path: root/jni/ruby/test/rake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/test/rake')
53 files changed, 6975 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/file_creation.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/file_creation.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..facc57a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/file_creation.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module FileCreation
+ OLDFILE = "old"
+ NEWFILE = "new"
+ def create_timed_files(oldfile, *newfiles)
+ return if (File.exist?(oldfile) &&
+ newfiles.all? { |newfile|
+ File.exist?(newfile) && File.stat(newfile).mtime > File.stat(oldfile).mtime
+ })
+ now =
+ create_file(oldfile, now - 60)
+ newfiles.each do |newfile|
+ create_file(newfile, now)
+ end
+ end
+ def create_dir(dirname)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) unless File.exist?(dirname)
+ File.stat(dirname).mtime
+ end
+ def create_file(name, file_time=nil)
+ create_dir(File.dirname(name))
+ FileUtils.touch(name) unless File.exist?(name)
+ File.utime(file_time, file_time, name) unless file_time.nil?
+ File.stat(name).mtime
+ end
+ def delete_file(name)
+ File.delete(name) rescue nil
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/helper.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac1205a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+$:.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
+ gem 'minitest', '~> 5'
+rescue Gem::LoadError
+require 'minitest/autorun'
+require 'rake'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require File.expand_path('../file_creation', __FILE__)
+ require_relative 'support/ruby_runner'
+ require_relative 'support/rakefile_definitions'
+rescue NoMethodError, LoadError
+ # ruby 1.8
+ require 'test/support/ruby_runner'
+ require 'test/support/rakefile_definitions'
+class Rake::TestCase < Minitest::Test
+ include FileCreation
+ include Rake::DSL
+ class TaskManager
+ include Rake::TaskManager
+ end
+ RUBY = defined?(EnvUtil) ? EnvUtil.rubybin : Gem.ruby
+ def setup
+ ARGV.clear
+ test_dir = File.basename File.dirname File.expand_path __FILE__
+ @rake_root =
+ if test_dir == 'test'
+ # rake repository
+ File.expand_path '../../', __FILE__
+ else
+ # ruby repository
+ File.expand_path '../../../', __FILE__
+ end
+ @verbose = ENV['VERBOSE']
+ @rake_exec = File.join @rake_root, 'bin', 'rake'
+ @rake_lib = File.join @rake_root, 'lib'
+ @ruby_options = ["-I#{@rake_lib}", "-I."]
+ @orig_pwd = Dir.pwd
+ @orig_appdata = ENV['APPDATA']
+ @orig_home = ENV['HOME']
+ @orig_homedrive = ENV['HOMEDRIVE']
+ @orig_homepath = ENV['HOMEPATH']
+ @orig_rake_columns = ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS']
+ @orig_rake_system = ENV['RAKE_SYSTEM']
+ @orig_rakeopt = ENV['RAKEOPT']
+ @orig_userprofile = ENV['USERPROFILE']
+ ENV.delete 'RAKE_SYSTEM'
+ ENV.delete 'RAKEOPT'
+ tmpdir = Dir.chdir Dir.tmpdir do Dir.pwd end
+ @tempdir = File.join tmpdir, "test_rake_#{$$}"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @tempdir
+ Dir.chdir @tempdir
+ Rake.application =
+ Rake::TaskManager.record_task_metadata = true
+ RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag = false
+ end
+ def teardown
+ Dir.chdir @orig_pwd
+ FileUtils.rm_rf @tempdir
+ if @orig_appdata
+ ENV['APPDATA'] = @orig_appdata
+ else
+ ENV.delete 'APPDATA'
+ end
+ ENV['HOME'] = @orig_home
+ ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] = @orig_homedrive
+ ENV['HOMEPATH'] = @orig_homepath
+ ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS'] = @orig_rake_columns
+ ENV['RAKE_SYSTEM'] = @orig_rake_system
+ ENV['RAKEOPT'] = @orig_rakeopt
+ ENV['USERPROFILE'] = @orig_userprofile
+ end
+ def ignore_deprecations
+ Rake.application.options.ignore_deprecate = true
+ yield
+ ensure
+ Rake.application.options.ignore_deprecate = false
+ end
+ def rake_system_dir
+ @system_dir = 'system'
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @system_dir
+ open File.join(@system_dir, 'sys1.rake'), 'w' do |io|
+ io << <<-SYS
+task "sys1" do
+ puts "SYS1"
+ end
+ ENV['RAKE_SYSTEM'] = @system_dir
+ end
+ def rakefile(contents)
+ open 'Rakefile', 'w' do |io|
+ io << contents
+ end
+ end
+ include RakefileDefinitions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/support/rakefile_definitions.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/support/rakefile_definitions.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a637c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/support/rakefile_definitions.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+module RakefileDefinitions
+ include FileUtils
+ def rakefile_access
+ rakefile <<-ACCESS
+def a_top_level_function
+task :default => [:work, :obj, :const]
+task :work do
+ begin
+ a_top_level_function
+ puts "GOOD:M Top level methods can be called in tasks"
+ rescue NameError => ex
+ puts "BAD:M Top level methods can not be called in tasks"
+ end
+# TODO: remove `disabled_' when DeprecatedObjectDSL removed
+task :obj
+task :disabled_obj do
+ begin
+ { task :xyzzy }
+ puts "BAD:D Rake DSL are polluting objects"
+ rescue StandardError => ex
+ puts "GOOD:D Rake DSL are not polluting objects"
+ end
+task :const do
+ begin
+ puts "GOOD:C Top level constants are available in tasks"
+ rescue StandardError => ex
+ puts "BAD:C Top level constants are NOT available in tasks"
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_test_task
+ rakefile <<-RAKEFILE
+ require "rake/testtask"
+ do |t|
+ t.description = "custom test task description"
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_chains
+ rakefile <<-DEFAULT
+task :default => ""
+file "play.scpt" => "base" do |t|
+ cp t.prerequisites.first,
+rule ".app" => ".scpt" do |t|
+ cp t.source,
+file 'base' do
+ touch 'base'
+ end
+ def rakefile_comments
+ rakefile <<-COMMENTS
+# comment for t1
+task :t1 do
+# no comment or task because there's a blank line
+task :t2 do
+desc "override comment for t3"
+# this is not the description
+multitask :t3 do
+# this is not the description
+desc "override comment for t4"
+file :t4 do
+ end
+ def rakefile_default
+ rakefile <<-DEFAULT
+ puts "TOPSCOPE"
+task :default do
+ puts "DEFAULT"
+task :other => [:default] do
+ puts "OTHER"
+task :task_scope do
+ puts "TASKSCOPE"
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_dryrun
+ rakefile <<-DRYRUN
+task :default => ["temp_main"]
+file "temp_main" => [:all_apps] do touch "temp_main" end
+task :all_apps => [:one, :two]
+task :one => ["temp_one"]
+task :two => ["temp_two"]
+file "temp_one" do |t|
+ touch "temp_one"
+file "temp_two" do |t|
+ touch "temp_two"
+task :clean do
+ ["temp_one", "temp_two", "temp_main"].each do |file|
+ rm_f file
+ end
+ FileUtils.touch 'temp_main'
+ FileUtils.touch 'temp_two'
+ end
+ def rakefile_extra
+ rakefile 'task :default'
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p 'rakelib'
+ open File.join('rakelib', 'extra.rake'), 'w' do |io|
+ io << <<-EXTRA_RAKE
+# Added for testing
+namespace :extra do
+ desc "An Extra Task"
+ task :extra do
+ puts "Read all about it"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_file_creation
+ rakefile <<-'FILE_CREATION'
+N = 2
+task :default => :run
+BUILD_DIR = 'build'
+task :clean do
+ rm_rf 'build'
+ rm_rf 'src'
+task :run
+TARGET_DIR = 'build/copies'
+FileList['src/*'].each do |src|
+ directory TARGET_DIR
+ target = File.join TARGET_DIR, File.basename(src)
+ file target => [src, TARGET_DIR] do
+ cp src, target
+ end
+ task :run => target
+task :prep => :clean do
+ mkdir_p 'src'
+ N.times do |n|
+ touch "src/foo#{n}"
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_imports
+ rakefile <<-IMPORTS
+require 'rake/loaders/makefile'
+task :default
+task :other do
+ puts "OTHER"
+file "dynamic_deps" do |t|
+ open(, "w") do |f| f.puts "puts 'DYNAMIC'" end
+import "dynamic_deps"
+import "static_deps"
+import "static_deps"
+import ""
+puts "FIRST"
+ open '', 'w' do |io|
+ io << <<-DEPS
+default: other
+ end
+ open "static_deps", "w" do |f|
+ f.puts 'puts "STATIC"'
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_regenerate_imports
+task :default
+task :regenerate do
+ open("deps", "w") do |f|
+ f << <<-CONTENT
+file "deps" => :regenerate
+ end
+import "deps"
+ open "deps", "w" do |f|
+ f << <<-CONTENT
+file "deps" => :regenerate
+puts "INITIAL"
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_multidesc
+ rakefile <<-MULTIDESC
+task :b
+desc "A"
+task :a
+desc "B"
+task :b
+desc "A2"
+task :a
+task :c
+desc "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+task :d
+ end
+ def rakefile_namespace
+ rakefile <<-NAMESPACE
+desc "copy"
+task :copy do
+ puts "COPY"
+namespace "nest" do
+ desc "nest copy"
+ task :copy do
+ puts "NEST COPY"
+ end
+ task :xx => :copy
+anon_ns = namespace do
+ desc "anonymous copy task"
+ task :copy do
+ puts "ANON COPY"
+ end
+desc "Top level task to run the anonymous version of copy"
+task :anon => anon_ns[:copy]
+namespace "very" do
+ namespace "nested" do
+ task "run" => "rake:copy"
+ end
+namespace "a" do
+ desc "Run task in the 'a' namespace"
+ task "run" do
+ puts "IN A"
+ end
+namespace "b" do
+ desc "Run task in the 'b' namespace"
+ task "run" => "a:run" do
+ puts "IN B"
+ end
+namespace "file1" do
+ file "xyz.rb" do
+ puts "XYZ1"
+ end
+namespace "file2" do
+ file "xyz.rb" do
+ puts "XYZ2"
+ end
+namespace "scopedep" do
+ task :prepare do
+ touch "scopedep.rb"
+ puts "PREPARE"
+ end
+ file "scopedep.rb" => [:prepare] do
+ puts "SCOPEDEP"
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_nosearch
+ FileUtils.touch 'dummy'
+ end
+ def rakefile_rakelib
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p 'rakelib'
+ Dir.chdir 'rakelib' do
+ open 'test1.rb', 'w' do |io|
+ io << <<-TEST1
+task :default do
+ puts "TEST1"
+ end
+ open 'test2.rake', 'w' do |io|
+ io << <<-TEST1
+task :default do
+ puts "TEST2"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_rbext
+ open 'rakefile.rb', 'w' do |io|
+ io << 'task :default do puts "OK" end'
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_unittest
+ rakefile '# Empty Rakefile for Unit Test'
+ readme = File.join 'subdir', 'README'
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname readme
+ FileUtils.touch readme
+ end
+ def rakefile_verbose
+ rakefile <<-VERBOSE
+task :standalone_verbose_true do
+ verbose true
+ sh "#{RUBY} -e '0'"
+task :standalone_verbose_false do
+ verbose false
+ sh "#{RUBY} -e '0'"
+task :inline_verbose_default do
+ sh "#{RUBY} -e '0'"
+task :inline_verbose_false do
+ sh "#{RUBY} -e '0'", :verbose => false
+task :inline_verbose_true do
+ sh "#{RUBY} -e '0'", :verbose => true
+task :block_verbose_true do
+ verbose(true) do
+ sh "#{RUBY} -e '0'"
+ end
+task :block_verbose_false do
+ verbose(false) do
+ sh "#{RUBY} -e '0'"
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_test_signal
+ rakefile <<-TEST_SIGNAL
+require 'rake/testtask'
+ do |t|
+ t.test_files = ['a_test.rb']
+ do |t|
+ t.test_files = ['b_test.rb']
+task :test do
+ Rake::Task[:a].invoke
+ Rake::Task[:b].invoke
+task :default => :test
+ open 'a_test.rb', 'w' do |io|
+ io << 'puts "ATEST"' << "\n"
+ io << '$stdout.flush' << "\n"
+ io << 'Process.kill("TERM", $$)' << "\n"
+ end
+ open 'b_test.rb', 'w' do |io|
+ io << 'puts "BTEST"' << "\n"
+ io << '$stdout.flush' << "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_failing_test_task
+ rakefile <<-TEST_TASK
+require 'rake/testtask'
+task :default => :test do |t|
+ t.test_files = ['a_test.rb']
+ open 'a_test.rb', 'w' do |io|
+ io << "require 'minitest/autorun'\n"
+ io << "class ExitTaskTest < Minitest::Test\n"
+ io << " def test_exit\n"
+ io << " assert false, 'this should fail'\n"
+ io << " end\n"
+ io << "end\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def rakefile_stand_alone_filelist
+ open 'stand_alone_filelist.rb', 'w' do |io|
+ io << "require 'rake/file_list'\n"
+ io << "FL = Rake::FileList['*.rb']\n"
+ io << "puts FL\n"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/support/ruby_runner.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/support/ruby_runner.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d51dd24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/support/ruby_runner.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module RubyRunner
+ include FileUtils
+ # Run a shell Ruby command with command line options (using the
+ # default test options). Output is captured in @out and @err
+ def ruby(*option_list)
+ run_ruby(@ruby_options + option_list)
+ end
+ # Run a command line rake with the give rake options. Default
+ # command line ruby options are included. Output is captured in
+ # @out and @err
+ def rake(*rake_options)
+ run_ruby @ruby_options + [@rake_exec] + rake_options
+ end
+ # Low level ruby command runner ...
+ def run_ruby(option_list)
+ puts "COMMAND: [#{RUBY} #{option_list.join ' '}]" if @verbose
+ Open3.popen3(RUBY, *option_list) {|inn, out, err, wait|
+ inn.close
+ @exit = wait ? wait.value : $?
+ @out =
+ @err =
+ }
+ puts "OUTPUT: [#{@out}]" if @verbose
+ puts "ERROR: [#{@err}]" if @verbose
+ puts "EXIT: [#{@exit.inspect}]" if @verbose
+ puts "PWD: [#{Dir.pwd}]" if @verbose
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_private_reader.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_private_reader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f86d424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_private_reader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'rake/private_reader'
+class TestPrivateAttrs < Rake::TestCase
+ class Sample
+ include Rake::PrivateReader
+ private_reader :reader, :a
+ def initialize
+ @reader = :RVALUE
+ end
+ def get_reader
+ reader
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ super
+ @sample =
+ end
+ def test_private_reader_is_private
+ assert_private do @sample.reader end
+ assert_private do @sample.a end
+ end
+ def test_private_reader_returns_data
+ assert_equal :RVALUE, @sample.get_reader
+ end
+ private
+ def assert_private
+ ex = assert_raises(NoMethodError) do yield end
+ assert_match(/private/, ex.message)
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2a3928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRake < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_each_dir_parent
+ assert_equal ['a'], alldirs('a')
+ assert_equal ['a/b', 'a'], alldirs('a/b')
+ assert_equal ['/a/b', '/a', '/'], alldirs('/a/b')
+ if File.dirname("c:/foo") == "c:"
+ # Under Unix
+ assert_equal ['c:/a/b', 'c:/a', 'c:'], alldirs('c:/a/b')
+ assert_equal ['c:a/b', 'c:a'], alldirs('c:a/b')
+ else
+ # Under Windows
+ assert_equal ['c:/a/b', 'c:/a', 'c:/'], alldirs('c:/a/b')
+ assert_equal ['c:a/b', 'c:a'], alldirs('c:a/b')
+ end
+ end
+ def alldirs(fn)
+ result = []
+ Rake.each_dir_parent(fn) { |d| result << d }
+ result
+ end
+ def test_can_override_application
+ old_app = Rake.application
+ fake_app =
+ Rake.application = fake_app
+ assert_equal fake_app, Rake.application
+ ensure
+ Rake.application = old_app
+ end
+ def test_original_dir_reports_current_dir
+ assert_equal @tempdir, Rake.original_dir
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_application.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_application.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c010889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_application.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeApplication < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @app = Rake.application
+ @app.options.rakelib = []
+ end
+ def setup_command_line(*options)
+ ARGV.clear
+ options.each do |option|
+ ARGV << option
+ end
+ end
+ def test_display_exception_details
+ obj =
+ obj.instance_eval("def #{__method__}; raise 'test'; end", "ruby")
+ begin
+ obj.__send__(__method__)
+ rescue => ex
+ end
+ out, err = capture_io do
+ @app.display_error_message ex
+ end
+ assert_empty out
+ assert_match 'rake aborted!', err
+ assert_match __method__.to_s, err
+ end
+ def test_display_exception_details_cause
+ skip 'Exception#cause not implemented' unless
+ Exception.method_defined? :cause
+ begin
+ raise 'cause a'
+ rescue
+ begin
+ raise 'cause b'
+ rescue => ex
+ end
+ end
+ out, err = capture_io do
+ @app.display_error_message ex
+ end
+ assert_empty out
+ assert_match 'cause a', err
+ assert_match 'cause b', err
+ end
+ def test_display_exception_details_cause_loop
+ skip 'Exception#cause not implemented' unless
+ Exception.method_defined? :cause
+ begin
+ begin
+ raise 'cause a'
+ rescue => a
+ begin
+ raise 'cause b'
+ rescue
+ raise a
+ end
+ end
+ rescue => ex
+ end
+ out, err = capture_io do
+ @app.display_error_message ex
+ end
+ assert_empty out
+ assert_match 'cause a', err
+ assert_match 'cause b', err
+ end
+ def test_display_tasks
+ @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks
+ @app.options.show_task_pattern = //
+ @app.last_description = "COMMENT"
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t")
+ out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end
+ assert_match(/^rake t/, out)
+ assert_match(/# COMMENT/, out)
+ end
+ def test_display_tasks_with_long_comments
+ @app.terminal_columns = 80
+ @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks
+ @app.options.show_task_pattern = //
+ numbers = "1234567890" * 8
+ @app.last_description = numbers
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t")
+ out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end
+ assert_match(/^rake t/, out)
+ assert_match(/# #{numbers[0, 65]}\.\.\./, out)
+ end
+ def test_display_tasks_with_task_name_wider_than_tty_display
+ @app.terminal_columns = 80
+ @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks
+ @app.options.show_task_pattern = //
+ task_name = "task name" * 80
+ @app.last_description = "something short"
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, task_name)
+ out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end
+ # Ensure the entire task name is output and we end up showing no description
+ assert_match(/rake #{task_name} # .../, out)
+ end
+ def test_display_tasks_with_very_long_task_name_to_a_non_tty_shows_name_and_comment
+ @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks
+ @app.options.show_task_pattern = //
+ @app.tty_output = false
+ description = "something short"
+ task_name = "task name" * 80
+ @app.last_description = "something short"
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, task_name)
+ out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end
+ # Ensure the entire task name is output and we end up showing no description
+ assert_match(/rake #{task_name} # #{description}/, out)
+ end
+ def test_display_tasks_with_long_comments_to_a_non_tty_shows_entire_comment
+ @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks
+ @app.options.show_task_pattern = //
+ @app.tty_output = false
+ @app.last_description = "1234567890" * 8
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t")
+ out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end
+ assert_match(/^rake t/, out)
+ assert_match(/# #{@app.last_description}/, out)
+ end
+ def test_truncating_comments_to_a_non_tty
+ @app.terminal_columns = 80
+ @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks
+ @app.options.show_task_pattern = //
+ @app.tty_output = false
+ numbers = "1234567890" * 8
+ @app.last_description = numbers
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t")
+ out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end
+ assert_match(/^rake t/, out)
+ assert_match(/# #{numbers[0, 65]}\.\.\./, out)
+ end
+ def test_describe_tasks
+ @app.options.show_tasks = :describe
+ @app.options.show_task_pattern = //
+ @app.last_description = "COMMENT"
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t")
+ out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end
+ assert_match(/^rake t$/, out)
+ assert_match(/^ {4}COMMENT$/, out)
+ end
+ def test_show_lines
+ @app.options.show_tasks = :lines
+ @app.options.show_task_pattern = //
+ @app.last_description = "COMMENT"
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t")
+ @app['t'].locations << "HERE:1"
+ out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end
+ assert_match(/^rake t +[^:]+:\d+ *$/, out)
+ end
+ def test_finding_rakefile
+ rakefile_default
+ assert_match(/Rakefile/i, @app.instance_eval { have_rakefile })
+ end
+ def test_not_finding_rakefile
+ @app.instance_eval { @rakefiles = ['NEVER_FOUND'] }
+ assert(! @app.instance_eval do have_rakefile end)
+ assert_nil @app.rakefile
+ end
+ def test_load_rakefile
+ rakefile_unittest
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ handle_options
+ options.silent = true
+ load_rakefile
+ end
+ assert_equal "rakefile", @app.rakefile.downcase
+ assert_equal @tempdir, Dir.pwd
+ end
+ def test_load_rakefile_doesnt_print_rakefile_directory_from_same_dir
+ rakefile_unittest
+ _, err = capture_io do
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ # pretend we started from the unittest dir
+ @original_dir = File.expand_path(".")
