path: root/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest
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5 files changed, 2501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/README.txt b/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..368cc3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+= minitest/{unit,spec,mock,benchmark}
+home ::
+rdoc ::
+vim ::
+minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting
+TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking.
+ "I had a class with Jim Weirich on testing last week and we were
+ allowed to choose our testing frameworks. Kirk Haines and I were
+ paired up and we cracked open the code for a few test
+ frameworks...
+ I MUST say that minitest is *very* readable / understandable
+ compared to the 'other two' options we looked at. Nicely done and
+ thank you for helping us keep our mental sanity."
+ -- Wayne E. Seguin
+minitest/unit is a small and incredibly fast unit testing framework.
+It provides a rich set of assertions to make your tests clean and
+minitest/spec is a functionally complete spec engine. It hooks onto
+minitest/unit and seamlessly bridges test assertions over to spec
+minitest/benchmark is an awesome way to assert the performance of your
+algorithms in a repeatable manner. Now you can assert that your newb
+co-worker doesn't replace your linear algorithm with an exponential
+minitest/mock by Steven Baker, is a beautifully tiny mock (and stub)
+object framework.
+minitest/pride shows pride in testing and adds coloring to your test
+output. I guess it is an example of how to write IO pipes too. :P
+minitest/unit is meant to have a clean implementation for language
+implementors that need a minimal set of methods to bootstrap a working
+test suite. For example, there is no magic involved for test-case
+ "Again, I can't praise enough the idea of a testing/specing
+ framework that I can actually read in full in one sitting!"
+ -- Piotr Szotkowski
+Comparing to rspec:
+ rspec is a testing DSL. minitest is ruby.
+ -- Adam Hawkins, "Bow Before MiniTest"
+minitest doesn't reinvent anything that ruby already provides, like:
+classes, modules, inheritance, methods. This means you only have to
+learn ruby to use minitest and all of your regular OO practices like
+extract-method refactorings still apply.
+* minitest/autorun - the easy and explicit way to run all your tests.
+* minitest/unit - a very fast, simple, and clean test system.
+* minitest/spec - a very fast, simple, and clean spec system.
+* minitest/mock - a simple and clean mock/stub system.
+* minitest/benchmark - an awesome way to assert your algorithm's performance.
+* minitest/pride - show your pride in testing!
+* Incredibly small and fast runner, but no bells and whistles.
+See design_rationale.rb to see how specs and tests work in minitest.
+Given that you'd like to test the following class:
+ class Meme
+ def i_can_has_cheezburger?
+ "OHAI!"
+ end
+ def will_it_blend?
+ "YES!"
+ end
+ end
+=== Unit tests
+ require 'minitest/autorun'
+ class TestMeme < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @meme =
+ end
+ def test_that_kitty_can_eat
+ assert_equal "OHAI!", @meme.i_can_has_cheezburger?
+ end
+ def test_that_it_will_not_blend
+ refute_match /^no/i, @meme.will_it_blend?
+ end
+ def test_that_will_be_skipped
+ skip "test this later"
+ end
+ end
+=== Specs
+ require 'minitest/autorun'
+ describe Meme do
+ before do
+ @meme =
+ end
+ describe "when asked about cheeseburgers" do
+ it "must respond positively" do
+ @meme.i_can_has_cheezburger?.must_equal "OHAI!"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when asked about blending possibilities" do
+ it "won't say no" do
+ @meme.will_it_blend?.wont_match /^no/i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+For matchers support check out:
+=== Benchmarks
+Add benchmarks to your regular unit tests. If the unit tests fail, the
+benchmarks won't run.
+ # optionally run benchmarks, good for CI-only work!
+ require 'minitest/benchmark' if ENV["BENCH"]
+ class TestMeme < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ # Override self.bench_range or default range is [1, 10, 100, 1_000, 10_000]
+ def bench_my_algorithm
+ assert_performance_linear 0.9999 do |n| # n is a range value
+ @obj.my_algorithm(n)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Or add them to your specs. If you make benchmarks optional, you'll
+need to wrap your benchmarks in a conditional since the methods won't
+be defined.
+ describe Meme do
+ if ENV["BENCH"] then
+ bench_performance_linear "my_algorithm", 0.9999 do |n|
+ 100.times do
+ @obj.my_algorithm(n)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+outputs something like:
+ # Running benchmarks:
+ TestBlah 100 1000 10000
+ bench_my_algorithm 0.006167 0.079279 0.786993
+ bench_other_algorithm 0.061679 0.792797 7.869932
+Output is tab-delimited to make it easy to paste into a spreadsheet.
+=== Mocks
+ class MemeAsker
+ def initialize(meme)
+ @meme = meme
+ end
+ def ask(question)
+ method =" ","_") + "?"
+ @meme.__send__(method)
+ end
+ end
+ require 'minitest/autorun'
+ describe MemeAsker do
+ before do
+ @meme =
+ @meme_asker = @meme
+ end
+ describe "#ask" do
+ describe "when passed an unpunctuated question" do
+ it "should invoke the appropriate predicate method on the meme" do
+ @meme.expect :will_it_blend?, :return_value
+ @meme_asker.ask "will it blend"
+ @meme.verify
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== Stubs
+ def test_stale_eh
+ obj_under_test =
+ refute obj_under_test.stale?
+ Time.stub :now, do # stub goes away once the block is done
+ assert obj_under_test.stale?
+ end
+ end
+A note on stubbing: In order to stub a method, the method must
+actually exist prior to stubbing. Use a singleton method to create a
+new non-existing method:
+ def obj_under_test.fake_method
+ ...
+ end
+=== Customizable Test Runner Types:
+MiniTest::Unit.runner=(runner) provides an easy way of creating custom
+test runners for specialized needs. Justin Weiss provides the
+following real-world example to create an alternative to regular
+fixture loading:
+ class MiniTestWithHooks::Unit < MiniTest::Unit
+ def before_suites
+ end
+ def after_suites
+ end
+ def _run_suites(suites, type)
+ begin
+ before_suites
+ super(suites, type)
+ ensure
+ after_suites
+ end
+ end
+ def _run_suite(suite, type)
+ begin
+ suite.before_suite
+ super(suite, type)
+ ensure
+ suite.after_suite
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module MiniTestWithTransactions
+ class Unit < MiniTestWithHooks::Unit
+ include TestSetupHelper
+ def before_suites
+ super
+ setup_nested_transactions
+ # load any data we want available for all tests
+ end
+ def after_suites
+ teardown_nested_transactions
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ MiniTest::Unit.runner =
+== FAQ
+=== How to test SimpleDelegates?
+The following implementation and test:
+ class Worker < SimpleDelegator
+ def work
+ end
+ end
+ describe Worker do
+ before do
+ @worker =
+ end
+ it "must respond to work" do
+ @worker.must_respond_to :work
+ end
+ end
+outputs a failure:
+ 1) Failure:
+ Worker#test_0001_must respond to work [bug11.rb:16]:
+ Expected #<Object:0x007f9e7184f0a0> (Object) to respond to #work.
+Worker is a SimpleDelegate which in 1.9+ is a subclass of BasicObject.
+Expectations are put on Object (one level down) so the Worker
+(SimpleDelegate) hits `method_missing` and delegates down to the
+`` instance. That object doesn't respond to work so the test
+You can bypass `SimpleDelegate#method_missing` by extending the worker
+with `MiniTest::Expectations`. You can either do that in your setup at
+the instance level, like:
+ before do
+ @worker =
+ @worker.extend MiniTest::Expectations
+ end
+or you can extend the Worker class (within the test file!), like:
+ class Worker
+ include ::MiniTest::Expectations
+ end
+== Known Extensions:
+capybara_minitest_spec :: Bridge between Capybara RSpec matchers and MiniTest::Spec expectations (e.g. page.must_have_content('Title')).
