path: root/jni/ruby/test/csv/test_row.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/test/csv/test_row.rb')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/csv/test_row.rb b/jni/ruby/test/csv/test_row.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3acceea
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+++ b/jni/ruby/test/csv/test_row.rb
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+#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
+# encoding: UTF-8
+# tc_row.rb
+# Created by James Edward Gray II on 2005-10-31.
+# Copyright 2005 James Edward Gray II. You can redistribute or modify this code
+# under the terms of Ruby's license.
+require_relative "base"
+class TestCSV::Row < TestCSV
+ extend DifferentOFS
+ def setup
+ super
+ @row ={A B C A A}, [1, 2, 3, 4])
+ end
+ def test_initialize
+ # basic
+ row ={A B C}, [1, 2, 3])
+ assert_not_nil(row)
+ assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
+ assert_equal([["A", 1], ["B", 2], ["C", 3]], row.to_a)
+ # missing headers
+ row ={A}, [1, 2, 3])
+ assert_not_nil(row)
+ assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
+ assert_equal([["A", 1], [nil, 2], [nil, 3]], row.to_a)
+ # missing fields
+ row ={A B C}, [1, 2])
+ assert_not_nil(row)
+ assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
+ assert_equal([["A", 1], ["B", 2], ["C", nil]], row.to_a)
+ end
+ def test_row_type
+ # field rows
+ row ={A B C}, [1, 2, 3]) # implicit
+ assert_not_predicate(row, :header_row?)
+ assert_predicate(row, :field_row?)
+ row ={A B C}, [1, 2, 3], false) # explicit
+ assert_not_predicate(row, :header_row?)
+ assert_predicate(row, :field_row?)
+ # header row
+ row ={A B C}, [1, 2, 3], true)
+ assert_predicate(row, :header_row?)
+ assert_not_predicate(row, :field_row?)
+ end
+ def test_headers
+ assert_equal(%w{A B C A A}, @row.headers)
+ end
+ def test_field
+ # by name
+ assert_equal(2, @row.field("B"))
+ assert_equal(2, @row["B"]) # alias
+ # by index
+ assert_equal(3, @row.field(2))
+ # missing
+ assert_nil(@row.field("Missing"))
+ assert_nil(@row.field(10))
+ # minimum index
+ assert_equal(1, @row.field("A"))
+ assert_equal(1, @row.field("A", 0))
+ assert_equal(4, @row.field("A", 1))
+ assert_equal(4, @row.field("A", 2))
+ assert_equal(4, @row.field("A", 3))
+ assert_equal(nil, @row.field("A", 4))
+ assert_equal(nil, @row.field("A", 5))
+ end
+ def test_fetch
+ # only by name
+ assert_equal(2, @row.fetch('B'))
+ # missing header raises KeyError
+ assert_raise KeyError do
+ @row.fetch('foo')
+ end
+ # missing header yields itself to block
+ assert_equal 'bar', @row.fetch('foo') { |header|
+ header == 'foo' ? 'bar' : false }
+ # missing header returns the given default value
+ assert_equal 'bar', @row.fetch('foo', 'bar')
+ # more than one vararg raises ArgumentError
+ assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ @row.fetch('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
+ end
+ end
+ def test_has_key?
+ assert_equal(true, @row.has_key?('B'))
+ assert_equal(false, @row.has_key?('foo'))
+ end
+ def test_set_field
+ # set field by name
+ assert_equal(100, @row["A"] = 100)
+ # set field by index
+ assert_equal(300, @row[3] = 300)
+ # set field by name and minimum index
+ assert_equal([:a, :b, :c], @row["A", 4] = [:a, :b, :c])
+ # verify the changes
+ assert_equal( [ ["A", 100],
+ ["B", 2],
+ ["C", 3],
+ ["A", 300],
+ ["A", [:a, :b, :c]] ], @row.to_a )
+ # assigning an index past the end
+ assert_equal("End", @row[10] = "End")
+ assert_equal( [ ["A", 100],
+ ["B", 2],
+ ["C", 3],
+ ["A", 300],
+ ["A", [:a, :b, :c]],
+ [nil, nil],
+ [nil, nil],
+ [nil, nil],
+ [nil, nil],
+ [nil, nil],
+ [nil, "End"] ], @row.to_a )
+ # assigning a new field by header
+ assert_equal("New", @row[:new] = "New")
+ assert_equal( [ ["A", 100],
+ ["B", 2],
+ ["C", 3],
+ ["A", 300],
+ ["A", [:a, :b, :c]],
+ [nil, nil],
+ [nil, nil],
+ [nil, nil],
+ [nil, nil],
+ [nil, nil],
+ [nil, "End"],
+ [:new, "New"] ], @row.to_a )
+ end
+ def test_append
+ # add a value
+ assert_equal(@row, @row << "Value")
+ assert_equal( [ ["A", 1],
+ ["B", 2],
+ ["C", 3],
+ ["A", 4],
+ ["A", nil],
+ [nil, "Value"] ], @row.to_a )
+ # add a pair
+ assert_equal(@row, @row << %w{Header Field})
+ assert_equal( [ ["A", 1],
+ ["B", 2],
+ ["C", 3],
+ ["A", 4],
+ ["A", nil],
+ [nil, "Value"],
