path: root/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/options.rb
diff options
authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/options.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/options.rb')
1 files changed, 1251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/options.rb b/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/options.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5779d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/options.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1251 @@
+require 'optparse'
+require 'pathname'
+# RDoc::Options handles the parsing and storage of options
+# == Saved Options
+# You can save some options like the markup format in the
+# <tt>.rdoc_options</tt> file in your gem. The easiest way to do this is:
+# rdoc --markup tomdoc --write-options
+# Which will automatically create the file and fill it with the options you
+# specified.
+# The following options will not be saved since they interfere with the user's
+# preferences or with the normal operation of RDoc:
+# * +--coverage-report+
+# * +--dry-run+
+# * +--encoding+
+# * +--force-update+
+# * +--format+
+# * +--pipe+
+# * +--quiet+
+# * +--template+
+# * +--verbose+
+# == Custom Options
+# Generators can hook into RDoc::Options to add generator-specific command
+# line options.
+# When <tt>--format</tt> is encountered in ARGV, RDoc calls ::setup_options on
+# the generator class to add extra options to the option parser. Options for
+# custom generators must occur after <tt>--format</tt>. <tt>rdoc --help</tt>
+# will list options for all installed generators.
+# Example:
+# class RDoc::Generator::Spellcheck
+# RDoc::RDoc.add_generator self
+# def self.setup_options rdoc_options
+# op = rdoc_options.option_parser
+# op.on('--spell-dictionary DICTIONARY',
+# RDoc::Options::Path) do |dictionary|
+# rdoc_options.spell_dictionary = dictionary
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# Of course, RDoc::Options does not respond to +spell_dictionary+ by default
+# so you will need to add it:
+# class RDoc::Options
+# ##
+# # The spell dictionary used by the spell-checking plugin.
+# attr_accessor :spell_dictionary
+# end
+# == Option Validators
+# OptionParser validators will validate and cast user input values. In
+# addition to the validators that ship with OptionParser (String, Integer,
+# Float, TrueClass, FalseClass, Array, Regexp, Date, Time, URI, etc.),
+# RDoc::Options adds Path, PathArray and Template.
+class RDoc::Options
+ ##
+ # The deprecated options.
+ '--accessor' => 'support discontinued',
+ '--diagram' => 'support discontinued',
+ '--help-output' => 'support discontinued',
+ '--image-format' => 'was an option for --diagram',
+ '--inline-source' => 'source code is now always inlined',
+ '--merge' => 'ri now always merges class information',
+ '--one-file' => 'support discontinued',
+ '--op-name' => 'support discontinued',
+ '--opname' => 'support discontinued',
+ '--promiscuous' => 'files always only document their content',
+ '--ri-system' => 'Ruby installers use other techniques',
+ }
+ ##
+ # RDoc options ignored (or handled specially) by --write-options
+ SPECIAL = %w[
+ coverage_report
+ dry_run
+ encoding
+ files
+ force_output
+ force_update
+ generator
+ generator_name
+ generator_options
+ generators
+ op_dir
+ option_parser
+ pipe
+ rdoc_include
+ root
+ static_path
+ stylesheet_url
+ template
+ template_dir
+ update_output_dir
+ verbosity
+ write_options
+ ]
+ ##
+ # Option validator for OptionParser that matches a directory that exists on
+ # the filesystem.
+ Directory =
+ ##
+ # Option validator for OptionParser that matches a file or directory that
+ # exists on the filesystem.
+ Path =
+ ##
+ # Option validator for OptionParser that matches a comma-separated list of
+ # files or directories that exist on the filesystem.
+ PathArray =
+ ##
+ # Option validator for OptionParser that matches a template directory for an
+ # installed generator that lives in
+ # <tt>"rdoc/generator/template/#{template_name}"</tt>
+ Template =
+ ##
+ # Character-set for HTML output. #encoding is preferred over #charset
+ attr_accessor :charset
+ ##
+ # If true, RDoc will not write any files.
