path: root/jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rd_block_parser.rb
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authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rd_block_parser.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rd_block_parser.rb')
1 files changed, 535 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rd_block_parser.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rd_block_parser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..956f3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rd_block_parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+require 'rdoc/test_case'
+class TestRDocRdBlockParser < RDoc::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @block_parser =
+ end
+ def test_add_footnote
+ index = @block_parser.add_footnote 'context'
+ assert_equal 1, index
+ expected = [
+ para('{^1}[rdoc-label:footmark-1:foottext-1]', ' ', 'context'),
+ blank_line,
+ ]
+ assert_equal expected, @block_parser.footnotes
+ index = @block_parser.add_footnote 'other'
+ assert_equal 2, index
+ end
+ def test_parse_desclist
+ list = <<-LIST
+ desc one
+ desc two
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:NOTE,
+ item("one", para("desc one")),
+ item("two", para("desc two"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_enumlist
+ list = <<-LIST
+(1) one
+(1) two
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:NUMBER,
+ item(nil, para("one")),
+ item(nil, para("two"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_enumlist_paragraphs
+ list = <<-LIST
+(1) one
+ two
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:NUMBER,
+ item(nil,
+ para("one"),
+ para("two"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_enumlist_multiline
+ list = <<-LIST
+(1) one
+ two
+ contents = "one\n two" # 1.8 vs 1.9
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:NUMBER,
+ item(nil, para(*contents))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_enumlist_verbatim
+ list = <<-LIST
+(1) item
+ verbatim
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:NUMBER,
+ item(nil,
+ para("item"),
+ verb("verbatim\n"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_enumlist_verbatim_continue
+ list = <<-LIST
+(1) one
+ verbatim
+ two
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:NUMBER,
+ item(nil,
+ para("one"),
+ verb("verbatim\n"),
+ para("two"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_footnote
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ para("{*1}[rdoc-label:foottext-1:footmark-1]"),
+ rule(1),
+ para("{^1}[rdoc-label:footmark-1:foottext-1]", " ", "text"),
+ blank_line)
+ assert_equal expected, parse("((-text-))")
+ end
+ def test_parse_include
+ @block_parser.include_path = [Dir.tmpdir]
+ expected = doc("parse_include", [Dir.tmpdir]))
+ assert_equal expected, parse("<<< parse_include")
+ end
+ def test_parse_include_subtree
+ @block_parser.include_path = [Dir.tmpdir]
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ blank_line,
+ para("include <em>worked</em>"),
+ blank_line,
+ blank_line)
+ tf = %w[parse_include .rd] do |io|
+ io.puts "=begin\ninclude ((*worked*))\n=end"
+ io.flush
+ str = <<-STR
+<<< #{File.basename io.path}
+ assert_equal expected, parse(str)
+ io
+ end
+ tf.close! if tf.respond_to? :close!
+ end
+ def test_parse_heading
+ assert_equal doc(head(1, "H")), parse("= H")
+ assert_equal doc(head(2, "H")), parse("== H")
+ assert_equal doc(head(3, "H")), parse("=== H")
+ assert_equal doc(head(4, "H")), parse("==== H")
+ assert_equal doc(head(5, "H")), parse("+ H")
+ assert_equal doc(head(6, "H")), parse("++ H")
+ end
+ def test_parse_itemlist
+ list = <<-LIST
+* one
+* two
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil, para("one")),
+ item(nil, para("two"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_itemlist_multiline
+ list = <<-LIST
+* one
+ two
+ contents = "one\n two" # 1.8 vs 1.9
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil, para(*contents))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_itemlist_nest
+ list = <<-LIST
+* one
+ * inner
+* two
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil,
+ para("one"),
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil, para("inner")))),
+ item(nil,
+ para("two"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_itemlist_paragraphs
+ list = <<-LIST
+* one
+ two
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil,
+ para("one"),
+ para("two"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_itemlist_verbatim
