path: root/jni/ruby/win32/file.c
diff options
authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/win32/file.c
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/win32/file.c')
1 files changed, 682 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/win32/file.c b/jni/ruby/win32/file.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b3d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/win32/file.c
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+#include "ruby/ruby.h"
+#include "ruby/encoding.h"
+#include "ruby/thread.h"
+#include "internal.h"
+#include <winbase.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <shlwapi.h>
+/* cache 'encoding name' => 'code page' into a hash */
+static struct code_page_table {
+ USHORT *table;
+ unsigned int count;
+} rb_code_page;
+#define IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(c) (c == L'\\' || c == L'/')
+#define IS_DIR_UNC_P(c) (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(c[0]) && IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(c[1]))
+/* MultiByteToWideChar() doesn't work with code page 51932 */
+#define INVALID_CODE_PAGE 51932
+#define insecure_obj_p(obj, level) ((level) >= 4 || ((level) > 0 && OBJ_TAINTED(obj)))
+/* defined in win32/win32.c */
+#define system_code_page rb_w32_filecp
+#define mbstr_to_wstr rb_w32_mbstr_to_wstr
+#define wstr_to_mbstr rb_w32_wstr_to_mbstr
+UINT rb_w32_filecp(void);
+WCHAR *rb_w32_mbstr_to_wstr(UINT, const char *, int, long *);
+char *rb_w32_wstr_to_mbstr(UINT, const WCHAR *, int, long *);
+static inline void
+replace_wchar(wchar_t *s, int find, int replace)
+ while (*s != 0) {
+ if (*s == find)
+ *s = replace;
+ s++;
+ }
+ Return user's home directory using environment variables combinations.
+ Memory allocated by this function should be manually freed afterwards.
+ Try:
+ HOME, HOMEDRIVE + HOMEPATH and USERPROFILE environment variables
+ TODO: Special Folders - Profile and Personal
+static wchar_t *
+ wchar_t *buffer = NULL;
+ size_t buffer_len = 0, len = 0;
+ size_t home_env = 0;
+ /*
+ GetEnvironmentVariableW when used with NULL will return the required
+ buffer size and its terminating character.
+ */
+ if ((len = GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"HOME", NULL, 0)) != 0) {
+ buffer_len = len;
+ home_env = 1;
+ }
+ else if ((len = GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"HOMEDRIVE", NULL, 0)) != 0) {
+ buffer_len = len;
+ if ((len = GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"HOMEPATH", NULL, 0)) != 0) {
+ buffer_len += len;
+ home_env = 2;
+ }
+ else {
+ buffer_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((len = GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"USERPROFILE", NULL, 0)) != 0) {
+ buffer_len = len;
+ home_env = 3;
+ }
+ /* allocate buffer */
+ if (home_env)
+ buffer = (wchar_t *)xmalloc(buffer_len * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ switch (home_env) {
+ case 1:
+ /* HOME */
+ GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"HOME", buffer, buffer_len);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ len = GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"HOMEDRIVE", buffer, buffer_len);
+ GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"HOMEPATH", buffer + len, buffer_len - len);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"USERPROFILE", buffer, buffer_len);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (home_env) {
+ /* sanitize backslashes with forwardslashes */
+ replace_wchar(buffer, L'\\', L'/');
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/* Remove trailing invalid ':$DATA' of the path. */
+static inline size_t
+remove_invalid_alternative_data(wchar_t *wfullpath, size_t size)
+ static const wchar_t prime[] = L":$DATA";
+ enum { prime_len = (sizeof(prime) / sizeof(wchar_t)) -1 };
+ if (size <= prime_len || _wcsnicmp(wfullpath + size - prime_len, prime, prime_len) != 0)
+ return size;
+ /* alias of stream */
+ /* get rid of a bug of x64 VC++ */
+ if (wfullpath[size - (prime_len + 1)] == ':') {
+ /* remove trailing '::$DATA' */
+ size -= prime_len + 1; /* prime */
+ wfullpath[size] = L'\0';
+ }
+ else {
+ /* remove trailing ':$DATA' of paths like '/aa:a:$DATA' */
+ wchar_t *pos = wfullpath + size - (prime_len + 1);
+ while (!IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(*pos) && pos != wfullpath) {
+ if (*pos == L':') {
+ size -= prime_len; /* alternative */
+ wfullpath[size] = L'\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ pos--;
+ }
+ }
+ return size;
+void rb_enc_foreach_name(int (*func)(st_data_t name, st_data_t idx, st_data_t arg), st_data_t arg);
+static int
+code_page_i(st_data_t name, st_data_t idx, st_data_t arg)
+ const char *n = (const char *)name;
+ if (strncmp("CP", n, 2) == 0) {
+ int code_page = atoi(n + 2);
+ if (code_page != 0) {
+ struct code_page_table *cp = (struct code_page_table *)arg;
+ unsigned int count = cp->count;
+ USHORT *table = cp->table;
+ if (count <= idx) {
+ unsigned int i = count;
+ cp->count = count = (((idx + 4) & ~31) | 28);
+ cp->table = table = realloc(table, count * sizeof(*table));
+ while (i < count) table[i++] = INVALID_CODE_PAGE;
+ }
+ table[idx] = (USHORT)code_page;
+ }
+ }
+ return ST_CONTINUE;
+ Return code page number of the encoding.
