path: root/jni/ruby/test/psych/test_encoding.rb
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authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/test/psych/test_encoding.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/test/psych/test_encoding.rb')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/psych/test_encoding.rb b/jni/ruby/test/psych/test_encoding.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517cae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/psych/test_encoding.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+require_relative 'helper'
+module Psych
+ class TestEncoding < TestCase
+ class EncodingCatcher < Handler
+ attr_reader :strings
+ def initialize
+ @strings = []
+ end
+ (Handler.instance_methods(true) -
+ Object.instance_methods).each do |m|
+ class_eval %{
+ def #{m} *args
+ @strings += args.flatten.find_all { |a|
+ String === a
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ super
+ @buffer =
+ @handler =
+ @parser = @handler
+ @utf8 = Encoding.find('UTF-8')
+ @emitter = @buffer
+ end
+ def test_dump_load_encoding_object
+ assert_cycle Encoding::US_ASCII
+ assert_cycle Encoding::UTF_8
+ end
+ def test_transcode_shiftjis
+ str = "こんにちは!"
+ loaded = Psych.load("--- こんにちは!".encode('SHIFT_JIS'))
+ assert_equal str, loaded
+ end
+ def test_transcode_utf16le
+ str = "こんにちは!"
+ loaded = Psych.load("--- こんにちは!".encode('UTF-16LE'))
+ assert_equal str, loaded
+ end
+ def test_transcode_utf16be
+ str = "こんにちは!"
+ loaded = Psych.load("--- こんにちは!".encode('UTF-16BE'))
+ assert_equal str, loaded
+ end
+ def test_io_shiftjis
+ Tempfile.create(['shiftjis', 'yml'], :encoding => 'SHIFT_JIS') {|t|
+ t.write '--- こんにちは!'
+ t.close
+ # If the external encoding isn't utf8, utf16le, or utf16be, we cannot
+ # process the file.
+, 'r', :encoding => 'SHIFT_JIS') do |f|
+ assert_raises Psych::SyntaxError do
+ Psych.load(f)
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def test_io_utf16le
+ Tempfile.create(['utf16le', 'yml']) {|t|
+ t.binmode
+ t.write '--- こんにちは!'.encode('UTF-16LE')
+ t.close
+, 'rb', :encoding => 'UTF-16LE') do |f|
+ assert_equal "こんにちは!", Psych.load(f)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def test_io_utf16be
+ Tempfile.create(['utf16be', 'yml']) {|t|
+ t.binmode
+ t.write '--- こんにちは!'.encode('UTF-16BE')
+ t.close
+, 'rb', :encoding => 'UTF-16BE') do |f|
+ assert_equal "こんにちは!", Psych.load(f)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def test_io_utf8
+ Tempfile.create(['utf8', 'yml']) {|t|
+ t.binmode
+ t.write '--- こんにちは!'.encode('UTF-8')
+ t.close
+, 'rb', :encoding => 'UTF-8') do |f|
+ assert_equal "こんにちは!", Psych.load(f)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def test_emit_alias
+ @emitter.start_stream Psych::Parser::UTF8
+ @emitter.start_document [], [], true
+ e = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do
+ @emitter.alias 'ドラえもん'.encode('EUC-JP')
+ end
+ assert_match(/alias value/, e.message)
+ end
+ def test_to_yaml_is_valid
+ with_default_external(Encoding::US_ASCII) do
+ with_default_internal(nil) do
+ s = "こんにちは!"
+ # If no encoding is specified, use UTF-8
+ assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, Psych.dump(s).encoding
+ assert_equal s, Psych.load(Psych.dump(s))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_start_mapping
+ foo = 'foo'
+ bar = 'バー'
+ @emitter.start_stream Psych::Parser::UTF8
+ @emitter.start_document [], [], true
+ @emitter.start_mapping(
+ foo.encode('Shift_JIS'),
+ bar.encode('UTF-16LE'),
+ false, Nodes::Sequence::ANY)
+ @emitter.end_mapping
+ @emitter.end_document false
+ @emitter.end_stream
+ @parser.parse @buffer.string
+ assert_encodings @utf8, @handler.strings
+ assert_equal [foo, bar], @handler.strings
+ end
+ def test_start_sequence
+ foo = 'foo'
+ bar = 'バー'
+ @emitter.start_stream Psych::Parser::UTF8
+ @emitter.start_document [], [], true
+ @emitter.start_sequence(
+ foo.encode('Shift_JIS'),
+ bar.encode('UTF-16LE'),
+ false, Nodes::Sequence::ANY)
+ @emitter.end_sequence
+ @emitter.end_document false
+ @emitter.end_stream
+ @parser.parse @buffer.string
+ assert_encodings @utf8, @handler.strings
+ assert_equal [foo, bar], @handler.strings
+ end
+ def test_doc_tag_encoding
+ key = '鍵'
+ @emitter.start_stream Psych::Parser::UTF8
+ @emitter.start_document(
+ [1, 1],
+ [['!'.encode('EUC-JP'), key.encode('EUC-JP')]],
+ true
+ )
+ @emitter.scalar 'foo', nil, nil, true, false, Nodes::Scalar::ANY
+ @emitter.end_document false
+ @emitter.end_stream
+ @parser.parse @buffer.string
+ assert_encodings @utf8, @handler.strings
+ assert_equal key, @handler.strings[1]
+ end
+ def test_emitter_encoding
+ str = "壁に耳あり、障子に目あり"
+ thing = Psych.load Psych.dump str.encode('EUC-JP')
+ assert_equal str, thing
+ end
+ def test_default_internal
+ with_default_internal(Encoding::EUC_JP) do
+ str = "壁に耳あり、障子に目あり"
+ assert_equal @utf8, str.encoding
+ @parser.parse str
+ assert_encodings Encoding::EUC_JP, @handler.strings
+ assert_equal str, @handler.strings.first.encode('UTF-8')
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scalar
+ @parser.parse("--- a")
+ assert_encodings @utf8, @handler.strings
+ end
+ def test_alias
+ @parser.parse(<<-eoyml)
+%YAML 1.1
+!!seq [
+ !!str "Without properties",
+ &A !!str "Anchored",
+ !!str "Tagged",
+ *A,
+ !!str "",
+ eoyml
+ assert_encodings @utf8, @handler.strings
+ end
+ def test_list_anchor
+ list = %w{ a b }
+ list << list
+ @parser.parse(Psych.dump(list))
+ assert_encodings @utf8, @handler.strings
+ end
+ def test_map_anchor
+ h = {}
+ h['a'] = h
+ @parser.parse(Psych.dump(h))
+ assert_encodings @utf8, @handler.strings
+ end
+ def test_map_tag
+ @parser.parse(<<-eoyml)
+%YAML 1.1
+!!map { a : b }
+ eoyml
+ assert_encodings @utf8, @handler.strings
+ end
+ def test_doc_tag
+ @parser.parse(<<-eoyml)
+%YAML 1.1
+%TAG !,2009:
+--- !fun
+ eoyml
+ assert_encodings @utf8, @handler.strings
+ end
+ private
+ def assert_encodings encoding, strings
+ strings.each do |str|
+ assert_equal encoding, str.encoding, str
+ end
+ end
+ end