+ attr_accessor :dry_run
+ ##
+ # The output encoding. All input files will be transcoded to this encoding.
+ #
+ # The default encoding is UTF-8. This is set via --encoding.
+ attr_accessor :encoding
+ ##
+ # Files matching this pattern will be excluded
+ attr_accessor :exclude
+ ##
+ # The list of files to be processed
+ attr_accessor :files
+ ##
+ # Create the output even if the output directory does not look
+ # like an rdoc output directory
+ attr_accessor :force_output
+ ##
+ # Scan newer sources than the flag file if true.
+ attr_accessor :force_update
+ ##
+ # Formatter to mark up text with
+ attr_accessor :formatter
+ ##
+ # Description of the output generator (set with the <tt>--format</tt> option)
+ attr_accessor :generator
+ ##
+ # For #==
+ attr_reader :generator_name # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Loaded generator options. Used to prevent --help from loading the same
+ # options multiple times.
+ attr_accessor :generator_options
+ ##
+ # Old rdoc behavior: hyperlink all words that match a method name,
+ # even if not preceded by '#' or '::'
+ attr_accessor :hyperlink_all
+ ##
+ # Include line numbers in the source code
+ attr_accessor :line_numbers
+ ##
+ # The output locale.
+ attr_accessor :locale
+ ##
+ # The directory where locale data live.
+ attr_accessor :locale_dir
+ ##
+ # Name of the file, class or module to display in the initial index page (if
+ # not specified the first file we encounter is used)
+ attr_accessor :main_page
+ ##
+ # The default markup format. The default is 'rdoc'. 'markdown', 'tomdoc'
+ # and 'rd' are also built-in.
+ attr_accessor :markup
+ ##
+ # If true, only report on undocumented files
+ attr_accessor :coverage_report
+ ##
+ # The name of the output directory
+ attr_accessor :op_dir
+ ##
+ # The OptionParser for this instance
+ attr_accessor :option_parser
+ ##
+ # Output heading decorations?
+ attr_accessor :output_decoration
+ ##
+ # Directory where guides, FAQ, and other pages not associated with a class
+ # live. You may leave this unset if these are at the root of your project.
+ attr_accessor :page_dir
+ ##
+ # Is RDoc in pipe mode?
+ attr_accessor :pipe
+ ##
+ # Array of directories to search for files to satisfy an :include:
+ attr_accessor :rdoc_include
+ ##
+ # Root of the source documentation will be generated for. Set this when
+ # building documentation outside the source directory. Defaults to the
+ # current directory.
+ attr_accessor :root
+ ##
+ # Include the '#' at the front of hyperlinked instance method names
+ attr_accessor :show_hash
+ ##
+ # Directory to copy static files from
+ attr_accessor :static_path
+ ##
+ # The number of columns in a tab
+ attr_accessor :tab_width
+ ##
+ # Template to be used when generating output
+ attr_accessor :template
+ ##
+ # Directory the template lives in
+ attr_accessor :template_dir
+ ##
+ # Additional template stylesheets
+ attr_accessor :template_stylesheets
+ ##
+ # Documentation title
+ attr_accessor :title
+ ##
+ # Should RDoc update the timestamps in the output dir?
+ attr_accessor :update_output_dir
+ ##
+ # Verbosity, zero means quiet
+ attr_accessor :verbosity
+ ##
+ # URL of web cvs frontend
+ attr_accessor :webcvs
+ ##
+ # Minimum visibility of a documented method. One of +:public+, +:protected+,
+ # +:private+ or +:nodoc+.
+ #
+ # The +:nodoc+ visibility ignores all directives related to visibility. The
+ # other visibilities may be overridden on a per-method basis with the :doc:
+ # directive.