+ Cache code page into a hash for performance since finding the code page in
+ Encoding#names is slow.
+static UINT
+code_page(rb_encoding *enc)
+ int enc_idx;
+ if (!enc)
+ return system_code_page();
+ enc_idx = rb_enc_to_index(enc);
+ /* map US-ASCII and ASCII-8bit as code page 1252 (us-ascii) */
+ if (enc_idx == rb_usascii_encindex() || enc_idx == rb_ascii8bit_encindex()) {
+ return 1252;
+ }
+ if (enc_idx == rb_utf8_encindex()) {
+ return CP_UTF8;
+ }
+ if (0 <= enc_idx && (unsigned int)enc_idx < rb_code_page.count)
+ return rb_code_page.table[enc_idx];
+#define fix_string_encoding(str, encoding) rb_str_conv_enc((str), (encoding), rb_utf8_encoding())
+ Replace the last part of the path to long name.
+ We try to avoid to call FindFirstFileW() since it takes long time.
+static inline size_t
+replace_to_long_name(wchar_t **wfullpath, size_t size, int heap)
+ WIN32_FIND_DATAW find_data;
+ HANDLE find_handle;
+ /*
+ Skip long name conversion if the path is already long name.
+ Short name is 8.3 format.
+ This check can be skipped for directory components that have file
+ extensions longer than 3 characters, or total lengths longer than
+ 12 characters.
+ */
+ size_t const max_short_name_size = 8 + 1 + 3;
+ size_t const max_extension_size = 3;
+ size_t path_len = 1, extension_len = 0;
+ wchar_t *pos = *wfullpath;
+ if (size == 3 && pos[1] == L':' && pos[2] == L'\\' && pos[3] == L'\0') {
+ /* root path doesn't need short name expansion */
+ return size;
+ }
+ /* skip long name conversion if path contains wildcard characters */
+ if (wcspbrk(pos, L"*?")) {
+ return size;
+ }
+ pos = *wfullpath + size - 1;
+ while (!IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(*pos) && pos != *wfullpath) {
+ if (!extension_len && *pos == L'.') {
+ extension_len = path_len - 1;
+ }
+ if (path_len > max_short_name_size || extension_len > max_extension_size) {
+ return size;
+ }
+ path_len++;
+ pos--;
+ }
+ find_handle = FindFirstFileW(*wfullpath, &find_data);
+ if (find_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ size_t trail_pos = wcslen(*wfullpath);
+ size_t file_len = wcslen(find_data.cFileName);
+ FindClose(find_handle);
+ while (trail_pos > 0) {
+ if (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P((*wfullpath)[trail_pos]))
+ break;
+ trail_pos--;
+ }
+ size = trail_pos + 1 + file_len;
+ if ((size + 1) > sizeof(*wfullpath) / sizeof((*wfullpath)[0])) {
+ wchar_t *buf = (wchar_t *)xmalloc((size + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ wcsncpy(buf, *wfullpath, trail_pos + 1);
+ if (heap)
+ xfree(*wfullpath);
+ *wfullpath = buf;
+ }
+ wcsncpy(*wfullpath + trail_pos + 1, find_data.cFileName, file_len + 1);
+ }
+ return size;
+static inline size_t
+user_length_in_path(const wchar_t *wuser, size_t len)
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < len && !IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wuser[i]); i++)
+ ;
+ return i;
+static VALUE
+append_wstr(VALUE dst, const wchar_t *ws, size_t len, UINT cp, UINT path_cp, rb_encoding *path_encoding)
+ long olen, nlen = (long)len;
+ if (cp == path_cp) {
+ nlen = WideCharToMultiByte(cp, 0, ws, len, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ olen = RSTRING_LEN(dst);
+ rb_str_modify_expand(dst, nlen);
+ WideCharToMultiByte(cp, 0, ws, len, RSTRING_PTR(dst) + olen, nlen, NULL, NULL);
+ rb_enc_associate(dst, path_encoding);
+ rb_str_set_len(dst, olen + nlen);
+ }
+ else {
