path: root/jni/ruby/ext/ripper
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/ext/ripper')
15 files changed, 1615 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/Makefile b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f21b954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# V=0 quiet, V=1 verbose. other values don't work.
+V = 0
+Q1 = $(V:1=)
+Q = $(Q1:0=@)
+ECHO1 = $(V:1=@:)
+ECHO = $(ECHO1:0=@echo)
+#### Start of system configuration section. ####
+top_srcdir = $(topdir)/.
+srcdir = $(top_srcdir)/ext/ripper
+topdir = ../..
+hdrdir = $(top_srcdir)/include
+arch_hdrdir = $(extout)/include/$(arch)
+VPATH = $(srcdir):$(arch_hdrdir)/ruby:$(hdrdir)/ruby:$(topdir):$(top_srcdir)
+prefix = $(DESTDIR)/usr/local
+rubysitearchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(arch)
+rubylibprefix = $(libdir)/$(RUBY_BASE_NAME)
+exec_prefix = $(prefix)
+vendorarchhdrdir = $(vendorhdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitearchhdrdir = $(sitehdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/$(arch)
+vendorhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/vendor_ruby
+sitehdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/site_ruby
+rubyhdrdir = $(includedir)/$(RUBY_VERSION_NAME)
+vendorarchdir = $(vendorlibdir)/$(sitearch)
+vendorlibdir = $(vendordir)/$(ruby_version)
+vendordir = $(rubylibprefix)/vendor_ruby
+sitearchdir = $(sitelibdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitelibdir = $(sitedir)/$(ruby_version)
+sitedir = $(rubylibprefix)/site_ruby
+rubyarchdir = $(rubylibdir)/$(arch)
+rubylibdir = $(rubylibprefix)/$(ruby_version)
+sitearchincludedir = $(includedir)/$(sitearch)
+archincludedir = $(includedir)/$(arch)
+sitearchlibdir = $(libdir)/$(sitearch)
+archlibdir = $(libdir)/$(arch)
+ridir = $(datarootdir)/$(RI_BASE_NAME)
+mandir = $(datarootdir)/man
+localedir = $(datarootdir)/locale
+libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
+psdir = $(docdir)
+pdfdir = $(docdir)
+dvidir = $(docdir)
+htmldir = $(docdir)
+infodir = $(datarootdir)/info
+docdir = $(datarootdir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)
+oldincludedir = $(DESTDIR)/usr/include
+includedir = $(prefix)/include
+localstatedir = $(prefix)/var
+sharedstatedir = $(prefix)/com
+sysconfdir = $(prefix)/etc
+datadir = $(datarootdir)
+datarootdir = $(prefix)/share
+libexecdir = $(exec_prefix)/libexec
+sbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbin
+bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
+archdir = $(rubyarchdir)
+CC = gcc
+CXX = g++
+LIBRUBY_A = lib$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static.a
+LIBRUBYARG_SHARED = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)
+LIBRUBYARG_STATIC = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static
+empty =
+OUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+COUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+RUBY_EXTCONF_H = extconf.h
+cflags = $(optflags) $(debugflags) $(warnflags)
+optflags = -O3 -fno-fast-math
+debugflags = -ggdb3
+warnflags = -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-long-long -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wunused-variable -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wdeprecated-declarations -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat
+INCFLAGS = -I. -I$(arch_hdrdir) -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir) -I$(topdir) -I$(top_srcdir)
+ldflags = -L. -fstack-protector -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic
+dldflags =
+DLDFLAGS = $(ldflags) $(dldflags) $(ARCH_FLAG)
+LDSHARED = $(CC) -shared
+LDSHAREDXX = $(CXX) -shared
+AR = ar
+RUBY_SO_NAME = ruby
+RUBY_VERSION_NAME = $(RUBY_BASE_NAME)-$(ruby_version)
+arch = x86_64-linux
+sitearch = $(arch)
+ruby_version = 2.2.0
+ruby = $(topdir)/miniruby -I'$(topdir)' -I'$(top_srcdir)/lib' -I'$(extout)/$(arch)' -I'$(extout)/common'
+RUBY = $(ruby)
+ruby_headers = $(hdrdir)/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+RM = rm -f
+RM_RF = $(RUBY) -run -e rm -- -rf
+RMDIRS = rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p
+MAKEDIRS = /bin/mkdir -p
+INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
+COPY = cp
+TOUCH = exit >
+#### End of system configuration section. ####
+preload =
+libpath = . $(topdir)
+LIBPATH = -L. -L$(topdir)
+CLEANFILES = mkmf.log ripper.y ripper.c ripper.E ripper.output y.output eventids1.c eventids2table.c
+extout = $(topdir)/.ext
+extout_prefix = $(extout)$(target_prefix)/
+target_prefix =
+LIBS = $(LIBRUBYARG_SHARED) -lpthread -lgmp -ldl -lcrypt -lm -lc
+ORIG_SRCS = eventids2.c
+SRCS = $(ORIG_SRCS) ripper.c
+OBJS = ripper.o
+HDRS = $(srcdir)/extconf.h
+TARGET = ripper
+TARGET_NAME = ripper
+TIMESTAMP_DIR = $(extout)/.timestamp
+BINDIR = $(extout)/bin
+RUBYCOMMONDIR = $(extout)/common
+RUBYLIBDIR = $(RUBYCOMMONDIR)$(target_prefix)
+RUBYARCHDIR = $(extout)/$(arch)$(target_prefix)
+HDRDIR = $(extout)/include/ruby$(target_prefix)
+ARCHHDRDIR = $(extout)/include/$(arch)/ruby$(target_prefix)
+CLEANOBJS = *.o *.bak
+all: install
+static: all
+.PHONY: all install static install-so install-rb
+.PHONY: clean clean-so clean-static clean-rb
+clean: clean-so clean-static clean-rb-default clean-rb
+distclean: clean distclean-so distclean-static distclean-rb-default distclean-rb
+ -$(Q)$(RM) Makefile $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H) conftest.* mkmf.log
+ -$(Q)$(RM) core ruby$(EXEEXT) *~ $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(DISTCLEANDIRS) 2> /dev/null || true
+realclean: distclean
+install: install-so install-rb
