path: root/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample')
10 files changed, 7885 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/excel1.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/excel1.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7136c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/excel1.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+require 'win32ole'
+application ='Excel.Application')
+application.visible = TRUE
+workbook = application.Workbooks.Add();
+worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(1);
+worksheet.Range("A1:D1").value = ["North","South","East","West"];
+worksheet.Range("A2:B2").value = [5.2, 10];
+worksheet.Range("C2").value = 8;
+worksheet.Range("D2").value = 20;
+worksheet.Range("A1:B2").value = [["North","South"],
+ [5.2, 10]];
+vals =[["East","West"],
+ [8, 20]],
+worksheet.Range("C1:D2").value = vals
+range = worksheet.Range("A1:D2");
+chart = workbook.Charts.Add;
+workbook.saved = TRUE;
+print "Now quit Excel... Please enter."
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/excel2.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/excel2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6328826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/excel2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+require 'win32ole'
+# -4100 is the value for the Excel constant xl3DColumn.
+ChartTypeVal = -4100;
+# Creates OLE object to Excel
+excel ="excel.application")
+# Create and rotate the chart
+excel.visible = TRUE;
+excel.Range("a1").value = 3;
+excel.Range("a2").value = 2;
+excel.Range("a3").value = 1;
+excelchart = excel.Charts.Add();
+excelchart.type = ChartTypeVal;
+i = 0
+i.step(180, 10) do |rot|
+ excelchart.rotation=rot;
+ sleep 0.1
+# Done, bye
+print "Now quit Excel... Please enter."
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/excel3.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/excel3.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ace478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/excel3.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+require 'win32ole'
+#application ='Excel.Application.5')
+application ='Excel.Application')
+application.visible = TRUE
+workbook = application.Workbooks.Add();
+sheet = workbook.Worksheets(1);
+sheetS = workbook.Worksheets
+puts "The number of sheets is #{sheetS.count}"
+puts "Now add 2 sheets after of `#{}`"
+sheetS.add({'count'=>2, 'after'=>sheet})
+puts "The number of sheets is #{sheetS.count}"
+print "Now quit Excel... Please enter."
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ie.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ie.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11dc861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ie.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+require 'win32ole'
+url = ''
+ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')
+ie.visible = TRUE
+print "Now navigate Ruby home page... Please enter."
+print "Now quit Internet Explorer... Please enter."
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ieconst.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ieconst.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c6a7a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ieconst.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+require 'win32ole'
+ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')
+WIN32OLE.constants.sort.each do |c|
+ puts "#{c} = #{WIN32OLE.const_get(c)}"
+module IE_CONST
+WIN32OLE.const_load(ie, IE_CONST)
+IE_CONST.constants.sort.each do |c|
+ puts "#{c} = #{IE_CONST.const_get(c)}"
+# Remark!!! CONSTANTS has not tested enoughly!!!
+# CONSTANTS is alpha release.
+# If there are constants which first letter is not [a-zA-Z],
+# like a '_Foo', then maybe you can access the value by
+# using CONSTANTS['_Foo']
+IE_CONST::CONSTANTS.each do |k, v|
+ puts "#{k} = #{v}"
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ienavi.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ienavi.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b279dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ienavi.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+require 'win32ole'
+$urls = []
+def navigate(url)
+ $urls << url
+def stop_msg_loop
+ puts "Now Stop IE..."
+def default_handler(event, *args)
+ case event
+ when "BeforeNavigate"
+ puts "Now Navigate #{args[0]}..."
+ end
+ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')
+ie.visible = TRUE
+ev =, 'DWebBrowserEvents')
+ev.on_event {|*args| default_handler(*args)}
+ev.on_event("NavigateComplete") {|url| navigate(url)}
+ev.on_event("Quit") {|*args| stop_msg_loop}
+while ($LOOP)
+ WIN32OLE_EVENT.message_loop
+puts "You Navigated the URLs ..."
+$urls.each_with_index do |url, i|
+ puts "(#{i+1}) #{url}"
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ienavi2.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ienavi2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67977e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/ienavi2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+require 'win32ole'
+class IEHandler
+ attr_reader :loop
+ def initialize
+ @urls = []
+ @loop = true
+ end
+ def method_missing(event, *args)
+ case event
+ when "BeforeNavigate2"
+ puts "Now Navigate #{args[1]}..."
+ end
+ end
+ def onNavigateComplete2(pdisp, url)
+ @urls << url
+ end
+ def onOnQuit
+ puts "Now Stop IE..."
+ @loop = false
+ end
+ def put_urls
+ puts "You Navigated the URLs ..."
+ @urls.each_with_index do |url, i|
+ puts "(#{i+1}) #{url}"
+ end
+ end
+ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')
+ie.visible = true
+ev =
+ev.handler =
+while (ev.handler.loop)
+ WIN32OLE_EVENT.message_loop
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/oledirs.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/oledirs.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbacc21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/oledirs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# You need WSH(Windows Scripting Host) to run this script.
+require "win32ole"
+def listup(items)
+# items.each do |i|
+ for i in items
+ puts
+ end
+fs ="Scripting.FileSystemObject")
+folder = fs.GetFolder(".")
