * @param path path to parse dirname from * * @return everything preceding the final '/' */ char *mdirname(const char *path) { char *ret, *last; /* null or empty path */ if(path == NULL || path == '\0') { return strdup("."); } ret = strdup(path); last = strrchr(ret, '/'); if(last != NULL) { /* we found a '/', so terminate our string */ *last = '\0'; return ret; } /* no slash found */ free(ret); return strdup("."); } /* output a string, but wrap words properly with a specified indentation */ void indentprint(const char *str, int indent) { wchar_t *wcstr; const wchar_t *p; int len, cidx; const int cols = getcols(); if(!str) { return; } /* if we're not a tty, or our tty is not wide enough that wrapping even makes * sense, print without indenting */ if(cols == 0 || indent > cols) { printf("%s", str); return; } len = strlen(str) + 1; wcstr = calloc(len, sizeof(wchar_t)); len = mbstowcs(wcstr, str, len); p = wcstr; cidx = indent; if(!p || !len) { return; } while(*p) { if(*p == L' ') { const wchar_t *q, *next; p++; if(p == NULL || *p == L' ') continue; next = wcschr(p, L' '); if(next == NULL) { next = p + wcslen(p); } /* len captures # cols */ len = 0; q = p; while(q < next) { len += wcwidth(*q++); } if(len > (cols - cidx - 1)) { /* wrap to a newline and reindent */ printf("\n%-*s", indent, ""); cidx = indent; } else { printf(" "); cidx++; } continue; } printf("%lc", (wint_t)*p); cidx += wcwidth(*p); p++; } free(wcstr); } /* Convert a string to uppercase */ char *strtoupper(char *str) { char *ptr = str; while(*ptr) { (*ptr) = (char)toupper((unsigned char)*ptr); ptr++; } return str; } /* Trim whitespace and newlines from a string */ char *strtrim(char *str) { char *pch = str; if(str == NULL || *str == '\0') { /* string is empty, so we're done. */ return str; } while(isspace((unsigned char)*pch)) { pch++; } if(pch != str) { memmove(str, pch, (strlen(pch) + 1)); } /* check if there wasn't anything but whitespace in the string. */ if(*str == '\0') { return str; } pch = (str + (strlen(str) - 1)); while(isspace((unsigned char)*pch)) { pch--; } *++pch = '\0'; return str; } /* Replace all occurances of 'needle' with 'replace' in 'str', returning * a new string (must be free'd) */ char *strreplace(const char *str, const char *needle, const char *replace) { const char *p = NULL, *q = NULL; char *newstr = NULL, *newp = NULL; alpm_list_t *i = NULL, *list = NULL; size_t needlesz = strlen(needle), replacesz = strlen(replace); size_t newsz; if(!str) { return NULL; } p = str; q = strstr(p, needle); while(q) { list = alpm_list_add(list, (char *)q); p = q + needlesz; q = strstr(p, needle); } /* no occurences of needle found */ if(!list) { return strdup(str); } /* size of new string = size of old string + "number of occurences of needle" * x "size difference between replace and needle" */ newsz = strlen(str) + 1 + alpm_list_count(list) * (replacesz - needlesz); newstr = malloc(newsz); if(!newstr) { return NULL; } *newstr = '\0'; p = str; newp = newstr; for(i = list; i; i = alpm_list_next(i)) { q = alpm_list_getdata(i); if(q > p){ /* add chars between this occurence and last occurence, if any */ strncpy(newp, p, (size_t)(q - p)); newp += q - p; } strncpy(newp, replace, replacesz); newp += replacesz; p = q + needlesz; } alpm_list_free(list); if(*p) { /* add the rest of 'p' */ strcpy(newp, p); newp += strlen(p); } *newp = '\0'; return newstr; } /** Splits a string into a list of strings using the chosen character as * a delimiter. * * @param str the string to split * @param splitchar the character to split at * * @return a list containing the duplicated strings */ alpm_list_t *strsplit(const char *str, const char splitchar) { alpm_list_t *list = NULL; const char *prev = str; char *dup = NULL; while((str = strchr(str, splitchar))) { dup = strndup(prev, (size_t)(str - prev)); if(dup == NULL) { return NULL; } list = alpm_list_add(list, dup); str++; prev = str; } dup = strdup(prev); if(dup == NULL) { return NULL; } list = alpm_list_add(list, dup); return list; } static int string_length(const char *s) { int len; wchar_t *wcstr; if(!s) { return 0; } /* len goes from # bytes -> # chars -> # cols */ len = strlen(s) + 1; wcstr = calloc(len, sizeof(wchar_t)); len = mbstowcs(wcstr, s, len); len = wcswidth(wcstr, len); free(wcstr); return len; } void string_display(const char *title, const char *string) { if(title) { printf("%s ", title); } if(string == NULL || string[0] == '\0') { printf(_("None")); } else { /* compute the length of title + a space */ int len = string_length(title) + 1; indentprint(string, len); } printf("\n"); } static void table_print_line(const alpm_list_t *line, const alpm_list_t *formats) { const alpm_list_t *curformat = formats; const alpm_list_t *curcell = line; while(curcell && curformat) { printf(alpm_list_getdata(curformat), alpm_list_getdata(curcell)); curcell = alpm_list_next(curcell); curformat = alpm_list_next(curformat); } printf("\n"); } /* creates format strings by checking max cell lengths in cols */ static alpm_list_t *table_create_format(const alpm_list_t *header, const alpm_list_t *rows) { alpm_list_t *longest_str, *longest_strs = NULL; alpm_list_t *formats = NULL; const alpm_list_t *i, *row, *cell; char *str, *formatstr; const int padding = 2; int colwidth, totalwidth = 0; int curcol = 0; /* header determines column count and initial values of longest_strs */ for(i = header; i; i = alpm_list_next(i)) { longest_strs = alpm_list_add(longest_strs, alpm_list_getdata(i)); } /* now find the longest string in each column */ for(longest_str = longest_strs; longest_str; longest_str = alpm_list_next(longest_str), curcol++) { for(i = rows; i; i = alpm_list_next(i)) { row = alpm_list_getdata(i); cell = alpm_list_nth(row, curcol); str = alpm_list_getdata(cell); if(strlen(str) > strlen(alpm_list_getdata(longest_str))) { longest_str->data = str; } } } /* now use the column width info to generate format strings */ for(i = longest_strs; i; i = alpm_list_next(i)) { const char *display; colwidth = strlen(alpm_list_getdata(i)) + padding; totalwidth += colwidth; /* right align the last column for a cleaner table display */ display = (alpm_list_next(i) != NULL) ? "%%-%ds" : "%%%ds"; pm_asprintf(&formatstr, display, colwidth); formats = alpm_list_add(formats, formatstr); } alpm_list_free(longest_strs); /* return NULL if terminal is not wide enough */ if(totalwidth > getcols()) { fprintf(stderr, _("insufficient columns available for table display\n")); FREELIST(formats); return NULL; } return formats; } /** Displays the list in table format * * @param title the tables title * @param header the column headers. column count is determined by the nr * of headers * @param rows the rows to display as a list of lists of strings. the outer * list represents the rows, the inner list the cells (= columns) * * @return -1 if not enough terminal cols available, else 0 */ int table_display(const char *title, const alpm_list_t *header, const alpm_list_t *rows) { const alpm_list_t *i; alpm_list_t *formats; if(rows == NULL || header == NULL) { return 0; } formats = table_create_format(header, rows); if(formats == NULL) { return -1; } if(title != NULL) { printf("%s\n\n", title); } table_print_line(header, formats); printf("\n"); for(i = rows; i; i = alpm_list_next(i)) { table_print_line(alpm_list_getdata(i), formats); } FREELIST(formats); return 0; } void list_display(const char *title, const alpm_list_t *list) { const alpm_list_t *i; int len = 0; if(title) { len = string_length(title) + 1; printf("%s ", title); } if(!list) { printf("%s\n", _("None")); } else { const int maxcols = getcols(); int cols = len; const char *str = alpm_list_getdata(list); printf("%s", str); cols += string_length(str); for(i = alpm_list_next(list); i; i = alpm_list_next(i)) { str = alpm_list_getdata(i); int s = string_length(str); /* wrap only if we have enough usable column space */ if(maxcols > len && cols + s + 2 >= maxcols) { int j; cols = len; printf("\n"); for (j = 1; j <= len; j++) { printf(" "); } } else if(cols != len) { /* 2 spaces are added if this is not the first element on a line. */ printf(" "); cols += 2; } printf("%s", str); cols += s; } printf("\n"); } } void list_display_linebreak(const char *title, const alpm_list_t *list) { int len = 0; if(title) { len = string_length(title) + 1; printf("%s ", title); } if(!list) { printf("%s\n", _("None")); } else { const alpm_list_t *i; /* Print the first element */ indentprint((const char *) alpm_list_getdata(list), len); printf("\n"); /* Print the rest */ for(i = alpm_list_next(list); i; i = alpm_list_next(i)) { int j; for(j = 1; j <= len; j++) { printf(" "); } indentprint((const char *) alpm_list_getdata(i), len); printf("\n"); } } } void signature_display(const char *title, alpm_sigresult_t *result) { int len = 0; if(title) { len = string_length(title) + 1; printf("%s ", title); } if(result->count == 0) { printf(_("None")); } else { int i; for(i = 0; i < result->count; i++) { char sigline[PATH_MAX]; const char *validity, *name; /* Don't re-indent the first result */ if(i != 0) { int j; for(j = 1; j <= len; j++) { printf(" "); } } switch(result->status[i]) { case ALPM_SIGSTATUS_VALID: validity = _("Valid signature"); break; case ALPM_SIGSTATUS_MARGINAL: validity = _("Marginal signature"); break; case ALPM_SIGSTATUS_UNKNOWN: validity = _("Unknown signature"); break; case ALPM_SIGSTATUS_BAD: validity = _("Invalid signature"); break; default: validity = _("Signature error"); } name = result->uid[i] ? result->uid[i] : _(""); snprintf(sigline, PATH_MAX, _("%s from \"%s\""), validity, name); indentprint(sigline, len); printf("\n"); } } } /* creates a header row for use with table_display */ static alpm_list_t *create_verbose_header(int install) { alpm_list_t *res = NULL; char *str; pm_asprintf(&str, "%s", _("Name")); res = alpm_list_add(res, str); pm_asprintf(&str, "%s", _("Old Version")); res = alpm_list_add(res, str); if(install) { pm_asprintf(&str, "%s", _("New Version")); res = alpm_list_add(res, str); } pm_asprintf(&str, "%s", _("Size")); res = alpm_list_add(res, str); return res; } /* returns package info as list of strings */ static alpm_list_t *create_verbose_row(alpm_pkg_t *pkg, int install) { char *str; double size; const char *label; alpm_list_t *ret = NULL; alpm_db_t *ldb = alpm_option_get_localdb(config->handle); /* a row consists of the package name, */ pm_asprintf(&str, "%s", alpm_pkg_get_name(pkg)); ret = alpm_list_add(ret, str); /* old and new versions */ if(install) { alpm_pkg_t *oldpkg = alpm_db_get_pkg(ldb, alpm_pkg_get_name(pkg)); pm_asprintf(&str, "%s", oldpkg != NULL ? alpm_pkg_get_version(oldpkg) : ""); ret = alpm_list_add(ret, str); } pm_asprintf(&str, "%s", alpm_pkg_get_version(pkg)); ret = alpm_list_add(ret, str); /* and size */ size = humanize_size(alpm_pkg_get_size(pkg), 'M', 1, &label); pm_asprintf(&str, "%.2f %s", size, label); ret = alpm_list_add(ret, str); return ret; } /* prepare a list of pkgs to display */ void display_targets(const alpm_list_t *pkgs, int install) { char *str; const char *title, *label; double size; const alpm_list_t *i; off_t isize = 0, rsize = 0, dlsize = 0; alpm_list_t *j, *lp, *header = NULL, *targets = NULL; alpm_db_t *db_local = alpm_option_get_localdb(config->handle); if(!pkgs) { return; } /* gather pkg infos */ for(i = pkgs; i; i = alpm_list_next(i)) { alpm_pkg_t *pkg = alpm_list_getdata(i); if(install) { alpm_pkg_t *lpkg = alpm_db_get_pkg(db_local, alpm_pkg_get_name(pkg)); dlsize += alpm_pkg_download_size(pkg); if(lpkg) { /* add up size of all removed packages */ rsize += alpm_pkg_get_isize(lpkg); } } isize += alpm_pkg_get_isize(pkg); if(config->verbosepkglists) { targets = alpm_list_add(targets, create_verbose_row(pkg, install)); } else { pm_asprintf(&str, "%s-%s", alpm_pkg_get_name(pkg), alpm_pkg_get_version(pkg)); targets = alpm_list_add(targets, str); } } /* print to screen */ title = install ? _("Targets (%d):") : _("Remove (%d):"); pm_asprintf(&str, title, alpm_list_count(pkgs)); printf("\n"); if(config->verbosepkglists) { header = create_verbose_header(install); if(table_display(str, header, targets) != 0) { config->verbosepkglists = 0; display_targets(pkgs, install); goto out; } } else { list_display(str, targets); } printf("\n"); if(install) { size = humanize_size(dlsize, 'M', 1, &label); printf(_("Total Download Size: %.2f %s\n"), size, label); if(!