+install-so: $(RUBYARCHDIR)/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYARCHDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(STATIC_LIB)
+install-rb: pre-install-rb install-rb-default
+install-rb-default: pre-install-rb-default
+pre-install-rb: Makefile
+pre-install-rb-default: Makefile
+pre-install-rb-default: $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.-.ripper.time
+install-rb-default: $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/lexer.rb
+$(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/lexer.rb: $(srcdir)/lib/ripper/lexer.rb $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.-.ripper.time
+ $(Q) $(COPY) $(srcdir)/lib/ripper/lexer.rb $(@D)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/lexer.rb
+install-rb-default: $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/core.rb
+$(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/core.rb: $(srcdir)/lib/ripper/core.rb $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.-.ripper.time
+ $(Q) $(COPY) $(srcdir)/lib/ripper/core.rb $(@D)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/core.rb
+install-rb-default: $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/filter.rb
+$(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/filter.rb: $(srcdir)/lib/ripper/filter.rb $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.-.ripper.time
+ $(Q) $(COPY) $(srcdir)/lib/ripper/filter.rb $(@D)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/filter.rb
+install-rb-default: $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/sexp.rb
+$(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/sexp.rb: $(srcdir)/lib/ripper/sexp.rb $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.-.ripper.time
+ $(Q) $(COPY) $(srcdir)/lib/ripper/sexp.rb $(@D)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper/sexp.rb
+pre-install-rb-default: $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.time
+install-rb-default: $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper.rb
+$(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper.rb: $(srcdir)/lib/ripper.rb $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.time
+ $(Q) $(COPY) $(srcdir)/lib/ripper.rb $(@D)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper.rb
+ $(ECHO) installing default ripper libraries
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper 2> /dev/null || true
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYLIBDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+ $(Q) $(MAKEDIRS) $(@D) $(RUBYLIBDIR)/ripper
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+site-install: site-install-so site-install-rb
+site-install-so: install-so
+site-install-rb: install-rb
+.SUFFIXES: .c .m .cc .mm .cxx .cpp .o .S
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) linking shared-object $(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+.SUFFIXES: .y .c
+GEN = $(srcdir)/tools/generate.rb
+SRC1 = $(top_srcdir)/parse.y
+SRC2 = $(srcdir)/eventids2.c
+BISON = bison
+src: ripper.c eventids1.c eventids2table.c
+ripper.o: ripper.c
+ $(ECHO) compiling compiler $<
+ $(Q) $(BISON) -t -v $<
+ $(Q) sed -f $(top_srcdir)/tool/ytab.sed -e "/^#/s!y\.tab\.c!$@!" > $@
+ @$(RM)
+all: check
+static: check
+ripper.y: $(srcdir)/tools/preproc.rb $(top_srcdir)/parse.y
+ $(ECHO) extracting $@ from $(top_srcdir)/parse.y
+ $(Q) $(RUBY) $(top_srcdir)/tool/id2token.rb --path-separator=.$(PATH_SEPARATOR)./ --vpath=$(VPATH) id.h $(top_srcdir)/parse.y > ripper.tmp.y
+ $(Q) $(RUBY) $(srcdir)/tools/preproc.rb ripper.tmp.y --output=$@
+ $(Q) $(RM) ripper.tmp.y
+check: $(GEN) $(SRC1) $(SRC2)
+ $(ECHO) checking $(SRC1) and $(SRC2)
+ $(Q) $(RUBY) $(GEN) --mode=check --ids1src=$(SRC1) --ids2src=$(SRC2)
+eventids1.c: $(srcdir)/tools/generate.rb $(SRC1)
+ $(ECHO) generating $@ from $(SRC1)
+ $(Q) $(RUBY) $(GEN) --mode=eventids1 --ids1src=$(SRC1) --output=$@
+eventids2table.c: $(srcdir)/tools/generate.rb $(SRC2)
+ $(ECHO) generating $@ from $(SRC2)
+ $(Q) $(RUBY) $(GEN) --mode=eventids2table --ids2src=$(SRC2) --output=$@
+# Entries for Ripper maintainer
+preproc: ripper.E
+ripper.E: ripper.c
+ $(ECHO) preprocessing ripper.c
+ $(Q) $(CC) -E $(CPPFLAGS) ripper.c | $(RUBY) $(srcdir)/tools/strip.rb > $@
+ripper.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+ripper.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/encoding.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/io.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/oniguruma.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/regex.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/util.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/internal.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/node.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/regenc.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/symbol.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/vm_opts.h
+ripper.o: ../../probes.h
+ripper.o: eventids2.c
+ripper.o: ripper.y
+ripper.o: eventids1.c
+ripper.o: eventids2table.c
+ripper.o: id.h
+ripper.o: lex.c
+ripper.o: parse.h
+ripper.o: ripper.c
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/README b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ae2470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/README
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Ripper README
+ Ripper is a Ruby script parser. You can get information
+ by event-based style from the parser.
+ !! WARNING !!
+ Ripper is still early-alpha version.
+ I never assure any kind of backward compatibility.
+ * ruby 1.9 (support CVS HEAD only)
+ * bison 1.28 or later (Other yaccs do not work)
+ See test/ripper/* and sample/ripper/*.
+ Ruby License.