+ raw_load_rakefile
+ end
+ end
+ assert_empty err
+ end
+ def test_load_rakefile_from_subdir
+ rakefile_unittest
+ Dir.chdir 'subdir'
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ handle_options
+ options.silent = true
+ load_rakefile
+ end
+ assert_equal "rakefile", @app.rakefile.downcase
+ assert_equal @tempdir, Dir.pwd
+ end
+ def test_load_rakefile_prints_rakefile_directory_from_subdir
+ rakefile_unittest
+ Dir.chdir 'subdir'
+ app =
+ app.options.rakelib = []
+ _, err = capture_io do
+ app.instance_eval do
+ raw_load_rakefile
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal "(in #{@tempdir}\)\n", err
+ end
+ def test_load_rakefile_doesnt_print_rakefile_directory_from_subdir_if_silent
+ rakefile_unittest
+ Dir.chdir 'subdir'
+ _, err = capture_io do
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ handle_options
+ options.silent = true
+ raw_load_rakefile
+ end
+ end
+ assert_empty err
+ end
+ def test_load_rakefile_not_found
+ ARGV.clear
+ Dir.chdir @tempdir
+ ENV['RAKE_SYSTEM'] = 'not_exist'
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ handle_options
+ options.silent = true
+ end
+ ex = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ raw_load_rakefile
+ end
+ end
+ assert_match(/no rakefile found/i, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_load_from_system_rakefile
+ rake_system_dir
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ handle_options
+ options.silent = true
+ options.load_system = true
+ options.rakelib = []
+ load_rakefile
+ end
+ assert_equal @system_dir, @app.system_dir
+ assert_nil @app.rakefile
+ rescue SystemExit
+ flunk 'failed to load rakefile'
+ end
+ def test_load_from_calculated_system_rakefile
+ rakefile_default
+ def @app.standard_system_dir
+ "__STD_SYS_DIR__"
+ end
+ ENV['RAKE_SYSTEM'] = nil
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ handle_options
+ options.silent = true
+ options.load_system = true
+ options.rakelib = []
+ load_rakefile
+ end
+ assert_equal "__STD_SYS_DIR__", @app.system_dir
+ rescue SystemExit
+ flunk 'failed to find system rakefile'
+ end
+ def test_terminal_columns
+ old_rake_columns = ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS']
+ ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS'] = '42'
+ app =
+ assert_equal 42, app.terminal_columns
+ ensure
+ if old_rake_columns
+ ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS'].delete
+ else
+ ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS'] = old_rake_columns
+ end
+ end
+ def test_windows
+ assert ! ( && @app.unix?)
+ end
+ def test_loading_imports
+ loader = util_loader
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ add_loader("dummy", loader)
+ add_import("x.dummy")
+ load_imports
+ end
+ # HACK no assertions
+ end
+ def test_building_imported_files_on_demand
+ loader = util_loader
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ intern(Rake::Task, "x.dummy").enhance do loader.make_dummy end
+ add_loader("dummy", loader)
+ add_import("x.dummy")
+ load_imports
+ end
+ # HACK no assertions
+ end
+ def test_handle_options_should_not_strip_options_from_argv
+ assert !@app.options.trace
+ valid_option = '--trace'
+ setup_command_line(valid_option)
+ @app.handle_options
+ assert ARGV.include?(valid_option)
+ assert @app.options.trace
+ end
+ def test_handle_options_trace_default_is_stderr
+ setup_command_line("--trace")
+ @app.handle_options
+ assert_equal STDERR, @app.options.trace_output
+ assert @app.options.trace
+ end
+ def test_handle_options_trace_overrides_to_stdout
+ setup_command_line("--trace=stdout")
+ @app.handle_options
+ assert_equal STDOUT, @app.options.trace_output
+ assert @app.options.trace
+ end
+ def test_handle_options_trace_does_not_eat_following_task_names
+ assert !@app.options.trace
+ setup_command_line("--trace", "sometask")
+ @app.handle_options
+ assert ARGV.include?("sometask")
+ assert @app.options.trace
+ end
+ def test_good_run
+ ran = false
+ ARGV << '--rakelib=""'
+ @app.options.silent = true
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { ran = true }
+ end
+ rakefile_default
+ out, err = capture_io do
+ end
+ assert ran
+ assert_empty err
+ assert_equal "DEFAULT\n", out
+ end
+ def test_display_task_run
+ ran = false
+ setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '--tasks', '--rakelib=""')
+ @app.last_description = "COMMENT"
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "default")
+ out, = capture_io { }
+ assert @app.options.show_tasks
+ assert ! ran
+ assert_match(/rake default/, out)
+ assert_match(/# COMMENT/, out)
+ end
+ def test_display_prereqs
+ ran = false
+ setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '--prereqs', '--rakelib=""')
+ @app.last_description = "COMMENT"
+ t = @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "default")
+ t.enhance([:a, :b])
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "a")
+ @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "b")
+ out, = capture_io { }
+ assert @app.options.show_prereqs
+ assert ! ran
+ assert_match(/rake a$/, out)
+ assert_match(/rake b$/, out)
+ assert_match(/rake default\n( *(a|b)\n){2}/m, out)
+ end
+ def test_bad_run
+ @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail }
+ setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '--rakelib=""')
+ _, err = capture_io {
+ assert_raises(SystemExit){ }
+ }
+ assert_match(/see full trace/i, err)
+ ensure
+ ARGV.clear
+ end
+ def test_bad_run_with_trace
+ @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail }
+ setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '-t')
+ _, err = capture_io {
+ assert_raises(SystemExit) { }
+ }
+ refute_match(/see full trace/i, err)
+ ensure
+ ARGV.clear
+ end
+ def test_bad_run_with_backtrace
+ @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail }
+ setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '--backtrace')
+ _, err = capture_io {
+ assert_raises(SystemExit) {
+ }
+ }
+ refute_match(/see full trace/, err)
+ ensure
+ ARGV.clear
+ end
+ CustomError =
+ def test_bad_run_includes_exception_name
+ @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance {
+ raise CustomError, "intentional"
+ }
+ setup_command_line('-f', '-s')
+ _, err = capture_io {
+ assert_raises(SystemExit) {
+ }
+ }
+ assert_match(/CustomError: intentional/, err)
+ end
+ def test_rake_error_excludes_exception_name
+ @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance {
+ fail "intentional"
+ }
+ setup_command_line('-f', '-s')
+ _, err = capture_io {
+ assert_raises(SystemExit) {
+ }
+ }
+ refute_match(/RuntimeError/, err)
+ assert_match(/intentional/, err)
+ end
+ def cause_supported?
+ ex =
+ ex.respond_to?(:cause)
+ end
+ def test_printing_original_exception_cause
+ custom_error =
+ @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance {
+ begin
+ raise custom_error, "Original Error"
+ rescue custom_error
+ raise custom_error, "Secondary Error"
+ end
+ }
+ setup_command_line('-f', '-s')
+ _ ,err = capture_io {
+ assert_raises(SystemExit) {
+ }
+ }
+ if cause_supported?
+ assert_match(/Original Error/, err)
+ end
+ assert_match(/Secondary Error/, err)
+ ensure
+ ARGV.clear
+ end
+ def test_run_with_bad_options
+ @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail }
+ setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '--xyzzy')
+ assert_raises(SystemExit) {
+ capture_io { }
+ }
+ ensure
+ ARGV.clear
+ end
+ def test_standard_exception_handling_invalid_option
+ out, err = capture_io do
+ e = assert_raises SystemExit do
+ @app.standard_exception_handling do
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidOption, 'blah'
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal 1, e.status
+ end
+ assert_empty out
+ assert_equal "invalid option: blah\n", err
+ end
+ def test_standard_exception_handling_other
+ out, err = capture_io do
+ e = assert_raises SystemExit do
+ @app.standard_exception_handling do
+ raise 'blah'
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal 1, e.status
+ end
+ assert_empty out
+ assert_match "rake aborted!\n", err
+ assert_match "blah\n", err
+ end
+ def test_standard_exception_handling_system_exit
+ out, err = capture_io do
+ e = assert_raises SystemExit do
+ @app.standard_exception_handling do
+ exit 0
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal 0, e.status
+ end
+ assert_empty out
+ assert_empty err
+ end
+ def test_standard_exception_handling_system_exit_nonzero
+ out, err = capture_io do
+ e = assert_raises SystemExit do
+ @app.standard_exception_handling do
+ exit 5
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal 5, e.status
+ end
+ assert_empty out
+ assert_empty err
+ end
+ def util_loader
+ loader =
+ loader.instance_variable_set :@load_called, false
+ def loader.load arg
+ raise ArgumentError, arg unless arg == 'x.dummy'
+ @load_called = true
+ end
+ loader.instance_variable_set :@make_dummy_called, false
+ def loader.make_dummy
+ @make_dummy_called = true
+ end
+ loader
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_application_options.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_application_options.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37adfac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_application_options.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeApplicationOptions < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ clear_argv
+ Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag = false
+ Rake::FileUtilsExt.nowrite_flag = false
+ end
+ def teardown
+ clear_argv
+ Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag = false
+ Rake::FileUtilsExt.nowrite_flag = false
+ super
+ end
+ def clear_argv
+ ARGV.pop until ARGV.empty?
+ end
+ def test_default_options
+ opts = command_line
+ assert_nil opts.backtrace
+ assert_nil opts.dryrun
+ assert_nil opts.ignore_system
+ assert_nil opts.load_system
+ assert_nil opts.always_multitask
+ assert_nil opts.nosearch
+ assert_equal ['rakelib'], opts.rakelib
+ assert_nil opts.show_prereqs
+ assert_nil opts.show_task_pattern
+ assert_nil opts.show_tasks
+ assert_nil opts.silent
+ assert_nil opts.trace
+ assert_nil opts.thread_pool_size
+ assert_equal ['rakelib'], opts.rakelib
+ assert ! Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag
+ assert ! Rake::FileUtilsExt.nowrite_flag
+ end
+ def test_dry_run
+ flags('--dry-run', '-n') do |opts|
+ assert opts.dryrun
+ assert opts.trace
+ assert Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag
+ assert Rake::FileUtilsExt.nowrite_flag
+ end
+ end
+ def test_describe
+ flags('--describe') do |opts|
+ assert_equal :describe, opts.show_tasks
+ assert_equal(//.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_describe_with_pattern
+ flags('--describe=X') do |opts|
+ assert_equal :describe, opts.show_tasks
+ assert_equal(/X/.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_execute
+ $xyzzy = 0
+ flags('--execute=$xyzzy=1', '-e $xyzzy=1') do |opts|
+ assert_equal 1, $xyzzy
+ assert_equal :exit, @exit
+ $xyzzy = 0
+ end
+ end
+ def test_execute_and_continue
+ $xyzzy = 0
+ flags('--execute-continue=$xyzzy=1', '-E $xyzzy=1') do |opts|
+ assert_equal 1, $xyzzy
+ refute_equal :exit, @exit
+ $xyzzy = 0
+ end
+ end
+ def test_execute_and_print
+ $xyzzy = 0
+ out, = capture_io do
+ flags('--execute-print=$xyzzy="pugh"', '-p $xyzzy="pugh"') do |opts|
+ assert_equal 'pugh', $xyzzy
+ assert_equal :exit, @exit
+ $xyzzy = 0
+ end
+ end
+ assert_match(/^pugh$/, out)
+ end
+ def test_help
+ out, = capture_io do
+ flags '--help', '-H', '-h'
+ end
+ assert_match(/\Arake/, out)
+ assert_match(/\boptions\b/, out)
+ assert_match(/\btargets\b/, out)
+ assert_equal :exit, @exit
+ end
+ def test_jobs
+ flags([]) do |opts|
+ assert_nil opts.thread_pool_size
+ end
+ flags(['--jobs', '0'], ['-j', '0']) do |opts|
+ assert_equal 0, opts.thread_pool_size
+ end
+ flags(['--jobs', '1'], ['-j', '1']) do |opts|
+ assert_equal 0, opts.thread_pool_size
+ end
+ flags(['--jobs', '4'], ['-j', '4']) do |opts|
+ assert_equal 3, opts.thread_pool_size
+ end
+ flags(['--jobs', 'asdas'], ['-j', 'asdas']) do |opts|
+ assert_equal Rake.suggested_thread_count-1, opts.thread_pool_size
+ end
+ flags('--jobs', '-j') do |opts|
+ assert opts.thread_pool_size > 1_000_000, "thread pool size should be huge (was #{opts.thread_pool_size})"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_libdir
+ flags(['--libdir', 'xx'], ['-I', 'xx'], ['-Ixx']) do |opts|
+ $:.include?('xx')
+ end
+ ensure
+ $:.delete('xx')
+ end
+ def test_multitask
+ flags('--multitask', '-m') do |opts|
+ assert_equal opts.always_multitask, true
+ end
+ end
+ def test_rakefile
+ flags(['--rakefile', 'RF'], ['--rakefile=RF'], ['-f', 'RF'], ['-fRF']) do |opts|
+ assert_equal ['RF'], @app.instance_eval { @rakefiles }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_rakelib
+ dirs = %w(A B C).join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ flags(
+ ['--rakelibdir', dirs],
+ ["--rakelibdir=#{dirs}"],
+ ['-R', dirs],
+ ["-R#{dirs}"]) do |opts|
+ assert_equal ['A', 'B', 'C'], opts.rakelib
+ end
+ end
+ def test_require
+ $LOAD_PATH.unshift @tempdir
+ open 'reqfile.rb', 'w' do |io| io << 'TESTING_REQUIRE << 1' end
+ open 'reqfile2.rb', 'w' do |io| io << 'TESTING_REQUIRE << 2' end
+ open 'reqfile3.rake', 'w' do |io| io << 'TESTING_REQUIRE << 3' end
+ flags(['--require', 'reqfile'], '-rreqfile2', '-rreqfile3')
+ assert_includes TESTING_REQUIRE, 1
+ assert_includes TESTING_REQUIRE, 2
+ assert_includes TESTING_REQUIRE, 3
+ assert_equal 3, TESTING_REQUIRE.size
+ ensure
+ $LOAD_PATH.delete @tempdir
+ end
+ def test_missing_require
+ ex = assert_raises(LoadError) do
+ flags(['--require', 'test/missing']) do |opts|
+ end
+ end
+ assert_match(/such file/, ex.message)
+ assert_match(/test\/missing/, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_prereqs
+ flags('--prereqs', '-P') do |opts|
+ assert opts.show_prereqs
+ end
+ end
+ def test_quiet
+ Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag = true
+ flags('--quiet', '-q') do |opts|
+ assert ! Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag, "verbose flag shoud be false"
+ assert ! opts.silent, "should not be silent"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_no_search
+ flags('--nosearch', '--no-search', '-N') do |opts|
+ assert opts.nosearch
+ end
+ end
+ def test_silent
+ Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag = true
+ flags('--silent', '-s') do |opts|
+ assert ! Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag, "verbose flag should be false"
+ assert opts.silent, "should be silent"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_system
+ flags('--system', '-g') do |opts|
+ assert opts.load_system
+ end
+ end
+ def test_no_system
+ flags('--no-system', '-G') do |opts|
+ assert opts.ignore_system
+ end
+ end
+ def test_trace
+ flags('--trace', '-t') do |opts|
+ assert opts.trace, "should enable trace option"
+ assert opts.backtrace, "should enabled backtrace option"
+ assert_equal $stderr, opts.trace_output
+ assert Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag
+ assert ! Rake::FileUtilsExt.nowrite_flag
+ end
+ end
+ def test_trace_with_stdout
+ flags('--trace=stdout', '-tstdout') do |opts|
+ assert opts.trace, "should enable trace option"
+ assert opts.backtrace, "should enabled backtrace option"
+ assert_equal $stdout, opts.trace_output
+ assert Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag
+ assert ! Rake::FileUtilsExt.nowrite_flag
+ end
+ end
+ def test_trace_with_stderr
+ flags('--trace=stderr', '-tstderr') do |opts|
+ assert opts.trace, "should enable trace option"
+ assert opts.backtrace, "should enabled backtrace option"
+ assert_equal $stderr, opts.trace_output
+ assert Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag
+ assert ! Rake::FileUtilsExt.nowrite_flag
+ end
+ end
+ def test_trace_with_error
+ ex = assert_raises(Rake::CommandLineOptionError) do
+ flags('--trace=xyzzy') do |opts| end
+ end
+ assert_match(/un(known|recognized).*\btrace\b.*xyzzy/i, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_trace_with_following_task_name
+ flags(['--trace', 'taskname'], ['-t', 'taskname']) do |opts|
+ assert opts.trace, "should enable trace option"
+ assert opts.backtrace, "should enabled backtrace option"
+ assert_equal $stderr, opts.trace_output
+ assert Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag
+ assert_equal ['taskname'], @app.top_level_tasks
+ end
+ end
+ def test_backtrace
+ flags('--backtrace') do |opts|
+ assert opts.backtrace, "should enable backtrace option"
+ assert_equal $stderr, opts.trace_output
+ assert ! opts.trace, "should not enable trace option"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_backtrace_with_stdout
+ flags('--backtrace=stdout') do |opts|
+ assert opts.backtrace, "should enable backtrace option"
+ assert_equal $stdout, opts.trace_output
+ assert ! opts.trace, "should not enable trace option"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_backtrace_with_stderr
+ flags('--backtrace=stderr') do |opts|
+ assert opts.backtrace, "should enable backtrace option"
+ assert_equal $stderr, opts.trace_output
+ assert ! opts.trace, "should not enable trace option"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_backtrace_with_error
+ ex = assert_raises(Rake::CommandLineOptionError) do
+ flags('--backtrace=xyzzy') do |opts| end
+ end
+ assert_match(/un(known|recognized).*\bbacktrace\b.*xyzzy/i, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_backtrace_with_following_task_name
+ flags(['--backtrace', 'taskname']) do |opts|
+ assert ! opts.trace, "should enable trace option"
+ assert opts.backtrace, "should enabled backtrace option"
+ assert_equal $stderr, opts.trace_output
+ assert_equal ['taskname'], @app.top_level_tasks
+ end
+ end
+ def test_trace_rules
+ flags('--rules') do |opts|
+ assert opts.trace_rules
+ end
+ end
+ def test_tasks
+ flags('--tasks', '-T') do |opts|
+ assert_equal :tasks, opts.show_tasks
+ assert_equal(//.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s)
+ assert_equal nil, opts.show_all_tasks
+ end
+ flags(['--tasks', 'xyz'], ['-Txyz']) do |opts|
+ assert_equal :tasks, opts.show_tasks
+ assert_equal(/xyz/.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s)
+ assert_equal nil, opts.show_all_tasks
+ end
+ flags(['--tasks', 'xyz', '--comments']) do |opts|
+ assert_equal :tasks, opts.show_tasks
+ assert_equal(/xyz/.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s)
+ assert_equal false, opts.show_all_tasks
+ end
+ end
+ def test_where
+ flags('--where', '-W') do |opts|
+ assert_equal :lines, opts.show_tasks
+ assert_equal(//.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s)
+ assert_equal true, opts.show_all_tasks
+ end
+ flags(['--where', 'xyz'], ['-Wxyz']) do |opts|
+ assert_equal :lines, opts.show_tasks
+ assert_equal(/xyz/.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s)
+ assert_equal true, opts.show_all_tasks
+ end
+ flags(['--where', 'xyz', '--comments'], ['-Wxyz', '--comments']) do |opts|
+ assert_equal :lines, opts.show_tasks
+ assert_equal(/xyz/.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s)
+ assert_equal false, opts.show_all_tasks
+ end
+ end
+ def test_no_deprecated_messages
+ flags('--no-deprecation-warnings', '-X') do |opts|
+ assert opts.ignore_deprecate
+ end
+ end
+ def test_verbose
+ capture_io do
+ flags('--verbose', '-v') do |opts|
+ assert Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag, "verbose should be true"
+ assert ! opts.silent, "opts should not be silent"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_version
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ flags '--version', '-V'
+ end
+ assert_match(/\bversion\b/, out)
+ assert_match(/\b#{RAKEVERSION}\b/, out)
+ assert_equal :exit, @exit
+ end
+ def test_bad_option
+ _, err = capture_io do
+ ex = assert_raises(OptionParser::InvalidOption) do
+ flags('--bad-option')
+ end
+ if ex.message =~ /^While/ # Ruby 1.9 error message
+ assert_match(/while parsing/i, ex.message)
+ else # Ruby 1.8 error message
+ assert_match(/(invalid|unrecognized) option/i, ex.message)
+ assert_match(/--bad-option/, ex.message)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal '', err
+ end
+ def test_task_collection
+ command_line("a", "b")
+ assert_equal ["a", "b"], @tasks.sort
+ end
+ def test_default_task_collection
+ command_line()
+ assert_equal ["default"], @tasks
+ end
+ def test_environment_definition
+ ENV.delete('TESTKEY')
+ command_line("TESTKEY=12")
+ assert_equal '12', ENV['TESTKEY']
+ end
+ def test_multiline_environment_definition
+ ENV.delete('TESTKEY')
+ command_line("TESTKEY=a\nb\n")
+ assert_equal "a\nb\n", ENV['TESTKEY']
+ end
+ def test_environment_and_tasks_together
+ ENV.delete('TESTKEY')
+ command_line("a", "b", "TESTKEY=12")
+ assert_equal ["a", "b"], @tasks.sort
+ assert_equal '12', ENV['TESTKEY']
+ end
+ def test_rake_explicit_task_library
+ Rake.add_rakelib 'app/task', 'other'
+ libs = Rake.application.options.rakelib
+ assert libs.include?("app/task")
+ assert libs.include?("other")
+ end
+ private
+ def flags(*sets)
+ sets.each do |set|
+ ARGV.clear
+ @exit = catch(:system_exit) { command_line(*set) }
+ yield(@app.options) if block_given?
