path: root/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/store.rb
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authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/store.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/store.rb')
1 files changed, 979 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/store.rb b/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/store.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fde6f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/store.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+# A set of rdoc data for a single project (gem, path, etc.).
+# The store manages reading and writing ri data for a project and maintains a
+# cache of methods, classes and ancestors in the store.
+# The store maintains a #cache of its contents for faster lookup. After
+# adding items to the store it must be flushed using #save_cache. The cache
+# contains the following structures:
+# @cache = {
+# :ancestors => {}, # class name => ancestor names
+# :attributes => {}, # class name => attributes
+# :class_methods => {}, # class name => class methods
+# :instance_methods => {}, # class name => instance methods
+# :modules => [], # classes and modules in this store
+# :pages => [], # page names
+# }
+# TODO need to prune classes
+class RDoc::Store
+ ##
+ # Errors raised from loading or saving the store
+ class Error < RDoc::Error
+ end
+ ##
+ # Raised when a stored file for a class, module, page or method is missing.
+ class MissingFileError < Error
+ ##
+ # The store the file should exist in
+ attr_reader :store
+ ##
+ # The file the #name should be saved as
+ attr_reader :file
+ ##
+ # The name of the object the #file would be loaded from
+ attr_reader :name
+ ##
+ # Creates a new MissingFileError for the missing +file+ for the given
+ # +name+ that should have been in the +store+.
+ def initialize store, file, name
+ @store = store
+ @file = file
+ @name = name
+ end
+ def message # :nodoc:
+ "store at #{@store.path} missing file #{@file} for #{@name}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Stores the name of the C variable a class belongs to. This helps wire up
+ # classes defined from C across files.
+ attr_reader :c_enclosure_classes # :nodoc:
+ attr_reader :c_enclosure_names # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Maps C variables to class or module names for each parsed C file.
+ attr_reader :c_class_variables
+ ##
+ # Maps C variables to singleton class names for each parsed C file.
+ attr_reader :c_singleton_class_variables
+ ##
+ # If true this Store will not write any files
+ attr_accessor :dry_run
+ ##
+ # Path this store reads or writes
+ attr_accessor :path
+ ##
+ # The RDoc::RDoc driver for this parse tree. This allows classes consulting
+ # the documentation tree to access user-set options, for example.
+ attr_accessor :rdoc
+ ##
+ # Type of ri datastore this was loaded from. See RDoc::RI::Driver,
+ # RDoc::RI::Paths.
+ attr_accessor :type
+ ##
+ # The contents of the Store
+ attr_reader :cache
+ ##
+ # The encoding of the contents in the Store
+ attr_accessor :encoding
+ ##
+ # Creates a new Store of +type+ that will load or save to +path+
+ def initialize path = nil, type = nil
+ @dry_run = false
+ @encoding = nil
+ @path = path
+ @rdoc = nil
+ @type = type
+ @cache = {
+ :ancestors => {},
+ :attributes => {},
+ :class_methods => {},
+ :c_class_variables => {},
+ :c_singleton_class_variables => {},
+ :encoding => @encoding,
+ :instance_methods => {},
+ :main => nil,
+ :modules => [],
+ :pages => [],
+ :title => nil,
+ }
+ @classes_hash = {}
+ @modules_hash = {}
+ @files_hash = {}
+ @c_enclosure_classes = {}
+ @c_enclosure_names = {}
+ @c_class_variables = {}
+ @c_singleton_class_variables = {}
+ @unique_classes = nil
+ @unique_modules = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds +module+ as an enclosure (namespace) for the given +variable+ for C
+ # files.
+ def add_c_enclosure variable, namespace
+ @c_enclosure_classes[variable] = namespace
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds C variables from an RDoc::Parser::C
+ def add_c_variables c_parser
+ filename = c_parser.top_level.relative_name
+ @c_class_variables[filename] = make_variable_map c_parser.classes
+ @c_singleton_class_variables[filename] = c_parser.singleton_classes
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds the file with +name+ as an RDoc::TopLevel to the store. Returns the
+ # created RDoc::TopLevel.