+ Minero Aoki
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/depend b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/depend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64236cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/depend
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+GEN = $(srcdir)/tools/generate.rb
+SRC1 = $(top_srcdir)/parse.y
+SRC2 = $(srcdir)/eventids2.c
+BISON = bison
+src: ripper.c eventids1.c eventids2table.c
+ripper.o: ripper.c
+ $(ECHO) compiling compiler $<
+ $(Q) $(BISON) -t -v $<
+ $(Q) sed -f $(top_srcdir)/tool/ytab.sed -e "/^#/s!y\.tab\.c!$@!" > $@
+ @$(RM)
+all: check
+static: check
+ripper.y: $(srcdir)/tools/preproc.rb $(top_srcdir)/parse.y
+ $(ECHO) extracting $@ from $(top_srcdir)/parse.y
+ $(Q) $(RUBY) $(top_srcdir)/tool/id2token.rb --path-separator=.$(PATH_SEPARATOR)./ --vpath=$(VPATH) id.h $(top_srcdir)/parse.y > ripper.tmp.y
+ $(Q) $(RUBY) $(srcdir)/tools/preproc.rb ripper.tmp.y --output=$@
+ $(Q) $(RM) ripper.tmp.y
+check: $(GEN) $(SRC1) $(SRC2)
+ $(ECHO) checking $(SRC1) and $(SRC2)
+ $(Q) $(RUBY) $(GEN) --mode=check --ids1src=$(SRC1) --ids2src=$(SRC2)
+eventids1.c: $(srcdir)/tools/generate.rb $(SRC1)
+ $(ECHO) generating $@ from $(SRC1)
+ $(Q) $(RUBY) $(GEN) --mode=eventids1 --ids1src=$(SRC1) --output=$@
+eventids2table.c: $(srcdir)/tools/generate.rb $(SRC2)
+ $(ECHO) generating $@ from $(SRC2)
+ $(Q) $(RUBY) $(GEN) --mode=eventids2table --ids2src=$(SRC2) --output=$@
+# Entries for Ripper maintainer
+preproc: ripper.E
+ripper.E: ripper.c
+ $(ECHO) preprocessing ripper.c
+ $(Q) $(CC) -E $(CPPFLAGS) ripper.c | $(RUBY) $(srcdir)/tools/strip.rb > $@
+ripper.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+ripper.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/encoding.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/io.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/oniguruma.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/regex.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+ripper.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/util.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/internal.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/node.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/regenc.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/symbol.h
+ripper.o: $(top_srcdir)/vm_opts.h
+ripper.o: ../../probes.h
+ripper.o: eventids2.c
+ripper.o: ripper.y
+ripper.o: {$(VPATH)}eventids1.c
+ripper.o: {$(VPATH)}eventids2table.c
+ripper.o: {$(VPATH)}id.h
+ripper.o: {$(VPATH)}lex.c
+ripper.o: {$(VPATH)}parse.h
+ripper.o: {$(VPATH)}ripper.c
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/eventids2.c b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/eventids2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abbe584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/eventids2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+#define tIGNORED_NL (tLAST_TOKEN + 1)
+#define tCOMMENT (tLAST_TOKEN + 2)
+#define tEMBDOC_BEG (tLAST_TOKEN + 3)
+#define tEMBDOC (tLAST_TOKEN + 4)
+#define tEMBDOC_END (tLAST_TOKEN + 5)
+#define tSP (tLAST_TOKEN + 6)
+#define tHEREDOC_BEG (tLAST_TOKEN + 7)
+#define tHEREDOC_END (tLAST_TOKEN + 8)
+#define k__END__ (tLAST_TOKEN + 9)
+typedef struct {
+ ID ripper_id_backref;
+ ID ripper_id_backtick;
+ ID ripper_id_comma;
+ ID ripper_id_const;
+ ID ripper_id_cvar;
+ ID ripper_id_embexpr_beg;
+ ID ripper_id_embexpr_end;
+ ID ripper_id_embvar;
+ ID ripper_id_float;
+ ID ripper_id_gvar;
+ ID ripper_id_ident;
+ ID ripper_id_imaginary;
+ ID ripper_id_int;
+ ID ripper_id_ivar;
+ ID ripper_id_kw;
+ ID ripper_id_lbrace;
+ ID ripper_id_lbracket;
+ ID ripper_id_lparen;
+ ID ripper_id_nl;
+ ID ripper_id_op;
+ ID ripper_id_period;
+ ID ripper_id_rbrace;
+ ID ripper_id_rbracket;
+ ID ripper_id_rparen;
+ ID ripper_id_semicolon;
+ ID ripper_id_symbeg;
+ ID ripper_id_tstring_beg;
+ ID ripper_id_tstring_content;
+ ID ripper_id_tstring_end;
+ ID ripper_id_words_beg;
+ ID ripper_id_qwords_beg;
+ ID ripper_id_qsymbols_beg;
+ ID ripper_id_symbols_beg;
+ ID ripper_id_words_sep;
+ ID ripper_id_rational;
+ ID ripper_id_regexp_beg;
+ ID ripper_id_regexp_end;
+ ID ripper_id_label;
+ ID ripper_id_label_end;
+ ID ripper_id_tlambda;
+ ID ripper_id_tlambeg;
+ ID ripper_id_ignored_nl;
+ ID ripper_id_comment;
+ ID ripper_id_embdoc_beg;
+ ID ripper_id_embdoc;
+ ID ripper_id_embdoc_end;
+ ID ripper_id_sp;
+ ID ripper_id_heredoc_beg;
+ ID ripper_id_heredoc_end;
+ ID ripper_id___end__;
+ ID ripper_id_CHAR;
+} ripper_scanner_ids_t;
+static ripper_scanner_ids_t ripper_scanner_ids;
+#include "eventids2table.c"
+static void
+#define set_id2(name) ripper_scanner_ids.ripper_id_##name = rb_intern_const("on_"#name)
+ set_id2(backref);
+ set_id2(backtick);
+ set_id2(comma);
+ set_id2(const);
+ set_id2(cvar);
+ set_id2(embexpr_beg);
+ set_id2(embexpr_end);
+ set_id2(embvar);
+ set_id2(float);
+ set_id2(gvar);
+ set_id2(ident);
+ set_id2(imaginary);
+ set_id2(int);
+ set_id2(ivar);
+ set_id2(kw);
+ set_id2(lbrace);
+ set_id2(lbracket);
+ set_id2(lparen);
+ set_id2(nl);
+ set_id2(op);
+ set_id2(period);
+ set_id2(rbrace);
+ set_id2(rbracket);
+ set_id2(rparen);
+ set_id2(semicolon);
+ set_id2(symbeg);
+ set_id2(tstring_beg);
+ set_id2(tstring_content);
+ set_id2(tstring_end);
+ set_id2(words_beg);
+ set_id2(qwords_beg);
+ set_id2(qsymbols_beg);
+ set_id2(symbols_beg);
+ set_id2(words_sep);
+ set_id2(rational);
+ set_id2(regexp_beg);
+ set_id2(regexp_end);
+ set_id2(label);
+ set_id2(label_end);
+ set_id2(tlambda);
+ set_id2(tlambeg);
+ set_id2(ignored_nl);
+ set_id2(comment);
+ set_id2(embdoc_beg);
+ set_id2(embdoc);
+ set_id2(embdoc_end);
+ set_id2(sp);
+ set_id2(heredoc_beg);
