#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mem/io.h" #include "util.h" // Some of this based on this nice essay: http://xn--rpa.cc/essays/term #define TERM_STREAM stdout #define TERM_FILENO STDOUT_FILENO #define WRITE_CONST(raw) fwrite(raw, 1, sizeof(raw), TERM_STREAM) #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) #define PLAIN "0" #define FG "3" #define BG "4" #define BR_FG "9" #define BR_BG "10" #define BLACK "0" #define RED "1" #define GREEN "2" #define YELLOW "3" #define BLUE "4" #define MAGNETA "5" #define CYAN "6" #define WHITE "7" #define REVERSE "7" #define ALT_BUF "?1049" #define CURS "?25" #define TERM_CLEAR "2J" #define CLEAR_LINE "2K" #define HIGH "h" #define LOW "l" #define JUMP "H" #define ESCA "\x1b[" #define FMT(f) ESCA f "m" static void usage(const char *argv0) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s pid [regions]\n" " regions must be in /proc//maps format\n", argv0); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct key { unsigned char seq[7], i; bool is_csi; }; static bool get_key(struct key *key) { while (1) { unsigned char input; if (fread(&input, 1, 1, TERM_STREAM) <= 0) continue; switch (input) { case 0x04: return false; case 0x18: // ^X case 0x1a: // ^Z *key = (struct key){0}; break; case 0x1b: // ^[ *key = (struct key){0}; if (fread(&input, 1, 1, TERM_STREAM) <= 0) continue; if (input != '[') { key->i = 0; break; } /* fallthrough */ case 0x9b: // CSI *key = (struct key){0}; key->seq[key->i++] = 0x1b; key->seq[key->i++] = '['; key->is_csi = true; break; default: if (input <= 31) { key->seq[key->i++] = '^'; key->seq[key->i++] = input + 0x40; } else if (input == 0x7f) { key->seq[key->i++] = '^'; key->seq[key->i++] = '?'; } else { key->seq[key->i++] = input; } if (!(key->is_csi && ((input >= '0' && input <= '9') || input == ';'))) goto out; break; } } out: return true; } struct action { unsigned char seq[sizeof(((struct key*)0)->seq)]; void (*fun)(void *arg); intptr_t arg; }; static bool key_press(const struct key *key, const struct action *actions, const size_t nmemb) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nmemb; ++i) { if (strlen((const char*)actions[i].seq) != key->i || memcmp(actions[i].seq, key->seq, key->i)) continue; actions[i].fun((void*)actions[i].arg); return true; } return false; } static struct { struct named_region { struct region region; const char *name; } *named; size_t num_regions, allocated_regions, active_region; struct { char *data; const char *fmt; size_t pointer, size; } screen; struct { struct { unsigned char *data; size_t mapped; } memory[2]; size_t scroll, offset; unsigned char octects_per_group; } hexview, last_hexview; struct { char err[255]; struct termios initial, current; struct { unsigned int w; unsigned int h; } ws; struct { unsigned int x; unsigned int y; } cur; } term; // kind of hack, lets make real action history someday // but for now, I want u to work at least for offsets struct { size_t data[32]; unsigned char pointer; } undo; struct { char data[255]; unsigned char pointer; } input; struct key last_key; struct mem_io io; uint8_t native_bits; } ctx = { .hexview.octects_per_group = 1 }; static const char* basename(const char *path) { const char *base = strrchr(path, '/'); return (base ? base + 1 : path); } static const char* skip_ws(const char *str) { const size_t skipped = strspn(str, " \t\n"); return str + skipped; } const char* hex_for_byte(unsigned char byte) { // optimization to avoid vprintf for the hex view static const char *hex[256] = { "00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "0a", "0b", "0c", "0d", "0e", "0f", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "1a", "1b", "1c", "1d", "1e", "1f", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "2a", "2b", "2c", "2d", "2e", "2f", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "3a", "3b", "3c", "3d", "3e", "3f", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "4a", "4b", "4c", "4d", "4e", "4f", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59", "5a", "5b", "5c", "5d", "5e", "5f", "60", "61", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "6a", "6b", "6c", "6d", "6e", "6f", "70", "71", "72", "73", "74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", "7a", "7b", "7c", "7d", "7e", "7f", "80", "81", "82", "83", "84", "85", "86", "87", "88", "89", "8a", "8b", "8c", "8d", "8e", "8f", "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "96", "97", "98", "99", "9a", "9b", "9c", "9d", "9e", "9f", "a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5", "a6", "a7", "a8", "a9", "aa", "ab", "ac", "ad", "ae", "af", "b0", "b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "b6", "b7", "b8", "b9", "ba", "bb", "bc", "bd", "be", "bf", "c0", "c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5", "c6", "c7", "c8", "c9", "ca", "cb", "cc", "cd", "ce", "cf", "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "d8", "d9", "da", "db", "dc", "dd", "de", "df", "e0", "e1", "e2", "e3", "e4", "e5", "e6", "e7", "e8", "e9", "ea", "eb", "ec", "ed", "ee", "ef", "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9", "fa", "fb", "fc", "fd", "fe", "ff" }; return hex[byte]; } static void store_offset(const size_t offset) { if (ctx.undo.pointer > 0 && offset == ctx.undo.data[0]) return; memmove(ctx.undo.data + 1, ctx.undo.data, ctx.undo.pointer * sizeof(ctx.undo.data[0])); ctx.undo.data[0] = ctx.last_hexview.offset; ctx.undo.pointer += (ctx.undo.pointer < ARRAY_SIZE(ctx.undo.data)); } static bool offset_is_in_named_region(const size_t offset, const struct named_region *named) { return (named->region.start <= offset && named->region.end >= offset); } static const struct named_region* named_region_for_offset(const size_t offset, const bool set_active) { if (ctx.active_region != 0 && offset_is_in_named_region(offset, &ctx.named[ctx.active_region])) return &ctx.named[ctx.active_region]; for (size_t i = 1; ctx.active_region + i < ctx.num_regions || ctx.active_region >= i; ++i) { if (ctx.active_region + i < ctx.num_regions && offset_is_in_named_region(offset, &ctx.named[ctx.active_region + i])) { ctx.active_region += i * set_active; return &ctx.named[ctx.active_region + i * !set_active]; } if (ctx.active_region > i && offset_is_in_named_region(offset, &ctx.named[ctx.active_region - i])) { ctx.active_region -= i * set_active; return &ctx.named[ctx.active_region - i * !set_active]; } } return &ctx.named[(ctx.active_region = 0)]; } static size_t bytes_fits_row(void) { // 000000000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......... const size_t preamble = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%.13zx: ", (size_t)0); if (ctx.term.ws.w <= preamble) return 0; return (ctx.term.ws.w - preamble) / ((ctx.hexview.octects_per_group * 3 /* 00?? + ws */) + ctx.hexview.octects_per_group /* for chr view */); } static size_t bytes_fits_screen(void) { if (ctx.term.ws.h <= 3) return 0; return bytes_fits_row() * (ctx.term.ws.h - 3); // 3 for top and bottom bars } union selection { char bytes[sizeof(uint64_t)]; uint8_t u8; uint16_t u16; uint32_t u32; uint64_t u64; }; static union selection get_selection(void) { union selection v = {0}; const struct named_region *named = named_region_for_offset(ctx.hexview.offset, false); const size_t start = named->region.start + ctx.hexview.scroll, off = ctx.hexview.offset - start; const size_t dsz = (off < ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped ? ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped - off : 0); memcpy(v.bytes, ctx.hexview.memory[0].data + off, (dsz > sizeof(v.bytes) ? sizeof(v.bytes) : dsz)); return v; } static void screen_vnprintf(const size_t len, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { const size_t rlen = (len < (size_t)~0 ? len + 1 : len); size_t mlen = ctx.screen.size - ctx.screen.pointer; mlen = (mlen > rlen ? rlen : mlen); const size_t most = vsnprintf(ctx.screen.data + ctx.screen.pointer, mlen, fmt, ap); ctx.screen.pointer += (most > mlen ? mlen : most); ctx.screen.pointer = (ctx.screen.pointer > ctx.screen.size ? ctx.screen.size : ctx.screen.pointer); } static void __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) screen_printf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); screen_vnprintf((size_t)~0, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } static void __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) screen_nprintf(const size_t len, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); screen_vnprintf(len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } static void screen_nprint(const size_t len, const char *str) { size_t slen = strlen(str); slen = (slen > len ? len : slen); const size_t mlen = (slen < ctx.screen.size - ctx.screen.pointer ? slen : ctx.screen.size - ctx.screen.pointer); memcpy(ctx.screen.data + ctx.screen.pointer, str, mlen); ctx.screen.pointer += mlen; } static void screen_print(const char *str) { screen_nprint((size_t)~0, str); } static void screen_putc(const char c) { if (ctx.screen.pointer >= ctx.screen.size) return; ctx.screen.data[ctx.screen.pointer++] = c; } static void screen_format(const char *fmt) { // optimization for reducing format changes in hexview if (ctx.screen.fmt == fmt) return; if (ctx.screen.fmt) screen_print(FMT(PLAIN)); screen_print((ctx.screen.fmt = fmt)); } static void screen_cursor(const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y) { screen_printf(ESCA "%u;%u" JUMP, (ctx.term.cur.y = y) + 1, (ctx.term.cur.x = x) + 1); } static void screen_fill(const unsigned int y, const char *str) { screen_cursor(0, y); for (size_t x = 0; x < ctx.term.ws.w; ++x) screen_print(str); } static void screen_flush(void) { fwrite(ctx.screen.data, 1, ctx.screen.pointer, TERM_STREAM); ctx.screen.pointer = 0; ctx.screen.fmt = FMT(PLAIN); } static size_t scroll_for_offset(const struct named_region *named, const size_t offset) { const size_t bw = bytes_fits_row(), bs = bytes_fits_screen(); const size_t active_row = (offset - named->region.start) / (bw > 0 ? bw : 1); if (active_row * bw >= ctx.hexview.scroll + bs) { ctx.hexview.scroll = active_row * bw - (bs - bw); } else if (active_row * bw <= ctx.hexview.scroll) { ctx.hexview.scroll = active_row * bw; } return ctx.hexview.scroll; } static void repaint_static_areas(void) { screen_fill(1, "┉"); screen_fill(ctx.term.ws.h - 1, "┉"); } static void repaint_top_bar(const struct named_region *named) { screen_cursor(0, 0); screen_print(ESCA CLEAR_LINE); screen_nprintf(ctx.term.ws.w, "%s", named->name); } static void draw_error(const char *line, void *data) { (void)data; size_t w = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s", line); w = (w < ctx.term.ws.w ? w : ctx.term.ws.w); screen_cursor(ctx.term.ws.w / 2 - w / 2, ctx.term.ws.h / 2); screen_nprintf(ctx.term.ws.w - ctx.term.cur.x * (ctx.term.cur.x < ctx.term.ws.w), "%s", line); } static void repaint_hexview(const struct named_region *named, const bool update) { const size_t bs = bytes_fits_screen(), bw = bytes_fits_row(); const size_t start = named->region.start + scroll_for_offset(named, ctx.hexview.offset), len = named->region.end - start; const bool scrolled = (ctx.hexview.scroll != ctx.last_hexview.scroll); if (update || scrolled) { memcpy(ctx.hexview.memory[1].data, ctx.hexview.memory[0].data, ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped * !scrolled); ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped = ctx.io.read(&ctx.io, ctx.hexview.memory[0].data, start, (bs > len ? len : bs)); memcpy(ctx.hexview.memory[1].data, ctx.hexview.memory[0].data, ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped * scrolled); } screen_format(FMT(PLAIN)); for (size_t pointer = 0; pointer < ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped;) { screen_cursor(0, 2 + (pointer / bw)); screen_printf(FMT(FG YELLOW) "%.13zx: " FMT(PLAIN), start + pointer); ctx.screen.fmt = FMT(FG YELLOW); const size_t row_start = pointer; for (size_t x = 0; x < bw && pointer < bs; ++x) { const bool selected = (start + pointer == ctx.hexview.offset); bool changed = false; for (size_t o = pointer; o < pointer + ctx.hexview.octects_per_group && o < bs; ++o) { if (ctx.hexview.memory[0].data[o] == ctx.hexview.memory[1].data[o]) continue; changed = true; break; } if (selected) screen_format(FMT(REVERSE)); else if (changed) screen_format(FMT(FG RED)); else screen_format(FMT(PLAIN)); for (size_t o = 0; o < ctx.hexview.octects_per_group && pointer < bs; ++o) { if (pointer > ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped) { screen_print(" "); } else { screen_print(hex_for_byte(ctx.hexview.memory[0].data[pointer++])); } } if (selected) screen_format(FMT(PLAIN)); screen_print(" "); } for (size_t x = row_start; x < row_start + bw; ++x) { const bool selected = (start + x == ctx.hexview.offset); const bool changed = (ctx.hexview.memory[0].data[x] != ctx.hexview.memory[1].data[x]); if (selected) screen_format(FMT(REVERSE)); else if (changed) screen_format(FMT(FG RED)); else screen_format(FMT(FG CYAN)); if (x > ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped) { screen_print(" "); } else { screen_print((char[]){(isprint(ctx.hexview.memory[0].data[x]) ? ctx.hexview.memory[0].data[x] : '.'), 0}); } if (selected) screen_format(FMT(PLAIN)); } } screen_format(FMT(PLAIN)); if (!ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped) screen_cursor(0, 1); for (size_t i = 0; bw > 0 && i < (bs - ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped) / bw; ++i) { screen_cursor(0, ctx.term.cur.y + 1); screen_print(ESCA CLEAR_LINE); } if (!ctx.hexview.memory[0].mapped && ctx.term.ws.h > 3) { fflush(stderr); for_each_token_in_str(ctx.term.err, '\n', draw_error, NULL); memset(ctx.term.err, 0, sizeof(ctx.term.err)); } } static void repaint_bottom_bar(void) { screen_cursor(0, ctx.term.ws.h); screen_print(ESCA CLEAR_LINE); screen_nprintf(ctx.term.ws.w, "%zx", ctx.hexview.offset); { const union selection v = get_selection(); size_t strlen = snprintf(NULL, 0, "[%u] [%u] [%u] [%lu]", v.u8, v.u16, v.u32, v.u64); strlen = (strlen > ctx.term.ws.w ? ctx.term.ws.w : strlen); screen_cursor(ctx.term.ws.w / 2 - strlen / 2, ctx.term.cur.y); screen_nprintf(ctx.term.ws.w - ctx.term.cur.x * (ctx.term.cur.x < ctx.term.ws.w), "[%u] [%u] [%u] [%lu]", v.u8, v.u16, v.u32, v.u64); } { const unsigned char *seq = ctx.last_key.seq + ctx.last_key.is_csi; const int seq_len = ctx.last_key.i - ctx.last_key.is_csi; const size_t rstrlen = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s%.*s %zu/%zu", (ctx.last_key.is_csi ? "^[" : ""), seq_len, seq, ctx.active_region, ctx.num_regions - 1); if (ctx.term.ws.w > rstrlen) { screen_cursor(ctx.term.ws.w - rstrlen, ctx.term.cur.y); screen_nprintf(ctx.term.ws.w - ctx.term.cur.x, "%s%.*s %zu/%zu", (ctx.last_key.is_csi ? "^[" : ""), seq_len, seq, ctx.active_region, ctx.num_regions - 1); } } } static void repaint_dynamic_areas(const bool full_repaint) { const struct named_region *last_active = &ctx.named[ctx.active_region]; const struct named_region *named = named_region_for_offset(ctx.hexview.offset, true); if (named != last_active) { repaint_top_bar(named); ctx.last_hexview.scroll = (size_t)~0; // avoid diffing } if (memcmp(&ctx.hexview, &ctx.last_hexview, sizeof(ctx.hexview))) { repaint_hexview(named, (full_repaint || named != last_active)); ctx.last_hexview = ctx.hexview; } repaint_bottom_bar(); } static void repaint(void) { ctx.last_hexview.scroll = (size_t)~0; // avoid diffing screen_print(ESCA TERM_CLEAR FMT(PLAIN)); repaint_static_areas(); repaint_top_bar(named_region_for_offset(ctx.hexview.offset, false)); repaint_dynamic_areas(true); screen_flush(); } static void resize(int sig) { signal(sig, SIG_IGN); struct winsize ws; ioctl(TERM_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws); ctx.term.ws.w = (ws.ws_col > 0 ? ws.ws_col : 0); ctx.term.ws.h = (ws.ws_row > 0 ? ws.ws_row - 1 : 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ctx.hexview.memory); ++i) { free(ctx.hexview.memory[i].data); ctx.hexview.memory[i].data = NULL; if (!