+ end
+ end
+ def command_line(*options)
+ options.each do |opt| ARGV << opt end
+ @app =
+ def @app.exit(*args)
+ throw :system_exit, :exit
+ end
+ @app.instance_eval do
+ args = handle_options
+ collect_command_line_tasks(args)
+ end
+ @tasks = @app.top_level_tasks
+ @app.options
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_backtrace.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_backtrace.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78eaa8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_backtrace.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'open3'
+class TestBacktraceSuppression < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_bin_rake_suppressed
+ paths = ["something/bin/rake:12"]
+ actual = Rake::Backtrace.collapse(paths)
+ assert_equal [], actual
+ end
+ def test_system_dir_suppressed
+ path = RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibprefix']
+ skip if path.nil?
+ path = File.expand_path path
+ paths = [path + ":12"]
+ actual = Rake::Backtrace.collapse(paths)
+ assert_equal [], actual
+ end
+ def test_near_system_dir_isnt_suppressed
+ path = RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibprefix']
+ skip if path.nil?
+ path = File.expand_path path
+ paths = [" " + path + ":12"]
+ actual = Rake::Backtrace.collapse(paths)
+ assert_equal paths, actual
+ end
+class TestRakeBacktrace < Rake::TestCase
+ include RubyRunner
+ def setup
+ super
+ skip 'tmpdir is suppressed in backtrace' if
+ Rake::Backtrace::SUPPRESS_PATTERN =~ Dir.pwd
+ end
+ def invoke(*args)
+ rake(*args)
+ @err
+ end
+ def test_single_collapse
+ rakefile %q{
+ task :foo do
+ raise "foooo!"
+ end
+ }
+ lines = invoke("foo").split("\n")
+ assert_equal "rake aborted!", lines[0]
+ assert_equal "foooo!", lines[1]
+ assert_something_matches %r!\A#{Regexp.quote Dir.pwd}/Rakefile:3!i, lines
+ assert_something_matches %r!\ATasks:!, lines
+ end
+ def test_multi_collapse
+ rakefile %q{
+ task :foo do
+ Rake.application.invoke_task(:bar)
+ end
+ task :bar do
+ raise "barrr!"
+ end
+ }
+ lines = invoke("foo").split("\n")
+ assert_equal "rake aborted!", lines[0]
+ assert_equal "barrr!", lines[1]
+ assert_something_matches %r!\A#{Regexp.quote Dir.pwd}/Rakefile:6!i, lines
+ assert_something_matches %r!\A#{Regexp.quote Dir.pwd}/Rakefile:3!i, lines
+ assert_something_matches %r!\ATasks:!, lines
+ end
+ def test_suppress_option
+ rakefile %q{
+ task :baz do
+ raise "bazzz!"
+ end
+ }
+ lines = invoke("baz").split("\n")
+ assert_equal "rake aborted!", lines[0]
+ assert_equal "bazzz!", lines[1]
+ assert_something_matches %r!Rakefile!i, lines
+ lines = invoke("--suppress-backtrace", ".ak.file", "baz").split("\n")
+ assert_equal "rake aborted!", lines[0]
+ assert_equal "bazzz!", lines[1]
+ refute_match %r!Rakefile!i, lines[2]
+ end
+ private
+ # Assert that the pattern matches at least one line in +lines+.
+ def assert_something_matches(pattern, lines)
+ lines.each do |ln|
+ if pattern =~ ln
+ assert_match pattern, ln
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ flunk "expected #{pattern.inspect} to match something in:\n" +
+ "#{lines.join("\n ")}"
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_clean.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_clean.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bce7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_clean.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'rake/clean'
+class TestRakeClean < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_clean
+ load 'rake/clean.rb', true
+ assert Rake::Task['clean'], "Should define clean"
+ assert Rake::Task['clobber'], "Should define clobber"
+ assert Rake::Task['clobber'].prerequisites.include?("clean"),
+ "Clobber should require clean"
+ end
+ def test_cleanup
+ file_name = create_undeletable_file
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ Rake::Cleaner.cleanup(file_name, :verbose => false)
+ end
+ assert_match(/failed to remove/i, out)
+ ensure
+ remove_undeletable_file
+ end
+ def test_cleanup_ignores_missing_files
+ file_name = File.join(@tempdir, "missing_directory", "no_such_file")
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ Rake::Cleaner.cleanup(file_name, :verbose => false)
+ end
+ refute_match(/failed to remove/i, out)
+ end
+ private
+ def create_undeletable_file
+ dir_name = File.join(@tempdir, "deletedir")
+ file_name = File.join(dir_name, "deleteme")
+ FileUtils.mkdir(dir_name)
+ FileUtils.touch(file_name)
+ FileUtils.chmod(0, file_name)
+ FileUtils.chmod(0, dir_name)
+ begin
+ FileUtils.chmod(0644, file_name)
+ rescue
+ file_name
+ else
+ skip "Permission to delete files is different on thie system"
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_undeletable_file
+ dir_name = File.join(@tempdir, "deletedir")
+ file_name = File.join(dir_name, "deleteme")
+ FileUtils.chmod(0777, dir_name)
+ FileUtils.chmod(0777, file_name)
+ Rake::Cleaner.cleanup(file_name, :verbose => false)
+ Rake::Cleaner.cleanup(dir_name, :verbose => false)
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_cpu_counter.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_cpu_counter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87d0601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_cpu_counter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeCpuCounter < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @cpu_counter =
+ end
+ def test_count
+ num = @cpu_counter.count
+ skip 'cannot count CPU' if num == nil
+ assert_kind_of Numeric, num
+ assert_operator num, :>=, 1
+ end
+ def test_count_with_default_nil
+ def @cpu_counter.count; nil; end
+ assert_equal(8, @cpu_counter.count_with_default(8))
+ assert_equal(4, @cpu_counter.count_with_default)
+ end
+ def test_count_with_default_raise
+ def @cpu_counter.count; raise; end
+ assert_equal(8, @cpu_counter.count_with_default(8))
+ assert_equal(4, @cpu_counter.count_with_default)
+ end
+ class TestClassMethod < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @klass =
+ end
+ def test_count
+ @klass.class_eval do
+ def count; 8; end
+ end
+ assert_equal(8, @klass.count)
+ end
+ def test_count_nil
+ counted = false
+ @klass.class_eval do
+ define_method(:count) do
+ counted = true
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal(4, @klass.count)
+ assert_equal(true, counted)
+ end
+ def test_count_raise
+ counted = false
+ @klass.class_eval do
+ define_method(:count) do
+ counted = true
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal(4, @klass.count)
+ assert_equal(true, counted)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_definitions.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_definitions.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee474cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_definitions.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'fileutils'
+class TestRakeDefinitions < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ EXISTINGFILE = "existing"
+ def setup
+ super
+ Task.clear
+ end
+ def test_task
+ done = false
+ task :one => [:two] do done = true end
+ task :two
+ task :three => [:one, :two]
+ check_tasks(:one, :two, :three)
+ assert done, "Should be done"
+ end
+ def test_file_task
+ done = false
+ file "one" => "two" do done = true end
+ file "two"
+ file "three" => ["one", "two"]
+ check_tasks("one", "two", "three")
+ assert done, "Should be done"
+ end
+ def check_tasks(n1, n2, n3)
+ t = Task[n1]
+ assert Task === t, "Should be a Task"
+ assert_equal n1.to_s,
+ assert_equal [n2.to_s], { |n| n.to_s }
+ t.invoke
+ t2 = Task[n2]
+ assert_equal FileList[], t2.prerequisites
+ t3 = Task[n3]
+ assert_equal [n1.to_s, n2.to_s], { |n| n.to_s }
+ end
+ def test_incremental_definitions
+ runs = []
+ task :t1 => [:t2] do runs << "A"; 4321 end
+ task :t1 => [:t3] do runs << "B"; 1234 end
+ task :t1 => [:t3]
+ task :t2
+ task :t3
+ Task[:t1].invoke
+ assert_equal ["A", "B"], runs
+ assert_equal ["t2", "t3"], Task[:t1].prerequisites
+ end
+ def test_missing_dependencies
+ task :x => ["missing"]
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) { Task[:x].invoke }
+ end
+ def test_falsey_dependencies
+ task :x => nil
+ assert_equal [], Task[:x].prerequisites
+ end
+ def test_implicit_file_dependencies
+ runs = []
+ create_existing_file
+ task :y => [EXISTINGFILE] do |t| runs << end
+ Task[:y].invoke
+ assert_equal runs, ['y']
+ end
+ private # ----------------------------------------------------------
+ def create_existing_file
+ Dir.mkdir File.dirname(EXISTINGFILE) unless
+ File.exist?(File.dirname(EXISTINGFILE))
+ open(EXISTINGFILE, "w") do |f| f.puts "HI" end unless
+ File.exist?(EXISTINGFILE)
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_directory_task.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_directory_task.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0014d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_directory_task.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'pathname'
+class TestRakeDirectoryTask < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ def test_directory
+ desc "DESC"
+ directory "a/b/c"
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["a"].class
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["a/b"].class
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["a/b/c"].class
+ assert_nil Task["a"].comment
+ assert_nil Task["a/b"].comment
+ assert_equal "DESC", Task["a/b/c"].comment
+ verbose(false) {
+ Task['a/b'].invoke
+ }
+ assert File.exist?("a/b")
+ refute File.exist?("a/b/c")
+ end
+ def test_directory_colon
+ directory "a:b"
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task['a:b'].class
+ end unless
+ if
+ def test_directory_win32
+ desc "WIN32 DESC"
+ directory 'c:/a/b/c'
+ assert_equal FileTask, Task['c:'].class
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task['c:/a'].class
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task['c:/a/b'].class
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task['c:/a/b/c'].class
+ assert_nil Task['c:/'].comment
+ assert_equal "WIN32 DESC", Task['c:/a/b/c'].comment
+ assert_nil Task['c:/a/b'].comment
+ end
+ end
+ def test_can_use_blocks
+ runlist = []
+ t1 = directory("a/b/c" => :t2) { |t| runlist << }
+ task(:t2) { |t| runlist << }
+ verbose(false) {
+ t1.invoke
+ }
+ assert_equal Task["a/b/c"], t1
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["a/b/c"].class
+ assert_equal ["t2", "a/b/c"], runlist
+ assert"a/b/c")
+ end
+ def test_can_use_pathname
+ directory "a/b/c"
+ assert_equal FileCreationTask, Task["a/b/c"].class
+ verbose(false) {
+ Task['a/b/c'].invoke
+ }
+ assert"a/b/c")
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_dsl.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_dsl.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad52f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_dsl.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeDsl < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ Rake::Task.clear
+ end
+ def test_namespace_command
+ namespace "n" do
+ task "t"
+ end
+ refute_nil Rake::Task["n:t"]
+ end
+ def test_namespace_command_with_bad_name
+ ex = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ namespace 1 do end
+ end
+ assert_match(/string/i, ex.message)
+ assert_match(/symbol/i, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_namespace_command_with_a_string_like_object
+ name =
+ def name.to_str
+ "bob"
+ end
+ namespace name do
+ task "t"
+ end
+ refute_nil Rake::Task["bob:t"]
+ end
+ def test_no_commands_constant
+ assert ! defined?(Commands), "should not define Commands"
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_early_time.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_early_time.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18c4dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_early_time.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeEarlyTime < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_create
+ early = Rake::EarlyTime.instance
+ assert early <=
+ assert early <
+ assert early !=
+ assert > early
+ assert >= early
+ assert != early
+ end
+ def test_equality
+ early = Rake::EarlyTime.instance
+ assert_equal early, early, "two early times should be equal"
+ end
+ def test_original_time_compare_is_not_messed_up
+ t1 = Time.mktime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+ t2 =
+ assert t1 < t2
+ assert t2 > t1
+ assert t1 == t1
+ assert t2 == t2
+ end
+ def test_to_s
+ assert_equal "<EARLY TIME>", Rake::EARLY.to_s
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_extension.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_extension.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18d55f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_extension.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'stringio'
+class TestRakeExtension < Rake::TestCase
+ module Redirect
+ def error_redirect
+ old_err = $stderr
+ result =
+ $stderr = result
+ yield
+ result
+ ensure
+ $stderr = old_err
+ end
+ end
+ class Sample
+ extend Redirect
+ def duplicate_method
+ :original
+ end
+ OK_ERRS = error_redirect do
+ rake_extension("a") do
+ def ok_method
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ DUP_ERRS = error_redirect do
+ rake_extension("duplicate_method") do
+ def duplicate_method
+ :override
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_methods_actually_exist
+ sample =
+ sample.ok_method
+ sample.duplicate_method
+ end
+ def test_no_warning_when_defining_ok_method
+ assert_equal "", Sample::OK_ERRS.string
+ end
+ def test_extension_complains_when_a_method_that_is_present
+ assert_match(/warning:/i, Sample::DUP_ERRS.string)
+ assert_match(/already exists/i, Sample::DUP_ERRS.string)
+ assert_match(/duplicate_method/i, Sample::DUP_ERRS.string)
+ assert_equal :original,
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_creation_task.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_creation_task.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8dcd96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_creation_task.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'fileutils'
+class TestRakeFileCreationTask < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ include Rake::DSL
+ DUMMY_DIR = 'dummy_dir'
+ def setup
+ super
+ Task.clear
+ end
+ def test_file_needed
+ create_dir DUMMY_DIR
+ fc_task = Task[DUMMY_DIR]
+ assert_equal DUMMY_DIR,
+ FileUtils.rm_rf
+ assert fc_task.needed?, "file should be needed"
+ FileUtils.mkdir
+ assert_equal nil, { |n| Task[n].timestamp }.max
+ assert ! fc_task.needed?, "file should not be needed"
+ end
+ def test_directory
+ directory DUMMY_DIR
+ fc_task = Task[DUMMY_DIR]
+ assert_equal DUMMY_DIR,
+ assert FileCreationTask === fc_task
+ end
+ def test_no_retriggers_on_filecreate_task
+ create_timed_files(OLDFILE, NEWFILE)
+ t1 = Rake.application.intern(FileCreationTask, OLDFILE).enhance([NEWFILE])
+ t2 = Rake.application.intern(FileCreationTask, NEWFILE)
+ assert ! t2.needed?, "Should not need to build new file"
+ assert ! t1.needed?, "Should not need to rebuild old file because of new"
+ end
+ def test_no_retriggers_on_file_task
+ create_timed_files(OLDFILE, NEWFILE)
+ t1 = Rake.application.intern(FileCreationTask, OLDFILE).enhance([NEWFILE])
+ t2 = Rake.application.intern(FileCreationTask, NEWFILE)
+ assert ! t2.needed?, "Should not need to build new file"
+ assert ! t1.needed?, "Should not need to rebuild old file because of new"
+ end
+ def test_very_early_timestamp
+ t1 = Rake.application.intern(FileCreationTask, OLDFILE)
+ assert t1.timestamp <
+ assert t1.timestamp < - 1_000_000
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_list.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_list.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1b4c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'pathname'
+class TestRakeFileList < Rake::TestCase
+ FileList = Rake::FileList
+ def setup
+ super
+ FileUtils.mkdir "CVS" rescue nil
+ FileUtils.mkdir ".svn" rescue nil
+ @cdir = "cfiles"
+ FileUtils.mkdir @cdir rescue nil
+ FileUtils.touch ".dummy"
+ FileUtils.touch "x.bak"
+ FileUtils.touch "x~"
+ FileUtils.touch "core"
+ FileUtils.touch "x.c"
+ FileUtils.touch "xyz.c"
+ FileUtils.touch "abc.c"
+ FileUtils.touch "abc.h"
+ FileUtils.touch "abc.x"
+ FileUtils.touch "existing"
+ open 'xyzzy.txt', 'w' do |io|
+ io.puts 'x'
+ io.puts 'XYZZY'
+ end
+ end
+ def test_delegating_methods_do_not_include_to_a_or_to_ary
+ assert ! FileList::DELEGATING_METHODS.include?("to_a"), "should not include to_a"
+ assert ! FileList::DELEGATING_METHODS.include?(:to_a), "should not include to_a"
+ assert ! FileList::DELEGATING_METHODS.include?("to_ary"), "should not include to_ary"
+ assert ! FileList::DELEGATING_METHODS.include?(:to_ary), "should not include to_ary"
+ end
+ def test_create
+ fl =
+ assert_equal 0, fl.size
+ end
+ def test_create_with_args
+ fl ="*.c", "x")
+ assert_equal ["abc.c", "x.c", "xyz.c", "x"].sort,
+ fl.sort
+ end
+ def test_create_with_pathname
+ fl ="*.c"))
+ assert_equal ["abc.c", "x.c", "xyz.c"].sort,
+ fl.sort
+ end
+ def test_create_with_block
+ fl = { |f| f.include("x") }
+ assert_equal ["x"], fl.resolve
+ end
+ def test_create_with_brackets
+ fl = FileList["*.c", "x"]
+ assert_equal ["abc.c", "x.c", "xyz.c", "x"].sort,
+ fl.sort
+ end
+ def test_create_with_brackets_and_filelist
+ fl = FileList[FileList["*.c", "x"]]
+ assert_equal ["abc.c", "x.c", "xyz.c", "x"].sort,
+ fl.sort
+ end
+ def test_include_with_another_array
+ fl =["x", "y", "z"])
+ assert_equal ["x", "y", "z"].sort, fl.sort
+ end
+ def test_include_with_another_filelist
+ fl =["*.c", "x"])
+ assert_equal ["abc.c", "x.c", "xyz.c", "x"].sort,
+ fl.sort
+ end
+ def test_include_with_pathname
+ fl ="*.c"))
+ assert_equal ["abc.c", "x.c", "xyz.c"].sort,
+ fl.sort
+ end
+ def test_append
+ fl =
+ fl << "a.rb" << "b.rb"
+ assert_equal ['a.rb', 'b.rb'], fl
+ end
+ def test_append_pathname
+ fl =
+ fl <<"a.rb")
+ assert_equal ['a.rb'], fl
+ end
+ def test_add_many
+ fl =
+ fl.include %w(a d c)
+ fl.include('x', 'y')
+ assert_equal ['a', 'd', 'c', 'x', 'y'], fl
+ assert_equal ['a', 'd', 'c', 'x', 'y'], fl.resolve
+ end
+ def test_add_return
+ f =
+ g = f << "x"
+ assert_equal f.object_id, g.object_id
+ h = f.include("y")
+ assert_equal f.object_id, h.object_id
+ end
+ def test_match
+ fl =
+ fl.include '*.c'
+ assert_equal %w[abc.c x.c xyz.c], fl.sort
+ end
+ def test_add_matching
+ fl =
+ fl << ""
+ fl.include '*.c'
+ assert_equal %w[ abc.c x.c xyz.c], fl.sort
+ end
+ def test_multiple_patterns
+ fl =
+ fl.include('*.z', '*foo*')
+ assert_equal [], fl
+ fl.include('*.c', '*xist*')
+ assert_equal %w[x.c xyz.c abc.c existing].sort, fl.sort
+ end
+ def test_square_bracket_pattern
+ fl =
+ fl.include("abc.[ch]")
+ assert fl.size == 2
+ assert fl.include?("abc.c")
+ assert fl.include?("abc.h")
+ end
+ def test_curly_bracket_pattern
+ fl =
+ fl.include("abc.{c,h}")
+ assert fl.size == 2
+ assert fl.include?("abc.c")
+ assert fl.include?("abc.h")
+ end
+ def test_reject
+ fl =
+ fl.include %w(x.c abc.c xyz.c existing)
+ fl.reject! { |fn| fn =~ /^x/ }
+ assert_equal %w[abc.c existing], fl
+ end
+ def test_exclude
+ fl = FileList['x.c', 'abc.c', 'xyz.c', 'existing']
+ fl.each { |fn| touch fn, :verbose => false }
+ x = fl.exclude(%r{^x.+\.})
+ assert_equal FileList, x.class
+ assert_equal %w(x.c abc.c existing), fl
+ assert_equal fl.object_id, x.object_id
+ fl.exclude('*.c')
+ assert_equal ['existing'], fl
+ fl.exclude('existing')
+ assert_equal [], fl
+ end
+ def test_exclude_pathname
+ fl = FileList['x.c', 'abc.c', 'other']
+ fl.each { |fn| touch fn, :verbose => false }
+ fl.exclude('*.c'))
+ assert_equal ['other'], fl
+ end
+ def test_excluding_via_block
+ fl = FileList['a.c', 'b.c', 'xyz.c']
+ fl.exclude { |fn| fn.pathmap('%n') == 'xyz' }
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("xyz.c"), "Should exclude xyz.c"
+ assert_equal ['a.c', 'b.c'], fl
+ end
+ def test_exclude_return_on_create
+ fl = FileList['*'].exclude(/.*\.[hcx]$/)
+ assert_equal %w[cfiles existing xyzzy.txt], fl.sort
+ assert_equal FileList, fl.class
+ end
+ def test_exclude_with_string_return_on_create
+ fl = FileList['*'].exclude('abc.c')
+ assert_equal %w[abc.h abc.x cfiles existing x.c xyz.c xyzzy.txt], fl.sort
+ assert_equal FileList, fl.class
+ end
+ def test_default_exclude
+ fl =
+ fl.clear_exclude
+ fl.include("**/*~", "**/*.bak", "**/core")
+ assert fl.member?("core"), "Should include core"
+ assert fl.member?("x.bak"), "Should include .bak files"
+ end
+ def test_unique
+ fl =
+ fl << "x.c" << "a.c" << "b.rb" << "a.c"
+ assert_equal ['x.c', 'a.c', 'b.rb', 'a.c'], fl
+ fl.uniq!