+puts "--- folder of #{folder.path} ---"
+puts "--- files of #{folder.path} ---"
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/olegen.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/olegen.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17653e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/olegen.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+# olegen.rb
+# $Revision: 44134 $
+require 'win32ole'
+class WIN32COMGen
+ def initialize(typelib)
+ @typelib = typelib
+ @receiver = ""
+ end
+ attr_reader :typelib
+ def ole_classes(typelib)
+ begin
+ @ole =
+ [@ole.ole_obj_help]
+ rescue
+ WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_classes(typelib)
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_args(method)
+ args = []
+ if method.size_opt_params >= 0
+ size_required_params = method.size_params - method.size_opt_params
+ else
+ size_required_params = method.size_params - 1
+ end
+ size_required_params.times do |i|
+ if method.params[i] && method.params[i].optional?
+ args.push "arg#{i}=nil"
+ else
+ args.push "arg#{i}"
+ end
+ end
+ if method.size_opt_params >= 0
+ method.size_opt_params.times do |i|
+ args.push "arg#{i + size_required_params}=nil"
+ end
+ else
+ args.push "*arg"
+ end
+ args.join(", ")
+ end
+ def generate_argtype(typedetails)
+ ts = ''
+ typedetails.each do |t|
+ case t
+ when 'CARRAY', 'VOID', 'UINT', 'RESULT', 'DECIMAL', 'I8', 'UI8'
+# raise "Sorry type\"" + t + "\" not supported"
+ ts << "\"??? NOT SUPPORTED TYPE:`#{t}'\""
+ when 'USERDEFINED', 'Unknown Type 9'
+ ts << 'VT_DISPATCH'
+ break;
+ when 'SAFEARRAY'
+ ts << 'VT_ARRAY|'
+ when 'PTR'
+ ts << 'VT_BYREF|'
+ when 'INT'
+ ts << 'VT_I4'
+ else
+ if String === t
+ ts << 'VT_' + t
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ts.empty?
+ ts = 'VT_VARIANT'
+ elsif ts[-1] == ?|
+ ts += 'VT_VARIANT'
+ end
+ ts
+ end
+ def generate_argtypes(method, proptypes)
+ types = method.params.collect{|param|
+ generate_argtype(param.ole_type_detail)
+ }.join(", ")
+ if proptypes
+ types += ", " if types.size > 0
+ types += generate_argtype(proptypes)
+ end
+ types
+ end
+ def generate_method_body(method, disptype, types=nil)
+ " ret = #{@receiver}#{disptype}(#{method.dispid}, [" +
+ generate_args(method).gsub("=nil", "") +
+ "], [" +
+ generate_argtypes(method, types) +
+ "])\n" +
+ " @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV\n" +
+ " ret"
+ end
+ def generate_method_help(method, type = nil)
+ str = " # "
+ if type
+ str += type
+ else
+ str += method.return_type
+ end
+ str += " #{}"
+ if method.event?
+ str += " EVENT"
+ str += " in #{method.event_interface}"
+ end
+ if method.helpstring && method.helpstring != ""
+ str += "\n # "
+ str += method.helpstring
+ end
+ args_help = generate_method_args_help(method)
+ if args_help
+ str += "\n"
+ str += args_help
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ def generate_method_args_help(method)
+ args = []
+ method.params.each_with_index {|param, i|
+ h = " # #{param.ole_type} arg#{i} --- #{}"
+ inout = []
+ inout.push "IN" if param.input?
+ inout.push "OUT" if param.output?
+ h += " [#{inout.join('/')}]"
+ h += " ( = #{param.default})" if param.default
+ args.push h
+ }
+ if args.size > 0
+ args.join("\n")
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_method(method, disptype, io = STDOUT, types = nil)
+ io.puts "\n"
+ io.puts generate_method_help(method)
+ if method.invoke_kind == 'PROPERTYPUT'
+ io.print " def #{}=("
+ else
+ io.print " def #{}("
+ end
+ io.print generate_args(method)
+ io.puts ")"
+ io.puts generate_method_body(method, disptype, types)
+ io.puts " end"
+ end
+ def generate_propputref_methods(klass, io = STDOUT)
+ {|method|
+ method.invoke_kind == 'PROPERTYPUTREF' && method.visible?
+ }.each do |method|
+ generate_method(method, io)
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_properties_with_args(klass, io = STDOUT)
+ {|method|
+ method.invoke_kind == 'PROPERTYGET' &&
+ method.visible? &&
+ method.size_params > 0
+ }.each do |method|
+ types = method.return_type_detail
+ io.puts "\n"
+ io.puts generate_method_help(method, types[0])
+ io.puts " def #{}"
+ if klass.ole_type == "Class"
+ io.print ", #{method.dispid}, ["
+ else
+ io.print ", #{method.dispid}, ["
+ end
+ io.print generate_argtypes(method, nil)
+ io.print "], ["
+ io.print generate_argtypes(method, types)
+ io.puts "])"
+ io.puts " end"
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_propput_methods(klass, io = STDOUT)
+ {|method|
+ method.invoke_kind == 'PROPERTYPUT' && method.visible? &&
+ method.size_params == 1
+ }.each do |method|
+ ms = {|m|
+ m.invoke_kind == 'PROPERTYGET' &&
+ m.dispid == method.dispid
+ }
+ types = []
+ if ms.size == 1
+ types = ms[0].return_type_detail
+ end
+ generate_method(method, '_setproperty', io, types)
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_propget_methods(klass, io = STDOUT)
+ {|method|
+ method.invoke_kind == 'PROPERTYGET' && method.visible? &&
+ method.size_params == 0
+ }.each do |method|
+ generate_method(method, '_getproperty', io)
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_func_methods(klass, io = STDOUT)
+ {|method|
+ method.invoke_kind == "FUNC" && method.visible?