(ctx.hexview.memory[i].data = malloc(bytes_fits_screen()))) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "malloc"); } ctx.screen.pointer = 0; ctx.screen.size = ((ctx.term.ws.w * 2) * (ctx.term.ws.h * 2)); // bit extra for formatting free(ctx.screen.data); ctx.screen.data = NULL; if (!(ctx.screen.data = malloc(ctx.screen.size))) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "malloc"); repaint(); signal(sig, resize); } static void next_region(void *ptr) { intptr_t arg = (intptr_t)ptr; size_t region; if (arg < 0 && ctx.active_region < (size_t)(arg * -1)) region = ctx.num_regions - ((arg * -1) - ctx.active_region); else region = (ctx.active_region + arg) % ctx.num_regions; region = (!region ? (arg < 0 ? ctx.num_regions - 1 : 1) : region); ctx.hexview.offset = ctx.named[region].region.start; } enum { MOVE_PAGE_UP, MOVE_PAGE_DOWN, MOVE_START, MOVE_END, MOVE_UP, MOVE_DOWN, MOVE_RIGHT, MOVE_LEFT }; static void navigate(void *ptr) { intptr_t arg = (intptr_t)ptr; const struct named_region *named = named_region_for_offset(ctx.hexview.offset, false); switch (arg) { case MOVE_PAGE_UP: { const size_t bs = bytes_fits_screen(); if (bs <= ctx.hexview.offset - named->region.start) { ctx.hexview.offset -= bs; ctx.hexview.scroll -= bs; } } break; case MOVE_PAGE_DOWN: { const size_t bs = bytes_fits_screen(); if (bs <= named->region.end - ctx.hexview.offset) { ctx.hexview.offset += bs; ctx.hexview.scroll += bs; } } break; case MOVE_START: ctx.hexview.offset = named->region.start; break; case MOVE_END: ctx.hexview.offset = named->region.end; break; case MOVE_UP: { const size_t bw = bytes_fits_row(); if (bw <= ctx.hexview.offset - named->region.start) ctx.hexview.offset -= bw; } break; case MOVE_DOWN: { const size_t bw = bytes_fits_row(); if (bw <= named->region.end - ctx.hexview.offset) ctx.hexview.offset += bw; } break; case MOVE_LEFT: ctx.hexview.offset -= !!(ctx.hexview.offset - named->region.start) * ctx.hexview.octects_per_group; break; case MOVE_RIGHT: ctx.hexview.offset += !!(named->region.end - ctx.hexview.offset) * ctx.hexview.octects_per_group; break; } } static void __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) error(const char *fmt, ...) { screen_cursor(0, ctx.term.ws.h); screen_print(ESCA CLEAR_LINE); screen_nprint(ctx.term.ws.w + sizeof(FMT(FG RED) FMT(PLAIN)), FMT(FG RED) "error: " FMT(PLAIN)); va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); screen_vnprintf(ctx.term.ws.w - sizeof("error:"), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); screen_flush(); for (char input = 0; input == 0;) (void)! fread(&input, 1, 1, TERM_STREAM); } static void input_move(void *ptr) { intptr_t arg = (intptr_t)ptr; switch (arg) { case MOVE_RIGHT: ctx.input.pointer += (ctx.input.pointer < strlen(ctx.input.data)); break; case MOVE_LEFT: ctx.input.pointer -= (ctx.input.pointer > 0); break; }; } static void input_erase(void *ptr) { (void)ptr; memmove(ctx.input.data + (ctx.input.pointer > 0 ? ctx.input.pointer - 1 : 0), ctx.input.data + ctx.input.pointer, sizeof(ctx.input.data) - ctx.input.pointer); ctx.input.pointer -= (ctx.input.pointer > 0); } static const char* input(const char *prompt) { const struct action actions[] = { { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', 'C', 0 }, .fun = input_move, .arg = MOVE_RIGHT }, { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', 'D', 0 }, .fun = input_move, .arg = MOVE_LEFT }, { .seq = { '^', '?', 0 }, .fun = input_erase }, }; memset(&ctx.input, 0, sizeof(ctx.input)); while (true) { screen_cursor(0, ctx.term.ws.h); screen_print(ESCA CLEAR_LINE FMT(FG YELLOW)); screen_nprintf(ctx.term.ws.w, "%s: ", prompt); screen_print(FMT(PLAIN)); const size_t plen = strlen(prompt) + 2; const size_t mlen = ctx.term.ws.w - plen * (ctx.term.ws.w > plen); for (const char *c = ctx.input.data; c < ctx.input.data + mlen && *c; ++c) { if (c == ctx.input.data + ctx.input.pointer) screen_format(FMT(REVERSE)); screen_putc(*c); if (c == ctx.input.data + ctx.input.pointer) screen_format(FMT(PLAIN)); } if (ctx.input.pointer >= strlen(ctx.input.data)) screen_print(FMT(REVERSE) " " FMT(PLAIN)); screen_flush(); struct key key = {0}; if (!get_key(&key)) goto out; if (key_press(&key, actions, ARRAY_SIZE(actions))) continue; if (key.i == 2 && !memcmp(key.seq, "^J", key.i)) goto out; else if (key.i != 1) continue; switch (key.seq[0]) { default: if (strlen(ctx.input.data) < sizeof(ctx.input.data) - 1) { memmove(ctx.input.data + ctx.input.pointer + 1, ctx.input.data + ctx.input.pointer, sizeof(ctx.input.data) - 1 - ctx.input.pointer); ctx.input.data[ctx.input.pointer++] = key.seq[0]; } break; } } out: return (strlen(ctx.input.data) ? ctx.input.data : NULL); } static void q_quit(void *arg) { (void)arg; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void goto_offset(void *arg) { (void)arg; const char *v; if (!(v = input("offset"))) return; char *invalid; const bool is_plus = (v[0] == '+'); const bool is_minus = (v[0] == '-'); const size_t ret = hexdecstrtoull(v + (is_plus | is_minus), &invalid); if (*invalid != 0) { error("invalid offset `%s`", v); return; } store_offset(ctx.hexview.offset); if (is_plus) { ctx.hexview.offset += ret; } else if (is_minus) { ctx.hexview.offset -= ret; } else { ctx.hexview.offset = ret; } } static void follow(void *arg) { (void)arg; store_offset(ctx.hexview.offset); const union selection v = get_selection(); switch (ctx.native_bits) { case 64: ctx.hexview.offset = v.u64; break; case 32: ctx.hexview.offset = v.u32; break; case 16: ctx.hexview.offset = v.u16; break; case 8: ctx.hexview.offset = v.u8; break; } } static void undo(void *arg) { (void)arg; if (!ctx.undo.pointer) return; ctx.hexview.offset = ctx.undo.data[0]; memmove(ctx.undo.data, ctx.undo.data + 1, --ctx.undo.pointer * sizeof(ctx.undo.data[0])); } static void write_bytes(void *arg) { (void)arg; const char *v; if (!(v = input("bytes"))) return; unsigned char bytes[255] = {0}, i = 0; for (const char *s = skip_ws(v); i < sizeof(bytes) && *s; s += 2, s += !!isspace(*s)) { unsigned int x; if (!sscanf(s, "%2x", &x)) { error("invalid input `%s`", v); return; } if (i >= sizeof(bytes)) { error("input is too long, sorry :( (max 255 bytes)"); return; } bytes[i++] = x; } ctx.io.write(&ctx.io, bytes, ctx.hexview.offset, i); } static void quit(void) { for (size_t i = 1; i < ctx.num_regions; ++i) free((char*)ctx.named[i].name); mem_io_release(&ctx.io); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ctx.hexview.memory); ++i) free(ctx.hexview.memory[i].data); free(ctx.screen.data); if (!memcmp(&ctx.term.initial, &ctx.term.current, sizeof(ctx.term.initial))) return; WRITE_CONST( ESCA ALT_BUF HIGH ESCA TERM_CLEAR ESCA CURS HIGH ESCA ALT_BUF LOW ); tcsetattr(TERM_FILENO, TCSANOW, &ctx.term.initial); memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); } static void init(void) { if (!freopen("/dev/null", "wb", stderr)) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "freopen"); setvbuf(stderr, ctx.term.err, _IOFBF, sizeof(ctx.term.err)); setvbuf(TERM_STREAM, NULL, _IONBF, 0); tcgetattr(TERM_FILENO, &ctx.term.initial); ctx.term.current = ctx.term.initial; atexit(quit); signal(SIGTERM, exit); signal(SIGINT, exit); signal(SIGSEGV, exit); signal(SIGABRT, exit); ctx.term.current.c_lflag &= (~ECHO & ~ICANON); tcsetattr(TERM_FILENO, TCSANOW, &ctx.term.current); WRITE_CONST( ESCA ALT_BUF HIGH ESCA TERM_CLEAR ESCA CURS LOW ); } static uint8_t bits_for_region(const struct region *region) { if (region->end > (uint32_t)~0) return 64; else if (region->end > (uint16_t)~0) return 32; else if (region->end > (uint8_t)~0) return 16; return 8; } static void grow_regions_if_needed(void) { const size_t step = 1024; if (ctx.num_regions >= ctx.allocated_regions && !