+ char *utf8str = wstr_to_mbstr(CP_UTF8, ws, (int)len, &nlen);
+ rb_econv_t *ec = rb_econv_open("UTF-8", rb_enc_name(path_encoding), replaceflags);
+ dst = rb_econv_append(ec, utf8str, nlen, dst, replaceflags);
+ rb_econv_close(ec);
+ free(utf8str);
+ }
+ return dst;
+rb_file_expand_path_internal(VALUE fname, VALUE dname, int abs_mode, int long_name, VALUE result)
+ size_t size = 0, whome_len = 0;
+ size_t buffer_len = 0;
+ long wpath_len = 0, wdir_len = 0;
+ char *fullpath = NULL;
+ wchar_t *wfullpath = NULL, *wpath = NULL, *wpath_pos = NULL;
+ wchar_t *wdir = NULL, *wdir_pos = NULL;
+ wchar_t *whome = NULL, *buffer = NULL, *buffer_pos = NULL;
+ UINT path_cp, cp;
+ VALUE path = fname, dir = dname;
+ wchar_t wfullpath_buffer[PATH_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ wchar_t path_drive = L'\0', dir_drive = L'\0';
+ int ignore_dir = 0;
+ rb_encoding *path_encoding;
+ int tainted = 0;
+ /* tainted if path is tainted */
+ tainted = OBJ_TAINTED(path);
+ /* get path encoding */
+ if (NIL_P(dir)) {
+ path_encoding = rb_enc_get(path);
+ }
+ else {
+ path_encoding = rb_enc_check(path, dir);
+ }
+ cp = path_cp = code_page(path_encoding);
+ /* workaround invalid codepage */
+ if (path_cp == INVALID_CODE_PAGE) {
+ cp = CP_UTF8;
+ if (!NIL_P(path)) {
+ path = fix_string_encoding(path, path_encoding);
+ }
+ }
+ /* convert char * to wchar_t */
+ if (!NIL_P(path)) {
+ wpath = mbstr_to_wstr(cp, RSTRING_PTR(path), (int)RSTRING_LEN(path), &wpath_len);
+ wpath_pos = wpath;
+ }
+ /* determine if we need the user's home directory */
+ /* expand '~' only if NOT rb_file_absolute_path() where `abs_mode` is 1 */
+ if (abs_mode == 0 && wpath_len > 0 && wpath_pos[0] == L'~' &&
+ (wpath_len == 1 || IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wpath_pos[1]))) {
+ /* tainted if expanding '~' */
+ tainted = 1;
+ whome = home_dir();
+ if (whome == NULL) {
+ xfree(wpath);
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "couldn't find HOME environment -- expanding `~'");
+ }
+ whome_len = wcslen(whome);
+ if (PathIsRelativeW(whome) && !(whome_len >= 2 && IS_DIR_UNC_P(whome))) {
+ xfree(wpath);
+ xfree(whome);
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "non-absolute home");
+ }
+ if (path_cp == INVALID_CODE_PAGE || rb_enc_str_asciionly_p(path)) {
+ /* use filesystem encoding if expanding home dir */
+ path_encoding = rb_filesystem_encoding();
+ cp = path_cp = system_code_page();
+ }
+ /* ignores dir since we are expanding home */
+ ignore_dir = 1;
+ /* exclude ~ from the result */
+ wpath_pos++;
+ wpath_len--;
+ /* exclude separator if present */
+ if (wpath_len && IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wpath_pos[0])) {
+ wpath_pos++;
+ wpath_len--;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (wpath_len >= 2 && wpath_pos[1] == L':') {
+ if (wpath_len >= 3 && IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wpath_pos[2])) {
+ /* ignore dir since path contains a drive letter and a root slash */
+ ignore_dir = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* determine if we ignore dir or not later */
+ path_drive = wpath_pos[0];
+ wpath_pos += 2;
+ wpath_len -= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (abs_mode == 0 && wpath_len >= 2 && wpath_pos[0] == L'~') {
+ result = rb_str_new_cstr("can't find user ");
+ result = append_wstr(result, wpath_pos + 1, user_length_in_path(wpath_pos + 1, wpath_len - 1),
+ cp, path_cp, path_encoding);