+ }.each do |method|
+ generate_method(method, '_invoke', io)
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_methods(klass, io = STDOUT)
+ generate_propget_methods(klass, io)
+ generate_propput_methods(klass, io)
+ generate_properties_with_args(klass, io)
+ generate_func_methods(klass, io)
+# generate_propputref_methods(klass, io)
+ end
+ def generate_constants(klass, io = STDOUT)
+ {|v|
+ v.visible? && v.variable_kind == 'CONSTANT'
+ }.each do |v|
+ io.print " "
+ io.print^./){$&.upcase}
+ io.print " = "
+ io.puts v.value
+ end
+ end
+ def class_name(klass)
+ klass_name =
+ if klass.ole_type == "Class" &&
+ klass.guid &&
+ klass.progid
+ klass_name = klass.progid.gsub(/\./, '_')
+ end
+ if /^[A-Z]/ !~ klass_name || Module.constants.include?(klass_name)
+ klass_name = 'OLE' + klass_name
+ end
+ klass_name
+ end
+ def define_initialize(klass)
+ <<STR
+ def initialize(obj = nil)
+ @clsid = "#{klass.guid}"
+ @progid = "#{klass.progid}"
+ if obj.nil?
+ @dispatch = @progid
+ else
+ @dispatch = obj
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def define_include
+ " include WIN32OLE::VARIANT"
+ end
+ def define_instance_variables
+ " attr_reader :lastargs"
+ end
+ def define_method_missing
+ <<STR
+ def method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ end
+ end
+ def define_class(klass, io = STDOUT)
+ io.puts "class #{class_name(klass)} # #{}"
+ io.puts define_include
+ io.puts define_instance_variables
+ io.puts " attr_reader :dispatch"
+ io.puts " attr_reader :clsid"
+ io.puts " attr_reader :progid"
+ io.puts define_initialize(klass)
+ io.puts define_method_missing
+ end
+ def define_module(klass, io = STDOUT)
+ io.puts "module #{class_name(klass)}"
+ io.puts define_include
+ io.puts define_instance_variables
+ end
+ def generate_class(klass, io = STDOUT)
+ io.puts "\n# #{klass.helpstring}"
+ if klass.ole_type == "Class" &&
+ klass.guid &&
+ klass.progid
+ @receiver = "@dispatch."
+ define_class(klass, io)
+ else
+ @receiver = ""
+ define_module(klass, io)
+ end
+ generate_constants(klass, io)
+ generate_methods(klass, io)
+ io.puts "end"
+ end
+ def generate(io = STDOUT)
+ io.puts "require 'win32ole'"
+ io.puts "require 'win32ole/property'"
+ ole_classes(typelib).select{|klass|
+ klass.visible? &&
+ (klass.ole_type == "Class" ||
+ klass.ole_type == "Interface" ||
+ klass.ole_type == "Dispatch" ||
+ klass.ole_type == "Enum")
+ }.each do |klass|
+ generate_class(klass, io)
+ end
+ begin
+ @ole.quit if @ole
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+require 'win32ole'
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ if ARGV.size == 0
+ $stderr.puts "usage: #{$0} Type Library [...]"
+ exit 1
+ end
+ ARGV.each do |typelib|
+ comgen =
+ comgen.generate
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/xml.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/xml.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b1a54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/win32ole/sample/xml.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7306 @@
+# This file created by olegen.rb as following.
+# ruby olegen.rb 'Microsoft XML, version 2.0' > xml.rb
+require 'win32ole'
+require 'win32ole/property'
+module IXMLDOMImplementation
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BOOL hasFeature
+ # BSTR arg0 --- feature [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- version [IN]
+ def hasFeature(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(145, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+# Core DOM node interface
+module IXMLDOMNode
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+# Constants that define a node's type
+module OLEtagDOMNodeType
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+module IXMLDOMNodeList
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # I4 length
+ # number of nodes in the collection
+ def length()
+ ret = _getproperty(74, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # PTR item
+ # collection of nodes
+ # I4 arg0 --- index [IN]
+ def item
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextNode
+ # get next node from iterator
+ def nextNode()
+ ret = _invoke(76, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID reset
+ # reset the position of iterator
+ def reset()
+ ret = _invoke(77, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # I4 length
+ # number of nodes in the collection
+ def length()
+ ret = _getproperty(74, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # PTR item
+ # collection of nodes
+ # I4 arg0 --- index [IN]
+ def item
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode getNamedItem
+ # lookup item by name
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def getNamedItem(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(83, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode setNamedItem
+ # set item by name
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newItem [IN]
+ def setNamedItem(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(84, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeNamedItem
+ # remove item by name
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def removeNamedItem(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(85, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode getQualifiedItem
+ # lookup the item by name and namespace
+ # BSTR arg0 --- baseName [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- namespaceURI [IN]
+ def getQualifiedItem(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(87, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeQualifiedItem
+ # remove the item by name and namespace
+ # BSTR arg0 --- baseName [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- namespaceURI [IN]
+ def removeQualifiedItem(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(88, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextNode
+ # get next node from iterator
+ def nextNode()
+ ret = _invoke(89, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID reset
+ # reset the position of iterator
+ def reset()
+ ret = _invoke(90, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMDocument
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocumentType doctype
+ # node corresponding to the DOCTYPE
+ def doctype()
+ ret = _getproperty(38, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMImplementation implementation
+ # info on this DOM implementation
+ def implementation()
+ ret = _getproperty(39, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMElement documentElement
+ # the root of the tree
+ def documentElement()
+ ret = _getproperty(40, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 readyState
+ # get the state of the XML document
+ def readyState()
+ ret = _getproperty(-525, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMParseError parseError
+ # get the last parser error
+ def parseError()
+ ret = _getproperty(59, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR url
+ # get the URL for the loaded XML document
+ def url()
+ ret = _getproperty(60, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL async
+ # flag for asynchronous download
+ def async()
+ ret = _getproperty(61, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL validateOnParse
+ # indicates whether the parser performs validation
+ def validateOnParse()
+ ret = _getproperty(65, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL resolveExternals
+ # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema
+ def resolveExternals()
+ ret = _getproperty(66, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL preserveWhiteSpace
+ # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace
+ def preserveWhiteSpace()
+ ret = _getproperty(67, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID async
+ # flag for asynchronous download
+ def async=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(61, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID validateOnParse
+ # indicates whether the parser performs validation
+ def validateOnParse=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(65, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID resolveExternals
+ # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema
+ def resolveExternals=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(66, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID preserveWhiteSpace
+ # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace
+ def preserveWhiteSpace=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(67, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID onreadystatechange
+ # register a readystatechange event handler
+ def onreadystatechange=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(68, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID ondataavailable
+ # register an ondataavailable event handler
+ def ondataavailable=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(69, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID ontransformnode
+ # register an ontransformnode event handler
+ def ontransformnode=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(70, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMElement createElement
+ # create an Element node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN]
+ def createElement(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(41, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocumentFragment createDocumentFragment
+ # create a DocumentFragment node
+ def createDocumentFragment()
+ ret = _invoke(42, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMText createTextNode
+ # create a text node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def createTextNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(43, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMComment createComment