+ set_id2(heredoc_end);
+ set_id2(__end__);
+ set_id2(CHAR);
+STATIC_ASSERT(k__END___range, k__END__ < SHRT_MAX);
+STATIC_ASSERT(ripper_scanner_ids_size, sizeof(ripper_scanner_ids) < SHRT_MAX);
+#define O(member) (int)offsetof(ripper_scanner_ids_t, ripper_id_##member)
+static const struct token_assoc {
+ unsigned short token;
+ unsigned short id_offset;
+} token_to_eventid[] = {
+ {' ', O(words_sep)},
+ {'!', O(op)},
+ {'%', O(op)},
+ {'&', O(op)},
+ {'*', O(op)},
+ {'+', O(op)},
+ {'-', O(op)},
+ {'/', O(op)},
+ {'<', O(op)},
+ {'=', O(op)},
+ {'>', O(op)},
+ {'?', O(op)},
+ {'^', O(op)},
+ {'|', O(op)},
+ {'~', O(op)},
+ {':', O(op)},
+ {',', O(comma)},
+ {'.', O(period)},
+ {';', O(semicolon)},
+ {'`', O(backtick)},
+ {'\n', O(nl)},
+ {keyword_alias, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_and, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_begin, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_break, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_case, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_class, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_def, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_defined, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_do, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_do_block, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_do_cond, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_else, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_elsif, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_end, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_ensure, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_false, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_for, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_if, O(kw)},
+ {modifier_if, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_in, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_module, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_next, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_nil, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_not, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_or, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_redo, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_rescue, O(kw)},
+ {modifier_rescue, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_retry, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_return, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_self, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_super, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_then, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_true, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_undef, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_unless, O(kw)},
+ {modifier_unless, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_until, O(kw)},
+ {modifier_until, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_when, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_while, O(kw)},
+ {modifier_while, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_yield, O(kw)},
+ {keyword__FILE__, O(kw)},
+ {keyword__LINE__, O(kw)},
+ {keyword__ENCODING__, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_BEGIN, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_END, O(kw)},
+ {keyword_do_LAMBDA, O(kw)},
+ {tAMPER, O(op)},
+ {tANDOP, O(op)},
+ {tAREF, O(op)},
+ {tASET, O(op)},
+ {tASSOC, O(op)},
+ {tBACK_REF, O(backref)},
+ {tCHAR, O(CHAR)},
+ {tCMP, O(op)},
+ {tCOLON2, O(op)},
+ {tCOLON3, O(op)},
+ {tCONSTANT, O(const)},
+ {tCVAR, O(cvar)},
+ {tDOT2, O(op)},
+ {tDOT3, O(op)},
+ {tEQ, O(op)},
+ {tEQQ, O(op)},
+ {tFID, O(ident)},
+ {tFLOAT, O(float)},
+ {tGEQ, O(op)},
+ {tGVAR, O(gvar)},
+ {tIDENTIFIER, O(ident)},
+ {tIMAGINARY, O(imaginary)},
+ {tINTEGER, O(int)},
+ {tIVAR, O(ivar)},
+ {tLBRACE, O(lbrace)},
+ {tLBRACE_ARG, O(lbrace)},
+ {'{', O(lbrace)},
+ {'}', O(rbrace)},
+ {tLBRACK, O(lbracket)},
+ {'[', O(lbracket)},
+ {']', O(rbracket)},
+ {tLEQ, O(op)},
+ {tLPAREN, O(lparen)},
+ {tLPAREN_ARG, O(lparen)},
+ {'(', O(lparen)},
+ {')', O(rparen)},
+ {tLSHFT, O(op)},
+ {tMATCH, O(op)},
+ {tNEQ, O(op)},
+ {tNMATCH, O(op)},
+ {tNTH_REF, O(backref)},
+ {tOP_ASGN, O(op)},
+ {tOROP, O(op)},
+ {tPOW, O(op)},
+ {tQWORDS_BEG, O(qwords_beg)},
+ {tQSYMBOLS_BEG, O(qsymbols_beg)},
+ {tSYMBOLS_BEG, O(symbols_beg)},
+ {tRATIONAL, O(rational)},
+ {tREGEXP_BEG, O(regexp_beg)},
+ {tREGEXP_END, O(regexp_end)},
+ {tRPAREN, O(rparen)},
+ {tRSHFT, O(op)},
+ {tSTAR, O(op)},
+ {tDSTAR, O(op)},
+ {tSTRING_BEG, O(tstring_beg)},
+ {tSTRING_CONTENT, O(tstring_content)},
+ {tSTRING_DBEG, O(embexpr_beg)},
+ {tSTRING_DEND, O(embexpr_end)},
+ {tSTRING_DVAR, O(embvar)},
+ {tSTRING_END, O(tstring_end)},
+ {tSYMBEG, O(symbeg)},
+ {tUMINUS, O(op)},
+ {tUMINUS_NUM, O(op)},
+ {tUPLUS, O(op)},
+ {tWORDS_BEG, O(words_beg)},
+ {tXSTRING_BEG, O(backtick)},
+ {tLABEL, O(label)},
+ {tLABEL_END, O(label_end)},
+ {tLAMBDA, O(tlambda)},
+ {tLAMBEG, O(tlambeg)},
+ /* ripper specific tokens */
+ {tIGNORED_NL, O(ignored_nl)},
+ {tCOMMENT, O(comment)},
+ {tEMBDOC_BEG, O(embdoc_beg)},
+ {tEMBDOC, O(embdoc)},
+ {tEMBDOC_END, O(embdoc_end)},
+ {tSP, O(sp)},
+ {tHEREDOC_BEG, O(heredoc_beg)},
+ {tHEREDOC_END, O(heredoc_end)},
+ {k__END__, O(__end__)},
+static ID
+ripper_token2eventid(int tok)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < numberof(token_to_eventid); i++) {
+ const struct token_assoc *const a = &token_to_eventid[i];
+ if (a->token == tok)
+ return *(const ID *)((const char *)&ripper_scanner_ids + a->id_offset);
+ }
+ if (tok < 256) {
+ return ripper_scanner_ids.ripper_id_CHAR;
+ }
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "[Ripper FATAL] unknown token %d", tok);