(config->flags & ALPM_TRANS_FLAG_DOWNLOADONLY)) { size = humanize_size(isize, 'M', 1, &label); printf(_("Total Installed Size: %.2f %s\n"), size, label); /* only show this net value if different from raw installed size */ if(rsize > 0) { size = humanize_size(isize - rsize, 'M', 1, &label); printf(_("Net Upgrade Size: %.2f %s\n"), size, label); } } } else { size = humanize_size(isize, 'M', 1, &label); printf(_("Total Removed Size: %.2f %s\n"), size, label); } out: /* cleanup */ if(config->verbosepkglists) { /* targets is a list of lists of strings, free inner lists here */ for(j = alpm_list_first(targets); j; j = alpm_list_next(j)) { lp = alpm_list_getdata(j); FREELIST(lp); } alpm_list_free(targets); FREELIST(header); } else { FREELIST(targets); } free(str); } static off_t pkg_get_size(alpm_pkg_t *pkg) { switch(config->op) { case PM_OP_SYNC: return alpm_pkg_download_size(pkg); case PM_OP_UPGRADE: return alpm_pkg_get_size(pkg); default: return alpm_pkg_get_isize(pkg); } } static char *pkg_get_location(alpm_pkg_t *pkg) { alpm_list_t *servers; char *string = NULL; switch(config->op) { case PM_OP_SYNC: servers = alpm_db_get_servers(alpm_pkg_get_db(pkg)); if(servers) { pm_asprintf(&string, "%s/%s", alpm_list_getdata(servers), alpm_pkg_get_filename(pkg)); return string; } case PM_OP_UPGRADE: return strdup(alpm_pkg_get_filename(pkg)); default: pm_asprintf(&string, "%s-%s", alpm_pkg_get_name(pkg), alpm_pkg_get_version(pkg)); return string; } } /** Converts sizes in bytes into human readable units. * * @param bytes the size in bytes * @param target_unit '\0' or a short label. If equal to one of the short unit * labels ('B', 'K', ...) bytes is converted to target_unit; if '\0', the first * unit which will bring the value to below a threshold of 2048 will be chosen. * @param long_labels whether to use short ("K") or long ("KiB") unit labels * @param label will be set to the appropriate unit label * * @return the size in the appropriate unit */ double humanize_size(off_t bytes, const char target_unit, int long_labels, const char **label) { static const char *shortlabels[] = {"B", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P"}; static const char *longlabels[] = {"B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB"}; static const int unitcount = sizeof(shortlabels) / sizeof(shortlabels[0]); const char **labels = long_labels ? longlabels : shortlabels; double val = (double)bytes; int index; for(index = 0; index < unitcount - 1; index++) { if(target_unit != '\0' && shortlabels[index][0] == target_unit) { break; } else if(target_unit == '\0' && val <= 2048.0 && val >= -2048.0) { break; } val /= 1024.0; } if(label) { *label = labels[index]; } return val; } void print_packages(const alpm_list_t *packages) { const alpm_list_t *i; if(!config->print_format) { config->print_format = strdup("%l"); } for(i = packages; i; i = alpm_list_next(i)) { alpm_pkg_t *pkg = alpm_list_getdata(i); char *string = strdup(config->print_format); char *temp = string; /* %n : pkgname */ if(strstr(temp,"%n")) { string = strreplace(temp, "%n", alpm_pkg_get_name(pkg)); free(temp); temp = string; } /* %v : pkgver */ if(strstr(temp,"%v")) { string = strreplace(temp, "%v", alpm_pkg_get_version(pkg)); free(temp); temp = string; } /* %l : location */ if(strstr(temp,"%l")) { char *pkgloc = pkg_get_location(pkg); string = strreplace(temp, "%l", pkgloc); free(pkgloc); free(temp); temp = string; } /* %r : repo */ if(strstr(temp,"%r")) { const char *repo = "local"; alpm_db_t *db = alpm_pkg_get_db(pkg); if(db) { repo = alpm_db_get_name(db); } string = strreplace(temp, "%r", repo); free(temp); temp = string; } /* %s : size */ if(strstr(temp,"%s")) { char *size; pm_asprintf(&size, "%jd", (intmax_t)pkg_get_size(pkg)); string = strreplace(temp, "%s", size); free(size); free(temp); } printf("%s\n",string); free(string); } } /* Helper function for comparing strings using the * alpm "compare func" signature */ int str_cmp(const