+ # create a comment node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def createComment(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(44, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMCDATASection createCDATASection
+ # create a CDATA section node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def createCDATASection(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(45, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction
+ # create a processing instruction node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- target [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN]
+ def createProcessingInstruction(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(46, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMAttribute createAttribute
+ # create an attribute node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def createAttribute(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(47, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMEntityReference createEntityReference
+ # create an entity reference node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def createEntityReference(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(49, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList getElementsByTagName
+ # build a list of elements by name
+ # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN]
+ def getElementsByTagName(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(50, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode createNode
+ # create a node of the specified node type and name
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- type [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- name [IN]
+ # BSTR arg2 --- namespaceURI [IN]
+ def createNode(arg0, arg1, arg2)
+ ret = _invoke(54, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nodeFromID
+ # retrieve node from it's ID
+ # BSTR arg0 --- idString [IN]
+ def nodeFromID(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(56, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL load
+ # load document from the specified XML source
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- xmlSource [IN]
+ def load(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(58, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID abort
+ # abort an asynchronous download
+ def abort()
+ ret = _invoke(62, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL loadXML
+ # load the document from a string
+ # BSTR arg0 --- bstrXML [IN]
+ def loadXML(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(63, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID save
+ # save the document to a specified desination
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- desination [IN]
+ def save(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(64, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMDocumentType
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR name
+ # name of the document type (root of the tree)
+ def name()
+ ret = _getproperty(131, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap entities
+ # a list of entities in the document
+ def entities()
+ ret = _getproperty(132, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap notations
+ # a list of notations in the document
+ def notations()
+ ret = _getproperty(133, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMElement
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR tagName
+ # get the tagName of the element
+ def tagName()
+ ret = _getproperty(97, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT getAttribute
+ # look up the string value of an attribute by name
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def getAttribute(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(99, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID setAttribute
+ # set the string value of an attribute by name
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- value [IN]
+ def setAttribute(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(100, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID removeAttribute
+ # remove an attribute by name
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def removeAttribute(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(101, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMAttribute getAttributeNode
+ # look up the attribute node by name
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def getAttributeNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(102, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMAttribute setAttributeNode
+ # set the specified attribute on the element
+ # IXMLDOMAttribute arg0 --- DOMAttribute [IN]
+ def setAttributeNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(103, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMAttribute removeAttributeNode
+ # remove the specified attribute
+ # IXMLDOMAttribute arg0 --- DOMAttribute [IN]
+ def removeAttributeNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(104, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList getElementsByTagName
+ # build a list of elements by name
+ # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN]
+ def getElementsByTagName(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(105, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID normalize
+ # collapse all adjacent text nodes in sub-tree
+ def normalize()
+ ret = _invoke(106, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMAttribute
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR name
+ # get name of the attribute
+ def name()
+ ret = _getproperty(118, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT value
+ # string value of the attribute
+ def value()
+ ret = _getproperty(120, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID value
+ # string value of the attribute
+ def value=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(120, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMDocumentFragment
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMText
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR data
+ # value of the node
+ def data()
+ ret = _getproperty(109, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 length
+ # number of characters in value
+ def length()
+ ret = _getproperty(110, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID data
+ # value of the node
+ def data=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(109, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR substringData
+ # retrieve substring of value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ def substringData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(111, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID appendData
+ # append string to value
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def appendData(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(112, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID insertData
+ # insert string into value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN]
+ def insertData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(113, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID deleteData
+ # delete string within the value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ def deleteData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(114, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID replaceData
+ # replace string within the value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ # BSTR arg2 --- data [IN]
+ def replaceData(arg0, arg1, arg2)
+ ret = _invoke(115, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_I4, VT_I4, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMText splitText
+ # split the text node into two text nodes at the position specified
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ def splitText(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(123, [arg0], [VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMCharacterData
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR data
+ # value of the node
+ def data()
+ ret = _getproperty(109, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 length
+ # number of characters in value
+ def length()
+ ret = _getproperty(110, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID data
+ # value of the node
+ def data=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(109, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR substringData
+ # retrieve substring of value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ def substringData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(111, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID appendData
+ # append string to value
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def appendData(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(112, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID insertData
+ # insert string into value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN]
+ def insertData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(113, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID deleteData
+ # delete string within the value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ def deleteData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(114, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID replaceData
+ # replace string within the value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ # BSTR arg2 --- data [IN]
+ def replaceData(arg0, arg1, arg2)
+ ret = _invoke(115, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_I4, VT_I4, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMComment
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR data
+ # value of the node
+ def data()
+ ret = _getproperty(109, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 length
+ # number of characters in value
+ def length()
+ ret = _getproperty(110, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID data
+ # value of the node
+ def data=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(109, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR substringData
+ # retrieve substring of value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ def substringData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(111, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID appendData
+ # append string to value
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def appendData(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(112, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID insertData
+ # insert string into value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN]
+ def insertData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(113, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID deleteData
+ # delete string within the value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ def deleteData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(114, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID replaceData
+ # replace string within the value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ # BSTR arg2 --- data [IN]
+ def replaceData(arg0, arg1, arg2)
+ ret = _invoke(115, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_I4, VT_I4, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMCDATASection
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR data
+ # value of the node
+ def data()
+ ret = _getproperty(109, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 length
+ # number of characters in value
+ def length()
+ ret = _getproperty(110, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID data
+ # value of the node
+ def data=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(109, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR substringData
+ # retrieve substring of value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ def substringData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(111, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID appendData
+ # append string to value
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def appendData(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(112, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID insertData
+ # insert string into value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN]
+ def insertData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(113, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID deleteData
+ # delete string within the value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ def deleteData(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(114, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID replaceData
+ # replace string within the value
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ # I4 arg1 --- count [IN]
+ # BSTR arg2 --- data [IN]
+ def replaceData(arg0, arg1, arg2)
+ ret = _invoke(115, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_I4, VT_I4, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMText splitText
+ # split the text node into two text nodes at the position specified
+ # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN]
+ def splitText(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(123, [arg0], [VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR target
+ # the target
+ def target()
+ ret = _getproperty(127, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR data
+ # the data
+ def data()
+ ret = _getproperty(128, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID data
+ # the data
+ def data=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(128, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMEntityReference
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+# structure for reporting parser errors
+module IXMLDOMParseError
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # I4 errorCode
+ # the error code
+ def errorCode()
+ ret = _getproperty(0, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR url
+ # the URL of the XML document containing the error
+ def url()
+ ret = _getproperty(179, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR reason
+ # the cause of the error
+ def reason()
+ ret = _getproperty(180, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR srcText
+ # the data where the error occurred
+ def srcText()
+ ret = _getproperty(181, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 line
+ # the line number in the XML document where the error occurred
+ def line()
+ ret = _getproperty(182, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 linepos
+ # the character position in the line containing the error
+ def linepos()
+ ret = _getproperty(183, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 filepos
+ # the absolute file position in the XML document containing the error
+ def filepos()
+ ret = _getproperty(184, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMNotation
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT publicId
+ # the public ID
+ def publicId()
+ ret = _getproperty(136, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT systemId
+ # the system ID
+ def systemId()
+ ret = _getproperty(137, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+module IXMLDOMEntity
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT publicId
+ # the public ID
+ def publicId()
+ ret = _getproperty(140, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT systemId
+ # the system ID
+ def systemId()
+ ret = _getproperty(141, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR notationName
+ # the name of the notation
+ def notationName()
+ ret = _getproperty(142, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+# XTL runtime object
+module IXTLRuntime
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = _getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = _getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = _getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = _getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = _getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = _getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = _getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = _getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = _getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = _getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = _getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = _getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = _getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = _getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = _getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = _invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 uniqueID
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- pNode [IN]
+ def uniqueID(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(187, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 depth
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- pNode [IN]
+ def depth(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(188, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 childNumber
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- pNode [IN]
+ def childNumber(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(189, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 ancestorChildNumber
+ # BSTR arg0 --- bstrNodeName [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- pNode [IN]
+ def ancestorChildNumber(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(190, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 absoluteChildNumber
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- pNode [IN]
+ def absoluteChildNumber(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(191, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR formatIndex
+ # I4 arg0 --- lIndex [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- bstrFormat [IN]
+ def formatIndex(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(192, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR formatNumber
+ # R8 arg0 --- dblNumber [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- bstrFormat [IN]
+ def formatNumber(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(193, [arg0, arg1], [VT_R8, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR formatDate
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- varDate [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- bstrFormat [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg2 --- varDestLocale [IN]
+ def formatDate(arg0, arg1, arg2=nil)
+ ret = _invoke(194, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR formatTime
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- varTime [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- bstrFormat [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg2 --- varDestLocale [IN]
+ def formatTime(arg0, arg1, arg2=nil)
+ ret = _invoke(195, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+# W3C-DOM XML Document
+class Microsoft_XMLDOM_1_0 # DOMDocument
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ attr_reader :dispatch
+ attr_reader :clsid
+ attr_reader :progid
+ def initialize(obj = nil)
+ @clsid = "{2933BF90-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}"
+ @progid = "Microsoft.XMLDOM.1.0"
+ if obj.nil?
