path: root/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/stats.rb
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authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/stats.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/stats.rb')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/stats.rb b/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/stats.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94fdd27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/stats.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+# RDoc statistics collector which prints a summary and report of a project's
+# documentation totals.
+class RDoc::Stats
+ include RDoc::Text
+ ##
+ # Output level for the coverage report
+ attr_reader :coverage_level
+ ##
+ # Count of files parsed during parsing
+ attr_reader :files_so_far
+ ##
+ # Total number of files found
+ attr_reader :num_files
+ ##
+ # Creates a new Stats that will have +num_files+. +verbosity+ defaults to 1
+ # which will create an RDoc::Stats::Normal outputter.
+ def initialize store, num_files, verbosity = 1
+ @num_files = num_files
+ @store = store
+ @coverage_level = 0
+ @doc_items = nil
+ @files_so_far = 0
+ @fully_documented = false
+ @num_params = 0
+ @percent_doc = nil
+ @start =
+ @undoc_params = 0
+ @display = case verbosity
+ when 0 then num_files
+ when 1 then num_files
+ else num_files
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Records the parsing of an alias +as+.
+ def add_alias as
+ @display.print_alias as
+ end
+ ##
+ # Records the parsing of an attribute +attribute+
+ def add_attribute attribute
+ @display.print_attribute attribute
+ end
+ ##
+ # Records the parsing of a class +klass+
+ def add_class klass
+ @display.print_class klass
+ end
+ ##
+ # Records the parsing of +constant+
+ def add_constant constant
+ @display.print_constant constant
+ end
+ ##
+ # Records the parsing of +file+
+ def add_file(file)
+ @files_so_far += 1
+ @display.print_file @files_so_far, file
+ end
+ ##
+ # Records the parsing of +method+
+ def add_method(method)
+ @display.print_method method
+ end
+ ##
+ # Records the parsing of a module +mod+
+ def add_module(mod)
+ @display.print_module mod
+ end
+ ##
+ # Call this to mark the beginning of parsing for display purposes
+ def begin_adding
+ @display.begin_adding
+ end
+ ##
+ # Calculates documentation totals and percentages for classes, modules,
+ # constants, attributes and methods.
+ def calculate
+ return if @doc_items
+ ucm = @store.unique_classes_and_modules
+ classes = @store.unique_classes.reject { |cm| cm.full_name == 'Object' }
+ constants = []
+ ucm.each { |cm| constants.concat cm.constants }
+ methods = []
+ ucm.each { |cm| methods.concat cm.method_list }
+ attributes = []
+ ucm.each { |cm| attributes.concat cm.attributes }
+ @num_attributes, @undoc_attributes = doc_stats attributes
+ @num_classes, @undoc_classes = doc_stats classes
+ @num_constants, @undoc_constants = doc_stats constants
+ @num_methods, @undoc_methods = doc_stats methods
+ @num_modules, @undoc_modules = doc_stats @store.unique_modules
+ @num_items =
+ @num_attributes +
+ @num_classes +
+ @num_constants +
+ @num_methods +
+ @num_modules +
+ @num_params
+ @undoc_items =
+ @undoc_attributes +
+ @undoc_classes +
+ @undoc_constants +
+ @undoc_methods +
+ @undoc_modules +
+ @undoc_params
+ @doc_items = @num_items - @undoc_items
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets coverage report level. Accepted values are:
+ #
+ # false or nil:: No report
+ # 0:: Classes, modules, constants, attributes, methods
+ # 1:: Level 0 + method parameters
+ def coverage_level= level
+ level = -1 unless level
+ @coverage_level = level
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the length and number of undocumented items in +collection+.
+ def doc_stats collection
+ visible = { |item| item.display? }
+ [visible.length, visible.count { |item| not item.documented? }]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Call this to mark the end of parsing for display purposes
+ def done_adding
+ @display.done_adding
+ end
+ ##
+ # The documentation status of this project. +true+ when 100%, +false+ when
+ # less than 100% and +nil+ when unknown.
+ #
+ # Set by calling #calculate
+ def fully_documented?
+ @fully_documented
+ end
+ ##
+ # A report that says you did a great job!
+ def great_job
+ report =
+ report <<'100% documentation!')
+ report <<'Great Job!')
+ report
+ end
+ ##
+ # Calculates the percentage of items documented.
+ def percent_doc
+ return @percent_doc if @percent_doc
+ @fully_documented = (@num_items - @doc_items) == 0
+ @percent_doc = @doc_items.to_f / @num_items * 100 if @num_items.nonzero?
+ @percent_doc ||= 0
+ @percent_doc
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a report on which items are not documented
+ def report
+ if @coverage_level > 0 then
+ extend RDoc::Text
+ end
+ if then
+ calculate
+ return great_job if @num_items == @doc_items
+ end
+ ucm = @store.unique_classes_and_modules
+ report =
+ report <<'The following items are not documented:')
+ report <<
+ ucm.sort.each do |cm|
+ body = report_class_module(cm) {
+ [
+ report_constants(cm),
+ report_attributes(cm),
+ report_methods(cm),
+ ].compact
+ }
+ report << body if body
+ end
+ if @coverage_level > 0 then
+ calculate
+ return great_job if @num_items == @doc_items
+ end
+ report
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a report on undocumented attributes in ClassModule +cm+
+ def report_attributes cm
+ return if cm.attributes.empty?