+ def add_file absolute_name, relative_name = absolute_name
+ unless top_level = @files_hash[relative_name] then
+ top_level = absolute_name, relative_name
+ = self
+ @files_hash[relative_name] = top_level
+ end
+ top_level
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns all classes discovered by RDoc
+ def all_classes
+ @classes_hash.values
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns all classes and modules discovered by RDoc
+ def all_classes_and_modules
+ @classes_hash.values + @modules_hash.values
+ end
+ ##
+ # All TopLevels known to RDoc
+ def all_files
+ @files_hash.values
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns all modules discovered by RDoc
+ def all_modules
+ modules_hash.values
+ end
+ ##
+ # Ancestors cache accessor. Maps a klass name to an Array of its ancestors
+ # in this store. If Foo in this store inherits from Object, Kernel won't be
+ # listed (it will be included from ruby's ri store).
+ def ancestors
+ @cache[:ancestors]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Attributes cache accessor. Maps a class to an Array of its attributes.
+ def attributes
+ @cache[:attributes]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Path to the cache file
+ def cache_path
+ File.join @path, 'cache.ri'
+ end
+ ##
+ # Path to the ri data for +klass_name+
+ def class_file klass_name
+ name = klass_name.split('::').last
+ File.join class_path(klass_name), "cdesc-#{name}.ri"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Class methods cache accessor. Maps a class to an Array of its class
+ # methods (not full name).
+ def class_methods
+ @cache[:class_methods]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Path where data for +klass_name+ will be stored (methods or class data)
+ def class_path klass_name
+ File.join @path, *klass_name.split('::')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Hash of all classes known to RDoc
+ def classes_hash
+ @classes_hash
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes empty items and ensures item in each collection are unique and
+ # sorted
+ def clean_cache_collection collection # :nodoc:
+ collection.each do |name, item|
+ if item.empty? then
+ collection.delete name
+ else
+ # HACK mongrel-1.1.5 documents its files twice
+ item.uniq!
+ item.sort!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prepares the RDoc code object tree for use by a generator.
+ #
+ # It finds unique classes/modules defined, and replaces classes/modules that
+ # are aliases for another one by a copy with RDoc::ClassModule#is_alias_for
+ # set.
+ #
+ # It updates the RDoc::ClassModule#constant_aliases attribute of "real"
+ # classes or modules.
+ #
+ # It also completely removes the classes and modules that should be removed
+ # from the documentation and the methods that have a visibility below
+ # +min_visibility+, which is the <tt>--visibility</tt> option.
+ #
+ # See also RDoc::Context#remove_from_documentation?
+ def complete min_visibility
+ fix_basic_object_inheritance
+ # cache included modules before they are removed from the documentation
+ all_classes_and_modules.each { |cm| cm.ancestors }
+ unless min_visibility == :nodoc then
+ remove_nodoc @classes_hash
+ remove_nodoc @modules_hash
+ end
+ @unique_classes = find_unique @classes_hash
+ @unique_modules = find_unique @modules_hash
+ unique_classes_and_modules.each do |cm|
+ cm.complete min_visibility
+ end
+ @files_hash.each_key do |file_name|
+ tl = @files_hash[file_name]
+ unless tl.text? then
+ tl.modules_hash.clear
+ tl.classes_hash.clear
+ tl.classes_or_modules.each do |cm|
+ name = cm.full_name
+ if cm.type == 'class' then
+ tl.classes_hash[name] = cm if @classes_hash[name]
+ else
+ tl.modules_hash[name] = cm if @modules_hash[name]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Hash of all files known to RDoc
+ def files_hash
+ @files_hash
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the enclosure (namespace) for the given C +variable+.
+ def find_c_enclosure variable
+ @c_enclosure_classes.fetch variable do
+ break unless name = @c_enclosure_names[variable]
+ mod = find_class_or_module name
+ unless mod then
+ loaded_mod = load_class_data name
+ file = loaded_mod.in_files.first
+ return unless file # legacy data source
+ = self
+ mod = file.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, name
+ end
+ @c_enclosure_classes[variable] = mod
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the class with +name+ in all discovered classes
+ def find_class_named name
+ @classes_hash[name]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the class with +name+ starting in namespace +from+
+ def find_class_named_from name, from
+ from = find_class_named from unless RDoc::Context === from
+ until RDoc::TopLevel === from do
+ return nil unless from
+ klass = from.find_class_named name
+ return klass if klass
+ from = from.parent
+ end
+ find_class_named name
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the class or module with +name+
+ def find_class_or_module name
+ name = $' if name =~ /^::/
+ @classes_hash[name] || @modules_hash[name]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the file with +name+ in all discovered files
+ def find_file_named name
+ @files_hash[name]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the module with +name+ in all discovered modules
+ def find_module_named name
+ @modules_hash[name]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the RDoc::TopLevel that is a text file and has the given
+ # +file_name+
+ def find_text_page file_name
+ @files_hash.each_value.find do |file|
+ file.text? and file.full_name == file_name
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds unique classes/modules defined in +all_hash+,
+ # and returns them as an array. Performs the alias
+ # updates in +all_hash+: see ::complete.