+ @dispatch =
+ else
+ @dispatch = obj
+ end
+ end
+ def method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocumentType doctype
+ # node corresponding to the DOCTYPE
+ def doctype()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(38, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMImplementation implementation
+ # info on this DOM implementation
+ def implementation()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(39, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMElement documentElement
+ # the root of the tree
+ def documentElement()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(40, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 readyState
+ # get the state of the XML document
+ def readyState()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(-525, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMParseError parseError
+ # get the last parser error
+ def parseError()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(59, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR url
+ # get the URL for the loaded XML document
+ def url()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(60, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL async
+ # flag for asynchronous download
+ def async()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(61, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL validateOnParse
+ # indicates whether the parser performs validation
+ def validateOnParse()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(65, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL resolveExternals
+ # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema
+ def resolveExternals()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(66, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL preserveWhiteSpace
+ # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace
+ def preserveWhiteSpace()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(67, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID async
+ # flag for asynchronous download
+ def async=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(61, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID validateOnParse
+ # indicates whether the parser performs validation
+ def validateOnParse=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID resolveExternals
+ # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema
+ def resolveExternals=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(66, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID preserveWhiteSpace
+ # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace
+ def preserveWhiteSpace=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(67, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID onreadystatechange
+ # register a readystatechange event handler
+ def onreadystatechange=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(68, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID ondataavailable
+ # register an ondataavailable event handler
+ def ondataavailable=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(69, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID ontransformnode
+ # register an ontransformnode event handler
+ def ontransformnode=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(70, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMElement createElement
+ # create an Element node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN]
+ def createElement(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(41, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocumentFragment createDocumentFragment
+ # create a DocumentFragment node
+ def createDocumentFragment()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(42, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMText createTextNode
+ # create a text node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def createTextNode(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(43, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMComment createComment
+ # create a comment node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def createComment(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(44, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMCDATASection createCDATASection
+ # create a CDATA section node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def createCDATASection(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(45, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction
+ # create a processing instruction node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- target [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN]
+ def createProcessingInstruction(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(46, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMAttribute createAttribute
+ # create an attribute node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def createAttribute(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(47, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMEntityReference createEntityReference
+ # create an entity reference node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def createEntityReference(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(49, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList getElementsByTagName
+ # build a list of elements by name
+ # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN]
+ def getElementsByTagName(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(50, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode createNode
+ # create a node of the specified node type and name
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- type [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- name [IN]
+ # BSTR arg2 --- namespaceURI [IN]
+ def createNode(arg0, arg1, arg2)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(54, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nodeFromID
+ # retrieve node from it's ID
+ # BSTR arg0 --- idString [IN]
+ def nodeFromID(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(56, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL load
+ # load document from the specified XML source
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- xmlSource [IN]
+ def load(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(58, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID abort
+ # abort an asynchronous download
+ def abort()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(62, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL loadXML
+ # load the document from a string
+ # BSTR arg0 --- bstrXML [IN]
+ def loadXML(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(63, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID save
+ # save the document to a specified desination
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- desination [IN]
+ def save(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(64, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # HRESULT ondataavailable EVENT in XMLDOMDocumentEvents
+ def ondataavailable()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(198, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # HRESULT onreadystatechange EVENT in XMLDOMDocumentEvents
+ def onreadystatechange()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(-609, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+# W3C-DOM XML Document (Apartment)
+class Microsoft_FreeThreadedXMLDOM_1_0 # DOMFreeThreadedDocument
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ attr_reader :dispatch
+ attr_reader :clsid
+ attr_reader :progid
+ def initialize(obj = nil)
+ @clsid = "{2933BF91-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}"
+ @progid = "Microsoft.FreeThreadedXMLDOM.1.0"
+ if obj.nil?
+ @dispatch =
+ else
+ @dispatch = obj
+ end
+ end
+ def method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeName
+ # name of the node
+ def nodeName()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(2, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(3, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DOMNodeType nodeType
+ # the node's type
+ def nodeType()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode parentNode
+ # parent of the node
+ def parentNode()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes
+ # the collection of the node's children
+ def childNodes()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode firstChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def firstChild()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode lastChild
+ # first child of the node
+ def lastChild()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling
+ # left sibling of the node
+ def previousSibling()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling
+ # right sibling of the node
+ def nextSibling()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes
+ # the collection of the node's attributes
+ def attributes()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument
+ # document that contains the node
+ def ownerDocument()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(18, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR nodeTypeString
+ # the type of node in string form
+ def nodeTypeString()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(21, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(24, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL specified
+ # indicates whether node is a default value
+ def specified()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(22, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode definition
+ # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema
+ def definition()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(23, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(25, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(26, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR xml
+ # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants
+ def xml()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(27, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL parsed
+ # has sub-tree been completely parsed
+ def parsed()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(31, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR namespaceURI
+ # the URI for the namespace applying to the node
+ def namespaceURI()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(32, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR prefix
+ # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node
+ def prefix()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(33, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR baseName
+ # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off)
+ def baseName()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(34, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocumentType doctype
+ # node corresponding to the DOCTYPE
+ def doctype()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(38, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMImplementation implementation
+ # info on this DOM implementation
+ def implementation()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(39, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMElement documentElement
+ # the root of the tree
+ def documentElement()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(40, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 readyState
+ # get the state of the XML document