+ assert_equal ['x.c', 'a.c', 'b.rb'], fl
+ end
+ def test_to_string
+ fl =
+ fl << "" << ""
+ assert_equal "", fl.to_s
+ assert_equal "", "#{fl}"
+ end
+ def test_to_array
+ fl = FileList['', '']
+ assert_equal ['', ''], fl.to_a
+ assert_equal Array, fl.to_a.class
+ assert_equal ['', ''], fl.to_ary
+ assert_equal Array, fl.to_ary.class
+ end
+ def test_to_s_pending
+ fl = FileList['abc.*']
+ result = fl.to_s
+ assert_match(%r{abc\.c}, result)
+ assert_match(%r{abc\.h}, result)
+ assert_match(%r{abc\.x}, result)
+ assert_match(%r{(abc\..\b ?){2}}, result)
+ end
+ def test_inspect_pending
+ fl = FileList['abc.*']
+ result = fl.inspect
+ assert_match(%r{"abc\.c"}, result)
+ assert_match(%r{"abc\.h"}, result)
+ assert_match(%r{"abc\.x"}, result)
+ assert_match(%r|^\[("abc\..", ){2}"abc\.."\]$|, result)
+ end
+ def test_sub
+ fl = FileList["*.c"]
+ f2 = fl.sub(/\.c$/, ".o")
+ assert_equal FileList, f2.class
+ assert_equal ["abc.o", "x.o", "xyz.o"].sort,
+ f2.sort
+ f3 = fl.gsub(/\.c$/, ".o")
+ assert_equal FileList, f3.class
+ assert_equal ["abc.o", "x.o", "xyz.o"].sort,
+ f3.sort
+ end
+ def test_claim_to_be_a_kind_of_array
+ fl = FileList['*.c']
+ assert fl.is_a?(Array)
+ assert fl.kind_of?(Array)
+ end
+ def test_claim_to_be_a_kind_of_filelist
+ fl = FileList['*.c']
+ assert fl.is_a?(FileList)
+ assert fl.kind_of?(FileList)
+ end
+ def test_claim_to_be_a_filelist_instance
+ fl = FileList['*.c']
+ assert fl.instance_of?(FileList)
+ end
+ def test_dont_claim_to_be_an_array_instance
+ fl = FileList['*.c']
+ assert ! fl.instance_of?(Array)
+ end
+ def test_sub!
+ f = "x/a.c"
+ fl = FileList[f, "x/b.c"]
+ res = fl.sub!(/\.c$/, ".o")
+ assert_equal ["x/a.o", "x/b.o"].sort, fl.sort
+ assert_equal "x/a.c", f
+ assert_equal fl.object_id, res.object_id
+ end
+ def test_sub_with_block
+ fl = FileList["src/org/onestepback/", "src/org/onestepback/"]
+# The block version doesn't work the way I want it to ...
+# f2 = fl.sub(%r{^src/(.*)\.java$}) { |x| "classes/" + $1 + ".class" }
+ f2 = fl.sub(%r{^src/(.*)\.java$}, "classes/\\1.class")
+ assert_equal [
+ "classes/org/onestepback/a.class",
+ "classes/org/onestepback/b.class"
+ ].sort,
+ f2.sort
+ end
+ def test_string_ext
+ assert_equal "", "one.two".ext("net")
+ assert_equal "", "one.two".ext(".net")
+ assert_equal "", "one".ext("net")
+ assert_equal "", "one".ext(".net")
+ assert_equal "", "one.two.c".ext(".net")
+ assert_equal "one/", "one/two.c".ext(".net")
+ assert_equal "one.x/", "one.x/two.c".ext(".net")
+ assert_equal "one.x/", "one.x/two".ext(".net")
+ assert_equal "", "".ext("net")
+ assert_equal "", ".onerc".ext("net")
+ assert_equal ".a/", ".a/.onerc".ext("net")
+ assert_equal "one", "one.two".ext('')
+ assert_equal "one", "one.two".ext
+ assert_equal ".one", ".one.two".ext
+ assert_equal ".one", ".one".ext
+ assert_equal ".", ".".ext("c")
+ assert_equal "..", "..".ext("c")
+ # These only need to work in windows
+ if
+ assert_equal "one.x\\", "one.x\\two.c".ext(".net")
+ assert_equal "one.x\\", "one.x\\two".ext(".net")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_filelist_ext
+ assert_equal FileList['one.c', '.one.c'],
+ FileList['', '.one'].ext('c')
+ end
+ def test_gsub
+ fl = FileList["*.c"]
+ f2 = fl.gsub(/a/, "A")
+ assert_equal ["Abc.c", "x.c", "xyz.c"].sort,
+ f2.sort
+ end
+ def test_gsub!
+ f = FileList["*.c"]
+ f.gsub!(/a/, "A")
+ assert_equal ["Abc.c", "x.c", "xyz.c"].sort,
+ f.sort
+ end
+ def test_egrep_returns_0_if_no_matches
+ files = FileList['test/lib/*_test.rb'].exclude("test/lib/filelist_test.rb")
+ assert_equal 0, files.egrep(/XYZZY/) { }
+ end
+ def test_egrep_with_output
+ files = FileList['*.txt']
+ out, = capture_io do
+ files.egrep(/XYZZY/)
+ end
+ assert_equal "xyzzy.txt:2:XYZZY\n", out
+ end
+ def test_egrep_with_block
+ files = FileList['*.txt']
+ found = nil
+ files.egrep(/XYZZY/) do |fn, ln, line|
+ found = [fn, ln, line]
+ end
+ assert_equal ["xyzzy.txt", 2, "XYZZY\n"], found
+ end
+ def test_egrep_with_error
+ files = FileList['*.txt']
+ _, err = capture_io do
+ files.egrep(/XYZZY/) do |fn, ln, line |
+ raise "_EGREP_FAILURE_"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal "Error while processing 'xyzzy.txt': _EGREP_FAILURE_\n", err
+ end
+ def test_existing
+ fl = FileList['abc.c', 'notthere.c']
+ assert_equal ["abc.c"], fl.existing
+ assert fl.existing.is_a?(FileList)
+ end
+ def test_existing!
+ fl = FileList['abc.c', 'notthere.c']
+ result = fl.existing!
+ assert_equal ["abc.c"], fl
+ assert_equal fl.object_id, result.object_id
+ end
+ def test_ignore_special
+ f = FileList['*']
+ assert ! f.include?("CVS"), "Should not contain CVS"
+ assert ! f.include?(".svn"), "Should not contain .svn"
+ assert ! f.include?(".dummy"), "Should not contain dot files"
+ assert ! f.include?("x.bak"), "Should not contain .bak files"
+ assert ! f.include?("x~"), "Should not contain ~ files"
+ assert ! f.include?("core"), "Should not contain core files"
+ end
+ def test_clear_ignore_patterns
+ f = FileList['*', '.svn']
+ f.clear_exclude
+ assert f.include?("abc.c")
+ assert f.include?("xyz.c")
+ assert f.include?("CVS")
+ assert f.include?(".svn")
+ assert f.include?("x.bak")
+ assert f.include?("x~")
+ end
+ def test_exclude_with_alternate_file_seps
+ fl =
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x/CVS/y")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x\\CVS\\y")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x/.svn/y")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x\\.svn\\y")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x/core")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x\\core")
+ end
+ def test_add_default_exclude_list
+ fl =
+ fl.exclude(/~\d+$/)
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x/CVS/y")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x\\CVS\\y")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x/.svn/y")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x\\.svn\\y")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x/core")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x\\core")
+ assert fl.excluded_from_list?("x/abc~1")
+ end
+ def test_basic_array_functions
+ f = FileList['b', 'c', 'a']
+ assert_equal 'b', f.first
+ assert_equal 'b', f[0]
+ assert_equal 'a', f.last
+ assert_equal 'a', f[2]
+ assert_equal 'a', f[-1]
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], f.sort
+ f.sort!
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], f
+ end
+ def test_flatten
+ assert_equal ['a', 'x.c', 'xyz.c', 'abc.c'].sort,
+ ['a', FileList['*.c']].flatten.sort
+ end
+ def test_clone_and_dup
+ a = FileList['a', 'b', 'c']
+ c = a.clone
+ d = a.dup
+ a << 'd'
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], a
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], c
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], d
+ end
+ def test_dup_and_clone_replicate_taint
+ a = FileList['a', 'b', 'c']
+ a.taint
+ c = a.clone
+ d = a.dup
+ assert c.tainted?, "Clone should be tainted"
+ assert d.tainted?, "Dup should be tainted"
+ end
+ def test_duped_items_will_thaw
+ a = FileList['a', 'b', 'c']
+ a.freeze
+ d = a.dup
+ d << 'more'
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c', 'more'], d
+ end
+ def test_cloned_items_stay_frozen
+ a = FileList['a', 'b', 'c']
+ a.freeze
+ c = a.clone
+ assert_raises(TypeError, RuntimeError) do
+ c << 'more'
+ end
+ end
+ def test_array_comparisons
+ fl = FileList['b', 'b']
+ a = ['b', 'a']
+ b = ['b', 'b']
+ c = ['b', 'c']
+ assert_equal(1, fl <=> a)
+ assert_equal(0, fl <=> b)
+ assert_equal(-1, fl <=> c)
+ assert_equal(-1, a <=> fl)
+ assert_equal(0, b <=> fl)
+ assert_equal(1, c <=> fl)
+ end
+ def test_array_equality
+ a = FileList['a', 'b']
+ b = ['a', 'b']
+ assert a == b
+ assert b == a
+# assert a.eql?(b)
+# assert b.eql?(a)
+ assert ! a.equal?(b)
+ assert ! b.equal?(a)
+ end
+ def test_enumeration_methods
+ a = FileList['a', 'b']
+ b = { |it| it.upcase }
+ assert_equal ['A', 'B'], b
+ assert_equal FileList, b.class
+ b = { |it| it.upcase }
+ assert_equal ['A', 'B'], b
+ assert_equal FileList, b.class
+ b = a.sort
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], b
+ assert_equal FileList, b.class
+ b = a.sort_by { |it| it }
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], b
+ assert_equal FileList, b.class
+ b = { |it| it == 'b' }
+ assert_equal ['b'], b
+ assert_equal FileList, b.class
+ b = { |it| it.size == 1 }
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], b
+ assert_equal FileList, b.class
+ b = a.reject { |it| it == 'b' }
+ assert_equal ['a'], b
+ assert_equal FileList, b.class
+ b = a.grep(/./)
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], b
+ assert_equal FileList, b.class
+ b = a.partition { |it| it == 'b' }
+ assert_equal [['b'], ['a']], b
+ assert_equal Array, b.class
+ assert_equal FileList, b[0].class
+ assert_equal FileList, b[1].class
+ b =['x', 'y']).to_a
+ assert_equal [['a', 'x'], ['b', 'y']], b
+ assert_equal Array, b.class
+ assert_equal Array, b[0].class
+ assert_equal Array, b[1].class
+ end
+ def test_array_operators
+ a = ['a', 'b']
+ b = ['c', 'd']
+ f = FileList['x', 'y']
+ g = FileList['w', 'z']
+ r = f + g
+ assert_equal ['x', 'y', 'w', 'z'], r
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ r = a + g
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'w', 'z'], r
+ assert_equal Array, r.class
+ r = f + b
+ assert_equal ['x', 'y', 'c', 'd'], r
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ r = FileList['w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] - f
+ assert_equal ['w', 'z'], r
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ r = FileList['w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] & f
+ assert_equal ['x', 'y'], r
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ r = f * 2
+ assert_equal ['x', 'y', 'x', 'y'], r
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ r = f * ','
+ assert_equal 'x,y', r
+ assert_equal String, r.class
+ r = f | ['a', 'x']
+ assert_equal ['a', 'x', 'y'].sort, r.sort
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ end
+ def test_other_array_returning_methods
+ f = FileList['a', nil, 'b']
+ r = f.compact
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], r
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ f = FileList['a', 'b']
+ r = f.concat(['x', 'y'])
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'x', 'y'], r
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ f = FileList['a', ['b', 'c'], FileList['d', 'e']]
+ r = f.flatten
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], r
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ f = FileList['a', 'b', 'a']
+ r = f.uniq
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], r
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ f = FileList['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
+ r = f.values_at(1, 3)
+ assert_equal ['b', 'd'], r
+ assert_equal FileList, r.class
+ end
+ def test_file_utils_can_use_filelists
+ cfiles = FileList['*.c']
+ cp cfiles, @cdir, :verbose => false
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(@cdir, 'abc.c'))
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(@cdir, 'xyz.c'))
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(@cdir, 'x.c'))
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_list_path_map.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_list_path_map.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5935dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_list_path_map.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeFileListPathMap < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_file_list_supports_pathmap
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], FileList['dir/a.rb', 'dir/b.rb'].pathmap("%n")
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_task.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_task.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a249511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_task.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'pathname'
+class TestRakeFileTask < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ def setup
+ super
+ Task.clear
+ @runs =
+ FileUtils.rm_f NEWFILE
+ FileUtils.rm_f OLDFILE
+ end
+ def test_file_need
+ name = "dummy"
+ file name
+ ftask = Task[name]
+ assert_equal name.to_s,
+ File.delete( rescue nil
+ assert ftask.needed?, "file should be needed"
+ assert_equal Rake::LATE, ftask.timestamp
+ open(, "w") { |f| f.puts "HI" }
+ assert_equal nil, { |n| Task[n].timestamp }.max
+ assert ! ftask.needed?, "file should not be needed"
+ ensure
+ File.delete( rescue nil
+ end
+ def test_file_times_new_depends_on_old
+ create_timed_files(OLDFILE, NEWFILE)
+ t1 = Rake.application.intern(FileTask, NEWFILE).enhance([OLDFILE])
+ t2 = Rake.application.intern(FileTask, OLDFILE)
+ assert ! t2.needed?, "Should not need to build old file"
+ assert ! t1.needed?, "Should not need to rebuild new file because of old"
+ end
+ def test_file_times_new_depend_on_regular_task_timestamps
+ load_phony
+ name = "dummy"
+ task name
+ create_timed_files(NEWFILE)
+ t1 = Rake.application.intern(FileTask, NEWFILE).enhance([name])
+ assert t1.needed?, "depending on non-file task uses"
+ task(name => :phony)
+ assert t1.needed?, "unless the non-file task has a timestamp"
+ end
+ def test_file_times_old_depends_on_new
+ create_timed_files(OLDFILE, NEWFILE)
+ t1 = Rake.application.intern(FileTask, OLDFILE).enhance([NEWFILE])
+ t2 = Rake.application.intern(FileTask, NEWFILE)
+ assert ! t2.needed?, "Should not need to build new file"
+ preq_stamp = { |t| Task[t].timestamp }.max
+ assert_equal t2.timestamp, preq_stamp
+ assert t1.timestamp < preq_stamp, "T1 should be older"
+ assert t1.needed?, "Should need to rebuild old file because of new"
+ end
+ def test_file_depends_on_task_depend_on_file
+ create_timed_files(OLDFILE, NEWFILE)
+ file NEWFILE => [:obj] do |t| @runs << end
+ task :obj => [OLDFILE] do |t| @runs << end
+ file OLDFILE do |t| @runs << end
+ Task[:obj].invoke
+ Task[NEWFILE].invoke
+ assert @runs.include?(NEWFILE)
+ end
+ def test_existing_file_depends_on_non_existing_file
+ create_file(OLDFILE)
+ delete_file(NEWFILE)
+ file NEWFILE do |t| @runs << end
+ file OLDFILE => NEWFILE do |t| @runs << end
+ Task[OLDFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [NEWFILE, OLDFILE], @runs
+ end
+ def test_needed_eh_build_all
+ create_file 'a'
+ file 'a'
+ a_task = Task['a']
+ refute a_task.needed?