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/extconf.h b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/extconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b1b5a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/extconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#ifndef EXTCONF_H
+#define EXTCONF_H
+#define RIPPER 1
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/extconf.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/extconf.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db54e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/extconf.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#!ruby -s
+require 'mkmf'
+require 'rbconfig'
+def main
+ unless find_executable('bison')
+ unless File.exist?('ripper.c') or File.exist?("#{$srcdir}/ripper.c")
+ raise 'missing bison; abort'
+ end
+ end
+ $objs = %w(ripper.o)
+ $cleanfiles.concat %w(ripper.y ripper.c ripper.E ripper.output y.output eventids1.c eventids2table.c)
+ $defs << '-DRIPPER'
+ $defs << '-DRIPPER_DEBUG' if $debug
+ $VPATH << '$(topdir)' << '$(top_srcdir)'
+ $INCFLAGS << ' -I$(topdir) -I$(top_srcdir)'
+ create_makefile 'ripper'
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..542bd40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+require 'ripper/core'
+require 'ripper/lexer'
+require 'ripper/filter'
+require 'ripper/sexp'
+# Ripper is a Ruby script parser.
+# You can get information from the parser with event-based style.
+# Information such as abstract syntax trees or simple lexical analysis of the
+# Ruby program.
+# == Usage
+# Ripper provides an easy interface for parsing your program into a symbolic
+# expression tree (or S-expression).
+# Understanding the output of the parser may come as a challenge, it's
+# recommended you use PP to format the output for legibility.
+# require 'ripper'
+# require 'pp'
+# pp Ripper.sexp('def hello(world) "Hello, #{world}!"; end')
+# #=> [:program,
+# [[:def,
+# [:@ident, "hello", [1, 4]],
+# [:paren,
+# [:params, [[:@ident, "world", [1, 10]]], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]],
+# [:bodystmt,
+# [[:string_literal,
+# [:string_content,
+# [:@tstring_content, "Hello, ", [1, 18]],
+# [:string_embexpr, [[:var_ref, [:@ident, "world", [1, 27]]]]],
+# [:@tstring_content, "!", [1, 33]]]]],
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil]]]]
+# You can see in the example above, the expression starts with +:program+.
+# From here, a method definition at +:def+, followed by the method's identifier
+# <code>:@ident</code>. After the method's identifier comes the parentheses
+# +:paren+ and the method parameters under +:params+.
+# Next is the method body, starting at +:bodystmt+ (+stmt+ meaning statement),
+# which contains the full definition of the method.
+# In our case, we're simply returning a String, so next we have the
+# +:string_literal+ expression.
+# Within our +:string_literal+ you'll notice two <code>@tstring_content</code>,
+# this is the literal part for <code>Hello, </code> and <code>!</code>. Between
+# the two <code>@tstring_content</code> statements is a +:string_embexpr+,
+# where _embexpr_ is an embedded expression. Our expression consists of a local
+# variable, or +var_ref+, with the identifier (<code>@ident</code>) of +world+.
+# == Resources
+# * {Ruby Inside}[]
+# == Requirements
+# * ruby 1.9 (support CVS HEAD only)
+# * bison 1.28 or later (Other yaccs do not work)
+# == License
+# Ruby License.
+# Minero Aoki
+class Ripper; end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/core.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/core.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..008ec53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/core.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# $Id: core.rb 36954 2012-09-12 23:04:41Z zzak $
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Minero Aoki
+# This program is free software.
+# You can distribute and/or modify this program under the Ruby License.
+# For details of Ruby License, see ruby/COPYING.
+require ''
+class Ripper
+ # Parses the given Ruby program read from +src+.
+ # +src+ must be a String or an IO or a object with a #gets method.
+ def Ripper.parse(src, filename = '(ripper)', lineno = 1)
+ new(src, filename, lineno).parse
+ end
+ # This array contains name of parser events.
+ # This array contains name of scanner events.
+ # This array contains name of all ripper events.
+ private
+ #
+ # Parser Events
+ #
+ PARSER_EVENT_TABLE.each do |id, arity|
+ module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
+ def on_#{id}(#{ ('a'..'z').to_a[0, arity].join(', ') })
+ #{arity == 0 ? 'nil' : 'a'}
+ end
+ End
+ end
+ # This method is called when weak warning is produced by the parser.
+ # +fmt+ and +args+ is printf style.
+ def warn(fmt, *args)
+ end
+ # This method is called when strong warning is produced by the parser.
+ # +fmt+ and +args+ is printf style.
+ def warning(fmt, *args)
+ end
+ # This method is called when the parser found syntax error.
+ def compile_error(msg)
+ end
+ #
+ # Scanner Events
+ #
+ SCANNER_EVENTS.each do |id|
+ module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
+ def on_#{id}(token)
+ token
+ end
+ End
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/filter.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/filter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b30b085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/filter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# $Id: filter.rb 36954 2012-09-12 23:04:41Z zzak $
+# Copyright (c) 2004,2005 Minero Aoki
+# This program is free software.