+minispec-metadata :: Metadata for describe/it blocks
+ (e.g. `it 'requires JS driver', js: true do`)
+minitest-ansi :: Colorize minitest output with ANSI colors.
+minitest-around :: Around block for minitest. An alternative to setup/teardown dance.
+minitest-capistrano :: Assertions and expectations for testing Capistrano recipes
+minitest-capybara :: Capybara matchers support for minitest unit and spec
+minitest-chef-handler :: Run Minitest suites as Chef report handlers
+minitest-ci :: CI reporter plugin for MiniTest.
+minitest-colorize :: Colorize MiniTest output and show failing tests instantly.
+minitest-context :: Defines contexts for code reuse in MiniTest
+ specs that share common expectations.
+minitest-debugger :: Wraps assert so failed assertions drop into
+ the ruby debugger.
+minitest-display :: Patches MiniTest to allow for an easily configurable output.
+minitest-emoji :: Print out emoji for your test passes, fails, and skips.
+minitest-english :: Semantically symmetric aliases for assertions and expectations.
+minitest-excludes :: Clean API for excluding certain tests you
+ don't want to run under certain conditions.
+minitest-firemock :: Makes your MiniTest mocks more resilient.
+minitest-great_expectations :: Generally useful additions to minitest's assertions and expectations
+minitest-growl :: Test notifier for minitest via growl.
+minitest-implicit-subject :: Implicit declaration of the test subject.
+minitest-instrument :: Instrument ActiveSupport::Notifications when
+ test method is executed
+minitest-instrument-db :: Store information about speed of test
+ execution provided by minitest-instrument in database
+minitest-libnotify :: Test notifier for minitest via libnotify.
+minitest-macruby :: Provides extensions to minitest for macruby UI testing.
+minitest-matchers :: Adds support for RSpec-style matchers to minitest.
+minitest-metadata :: Annotate tests with metadata (key-value).
+minitest-mongoid :: Mongoid assertion matchers for MiniTest
+minitest-must_not :: Provides must_not as an alias for wont in MiniTest
+minitest-nc :: Test notifier for minitest via Mountain Lion's Notification Center
+minitest-predicates :: Adds support for .predicate? methods
+minitest-rails :: MiniTest integration for Rails 3.x
+minitest-rails-capybara :: Capybara integration for MiniTest::Rails
+minitest-reporters :: Create customizable MiniTest output formats
+minitest-should_syntax :: RSpec-style +x.should == y+ assertions for MiniTest
+minitest-shouldify :: Adding all manner of shoulds to MiniTest (bad idea)
+minitest-spec-context :: Provides rspec-ish context method to MiniTest::Spec
+minitest-spec-magic :: Minitest::Spec extensions for Rails and beyond
+minitest-spec-rails :: Drop in MiniTest::Spec superclass for ActiveSupport::TestCase.
+minitest-stub-const :: Stub constants for the duration of a block
+minitest-tags :: add tags for minitest
+minitest-wscolor :: Yet another test colorizer.
+minitest_owrapper :: Get tests results as a TestResult object.
+minitest_should :: Shoulda style syntax for minitest test::unit.
+minitest_tu_shim :: minitest_tu_shim bridges between test/unit and minitest.
+mongoid-minitest :: MiniTest matchers for Mongoid.
+pry-rescue :: A pry plugin w/ minitest support. See pry-rescue/minitest.rb.
+== Unknown Extensions:
+Authors... Please send me a pull request with a description of your minitest extension.
+* assay-minitest
+* detroit-minitest
+* em-minitest-spec
+* flexmock-minitest
+* guard-minitest
+* guard-minitest-decisiv
+* minitest-activemodel
+* minitest-ar-assertions
+* minitest-capybara-unit
+* minitest-colorer
+* minitest-deluxe
+* minitest-extra-assertions
+* minitest-rails-shoulda
+* minitest-spec
+* minitest-spec-should
+* minitest-sugar
+* minitest_should
+* mongoid-minitest
+* spork-minitest
+* Ruby 1.8, maybe even 1.6 or lower. No magic is involved.
+ sudo gem install minitest
+On 1.9, you already have it. To get newer candy you can still install
+the gem, but you'll need to activate the gem explicitly to use it:
+ require 'rubygems'
+ gem 'minitest' # ensures you're using the gem, and not the built in MT
+ require 'minitest/autorun'
+ # ... usual testing stuffs ...
+DO NOTE: There is a serious problem with the way that ruby 1.9/2.0
+packages their own gems. They install a gem specification file, but
+don't install the gem contents in the gem path. This messes up
+Gem.find_files and many other things (gem which, gem contents, etc).
+Just install minitest as a gem for real and you'll be happier.
+(The MIT License)
+Copyright (c) Ryan Davis, seattle.rb
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/autorun.rb b/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/autorun.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88b1e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/autorun.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+ require 'rubygems'
+ gem 'minitest'
+rescue Gem::LoadError
+ # do nothing
+require 'minitest/unit'
+require 'minitest/mock'
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/benchmark.rb b/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/benchmark.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5195fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/benchmark.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'minitest/unit'
+class MiniTest::Unit # :nodoc:
+ def run_benchmarks # :nodoc:
+ _run_anything :benchmark
+ end
+ def benchmark_suite_header suite # :nodoc:
+ "\n#{suite}\t#{suite.bench_range.join("\t")}"
+ end
+ class TestCase
+ ##
+ # Returns a set of ranges stepped exponentially from +min+ to
+ # +max+ by powers of +base+. Eg:
+ #
+ # bench_exp(2, 16, 2) # => [2, 4, 8, 16]
+ def self.bench_exp min, max, base = 10
+ min = (Math.log10(min) / Math.log10(base)).to_i
+ max = (Math.log10(max) / Math.log10(base)).to_i
+ (min..max).map { |m| base ** m }.to_a
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a set of ranges stepped linearly from +min+ to +max+ by
+ # +step+. Eg:
+ #
+ # bench_linear(20, 40, 10) # => [20, 30, 40]
+ def self.bench_linear min, max, step = 10
+ (min..max).step(step).to_a
+ rescue LocalJumpError # 1.8.6
+ r = []; (min..max).step(step) { |n| r << n }; r
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the benchmark methods (methods that start with bench_)
+ # for that class.
+ def self.benchmark_methods # :nodoc:
+ public_instance_methods(true).grep(/^bench_/).map { |m| m.to_s }.sort
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns all test suites that have benchmark methods.
+ def self.benchmark_suites
+ TestCase.test_suites.reject { |s| s.benchmark_methods.empty? }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Specifies the ranges used for benchmarking for that class.
+ # Defaults to exponential growth from 1 to 10k by powers of 10.
+ # Override if you need different ranges for your benchmarks.
+ #
+ # See also: ::bench_exp and ::bench_linear.
+ def self.bench_range
+ bench_exp 1, 10_000
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs the given +work+, gathering the times of each run. Range
+ # and times are then passed to a given +validation+ proc. Outputs
+ # the benchmark name and times in tab-separated format, making it
+ # easy to paste into a spreadsheet for graphing or further
+ # analysis.
+ #
+ # Ranges are specified by ::bench_range.
+ #
+ # Eg:
+ #
+ # def bench_algorithm
+ # validation = proc { |x, y| ... }
+ # assert_performance validation do |n|
+ # @obj.algorithm(n)
+ # end
+ # end
+ def assert_performance validation, &work
+ range = self.class.bench_range
+ io.print "#{__name__}"
+ times = []
+ range.each do |x|
+ GC.start
+ t0 =
+ instance_exec(x, &work)
+ t = - t0
+ io.print "\t%9.6f" % t
+ times << t
+ end
+ io.puts
+ validation[range, times]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs the given +work+ and asserts that the times gathered fit to
+ # match a constant rate (eg, linear slope == 0) within a given
+ # +threshold+. Note: because we're testing for a slope of 0, R^2
+ # is not a good determining factor for the fit, so the threshold
+ # is applied against the slope itself. As such, you probably want
+ # to tighten it from the default.