void *s1, const void *s2) { return strcmp(s1, s2); } void display_new_optdepends(alpm_pkg_t *oldpkg, alpm_pkg_t *newpkg) { alpm_list_t *old = alpm_pkg_get_optdepends(oldpkg); alpm_list_t *new = alpm_pkg_get_optdepends(newpkg); alpm_list_t *optdeps = alpm_list_diff(new,old,str_cmp); if(optdeps) { printf(_("New optional dependencies for %s\n"), alpm_pkg_get_name(newpkg)); list_display_linebreak(" ", optdeps); } alpm_list_free(optdeps); } void display_optdepends(alpm_pkg_t *pkg) { alpm_list_t *optdeps = alpm_pkg_get_optdepends(pkg); if(optdeps) { printf(_("Optional dependencies for %s\n"), alpm_pkg_get_name(pkg)); list_display_linebreak(" ", optdeps); } } static void display_repo_list(const char *dbname, alpm_list_t *list) { const char *prefix= " "; printf(":: "); printf(_("Repository %s\n"), dbname); list_display(prefix, list); } void select_display(const alpm_list_t *pkglist) { const alpm_list_t *i; int nth = 1; alpm_list_t *list = NULL; char *string = NULL; const char *dbname = NULL; for (i = pkglist; i; i = i->next) { alpm_pkg_t *pkg = alpm_list_getdata(i); alpm_db_t *db = alpm_pkg_get_db(pkg); if(!dbname) dbname = alpm_db_get_name(db); if(strcmp(alpm_db_get_name(db), dbname) != 0) { display_repo_list(dbname, list); FREELIST(list); dbname = alpm_db_get_name(db); } string = NULL; pm_asprintf(&string, "%d) %s", nth, alpm_pkg_get_name(pkg)); list = alpm_list_add(list, string); nth++; } display_repo_list(dbname, list); FREELIST(list); } static int parseindex(char *s, int *val, int min, int max) { char *endptr = NULL; int n = strtol(s, &endptr, 10); if(*endptr == '\0') { if(n < min || n > max) { fprintf(stderr, _("Invalid value: %d is not between %d and %d\n"), n, min, max); return -1; } *val = n; return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, _("Invalid number: %s\n"), s); return -1; } } static int multiselect_parse(char *array, int count, char *response) { char *str, *saveptr; for (str = response; ; str = NULL) { int include = 1; int start, end; char *ends = NULL; char *starts = strtok_r(str, " ", &saveptr); if(starts == NULL) { break; } strtrim(starts); int len = strlen(starts); if(len == 0) continue; if(*starts == '^') { starts++; len--; include = 0; } else if(str) { /* if first token is including, we unselect all targets */ memset(array, 0, count); } if(len > 1) { /* check for range */ char *p; if((p = strchr(starts + 1, '-'))) { *p = 0; ends = p + 1; } } if(parseindex(starts, &start, 1, count) != 0) return -1; if(!ends) { array[start-1] = include; } else { int d; if(parseindex(ends, &end, start, count) != 0) { return -1; } for(d = start; d <= end; d++) { array[d-1] = include; } } } return 0; } int multiselect_question(char *array, int count) { char response[64]; FILE *stream; if(config->noconfirm) { stream = stdout; } else { /* Use stderr so questions are always displayed when redirecting output */ stream = stderr; } while(1) { memset(array, 1, count); fprintf(stream, "\n"); fprintf(stream, _("Enter a selection (default=all)")); fprintf(stream, ": "); if(config->noconfirm) { fprintf(stream, "\n"); break; } flush_term_input(); if(fgets(response, sizeof(response), stdin)) { strtrim(response); if(strlen(response) > 0) { if(multiselect_parse(array, count, response) == -1) { /* only loop if user gave an invalid answer */ continue; } } } break; } return 0; } int select_question(int count) { char response[32]; FILE *stream; int preset = 1; if(config->noconfirm) { stream = stdout; } else { /* Use stderr so questions are always displayed when redirecting output */ stream = stderr; } while(1) { fprintf(stream, "\n"); fprintf(stream, _("Enter a number (default=%d)"), preset); fprintf(stream, ": "); if(config->noconfirm) { fprintf(stream, "\n"); break; } flush_term_input(); if(fgets(response, sizeof(response), stdin)) { strtrim(response); if(strlen(response) > 0) { int n; if(parseindex(response, &n, 1, count) != 0) continue; return (n - 1); } } break; } return (preset - 1); } /* presents a prompt and gets a Y/N answer */ static int question(short preset, char *fmt, va_list args) { char