path: root/jni/ruby/test/objspace
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Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/test/objspace')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/objspace/test_objspace.rb b/jni/ruby/test/objspace/test_objspace.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..868a46e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/objspace/test_objspace.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+require "test/unit"
+require "objspace"
+class TestObjSpace < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_memsize_of
+ assert_equal(0, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(true))
+ assert_equal(0, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(nil))
+ assert_equal(0, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(1))
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(Class))
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(""))
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, ObjectSpace.memsize_of([]))
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, ObjectSpace.memsize_of({}))
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(//))
+ f =
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(f))
+ f.close
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(/a/.match("a")))
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(
+ assert_operator(ObjectSpace.memsize_of("(a)"*1000).match("a"*1000)),
+ :>,
+ ObjectSpace.memsize_of(//.match("")))
+ end
+ def test_memsize_of_root_shared_string
+ a = "hello" * 5
+ b = a.dup
+ c = nil
+ ObjectSpace.each_object(String) {|x| break c = x if x == a and x.frozen?}
+ assert_equal([rv_size, rv_size, 26 + rv_size], [a, b, c].map {|x| ObjectSpace.memsize_of(x)})
+ end
+ def test_argf_memsize
+ size = ObjectSpace.memsize_of(ARGF)
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, size)
+ assert_operator(size, :>, 0)
+ argf = ARGF.dup
+ argf.inplace_mode = nil
+ size = ObjectSpace.memsize_of(argf)
+ argf.inplace_mode = "inplace_mode_suffix"
+ assert_equal(size + 20, ObjectSpace.memsize_of(argf))
+ end
+ def test_memsize_of_all
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, a = ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all)
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, b = ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all(String))
+ assert(a > b)
+ assert(a > 0)
+ assert(b > 0)
+ assert_raise(TypeError) {ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all('error')}
+ end
+ def test_count_objects_size
+ res = ObjectSpace.count_objects_size
+ assert_equal(false, res.empty?)
+ assert_equal(true, res[:TOTAL] > 0)
+ arg = {}
+ ObjectSpace.count_objects_size(arg)
+ assert_equal(false, arg.empty?)
+ end
+ def test_count_nodes
+ res = ObjectSpace.count_nodes
+ assert_equal(false, res.empty?)
+ arg = {}
+ ObjectSpace.count_nodes(arg)
+ assert_not_empty(arg)
+ bug8014 = '[ruby-core:53130] [Bug #8014]'
+ assert_empty( {|k, v| !(Symbol === k && Integer === v)}, bug8014)
+ end
+ def test_count_tdata_objects
+ res = ObjectSpace.count_tdata_objects
+ assert_equal(false, res.empty?)
+ arg = {}
+ ObjectSpace.count_tdata_objects(arg)
+ assert_equal(false, arg.empty?)
+ end
+ def test_reachable_objects_from
+ assert_separately %w[--disable-gem -robjspace], __FILE__, __LINE__, <<-'eom'
+ assert_equal(nil, ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from(nil))
+ assert_equal([Array, 'a', 'b', 'c'], ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from(['a', 'b', 'c']))
+ assert_equal([Array, 'a', 'a', 'a'], ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from(['a', 'a', 'a']))
+ assert_equal([Array, 'a', 'a'], ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from(['a', v = 'a', v]))
+ assert_equal([Array, 'a'], ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from([v = 'a', v, v]))
+ long_ary ={''}
+ max = 0
+ ObjectSpace.each_object{|o|
+ refs = ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from(o)
+ max = [refs.size, max].max
+ unless refs.nil?