+ #
+ # See for
+ # more details.
+ #
+ # Fit is calculated by #fit_linear.
+ #
+ # Ranges are specified by ::bench_range.
+ #
+ # Eg:
+ #
+ # def bench_algorithm
+ # assert_performance_constant 0.9999 do |n|
+ # @obj.algorithm(n)
+ # end
+ # end
+ def assert_performance_constant threshold = 0.99, &work
+ validation = proc do |range, times|
+ a, b, rr = fit_linear range, times
+ assert_in_delta 0, b, 1 - threshold
+ [a, b, rr]
+ end
+ assert_performance validation, &work
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs the given +work+ and asserts that the times gathered fit to
+ # match a exponential curve within a given error +threshold+.
+ #
+ # Fit is calculated by #fit_exponential.
+ #
+ # Ranges are specified by ::bench_range.
+ #
+ # Eg:
+ #
+ # def bench_algorithm
+ # assert_performance_exponential 0.9999 do |n|
+ # @obj.algorithm(n)
+ # end
+ # end
+ def assert_performance_exponential threshold = 0.99, &work
+ assert_performance validation_for_fit(:exponential, threshold), &work
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs the given +work+ and asserts that the times gathered fit to
+ # match a logarithmic curve within a given error +threshold+.
+ #
+ # Fit is calculated by #fit_logarithmic.
+ #
+ # Ranges are specified by ::bench_range.
+ #
+ # Eg:
+ #
+ # def bench_algorithm
+ # assert_performance_logarithmic 0.9999 do |n|
+ # @obj.algorithm(n)
+ # end
+ # end
+ def assert_performance_logarithmic threshold = 0.99, &work
+ assert_performance validation_for_fit(:logarithmic, threshold), &work
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs the given +work+ and asserts that the times gathered fit to
+ # match a straight line within a given error +threshold+.
+ #
+ # Fit is calculated by #fit_linear.
+ #
+ # Ranges are specified by ::bench_range.
+ #
+ # Eg:
+ #
+ # def bench_algorithm
+ # assert_performance_linear 0.9999 do |n|
+ # @obj.algorithm(n)
+ # end
+ # end
+ def assert_performance_linear threshold = 0.99, &work
+ assert_performance validation_for_fit(:linear, threshold), &work
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs the given +work+ and asserts that the times gathered curve
+ # fit to match a power curve within a given error +threshold+.
+ #
+ # Fit is calculated by #fit_power.
+ #
+ # Ranges are specified by ::bench_range.
+ #
+ # Eg:
+ #
+ # def bench_algorithm
+ # assert_performance_power 0.9999 do |x|
+ # @obj.algorithm
+ # end
+ # end
+ def assert_performance_power threshold = 0.99, &work
+ assert_performance validation_for_fit(:power, threshold), &work
+ end
+ ##
+ # Takes an array of x/y pairs and calculates the general R^2 value.
+ #
+ # See:
+ def fit_error xys
+ y_bar = sigma(xys) { |x, y| y } / xys.size.to_f
+ ss_tot = sigma(xys) { |x, y| (y - y_bar) ** 2 }
+ ss_err = sigma(xys) { |x, y| (yield(x) - y) ** 2 }
+ 1 - (ss_err / ss_tot)
+ end
+ ##
+ # To fit a functional form: y = ae^(bx).
+ #
+ # Takes x and y values and returns [a, b, r^2].
+ #
+ # See:
+ def fit_exponential xs, ys
+ n = xs.size
+ xys =
+ sxlny = sigma(xys) { |x,y| x * Math.log(y) }
+ slny = sigma(xys) { |x,y| Math.log(y) }
+ sx2 = sigma(xys) { |x,y| x * x }
+ sx = sigma xs
+ c = n * sx2 - sx ** 2
+ a = (slny * sx2 - sx * sxlny) / c
+ b = ( n * sxlny - sx * slny ) / c
+ return Math.exp(a), b, fit_error(xys) { |x| Math.exp(a + b * x) }
+ end
+ ##
+ # To fit a functional form: y = a + b*ln(x).
+ #
+ # Takes x and y values and returns [a, b, r^2].
+ #
+ # See:
+ def fit_logarithmic xs, ys
+ n = xs.size
+ xys =
+ slnx2 = sigma(xys) { |x,y| Math.log(x) ** 2 }
+ slnx = sigma(xys) { |x,y| Math.log(x) }
+ sylnx = sigma(xys) { |x,y| y * Math.log(x) }
+ sy = sigma(xys) { |x,y| y }
+ c = n * slnx2 - slnx ** 2
+ b = ( n * sylnx - sy * slnx ) / c
+ a = (sy - b * slnx) / n
+ return a, b, fit_error(xys) { |x| a + b * Math.log(x) }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fits the functional form: a + bx.
+ #
+ # Takes x and y values and returns [a, b, r^2].
+ #
+ # See:
+ def fit_linear xs, ys
+ n = xs.size
+ xys =
+ sx = sigma xs
+ sy = sigma ys
+ sx2 = sigma(xs) { |x| x ** 2 }
+ sxy = sigma(xys) { |x,y| x * y }
+ c = n * sx2 - sx**2
+ a = (sy * sx2 - sx * sxy) / c
+ b = ( n * sxy - sx * sy ) / c
+ return a, b, fit_error(xys) { |x| a + b * x }
+ end
+ ##
+ # To fit a functional form: y = ax^b.
+ #
+ # Takes x and y values and returns [a, b, r^2].
+ #
+ # See:
+ def fit_power xs, ys
+ n = xs.size
+ xys =
+ slnxlny = sigma(xys) { |x, y| Math.log(x) * Math.log(y) }
+ slnx = sigma(xs) { |x | Math.log(x) }
+ slny = sigma(ys) { | y| Math.log(y) }
+ slnx2 = sigma(xs) { |x | Math.log(x) ** 2 }
+ b = (n * slnxlny - slnx * slny) / (n * slnx2 - slnx ** 2);
+ a = (slny - b * slnx) / n
+ return Math.exp(a), b, fit_error(xys) { |x| (Math.exp(a) * (x ** b)) }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Enumerates over +enum+ mapping +block+ if given, returning the
+ # sum of the result. Eg:
+ #
+ # sigma([1, 2, 3]) # => 1 + 2 + 3 => 7
+ # sigma([1, 2, 3]) { |n| n ** 2 } # => 1 + 4 + 9 => 14
+ def sigma enum, &block
+ enum = if block
+ enum.inject { |sum, n| sum + n }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a proc that calls the specified fit method and asserts
+ # that the error is within a tolerable threshold.
+ def validation_for_fit msg, threshold
+ proc do |range, times|
+ a, b, rr = send "fit_#{msg}", range, times
+ assert_operator rr, :>=, threshold
+ [a, b, rr]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class MiniTest::Spec
+ ##
+ # This is used to define a new benchmark method. You usually don't
+ # use this directly and is intended for those needing to write new
+ # performance curve fits (eg: you need a specific polynomial fit).
+ #
+ # See ::bench_performance_linear for an example of how to use this.
+ def self.bench name, &block
+ define_method "bench_#{name.gsub(/\W+/, '_')}", &block
+ end
+ ##
+ # Specifies the ranges used for benchmarking for that class.
+ #
+ # bench_range do
+ # bench_exp(2, 16, 2)
+ # end
+ #
+ # See Unit::TestCase.bench_range for more details.
