path: root/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/cert_command.rb
diff options
authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/cert_command.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/cert_command.rb')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/cert_command.rb b/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/cert_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a920e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/cert_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/security'
+ require 'openssl'
+rescue LoadError => e
+ raise unless (e.respond_to?(:path) && e.path == 'openssl') ||
+ e.message =~ / -- openssl$/
+class Gem::Commands::CertCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ super 'cert', 'Manage RubyGems certificates and signing settings',
+ :add => [], :remove => [], :list => [], :build => [], :sign => []
+ OptionParser.accept OpenSSL::X509::Certificate do |certificate|
+ begin
+ certificate
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "#{certificate}: does not exist"
+ rescue OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument,
+ "#{certificate}: invalid X509 certificate"
+ end
+ end
+ OptionParser.accept OpenSSL::PKey::RSA do |key_file|
+ begin
+ key =, passphrase
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "#{key_file}: does not exist"
+ rescue OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "#{key_file}: invalid RSA key"
+ end
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument,
+ "#{key_file}: private key not found" unless key.private?
+ key
+ end
+ add_option('-a', '--add CERT', OpenSSL::X509::Certificate,
+ 'Add a trusted certificate.') do |cert, options|
+ options[:add] << cert
+ end
+ add_option('-l', '--list [FILTER]',
+ 'List trusted certificates where the',
+ 'subject contains FILTER') do |filter, options|
+ filter ||= ''
+ options[:list] << filter
+ end
+ add_option('-r', '--remove FILTER',
+ 'Remove trusted certificates where the',
+ 'subject contains FILTER') do |filter, options|
+ options[:remove] << filter
+ end
+ add_option('-b', '--build EMAIL_ADDR',
+ 'Build private key and self-signed',
+ 'certificate for EMAIL_ADDR') do |email_address, options|
+ options[:build] << email_address
+ end
+ add_option('-C', '--certificate CERT', OpenSSL::X509::Certificate,
+ 'Signing certificate for --sign') do |cert, options|
+ options[:issuer_cert] = cert
+ end
+ add_option('-K', '--private-key KEY', OpenSSL::PKey::RSA,
+ 'Key for --sign or --build') do |key, options|
+ options[:key] = key
+ end
+ add_option('-s', '--sign CERT',
+ 'Signs CERT with the key from -K',
+ 'and the certificate from -C') do |cert_file, options|
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "#{cert_file}: does not exist" unless
+ File.file? cert_file
+ options[:sign] << cert_file
+ end
+ end
+ def add_certificate certificate # :nodoc:
+ Gem::Security.trust_dir.trust_cert certificate
+ say "Added '#{certificate.subject}'"
+ end
+ def execute
+ options[:add].each do |certificate|
+ add_certificate certificate
+ end
+ options[:remove].each do |filter|
+ remove_certificates_matching filter
+ end
+ options[:list].each do |filter|
+ list_certificates_matching filter
+ end
+ options[:build].each do |name|
+ build name
+ end
+ sign_certificates unless options[:sign].empty?
+ end
+ def build name
+ key, key_path = build_key
+ cert_path = build_cert name, key
+ say "Certificate: #{cert_path}"
+ if key_path
+ say "Private Key: #{key_path}"
+ say "Don't forget to move the key file to somewhere private!"
+ end
+ end
+ def build_cert name, key # :nodoc:
+ cert = Gem::Security.create_cert_email name, key
+ Gem::Security.write cert, "gem-public_cert.pem"
+ end
+ def build_key # :nodoc:
+ return options[:key] if options[:key]
+ passphrase = ask_for_password 'Passphrase for your Private Key:'
+ say "\n"
+ passphrase_confirmation = ask_for_password 'Please repeat the passphrase for your Private Key:'
+ say "\n"
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError,
+ "Passphrase and passphrase confirmation don't match" unless passphrase == passphrase_confirmation
+ key = Gem::Security.create_key
+ key_path = Gem::Security.write key, "gem-private_key.pem", 0600, passphrase
+ return key, key_path
+ end
+ def certificates_matching filter
+ return enum_for __method__, filter unless block_given?
+ do |certificate, _|
+ subject = certificate.subject.to_s
+ subject.downcase.index filter
+ end.sort_by do |certificate, _|
+ { |name, data,| [name, data] }
+ end.each do |certificate, path|
+ yield certificate, path
+ end
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-EOF
+The cert command manages signing keys and certificates for creating signed
+gems. Your signing certificate and private key are typically stored in
+~/.gem/gem-public_cert.pem and ~/.gem/gem-private_key.pem respectively.
+To build a certificate for signing gems:
+ gem cert --build you@example
+If you already have an RSA key, or are creating a new certificate for an
+existing key:
+ gem cert --build you@example --private-key /path/to/key.pem
+If you wish to trust a certificate you can add it to the trust list with:
+ gem cert --add /path/to/cert.pem
+You can list trusted certificates with:
+ gem cert --list
+ gem cert --list cert_subject_substring
+If you wish to remove a previously trusted certificate:
+ gem cert --remove cert_subject_substring
+To sign another gem author's certificate:
+ gem cert --sign /path/to/other_cert.pem
+For further reading on signing gems see `ri Gem::Security`.
+ end
+ def list_certificates_matching filter # :nodoc:
+ certificates_matching filter do |certificate, _|
+ # this could probably be formatted more gracefully
+ say certificate.subject.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def load_default_cert
+ cert_file = File.join Gem.default_cert_path
+ cert = cert_file
+ options[:issuer_cert] = cert
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ alert_error \
+ "--certificate not specified and ~/.gem/gem-public_cert.pem does not exist"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ rescue OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError
+ alert_error \
+ "--certificate not specified and ~/.gem/gem-public_cert.pem is not valid"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ def load_default_key
+ key_file = File.join Gem.default_key_path
+ key = key_file
+ options[:key] = key, passphrase
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ alert_error \
+ "--private-key not specified and ~/.gem/gem-private_key.pem does not exist"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ rescue OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError
+ alert_error \
+ "--private-key not specified and ~/.gem/gem-private_key.pem is not valid"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ def load_defaults # :nodoc:
+ load_default_cert unless options[:issuer_cert]
+ load_default_key unless options[:key]
+ end
+ def remove_certificates_matching filter # :nodoc:
+ certificates_matching filter do |certificate, path|
+ FileUtils.rm path
+ say "Removed '#{certificate.subject}'"
+ end
+ end
+ def sign cert_file
+ cert = cert_file
+ cert = cert
+ permissions = File.stat(cert_file).mode & 0777
+ issuer_cert = options[:issuer_cert]
+ issuer_key = options[:key]
+ cert = Gem::Security.sign cert, issuer_key, issuer_cert
+ Gem::Security.write cert, cert_file, permissions
+ end
+ def sign_certificates # :nodoc:
+ load_defaults unless options[:sign].empty?
+ options[:sign].each do |cert_file|
+ sign cert_file
+ end
+ end
+end if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL)