path: root/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/pre_process.rb
diff options
authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/pre_process.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/pre_process.rb')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/pre_process.rb b/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/pre_process.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01fb293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/pre_process.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+# Handle common directives that can occur in a block of text:
+# \:include: filename
+# Directives can be escaped by preceding them with a backslash.
+# RDoc plugin authors can register additional directives to be handled by
+# using RDoc::Markup::PreProcess::register.
+# Any directive that is not built-in to RDoc (including those registered via
+# plugins) will be stored in the metadata hash on the CodeObject the comment
+# is attached to. See RDoc::Markup@Directives for the list of built-in
+# directives.
+class RDoc::Markup::PreProcess
+ ##
+ # An RDoc::Options instance that will be filled in with overrides from
+ # directives
+ attr_accessor :options
+ ##
+ # Adds a post-process handler for directives. The handler will be called
+ # with the result RDoc::Comment (or text String) and the code object for the
+ # comment (if any).
+ def self.post_process &block
+ @post_processors << block
+ end
+ ##
+ # Registered post-processors
+ def self.post_processors
+ @post_processors
+ end
+ ##
+ # Registers +directive+ as one handled by RDoc. If a block is given the
+ # directive will be replaced by the result of the block, otherwise the
+ # directive will be removed from the processed text.
+ #
+ # The block will be called with the directive name and the directive
+ # parameter:
+ #
+ # RDoc::Markup::PreProcess.register 'my-directive' do |directive, param|
+ # # replace text, etc.
+ # end
+ def self.register directive, &block
+ @registered[directive] = block
+ end
+ ##
+ # Registered directives
+ def self.registered
+ @registered
+ end
+ ##
+ # Clears all registered directives and post-processors
+ def self.reset
+ @post_processors = []
+ @registered = {}
+ end
+ reset
+ ##
+ # Creates a new pre-processor for +input_file_name+ that will look for
+ # included files in +include_path+
+ def initialize(input_file_name, include_path)
+ @input_file_name = input_file_name
+ @include_path = include_path
+ @options = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Look for directives in the given +text+.
+ #
+ # Options that we don't handle are yielded. If the block returns false the
+ # directive is restored to the text. If the block returns nil or no block
+ # was given the directive is handled according to the registered directives.
+ # If a String was returned the directive is replaced with the string.
+ #
+ # If no matching directive was registered the directive is restored to the
+ # text.
+ #
+ # If +code_object+ is given and the directive is unknown then the
+ # directive's parameter is set as metadata on the +code_object+. See
+ # RDoc::CodeObject#metadata for details.
+ def handle text, code_object = nil, &block
+ if RDoc::Comment === text then
+ comment = text
+ text = text.text
+ end
+ encoding = text.encoding if defined?(Encoding)
+ # regexp helper (square brackets for optional)
+ # $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
+ # [prefix][\]:directive:[spaces][param]newline
+ text.gsub!(/^([ \t]*(?:#|\/?\*)?[ \t]*)(\\?):(\w+):([ \t]*)(.+)?(\r?\n|$)/) do
+ # skip something like ':toto::'
+ next $& if $4.empty? and $5 and $5[0, 1] == ':'
+ # skip if escaped
+ next "#$1:#$3:#$4#$5\n" unless $2.empty?
+ # This is not in handle_directive because I didn't want to pass another
+ # argument into it
+ if comment and $3 == 'markup' then
+ next "#{$1.strip}\n" unless $5
+ comment.format = $5.downcase
+ next "#{$1.strip}\n"
+ end
+ handle_directive $1, $3, $5, code_object, encoding, &block
+ end
+ comment = text unless comment
+ self.class.post_processors.each do |handler|
+ comment, code_object
+ end
+ text
+ end
+ ##
+ # Performs the actions described by +directive+ and its parameter +param+.
+ #
+ # +code_object+ is used for directives that operate on a class or module.
+ # +prefix+ is used to ensure the replacement for handled directives is
+ # correct. +encoding+ is used for the <tt>include</tt> directive.