+ Rake.application.options.build_all = true
+ assert a_task.needed?
+ ensure
+ delete_file 'a'
+ end
+ def test_needed_eh_dependency
+ create_file 'a',
+ create_file 'b', - 60
+ create_file 'c',
+ create_file 'd', - 60
+ file 'b' => 'a'
+ b_task = Task['b']
+ assert b_task.needed?
+ file 'c' => 'd'
+ c_task = Task['c']
+ refute c_task.needed?
+ ensure
+ delete_file 'old'
+ delete_file 'new'
+ end
+ def test_needed_eh_exists
+ name = "dummy"
+ file name
+ ftask = Task[name]
+ assert ftask.needed?
+ create_file name
+ refute ftask.needed?
+ ensure
+ delete_file name
+ end
+ def test_source_is_first_prerequisite
+ t = file :f => ["preqA", "preqB"]
+ assert_equal "preqA", t.source
+ end
+ def test_sources_is_all_prerequisites
+ t = file :f => ["preqA", "preqB"]
+ assert_equal ["preqA", "preqB"], t.sources
+ end
+ def test_task_can_be_pathname
+ name = "dummy"
+ file name
+ ftask = Task[name]
+ assert_equal name.to_s,
+ end
+ def test_prerequisite_can_be_pathname
+ t = file :f =>"preq")
+ assert_equal "preq", t.source
+ end
+ # I have currently disabled this test. I'm not convinced that
+ # deleting the file target on failure is always the proper thing to
+ # do. I'm willing to hear input on this topic.
+ def ztest_file_deletes_on_failure
+ task :obj
+ file NEWFILE => [:obj] do |t|
+ FileUtils.touch NEWFILE
+ fail "Ooops"
+ end
+ assert Task[NEWFILE]
+ begin
+ Task[NEWFILE].invoke
+ rescue Exception
+ end
+ assert(! File.exist?(NEWFILE), "NEWFILE should be deleted")
+ end
+ def load_phony
+ load File.join(@rake_lib, "rake/phony.rb")
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_utils.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_utils.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37d33dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_file_utils.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'stringio'
+class TestRakeFileUtils < Rake::TestCase
+ def teardown
+ FileUtils::LN_SUPPORTED[0] = true
+ RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag = Rake::FileUtilsExt::DEFAULT
+ super
+ end
+ def test_rm_one_file
+ create_file("a")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf "a"
+ refute File.exist?("a")
+ end
+ def test_rm_two_files
+ create_file("a")
+ create_file("b")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf ["a", "b"]
+ refute File.exist?("a")
+ refute File.exist?("b")
+ end
+ def test_rm_filelist
+ list = << "a" << "b"
+ list.each { |fn| create_file(fn) }
+ FileUtils.rm_r list
+ refute File.exist?("a")
+ refute File.exist?("b")
+ end
+ def test_ln
+ open("a", "w") { |f| f.puts "TEST_LN" }
+ Rake::FileUtilsExt.safe_ln("a", "b", :verbose => false)
+ assert_equal "TEST_LN\n",'b')
+ end
+ class BadLink
+ include Rake::FileUtilsExt
+ attr_reader :cp_args
+ def initialize(klass)
+ @failure_class = klass
+ end
+ def cp(*args)
+ @cp_args = args
+ end
+ def ln(*args)
+ fail @failure_class, "ln not supported"
+ end
+ public :safe_ln
+ end
+ def test_safe_ln_failover_to_cp_on_standard_error
+ FileUtils::LN_SUPPORTED[0] = true
+ c =
+ c.safe_ln "a", "b"
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], c.cp_args
+ c.safe_ln "x", "y"
+ assert_equal ['x', 'y'], c.cp_args
+ end
+ def test_safe_ln_failover_to_cp_on_not_implemented_error
+ FileUtils::LN_SUPPORTED[0] = true
+ c =
+ c.safe_ln "a", "b"
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], c.cp_args
+ end
+ def test_safe_ln_fails_on_script_error
+ FileUtils::LN_SUPPORTED[0] = true
+ c =
+ assert_raises(ScriptError) do c.safe_ln "a", "b" end
+ end
+ def test_verbose
+ verbose true
+ assert_equal true, verbose
+ verbose false
+ assert_equal false, verbose
+ verbose(true) {
+ assert_equal true, verbose
+ }
+ assert_equal false, verbose
+ end
+ def test_nowrite
+ nowrite true
+ assert_equal true, nowrite
+ nowrite false
+ assert_equal false, nowrite
+ nowrite(true) {
+ assert_equal true, nowrite
+ }
+ assert_equal false, nowrite
+ end
+ def test_file_utils_methods_are_available_at_top_level
+ create_file("a")
+ capture_io do
+ rm_rf "a"
+ end
+ refute File.exist?("a")
+ end
+ def test_fileutils_methods_dont_leak
+ obj =
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError) { obj.copy } # from FileUtils
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError) { obj.ruby "-v" } # from RubyFileUtils
+ end
+ def test_sh
+ shellcommand
+ verbose(false) { sh %{#{Rake::TestCase::RUBY} shellcommand.rb} }
+ assert true, "should not fail"
+ end
+ def test_sh_with_a_single_string_argument
+ check_expansion
+ ENV['RAKE_TEST_SH'] = 'someval'
+ verbose(false) {
+ sh %{#{RUBY} check_expansion.rb #{env_var} someval}
+ }
+ end
+ def test_sh_with_multiple_arguments
+ check_no_expansion
+ ENV['RAKE_TEST_SH'] = 'someval'
+ verbose(false) {
+ sh RUBY, 'check_no_expansion.rb', env_var, 'someval'
+ }
+ end
+ def test_sh_failure
+ shellcommand
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) {
+ verbose(false) { sh %{#{RUBY} shellcommand.rb 1} }
+ }
+ end
+ def test_sh_special_handling
+ shellcommand
+ count = 0
+ verbose(false) {
+ sh(%{#{RUBY} shellcommand.rb}) do |ok, res|
+ assert(ok)
+ assert_equal 0, res.exitstatus
+ count += 1
+ end
+ sh(%{#{RUBY} shellcommand.rb 1}) do |ok, res|
+ assert(!ok)
+ assert_equal 1, res.exitstatus
+ count += 1
+ end
+ }
+ assert_equal 2, count, "Block count should be 2"
+ end
+ def test_sh_noop
+ shellcommand
+ verbose(false) { sh %{shellcommand.rb 1}, :noop=>true }
+ assert true, "should not fail"
+ end
+ def test_sh_bad_option
+ shellcommand
+ ex = assert_raises(ArgumentError) {
+ verbose(false) { sh %{shellcommand.rb}, :bad_option=>true }
+ }
+ assert_match(/bad_option/, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_sh_verbose
+ shellcommand
+ _, err = capture_io do
+ verbose(true) {
+ sh %{shellcommand.rb}, :noop=>true
+ }
+ end
+ assert_equal "shellcommand.rb\n", err
+ end
+ def test_sh_verbose_false
+ shellcommand
+ _, err = capture_io do
+ verbose(false) {
+ sh %{shellcommand.rb}, :noop=>true
+ }
+ end
+ assert_equal '', err
+ end
+ def test_sh_verbose_flag_nil
+ shellcommand
+ RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag = nil
+ assert_silent do
+ sh %{shellcommand.rb}, :noop=>true
+ end
+ end
+ def test_ruby_with_a_single_string_argument
+ check_expansion
+ ENV['RAKE_TEST_SH'] = 'someval'
+ verbose(false) {
+ replace_ruby {
+ ruby %{check_expansion.rb #{env_var} someval}
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def test_ruby_with_multiple_arguments
+ check_no_expansion
+ ENV['RAKE_TEST_SH'] = 'someval'
+ verbose(false) {
+ replace_ruby {
+ ruby 'check_no_expansion.rb', env_var, 'someval'
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def test_split_all
+ assert_equal ['a'], Rake::FileUtilsExt.split_all('a')
+ assert_equal ['..'], Rake::FileUtilsExt.split_all('..')
+ assert_equal ['/'], Rake::FileUtilsExt.split_all('/')
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], Rake::FileUtilsExt.split_all('a/b')
+ assert_equal ['/', 'a', 'b'], Rake::FileUtilsExt.split_all('/a/b')
+ assert_equal ['..', 'a', 'b'], Rake::FileUtilsExt.split_all('../a/b')
+ end
+ def command(name, text)
+ open name, 'w', 0750 do |io|
+ io << text
+ end
+ end
+ def check_no_expansion
+ command 'check_no_expansion.rb', <<-CHECK_EXPANSION
+if ARGV[0] != ARGV[1]
+ exit 0
+ exit 1
+ end
+ def check_expansion
+ command 'check_expansion.rb', <<-CHECK_EXPANSION
+if ARGV[0] != ARGV[1]
+ exit 1
+ exit 0
+ end
+ def replace_ruby
+ ruby = FileUtils::RUBY
+ FileUtils.send :remove_const, :RUBY
+ FileUtils.const_set :RUBY, RUBY
+ yield
+ ensure
+ FileUtils.send :remove_const, :RUBY
+ FileUtils.const_set:RUBY, ruby
+ end
+ def shellcommand
+ command 'shellcommand.rb', <<-SHELLCOMMAND
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+exit((ARGV[0] || "0").to_i)
+ end
+ def env_var
+ windows? ? '%RAKE_TEST_SH%' : '$RAKE_TEST_SH'
+ end
+ def windows?
+ ! File::ALT_SEPARATOR.nil?
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_ftp_file.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_ftp_file.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5749b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_ftp_file.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'date'
+require 'time'
+require 'rake/contrib/ftptools'
+class FakeDate
+ def
+, 10, 3)
+ end
+ def
+ Time.local(2003, 10, 3, 12, 00, 00)
+ end
+class TestRakeFtpFile < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ Rake::FtpFile.class_eval {
+ @date_class = FakeDate
+ @time_class = FakeDate
+ }
+ end
+ def test_general
+ file =
+ "here",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 a279376 develop 121770 Mar 6 14:50")
+ assert_equal "",
+ assert_equal "here/", file.path
+ assert_equal "a279376", file.owner
+ assert_equal "develop",
+ assert_equal 0644, file.mode
+ assert_equal 121_770, file.size
+ assert_equal Time.mktime(2003, 3, 6, 14, 50, 0, 0), file.time
+ assert !
+ assert ! file.symlink?
+ end
+ def test_far_date
+ file =
+ ".",
+ "drwxr-xr-x 3 a279376 develop 4096 Nov 26 2001 vss")
+ assert_equal Time.mktime(2001, 11, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0), file.time
+ end
+ def test_close_date
+ file =
+ ".",
+ "drwxr-xr-x 3 a279376 develop 4096 Nov 26 15:35 vss")
+ assert_equal Time.mktime(2002, 11, 26, 15, 35, 0, 0), file.time
+ end
+ def test_directory
+ file =
+ ".",
+ "drwxrwxr-x 9 a279376 develop 4096 Mar 13 14:32 working")
+ assert
+ assert !file.symlink?
+ end
+ def test_symlink
+ file =
+ ".",
+ "lrwxrwxrwx 1 a279376 develop 64 Mar 26 2002 " +
+ "xtrac -> /home/a279376/working/ics/development/java/" +
+ "com/fmr/fwp/ics/xtrac")
+ assert_equal 'xtrac',
+ assert file.symlink?
+ assert !
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_functional.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_functional.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf7ba92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_functional.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'open3'
+class TestRakeFunctional < Rake::TestCase
+ include RubyRunner
+ def setup
+ super
+ if @verbose
+ puts
+ puts
+ puts '-' * 80
+ puts @__name__
+ puts '-' * 80
+ end
+ end
+ def test_rake_default
+ rakefile_default
+ rake
+ assert_match(/^DEFAULT$/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_rake_error_on_bad_task
+ rakefile_default
+ rake '-t', 'xyz'
+ assert_match(/rake aborted/, @err)
+ end
+ def test_env_available_at_top_scope
+ rakefile_default
+ assert_match(/^TOPSCOPE$/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_env_available_at_task_scope
+ rakefile_default
+ rake 'TESTTASKSCOPE=1', 'task_scope'
+ assert_match(/^TASKSCOPE$/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_multi_desc
+ ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS'] = '80'
+ rakefile_multidesc
+ rake "-T"
+ assert_match %r{^rake a *# A / A2 *$}, @out
+ assert_match %r{^rake b *# B *$}, @out
+ refute_match %r{^rake c}, @out
+ assert_match %r{^rake d *# x{65}\.\.\.$}, @out
+ end
+ def test_long_description
+ rakefile_multidesc
+ rake "--describe"
+ assert_match %r{^rake a\n *A\n *A2 *$}m, @out
+ assert_match %r{^rake b\n *B *$}m, @out
+ assert_match %r{^rake d\n *x{80}}m, @out
+ refute_match %r{^rake c\n}m, @out
+ end
+ def test_proper_namespace_access
+ rakefile_access
+ rake
+ refute_match %r{^BAD:}, @out
+ end
+ def test_rbext
+ rakefile_rbext
+ rake "-N"
+ assert_match %r{^OK$}, @out
+ end
+ def test_system
+ rake_system_dir
+ rake '-g', "sys1"
+ assert_match %r{^SYS1}, @out
+ end
+ def test_system_excludes_rakelib_files_too
+ rake_system_dir
+ rake '-g', "sys1", '-T', 'extra'
+ refute_match %r{extra:extra}, @out
+ end
+ def test_by_default_rakelib_files_are_included
+ rake_system_dir
+ rakefile_extra
+ rake '-T', 'extra', '--trace'
+ assert_match %r{extra:extra}, @out
+ end
+ def test_implicit_system
+ rake_system_dir
+ Dir.chdir @tempdir
+ rake "sys1", "--trace"
+ assert_match %r{^SYS1}, @out
+ end
+ def test_no_system
+ rake_system_dir
+ rakefile_extra
+ rake '-G', "sys1"
+ assert_match %r{^Don't know how to build task}, @err # emacs wart: '
+ end
+ def test_nosearch_with_rakefile_uses_local_rakefile
+ rakefile_default
+ rake "--nosearch"
+ assert_match %r{^DEFAULT}, @out
+ end
+ def test_nosearch_without_rakefile_finds_system
+ rakefile_nosearch
+ rake_system_dir
+ rake "--nosearch", "sys1"
+ assert_match %r{^SYS1}, @out
+ end
+ def test_nosearch_without_rakefile_and_no_system_fails
+ rakefile_nosearch
+ ENV['RAKE_SYSTEM'] = 'not_exist'
+ rake "--nosearch"
+ assert_match %r{^No Rakefile found}, @err
+ end
+ def test_invalid_command_line_options
+ rakefile_default
+ rake "--bad-options"
+ assert_match %r{invalid +option}i, @err
+ end
+ def test_inline_verbose_default_should_show_command
+ rakefile_verbose
+ rake "inline_verbose_default"
+ assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote(RUBY)} -e/, @err)
+ end
+ def test_inline_verbose_true_should_show_command
+ rakefile_verbose
+ rake "inline_verbose_true"
+ assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote(RUBY)} -e/, @err)
+ end
+ def test_inline_verbose_false_should_not_show_command
+ rakefile_verbose
+ rake "inline_verbose_false"
+ refute_match(/#{Regexp.quote(RUBY)} -e/, @err)
+ end
+ def test_block_verbose_false_should_not_show_command
+ rakefile_verbose
+ rake "block_verbose_false"
+ refute_match(/#{Regexp.quote(RUBY)} -e/, @err)
+ end
+ def test_block_verbose_true_should_show_command
+ rakefile_verbose
+ rake "block_verbose_true"
+ assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote(RUBY)} -e/, @err)
+ end
+ def test_standalone_verbose_true_should_show_command
+ rakefile_verbose
+ rake "standalone_verbose_true"
+ assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote(RUBY)} -e/, @err)
+ end
+ def test_standalone_verbose_false_should_not_show_command
+ rakefile_verbose
+ rake "standalone_verbose_false"
+ refute_match(/#{Regexp.quote(RUBY)} -e/, @err)
+ end
+ def test_dry_run
+ rakefile_default
+ rake "-n", "other"
+ assert_match %r{Execute \(dry run\) default}, @err
+ assert_match %r{Execute \(dry run\) other}, @err
+ refute_match %r{DEFAULT}, @out
+ refute_match %r{OTHER}, @out
+ end
+ # Test for the trace/dry_run bug found by Brian Chandler
+ def test_dry_run_bug
+ rakefile_dryrun
+ rake
+ FileUtils.rm_f 'temp_one'
+ rake "--dry-run"
+ refute_match(/No such file/, @out)
+ end
+ # Test for the trace/dry_run bug found by Brian Chandler
+ def test_trace_bug
+ rakefile_dryrun
+ rake
+ FileUtils.rm_f 'temp_one'
+ rake "--trace"
+ refute_match(/No such file/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_imports
+ rakefile_imports
+ rake
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'dynamic_deps')),
+ "'dynamic_deps' file should exist"
+ assert_match(/^FIRST$\s+^DYNAMIC$\s+^STATIC$\s+^OTHER$/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_regenerate_imports
+ rakefile_regenerate_imports
+ rake
+ assert_match(/^INITIAL\s+^REGENERATED$/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_rules_chaining_to_file_task
+ rakefile_chains
+ rake
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, '')),
+ "'' file should exist"
+ end
+ def test_file_creation_task
+ rakefile_file_creation
+ rake "prep"
+ rake "run"
+ rake "run"
+ assert(@err !~ /^cp src/, "Should not recopy data")
+ end
+ def test_dash_f_with_no_arg_foils_rakefile_lookup
+ rakefile_rakelib
+ rake '-I', 'rakelib', '-rtest1', '-f'
+ assert_match(/^TEST1$/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_dot_rake_files_can_be_loaded_with_dash_r
+ rakefile_rakelib
+ rake '-I', 'rakelib', '-rtest2', '-f'
+ assert_empty @err
+ assert_match(/^TEST2$/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_can_invoke_task_in_toplevel_namespace
+ rakefile_namespace
+ rake "copy"
+ assert_match(/^COPY$/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_can_invoke_task_in_nested_namespace
+ rakefile_namespace
+ rake "nest:copy"
+ assert_match(/^NEST COPY$/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_tasks_can_reference_task_in_same_namespace
+ rakefile_namespace
+ rake "nest:xx"
+ assert_match(/^NEST COPY$/m, @out)
+ end
+ def test_tasks_can_reference_task_in_other_namespaces
+ rakefile_namespace
+ rake "b:run"
+ assert_match(/^IN A\nIN B$/m, @out)
+ end
+ def test_anonymous_tasks_can_be_invoked_indirectly
+ rakefile_namespace
+ rake "anon"
+ assert_match(/^ANON COPY$/m, @out)
+ end
+ def test_rake_namespace_refers_to_toplevel
+ rakefile_namespace
+ rake "very:nested:run"
+ assert_match(/^COPY$/m, @out)
+ end
+ def test_file_task_are_not_scoped_by_namespaces
+ rakefile_namespace
+ rake "xyz.rb"
+ assert_match(/^XYZ1\nXYZ2$/m, @out)
+ end
+ def test_file_task_dependencies_scoped_by_namespaces
+ rakefile_namespace
+ rake "scopedep.rb"
+ assert_match(/^PREPARE\nSCOPEDEP$/m, @out)
+ end
+ def test_test_task_descriptions
+ rakefile_test_task
+ rake "-T"
+ assert_match(/custom test task description/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_comment_before_task_acts_like_desc
+ rakefile_comments
+ rake "-T"
+ refute_match(/comment for t1/, @out)
+ end
+ def test_comment_separated_from_task_by_blank_line_is_not_picked_up
+ rakefile_comments
+ rake "-T"
+ refute_match("t2", @out)
+ end
+ def test_comment_after_desc_is_ignored
+ rakefile_comments
+ rake "-T"
+ assert_match("override comment for t3", @out)
+ end
+ def test_comment_before_desc_is_ignored
+ rakefile_comments
+ rake "-T"
+ assert_match("override comment for t4", @out)
+ end
+ def test_correct_number_of_tasks_reported
+ rakefile_comments
+ rake "-T"
+ assert_equal(2, @out.split(/\n/).grep(/t\d/).size)
+ end
+ def test_file_list_is_requirable_separately
+ ruby '-rrake/file_list', '-e', 'puts Rake::FileList["a"].size'
+ assert_equal "1\n", @out
+ end
+ def can_detect_signals?