+ #--
+ # TODO aliases should be registered by Context#add_module_alias
+ def find_unique all_hash
+ unique = []
+ all_hash.each_pair do |full_name, cm|
+ unique << cm if full_name == cm.full_name
+ end
+ unique
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fixes the erroneous <tt>BasicObject < Object</tt> in 1.9.
+ #
+ # Because we assumed all classes without a stated superclass
+ # inherit from Object, we have the above wrong inheritance.
+ #
+ # We fix BasicObject right away if we are running in a Ruby
+ # version >= 1.9. If not, we may be documenting 1.9 source
+ # while running under 1.8: we search the files of BasicObject
+ # for "object.c", and fix the inheritance if we find it.
+ def fix_basic_object_inheritance
+ basic = classes_hash['BasicObject']
+ return unless basic
+ if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+ basic.superclass = nil
+ elsif basic.in_files.any? { |f| File.basename(f.full_name) == 'object.c' }
+ basic.superclass = nil
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Friendly rendition of #path
+ def friendly_path
+ case type
+ when :gem then
+ parent = File.expand_path '..', @path
+ "gem #{File.basename parent}"
+ when :home then '~/.rdoc'
+ when :site then 'ruby site'
+ when :system then 'ruby core'
+ else @path
+ end
+ end
+ def inspect # :nodoc:
+ "#<%s:0x%x %s %p>" % [self.class, object_id, @path, module_names.sort]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Instance methods cache accessor. Maps a class to an Array of its
+ # instance methods (not full name).
+ def instance_methods
+ @cache[:instance_methods]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads all items from this store into memory. This recreates a
+ # documentation tree for use by a generator
+ def load_all
+ load_cache
+ module_names.each do |module_name|
+ mod = find_class_or_module(module_name) || load_class(module_name)
+ # load method documentation since the loaded class/module does not have
+ # it
+ loaded_methods = do |method|
+ load_method module_name, method.full_name
+ end
+ mod.method_list.replace loaded_methods
+ loaded_attributes = do |attribute|
+ load_method module_name, attribute.full_name
+ end
+ mod.attributes.replace loaded_attributes
+ end
+ all_classes_and_modules.each do |mod|
+ descendent_re = /^#{mod.full_name}::[^:]+$/
+ module_names.each do |name|
+ next unless name =~ descendent_re
+ descendent = find_class_or_module name
+ case descendent
+ when RDoc::NormalClass then
+ mod.classes_hash[name] = descendent
+ when RDoc::NormalModule then
+ mod.modules_hash[name] = descendent
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @cache[:pages].each do |page_name|
+ page = load_page page_name
+ @files_hash[page_name] = page
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads cache file for this store
+ def load_cache
+ #orig_enc = @encoding
+ open cache_path, 'rb' do |io|
+ @cache = Marshal.load
+ end
+ load_enc = @cache[:encoding]
+ # TODO this feature will be time-consuming to add:
+ # a) Encodings may be incompatible but transcodeable
+ # b) Need to warn in the appropriate spots, wherever they may be
+ # c) Need to handle cross-cache differences in encodings
+ # d) Need to warn when generating into a cache with different encodings
+ #
+ #if orig_enc and load_enc != orig_enc then
+ # warn "Cached encoding #{load_enc} is incompatible with #{orig_enc}\n" \
+ # "from #{path}/cache.ri" unless
+ # Encoding.compatible? orig_enc, load_enc
+ #end
+ @encoding = load_enc unless @encoding
+ @cache[:pages] ||= []
+ @cache[:main] ||= nil
+ @cache[:c_class_variables] ||= {}
+ @cache[:c_singleton_class_variables] ||= {}
+ @cache[:c_class_variables].each do |_, map|
+ map.each do |variable, name|
+ @c_enclosure_names[variable] = name
+ end
+ end
+ @cache
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads ri data for +klass_name+ and hooks it up to this store.