+ report = []
+ cm.each_attribute do |attr|
+ next if attr.documented?
+ line = attr.line ? ":#{attr.line}" : nil
+ report << " #{attr.definition} :#{} # in file #{attr.file.full_name}#{line}\n"
+ report << "\n"
+ end
+ report
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a report on undocumented items in ClassModule +cm+
+ def report_class_module cm
+ return if cm.fully_documented? and
+ return unless cm.display?
+ report =
+ if cm.in_files.empty? then
+ report <<"#{cm.definition} is referenced but empty.")
+ report <<"It probably came from another project. I'm sorry I'm holding it against you.")
+ return report
+ elsif cm.documented? then
+ documented = true
+ klass ="#{cm.definition} # is documented\n")
+ else
+ report <<'In files:')
+ list = :BULLET
+ cm.in_files.each do |file|
+ para = file.full_name
+ list <<, para)
+ end
+ report << list
+ report <<
+ klass ="#{cm.definition}\n")
+ end
+ klass << "\n"
+ body = yield.flatten # HACK remove #flatten
+ if body.empty? then
+ return if documented
+ else
+ body
+ end
+ klass << "end\n"
+ report << klass
+ report
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a report on undocumented constants in ClassModule +cm+
+ def report_constants cm
+ return if cm.constants.empty?
+ report = []
+ cm.each_constant do |constant|
+ # TODO constant aliases are listed in the summary but not reported
+ # figure out what to do here
+ next if constant.documented? || constant.is_alias_for
+ line = constant.line ? ":#{constant.line}" : line
+ report << " # in file #{constant.file.full_name}#{line}\n"
+ report << " #{} = nil\n"
+ report << "\n"
+ end
+ report
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a report on undocumented methods in ClassModule +cm+
+ def report_methods cm
+ return if cm.method_list.empty?
+ report = []
+ cm.each_method do |method|
+ next if method.documented? and
+ if @coverage_level > 0 then
+ params, undoc = undoc_params method
+ @num_params += params
+ unless undoc.empty? then
+ @undoc_params += undoc.length
+ undoc = do |param| "+#{param}+" end
+ param_report = " # #{undoc.join ', '} is not documented\n"
+ end
+ end
+ next if method.documented? and not param_report
+ line = method.line ? ":#{method.line}" : nil
+ scope = method.singleton ? 'self.' : nil
+ report << " # in file #{method.file.full_name}#{line}\n"
+ report << param_report if param_report
+ report << " def #{scope}#{}#{method.params}; end\n"
+ report << "\n"
+ end
+ report
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a summary of the collected statistics.
+ def summary
+ calculate
+ num_width = [@num_files, @num_items].max.to_s.length
+ undoc_width = [
+ @undoc_attributes,
+ @undoc_classes,
+ @undoc_constants,
+ @undoc_items,
+ @undoc_methods,
+ @undoc_modules,
+ @undoc_params,
+ ].max.to_s.length
+ report =
+ report << "Files: %*d\n" % [num_width, @num_files]
+ report << "\n"
+ report << "Classes: %*d (%*d undocumented)\n" % [
+ num_width, @num_classes, undoc_width, @undoc_classes]
+ report << "Modules: %*d (%*d undocumented)\n" % [
+ num_width, @num_modules, undoc_width, @undoc_modules]
+ report << "Constants: %*d (%*d undocumented)\n" % [
+ num_width, @num_constants, undoc_width, @undoc_constants]
+ report << "Attributes: %*d (%*d undocumented)\n" % [
+ num_width, @num_attributes, undoc_width, @undoc_attributes]
+ report << "Methods: %*d (%*d undocumented)\n" % [
+ num_width, @num_methods, undoc_width, @undoc_methods]
+ report << "Parameters: %*d (%*d undocumented)\n" % [
+ num_width, @num_params, undoc_width, @undoc_params] if
+ @coverage_level > 0
+ report << "\n"
+ report << "Total: %*d (%*d undocumented)\n" % [
+ num_width, @num_items, undoc_width, @undoc_items]
+ report << "%6.2f%% documented\n" % percent_doc
+ report << "\n"
+ report << "Elapsed: %0.1fs\n" % ( - @start)
+ report
+ end
+ ##
+ # Determines which parameters in +method+ were not documented. Returns a
+ # total parameter count and an Array of undocumented methods.
+ def undoc_params method
+ @formatter ||=
+ params = method.param_list
+ params = { |param| param.gsub(/^\*\*?/, '') }
+ return 0, [] if params.empty?
+ document = parse method.comment
+ tts = document.accept @formatter
+ undoc = params - tts
+ [params.length, undoc]
+ end
+ autoload :Quiet, 'rdoc/stats/quiet'
+ autoload :Normal, 'rdoc/stats/normal'
+ autoload :Verbose, 'rdoc/stats/verbose'