+ def readyState()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(-525, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMParseError parseError
+ # get the last parser error
+ def parseError()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(59, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR url
+ # get the URL for the loaded XML document
+ def url()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(60, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL async
+ # flag for asynchronous download
+ def async()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(61, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL validateOnParse
+ # indicates whether the parser performs validation
+ def validateOnParse()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(65, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL resolveExternals
+ # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema
+ def resolveExternals()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(66, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL preserveWhiteSpace
+ # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace
+ def preserveWhiteSpace()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(67, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeValue
+ # value stored in the node
+ def nodeValue=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID text
+ # text content of the node and subtree
+ def text=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID nodeTypedValue
+ # get the strongly typed value of the node
+ def nodeTypedValue=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID dataType
+ # the data type of the node
+ def dataType=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID async
+ # flag for asynchronous download
+ def async=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(61, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID validateOnParse
+ # indicates whether the parser performs validation
+ def validateOnParse=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID resolveExternals
+ # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema
+ def resolveExternals=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(66, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID preserveWhiteSpace
+ # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace
+ def preserveWhiteSpace=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(67, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID onreadystatechange
+ # register a readystatechange event handler
+ def onreadystatechange=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(68, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID ondataavailable
+ # register an ondataavailable event handler
+ def ondataavailable=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(69, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID ontransformnode
+ # register an ontransformnode event handler
+ def ontransformnode=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(70, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore
+ # insert a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN]
+ def insertBefore(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild
+ # replace a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN]
+ def replaceChild(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode removeChild
+ # remove a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN]
+ def removeChild(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode appendChild
+ # append a child node
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN]
+ def appendChild(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL hasChildNodes
+ def hasChildNodes()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(17, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode
+ # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN]
+ def cloneNode(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR transformNode
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ def transformNode(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectNodes(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode
+ # execute query on the subtree
+ # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN]
+ def selectSingleNode(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID transformNodeToObject
+ # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream
+ # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN]
+ def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMElement createElement
+ # create an Element node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN]
+ def createElement(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(41, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocumentFragment createDocumentFragment
+ # create a DocumentFragment node
+ def createDocumentFragment()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(42, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMText createTextNode
+ # create a text node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def createTextNode(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(43, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMComment createComment
+ # create a comment node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def createComment(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(44, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMCDATASection createCDATASection
+ # create a CDATA section node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN]
+ def createCDATASection(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(45, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction
+ # create a processing instruction node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- target [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN]
+ def createProcessingInstruction(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(46, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMAttribute createAttribute
+ # create an attribute node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def createAttribute(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(47, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMEntityReference createEntityReference
+ # create an entity reference node
+ # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN]
+ def createEntityReference(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(49, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNodeList getElementsByTagName
+ # build a list of elements by name
+ # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN]
+ def getElementsByTagName(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(50, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode createNode
+ # create a node of the specified node type and name
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- type [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- name [IN]
+ # BSTR arg2 --- namespaceURI [IN]
+ def createNode(arg0, arg1, arg2)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(54, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMNode nodeFromID
+ # retrieve node from it's ID
+ # BSTR arg0 --- idString [IN]
+ def nodeFromID(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(56, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL load
+ # load document from the specified XML source
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- xmlSource [IN]
+ def load(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(58, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID abort
+ # abort an asynchronous download
+ def abort()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(62, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BOOL loadXML
+ # load the document from a string
+ # BSTR arg0 --- bstrXML [IN]
+ def loadXML(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(63, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID save
+ # save the document to a specified desination
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- desination [IN]
+ def save(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(64, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # HRESULT ondataavailable EVENT in XMLDOMDocumentEvents
+ def ondataavailable()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(198, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # HRESULT onreadystatechange EVENT in XMLDOMDocumentEvents
+ def onreadystatechange()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(-609, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+# IXMLHttpRequest Interface
+module IXMLHttpRequest
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ # I4 status
+ # Get HTTP status code
+ def status()
+ ret = _getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR statusText
+ # Get HTTP status text
+ def statusText()
+ ret = _getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DISPATCH responseXML
+ # Get response body
+ def responseXML()
+ ret = _getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR responseText
+ # Get response body
+ def responseText()
+ ret = _getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT responseBody
+ # Get response body
+ def responseBody()
+ ret = _getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT responseStream
+ # Get response body
+ def responseStream()
+ ret = _getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 readyState
+ # Get ready state
+ def readyState()
+ ret = _getproperty(13, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID onreadystatechange
+ # Register a complete event handler
+ def onreadystatechange=(arg0)
+ ret = _setproperty(14, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID open
+ # Open HTTP connection
+ # BSTR arg0 --- bstrMethod [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- bstrUrl [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg2 --- varAsync [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg3 --- bstrUser [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg4 --- bstrPassword [IN]
+ def open(arg0, arg1, arg2=nil, arg3=nil, arg4=nil)
+ ret = _invoke(1, [arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT, VT_VARIANT, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID setRequestHeader
+ # Add HTTP request header
+ # BSTR arg0 --- bstrHeader [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- bstrValue [IN]
+ def setRequestHeader(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = _invoke(2, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR getResponseHeader
+ # Get HTTP response header
+ # BSTR arg0 --- bstrHeader [IN]
+ def getResponseHeader(arg0)
+ ret = _invoke(3, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR getAllResponseHeaders
+ # Get all HTTP response headers
+ def getAllResponseHeaders()
+ ret = _invoke(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID send
+ # Send HTTP request
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- varBody [IN]
+ def send(arg0=nil)
+ ret = _invoke(5, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID abort
+ # Abort HTTP request
+ def abort()
+ ret = _invoke(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+# XML HTTP Request class.
+class Microsoft_XMLHTTP_1 # XMLHTTPRequest
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ attr_reader :dispatch
+ attr_reader :clsid
+ attr_reader :progid
+ def initialize(obj = nil)
+ @clsid = "{ED8C108E-4349-11D2-91A4-00C04F7969E8}"
+ @progid = "Microsoft.XMLHTTP.1"
+ if obj.nil?
