path: root/jni/ruby/lib/un.rb
diff options
authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/lib/un.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/lib/un.rb')
1 files changed, 375 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/lib/un.rb b/jni/ruby/lib/un.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..487ba9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/lib/un.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+# = un.rb
+# Copyright (c) 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+# This program is free software.
+# You can distribute/modify this program under the same terms of Ruby.
+# == Utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc
+# ruby -run -e cp -- [OPTION] SOURCE DEST
+# ruby -run -e ln -- [OPTION] TARGET LINK_NAME
+# ruby -run -e mv -- [OPTION] SOURCE DEST
+# ruby -run -e rm -- [OPTION] FILE
+# ruby -run -e mkdir -- [OPTION] DIRS
+# ruby -run -e rmdir -- [OPTION] DIRS
+# ruby -run -e install -- [OPTION] SOURCE DEST
+# ruby -run -e chmod -- [OPTION] OCTAL-MODE FILE
+# ruby -run -e touch -- [OPTION] FILE
+# ruby -run -e wait_writable -- [OPTION] FILE
+# ruby -run -e mkmf -- [OPTION] EXTNAME [OPTION]
+# ruby -run -e httpd -- [OPTION] DocumentRoot
+# ruby -run -e help [COMMAND]
+require "fileutils"
+require "optparse"
+module FileUtils
+# @fileutils_label = ""
+ @fileutils_output = $stdout
+# :nodoc:
+def setup(options = "", *long_options)
+ caller = caller_locations(1, 1)[0].label
+ opt_hash = {}
+ argv = []
+ do |o|
+ options.scan(/.:?/) do |s|
+ opt_name = s.delete(":").intern
+ o.on("-" +":", " ")) do |val|
+ opt_hash[opt_name] = val
+ end
+ end
+ long_options.each do |s|
+ opt_name, arg_name = s.split(/(?=[\s=])/, 2)
+ opt_name.sub!(/\A--/, '')
+ s = "--#{opt_name.gsub(/([A-Z]+|[a-z])([A-Z])/, '\1-\2').downcase}#{arg_name}"
+ puts "#{opt_name}=>#{s}" if $DEBUG
+ opt_name = opt_name.intern
+ o.on(s) do |val|
+ opt_hash[opt_name] = val
+ end
+ end
+ o.on("-v") do opt_hash[:verbose] = true end
+ o.on("--help") do
+ exit
+ end
+ o.order!(ARGV) do |x|
+ if /[*?\[{]/ =~ x
+ argv.concat(Dir[x])
+ else
+ argv << x
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ yield argv, opt_hash
+# Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY
+# ruby -run -e cp -- [OPTION] SOURCE DEST
+# -p preserve file attributes if possible
+# -r copy recursively
+# -v verbose
+def cp
+ setup("pr") do |argv, options|
+ cmd = "cp"
+ cmd += "_r" if options.delete :r
+ options[:preserve] = true if options.delete :p
+ dest = argv.pop
+ argv = argv[0] if argv.size == 1
+ FileUtils.send cmd, argv, dest, options
+ end
+# Create a link to the specified TARGET with LINK_NAME.
+# ruby -run -e ln -- [OPTION] TARGET LINK_NAME
+# -s make symbolic links instead of hard links
+# -f remove existing destination files
+# -v verbose
+def ln
+ setup("sf") do |argv, options|
+ cmd = "ln"
+ cmd += "_s" if options.delete :s
+ options[:force] = true if options.delete :f
+ dest = argv.pop
+ argv = argv[0] if argv.size == 1
+ FileUtils.send cmd, argv, dest, options
+ end
+# Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.
+# ruby -run -e mv -- [OPTION] SOURCE DEST
+# -v verbose
+def mv
+ setup do |argv, options|
+ dest = argv.pop
+ argv = argv[0] if argv.size == 1
+ argv, dest, options
+ end
+# Remove the FILE
+# ruby -run -e rm -- [OPTION] FILE
+# -f ignore nonexistent files
+# -r remove the contents of directories recursively
+# -v verbose
+def rm
+ setup("fr") do |argv, options|
+ cmd = "rm"
+ cmd += "_r" if options.delete :r
+ options[:force] = true if options.delete :f
+ FileUtils.send cmd, argv, options
+ end
+# Create the DIR, if they do not already exist.
+# ruby -run -e mkdir -- [OPTION] DIR
+# -p no error if existing, make parent directories as needed
+# -v verbose
+def mkdir
+ setup("p") do |argv, options|
+ cmd = "mkdir"
+ cmd += "_p" if options.delete :p
+ FileUtils.send cmd, argv, options
+ end
+# Remove the DIR.
+# ruby -run -e rmdir -- [OPTION] DIR
+# -p remove DIRECTORY and its ancestors.
+# -v verbose
+def rmdir
+ setup("p") do |argv, options|
+ options[:parents] = true if options.delete :p
+ FileUtils.rmdir argv, options
+ end
+# Copy SOURCE to DEST.