+ attr_reader :visibility
+ def initialize # :nodoc:
+ init_ivars
+ end
+ def init_ivars # :nodoc:
+ @dry_run = false
+ @exclude = []
+ @files = nil
+ @force_output = false
+ @force_update = true
+ @generator = nil
+ @generator_name = nil
+ @generator_options = []
+ @generators = RDoc::RDoc::GENERATORS
+ @hyperlink_all = false
+ @line_numbers = false
+ @locale = nil
+ @locale_name = nil
+ @locale_dir = 'locale'
+ @main_page = nil
+ @markup = 'rdoc'
+ @coverage_report = false
+ @op_dir = nil
+ @page_dir = nil
+ @pipe = false
+ @output_decoration = true
+ @rdoc_include = []
+ @root = Pathname(Dir.pwd)
+ @show_hash = false
+ @static_path = []
+ @stylesheet_url = nil # TODO remove in RDoc 4
+ @tab_width = 8
+ @template = nil
+ @template_dir = nil
+ @template_stylesheets = []
+ @title = nil
+ @update_output_dir = true
+ @verbosity = 1
+ @visibility = :protected
+ @webcvs = nil
+ @write_options = false
+ if Object.const_defined? :Encoding then
+ @encoding = Encoding::UTF_8
+ @charset =
+ else
+ @encoding = nil
+ @charset = 'UTF-8'
+ end
+ end
+ def init_with map # :nodoc:
+ init_ivars
+ encoding = map['encoding']
+ @encoding = if Object.const_defined? :Encoding then
+ encoding ? Encoding.find(encoding) : encoding
+ end
+ @charset = map['charset']
+ @exclude = map['exclude']
+ @generator_name = map['generator_name']
+ @hyperlink_all = map['hyperlink_all']
+ @line_numbers = map['line_numbers']
+ @locale_name = map['locale_name']
+ @locale_dir = map['locale_dir']
+ @main_page = map['main_page']
+ @markup = map['markup']
+ @op_dir = map['op_dir']
+ @show_hash = map['show_hash']
+ @tab_width = map['tab_width']
+ @template_dir = map['template_dir']
+ @title = map['title']
+ @visibility = map['visibility']
+ @webcvs = map['webcvs']
+ @rdoc_include = sanitize_path map['rdoc_include']
+ @static_path = sanitize_path map['static_path']
+ end
+ def yaml_initialize tag, map # :nodoc:
+ init_with map
+ end
+ def == other # :nodoc:
+ self.class === other and
+ @encoding == other.encoding and
+ @generator_name == other.generator_name and
+ @hyperlink_all == other.hyperlink_all and
+ @line_numbers == other.line_numbers and
+ @locale == other.locale and
+ @locale_dir == other.locale_dir and
+ @main_page == other.main_page and
+ @markup == other.markup and
+ @op_dir == other.op_dir and
+ @rdoc_include == other.rdoc_include and
+ @show_hash == other.show_hash and
+ @static_path == other.static_path and
+ @tab_width == other.tab_width and
+ @template == other.template and
+ @title == other.title and
+ @visibility == other.visibility and
+ @webcvs == other.webcvs
+ end
+ ##
+ # Check that the files on the command line exist
+ def check_files
+ @files.delete_if do |file|
+ if File.exist? file then
+ if File.readable? file then
+ false
+ else
+ warn "file '#{file}' not readable"
+ true
+ end
+ else
+ warn "file '#{file}' not found"
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Ensure only one generator is loaded
+ def check_generator
+ if @generator then
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidOption,
+ "generator already set to #{@generator_name}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set the title, but only if not already set. Used to set the title
+ # from a source file, so that a title set from the command line
+ # will have the priority.
+ def default_title=(string)
+ @title ||= string
+ end
+ ##
+ # For dumping YAML
+ def encode_with coder # :nodoc:
+ encoding = @encoding ? : nil
+ coder.add 'encoding', encoding
+ coder.add 'static_path', sanitize_path(@static_path)
+ coder.add 'rdoc_include', sanitize_path(@rdoc_include)
+ ivars = { |ivar| ivar.to_s[1..-1] }
+ ivars -= SPECIAL
+ ivars.sort.each do |ivar|
+ coder.add ivar, instance_variable_get("@#{ivar}")
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Completes any unfinished option setup business such as filtering for
+ # existent files, creating a regexp for #exclude and setting a default
+ # #template.