+ @dispatch =
+ else
+ @dispatch = obj
+ end
+ end
+ def method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ end
+ # I4 status
+ # Get HTTP status code
+ def status()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(7, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR statusText
+ # Get HTTP status text
+ def statusText()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(8, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # DISPATCH responseXML
+ # Get response body
+ def responseXML()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(9, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR responseText
+ # Get response body
+ def responseText()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(10, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT responseBody
+ # Get response body
+ def responseBody()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(11, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VARIANT responseStream
+ # Get response body
+ def responseStream()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(12, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 readyState
+ # Get ready state
+ def readyState()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(13, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID onreadystatechange
+ # Register a complete event handler
+ def onreadystatechange=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(14, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID open
+ # Open HTTP connection
+ # BSTR arg0 --- bstrMethod [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- bstrUrl [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg2 --- varAsync [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg3 --- bstrUser [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg4 --- bstrPassword [IN]
+ def open(arg0, arg1, arg2=nil, arg3=nil, arg4=nil)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(1, [arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT, VT_VARIANT, VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID setRequestHeader
+ # Add HTTP request header
+ # BSTR arg0 --- bstrHeader [IN]
+ # BSTR arg1 --- bstrValue [IN]
+ def setRequestHeader(arg0, arg1)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(2, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR getResponseHeader
+ # Get HTTP response header
+ # BSTR arg0 --- bstrHeader [IN]
+ def getResponseHeader(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(3, [arg0], [VT_BSTR])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # BSTR getAllResponseHeaders
+ # Get all HTTP response headers
+ def getAllResponseHeaders()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(4, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID send
+ # Send HTTP request
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- varBody [IN]
+ def send(arg0=nil)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(5, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID abort
+ # Abort HTTP request
+ def abort()
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(6, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+# XML Data Source Object
+class Microsoft_XMLDSO_1_0 # XMLDSOControl
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ attr_reader :dispatch
+ attr_reader :clsid
+ attr_reader :progid
+ def initialize(obj = nil)
+ @clsid = "{550DDA30-0541-11D2-9CA9-0060B0EC3D39}"
+ @progid = "Microsoft.XMLDSO.1.0"
+ if obj.nil?
+ @dispatch =
+ else
+ @dispatch = obj
+ end
+ end
+ def method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ end
+ # IXMLDOMDocument XMLDocument
+ def XMLDocument()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(65537, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 JavaDSOCompatible
+ def JavaDSOCompatible()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(65538, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # I4 readyState
+ def readyState()
+ ret = @dispatch._getproperty(-525, [], [])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID XMLDocument
+ def XMLDocument=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65537, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # VOID JavaDSOCompatible
+ def JavaDSOCompatible=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65538, [arg0], [VT_I4])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+# Constants that define types for IXMLElement.
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+# XMLDocument extends IXML Document. It is obsolete. You should use DOMDocument. This object should not be confused with the XMLDocument property on the XML data island.
+class Msxml # XMLDocument
+ include WIN32OLE::VARIANT
+ attr_reader :lastargs
+ attr_reader :dispatch
+ attr_reader :clsid
+ attr_reader :progid
+ def initialize(obj = nil)
+ @clsid = "{CFC399AF-D876-11D0-9C10-00C04FC99C8E}"
+ @progid = "Msxml"
+ if obj.nil?
+ @dispatch =
+ else
+ @dispatch = obj
+ end
+ end
+ def method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg)
+ end
+ # HRESULT url
+ # set URL to load an XML document from the URL.
+ # BSTR arg0 --- p [IN]
+ def url=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65641, [arg0], [VT_BSTR, VT_HRESULT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # HRESULT charset
+ # get encoding.
+ # BSTR arg0 --- p [IN]
+ def charset=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65645, [arg0], [VT_BSTR, VT_HRESULT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # HRESULT async
+ # get asynchronous loading flag.
+ # BOOL arg0 --- pf [IN]
+ def async=(arg0)
+ ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65649, [arg0], [VT_BOOL, VT_HRESULT])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end
+ # HRESULT root
+ # get root IXMLElement of the XML document.
+ # IXMLElement2,IXMLElement2 arg0 --- p [OUT]
+ def root
+ end
+ # HRESULT url
+ # set URL to load an XML document from the URL.
+ # BSTR arg0 --- p [OUT]
+ def url
+ end
+ # HRESULT readyState
+ # get ready state.
+ # I4 arg0 --- pl [OUT]
+ def readyState
+ end
+ # HRESULT charset
+ # get encoding.
+ # BSTR arg0 --- p [OUT]
+ def charset
+ end
+ # HRESULT version
+ # get XML version number.
+ # BSTR arg0 --- p [OUT]
+ def version
+ end
+ # HRESULT doctype
+ # get document type.
+ # BSTR arg0 --- p [OUT]
+ def doctype
+ end
+ # HRESULT async
+ # get asynchronous loading flag.
+ # BOOL arg0 --- pf [OUT]
+ def async
+ end
+ # HRESULT createElement
+ # create different types of IXMLElements.
+ # VARIANT arg0 --- vType [IN]
+ # VARIANT arg1 --- var1 [IN]
+ # IXMLElement2,IXMLElement2 arg2 --- ppElem [OUT]
+ def createElement(arg0, arg1=nil, arg2=nil)
+ ret = @dispatch._invoke(65644, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_VARIANT, VT_BYREF|VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH])
+ @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV
+ ret
+ end