+ def self.bench_range &block
+ return super unless block
+ meta = (class << self; self; end)
+ meta.send :define_method, "bench_range", &block
+ end
+ ##
+ # Create a benchmark that verifies that the performance is linear.
+ #
+ # describe "my class" do
+ # bench_performance_linear "fast_algorithm", 0.9999 do |n|
+ # @obj.fast_algorithm(n)
+ # end
+ # end
+ def self.bench_performance_linear name, threshold = 0.99, &work
+ bench name do
+ assert_performance_linear threshold, &work
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Create a benchmark that verifies that the performance is constant.
+ #
+ # describe "my class" do
+ # bench_performance_constant "zoom_algorithm!" do |n|
+ # @obj.zoom_algorithm!(n)
+ # end
+ # end
+ def self.bench_performance_constant name, threshold = 0.99, &work
+ bench name do
+ assert_performance_constant threshold, &work
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Create a benchmark that verifies that the performance is exponential.
+ #
+ # describe "my class" do
+ # bench_performance_exponential "algorithm" do |n|
+ # @obj.algorithm(n)
+ # end
+ # end
+ def self.bench_performance_exponential name, threshold = 0.99, &work
+ bench name do
+ assert_performance_exponential threshold, &work
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/mock.rb b/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/mock.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19acaff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/mock.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+class MockExpectationError < StandardError; end # :nodoc:
+# A simple and clean mock object framework.
+module MiniTest # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # All mock objects are an instance of Mock
+ class Mock
+ alias :__respond_to? :respond_to?
+ skip_methods = %w(object_id respond_to_missing? inspect === to_s)
+ instance_methods.each do |m|
+ undef_method m unless skip_methods.include?(m.to_s) || m =~ /^__/
+ end
+ def initialize # :nodoc:
+ @expected_calls = { |calls, name| calls[name] = [] }
+ @actual_calls = { |calls, name| calls[name] = [] }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Expect that method +name+ is called, optionally with +args+ or a
+ # +blk+, and returns +retval+.
+ #
+ # @mock.expect(:meaning_of_life, 42)
+ # @mock.meaning_of_life # => 42
+ #
+ # @mock.expect(:do_something_with, true, [some_obj, true])
+ # @mock.do_something_with(some_obj, true) # => true
+ #
+ # @mock.expect(:do_something_else, true) do |a1, a2|
+ # a1 == "buggs" && a2 == :bunny
+ # end
+ #
+ # +args+ is compared to the expected args using case equality (ie, the
+ # '===' operator), allowing for less specific expectations.
+ #
+ # @mock.expect(:uses_any_string, true, [String])
+ # @mock.uses_any_string("foo") # => true
+ # @mock.verify # => true
+ #
+ # @mock.expect(:uses_one_string, true, ["foo"]
+ # @mock.uses_one_string("bar") # => true
+ # @mock.verify # => raises MockExpectationError
+ def expect(name, retval, args=[], &blk)
+ if block_given?
+ raise ArgumentError, "args ignored when block given" unless args.empty?
+ @expected_calls[name] << { :retval => retval, :block => blk }
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "args must be an array" unless Array === args
+ @expected_calls[name] << { :retval => retval, :args => args }
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def __call name, data # :nodoc:
+ case data
+ when Hash then
+ "#{name}(#{data[:args].inspect[1..-2]}) => #{data[:retval].inspect}"
+ else
+ { |d| __call name, d }.join ", "
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Verify that all methods were called as expected. Raises
+ # +MockExpectationError+ if the mock object was not called as
+ # expected.
+ def verify
+ @expected_calls.each do |name, calls|
+ calls.each do |expected|
+ msg1 = "expected #{__call name, expected}"
+ msg2 = "#{msg1}, got [#{__call name, @actual_calls[name]}]"
+ raise MockExpectationError, msg2 if
+ @actual_calls.has_key?(name) and
+ not @actual_calls[name].include?(expected)
+ raise MockExpectationError, msg1 unless
+ @actual_calls.has_key?(name) and
+ @actual_calls[name].include?(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def method_missing(sym, *args) # :nodoc:
+ unless @expected_calls.has_key?(sym) then
+ raise NoMethodError, "unmocked method %p, expected one of %p" %
+ [sym, @expected_calls.keys.sort_by(&:to_s)]
+ end
+ index = @actual_calls[sym].length
+ expected_call = @expected_calls[sym][index]
+ unless expected_call then
+ raise MockExpectationError, "No more expects available for %p: %p" %
+ [sym, args]
+ end
+ expected_args, retval, val_block =
+ expected_call.values_at(:args, :retval, :block)
+ if val_block then
+ raise MockExpectationError, "mocked method %p failed block w/ %p" %
+ [sym, args] unless
+ # keep "verify" happy
+ @actual_calls[sym] << expected_call
+ return retval
+ end
+ if expected_args.size != args.size then
+ raise ArgumentError, "mocked method %p expects %d arguments, got %d" %
+ [sym, expected_args.size, args.size]
+ end
+ fully_matched = { |mod, a|
+ mod === a or mod == a
+ }
+ unless fully_matched then
+ raise MockExpectationError, "mocked method %p called with unexpected arguments %p" %
+ [sym, args]
+ end
+ @actual_calls[sym] << {
+ :retval => retval,
+ :args => { |mod, a| mod === a ? mod : a }
+ }
+ retval
+ end
+ def respond_to?(sym, include_private = false) # :nodoc:
+ return true if @expected_calls.has_key?(sym.to_sym)
+ return __respond_to?(sym, include_private)
+ end
+ end
+class Object # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Add a temporary stubbed method replacing +name+ for the duration
+ # of the +block+. If +val_or_callable+ responds to #call, then it
+ # returns the result of calling it, otherwise returns the value
+ # as-is. Cleans up the stub at the end of the +block+. The method
+ # +name+ must exist before stubbing.
+ #
+ # def test_stale_eh
+ # obj_under_test =
+ # refute obj_under_test.stale?
+ #
+ # Time.stub :now, do
+ # assert obj_under_test.stale?
+ # end
+ # end
+ def stub name, val_or_callable, &block
+ new_name = "__minitest_stub__#{name}"
+ metaclass = class << self; self; end
+ if respond_to? name and not name.to_s then
+ metaclass.send :define_method, name do |*args|
+ super(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ metaclass.send :alias_method, new_name, name
+ metaclass.send :define_method, name do |*args|
+ if val_or_callable.respond_to? :call then
+ else
+ val_or_callable
+ end
+ end
+ yield self
+ ensure
+ metaclass.send :undef_method, name
+ metaclass.send :alias_method, name, new_name
+ metaclass.send :undef_method, new_name
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/unit.rb b/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/unit.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a6558d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/lib/minitest/unit.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1419 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require "optparse"
+require "rbconfig"
+require "leakchecker"
+# Minimal (mostly drop-in) replacement for test-unit.
+# :include: README.txt
+module MiniTest
+ def self.const_missing name # :nodoc:
+ case name
+ when :MINI_DIR then
+ msg = "MiniTest::MINI_DIR was removed. Don't violate other's internals."
+ warn "WAR\NING: #{msg}"
+ warn "WAR\NING: Used by #{caller.first}."
+ const_set :MINI_DIR, "bad value"
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Assertion base class
+ class Assertion < Exception; end
+ ##
+ # Assertion raised when skipping a test
+ class Skip < Assertion; end
+ class << self
+ ##
+ # Filter object for backtraces.
+ attr_accessor :backtrace_filter
+ end
+ class BacktraceFilter # :nodoc:
+ def filter bt
+ return ["No backtrace"] unless bt
+ new_bt = []
+ unless $DEBUG then
+ bt.each do |line|
+ break if line =~ /lib\/minitest/
+ new_bt << line
+ end
+ new_bt = bt.reject { |line| line =~ /lib\/minitest/ } if new_bt.empty?