+ def finish
+ @op_dir ||= 'doc'
+ @rdoc_include << "." if @rdoc_include.empty?
+ root = @root.to_s
+ @rdoc_include << root unless @rdoc_include.include?(root)
+ if @exclude.nil? or Regexp === @exclude then
+ # done, #finish is being re-run
+ elsif @exclude.empty? then
+ @exclude = nil
+ else
+ @exclude ="|"))
+ end
+ finish_page_dir
+ check_files
+ # If no template was specified, use the default template for the output
+ # formatter
+ unless @template then
+ @template = @generator_name
+ @template_dir = template_dir_for @template
+ end
+ if @locale_name
+ @locale = RDoc::I18n::Locale[@locale_name]
+ @locale.load(@locale_dir)
+ else
+ @locale = nil
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fixes the page_dir to be relative to the root_dir and adds the page_dir to
+ # the files list.
+ def finish_page_dir
+ return unless @page_dir
+ @files << @page_dir.to_s
+ page_dir = @page_dir.expand_path.relative_path_from @root
+ @page_dir = page_dir
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a properly-space list of generators and their descriptions.
+ def generator_descriptions
+ lengths = []
+ generators = do |name, generator|
+ lengths << name.length
+ description = generator::DESCRIPTION if
+ generator.const_defined? :DESCRIPTION
+ [name, description]
+ end
+ longest = lengths.max
+ do |name, description|
+ if description then
+ " %-*s - %s" % [longest, name, description]
+ else
+ " #{name}"
+ end
+ end.join "\n"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses command line options.
+ def parse argv
+ ignore_invalid = true
+ argv.insert(0, *ENV['RDOCOPT'].split) if ENV['RDOCOPT']
+ opts = do |opt|
+ @option_parser = opt
+ opt.program_name = File.basename $0
+ opt.version = RDoc::VERSION
+ opt.release = nil
+ opt.summary_indent = ' ' * 4
+ opt.banner = <<-EOF
+Usage: #{opt.program_name} [options] [names...]
+ Files are parsed, and the information they contain collected, before any
+ output is produced. This allows cross references between all files to be
+ resolved. If a name is a directory, it is traversed. If no names are
+ specified, all Ruby files in the current directory (and subdirectories) are
+ processed.
+ How RDoc generates output depends on the output formatter being used, and on
+ the options you give.
+ Options can be specified via the RDOCOPT environment variable, which
+ functions similar to the RUBYOPT environment variable for ruby.
+ $ export RDOCOPT="--show-hash"
+ will make rdoc show hashes in method links by default. Command-line options
+ always will override those in RDOCOPT.
+ Available formatters:
+ RDoc understands the following file formats:
+ parsers = { |h,parser| h[parser] = [] }
+ RDoc::Parser.parsers.each do |regexp, parser|
+ parsers['RDoc::Parser::', '')] << regexp.source
+ end
+ parsers.sort.each do |parser, regexp|
+ opt.banner << " - #{parser}: #{regexp.join ', '}\n"
+ end
+ opt.banner << " - TomDoc: Only in ruby files\n"
+ opt.banner << "\n The following options are deprecated:\n\n"
+ name_length = DEPRECATED.keys.sort_by { |k| k.length }.last.length
+ DEPRECATED.sort_by { |k,| k }.each do |name, reason|
+ opt.banner << " %*1$2$s %3$s\n" % [-name_length, name, reason]
+ end
+ opt.accept Template do |template|
+ template_dir = template_dir_for template
+ unless template_dir then
+ $stderr.puts "could not find template #{template}"
+ nil
+ else
+ [template, template_dir]
+ end
+ end
+ opt.accept Directory do |directory|
+ directory = File.expand_path directory
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument unless directory
+ directory
+ end
+ opt.accept Path do |path|
+ path = File.expand_path path
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument unless File.exist? path
+ path
+ end
+ opt.accept PathArray do |paths,|
+ paths = if paths then
+ paths.split(',').map { |d| d unless d.empty? }
+ end
+ do |path|
+ path = File.expand_path path
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument unless File.exist? path
+ path
+ end
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.separator "Parsing options:"
+ opt.separator nil
+ if Object.const_defined? :Encoding then
+ opt.on("--encoding=ENCODING", "-e", { |e| },
+ "Specifies the output encoding. All files",
+ "read will be converted to this encoding.",
+ "The default encoding is UTF-8.",
+ "--encoding is preferred over --charset") do |value|
+ @encoding = Encoding.find value
+ @charset = # may not be valid value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ end
+ opt.on("--locale=NAME",
+ "Specifies the output locale.") do |value|
+ @locale_name = value
+ end