+ system RUBY, '-e', 'Process.kill "TERM", $$'
+ status = $?
+ if @verbose
+ puts " SIG status = #{$?.inspect}"
+ puts " SIG status.respond_to?(:signaled?) = " +
+ "#{$?.respond_to?(:signaled?).inspect}"
+ puts " SIG status.signaled? = #{status.signaled?}" if
+ status.respond_to?(:signaled?)
+ end
+ status.respond_to?(:signaled?) && status.signaled?
+ end
+ def test_signal_propagation_in_tests
+ if can_detect_signals?
+ rakefile_test_signal
+ rake
+ assert_match(/ATEST/, @out)
+ refute_match(/BTEST/, @out)
+ else
+ skip "Signal detect seems broken on this system"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_failing_test_sets_exit_status
+ skip if uncertain_exit_status?
+ rakefile_failing_test_task
+ rake
+ assert @exit.exitstatus > 0, "should be non-zero"
+ end
+ def test_stand_alone_filelist
+ rakefile_stand_alone_filelist
+ run_ruby @ruby_options + ["stand_alone_filelist.rb"]
+ assert_match(/^stand_alone_filelist\.rb$/, @out)
+ assert_equal 0, @exit.exitstatus unless uncertain_exit_status?
+ end
+ private
+ # We are unable to accurately verify that Rake returns a proper
+ # error exit status using popen3 in Ruby 1.8.7 and JRuby. This
+ # predicate function can be used to skip tests or assertions as
+ # needed.
+ def uncertain_exit_status?
+ RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" || defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_invocation_chain.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_invocation_chain.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0176339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_invocation_chain.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeInvocationChain < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ def setup
+ super
+ @empty = InvocationChain.empty
+ @first_member = "A"
+ @second_member = "B"
+ @one = @empty.append(@first_member)
+ @two = @one.append(@second_member)
+ end
+ def test_conj_on_invocation_chains
+ list = InvocationChain.empty.conj("B").conj("A")
+ assert_equal InvocationChain.make("A", "B"), list
+ assert_equal InvocationChain, list.class
+ end
+ def test_make_on_invocation_chains
+ assert_equal @empty, InvocationChain.make()
+ assert_equal @one, InvocationChain.make(@first_member)
+ assert_equal @two, InvocationChain.make(@second_member, @first_member)
+ end
+ def test_append_with_one_argument
+ chain = @empty.append("A")
+ assert_equal 'TOP => A', chain.to_s # HACK
+ end
+ def test_append_one_circular
+ ex = assert_raises RuntimeError do
+ @one.append(@first_member)
+ end
+ assert_match(/circular +dependency/i, ex.message)
+ assert_match(/A.*=>.*A/, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_append_two_circular
+ ex = assert_raises RuntimeError do
+ @two.append(@first_member)
+ end
+ assert_match(/A.*=>.*B.*=>.*A/, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_member_eh_one
+ assert @one.member?(@first_member)
+ end
+ def test_member_eh_two
+ assert @two.member?(@first_member)
+ assert @two.member?(@second_member)
+ end
+ def test_to_s_empty
+ assert_equal "TOP", @empty.to_s
+ assert_equal "TOP => A", @one.to_s
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_late_time.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_late_time.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b910a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_late_time.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeLateTime < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_late_time_comparisons
+ late = Rake::LATE
+ assert_equal late, late
+ assert late >=
+ assert late >
+ assert late !=
+ assert < late
+ assert <= late
+ assert != late
+ end
+ def test_to_s
+ assert_equal '<LATE TIME>', Rake::LATE.to_s
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_linked_list.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_linked_list.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10957fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_linked_list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestLinkedList < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ def test_empty_list
+ empty = LinkedList::EMPTY
+ assert empty.empty?, "should be empty"
+ end
+ def test_list_with_one_item
+ list = LinkedList.make(:one)
+ assert ! list.empty?, "should not be empty"
+ assert_equal :one, list.head
+ assert_equal LinkedList::EMPTY, list.tail
+ end
+ def test_make_with_no_arguments
+ empty = LinkedList.make()
+ assert_equal LinkedList::EMPTY, empty
+ end
+ def test_make_with_one_argument
+ list = LinkedList.make(:one)
+ assert ! list.empty?
+ assert_equal :one, list.head
+ assert_equal LinkedList::EMPTY, list.tail
+ end
+ def test_make_with_two_arguments
+ list = LinkedList.make(:one, :two)
+ assert ! list.empty?
+ assert_equal :one, list.head
+ assert_equal :two, list.tail.head
+ assert_equal LinkedList::EMPTY, list.tail.tail
+ end
+ def test_list_with_several_items
+ list = LinkedList.make(:one, :two, :three)
+ assert ! list.empty?, "should not be empty"
+ assert_equal :one, list.head
+ assert_equal :two, list.tail.head
+ assert_equal :three, list.tail.tail.head
+ assert_equal LinkedList::EMPTY, list.tail.tail.tail
+ end
+ def test_lists_are_structurally_equivalent
+ list = LinkedList.make(1, 2, 3)
+ same = LinkedList.make(1, 2, 3)
+ diff = LinkedList.make(1, 2, 4)
+ short = LinkedList.make(1, 2)
+ assert_equal list, same
+ refute_equal list, diff
+ refute_equal list, short
+ refute_equal short, list
+ end
+ def test_converstion_to_string
+ list = LinkedList.make(:one, :two, :three)
+ assert_equal "LL(one, two, three)", list.to_s
+ assert_equal "LL()", LinkedList.make().to_s
+ end
+ def test_converstion_with_inspect
+ list = LinkedList.make(:one, :two, :three)
+ assert_equal "LL(:one, :two, :three)", list.inspect
+ assert_equal "LL()", LinkedList.make().inspect
+ end
+ def test_lists_are_enumerable
+ list = LinkedList.make(1, 2, 3)
+ new_list = { |item| item + 10 }
+ expected = [11, 12, 13]
+ assert_equal expected, new_list
+ end
+ def test_conjunction
+ list = LinkedList.make.conj("C").conj("B").conj("A")
+ assert_equal LinkedList.make("A", "B", "C"), list
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_makefile_loader.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_makefile_loader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e9265a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_makefile_loader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'rake/loaders/makefile'
+class TestRakeMakefileLoader < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ def test_parse
+ Dir.chdir @tempdir
+ open '', 'w' do |io|
+ io << <<-'SAMPLE_MF'
+# Comments
+a: a1 a2 a3 a4
+b: b1 b2 b3 \
+ b4 b5 b6\
+# Mid: Comment
+ a : a5 a6 a7
+c: c1
+d: d1 d2 \
+e f : e1 f1
+g\ 0: g1 g\ 2 g\ 3 g4
+ end
+ Task.clear
+ loader =
+ loader.load ''
+ %w(a b c d).each do |t|
+ assert Task.task_defined?(t), "#{t} should be a defined task"
+ end
+ assert_equal %w(a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7).sort, Task['a'].prerequisites.sort
+ assert_equal %w(b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7).sort, Task['b'].prerequisites.sort
+ assert_equal %w(c1).sort, Task['c'].prerequisites.sort
+ assert_equal %w(d1 d2).sort, Task['d'].prerequisites.sort
+ assert_equal %w(e1 f1).sort, Task['e'].prerequisites.sort
+ assert_equal %w(e1 f1).sort, Task['f'].prerequisites.sort
+ assert_equal(
+ ["g1", "g 2", "g 3", "g4"].sort,
+ Task['g 0'].prerequisites.sort)
+ assert_equal 7, Task.tasks.size
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_multi_task.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_multi_task.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f8fed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_multi_task.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'thread'
+class TestRakeMultiTask < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ include Rake::DSL
+ def setup
+ super
+ Task.clear
+ @runs =
+ @mutex =
+ end
+ def teardown
+ Rake.application.thread_pool.join
+ super
+ end
+ def add_run(obj)
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ @runs << obj
+ end
+ end
+ def test_running_multitasks
+ task :a do 3.times do |i| add_run("A#{i}"); sleep 0.01; end end
+ task :b do 3.times do |i| add_run("B#{i}"); sleep 0.01; end end
+ multitask :both => [:a, :b]
+ Task[:both].invoke
+ assert_equal 6, @runs.size
+ assert @runs.index("A0") < @runs.index("A1")
+ assert @runs.index("A1") < @runs.index("A2")
+ assert @runs.index("B0") < @runs.index("B1")
+ assert @runs.index("B1") < @runs.index("B2")
+ end
+ def test_all_multitasks_wait_on_slow_prerequisites
+ task :slow do 3.times do |i| add_run("S#{i}"); sleep 0.05 end end
+ task :a => [:slow] do 3.times do |i| add_run("A#{i}"); sleep 0.01 end end
+ task :b => [:slow] do 3.times do |i| add_run("B#{i}"); sleep 0.01 end end
+ multitask :both => [:a, :b]
+ Task[:both].invoke
+ assert_equal 9, @runs.size
+ assert @runs.index("S0") < @runs.index("S1")
+ assert @runs.index("S1") < @runs.index("S2")
+ assert @runs.index("S2") < @runs.index("A0")
+ assert @runs.index("S2") < @runs.index("B0")
+ assert @runs.index("A0") < @runs.index("A1")
+ assert @runs.index("A1") < @runs.index("A2")
+ assert @runs.index("B0") < @runs.index("B1")
+ assert @runs.index("B1") < @runs.index("B2")
+ end
+ def test_multitasks_with_parameters
+ task :a, [:arg] do |t, args| add_run(args[:arg]) end
+ multitask :b, [:arg] => [:a] do |t, args| add_run(args[:arg] + 'mt') end
+ Task[:b].invoke "b"
+ assert @runs[0] == "b"
+ assert @runs[1] == "bmt"
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_name_space.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_name_space.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d35e70e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_name_space.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeNameSpace < Rake::TestCase
+ class TM
+ include Rake::TaskManager
+ end
+ def test_namespace_creation
+ mgr =
+ ns =, [])
+ refute_nil ns
+ end
+ def test_namespace_lookup
+ mgr =
+ ns = mgr.in_namespace("n") do
+ mgr.define_task(Rake::Task, "t")
+ end
+ refute_nil ns["t"]
+ assert_equal mgr["n:t"], ns["t"]
+ end
+ def test_namespace_reports_tasks_it_owns
+ mgr =
+ nns = nil
+ ns = mgr.in_namespace("n") do
+ mgr.define_task(Rake::Task, :x)
+ mgr.define_task(Rake::Task, :y)
+ nns = mgr.in_namespace("nn") do
+ mgr.define_task(Rake::Task, :z)
+ end
+ end
+ mgr.in_namespace("m") do
+ mgr.define_task(Rake::Task, :x)
+ end
+ assert_equal ["n:nn:z", "n:x", "n:y"],
+ { |tsk| }
+ assert_equal ["n:nn:z"], { |t| }
+ end
+ def test_scope
+ mgr =
+ scope = 'b'
+ scope = scope.conj 'a'
+ ns = mgr, scope
+ assert_equal scope, ns.scope
+ refute_same scope, ns.scope
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_package_task.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_package_task.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87cb57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_package_task.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'rake/packagetask'
+class TestRakePackageTask < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_initialize
+ touch 'install.rb'
+ touch 'a.c'
+ touch 'b.c'
+ mkdir 'CVS'
+ touch 'a.rb~'
+ pkg ="pkgr", "1.2.3") { |p|
+ p.package_files << "install.rb"
+ p.package_files.include '*.c'
+ p.package_files.exclude(/\bCVS\b/)
+ p.package_files.exclude(/~$/)
+ p.package_dir = 'pkg'
+ p.need_tar = true
+ p.need_tar_gz = true
+ p.need_tar_bz2 = true
+ p.need_zip = true
+ }
+ assert_equal "pkg", pkg.package_dir
+ assert_includes pkg.package_files, 'a.c'
+ assert_equal 'pkgr',
+ assert_equal '1.2.3', pkg.version
+ assert Rake::Task[:package]
+ assert Rake::Task['pkg/pkgr-1.2.3.tgz']
+ assert Rake::Task['pkg/pkgr-1.2.3.tar.gz']
+ assert Rake::Task['pkg/pkgr-1.2.3.tar.bz2']
+ assert Rake::Task['pkg/']
+ assert Rake::Task['pkg/pkgr-1.2.3']
+ assert Rake::Task[:clobber_package]
+ assert Rake::Task[:repackage]
+ end
+ def test_initialize_no_version
+ e = assert_raises RuntimeError do
+ 'pkgr'
+ end
+ assert_equal 'Version required (or :noversion)', e.message
+ end
+ def test_initialize_noversion
+ pkg = 'pkgr', :noversion
+ assert_equal 'pkg', pkg.package_dir
+ assert_equal 'pkgr',
+ assert_equal nil, pkg.version
+ end
+ def test_clone
+ pkg ="x", :noversion)
+ p2 = pkg.clone
+ pkg.package_files << "y"
+ p2.package_files << "x"
+ assert_equal ["y"], pkg.package_files
+ assert_equal ["x"], p2.package_files
+ end
+ def test_package_name
+ pkg = 'a', '1'
+ assert_equal 'a-1', pkg.package_name
+ end
+ def test_package_name_noversion
+ pkg = 'a', :noversion
+ assert_equal 'a', pkg.package_name
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_path_map.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_path_map.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..038ba1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_path_map.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakePathMap < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_returns_self_with_no_args
+ assert_equal "abc.rb", "abc.rb".pathmap
+ end
+ def test_s_returns_file_separator
+ sep = File::ALT_SEPARATOR || File::SEPARATOR
+ assert_equal sep, "abc.rb".pathmap("%s")
+ assert_equal sep, "".pathmap("%s")
+ assert_equal "a#{sep}b", "a/b".pathmap("%d%s%f")
+ end
+ def test_f_returns_basename
+ assert_equal "abc.rb", "abc.rb".pathmap("%f")
+ assert_equal "abc.rb", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%f")
+ assert_equal "abc.rb", "/this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%f")
+ end
+ def test_n_returns_basename_without_extension
+ assert_equal "abc", "abc.rb".pathmap("%n")
+ assert_equal "abc", "abc".pathmap("%n")
+ assert_equal "abc", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%n")
+ assert_equal "abc", "/this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%n")
+ assert_equal "abc", "/this/is/a/dir/abc".pathmap("%n")
+ end
+ def test_d_returns_dirname
+ assert_equal ".", "abc.rb".pathmap("%d")
+ assert_equal "/", "/abc".pathmap("%d")
+ assert_equal "this/is/a/dir", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%d")
+ assert_equal "/this/is/a/dir", "/this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%d")
+ end
+ def test_9d_returns_partial_dirname
+ assert_equal "this/is", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%2d")
+ assert_equal "this", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%1d")
+ assert_equal ".", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%0d")
+ assert_equal "dir", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%-1d")
+ assert_equal "a/dir", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%-2d")
+ assert_equal "this/is/a/dir", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%100d")
+ assert_equal "this/is/a/dir", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%-100d")
+ end
+ def test_x_returns_extension
+ assert_equal "", "abc".pathmap("%x")
+ assert_equal ".rb", "abc.rb".pathmap("%x")
+ assert_equal ".rb", "".pathmap("%x")
+ assert_equal "", ".depends".pathmap("%x")
+ assert_equal "", "dir/.depends".pathmap("%x")
+ end
+ def test_x_returns_everything_but_extension
+ assert_equal "abc", "abc".pathmap("%X")
+ assert_equal "abc", "abc.rb".pathmap("%X")
+ assert_equal "", "".pathmap("%X")
+ assert_equal "", "".pathmap("%X")
+ assert_equal "", "".pathmap("%X")
+ assert_equal "abc", "abc.rb".pathmap("%X")
+ assert_equal "ab", "ab.rb".pathmap("%X")
+ assert_equal "a", "a.rb".pathmap("%X")
+ assert_equal ".depends", ".depends".pathmap("%X")
+ assert_equal "a/dir/.depends", "a/dir/.depends".pathmap("%X")
+ assert_equal "/.depends", "/.depends".pathmap("%X")
+ end
+ def test_p_returns_entire_pathname
+ assert_equal "abc.rb", "abc.rb".pathmap("%p")
+ assert_equal "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb", "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%p")
+ assert_equal "/this/is/a/dir/abc.rb", "/this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%p")
+ end
+ def test_dash_returns_empty_string
+ assert_equal "", "abc.rb".pathmap("%-")
+ assert_equal "abc.rb", "abc.rb".pathmap("%X%-%x")
+ end
+ def test_percent_percent_returns_percent
+ assert_equal "a%b", "".pathmap("a%%b")
+ end
+ def test_undefined_percent_causes_error
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) {
+ "dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%z")
+ }
+ end
+ def test_pattern_returns_substitutions
+ assert_equal "bin/org/osb",
+ "src/org/osb/".pathmap("%{src,bin}d")
+ end
+ def test_pattern_can_use_backreferences
+ assert_equal "dir/hi/is", "dir/this/is".pathmap("%{t(hi)s,\\1}p")
+ end
+ def test_pattern_with_star_replacement_string_uses_block
+ assert_equal "src/ORG/osb",
+ "src/org/osb/".pathmap("%{/org,*}d") { |d| d.upcase }
+ assert_equal "",
+ "src/org/osb/".pathmap("%{.*,*}f") { |f| f.capitalize }
+ end
+ def test_pattern_with_no_replacement_nor_block_substitutes_empty_string
+ assert_equal "bc.rb", "abc.rb".pathmap("%{a}f")
+ end
+ def test_pattern_works_with_certain_valid_operators
+ assert_equal "dir/xbc.rb", "dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%{a,x}p")
+ assert_equal "d1r", "dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%{i,1}d")
+ assert_equal "xbc.rb", "dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%{a,x}f")
+ assert_equal ".Rb", "dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%{r,R}x")
+ assert_equal "xbc", "dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%{a,x}n")
+ end
+ def test_multiple_patterns
+ assert_equal "this/is/b/directory/abc.rb",
+ "this/is/a/dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%{a,b;dir,\\0ectory}p")
+ end
+ def test_partial_directory_selection_works_with_patterns
+ assert_equal "this/is/a/long",
+ "this/is/a/really/long/path/ok.rb".pathmap("%{/really/,/}5d")
+ end
+ def test_pattern_with_invalid_operator
+ ex = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ "".pathmap("%{src,bin}z")
+ end
+ assert_match(/unknown.*pathmap.*spec.*z/i, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_works_with_windows_separators
+ assert_equal "abc", 'dir\abc.rb'.pathmap("%n")
+ assert_equal 'this\is\a\dir',
+ 'this\is\a\dir\abc.rb'.pathmap("%d")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_complex_patterns
+ sep = "".pathmap("%s")
+ assert_equal(
+ "dir/abc.rb",
+ "dir/abc.rb".pathmap("%d/%n%x"))
+ assert_equal(
+ "./abc.rb",
+ "abc.rb".pathmap("%d/%n%x"))
+ assert_equal(
+ "Your file extension is '.rb'",
+ "dir/abc.rb".pathmap("Your file extension is '%x'"))
+ assert_equal(
+ "bin/org/onstepback/proj/A.class",
+ "src/org/onstepback/proj/".pathmap("%{src,bin}d/%n.class"))
+ assert_equal(
+ "src_work/bin/org/onstepback/proj/A.class",
+ "src_work/src/org/onstepback/proj/".