+ def load_class klass_name
+ obj = load_class_data klass_name
+ = self
+ case obj
+ when RDoc::NormalClass then
+ @classes_hash[klass_name] = obj
+ when RDoc::NormalModule then
+ @modules_hash[klass_name] = obj
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads ri data for +klass_name+
+ def load_class_data klass_name
+ file = class_file klass_name
+ open file, 'rb' do |io|
+ Marshal.load
+ end
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
+ error =, file, klass_name)
+ error.set_backtrace e.backtrace
+ raise error
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads ri data for +method_name+ in +klass_name+
+ def load_method klass_name, method_name
+ file = method_file klass_name, method_name
+ open file, 'rb' do |io|
+ obj = Marshal.load
+ = self
+ obj.parent =
+ find_class_or_module(klass_name) || load_class(klass_name) unless
+ obj.parent
+ obj
+ end
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
+ error =, file, klass_name + method_name)
+ error.set_backtrace e.backtrace
+ raise error
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads ri data for +page_name+
+ def load_page page_name
+ file = page_file page_name
+ open file, 'rb' do |io|
+ obj = Marshal.load
+ = self
+ obj
+ end
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
+ error =, file, page_name)
+ error.set_backtrace e.backtrace
+ raise error
+ end
+ ##
+ # Gets the main page for this RDoc store. This page is used as the root of
+ # the RDoc server.
+ def main
+ @cache[:main]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets the main page for this RDoc store.
+ def main= page
+ @cache[:main] = page
+ end
+ ##
+ # Converts the variable => ClassModule map +variables+ from a C parser into
+ # a variable => class name map.
+ def make_variable_map variables
+ map = {}
+ variables.each { |variable, class_module|
+ map[variable] = class_module.full_name
+ }
+ map
+ end
+ ##
+ # Path to the ri data for +method_name+ in +klass_name+
+ def method_file klass_name, method_name
+ method_name = method_name.split('::').last
+ method_name =~ /#(.*)/
+ method_type = $1 ? 'i' : 'c'
+ method_name = $1 if $1
+ method_name = if ''.respond_to? :ord then
+ method_name.gsub(/\W/) { "%%%02x" % $&[0].ord }
+ else
+ method_name.gsub(/\W/) { "%%%02x" % $&[0] }
+ end
+ File.join class_path(klass_name), "#{method_name}-#{method_type}.ri"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Modules cache accessor. An Array of all the module (and class) names in
+ # the store.
+ def module_names
+ @cache[:modules]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Hash of all modules known to RDoc
+ def modules_hash
+ @modules_hash
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the RDoc::TopLevel that is a text file and has the given +name+
+ def page name
+ @files_hash.each_value.find do |file|
+ file.text? and file.page_name == name
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Path to the ri data for +page_name+
+ def page_file page_name
+ file_name = File.basename(page_name).gsub('.', '_')
+ File.join @path, File.dirname(page_name), "page-#{file_name}.ri"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes from +all_hash+ the contexts that are nodoc or have no content.
+ #
+ # See RDoc::Context#remove_from_documentation?
+ def remove_nodoc all_hash
+ all_hash.keys.each do |name|
+ context = all_hash[name]
+ all_hash.delete(name) if context.remove_from_documentation?
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Saves all entries in the store
+ def save
+ load_cache
+ all_classes_and_modules.each do |klass|
+ save_class klass
+ klass.each_method do |method|
+ save_method klass, method
+ end
+ klass.each_attribute do |attribute|
+ save_method klass, attribute
+ end
+ end
+ all_files.each do |file|
+ save_page file
+ end
+ save_cache
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes the cache file for this store
+ def save_cache
+ clean_cache_collection @cache[:ancestors]
+ clean_cache_collection @cache[:attributes]
+ clean_cache_collection @cache[:class_methods]
+ clean_cache_collection @cache[:instance_methods]
+ @cache[:modules].uniq!