+ opt.on("--locale-data-dir=DIR",
+ "Specifies the directory where locale data live.") do |value|
+ @locale_dir = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--all", "-a",
+ "Synonym for --visibility=private.") do |value|
+ @visibility = :private
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--exclude=PATTERN", "-x", Regexp,
+ "Do not process files or directories",
+ "matching PATTERN.") do |value|
+ @exclude << value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--extension=NEW=OLD", "-E",
+ "Treat files ending with .new as if they",
+ "ended with .old. Using '-E cgi=rb' will",
+ "cause xxx.cgi to be parsed as a Ruby file.") do |value|
+ new, old = value.split(/=/, 2)
+ unless new and old then
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "Invalid parameter to '-E'"
+ end
+ unless RDoc::Parser.alias_extension old, new then
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "Unknown extension .#{old} to -E"
+ end
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--[no-]force-update", "-U",
+ "Forces rdoc to scan all sources even if",
+ "newer than the flag file.") do |value|
+ @force_update = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--pipe", "-p",
+ "Convert RDoc on stdin to HTML") do
+ @pipe = true
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--tab-width=WIDTH", "-w", Integer,
+ "Set the width of tab characters.") do |value|
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument,
+ "#{value} is an invalid tab width" if value <= 0
+ @tab_width = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--visibility=VISIBILITY", "-V", RDoc::VISIBILITIES + [:nodoc],
+ "Minimum visibility to document a method.",
+ "One of 'public', 'protected' (the default),",
+ "'private' or 'nodoc' (show everything)") do |value|
+ @visibility = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ markup_formats = RDoc::Text::MARKUP_FORMAT.keys.sort
+ opt.on("--markup=MARKUP", markup_formats,
+ "The markup format for the named files.",
+ "The default is rdoc. Valid values are:",
+ markup_formats.join(', ')) do |value|
+ @markup = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--root=ROOT", Directory,
+ "Root of the source tree documentation",
+ "will be generated for. Set this when",
+ "building documentation outside the",
+ "source directory. Default is the",
+ "current directory.") do |root|
+ @root = Pathname(root)
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--page-dir=DIR", Directory,
+ "Directory where guides, your FAQ or",
+ "other pages not associated with a class",
+ "live. Set this when you don't store",
+ "such files at your project root.",
+ "NOTE: Do not use the same file name in",
+ "the page dir and the root of your project") do |page_dir|
+ @page_dir = Pathname(page_dir)
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.separator "Common generator options:"
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--force-output", "-O",
+ "Forces rdoc to write the output files,",
+ "even if the output directory exists",
+ "and does not seem to have been created",
+ "by rdoc.") do |value|
+ @force_output = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ generator_text = { |name| " #{name}" }.sort
+ opt.on("-f", "--fmt=FORMAT", "--format=FORMAT", @generators.keys,
+ "Set the output formatter. One of:", *generator_text) do |value|
+ check_generator
+ @generator_name = value.downcase
+ setup_generator
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--include=DIRECTORIES", "-i", PathArray,
+ "Set (or add to) the list of directories to",
+ "be searched when satisfying :include:",
+ "requests. Can be used more than once.") do |value|
+ @rdoc_include.concat { |dir| dir.strip }
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--[no-]coverage-report=[LEVEL]", "--[no-]dcov", "-C", Integer,
+ "Prints a report on undocumented items.",
+ "Does not generate files.") do |value|
+ value = 0 if value.nil? # Integer converts -C to nil
+ @coverage_report = value
+ @force_update = true if value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--output=DIR", "--op", "-o",
+ "Set the output directory.") do |value|
+ @op_dir = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("-d",
+ "Deprecated --diagram option.",
+ "Prevents firing debug mode",
+ "with legacy invocation.") do |value|
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.separator 'HTML generator options:'
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--charset=CHARSET", "-c",
+ "Specifies the output HTML character-set.",
+ "Use --encoding instead of --charset if",
+ "available.") do |value|