+ new_bt = bt.dup if new_bt.empty?
+ else
+ new_bt = bt.dup
+ end
+ new_bt
+ end
+ end
+ self.backtrace_filter =
+ def self.filter_backtrace bt # :nodoc:
+ backtrace_filter.filter bt
+ end
+ ##
+ # MiniTest Assertions. All assertion methods accept a +msg+ which is
+ # printed if the assertion fails.
+ module Assertions
+ UNDEFINED = # :nodoc:
+ def UNDEFINED.inspect # :nodoc:
+ "UNDEFINED" # again with the rdoc bugs... :(
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the diff command to use in #diff. Tries to intelligently
+ # figure out what diff to use.
+ def self.diff
+ @diff = if (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ &&
+ system("diff.exe", __FILE__, __FILE__)) then
+ "diff.exe -u"
+ elsif Minitest::Unit::Guard.maglev? then # HACK
+ "diff -u"
+ elsif system("gdiff", __FILE__, __FILE__)
+ "gdiff -u" # solaris and kin suck
+ elsif system("diff", __FILE__, __FILE__)
+ "diff -u"
+ else
+ nil
+ end unless defined? @diff
+ @diff
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set the diff command to use in #diff.
+ def self.diff= o
+ @diff = o
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a diff between +exp+ and +act+. If there is no known
+ # diff command or if it doesn't make sense to diff the output
+ # (single line, short output), then it simply returns a basic
+ # comparison between the two.
+ def diff exp, act
+ require "tempfile"
+ expect = mu_pp_for_diff exp
+ butwas = mu_pp_for_diff act
+ result = nil
+ need_to_diff =
+ MiniTest::Assertions.diff &&
+ (expect.include?("\n") ||
+ butwas.include?("\n") ||
+ expect.size > 30 ||
+ butwas.size > 30 ||
+ expect == butwas)
+ return "Expected: #{mu_pp exp}\n Actual: #{mu_pp act}" unless
+ need_to_diff
+ tempfile_a = nil
+ tempfile_b = nil
+"expect") do |a|
+ tempfile_a = a
+ a.puts expect
+ a.flush
+"butwas") do |b|
+ tempfile_b = b
+ b.puts butwas
+ b.flush
+ result = `#{MiniTest::Assertions.diff} #{a.path} #{b.path}`
+ result.sub!(/^\-\-\- .+/, "--- expected")
+ result.sub!(/^\+\+\+ .+/, "+++ actual")
+ if result.empty? then
+ klass = exp.class
+ result = [
+ "No visible difference in the #{klass}#inspect output.\n",
+ "You should look at the implementation of #== on ",
+ "#{klass} or its members.\n",
+ expect,
+ ].join
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ result
+ ensure
+ tempfile_a.close! if tempfile_a
+ tempfile_b.close! if tempfile_b
+ end
+ ##
+ # This returns a human-readable version of +obj+. By default
+ # #inspect is called. You can override this to use #pretty_print
+ # if you want.
+ def mu_pp obj
+ s = obj.inspect
+ s = s.encode Encoding.default_external if defined? Encoding
+ s
+ end
+ ##
+ # This returns a diff-able human-readable version of +obj+. This
+ # differs from the regular mu_pp because it expands escaped
+ # newlines and makes hex-values generic (like object_ids). This
+ # uses mu_pp to do the first pass and then cleans it up.
+ def mu_pp_for_diff obj
+ mu_pp(obj).gsub(/\\n/, "\n").gsub(/:0x[a-fA-F0-9]{4,}/m, ':0xXXXXXX')
+ end
+ def _assertions= n # :nodoc:
+ @_assertions = n
+ end
+ def _assertions # :nodoc:
+ @_assertions ||= 0
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +test+ is a true value.
+ def assert test, msg = nil
+ msg ||= "Failed assertion, no message given."
+ self._assertions += 1
+ unless test then
+ msg = if Proc === msg
+ raise MiniTest::Assertion, msg
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ is empty.
+ def assert_empty obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be empty" }
+ assert_respond_to obj, :empty?
+ assert obj.empty?, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless <tt>exp == act</tt> printing the difference between
+ # the two, if possible.
+ #
+ # If there is no visible difference but the assertion fails, you
+ # should suspect that your #== is buggy, or your inspect output is
+ # missing crucial details.
+ #
+ # For floats use assert_in_delta.
+ #
+ # See also: MiniTest::Assertions.diff
+ def assert_equal exp, act, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg, "") { diff exp, act }
+ assert exp == act, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For comparing Floats. Fails unless +exp+ and +act+ are within +delta+
+ # of each other.
+ #
+ # assert_in_delta Math::PI, (22.0 / 7.0), 0.01
+ def assert_in_delta exp, act, delta = 0.001, msg = nil
+ n = (exp - act).abs
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected |#{exp} - #{act}| (#{n}) to be <= #{delta}"
+ }
+ assert delta >= n, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For comparing Floats. Fails unless +exp+ and +act+ have a relative
+ # error less than +epsilon+.
+ def assert_in_epsilon a, b, epsilon = 0.001, msg = nil
+ assert_in_delta a, b, [a.abs, b.abs].min * epsilon, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +collection+ includes +obj+.
+ def assert_includes collection, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(collection)} to include #{mu_pp(obj)}"
+ }
+ assert_respond_to collection, :include?
+ assert collection.include?(obj), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ is an instance of +cls+.
+ def assert_instance_of cls, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be an instance of #{cls}, not #{obj.class}"
+ }
+ assert obj.instance_of?(cls), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ is a kind of +cls+.
+ def assert_kind_of cls, obj, msg = nil # TODO: merge with instance_of
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be a kind of #{cls}, not #{obj.class}" }
+ assert obj.kind_of?(cls), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +matcher+ <tt>=~</tt> +obj+.
+ def assert_match matcher, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp matcher} to match #{mu_pp obj}" }
+ assert_respond_to matcher, :"=~"
+ matcher = Regexp.escape matcher if String === matcher
+ assert matcher =~ obj, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ is nil
+ def assert_nil obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be nil" }
+ assert obj.nil?, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For testing with binary operators.
+ #
+ # assert_operator 5, :<=, 4
+ def assert_operator o1, op, o2 = UNDEFINED, msg = nil
+ return assert_predicate o1, op, msg if UNDEFINED == o2
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(o1)} to be #{op} #{mu_pp(o2)}" }
+ assert o1.__send__(op, o2), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if stdout or stderr do not output the expected results.
+ # Pass in nil if you don't care about that streams output. Pass in
+ # "" if you require it to be silent. Pass in a regexp if you want
+ # to pattern match.
+ #
+ # NOTE: this uses #capture_io, not #capture_subprocess_io.
+ #
+ # See also: #assert_silent
+ def assert_output stdout = nil, stderr = nil
+ out, err = capture_io do
+ yield
+ end
+ err_msg = Regexp === stderr ? :assert_match : :assert_equal if stderr
+ out_msg = Regexp === stdout ? :assert_match : :assert_equal if stdout
+ y = send err_msg, stderr, err, "In stderr" if err_msg
+ x = send out_msg, stdout, out, "In stdout" if out_msg
+ (!stdout || x) && (!stderr || y)
+ end
+ ##
+ # For testing with predicates.
+ #
+ # assert_predicate str, :empty?
+ #
+ # This is really meant for specs and is front-ended by assert_operator:
+ #
+ # str.must_be :empty?
+ def assert_predicate o1, op, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(o1)} to be #{op}" }
+ assert o1.__send__(op), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless the block raises one of +exp+. Returns the
+ # exception matched so you can check the message, attributes, etc.