+# You can distribute and/or modify this program under the Ruby License.
+# For details of Ruby License, see ruby/COPYING.
+require 'ripper/lexer'
+class Ripper
+ # This class handles only scanner events,
+ # which are dispatched in the 'right' order (same with input).
+ class Filter
+ # Creates a new Ripper::Filter instance, passes parameters +src+,
+ # +filename+, and +lineno+ to
+ #
+ # The lexer is for internal use only.
+ def initialize(src, filename = '-', lineno = 1)
+ @__lexer =, filename, lineno)
+ @__line = nil
+ @__col = nil
+ end
+ # The file name of the input.
+ def filename
+ @__lexer.filename
+ end
+ # The line number of the current token.
+ # This value starts from 1.
+ # This method is valid only in event handlers.
+ def lineno
+ @__line
+ end
+ # The column number of the current token.
+ # This value starts from 0.
+ # This method is valid only in event handlers.
+ def column
+ @__col
+ end
+ # Starts the parser.
+ # +init+ is a data accumulator and is passed to the next event handler (as
+ # of Enumerable#inject).
+ def parse(init = nil)
+ data = init
+ @__lexer.lex.each do |pos, event, tok|
+ @__line, @__col = *pos
+ data = if respond_to?(event, true)
+ then __send__(event, tok, data)
+ else on_default(event, tok, data)
+ end
+ end
+ data
+ end
+ private
+ # This method is called when some event handler is undefined.
+ # +event+ is :on_XXX, +token+ is the scanned token, and +data+ is a data
+ # accumulator.
+ #
+ # The return value of this method is passed to the next event handler (as
+ # of Enumerable#inject).
+ def on_default(event, token, data)
+ data
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b2087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# $Id: lexer.rb 44878 2014-02-07 12:57:44Z zzak $
+# Copyright (c) 2004,2005 Minero Aoki
+# This program is free software.
+# You can distribute and/or modify this program under the Ruby License.
+# For details of Ruby License, see ruby/COPYING.
+require 'ripper/core'
+class Ripper
+ # Tokenizes the Ruby program and returns an array of strings.
+ #
+ # p Ripper.tokenize("def m(a) nil end")
+ # # => ["def", " ", "m", "(", "a", ")", " ", "nil", " ", "end"]
+ #
+ def Ripper.tokenize(src, filename = '-', lineno = 1)
+, filename, lineno).tokenize
+ end
+ # Tokenizes the Ruby program and returns an array of an array,
+ # which is formatted like <code>[[lineno, column], type, token]</code>.
+ #
+ # require 'ripper'
+ # require 'pp'
+ #
+ # pp Ripper.lex("def m(a) nil end")
+ # #=> [[[1, 0], :on_kw, "def"],
+ # [[1, 3], :on_sp, " " ],
+ # [[1, 4], :on_ident, "m" ],
+ # [[1, 5], :on_lparen, "(" ],
+ # [[1, 6], :on_ident, "a" ],
+ # [[1, 7], :on_rparen, ")" ],
+ # [[1, 8], :on_sp, " " ],
+ # [[1, 9], :on_kw, "nil"],
+ # [[1, 12], :on_sp, " " ],
+ # [[1, 13], :on_kw, "end"]]
+ #
+ def Ripper.lex(src, filename = '-', lineno = 1)
+, filename, lineno).lex
+ end
+ class Lexer < ::Ripper #:nodoc: internal use only
+ def tokenize
+ lex().map {|pos, event, tok| tok }
+ end
+ def lex
+ parse().sort_by {|pos, event, tok| pos }
+ end
+ def parse
+ @buf = []
+ super
+ @buf
+ end
+ private
+ SCANNER_EVENTS.each do |event|
+ module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__+'/module_eval', __LINE__ + 1)
+ def on_#{event}(tok)
+ @buf.push [[lineno(), column()], :on_#{event}, tok]
+ end
+ End
+ end
+ end
+ # Parses +src+ and return a string which was matched to +pattern+.
+ # +pattern+ should be described as Regexp.
+ #
+ # require 'ripper'
+ #
+ # p Ripper.slice('def m(a) nil end', 'ident') #=> "m"
+ # p Ripper.slice('def m(a) nil end', '[ident lparen rparen]+') #=> "m(a)"
+ # p Ripper.slice("<<EOS\nstring\nEOS",
+ # 'heredoc_beg nl $(tstring_content*) heredoc_end', 1)
+ # #=> "string\n"
+ #
+ def Ripper.slice(src, pattern, n = 0)
+ if m = token_match(src, pattern)
+ then m.string(n)
+ else nil
+ end
+ end
+ def Ripper.token_match(src, pattern) #:nodoc:
+ TokenPattern.compile(pattern).match(src)
+ end
+ class TokenPattern #:nodoc:
+ class Error < ::StandardError # :nodoc:
+ end
+ class CompileError < Error # :nodoc:
+ end
+ class MatchError < Error # :nodoc:
+ end
+ class << self
+ alias compile new
+ end
+ def initialize(pattern)
+ @source = pattern
+ @re = compile(pattern)
+ end
+ def match(str)
+ match_list(::Ripper.lex(str))
+ end
+ def match_list(tokens)
+ if m = @re.match(map_tokens(tokens))
+ then, m)
+ else nil
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def compile(pattern)
+ if m = /[^\w\s$()\[\]{}?*+\.]/.match(pattern)
+ raise CompileError, "invalid char in pattern: #{m[0].inspect}"
+ end
+ buf = ''
+ pattern.scan(/(?:\w+|\$\(|[()\[\]\{\}?*+\.]+)/) do |tok|
+ case tok
+ when /\w/
+ buf.concat map_token(tok)
+ when '$('
+ buf.concat '('
+ when '('
+ buf.concat '(?:'
+ when /[?*\[\])\.]/
+ buf.concat tok
+ else
+ raise 'must not happen'
+ end
+ end
+ Regexp.compile(buf)
+ rescue RegexpError => err
+ raise CompileError, err.message
+ end
+ def map_tokens(tokens)
+ {|pos,type,str| map_token(type.to_s.sub(/\Aon_/,'')) }.join
+ end
+ MAP = {}
+ seed = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a
+ SCANNER_EVENT_TABLE.each do |ev, |
+ raise CompileError, "[RIPPER FATAL] too many system token" if seed.empty?