+ #
+ # For a list of directives in RDoc see RDoc::Markup.
+ #--
+ # When 1.8.7 support is ditched prefix can be defaulted to ''
+ def handle_directive prefix, directive, param, code_object = nil,
+ encoding = nil
+ blankline = "#{prefix.strip}\n"
+ directive = directive.downcase
+ case directive
+ when 'arg', 'args' then
+ return "#{prefix}:#{directive}: #{param}\n" unless code_object
+ code_object.params = param
+ blankline
+ when 'category' then
+ if RDoc::Context === code_object then
+ section = code_object.add_section param
+ code_object.temporary_section = section
+ end
+ blankline # ignore category if we're not on an RDoc::Context
+ when 'doc' then
+ return blankline unless code_object
+ code_object.document_self = true
+ code_object.force_documentation = true
+ blankline
+ when 'enddoc' then
+ return blankline unless code_object
+ code_object.done_documenting = true
+ blankline
+ when 'include' then
+ filename = param.split.first
+ include_file filename, prefix, encoding
+ when 'main' then
+ @options.main_page = param if @options.respond_to? :main_page
+ blankline
+ when 'nodoc' then
+ return blankline unless code_object
+ code_object.document_self = nil # notify nodoc
+ code_object.document_children = param !~ /all/i
+ blankline
+ when 'notnew', 'not_new', 'not-new' then
+ return blankline unless RDoc::AnyMethod === code_object
+ code_object.dont_rename_initialize = true
+ blankline
+ when 'startdoc' then
+ return blankline unless code_object
+ code_object.start_doc
+ code_object.force_documentation = true
+ blankline
+ when 'stopdoc' then
+ return blankline unless code_object
+ code_object.stop_doc
+ blankline
+ when 'title' then
+ @options.default_title = param if @options.respond_to? :default_title=
+ blankline
+ when 'yield', 'yields' then
+ return blankline unless code_object
+ # remove parameter &block
+ code_object.params.sub!(/,?\s*&\w+/, '') if code_object.params
+ code_object.block_params = param
+ blankline
+ else
+ result = yield directive, param if block_given?
+ case result
+ when nil then
+ code_object.metadata[directive] = param if code_object
+ if RDoc::Markup::PreProcess.registered.include? directive then
+ handler = RDoc::Markup::PreProcess.registered[directive]
+ result = directive, param if handler
+ else
+ result = "#{prefix}:#{directive}: #{param}\n"
+ end
+ when false then
+ result = "#{prefix}:#{directive}: #{param}\n"
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Handles the <tt>:include: _filename_</tt> directive.
+ #
+ # If the first line of the included file starts with '#', and contains
+ # an encoding information in the form 'coding:' or 'coding=', it is
+ # removed.
+ #
+ # If all lines in the included file start with a '#', this leading '#'
+ # is removed before inclusion. The included content is indented like
+ # the <tt>:include:</tt> directive.
+ #--
+ # so all content will be verbatim because of the likely space after '#'?
+ # TODO shift left the whole file content in that case
+ # TODO comment stop/start #-- and #++ in included file must be processed here
+ def include_file name, indent, encoding
+ full_name = find_include_file name
+ unless full_name then
+ warn "Couldn't find file to include '#{name}' from #{@input_file_name}"
+ return ''
+ end
+ content = RDoc::Encoding.read_file full_name, encoding, true
+ # strip magic comment
+ content = content.sub(/\A# .*coding[=:].*$/, '').lstrip
+ # strip leading '#'s, but only if all lines start with them
+ if content =~ /^[^#]/ then
+ content.gsub(/^/, indent)
+ else
+ content.gsub(/^#?/, indent)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Look for the given file in the directory containing the current file,
+ # and then in each of the directories specified in the RDOC_INCLUDE path
+ def find_include_file(name)
+ to_search = [File.dirname(@input_file_name)].concat @include_path
+ to_search.each do |dir|
+ full_name = File.join(dir, name)
+ stat = File.stat(full_name) rescue next
+ return full_name if stat.readable?
+ end
+ nil
+ end