+ list = <<-LIST
+* item
+ verbatim
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil,
+ para("item"),
+ verb("verbatim\n"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_itemlist_verbatim_continue
+ list = <<-LIST
+* one
+ verbatim
+ two
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil,
+ para("one"),
+ verb("verbatim\n"),
+ para("two"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_lists
+ list = <<-LIST
+(1) one
+(1) two
+* three
+* four
+(1) five
+(1) six
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:NUMBER,
+ item(nil, para("one")),
+ item(nil, para("two"))),
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil, para("three")),
+ item(nil, para("four"))),
+ list(:NUMBER,
+ item(nil, para("five")),
+ item(nil, para("six"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_lists_nest
+ list = <<-LIST
+(1) one
+(1) two
+ * three
+ * four
+(1) five
+(1) six
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:NUMBER,
+ item(nil, para("one")),
+ item(nil,
+ para("two"),
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil, para("three")),
+ item(nil, para("four")))),
+ item(nil, para("five")),
+ item(nil, para("six"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_lists_nest_verbatim
+ list = <<-LIST
+(1) one
+(1) two
+ * three
+ * four
+ verbatim
+(1) five
+(1) six
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:NUMBER,
+ item(nil, para("one")),
+ item(nil,
+ para("two"),
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil, para("three")),
+ item(nil, para("four"))),
+ verb("verbatim\n")),
+ item(nil, para("five")),
+ item(nil, para("six"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_lists_nest_verbatim2
+ list = <<-LIST
+(1) one
+(1) two
+ * three
+ * four
+ verbatim
+(1) five
+(1) six
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:NUMBER,
+ item(nil, para("one")),
+ item(nil,
+ para("two"),
+ list(:BULLET,
+ item(nil, para("three")),
+ item(nil, para("four"))),
+ verb("verbatim\n")),
+ item(nil, para("five")),
+ item(nil, para("six"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_methodlist
+ list = <<-LIST
+--- Array#each {|i| ... }
+ yield block for each item.
+--- Array#index(val)
+ return index of first item which equals with val. if it hasn't
+ same item, return nil.
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:LABEL,
+ item(
+ "<tt>Array#each {|i| ... }</tt>",
+ para("yield block for each item.")),
+ item(
+ "<tt>Array#index(val)</tt>",
+ para("return index of first item which equals with val. if it hasn't same item, return nil."))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_methodlist_empty
+ list = <<-LIST
+--- A#b
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:LABEL,
+ item("<tt>A#b</tt>")))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_methodlist_paragraph
+ list = <<-LIST
+--- A#b
+ one
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:LABEL,
+ item(
+ "<tt>A#b</tt>",
+ para("one"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_methodlist_paragraph2
+ list = <<-LIST.chomp
+--- A#b
+ one
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:LABEL,
+ item(
+ "<tt>A#b</tt>",
+ para("one"))),
+ para("two"))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_methodlist_paragraph_verbatim
+ list = <<-LIST.chomp
+--- A#b
+ text
+ verbatim
+ expected =
+ doc(
+ list(:LABEL,
+ item(
+ "<tt>A#b</tt>",
+ para("text"),
+ verb("verbatim\n"))))
+ assert_equal expected, parse(list)
+ end
+ def test_parse_verbatim
+ assert_equal doc(verb("verbatim\n")), parse(" verbatim")
+ end
+ def test_parse_verbatim_blankline
+ expected = doc(verb("one\n", "\n", "two\n"))
+ verbatim = <<-VERBATIM
+ one
+ two
+ assert_equal expected, parse(verbatim)
+ end
+ def test_parse_verbatim_indent
+ expected = doc(verb("one\n", " two\n"))
+ verbatim = <<-VERBATIM
+ one
+ two
+ assert_equal expected, parse(verbatim)
+ end
+ def test_parse_verbatim_multi
+ expected = doc(verb("one\n", "two\n"))
+ verbatim = <<-VERBATIM
+ one
+ two
+ assert_equal expected, parse(verbatim)
+ end
+ def test_parse_textblock
+ assert_equal doc(para("text")), parse("text")
+ end
+ def test_parse_textblock_multi
+ expected = doc(para("one two"))
+ assert_equal expected, parse("one\ntwo")
+ end
+ def parse text
+ text = ["=begin", text, "=end"].join "\n"
+ doc = @block_parser.parse text.lines.to_a
+ assert_equal blank_line,, "=begin blankline"
+ assert_equal blank_line,, "=end blankline"
+ doc
+ end