+ MAP[ev.to_s.sub(/\Aon_/,'')] = seed.shift
+ end
+ def map_token(tok)
+ MAP[tok] or raise CompileError, "unknown token: #{tok}"
+ end
+ class MatchData # :nodoc:
+ def initialize(tokens, match)
+ @tokens = tokens
+ @match = match
+ end
+ def string(n = 0)
+ return nil unless @match
+ match(n).join
+ end
+ private
+ def match(n = 0)
+ return [] unless @match
+ @tokens[@match.begin(n)...@match.end(n)].map {|pos,type,str| str }
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..514a585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# $Id: sexp.rb 48144 2014-10-26 03:24:18Z nobu $
+# Copyright (c) 2004,2005 Minero Aoki
+# This program is free software.
+# You can distribute and/or modify this program under the Ruby License.
+# For details of Ruby License, see ruby/COPYING.
+require 'ripper/core'
+class Ripper
+ # Parses +src+ and create S-exp tree.
+ # Returns more readable tree rather than Ripper.sexp_raw.
+ # This method is mainly for developer use.
+ #
+ # require 'ripper'
+ # require 'pp'
+ #
+ # pp Ripper.sexp("def m(a) nil end")
+ # #=> [:program,
+ # [[:def,
+ # [:@ident, "m", [1, 4]],
+ # [:paren, [:params, [[:@ident, "a", [1, 6]]], nil, nil, nil, nil]],
+ # [:bodystmt, [[:var_ref, [:@kw, "nil", [1, 9]]]], nil, nil, nil]]]]
+ #
+ def Ripper.sexp(src, filename = '-', lineno = 1)
+ builder =, filename, lineno)
+ sexp = builder.parse
+ sexp unless builder.error?
+ end
+ # Parses +src+ and create S-exp tree.
+ # This method is mainly for developer use.
+ #
+ # require 'ripper'
+ # require 'pp'
+ #
+ # pp Ripper.sexp_raw("def m(a) nil end")
+ # #=> [:program,
+ # [:stmts_add,
+ # [:stmts_new],
+ # [:def,
+ # [:@ident, "m", [1, 4]],
+ # [:paren, [:params, [[:@ident, "a", [1, 6]]], nil, nil, nil]],
+ # [:bodystmt,
+ # [:stmts_add, [:stmts_new], [:var_ref, [:@kw, "nil", [1, 9]]]],
+ # nil,
+ # nil,
+ # nil]]]]
+ #
+ def Ripper.sexp_raw(src, filename = '-', lineno = 1)
+ builder =, filename, lineno)
+ sexp = builder.parse
+ sexp unless builder.error?
+ end
+ class SexpBuilderPP < ::Ripper #:nodoc:
+ private
+ PARSER_EVENT_TABLE.each do |event, arity|
+ if /_new\z/ =~ event.to_s and arity == 0
+ module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
+ def on_#{event}
+ []
+ end
+ End
+ elsif /_add\z/ =~ event.to_s
+ module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
+ def on_#{event}(list, item)
+ list.push item
+ list
+ end
+ End
+ else
+ module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
+ def on_#{event}(*args)
+ [:#{event}, *args]
+ end
+ End
+ end
+ end
+ SCANNER_EVENTS.each do |event|
+ module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
+ def on_#{event}(tok)
+ [:@#{event}, tok, [lineno(), column()]]
+ end
+ End
+ end
+ end
+ class SexpBuilder < ::Ripper #:nodoc:
+ private
+ PARSER_EVENTS.each do |event|
+ module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
+ def on_#{event}(*args)
+ args.unshift :#{event}
+ args
+ end
+ End
+ end
+ SCANNER_EVENTS.each do |event|
+ module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
+ def on_#{event}(tok)
+ [:@#{event}, tok, [lineno(), column()]]
+ end
+ End
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/generate-param-macros.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/generate-param-macros.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b19f6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/generate-param-macros.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+off = true
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ case line
+ off = false
+ exit
+ when /ripper/
+ next if off
+ var = line.scan(/\w+/).last or next
+ base = var.sub(/ripper_/, '')
+ puts %"\#define #{base}\t\t(parser->ripper_#{base})"
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/generate.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/generate.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d9c9ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/generate.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# $Id: generate.rb 48169 2014-10-28 02:53:24Z nobu $
+require 'optparse'
+def main
+ mode = nil
+ ids1src = nil
+ ids2src = nil
+ output = nil
+ parser = @parser =
+ parser.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} --mode=MODE [--ids1src=PATH] [--ids2src=PATH] [--output=PATH]"
+ parser.on('--mode=MODE', 'check, eventids1, or eventids2table.') {|m|
+ mode = m
+ }
+ parser.on('--ids1src=PATH', 'A source file of event-IDs 1 (parse.y).') {|path|
+ ids1src = path
+ }
+ parser.on('--ids2src=PATH', 'A source file of event-IDs 2 (eventids2.c).') {|path|
+ ids2src = path
+ }
+ parser.on('--output=PATH', 'An output file.') {|path|
+ output = path
+ }
+ parser.on('--help', 'Prints this message and quit.') {
+ puts
+ exit true
+ }
+ begin
+ parser.parse!
+ rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err
+ usage err.message
+ end
+ usage 'no mode given' unless mode
+ case mode
+ when 'check'
+ usage 'no --ids1src' unless ids1src
+ usage 'no --ids2src' unless ids2src
+ h = read_ids1_with_locations(ids1src)
+ check_arity h
+ ids2 = read_ids2(ids2src)
+ common = h.keys & ids2
+ unless common.empty?