response[32]; FILE *stream; if(config->noconfirm) { stream = stdout; } else { /* Use stderr so questions are always displayed when redirecting output */ stream = stderr; } /* ensure all text makes it to the screen before we prompt the user */ fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); vfprintf(stream, fmt, args); if(preset) { fprintf(stream, " %s ", _("[Y/n]")); } else { fprintf(stream, " %s ", _("[y/N]")); } if(config->noconfirm) { fprintf(stream, "\n"); return preset; } fflush(stream); flush_term_input(); if(fgets(response, sizeof(response), stdin)) { strtrim(response); if(strlen(response) == 0) { return preset; } if(strcasecmp(response, _("Y")) == 0 || strcasecmp(response, _("YES")) == 0) { return 1; } else if(strcasecmp(response, _("N")) == 0 || strcasecmp(response, _("NO")) == 0) { return 0; } } return 0; } int yesno(char *fmt, ...) { int ret; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); ret = question(1, fmt, args); va_end(args); return ret; } int noyes(char *fmt, ...) { int ret; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); ret = question(0, fmt, args); va_end(args); return ret; } int pm_printf(alpm_loglevel_t level, const char *format, ...) { int ret; va_list args; /* print the message using va_arg list */ va_start(args, format); ret = pm_vfprintf(stdout, level, format, args); va_end(args); return ret; } int pm_fprintf(FILE *stream, alpm_loglevel_t level, const char *format, ...) { int ret; va_list args; /* print the message using va_arg list */ va_start(args, format); ret = pm_vfprintf(stream, level, format, args); va_end(args); return ret; } int pm_asprintf(char **string, const char *format, ...) { int ret = 0; va_list args; /* print the message using va_arg list */ va_start(args, format); if(vasprintf(string, format, args) == -1) { pm_fprintf(stderr, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("failed to allocate string\n")); ret = -1; } va_end(args); return ret; } int pm_vasprintf(char **string, alpm_loglevel_t level, const char *format, va_list args) { int ret = 0; char *msg = NULL; /* if current logmask does not overlap with level, do not print msg */ if(!(config->logmask & level)) { return ret; } /* print the message using va_arg list */ ret = vasprintf(&msg, format, args); /* print a prefix to the message */ switch(level) { case ALPM_LOG_ERROR: pm_asprintf(string, _("error: %s"), msg); break; case ALPM_LOG_WARNING: pm_asprintf(string, _("warning: %s"), msg); break; case ALPM_LOG_DEBUG: pm_asprintf(string, "debug: %s", msg); break; case ALPM_LOG_FUNCTION: pm_asprintf(string, "function: %s", msg); break; default: pm_asprintf(string, "%s", msg); break; } free(msg); return ret; } int pm_vfprintf(FILE *stream, alpm_loglevel_t level, const char *format, va_list args) { int ret = 0; /* if current logmask does not overlap with level, do not print msg */ if(!(config->logmask & level)) { return ret; } #if defined(PACMAN_DEBUG) /* If debug is on, we'll timestamp the output */ if(config->logmask & ALPM_LOG_DEBUG) { time_t t; struct tm *tmp; char timestr[10] = {0}; t = time(NULL); tmp = localtime(&t); strftime(timestr, 9, "%H:%M:%S", tmp); timestr[8] = '\0'; printf("[%s] ", timestr); } #endif /* print a prefix to the message */ switch(level) { case ALPM_LOG_ERROR: fprintf(stream, _("error: ")); break; case ALPM_LOG_WARNING: fprintf(stream, _("warning: ")); break; case ALPM_LOG_DEBUG: fprintf(stream, "debug: "); break; case ALPM_LOG_FUNCTION: fprintf(stream, "function: "); break; default: break; } /* print the message using va_arg list */ ret = vfprintf(stream, format, args); return ret; } #ifndef HAVE_STRNDUP /* A quick and dirty implementation derived from glibc */ static size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t max) { register const char *p; for(p = s; *p && max--; ++p); return (p - s); } char *strndup(const char *s, size_t n) { size_t len = strnlen(s, n); char *new = (char *) malloc(len + 1); if(new == NULL) return NULL; new[len] = '\0'; return (char *)memcpy(new, s, len); } #endif /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: */