+ %w{Header Field} ], @row.to_a )
+ # a pair with Hash syntax
+ assert_equal(@row, @row << {key: :value})
+ assert_equal( [ ["A", 1],
+ ["B", 2],
+ ["C", 3],
+ ["A", 4],
+ ["A", nil],
+ [nil, "Value"],
+ %w{Header Field},
+ [:key, :value] ], @row.to_a )
+ # multiple fields at once
+ assert_equal(@row, @row.push(100, 200, [:last, 300]))
+ assert_equal( [ ["A", 1],
+ ["B", 2],
+ ["C", 3],
+ ["A", 4],
+ ["A", nil],
+ [nil, "Value"],
+ %w{Header Field},
+ [:key, :value],
+ [nil, 100],
+ [nil, 200],
+ [:last, 300] ], @row.to_a )
+ end
+ def test_delete
+ # by index
+ assert_equal(["B", 2], @row.delete(1))
+ # by header
+ assert_equal(["C", 3], @row.delete("C"))
+ # using a block
+ assert_equal(@row, @row.delete_if { |h, f| h == "A" and not f.nil? })
+ assert_equal([["A", nil]], @row.to_a)
+ end
+ def test_fields
+ # all fields
+ assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, nil], @row.fields)
+ # by header
+ assert_equal([1, 3], @row.fields("A", "C"))
+ # by index
+ assert_equal([2, 3, nil], @row.fields(1, 2, 10))
+ # by both
+ assert_equal([2, 3, 4], @row.fields("B", "C", 3))
+ # with minimum indices
+ assert_equal([2, 3, 4], @row.fields("B", "C", ["A", 3]))
+ # by header range
+ assert_equal([2, 3], @row.values_at("B".."C"))
+ end
+ def test_index
+ # basic usage
+ assert_equal(0, @row.index("A"))
+ assert_equal(1, @row.index("B"))
+ assert_equal(2, @row.index("C"))
+ assert_equal(nil, @row.index("Z"))
+ # with minimum index
+ assert_equal(0, @row.index("A"))
+ assert_equal(0, @row.index("A", 0))
+ assert_equal(3, @row.index("A", 1))
+ assert_equal(3, @row.index("A", 2))
+ assert_equal(3, @row.index("A", 3))
+ assert_equal(4, @row.index("A", 4))
+ assert_equal(nil, @row.index("A", 5))
+ end
+ def test_queries
+ # headers
+ assert_send([@row, :header?, "A"])
+ assert_send([@row, :header?, "C"])
+ assert_not_send([@row, :header?, "Z"])
+ assert_send([@row, :include?, "A"]) # alias
+ # fields
+ assert(@row.field?(4))
+ assert(@row.field?(nil))
+ assert(!@row.field?(10))
+ end
+ def test_each
+ # array style
+ ary = @row.to_a
+ @row.each do |pair|
+ assert_equal(ary.first.first, pair.first)
+ assert_equal(ary.shift.last, pair.last)
+ end
+ # hash style
+ ary = @row.to_a
+ @row.each do |header, field|
+ assert_equal(ary.first.first, header)
+ assert_equal(ary.shift.last, field)
+ end
+ # verify that we can chain the call
+ assert_equal(@row, @row.each { })
+ end
+ def test_enumerable
+ assert_equal( [["A", 1], ["A", 4], ["A", nil]],
+ { |pair| pair.first == "A" } )
+ assert_equal(10, @row.inject(0) { |sum, (_, n)| sum + (n || 0) })
+ end
+ def test_to_a
+ row ={A B C}, [1, 2, 3]).to_a
+ assert_instance_of(Array, row)
+ row.each do |pair|
+ assert_instance_of(Array, pair)
+ assert_equal(2, pair.size)
+ end
+ assert_equal([["A", 1], ["B", 2], ["C", 3]], row)
+ end
+ def test_to_hash
+ hash = @row.to_hash
+ assert_equal({"A" => nil, "B" => 2, "C" => 3}, hash)
+ hash.keys.each_with_index do |string_key, h|
+ assert_predicate(string_key, :frozen?)
+ assert_same(string_key, @row.headers[h])
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_csv
+ # normal conversion
+ assert_equal("1,2,3,4,\n", @row.to_csv)
+ assert_equal("1,2,3,4,\n", @row.to_s) # alias
+ # with options
+ assert_equal( "1|2|3|4|\r\n",
+ @row.to_csv(col_sep: "|", row_sep: "\r\n") )
+ end
+ def test_array_delegation
+ assert_not_empty(@row, "Row was empty.")
+ assert_equal([@row.headers.size, @row.fields.size].max, @row.size)
+ end
+ def test_inspect_shows_header_field_pairs
+ str = @row.inspect
+ @row.each do |header, field|
+ assert_include(str, "#{header.inspect}:#{field.inspect}",
+ "Header field pair not found.")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_inspect_encoding_is_ascii_compatible
+ assert_send([Encoding, :compatible?,
+ Encoding.find("US-ASCII"),
+ @row.inspect.encoding],
+ "inspect() was not ASCII compatible.")
+ end
+ def test_inspect_shows_symbol_headers_as_bare_attributes
+ str = { |h| h.to_sym }, @row.fields).inspect
+ @row.each do |header, field|
+ assert_include(str, "#{header}:#{field.inspect}",
+ "Header field pair not found.")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_can_be_compared_with_other_classes
+ assert_not_nil([ ], [ ]), "The row was nil")
+ end
+ def test_can_be_compared_when_not_a_row
+ r = @row == []
+ assert_equal false, r
+ end