+ def assert_raises *exp
+ msg = "#{exp.pop}.\n" if String === exp.last
+ begin
+ yield
+ rescue MiniTest::Skip => e
+ return e if exp.include? MiniTest::Skip
+ raise e
+ rescue Exception => e
+ expected = exp.any? { |ex|
+ if ex.instance_of? Module then
+ e.kind_of? ex
+ else
+ e.instance_of? ex
+ end
+ }
+ assert expected, proc {
+ exception_details(e, "#{msg}#{mu_pp(exp)} exception expected, not")
+ }
+ return e
+ end
+ exp = exp.first if exp.size == 1
+ flunk "#{msg}#{mu_pp(exp)} expected but nothing was raised."
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ responds to +meth+.
+ def assert_respond_to obj, meth, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} (#{obj.class}) to respond to ##{meth}"
+ }
+ assert obj.respond_to?(meth), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +exp+ and +act+ are #equal?
+ def assert_same exp, act, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ data = [mu_pp(act), act.object_id, mu_pp(exp), exp.object_id]
+ "Expected %s (oid=%d) to be the same as %s (oid=%d)" % data
+ }
+ assert exp.equal?(act), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # +send_ary+ is a receiver, message and arguments.
+ #
+ # Fails unless the call returns a true value
+ # TODO: I should prolly remove this from specs
+ def assert_send send_ary, m = nil
+ recv, msg, *args = send_ary
+ m = message(m) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(recv)}.#{msg}(*#{mu_pp(args)}) to return true" }
+ assert recv.__send__(msg, *args), m
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if the block outputs anything to stderr or stdout.
+ #
+ # See also: #assert_output
+ def assert_silent
+ assert_output "", "" do
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless the block throws +sym+
+ def assert_throws sym, msg = nil
+ default = "Expected #{mu_pp(sym)} to have been thrown"
+ caught = true
+ catch(sym) do
+ begin
+ yield
+ rescue ThreadError => e # wtf?!? 1.8 + threads == suck
+ default += ", not \:#{e.message[/uncaught throw \`(\w+?)\'/, 1]}"
+ rescue ArgumentError => e # 1.9 exception
+ default += ", not #{e.message.split(/ /).last}"
+ rescue NameError => e # 1.8 exception
+ default += ", not #{}"
+ end
+ caught = false
+ end
+ assert caught, message(msg) { default }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Captures $stdout and $stderr into strings:
+ #
+ # out, err = capture_io do
+ # puts "Some info"
+ # warn "You did a bad thing"
+ # end
+ #
+ # assert_match %r%info%, out
+ # assert_match %r%bad%, err
+ #
+ # NOTE: For efficiency, this method uses StringIO and does not
+ # capture IO for subprocesses. Use #capture_subprocess_io for
+ # that.
+ def capture_io
+ require 'stringio'
+ captured_stdout, captured_stderr =,
+ synchronize do
+ orig_stdout, orig_stderr = $stdout, $stderr
+ $stdout, $stderr = captured_stdout, captured_stderr
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ $stdout = orig_stdout
+ $stderr = orig_stderr
+ end
+ end
+ return captured_stdout.string, captured_stderr.string
+ end
+ ##
+ # Captures $stdout and $stderr into strings, using Tempfile to
+ # ensure that subprocess IO is captured as well.
+ #
+ # out, err = capture_subprocess_io do
+ # system "echo Some info"
+ # system "echo You did a bad thing 1>&2"
+ # end
+ #
+ # assert_match %r%info%, out
+ # assert_match %r%bad%, err
+ #
+ # NOTE: This method is approximately 10x slower than #capture_io so
+ # only use it when you need to test the output of a subprocess.
+ def capture_subprocess_io
+ require 'tempfile'
+ captured_stdout, captured_stderr ="out"),"err")
+ synchronize do
+ orig_stdout, orig_stderr = $stdout.dup, $stderr.dup
+ $stdout.reopen captured_stdout
+ $stderr.reopen captured_stderr
+ begin
+ yield
+ $stdout.rewind
+ $stderr.rewind
+ [,]
+ ensure
+ $stdout.reopen orig_stdout
+ $stderr.reopen orig_stderr
+ orig_stdout.close
+ orig_stderr.close
+ captured_stdout.close!
+ captured_stderr.close!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns details for exception +e+
+ def exception_details e, msg
+ [
+ "#{msg}",
+ "Class: <#{e.class}>",
+ "Message: <#{e.message.inspect}>",
+ "---Backtrace---",
+ "#{MiniTest::filter_backtrace(e.backtrace).join("\n")}",
+ "---------------",
+ ].join "\n"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails with +msg+
+ def flunk msg = nil
+ msg ||= "Epic Fail!"
+ assert false, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a proc that will output +msg+ along with the default message.
+ def message msg = nil, ending = ".", &default
+ proc {
+ msg =".") if Proc === msg
+ custom_message = "#{msg}.\n" unless msg.nil? or msg.to_s.empty?
+ "#{custom_message}#{}#{ending}"
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # used for counting assertions
+ def pass msg = nil
+ assert true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +test+ is a true value
+ def refute test, msg = nil
+ msg ||= "Failed refutation, no message given"
+ not assert(! test, msg)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +obj+ is empty.
+ def refute_empty obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be empty" }
+ assert_respond_to obj, :empty?
+ refute obj.empty?, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if <tt>exp == act</tt>.
+ #
+ # For floats use refute_in_delta.
+ def refute_equal exp, act, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(act)} to not be equal to #{mu_pp(exp)}"
+ }
+ refute exp == act, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For comparing Floats. Fails if +exp+ is within +delta+ of +act+.
+ #
+ # refute_in_delta Math::PI, (22.0 / 7.0)
+ def refute_in_delta exp, act, delta = 0.001, msg = nil
+ n = (exp - act).abs
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected |#{exp} - #{act}| (#{n}) to not be <= #{delta}"
+ }
+ refute delta >= n, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For comparing Floats. Fails if +exp+ and +act+ have a relative error
+ # less than +epsilon+.
+ def refute_in_epsilon a, b, epsilon = 0.001, msg = nil
+ refute_in_delta a, b, a * epsilon, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +collection+ includes +obj+.
+ def refute_includes collection, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(collection)} to not include #{mu_pp(obj)}"
+ }
+ assert_respond_to collection, :include?
+ refute collection.include?(obj), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +obj+ is an instance of +cls+.
+ def refute_instance_of cls, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be an instance of #{cls}"
+ }
+ refute obj.instance_of?(cls), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +obj+ is a kind of +cls+.
+ def refute_kind_of cls, obj, msg = nil # TODO: merge with instance_of
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be a kind of #{cls}" }
+ refute obj.kind_of?(cls), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +matcher+ <tt>=~</tt> +obj+.
+ def refute_match matcher, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {"Expected #{mu_pp matcher} to not match #{mu_pp obj}"}
+ assert_respond_to matcher, :"=~"
+ matcher = Regexp.escape matcher if String === matcher
+ refute matcher =~ obj, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +obj+ is nil.
+ def refute_nil obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be nil" }
+ refute obj.nil?, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +o1+ is not +op+ +o2+. Eg:
+ #
+ # refute_operator 1, :>, 2 #=> pass
+ # refute_operator 1, :<, 2 #=> fail
+ def refute_operator o1, op, o2 = UNDEFINED, msg = nil
+ return refute_predicate o1, op, msg if UNDEFINED == o2
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(o1)} to not be #{op} #{mu_pp(o2)}"}
+ refute o1.__send__(op, o2), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For testing with predicates.
+ #
+ # refute_predicate str, :empty?
+ #
+ # This is really meant for specs and is front-ended by refute_operator:
+ #
+ # str.wont_be :empty?
+ def refute_predicate o1, op, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(o1)} to not be #{op}" }
+ refute o1.__send__(op), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +obj+ responds to the message +meth+.