+ @charset = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--hyperlink-all", "-A",
+ "Generate hyperlinks for all words that",
+ "correspond to known methods, even if they",
+ "do not start with '#' or '::' (legacy",
+ "behavior).") do |value|
+ @hyperlink_all = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--main=NAME", "-m",
+ "NAME will be the initial page displayed.") do |value|
+ @main_page = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--[no-]line-numbers", "-N",
+ "Include line numbers in the source code.",
+ "By default, only the number of the first",
+ "line is displayed, in a leading comment.") do |value|
+ @line_numbers = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--show-hash", "-H",
+ "A name of the form #name in a comment is a",
+ "possible hyperlink to an instance method",
+ "name. When displayed, the '#' is removed",
+ "unless this option is specified.") do |value|
+ @show_hash = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--template=NAME", "-T", Template,
+ "Set the template used when generating",
+ "output. The default depends on the",
+ "formatter used.") do |(template, template_dir)|
+ @template = template
+ @template_dir = template_dir
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--template-stylesheets=FILES", PathArray,
+ "Set (or add to) the list of files to",
+ "include with the html template.") do |value|
+ @template_stylesheets << value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--title=TITLE", "-t",
+ "Set TITLE as the title for HTML output.") do |value|
+ @title = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--copy-files=PATH", Path,
+ "Specify a file or directory to copy static",
+ "files from.",
+ "If a file is given it will be copied into",
+ "the output dir. If a directory is given the",
+ "entire directory will be copied.",
+ "You can use this multiple times") do |value|
+ @static_path << value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--webcvs=URL", "-W",
+ "Specify a URL for linking to a web frontend",
+ "to CVS. If the URL contains a '\%s', the",
+ "name of the current file will be",
+ "substituted; if the URL doesn't contain a",
+ "'\%s', the filename will be appended to it.") do |value|
+ @webcvs = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.separator "ri generator options:"
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--ri", "-r",
+ "Generate output for use by `ri`. The files",
+ "are stored in the '.rdoc' directory under",
+ "your home directory unless overridden by a",
+ "subsequent --op parameter, so no special",
+ "privileges are needed.") do |value|
+ check_generator
+ @generator_name = "ri"
+ @op_dir ||= RDoc::RI::Paths::HOMEDIR
+ setup_generator
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--ri-site", "-R",
+ "Generate output for use by `ri`. The files",
+ "are stored in a site-wide directory,",
+ "making them accessible to others, so",
+ "special privileges are needed.") do |value|
+ check_generator
+ @generator_name = "ri"
+ @op_dir = RDoc::RI::Paths.site_dir
+ setup_generator
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.separator "Generic options:"
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--write-options",
+ "Write .rdoc_options to the current",
+ "directory with the given options. Not all",
+ "options will be used. See RDoc::Options",
+ "for details.") do |value|
+ @write_options = true
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--[no-]dry-run",
+ "Don't write any files") do |value|
+ @dry_run = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("-D", "--[no-]debug",
+ "Displays lots on internal stuff.") do |value|
+ $DEBUG_RDOC = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--[no-]ignore-invalid",
+ "Ignore invalid options and continue",
+ "(default true).") do |value|
+ ignore_invalid = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--quiet", "-q",
+ "Don't show progress as we parse.") do |value|
+ @verbosity = 0
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--verbose", "-V",
+ "Display extra progress as RDoc parses") do |value|
+ @verbosity = 2
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--version", "-v", "print the version") do
+ puts opt.version
+ exit
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--help", "-h", "Display this help") do
+ RDoc::RDoc::GENERATORS.each_key do |generator|
+ setup_generator generator
+ end
+ puts
+ exit
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ end
+ setup_generator 'darkfish' if
+ argv.grep(/\A(-f|--fmt|--format|-r|-R|--ri|--ri-site)\b/).empty?