+ if (wpath)
+ xfree(wpath);
+ rb_exc_raise(rb_exc_new_str(rb_eArgError, result));
+ }
+ /* convert dir */
+ if (!ignore_dir && !NIL_P(dir)) {
+ /* fix string encoding */
+ if (path_cp == INVALID_CODE_PAGE) {
+ dir = fix_string_encoding(dir, path_encoding);
+ }
+ /* convert char * to wchar_t */
+ if (!NIL_P(dir)) {
+ wdir = mbstr_to_wstr(cp, RSTRING_PTR(dir), (int)RSTRING_LEN(dir), &wdir_len);
+ wdir_pos = wdir;
+ }
+ if (abs_mode == 0 && wdir_len > 0 && wdir_pos[0] == L'~' &&
+ (wdir_len == 1 || IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wdir_pos[1]))) {
+ /* tainted if expanding '~' */
+ tainted = 1;
+ whome = home_dir();
+ if (whome == NULL) {
+ free(wpath);
+ free(wdir);
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "couldn't find HOME environment -- expanding `~'");
+ }
+ whome_len = wcslen(whome);
+ if (PathIsRelativeW(whome) && !(whome_len >= 2 && IS_DIR_UNC_P(whome))) {
+ free(wpath);
+ free(wdir);
+ xfree(whome);
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "non-absolute home");
+ }
+ /* exclude ~ from the result */
+ wdir_pos++;
+ wdir_len--;
+ /* exclude separator if present */
+ if (wdir_len && IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wdir_pos[0])) {
+ wdir_pos++;
+ wdir_len--;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (wdir_len >= 2 && wdir[1] == L':') {
+ dir_drive = wdir[0];
+ if (wpath_len && IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wpath_pos[0])) {
+ wdir_len = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (wdir_len >= 2 && IS_DIR_UNC_P(wdir)) {
+ /* UNC path */
+ if (wpath_len && IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wpath_pos[0])) {
+ /* cut the UNC path tail to '//host/share' */
+ long separators = 0;
+ long pos = 2;
+ while (pos < wdir_len && separators < 2) {
+ if (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wdir[pos])) {
+ separators++;
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ if (separators == 2)
+ wdir_len = pos - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (abs_mode == 0 && wdir_len >= 2 && wdir_pos[0] == L'~') {
+ result = rb_str_new_cstr("can't find user ");
+ result = append_wstr(result, wdir_pos + 1, user_length_in_path(wdir_pos + 1, wdir_len - 1),
+ cp, path_cp, path_encoding);
+ if (wpath)
+ free(wpath);
+ if (wdir)
+ free(wdir);
+ rb_exc_raise(rb_exc_new_str(rb_eArgError, result));
+ }
+ }
+ /* determine if we ignore dir or not */
+ if (!ignore_dir && path_drive && dir_drive) {
+ if (towupper(path_drive) != towupper(dir_drive)) {
+ /* ignore dir since path drive is different from dir drive */
+ ignore_dir = 1;
+ wdir_len = 0;
+ dir_drive = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ignore_dir && wpath_len >= 2 && IS_DIR_UNC_P(wpath)) {
+ /* ignore dir since path has UNC root */
+ ignore_dir = 1;
+ wdir_len = 0;
+ }
+ else if (!ignore_dir && wpath_len >= 1 && IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wpath[0]) &&
+ !dir_drive && !(wdir_len >= 2 && IS_DIR_UNC_P(wdir))) {
+ /* ignore dir since path has root slash and dir doesn't have drive or UNC root */
+ ignore_dir = 1;
+ wdir_len = 0;
+ }
+ buffer_len = wpath_len + 1 + wdir_len + 1 + whome_len + 1;
+ buffer = buffer_pos = (wchar_t *)xmalloc((buffer_len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ /* add home */
+ if (whome_len) {
+ wcsncpy(buffer_pos, whome, whome_len);
+ buffer_pos += whome_len;
+ }
+ /* Add separator if required */