+ def refute_respond_to obj, meth, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not respond to #{meth}" }
+ refute obj.respond_to?(meth), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +exp+ is the same (by object identity) as +act+.
+ def refute_same exp, act, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ data = [mu_pp(act), act.object_id, mu_pp(exp), exp.object_id]
+ "Expected %s (oid=%d) to not be the same as %s (oid=%d)" % data
+ }
+ refute exp.equal?(act), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Skips the current test. Gets listed at the end of the run but
+ # doesn't cause a failure exit code.
+ def skip msg = nil, bt = caller
+ msg ||= "Skipped, no message given"
+ @skip = true
+ raise MiniTest::Skip, msg, bt
+ end
+ ##
+ # Was this testcase skipped? Meant for #teardown.
+ def skipped?
+ defined?(@skip) and @skip
+ end
+ ##
+ # Takes a block and wraps it with the runner's shared mutex.
+ def synchronize
+ Minitest::Unit.runner.synchronize do
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Unit # :nodoc:
+ VERSION = "4.7.5" # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :report, :failures, :errors, :skips # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :assertion_count # :nodoc:
+ attr_writer :test_count # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :start_time # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :help # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :verbose # :nodoc:
+ attr_writer :options # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # :attr:
+ #
+ # if true, installs an "INFO" signal handler (only available to BSD and
+ # OS X users) which prints diagnostic information about the test run.
+ #
+ # This is auto-detected by default but may be overridden by custom
+ # runners.
+ attr_accessor :info_signal
+ ##
+ # Lazy accessor for options.
+ def options
+ @options ||= {}
+ end
+ @@installed_at_exit ||= false
+ @@out = $stdout
+ @@after_tests = []
+ ##
+ # A simple hook allowing you to run a block of code after _all_ of
+ # the tests are done. Eg:
+ #
+ # MiniTest::Unit.after_tests { p $debugging_info }
+ def self.after_tests &block
+ @@after_tests << block
+ end
+ ##
+ # Registers MiniTest::Unit to run tests at process exit
+ def self.autorun
+ at_exit {
+ # don't run if there was a non-exit exception
+ next if $! and not $!.kind_of? SystemExit
+ # the order here is important. The at_exit handler must be
+ # installed before anyone else gets a chance to install their
+ # own, that way we can be assured that our exit will be last
+ # to run (at_exit stacks).
+ exit_code = nil
+ at_exit {
+ @@after_tests.reverse_each(&:call)
+ exit false if exit_code && exit_code != 0
+ }
+ exit_code = ARGV
+ } unless @@installed_at_exit
+ @@installed_at_exit = true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the stream to use for output.
+ def self.output
+ @@out
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets MiniTest::Unit to write output to +stream+. $stdout is the default
+ # output
+ def self.output= stream
+ @@out = stream
+ end
+ ##
+ # Tells MiniTest::Unit to delegate to +runner+, an instance of a
+ # MiniTest::Unit subclass, when MiniTest::Unit#run is called.
+ def self.runner= runner
+ @@runner = runner
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the MiniTest::Unit subclass instance that will be used
+ # to run the tests. A MiniTest::Unit instance is the default
+ # runner.
+ def self.runner
+ @@runner ||=
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return all plugins' run methods (methods that start with "run_").
+ def self.plugins
+ @@plugins ||= (["run_tests"] +
+ public_instance_methods(false).
+ grep(/^run_/).map { |s| s.to_s }).uniq
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the IO for output.
+ def output
+ self.class.output
+ end
+ def puts *a # :nodoc:
+ output.puts(*a)
+ end
+ def print *a # :nodoc:
+ output.print(*a)
+ end
+ def test_count # :nodoc:
+ @test_count ||= 0
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runner for a given +type+ (eg, test vs bench).
+ def _run_anything type
+ suites = TestCase.send "#{type}_suites"
+ return if suites.empty?
+ start =
+ puts
+ puts "# Running #{type}s:"
+ puts
+ @test_count, @assertion_count = 0, 0
+ sync = output.respond_to? :"sync=" # stupid emacs
+ old_sync, output.sync = output.sync, true if sync
+ results = _run_suites suites, type
+ @test_count = results.inject(0) { |sum, (tc, _)| sum + tc }
+ @assertion_count = results.inject(0) { |sum, (_, ac)| sum + ac }
+ output.sync = old_sync if sync
+ t = - start
+ puts
+ puts
+ puts "Finished #{type}s in %.6fs, %.4f tests/s, %.4f assertions/s." %
+ [t, test_count / t, assertion_count / t]
+ report.each_with_index do |msg, i|
+ puts "\n%3d) %s" % [i + 1, msg]
+ end
+ puts
+ status
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs all the +suites+ for a given +type+.
+ #
+ def _run_suites suites, type
+ { |suite| _run_suite suite, type }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Run a single +suite+ for a given +type+.
+ def _run_suite suite, type
+ header = "#{type}_suite_header"
+ puts send(header, suite) if respond_to? header
+ filter = options[:filter] || '/./'
+ filter = $1 if filter =~ /\/(.*)\//
+ all_test_methods = suite.send "#{type}_methods"
+ filtered_test_methods = all_test_methods.find_all { |m|
+ filter === m || filter === "#{suite}##{m}"
+ }
+ leakchecker =
+ assertions = { |method|
+ inst = method
+ inst._assertions = 0
+ print "#{suite}##{method} = " if @verbose
+ start_time = if @verbose
+ result = self
+ print "%.2f s = " % ( - start_time) if @verbose
+ print result
+ puts if @verbose
+ $stdout.flush
+ leakchecker.check("#{inst.class}\##{inst.__name__}")
+ inst._assertions
+ }
+ return assertions.size, assertions.inject(0) { |sum, n| sum + n }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Record the result of a single test. Makes it very easy to gather
+ # information. Eg:
+ #
+ # class StatisticsRecorder < MiniTest::Unit
+ # def record suite, method, assertions, time, error
+ # # ... record the results somewhere ...
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # MiniTest::Unit.runner =
+ #
+ # NOTE: record might be sent more than once per test. It will be
+ # sent once with the results from the test itself. If there is a
+ # failure or error in teardown, it will be sent again with the
+ # error or failure.
+ def record suite, method, assertions, time, error
+ end
+ def location e # :nodoc:
+ last_before_assertion = ""
+ e.backtrace.reverse_each do |s|
+ break if s =~ /in .(assert|refute|flunk|pass|fail|raise|must|wont)/
+ last_before_assertion = s
+ end
+ last_before_assertion.sub(/:in .*$/, '')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes status for failed test +meth+ in +klass+ which finished with
+ # exception +e+
+ def puke klass, meth, e
+ e = case e
+ when MiniTest::Skip then
+ @skips += 1
+ return "S" unless @verbose
+ "Skipped:\n#{klass}##{meth} [#{location e}]:\n#{e.message}\n"
+ when MiniTest::Assertion then
+ @failures += 1
+ "Failure:\n#{klass}##{meth} [#{location e}]:\n#{e.message}\n"
+ else
+ @errors += 1
+ bt = MiniTest::filter_backtrace(e.backtrace).join "\n "
+ "Error:\n#{klass}##{meth}:\n#{e.class}: #{e.message}\n #{bt}\n"
+ end
+ @report << e
+ e[0, 1]
+ end
+ def initialize # :nodoc:
+ @report = []
+ @errors = @failures = @skips = 0
+ @verbose = false
+ @mutex = defined?(Mutex) ? : nil
+ @info_signal = Signal.list['INFO']
+ end
+ def synchronize # :nodoc:
+ if @mutex then
+ @mutex.synchronize { yield }
+ else
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ def process_args args = [] # :nodoc:
+ options = {}
+ orig_args = args.dup
+ do |opts|
+ opts.banner = 'minitest options:'
+ opts.version = MiniTest::Unit::VERSION
+ opts.on '-h', '--help', 'Display this help.' do
+ puts opts
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.on '-s', '--seed SEED', Integer, "Sets random seed" do |m|
+ options[:seed] = m.to_i
+ end
+ opts.on '-v', '--verbose', "Verbose. Show progress processing files." do
+ options[:verbose] = true
+ end
+ opts.on '-n', '--name PATTERN', "Filter test names on pattern (e.g. /foo/)" do |a|
+ options[:filter] = a
+ end
+ opts.parse! args
+ orig_args -= args
+ end
+ unless options[:seed] then
+ srand
+ options[:seed] = srand % 0xFFFF
+ orig_args << "--seed" << options[:seed].to_s
+ end
+ srand options[:seed]
+ self.verbose = options[:verbose]
+ @help = { |s| s =~ /[\s|&<>$()]/ ? s.inspect : s }.join " "
+ options
+ end
+ ##
+ # Begins the full test run. Delegates to +runner+'s #_run method.