+ pathmap('%{\bsrc\b,bin}X.class'))
+ assert_equal(
+ ".depends.bak",
+ ".depends".pathmap("%X.bak"))
+ assert_equal(
+ "d#{sep}a/b/c#{sep}file.txt",
+ "a/b/c/d/file.txt".pathmap("%-1d%s%3d%s%f"))
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_path_map_explode.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_path_map_explode.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a79235e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_path_map_explode.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakePathMapExplode < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ String.class_eval { public :pathmap_explode }
+ end
+ def teardown
+ String.class_eval { protected :pathmap_explode }
+ super
+ end
+ def test_explode
+ assert_equal ['a'], 'a'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], 'a/b'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'a/b/c'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['/', 'a'], '/a'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['/', 'a', 'b'], '/a/b'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['/', 'a', 'b', 'c'], '/a/b/c'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['c:.', 'a'], 'c:a'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['c:.', 'a', 'b'], 'c:a/b'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['c:.', 'a', 'b', 'c'], 'c:a/b/c'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['c:/', 'a'], 'c:/a'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['c:/', 'a', 'b'], 'c:/a/b'.pathmap_explode
+ assert_equal ['c:/', 'a', 'b', 'c'], 'c:/a/b/c'.pathmap_explode
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_path_map_partial.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_path_map_partial.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..566e681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_path_map_partial.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakePathMapPartial < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_pathmap_partial
+ @path = "1/2/file"
+ def
+ pathmap_partial(n)
+ end
+ assert_equal("1",
+ assert_equal("1/2",
+ assert_equal("1/2",
+ assert_equal(".",
+ assert_equal("2",
+ assert_equal("1/2",
+ assert_equal("1/2",
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_pathname_extensions.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_pathname_extensions.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7da702d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_pathname_extensions.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'rake/ext/pathname'
+class TestRakePathnameExtensions < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_ext_works_on_pathnames
+ pathname ="")
+ assert_equal""), pathname.ext("bar")
+ end
+ def test_path_map_works_on_pathnames
+ pathname ="this/is/a/dir/abc.rb")
+ assert_equal"abc.rb"), pathname.pathmap("%f")
+ assert_equal"this/is/a/dir"), pathname.pathmap("%d")
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_pseudo_status.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_pseudo_status.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51b3fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_pseudo_status.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakePseudoStatus < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_with_zero_exit_status
+ s =
+ assert_equal 0, s.exitstatus
+ assert_equal 0, s.to_i
+ assert_equal 0, s >> 8
+ refute s.stopped?
+ assert s.exited?
+ end
+ def test_with_99_exit_status
+ s =
+ assert_equal 99, s.exitstatus
+ assert_equal 25344, s.to_i
+ assert_equal 99, s >> 8
+ refute s.stopped?
+ assert s.exited?
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_rake_test_loader.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_rake_test_loader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0485c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_rake_test_loader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeRakeTestLoader < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_pattern
+ orig_loaded_features = $:.dup
+ FileUtils.touch 'foo.rb'
+ FileUtils.touch 'test_a.rb'
+ FileUtils.touch 'test_b.rb'
+ ARGV.replace %w[foo.rb test_*.rb -v]
+ load File.join(@rake_lib, 'rake/rake_test_loader.rb')
+ assert_equal %w[-v], ARGV
+ ensure
+ $:.replace orig_loaded_features
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_reduce_compat.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_reduce_compat.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d295266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_reduce_compat.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'open3'
+class TestRakeReduceCompat < Rake::TestCase
+ include RubyRunner
+ def invoke_normal(task_name)
+ rake task_name.to_s
+ @out
+ end
+ def test_no_deprecated_dsl
+ rakefile %q{
+ task :check_task do
+ { p defined?(task) }
+ end
+ task :check_file do
+ { p defined?(file) }
+ end
+ }
+ assert_equal "nil", invoke_normal(:check_task).chomp
+ assert_equal "nil", invoke_normal(:check_file).chomp
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_require.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_require.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d229edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_require.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeRequire < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_can_load_rake_library
+ rakefile_rakelib
+ app =
+ assert app.instance_eval {
+ rake_require("test2", ['rakelib'], [])
+ }
+ end
+ def test_wont_reload_rake_library
+ rakefile_rakelib
+ app =
+ paths = ['rakelib']
+ loaded_files = []
+ app.rake_require("test2", paths, loaded_files)
+ assert ! app.instance_eval {
+ rake_require("test2", paths, loaded_files)
+ }
+ end
+ def test_throws_error_if_library_not_found
+ rakefile_rakelib
+ app =
+ ex = assert_raises(LoadError) {
+ assert app.instance_eval {
+ rake_require("testx", ['rakelib'], [])
+ }
+ }
+ assert_match(/(can *not|can't)\s+find/i, ex.message)
+ assert_match(/testx/, ex.message)
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_rules.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_rules.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ece75e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_rules.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'fileutils'
+class TestRakeRules < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ SRCFILE = "abc.c"
+ SRCFILE2 = "xyz.c"
+ FTNFILE = "abc.f"
+ OBJFILE = "abc.o"
+ FOOFILE = "foo"
+ DOTFOOFILE = ".foo"
+ def setup
+ super
+ Task.clear
+ @runs = []
+ end
+ def test_multiple_rules1
+ create_file(FTNFILE)
+ delete_file(SRCFILE)
+ delete_file(OBJFILE)
+ rule(/\.o$/ => ['.c']) do @runs << :C end
+ rule(/\.o$/ => ['.f']) do @runs << :F end
+ t = Task[OBJFILE]
+ t.invoke
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [:F], @runs
+ end
+ def test_multiple_rules2
+ create_file(FTNFILE)
+ delete_file(SRCFILE)
+ delete_file(OBJFILE)
+ rule(/\.o$/ => ['.f']) do @runs << :F end
+ rule(/\.o$/ => ['.c']) do @runs << :C end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [:F], @runs
+ end
+ def test_create_with_source
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ rule(/\.o$/ => ['.c']) do |t|
+ @runs <<
+ assert_equal OBJFILE,
+ assert_equal SRCFILE, t.source
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [OBJFILE], @runs
+ end
+ def test_single_dependent
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ rule(/\.o$/ => '.c') do |t|
+ @runs <<
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [OBJFILE], @runs
+ end
+ def test_rule_can_be_created_by_string
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ rule '.o' => ['.c'] do |t|
+ @runs <<
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [OBJFILE], @runs
+ end
+ def test_rule_prereqs_can_be_created_by_string
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ rule '.o' => '.c' do |t|
+ @runs <<
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [OBJFILE], @runs
+ end
+ def test_plain_strings_as_dependents_refer_to_files
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ rule '.o' => SRCFILE do |t|
+ @runs <<
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [OBJFILE], @runs
+ end
+ def test_file_names_beginning_with_dot_can_be_tricked_into_referring_to_file
+ verbose(false) do
+ create_file('.foo')
+ rule '.o' => "./.foo" do |t|
+ @runs <<
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [OBJFILE], @runs
+ end
+ end
+ def test_file_names_beginning_with_dot_can_be_wrapped_in_lambda
+ verbose(false) do
+ create_file(".foo")
+ rule '.o' => lambda { ".foo" } do |t|
+ @runs << "#{} - #{t.source}"
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal ["#{OBJFILE} - .foo"], @runs
+ end
+ end
+ def test_file_names_containing_percent_can_be_wrapped_in_lambda
+ verbose(false) do
+ create_file("foo%x")
+ rule '.o' => lambda { "foo%x" } do |t|
+ @runs << "#{} - #{t.source}"
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal ["#{OBJFILE} - foo%x"], @runs
+ end
+ end
+ def test_non_extension_rule_name_refers_to_file
+ verbose(false) do
+ create_file("abc.c")
+ rule "abc" => '.c' do |t|
+ @runs <<
+ end
+ Task["abc"].invoke
+ assert_equal ["abc"], @runs
+ end
+ end
+ def test_pathmap_automatically_applies_to_name
+ verbose(false) do
+ create_file("zzabc.c")
+ rule ".o" => 'zz%{x,a}n.c' do |t|
+ @runs << "#{} - #{t.source}"
+ end
+ Task["xbc.o"].invoke
+ assert_equal ["xbc.o - zzabc.c"], @runs
+ end
+ end
+ def test_plain_strings_are_just_filenames
+ verbose(false) do
+ create_file("plainname")
+ rule ".o" => 'plainname' do |t|
+ @runs << "#{} - #{t.source}"
+ end
+ Task["xbc.o"].invoke
+ assert_equal ["xbc.o - plainname"], @runs
+ end
+ end
+ def test_rule_runs_when_explicit_task_has_no_actions
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ create_file(SRCFILE2)
+ delete_file(OBJFILE)
+ rule '.o' => '.c' do |t|
+ @runs << t.source
+ end
+ file OBJFILE => [SRCFILE2]
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [SRCFILE], @runs
+ end
+ def test_close_matches_on_name_do_not_trigger_rule
+ create_file("x.c")
+ rule '.o' => ['.c'] do |t|
+ @runs <<
+ end
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) { Task['x.obj'].invoke }
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) { Task['x.xyo'].invoke }
+ end
+ def test_rule_rebuilds_obj_when_source_is_newer
+ create_timed_files(OBJFILE, SRCFILE)
+ rule(/\.o$/ => ['.c']) do
+ @runs << :RULE
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [:RULE], @runs
+ end
+ def test_rule_with_two_sources_runs_if_both_sources_are_present
+ create_timed_files(OBJFILE, SRCFILE, SRCFILE2)
+ rule OBJFILE => [lambda { SRCFILE }, lambda { SRCFILE2 }] do
+ @runs << :RULE
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [:RULE], @runs
+ end
+ def test_rule_with_two_sources_but_one_missing_does_not_run
+ create_timed_files(OBJFILE, SRCFILE)
+ delete_file(SRCFILE2)
+ rule OBJFILE => [lambda { SRCFILE }, lambda { SRCFILE2 }] do
+ @runs << :RULE
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [], @runs
+ end
+ def test_rule_with_two_sources_builds_both_sources
+ task 'x.aa'
+ task ''
+ rule '.a' => '.aa' do
+ @runs << "A"
+ end
+ rule '.b' => '.bb' do
+ @runs << "B"
+ end
+ rule ".c" => ['.a', '.b'] do
+ @runs << "C"
+ end
+ Task["x.c"].invoke
+ assert_equal ["A", "B", "C"], @runs.sort
+ end
+ def test_second_rule_runs_when_first_rule_doesnt
+ create_timed_files(OBJFILE, SRCFILE)
+ delete_file(SRCFILE2)
+ rule OBJFILE => [lambda { SRCFILE }, lambda { SRCFILE2 }] do
+ @runs << :RULE1
+ end
+ rule OBJFILE => [lambda { SRCFILE }] do
+ @runs << :RULE2
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [:RULE2], @runs
+ end
+ def test_second_rule_doest_run_if_first_triggers
+ create_timed_files(OBJFILE, SRCFILE, SRCFILE2)
+ rule OBJFILE => [lambda { SRCFILE }, lambda { SRCFILE2 }] do
+ @runs << :RULE1
+ end
+ rule OBJFILE => [lambda { SRCFILE }] do
+ @runs << :RULE2
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [:RULE1], @runs
+ end
+ def test_second_rule_doest_run_if_first_triggers_with_reversed_rules
+ create_timed_files(OBJFILE, SRCFILE, SRCFILE2)
+ rule OBJFILE => [lambda { SRCFILE }] do
+ @runs << :RULE1
+ end
+ rule OBJFILE => [lambda { SRCFILE }, lambda { SRCFILE2 }] do
+ @runs << :RULE2
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal [:RULE1], @runs
+ end
+ def test_rule_with_proc_dependent_will_trigger
+ mkdir_p("src/jw")
+ create_file("src/jw/")
+ rule %r(classes/.*\.class) => [
+ proc { |fn| fn.pathmap("%{classes,src}d/") }
+ ] do |task|
+ assert_equal, 'classes/jw/X.class'
+ assert_equal task.source, 'src/jw/'
+ @runs << :RULE
+ end
+ Task['classes/jw/X.class'].invoke
+ assert_equal [:RULE], @runs
+ ensure
+ rm_r("src", :verbose=>false) rescue nil
+ end
+ def test_proc_returning_lists_are_flattened_into_prereqs
+ ran = false
+ mkdir_p("flatten")
+ create_file("flatten/a.txt")
+ task 'flatten/' do |t|
+ ran = true
+ touch, :verbose => false
+ end
+ rule '.html' =>
+ proc { |fn|
+ [
+ fn.ext("txt"),
+ "flatten/"
+ ]
+ } do |task|
+ end
+ Task['flatten/a.html'].invoke
+ assert ran, "Should have triggered flattened dependency"
+ ensure
+ rm_r("flatten", :verbose=>false) rescue nil
+ end
+ def test_recursive_rules_will_work_as_long_as_they_terminate
+ actions = []
+ create_file("abc.xml")
+ rule '.y' => '.xml' do actions << 'y' end
+ rule '.c' => '.y' do actions << 'c'end
+ rule '.o' => '.c' do actions << 'o'end
+ rule '.exe' => '.o' do actions << 'exe'end
+ Task["abc.exe"].invoke
+ assert_equal ['y', 'c', 'o', 'exe'], actions
+ end
+ def test_recursive_rules_that_dont_terminate_will_overflow
+ create_file("a.a")
+ prev = 'a'
+ ('b'..'z').each do |letter|
+ rule ".#{letter}" => ".#{prev}" do |t| puts "#{}" end
+ prev = letter
+ end
+ ex = assert_raises(Rake::RuleRecursionOverflowError) {
+ Task["a.z"].invoke
+ }
+ assert_match(/a\.z => a.y/, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_rules_with_bad_dependents_will_fail
+ rule "a" => [1] do |t| puts end
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) do Task['a'].invoke end
+ end
+ def test_string_rule_with_args
+ delete_file(OBJFILE)
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ rule '.o', [:a] => SRCFILE do |t, args|
+ assert_equal 'arg', args.a
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke('arg')
+ end
+ def test_regex_rule_with_args
+ delete_file(OBJFILE)
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ rule(/.o$/, [:a] => SRCFILE) do |t, args|
+ assert_equal 'arg', args.a
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke('arg')
+ end
+ def test_string_rule_with_args_and_lambda_prereq
+ delete_file(OBJFILE)
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ rule '.o', [:a] => [lambda{SRCFILE}]do |t, args|
+ assert_equal 'arg', args.a
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke('arg')
+ end
+ def test_regex_rule_with_args_and_lambda_prereq
+ delete_file(OBJFILE)
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ rule(/.o$/, [:a] => [lambda{SRCFILE}]) do |t, args|
+ assert_equal 'arg', args.a
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke('arg')
+ end
+ def test_rule_with_method_prereq
+ create_file(".foo")
+ obj =
+ def obj.find_prereq
+ ".foo"
+ end
+ rule '.o' => obj.method(:find_prereq) do |t|
+ @runs << "#{} - #{t.source}"
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal ["#{OBJFILE} - .foo"], @runs
+ end
+ def test_rule_with_one_arg_method_prereq
+ create_file(SRCFILE)
+ obj =
+ def obj.find_prereq(task_name)
+ task_name.ext(".c")
+ end
+ rule '.o' => obj.method(:find_prereq) do |t|
+ @runs << "#{} - #{t.source}"
+ end
+ Task[OBJFILE].invoke
+ assert_equal ["#{OBJFILE} - abc.c"], @runs
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_scope.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_scope.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef06618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_scope.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeScope < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ def test_path_against_empty_scope
+ scope = Scope.make
+ assert_equal scope, Scope::EMPTY
+ assert_equal scope.path, ""
+ end
+ def test_path_against_one_element
+ scope = Scope.make(:one)
+ assert_equal "one", scope.path
+ end
+ def test_path_against_two_elements
+ scope = Scope.make(:inner, :outer)
+ assert_equal "outer:inner", scope.path
+ end
+ def test_path_with_task_name
+ scope = Scope.make(:inner, :outer)
+ assert_equal "outer:inner:task", scope.path_with_task_name("task")
+ end
+ def test_path_with_task_name_against_empty_scope
+ scope = Scope.make
+ assert_equal "task", scope.path_with_task_name("task")
+ end
+ def test_conj_against_two_elements
+ scope = Scope.make.conj("B").conj("A")
+ assert_equal Scope.make("A", "B"), scope
+ end
+ def test_trim
+ scope = Scope.make("A", "B")
+ assert_equal scope, scope.trim(0)
+ assert_equal scope.tail, scope.trim(1)
+ assert_equal scope.tail.tail, scope.trim(2)
+ assert_equal scope.tail.tail, scope.trim(3)
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7f14ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'fileutils'
+class TestRakeTask < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ def setup
+ super
+ Task.clear
+ Rake::TaskManager.record_task_metadata = true
+ end
+ def teardown
+ Rake::TaskManager.record_task_metadata = false
+ Rake.application.thread_pool.join
+ super
+ end
+ def test_create
+ arg = nil
+ t = task(:name) { |task| arg = task; 1234 }
+ assert_equal "name",
+ assert_equal [], t.prerequisites
+ assert t.needed?