+ if (whome_len && wcsrchr(L"\\/:", buffer_pos[-1]) == NULL) {
+ buffer_pos[0] = L'\\';
+ buffer_pos++;
+ }
+ else if (!dir_drive && path_drive) {
+ *buffer_pos++ = path_drive;
+ *buffer_pos++ = L':';
+ }
+ if (wdir_len) {
+ /* tainted if dir is used and dir is tainted */
+ if (!tainted && OBJ_TAINTED(dir))
+ tainted = 1;
+ wcsncpy(buffer_pos, wdir_pos, wdir_len);
+ buffer_pos += wdir_len;
+ }
+ /* add separator if required */
+ if (wdir_len && wcsrchr(L"\\/:", buffer_pos[-1]) == NULL) {
+ buffer_pos[0] = L'\\';
+ buffer_pos++;
+ }
+ /* now deal with path */
+ if (wpath_len) {
+ wcsncpy(buffer_pos, wpath_pos, wpath_len);
+ buffer_pos += wpath_len;
+ }
+ /* GetFullPathNameW requires at least "." to determine current directory */
+ if (wpath_len == 0) {
+ buffer_pos[0] = L'.';
+ buffer_pos++;
+ }
+ /* Ensure buffer is NULL terminated */
+ buffer_pos[0] = L'\0';
+ /* tainted if path is relative */
+ if (!tainted && PathIsRelativeW(buffer) && !(buffer_len >= 2 && IS_DIR_UNC_P(buffer)))
+ tainted = 1;
+ /* FIXME: Make this more robust */
+ /* Determine require buffer size */
+ size = GetFullPathNameW(buffer, PATH_BUFFER_SIZE, wfullpath_buffer, NULL);
+ if (size > PATH_BUFFER_SIZE) {
+ /* allocate more memory than alloted originally by PATH_BUFFER_SIZE */
+ wfullpath = (wchar_t *)xmalloc(size * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ size = GetFullPathNameW(buffer, size, wfullpath, NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ wfullpath = wfullpath_buffer;
+ }
+ /* Remove any trailing slashes */
+ if (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR_P(wfullpath[size - 1]) &&
+ wfullpath[size - 2] != L':' &&
+ !(size == 2 && IS_DIR_UNC_P(wfullpath))) {
+ size -= 1;
+ wfullpath[size] = L'\0';
+ }
+ /* Remove any trailing dot */
+ if (wfullpath[size - 1] == L'.') {
+ size -= 1;
+ wfullpath[size] = L'\0';
+ }
+ /* removes trailing invalid ':$DATA' */
+ size = remove_invalid_alternative_data(wfullpath, size);
+ /* Replace the trailing path to long name */
+ if (long_name)
+ size = replace_to_long_name(&wfullpath, size, (wfullpath != wfullpath_buffer));
+ /* sanitize backslashes with forwardslashes */
+ replace_wchar(wfullpath, L'\\', L'/');
+ /* convert to VALUE and set the path encoding */
+ rb_str_set_len(result, 0);
+ result = append_wstr(result, wfullpath, size, cp, path_cp, path_encoding);
+ /* makes the result object tainted if expanding tainted strings or returning modified path */
+ if (tainted)
+ OBJ_TAINT(result);
+ /* TODO: better cleanup */
+ if (buffer)
+ xfree(buffer);
+ if (wpath)
+ free(wpath);
+ if (wdir)
+ free(wdir);
+ if (whome)
+ xfree(whome);
+ if (wfullpath && wfullpath != wfullpath_buffer)
+ xfree(wfullpath);
+ if (fullpath)
+ xfree(fullpath);
+ rb_enc_associate(result, path_encoding);
+ return result;
+static void *
+loadopen_func(void *wpath)
+ return (void *)CreateFileW(wpath, GENERIC_READ,
+rb_file_load_ok(const char *path)
+ DWORD attr;
+ int ret = 1;
+ long len;
+ wchar_t* wpath;
+ wpath = mbstr_to_wstr(CP_UTF8, path, -1, &len);
+ if (!wpath) return 0;
+ attr = GetFileAttributesW(wpath);
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ HANDLE h = (HANDLE)rb_thread_call_without_gvl(loadopen_func, (void *)wpath,
+ RUBY_UBF_IO, 0);
+ CloseHandle(h);
+ }
+ else {
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ free(wpath);
+ return ret;
+ if (rb_code_page.count) return;
+ rb_enc_foreach_name(code_page_i, (st_data_t)&rb_code_page);