+ def run args = []
+ self.class.runner._run(args)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Top level driver, controls all output and filtering.
+ def _run args = []
+ args = process_args args # ARGH!! blame test/unit process_args
+ self.options.merge! args
+ puts "Run options: #{help}"
+ self.class.plugins.each do |plugin|
+ send plugin
+ break unless report.empty?
+ end
+ return failures + errors if self.test_count > 0 # or return nil...
+ rescue Interrupt
+ abort 'Interrupted'
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs test suites matching +filter+.
+ def run_tests
+ _run_anything :test
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes status to +io+
+ def status io = self.output
+ format = "%d tests, %d assertions, %d failures, %d errors, %d skips"
+ io.puts format % [test_count, assertion_count, failures, errors, skips]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Provides a simple set of guards that you can use in your tests
+ # to skip execution if it is not applicable. These methods are
+ # mixed into TestCase as both instance and class methods so you
+ # can use them inside or outside of the test methods.
+ #
+ # def test_something_for_mri
+ # skip "bug 1234" if jruby?
+ # # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ # if windows? then
+ # # ... lots of test methods ...
+ # end
+ module Guard
+ ##
+ # Is this running on jruby?
+ def jruby? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
+ "java" == platform
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this running on mri?
+ def maglev? platform = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE
+ "maglev" == platform
+ end
+ module_function :maglev?
+ ##
+ # Is this running on mri?
+ def mri? platform = RUBY_DESCRIPTION
+ /^ruby/ =~ platform
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this running on rubinius?
+ def rubinius? platform = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE
+ "rbx" == platform
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this running on windows?
+ def windows? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
+ /mswin|mingw/ =~ platform
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Provides before/after hooks for setup and teardown. These are
+ # meant for library writers, NOT for regular test authors. See
+ # #before_setup for an example.
+ module LifecycleHooks
+ ##
+ # Runs before every test, after setup. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend minitest. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # See #before_setup for an example.
+ def after_setup; end
+ ##
+ # Runs before every test, before setup. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend minitest. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # As a simplistic example:
+ #
+ # module MyMinitestPlugin
+ # def before_setup
+ # super
+ # # ... stuff to do before setup is run
+ # end
+ #
+ # def after_setup
+ # # ... stuff to do after setup is run
+ # super
+ # end
+ #
+ # def before_teardown
+ # super
+ # # ... stuff to do before teardown is run
+ # end
+ #
+ # def after_teardown
+ # # ... stuff to do after teardown is run
+ # super
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # class MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ # include MyMinitestPlugin
+ # end
+ def before_setup; end
+ ##
+ # Runs after every test, before teardown. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend minitest. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # See #before_setup for an example.
+ def before_teardown; end
+ ##
+ # Runs after every test, after teardown. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend minitest. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # See #before_setup for an example.
+ def after_teardown; end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Subclass TestCase to create your own tests. Typically you'll want a
+ # TestCase subclass per implementation class.
+ #
+ # See MiniTest::Assertions
+ class TestCase
+ include LifecycleHooks
+ include Guard
+ extend Guard
+ attr_reader :__name__ # :nodoc:
+ PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS = [NoMemoryError, SignalException,
+ Interrupt, SystemExit] # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Runs the tests reporting the status to +runner+
+ def run runner
+ trap "INFO" do
+ do |msg, i|
+ warn "\n%3d) %s" % [i + 1, msg]
+ end
+ warn ''
+ time = runner.start_time ? - runner.start_time : 0
+ warn "Current Test: %s#%s %.2fs" % [self.class, self.__name__, time]
+ runner.status $stderr
+ end if runner.info_signal
+ start_time =
+ result = ""
+ begin
+ @passed = nil
+ self.before_setup
+ self.setup
+ self.after_setup
+ self.run_test self.__name__
+ result = "." unless io?
+ time = - start_time
+ runner.record self.class, self.__name__, self._assertions, time, nil
+ @passed = true
+ raise
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @passed = Skip === e
+ time = - start_time
+ runner.record self.class, self.__name__, self._assertions, time, e
+ result = runner.puke self.class, self.__name__, e
+ ensure
+ %w{ before_teardown teardown after_teardown }.each do |hook|
+ begin
+ self.send hook
+ raise
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @passed = false
+ runner.record self.class, self.__name__, self._assertions, time, e
+ result = runner.puke self.class, self.__name__, e
+ end
+ end
+ trap 'INFO', 'DEFAULT' if runner.info_signal
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ alias :run_test :__send__
+ def initialize name # :nodoc:
+ @__name__ = name
+ @__io__ = nil
+ @passed = nil
+ @@current = self # FIX: make thread local
+ end
+ def self.current # :nodoc:
+ @@current # FIX: make thread local
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the output IO object
+ def io
+ @__io__ = true
+ MiniTest::Unit.output
+ end
+ ##
+ # Have we hooked up the IO yet?
+ def io?
+ @__io__
+ end
+ def self.reset # :nodoc:
+ @@test_suites = {}
+ end
+ reset
+ ##
+ # Call this at the top of your tests when you absolutely
+ # positively need to have ordered tests. In doing so, you're
+ # admitting that you suck and your tests are weak.
+ def self.i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent!
+ class << self
+ undef_method :test_order if method_defined? :test_order
+ define_method :test_order do :alpha end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Make diffs for this TestCase use #pretty_inspect so that diff
+ # in assert_equal can be more details. NOTE: this is much slower
+ # than the regular inspect but much more usable for complex
+ # objects.
+ def self.make_my_diffs_pretty!
+ require 'pp'
+ define_method :mu_pp do |o|
+ o.pretty_inspect
+ end
+ end
+ def self.inherited klass # :nodoc:
+ @@test_suites[klass] = true
+ super
+ end
+ def self.test_order # :nodoc:
+ :random
+ end
+ def self.test_suites # :nodoc:
+ @@test_suites.keys.sort_by { |ts| }
+ end
+ def self.test_methods # :nodoc:
+ methods = public_instance_methods(true).grep(/^test/).map { |m| m.to_s }
+ case self.test_order
+ when :parallel
+ max = methods.size
+ methods.sort.sort_by { rand max }
+ when :random then
+ max = methods.size
+ methods.sort.sort_by { rand max }
+ when :alpha, :sorted then
+ methods.sort
+ else
+ raise "Unknown test_order: #{self.test_order.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns true if the test passed.
+ def passed?
+ @passed
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs before every test. Use this to set up before each test
+ # run.
+ def setup; end
+ ##
+ # Runs after every test. Use this to clean up after each test
+ # run.
+ def teardown; end
+ include MiniTest::Assertions
+ end # class TestCase
+ end # class Unit
+ Test = Unit::TestCase
+end # module MiniTest
+Minitest = MiniTest # :nodoc: because ugh... I typo this all the time