+ refs.each_with_index {|ro, i|
+ assert_not_nil(ro, "#{i}: this referenced object is internal object")
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ assert_operator(max, :>=, long_ary.size+1, "1000 elems + Array class")
+ eom
+ end
+ def test_reachable_objects_from_root
+ root_objects = ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from_root
+ assert_operator(root_objects.size, :>, 0)
+ root_objects.each{|category, objects|
+ assert_kind_of(String, category)
+ assert_kind_of(Array, objects)
+ assert_operator(objects.size, :>, 0)
+ }
+ end
+ def test_reachable_objects_size
+ assert_separately %w[--disable-gem -robjspace], __FILE__, __LINE__, <<-'eom'
+ ObjectSpace.each_object{|o|
+ ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from(o).each{|reached_obj|
+ size = ObjectSpace.memsize_of(reached_obj)
+ assert_kind_of(Integer, size)
+ assert_operator(size, :>=, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ eom
+ end
+ def test_trace_object_allocations
+ o0 =
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations{
+ o1 =; line1 = __LINE__; c1 = GC.count
+ o2 = "xyzzy" ; line2 = __LINE__; c2 = GC.count
+ o3 = [1, 2] ; line3 = __LINE__; c3 = GC.count
+ assert_equal(nil, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(o0))
+ assert_equal(nil, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourceline(o0))
+ assert_equal(nil, ObjectSpace.allocation_generation(o0))
+ assert_equal(line1, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourceline(o1))
+ assert_equal(__FILE__, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(o1))
+ assert_equal(c1, ObjectSpace.allocation_generation(o1))
+ assert_equal(, ObjectSpace.allocation_class_path(o1))
+ assert_equal(:new, ObjectSpace.allocation_method_id(o1))
+ assert_equal(__FILE__, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(o2))
+ assert_equal(line2, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourceline(o2))
+ assert_equal(c2, ObjectSpace.allocation_generation(o2))
+ assert_equal(, ObjectSpace.allocation_class_path(o2))
+ assert_equal(__method__, ObjectSpace.allocation_method_id(o2))
+ assert_equal(__FILE__, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(o3))
+ assert_equal(line3, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourceline(o3))
+ assert_equal(c3, ObjectSpace.allocation_generation(o3))
+ assert_equal(, ObjectSpace.allocation_class_path(o3))
+ assert_equal(__method__, ObjectSpace.allocation_method_id(o3))
+ }
+ end
+ def test_trace_object_allocations_start_stop_clear
+ begin
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start
+ begin
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start
+ begin
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start
+ obj0 =
+ ensure
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_stop
+ obj1 =
+ end
+ ensure
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_stop
+ obj2 =
+ end
+ ensure
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_stop
+ obj3 =
+ end
+ assert_equal(__FILE__, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(obj0))
+ assert_equal(__FILE__, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(obj1))
+ assert_equal(__FILE__, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(obj2))
+ assert_equal(nil , ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(obj3)) # after tracing
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_clear
+ assert_equal(nil, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(obj0))
+ assert_equal(nil, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(obj1))
+ assert_equal(nil, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(obj2))
+ assert_equal(nil, ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(obj3))
+ end
+ def test_dump_flags
+ info = ObjectSpace.dump("foo".freeze)
+ assert_match /"wb_protected":true, "old":true/, info
+ assert_match /"fstring":true/, info
+ end
+ def test_dump_to_default
+ line = nil
+ info = nil
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations do
+ line = __LINE__ + 1
+ str = "hello world"
+ info = ObjectSpace.dump(str)
+ end
+ assert_dump_object(info, line)
+ end
+ def test_dump_to_io
+ line = nil
+ info = IO.pipe do |r, w|
+ th = Thread.start {}
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations do
+ line = __LINE__ + 1
+ str = "hello world"
+ ObjectSpace.dump(str, output: w)
+ end
+ w.close
+ th.value
+ end
+ assert_dump_object(info, line)
+ end
+ def assert_dump_object(info, line)
+ loc = caller_locations(1, 1)[0]
+ assert_match /"type":"STRING"/, info
+ assert_match /"embedded":true, "bytesize":11, "value":"hello world", "encoding":"UTF-8"/, info
+ assert_match /"file":"#{Regexp.escape __FILE__}", "line":#{line}/, info
+ assert_match /"method":"#{loc.base_label}"/, info
+ end
+ def test_dump_special_consts
+ # [ruby-core:69692] [Bug #11291]
+ assert_equal('{}', ObjectSpace.dump(nil))
+ assert_equal('{}', ObjectSpace.dump(true))
+ assert_equal('{}', ObjectSpace.dump(false))
+ assert_equal('{}', ObjectSpace.dump(0))
+ assert_equal('{}', ObjectSpace.dump(:foo))
+ end
+ def test_dump_all
+ entry = /"bytesize":11, "value":"TEST STRING", "encoding":"UTF-8", "file":"-", "line":4, "method":"dump_my_heap_please", "generation":/
+ assert_in_out_err(%w[-robjspace], <<-'end;') do |output, error|
+ def dump_my_heap_please
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start
+ GC.start
+ str = "TEST STRING".force_encoding("UTF-8")
+ ObjectSpace.dump_all(output: :stdout)
+ end
+ dump_my_heap_please
+ end;
+ assert_match(entry, output.grep(/TEST STRING/).join("\n"))
+ end
+ assert_in_out_err(%w[-robjspace], <<-'end;') do |(output), (error)|
+ def dump_my_heap_please
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start
+ GC.start
+ str = "TEST STRING".force_encoding("UTF-8")
+ ObjectSpace.dump_all().path
+ end
+ puts dump_my_heap_please
+ end;
+ skip if /is not supported/ =~ error
+ skip error unless output
+ assert_match(entry, File.readlines(output).grep(/TEST STRING/).join("\n"))
+ File.unlink(output)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_dump_uninitialized_file
+ assert_in_out_err(%[-robjspace], <<-RUBY) do |(output), (error)|
+ puts ObjectSpace.dump(File.allocate)
+ assert_nil error
+ assert_match /"type":"FILE"/, output
+ assert_not_match /"fd":/, output
+ end
+ end