+ abort "event crash: #{common.join(' ')}"
+ end
+ exit 0
+ when 'eventids1'
+ usage 'no --ids1src' unless ids1src
+ result = generate_eventids1(read_ids1(ids1src))
+ when 'eventids2table'
+ usage 'no --ids2src' unless ids2src
+ result = generate_eventids2_table(read_ids2(ids2src))
+ end
+ if output
+, 'w') {|f|
+ f.write result
+ }
+ else
+ puts result
+ end
+def usage(msg)
+ $stderr.puts msg
+ $stderr.puts
+ exit false
+def generate_eventids1(ids)
+ buf = ""
+ buf << %Q[static struct {\n]
+ ids.each do |id, arity|
+ buf << %Q[ ID id_#{id};\n]
+ end
+ buf << %Q[} ripper_parser_ids;\n]
+ buf << %Q[\n]
+ ids.each do |id, arity|
+ buf << %Q[#define ripper_id_#{id} ripper_parser_ids.id_#{id}\n]
+ end
+ buf << %Q[\n]
+ buf << %Q[static void\n]
+ buf << %Q[ripper_init_eventids1(void)\n]
+ buf << %Q[{\n]
+ buf << %Q[#define set_id1(name) ripper_id_##name = rb_intern_const("on_"#name)\n]
+ ids.each do |id, arity|
+ buf << %Q[ set_id1(#{id});\n]
+ end
+ buf << %Q[}\n]
+ buf << %Q[\n]
+ buf << %Q[static void\n]
+ buf << %Q[ripper_init_eventids1_table(VALUE self)\n]
+ buf << %Q[{\n]
+ buf << %Q[ VALUE h = rb_hash_new();\n]
+ buf << %Q[ rb_define_const(self, "PARSER_EVENT_TABLE", h);\n]
+ ids.each do |id, arity|
+ buf << %Q[ rb_hash_aset(h, intern_sym("#{id}"), INT2FIX(#{arity}));\n]
+ end
+ buf << %Q[}\n]
+ buf
+def generate_eventids2_table(ids)
+ buf = ""
+ buf << %Q[static void\n]
+ buf << %Q[ripper_init_eventids2_table(VALUE self)\n]
+ buf << %Q[{\n]
+ buf << %Q[ VALUE h = rb_hash_new();\n]
+ buf << %Q[ rb_define_const(self, "SCANNER_EVENT_TABLE", h);\n]
+ ids.each do |id|
+ buf << %Q[ rb_hash_aset(h, intern_sym("#{id}"), INT2FIX(1));\n]
+ end
+ buf << %Q[}\n]
+ buf
+def read_ids1(path)
+ strip_locations(read_ids1_with_locations(path))
+def strip_locations(h)
+ {|event, list| [event, list.first[1]] }\
+ .sort_by {|event, arity| event.to_s }
+def check_arity(h)
+ invalid = false
+ h.each do |event, list|
+ unless {|line, arity| arity }.uniq.size == 1
+ invalid = true
+ locations = {|line, a| "#{line}:#{a}" }.join(', ')
+ $stderr.puts "arity crash [event=#{event}]: #{locations}"
+ end
+ end
+ abort if invalid
+def read_ids1_with_locations(path)
+ h = {}
+ {|f|
+ f.each do |line|
+ next if /\A\#\s*define\s+dispatch/ =~ line
+ next if /ripper_dispatch/ =~ line
+ line.scan(/\bdispatch(\d)\((\w+)/) do |arity, event|
+ (h[event] ||= []).push [f.lineno, arity.to_i]
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ h
+def read_ids2(path)
+ src = {|f|}
+ ids2 = src.scan(/ID\s+ripper_id_(\w+)/).flatten.uniq.sort
+ diff = src.scan(/set_id2\((\w+)\);/).flatten - ids2
+ unless diff.empty?
+ abort "missing scanner IDs: #{diff}"
+ end
+ return ids2
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/preproc.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/preproc.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b2c4461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/preproc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# $Id: preproc.rb 25189 2009-10-02 12:04:37Z akr $
+require 'optparse'
+def main
+ output = nil
+ parser =
+ parser.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [--output=PATH] <parse.y>"
+ parser.on('--output=PATH', 'An output file.') {|path|
+ output = path
+ }
+ parser.on('--help', 'Prints this message and quit.') {
+ puts
+ exit true
+ }
+ begin
+ parser.parse!
+ rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err
+ $stderr.puts err.message
+ $stderr.puts
+ exit false
+ end
+ unless ARGV.size == 1
+ abort "wrong number of arguments (#{ARGV.size} for 1)"
+ end
+ out = ""
+[0]) {|f|
+ prelude f, out
+ grammar f, out
+ usercode f, out
+ }
+ if output
+, 'w') {|f|
+ f.write out
+ }
+ else
+ print out
+ end
+def prelude(f, out)
+ while line = f.gets
+ case line
+ when %r</\*%%%\*/>
+ out << '/*' << $/
+ when %r</\*%>
+ out << '*/' << $/
+ when %r<%\*/>
+ out << $/
+ when /\A%%/
+ out << '%%' << $/
+ return
+ when /\A%token/
+ out << line.sub(/<\w+>/, '<val>')
+ when /\A%type/
+ out << line.sub(/<\w+>/, '<val>')
+ else
+ out << line
+ end
+ end
+def grammar(f, out)
+ while line = f.gets
+ case line
+ when %r</\*%%%\*/>
+ out << '#if 0' << $/
+ when %r</\*%c%\*/>
+ out << '/*' << $/
+ when %r</\*%c>
+ out << '*/' << $/
+ when %r</\*%>
+ out << '#endif' << $/
+ when %r<%\*/>
+ out << $/
+ when /\A%%/
+ out << '%%' << $/
+ return
+ else
+ out << line
+ end
+ end
+def usercode(f, out)
+ while line = f.gets
+ out << line
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/strip.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/strip.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..99413c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/ripper/tools/strip.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+last_is_void = false
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ if line.strip.empty?
+ #puts() unless last_is_void
+ last_is_void = true
+ elsif /\A\#/ === line
+ ;
+ else
+ print line
+ last_is_void = false
+ end