+# ruby -run -e install -- [OPTION] SOURCE DEST
+# -p apply access/modification times of SOURCE files to
+# corresponding destination files
+# -m set permission mode (as in chmod), instead of 0755
+# -v verbose
+def install
+ setup("pm:") do |argv, options|
+ options[:mode] = (mode = options.delete :m) ? mode.oct : 0755
+ options[:preserve] = true if options.delete :p
+ dest = argv.pop
+ argv = argv[0] if argv.size == 1
+ FileUtils.install argv, dest, options
+ end
+# Change the mode of each FILE to OCTAL-MODE.
+# ruby -run -e chmod -- [OPTION] OCTAL-MODE FILE
+# -v verbose
+def chmod
+ setup do |argv, options|
+ mode = argv.shift.oct
+ FileUtils.chmod mode, argv, options
+ end
+# Update the access and modification times of each FILE to the current time.
+# ruby -run -e touch -- [OPTION] FILE
+# -v verbose
+def touch
+ setup do |argv, options|
+ FileUtils.touch argv, options
+ end
+# Wait until the file becomes writable.
+# ruby -run -e wait_writable -- [OPTION] FILE
+# -n RETRY count to retry
+# -w SEC each wait time in seconds
+# -v verbose
+def wait_writable
+ setup("n:w:v") do |argv, options|
+ verbose = options[:verbose]
+ n = options[:n] and n = Integer(n)
+ wait = (wait = options[:w]) ? Float(wait) : 0.2
+ argv.each do |file|
+ begin
+ open(file, "r+b")
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ break
+ rescue Errno::EACCES => e
+ raise if n and (n -= 1) <= 0
+ if verbose
+ puts e
+ STDOUT.flush
+ end
+ sleep wait
+ retry
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# Create makefile using mkmf.
+# ruby -run -e mkmf -- [OPTION] EXTNAME [OPTION]
+# -d ARGS run dir_config
+# -h ARGS run have_header
+# -l ARGS run have_library
+# -f ARGS run have_func
+# -v ARGS run have_var
+# -t ARGS run have_type
+# -m ARGS run have_macro
+# -c ARGS run have_const
+# --vendor install to vendor_ruby
+def mkmf
+ setup("d:h:l:f:v:t:m:c:", "vendor") do |argv, options|
+ require 'mkmf'
+ opt = options[:d] and opt.split(/:/).each {|n| dir_config(*n.split(/,/))}
+ opt = options[:h] and opt.split(/:/).each {|n| have_header(*n.split(/,/))}
+ opt = options[:l] and opt.split(/:/).each {|n| have_library(*n.split(/,/))}
+ opt = options[:f] and opt.split(/:/).each {|n| have_func(*n.split(/,/))}
+ opt = options[:v] and opt.split(/:/).each {|n| have_var(*n.split(/,/))}
+ opt = options[:t] and opt.split(/:/).each {|n| have_type(*n.split(/,/))}
+ opt = options[:m] and opt.split(/:/).each {|n| have_macro(*n.split(/,/))}
+ opt = options[:c] and opt.split(/:/).each {|n| have_const(*n.split(/,/))}
+ $configure_args["--vendor"] = true if options[:vendor]
+ create_makefile(*argv)
+ end
+# Run WEBrick HTTP server.
+# ruby -run -e httpd -- [OPTION] DocumentRoot
+# --bind-address=ADDR address to bind
+# --port=NUM listening port number
+# --max-clients=MAX max number of simultaneous clients
+# --temp-dir=DIR temporary directory
+# --do-not-reverse-lookup disable reverse lookup
+# --request-timeout=SECOND request timeout in seconds
+# --http-version=VERSION HTTP version
+# -v verbose
+def httpd
+ setup("", "BindAddress=ADDR", "Port=PORT", "MaxClients=NUM", "TempDir=DIR",
+ "DoNotReverseLookup", "RequestTimeout=SECOND", "HTTPVersion=VERSION") do
+ |argv, options|
+ require 'webrick'
+ opt = options[:RequestTimeout] and options[:RequestTimeout] = opt.to_i
+ [:Port, :MaxClients].each do |name|
+ opt = options[name] and (options[name] = Integer(opt)) rescue nil
+ end
+ unless argv.size == 1
+ raise ArgumentError, "DocumentRoot is mandatory"
+ end
+ options[:DocumentRoot] = argv.shift
+ s =
+ shut = proc {s.shutdown}
+ siglist = %w"TERM QUIT"
+ siglist.concat(%w"HUP INT") if STDIN.tty?
+ siglist &= Signal.list.keys
+ siglist.each do |sig|
+ Signal.trap(sig, shut)
+ end
+ s.start
+ end
+# Display help message.
+# ruby -run -e help [COMMAND]
+def help
+ setup do |argv,|
+ end
+module UN # :nodoc:
+ module_function
+ def help(argv, output: $stdout)
+ all = argv.empty?
+ cmd = nil
+ if all
+ store = proc {|msg| output << msg}
+ else
+ messages = {}
+ store = proc {|msg| messages[cmd] = msg}
+ end
+ open(__FILE__) do |me|
+ while me.gets("##\n")
+ if help = me.gets("\n\n")
+ if all or argv.include?(cmd = help[/^#\s*ruby\s.*-e\s+(\w+)/, 1])
+ store[help.gsub(/^# ?/, "")]
+ break unless all or argv.size > messages.size
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if messages
+ argv.each {|cmd| output << messages[cmd]}
+ end
+ end