(ctx.named = realloc(ctx.named, sizeof(*ctx.named) * (ctx.allocated_regions += step)))) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "realloc"); } static void region_cb(const char *line, void *data) { (void)data; grow_regions_if_needed(); if (!region_parse(&ctx.named[ctx.num_regions].region, line)) return; if (bits_for_region(&ctx.named[ctx.num_regions].region) > ctx.native_bits) ctx.native_bits = bits_for_region(&ctx.named[ctx.num_regions].region); int region_len_without_name = strlen(line); sscanf(line, "%*s %*s %*s %*s %*s%n", ®ion_len_without_name); const char *base = basename(skip_ws(line + region_len_without_name)); char *name; size_t name_sz = region_len_without_name + 1 + strlen(base) + 1; if (!(name = malloc(name_sz))) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "malloc"); snprintf(name, name_sz, "%.*s %s", region_len_without_name, line, base); ctx.active_region = (strstr(name, "[heap]") ? ctx.num_regions : ctx.active_region); ctx.named[ctx.num_regions++].name = name; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) usage(argv[0]); const pid_t pid = strtoull(argv[1], NULL, 10); FILE *regions_file = NULL; if (argc > 2 && !(regions_file = fopen(argv[2], "rb"))) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "fopen(%s)", argv[2]); } else if (argc == 2) { char path[128]; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/proc/%u/maps", pid); if (!(regions_file = fopen(path, "rb"))) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "fopen(%s)", path); } ctx.num_regions = 1; grow_regions_if_needed(); ctx.named[0] = (struct named_region){ .region = { .start = 0, .end = (size_t)~0 }, .name = "unknown" }; mem_io_uio_init(&ctx.io, pid); for_each_token_in_file(regions_file, '\n', region_cb, NULL); fclose(regions_file); ctx.hexview.offset = ctx.named[ctx.active_region].region.start; init(); signal(SIGWINCH, resize); resize(0); const struct action actions[] = { { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', '1', ';', '2', 'C', 0 }, .fun = next_region, .arg = 1 }, { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', '1', ';', '2', 'D', 0 }, .fun = next_region, .arg = -1 }, { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', '5', '~', 0 }, .fun = navigate, .arg = MOVE_PAGE_UP }, { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', '6', '~', 0 }, .fun = navigate, .arg = MOVE_PAGE_DOWN }, { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', 'H', 0 }, .fun = navigate, .arg = MOVE_START }, { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', 'F', 0 }, .fun = navigate, .arg = MOVE_END }, { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', 'A', 0 }, .fun = navigate, .arg = MOVE_UP }, { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', 'B', 0 }, .fun = navigate, .arg = MOVE_DOWN }, { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', 'C', 0 }, .fun = navigate, .arg = MOVE_RIGHT }, { .seq = { 0x1b, '[', 'D', 0 }, .fun = navigate, .arg = MOVE_LEFT }, { .seq = { 'q', 0 }, .fun = q_quit }, { .seq = { 'o', 0 }, .fun = goto_offset }, { .seq = { 'f', 0 }, .fun = follow }, { .seq = { 'u', 0 }, .fun = undo }, { .seq = { 'w', 0 }, .fun = write_bytes }, }; while (true) { fd_set set; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(TERM_FILENO, &set); struct timeval timeout = { .tv_sec = 1 }; if (select(TERM_FILENO + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, &timeout) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; err(EXIT_FAILURE, "select"); } if (!FD_ISSET(TERM_FILENO, &set)) { // timeout repaint_hexview(named_region_for_offset(ctx.hexview.offset, false), true); repaint_bottom_bar(); screen_flush(); continue; } struct key key = {0}; if (!get_key(&key)) goto quit; key_press(&key, actions, ARRAY_SIZE(actions)); ctx.last_key = key; repaint_dynamic_areas(false); screen_flush(); } quit: return EXIT_SUCCESS; }