#!/bin/bash # usage: ./brute-map.bash pid file [window-size] # Sometimes region offsets aren't available, but we know that some regions map a file # Fix the region offsets by bruteforcing the offsets from a known file while read -r region; do offset=$(printf '%d' "0x$(awk '{print $3}' <<<"$region")") if ((offset == 0)); then offset=$(binsearch <(proc-region-rw "$1" read <<<"$region" 2>/dev/null | bintrim) $3 < "$2") fi if ((offset != 0)); then hex=$(printf '%.8x' "$offset") awk '{printf "%s %s %s %s %s %s\n", $1, $2, "'"$hex"'", $4, $5, $6, $7}' <<<"$region" else printf '%s\n' "$region" fi done