+ deprecated = []
+ invalid = []
+ begin
+ opts.parse! argv
+ rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e
+ if DEPRECATED[e.args.first] then
+ deprecated << e.args.first
+ elsif %w[--format --ri -r --ri-site -R].include? e.args.first then
+ raise
+ else
+ invalid << e.args.join(' ')
+ end
+ retry
+ end
+ unless @generator then
+ @generator = RDoc::Generator::Darkfish
+ @generator_name = 'darkfish'
+ end
+ if @pipe and not argv.empty? then
+ @pipe = false
+ invalid << '-p (with files)'
+ end
+ unless quiet then
+ deprecated.each do |opt|
+ $stderr.puts 'option ' << opt << ' is deprecated: ' << DEPRECATED[opt]
+ end
+ end
+ unless invalid.empty? then
+ invalid = "invalid options: #{invalid.join ', '}"
+ if ignore_invalid then
+ unless quiet then
+ $stderr.puts invalid
+ $stderr.puts '(invalid options are ignored)'
+ end
+ else
+ unless quiet then
+ $stderr.puts opts
+ end
+ $stderr.puts invalid
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+ @files = argv.dup
+ finish
+ if @write_options then
+ write_options
+ exit
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ ##
+ # Don't display progress as we process the files
+ def quiet
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set quietness to +bool+
+ def quiet= bool
+ @verbosity = bool ? 0 : 1
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes directories from +path+ that are outside the current directory
+ def sanitize_path path
+ require 'pathname'
+ dot ='.').expand_path
+ path.reject do |item|
+ path =
+ relative = path.relative_path_from(dot).to_s
+ relative.start_with? '..'
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set up an output generator for the named +generator_name+.
+ #
+ # If the found generator responds to :setup_options it will be called with
+ # the options instance. This allows generators to add custom options or set
+ # default options.
+ def setup_generator generator_name = @generator_name
+ @generator = @generators[generator_name]
+ unless @generator then
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument,
+ "Invalid output formatter #{generator_name}"
+ end
+ return if @generator_options.include? @generator
+ @generator_name = generator_name
+ @generator_options << @generator
+ if @generator.respond_to? :setup_options then
+ @option_parser ||=
+ @generator.setup_options self
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the template dir for +template+
+ def template_dir_for template
+ template_path = File.join 'rdoc', 'generator', 'template', template
+ $ do |path|
+ File.join File.expand_path(path), template_path
+ end.find do |dir|
+ dir
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # This is compatibility code for syck
+ def to_yaml opts = {} # :nodoc:
+ return super if YAML.const_defined?(:ENGINE) and not YAML::ENGINE.syck?
+ YAML.quick_emit self, opts do |out|
+ taguri, to_yaml_style do |map|
+ encode_with map
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Sets the minimum visibility of a documented method.
+ #
+ # Accepts +:public+, +:protected+, +:private+, +:nodoc+, or +:all+.
+ #
+ # When +:all+ is passed, visibility is set to +:private+, similarly to
+ # RDOCOPT="--all", see #visibility for more information.
+ def visibility= visibility
+ case visibility
+ when :all
+ @visibility = :private
+ else
+ @visibility = visibility
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Displays a warning using Kernel#warn if we're being verbose
+ def warn message
+ super message if @verbosity > 1
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes the YAML file .rdoc_options to the current directory containing the
+ # parsed options.
+ def write_options
+ RDoc.load_yaml
+ open '.rdoc_options', 'w' do |io|
+ io.set_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 if Object.const_defined? :Encoding
+ YAML.dump self, io
+ end
+ end