+ @cache[:modules].sort!
+ @cache[:pages].uniq!
+ @cache[:pages].sort!
+ @cache[:encoding] = @encoding # this gets set twice due to assert_cache
+ @cache[:c_class_variables].merge! @c_class_variables
+ @cache[:c_singleton_class_variables].merge! @c_singleton_class_variables
+ return if @dry_run
+ marshal = Marshal.dump @cache
+ open cache_path, 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write marshal
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes the ri data for +klass+ (or module)
+ def save_class klass
+ full_name = klass.full_name
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p class_path(full_name) unless @dry_run
+ @cache[:modules] << full_name
+ path = class_file full_name
+ begin
+ disk_klass = load_class full_name
+ klass = disk_klass.merge klass
+ rescue MissingFileError
+ end
+ # BasicObject has no ancestors
+ ancestors = do |ancestor|
+ # HACK for classes we don't know about (class X < RuntimeError)
+ String === ancestor ? ancestor : ancestor.full_name
+ end
+ @cache[:ancestors][full_name] ||= []
+ @cache[:ancestors][full_name].concat ancestors
+ attribute_definitions = do |attribute|
+ "#{attribute.definition} #{}"
+ end
+ unless attribute_definitions.empty? then
+ @cache[:attributes][full_name] ||= []
+ @cache[:attributes][full_name].concat attribute_definitions
+ end
+ to_delete = []
+ unless klass.method_list.empty? then
+ @cache[:class_methods][full_name] ||= []
+ @cache[:instance_methods][full_name] ||= []
+ class_methods, instance_methods =
+ klass.method_list.partition { |meth| meth.singleton }
+ class_methods = class_methods. map { |method| }
+ instance_methods = { |method| }
+ attribute_names = { |attr| }
+ old = @cache[:class_methods][full_name] - class_methods
+ to_delete.concat { |method|
+ method_file full_name, "#{full_name}::#{method}"
+ }
+ old = @cache[:instance_methods][full_name] -
+ instance_methods - attribute_names
+ to_delete.concat { |method|
+ method_file full_name, "#{full_name}##{method}"
+ }
+ @cache[:class_methods][full_name] = class_methods
+ @cache[:instance_methods][full_name] = instance_methods
+ end
+ return if @dry_run
+ FileUtils.rm_f to_delete
+ marshal = Marshal.dump klass
+ open path, 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write marshal
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes the ri data for +method+ on +klass+
+ def save_method klass, method
+ full_name = klass.full_name
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p class_path(full_name) unless @dry_run
+ cache = if method.singleton then
+ @cache[:class_methods]
+ else
+ @cache[:instance_methods]
+ end
+ cache[full_name] ||= []
+ cache[full_name] <<
+ return if @dry_run
+ marshal = Marshal.dump method
+ open method_file(full_name, method.full_name), 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write marshal
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes the ri data for +page+
+ def save_page page
+ return unless page.text?
+ path = page_file page.full_name
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(path) unless @dry_run
+ cache[:pages] ||= []
+ cache[:pages] << page.full_name
+ return if @dry_run
+ marshal = Marshal.dump page
+ open path, 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write marshal
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Source of the contents of this store.
+ #
+ # For a store from a gem the source is the gem name. For a store from the
+ # home directory the source is "home". For system ri store (the standard
+ # library documentation) the source is"ruby". For a store from the site
+ # ri directory the store is "site". For other stores the source is the
+ # #path.
+ def source
+ case type
+ when :gem then File.basename File.expand_path '..', @path
+ when :home then 'home'
+ when :site then 'site'
+ when :system then 'ruby'
+ else @path
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Gets the title for this RDoc store. This is used as the title in each
+ # page on the RDoc server
+ def title
+ @cache[:title]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets the title page for this RDoc store.
+ def title= title
+ @cache[:title] = title
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the unique classes discovered by RDoc.
+ #
+ # ::complete must have been called prior to using this method.
+ def unique_classes
+ @unique_classes
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the unique classes and modules discovered by RDoc.
+ # ::complete must have been called prior to using this method.
+ def unique_classes_and_modules
+ @unique_classes + @unique_modules
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the unique modules discovered by RDoc.
+ # ::complete must have been called prior to using this method.
+ def unique_modules
+ @unique_modules
+ end