+ t.execute(0)
+ assert_equal t, arg
+ assert_nil t.source
+ assert_equal [], t.sources
+ assert_equal 1, t.locations.size
+ assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote(__FILE__)}/, t.locations.first)
+ end
+ def test_inspect
+ t = task(:foo => [:bar, :baz])
+ assert_equal "<Rake::Task foo => [bar, baz]>", t.inspect
+ end
+ def test_invoke
+ runlist = []
+ t1 = task(:t1 => [:t2, :t3]) { |t| runlist <<; 3321 }
+ task(:t2) { |t| runlist << }
+ task(:t3) { |t| runlist << }
+ assert_equal ["t2", "t3"], t1.prerequisites
+ t1.invoke
+ assert_equal ["t2", "t3", "t1"], runlist
+ end
+ def test_invoke_with_circular_dependencies
+ runlist = []
+ t1 = task(:t1 => [:t2]) { |t| runlist <<; 3321 }
+ t2 = task(:t2 => [:t1]) { |t| runlist << }
+ assert_equal ["t2"], t1.prerequisites
+ assert_equal ["t1"], t2.prerequisites
+ ex = assert_raises RuntimeError do
+ t1.invoke
+ end
+ assert_match(/circular dependency/i, ex.message)
+ assert_match(/t1 => t2 => t1/, ex.message)
+ end
+ def test_dry_run_prevents_actions
+ Rake.application.options.dryrun = true
+ runlist = []
+ t1 = task(:t1) { |t| runlist <<; 3321 }
+ _, err = capture_io { t1.invoke }
+ assert_match(/execute .*t1/i, err)
+ assert_match(/dry run/i, err)
+ refute_match(/invoke/i, err)
+ assert_equal [], runlist
+ ensure
+ Rake.application.options.dryrun = false
+ end
+ def test_tasks_can_be_traced
+ Rake.application.options.trace = true
+ t1 = task(:t1)
+ _, err = capture_io {
+ t1.invoke
+ }
+ assert_match(/invoke t1/i, err)
+ assert_match(/execute t1/i, err)
+ ensure
+ Rake.application.options.trace = false
+ end
+ def test_no_double_invoke
+ runlist = []
+ t1 = task(:t1 => [:t2, :t3]) { |t| runlist <<; 3321 }
+ task(:t2 => [:t3]) { |t| runlist << }
+ task(:t3) { |t| runlist << }
+ t1.invoke
+ assert_equal ["t3", "t2", "t1"], runlist
+ end
+ def test_can_double_invoke_with_reenable
+ runlist = []
+ t1 = task(:t1) { |t| runlist << }
+ t1.invoke
+ t1.reenable
+ t1.invoke
+ assert_equal ["t1", "t1"], runlist
+ end
+ def test_clear
+ desc "a task"
+ t = task("t" => "a") { }
+ t.clear
+ assert t.prerequisites.empty?, "prerequisites should be empty"
+ assert t.actions.empty?, "actions should be empty"
+ assert_nil t.comment, "comments should be empty"
+ end
+ def test_clear_prerequisites
+ t = task("t" => ["a", "b"])
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b'], t.prerequisites
+ t.clear_prerequisites
+ assert_equal [], t.prerequisites
+ end
+ def test_clear_actions
+ t = task("t") { }
+ t.clear_actions
+ assert t.actions.empty?, "actions should be empty"
+ end
+ def test_clear_comments
+ desc "the original foo"
+ task :foo => [:x] do
+ # Dummy action
+ end
+ task(:foo).clear_comments
+ desc "a slightly different foo"
+ task :foo
+ assert_equal "a slightly different foo", task(:foo).comment
+ assert_equal ["x"], task(:foo).prerequisites
+ assert_equal 1, task(:foo).actions.size
+ end
+ def test_find
+ task :tfind
+ assert_equal "tfind", Task[:tfind].name
+ ex = assert_raises(RuntimeError) { Task[:leaves] }
+ assert_equal "Don't know how to build task 'leaves'", ex.message
+ end
+ def test_defined
+ assert ! Task.task_defined?(:a)
+ task :a
+ assert Task.task_defined?(:a)
+ end
+ def test_multi_invocations
+ runs = []
+ p = proc do |t| runs << end
+ task({ :t1 => [:t2, :t3] }, &p)
+ task({ :t2 => [:t3] }, &p)
+ task(:t3, &p)
+ Task[:t1].invoke
+ assert_equal ["t1", "t2", "t3"], runs.sort
+ end
+ def test_task_list
+ task :t2
+ task :t1 => [:t2]
+ assert_equal ["t1", "t2"], { |t| }
+ end
+ def test_task_gives_name_on_to_s
+ task :abc
+ assert_equal "abc", Task[:abc].to_s
+ end
+ def test_symbols_can_be_prerequisites
+ task :a => :b
+ assert_equal ["b"], Task[:a].prerequisites
+ end
+ def test_strings_can_be_prerequisites
+ task :a => "b"
+ assert_equal ["b"], Task[:a].prerequisites
+ end
+ def test_arrays_can_be_prerequisites
+ task :a => ["b", "c"]
+ assert_equal ["b", "c"], Task[:a].prerequisites
+ end
+ def test_filelists_can_be_prerequisites
+ task :a =>"b", "c")
+ assert_equal ["b", "c"], Task[:a].prerequisites
+ end
+ def test_prerequiste_tasks_returns_tasks_not_strings
+ a = task :a => ["b", "c"]
+ b = task :b
+ c = task :c
+ assert_equal [b, c], a.prerequisite_tasks
+ end
+ def test_prerequiste_tasks_fails_if_prerequisites_are_undefined
+ a = task :a => ["b", "c"]
+ task :b
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) do
+ a.prerequisite_tasks
+ end
+ end
+ def test_prerequiste_tasks_honors_namespaces
+ a = b = nil
+ namespace "X" do
+ a = task :a => ["b", "c"]
+ b = task :b
+ end
+ c = task :c
+ assert_equal [b, c], a.prerequisite_tasks
+ end
+ def test_all_prerequisite_tasks_includes_all_prerequisites
+ a = task :a => "b"
+ b = task :b => ["c", "d"]
+ c = task :c => "e"
+ d = task :d
+ e = task :e
+ assert_equal [b, c, d, e], a.all_prerequisite_tasks.sort_by { |t| }
+ end
+ def test_all_prerequisite_tasks_does_not_include_duplicates
+ a = task :a => ["b", "c"]
+ b = task :b => "c"
+ c = task :c
+ assert_equal [b, c], a.all_prerequisite_tasks.sort_by { |t| }
+ end
+ def test_all_prerequisite_tasks_includes_self_on_cyclic_dependencies
+ a = task :a => "b"
+ b = task :b => "a"
+ assert_equal [a, b], a.all_prerequisite_tasks.sort_by { |t| }
+ end
+ def test_timestamp_returns_now_if_all_prereqs_have_no_times
+ a = task :a => ["b", "c"]
+ task :b
+ task :c
+ assert_in_delta, a.timestamp, 0.1, 'computer too slow?'
+ end
+ def test_timestamp_returns_latest_prereq_timestamp
+ a = task :a => ["b", "c"]
+ b = task :b
+ c = task :c
+ now =
+ def b.timestamp() + 10 end
+ def c.timestamp() + 5 end
+ assert_in_delta now, a.timestamp, 0.1, 'computer too slow?'
+ end
+ def test_always_multitask
+ mx =
+ result = []
+ t_a = task(:a) do |t|
+ sleep 0.2
+ mx.synchronize { result << }
+ end
+ t_b = task(:b) do |t|
+ mx.synchronize { result << }
+ end
+ t_c = task(:c => [:a, :b]) do |t|
+ mx.synchronize { result << }
+ end
+ t_c.invoke
+ # task should always run in order
+ assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], result
+ [t_a, t_b, t_c].each { |t| t.reenable }
+ result.clear
+ Rake.application.options.always_multitask = true
+ t_c.invoke
+ # with multitask, task 'b' should grab the mutex first
+ assert_equal ['b', 'a', 'c'], result
+ end
+ def test_investigation_output
+ t1 = task(:t1 => [:t2, :t3]) { |t| runlist <<; 3321 }
+ task(:t2)
+ task(:t3)
+ out = t1.investigation
+ assert_match(/class:\s*Rake::Task/, out)
+ assert_match(/needed:\s*true/, out)
+ assert_match(/pre-requisites:\s*--t[23]/, out)
+ end
+ # NOTE: Rail-ties uses comment=.
+ def test_comment_setting
+ t = task(:t, :name, :rev)
+ t.comment = "A Comment"
+ assert_equal "A Comment", t.comment
+ end
+ def test_comments_with_sentences
+ desc "Comment 1. Comment 2."
+ t = task(:t, :name, :rev)
+ assert_equal "Comment 1", t.comment
+ end
+ def test_comments_with_tabbed_sentences
+ desc "Comment 1.\tComment 2."
+ t = task(:t, :name, :rev)
+ assert_equal "Comment 1", t.comment
+ end
+ def test_comments_with_decimal_points
+ desc "Revision 1.2.3."
+ t = task(:t, :name, :rev)
+ assert_equal "Revision 1.2.3", t.comment
+ end
+ def test_comments_do_not_set
+ t = task(:t, :name, :rev)
+ assert_equal nil, t.comment
+ end
+ def test_comments_is_nil
+ t = task(:t, :name, :rev)
+ t.comment = nil
+ assert_equal nil, t.comment
+ end
+ def test_extended_comments
+ desc %{
+ This is a comment.
+ And this is the extended comment.
+ name -- Name of task to execute.
+ rev -- Software revision to use.
+ }
+ t = task(:t, :name, :rev)
+ assert_equal "[name,rev]", t.arg_description
+ assert_equal "This is a comment", t.comment
+ assert_match(/^\s*name -- Name/, t.full_comment)
+ assert_match(/^\s*rev -- Software/, t.full_comment)
+ assert_match(/\A\s*This is a comment\.$/, t.full_comment)
+ end
+ def test_multiple_comments
+ desc "line one"
+ t = task(:t)
+ desc "line two"
+ task(:t)
+ assert_equal "line one / line two", t.comment
+ end
+ def test_duplicate_comments
+ desc "line one"
+ t = task(:t)
+ desc "line one"
+ task(:t)
+ assert_equal "line one", t.comment
+ end
+ def test_interspersed_duplicate_comments
+ desc "line one"
+ t = task(:t)
+ desc "line two"
+ task(:t)
+ desc "line one"
+ task(:t)
+ assert_equal "line one / line two", t.comment
+ end
+ def test_source_is_first_prerequisite
+ t = task :t => ["preqA", "preqB"]
+ assert_equal "preqA", t.source
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_argument_parsing.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_argument_parsing.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cb5d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_argument_parsing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeTaskArgumentParsing < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @app =
+ end
+ def test_name_only
+ name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name")
+ assert_equal "name", name
+ assert_equal [], args
+ end
+ def test_empty_args
+ name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[]")
+ assert_equal "name", name
+ assert_equal [], args
+ end
+ def test_one_argument
+ name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[one]")
+ assert_equal "name", name
+ assert_equal ["one"], args
+ end
+ def test_two_arguments
+ name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[one,two]")
+ assert_equal "name", name
+ assert_equal ["one", "two"], args
+ end
+ def test_can_handle_spaces_between_args
+ name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[one, two,\tthree , \tfour]")
+ assert_equal "name", name
+ assert_equal ["one", "two", "three", "four"], args
+ end
+ def test_keeps_embedded_spaces
+ name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[a one ana, two]")
+ assert_equal "name", name
+ assert_equal ["a one ana", "two"], args
+ end
+ def test_can_handle_commas_in_args
+ name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[one, two, three_a\\, three_b, four]")
+ assert_equal "name", name
+ assert_equal ["one", "two", "three_a, three_b", "four"], args
+ end
+ def test_treat_blank_arg_as_empty_string
+ name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[one,]")
+ assert_equal "name", name
+ assert_equal ["one", ""], args
+ name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[one,,two]")
+ assert_equal "name", name
+ assert_equal ["one", "", "two"], args
+ end
+ def test_terminal_width_using_env
+ app =
+ app.terminal_columns = 1234
+ assert_equal 1234, app.terminal_width
+ end
+ def test_terminal_width_using_stty
+ def @app.unix?() true end
+ def @app.dynamic_width_stty() 1235 end
+ def @app.dynamic_width_tput() 0 end
+ assert_equal 1235, @app.terminal_width
+ end
+ def test_terminal_width_using_tput
+ def @app.unix?() true end
+ def @app.dynamic_width_stty() 0 end
+ def @app.dynamic_width_tput() 1236 end
+ assert_equal 1236, @app.terminal_width
+ end
+ def test_terminal_width_using_hardcoded_80
+ def @app.unix?() false end
+ assert_equal 80, @app.terminal_width
+ end
+ def test_terminal_width_with_failure
+ def @app.unix?() raise end
+ assert_equal 80, @app.terminal_width
+ end
+ def test_no_rakeopt
+ ARGV << '--trace'
+ app =
+ app.init
+ assert !app.options.silent
+ end
+ def test_rakeopt_with_blank_options
+ ARGV << '--trace'
+ app =
+ app.init
+ assert !app.options.silent
+ end
+ def test_rakeopt_with_silent_options
+ ENV['RAKEOPT'] = '-s'
+ app =
+ app.init
+ assert app.options.silent
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_arguments.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_arguments.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..369ecf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_arguments.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeTaskArguments < Rake::TestCase
+ def teardown
+ ENV.delete('rev')
+ ENV.delete('VER')
+ super
+ end
+ def test_empty_arg_list_is_empty
+ ta =[], [])
+ assert_equal({}, ta.to_hash)
+ end
+ def test_multiple_values_in_args
+ ta =[:a, :b, :c], [:one, :two, :three])
+ assert_equal({:a => :one, :b => :two, :c => :three}, ta.to_hash)
+ end
+ def test_has_key
+ ta =[:a], [:one])
+ assert(ta.has_key?(:a))
+ refute(ta.has_key?(:b))
+ end
+ def test_to_s
+ ta =[:a, :b, :c], [1, 2, 3])
+ assert_equal ta.to_hash.inspect, ta.to_s
+ assert_equal ta.to_hash.inspect, ta.inspect
+ end
+ def test_enumerable_behavior
+ ta =[:a, :b, :c], [1, 2, 3])
+ assert_equal [10, 20, 30], { |k, v| v * 10 }.sort
+ end
+ def test_named_args
+ ta =["aa", "bb"], [1, 2])
+ assert_equal 1, ta.aa
+ assert_equal 1, ta[:aa]
+ assert_equal 1, ta["aa"]
+ assert_equal 2,
+ assert_nil
+ end
+ def test_args_knows_its_names
+ ta =["aa", "bb"], [1, 2])
+ assert_equal ["aa", "bb"], ta.names
+ end
+ def test_extra_names_are_nil
+ ta =["aa", "bb", "cc"], [1, 2])
+ assert_nil
+ end
+ def test_args_do_not_reference_env_values
+ ta =["aa"], [1])
+ ENV['rev'] = "1.2"
+ ENV['VER'] = "2.3"
+ assert_nil ta.rev
+ assert_nil ta.ver
+ end
+ def test_creating_new_argument_scopes
+ parent =['p'], [1])
+ child = parent.new_scope(['c', 'p'])
+ assert_equal({:p=>1}, child.to_hash)
+ assert_equal 1, child.p
+ assert_equal 1, child["p"]
+ assert_equal 1, child[:p]
+ assert_nil child.c
+ end
+ def test_child_hides_parent_arg_names
+ parent =['aa'], [1])
+ child =['aa'], [2], parent)
+ assert_equal 2, child.aa
+ end
+ def test_default_arguments_values_can_be_merged
+ ta =["aa", "bb"], [nil, "original_val"])
+ ta.with_defaults({ :aa => 'default_val' })
+ assert_equal 'default_val', ta[:aa]
+ assert_equal 'original_val', ta[:bb]
+ end
+ def test_default_arguments_that_dont_match_names_are_ignored
+ ta =["aa", "bb"], [nil, "original_val"])
+ ta.with_defaults({ "cc" => "default_val" })
+ assert_nil ta[:cc]
+ end
+ def test_all_and_extra_arguments_without_named_arguments
+ app =
+ _, args = app.parse_task_string("task[1,two,more]")
+ ta =[], args)
+ assert_equal [], ta.names
+ assert_equal ['1', 'two', 'more'], ta.to_a
+ assert_equal ['1', 'two', 'more'], ta.extras
+ end
+ def test_all_and_extra_arguments_with_named_arguments
+ app =
+ _, args = app.parse_task_string("task[1,two,more,still more]")
+ ta =[:first, :second], args)
+ assert_equal [:first, :second], ta.names
+ assert_equal "1", ta[:first]
+ assert_equal "two", ta[:second]
+ assert_equal ['1', 'two', 'more', 'still more'], ta.to_a
+ assert_equal ['more', 'still more'], ta.extras
+ end
+ def test_extra_args_with_less_than_named_arguments
+ app =
+ _, args = app.parse_task_string("task[1,two]")
+ ta =[:first, :second, :third], args)
+ assert_equal [:first, :second, :third], ta.names
+ assert_equal "1", ta[:first]
+ assert_equal "two", ta[:second]
+ assert_equal nil, ta[:third]
+ assert_equal ['1', 'two'], ta.to_a
+ assert_equal [], ta.extras
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_lib.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_lib.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f3f7e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_lib.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'rake/tasklib'
+class TestRakeTaskLib < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_paste
+ tl =
+ assert_equal :ab, tl.paste(:a, :b)
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_manager.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_manager.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2730b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_manager.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeTaskManager < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @tm =
+ end
+ def test_create_task_manager
+ refute_nil @tm
+ assert_equal [], @tm.tasks
+ end
+ def test_define_task
+ t = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :t)
+ assert_equal "t",
+ assert_equal @tm, t.application
+ end
+ def test_index
+ e = assert_raises RuntimeError do
+ @tm['bad']
+ end
+ assert_equal "Don't know how to build task 'bad'", e.message
+ end
+ def test_name_lookup
+ t = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :t)
+ assert_equal t, @tm[:t]
+ end
+ def test_namespace_task_create
+ @tm.in_namespace("x") do
+ t = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :t)
+ assert_equal "x:t",
+ end
+ assert_equal ["x:t"], { |t| }
+ end
+ def test_define_namespaced_task
+ t = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, 'n:a:m:e:t')
+ assert_equal Rake::Scope.make("e", "m", "a", "n"), t.scope
+ assert_equal "n:a:m:e:t",
+ assert_equal @tm, t.application
+ end
+ def test_define_namespace_in_namespace
+ t = nil
+ @tm.in_namespace("n") do
+ t = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, 'a:m:e:t')
+ end
+ assert_equal Rake::Scope.make("e", "m", "a", "n"), t.scope
+ assert_equal "n:a:m:e:t",
+ assert_equal @tm, t.application
+ end
+ def test_anonymous_namespace
+ anon_ns = @tm.in_namespace(nil) do
+ t = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :t)
+ assert_equal "_anon_1:t",
+ end
+ task = anon_ns[:t]
+ assert_equal "_anon_1:t",
+ end
+ def test_create_filetask_in_namespace
+ @tm.in_namespace("x") do
+ t = @tm.define_task(Rake::FileTask, "fn")
+ assert_equal "fn",
+ end
+ assert_equal ["fn"], { |t| }
+ end
+ def test_namespace_yields_same_namespace_as_returned
+ yielded_namespace = nil
+ returned_namespace = @tm.in_namespace("x") do |ns|
+ yielded_namespace = ns
+ end
+ assert_equal returned_namespace, yielded_namespace
+ end
+ def test_name_lookup_with_implicit_file_tasks
+ FileUtils.touch 'README.rdoc'
+ t = @tm["README.rdoc"]
+ assert_equal "README.rdoc",
+ assert Rake::FileTask === t
+ end
+ def test_name_lookup_with_nonexistent_task
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) {
+ }
+ end
+ def test_name_lookup_in_multiple_scopes
+ aa = nil
+ bb = nil
+ xx = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :xx)
+ top_z = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :z)
+ @tm.in_namespace("a") do
+ aa = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :aa)
+ mid_z = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :z)
+ ns_d = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, "n:t")
+ @tm.in_namespace("b") do
+ bb = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :bb)
+ bot_z = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :z)
+ assert_equal Rake::Scope.make("b", "a"), @tm.current_scope
+ assert_equal bb, @tm["a:b:bb"]
+ assert_equal aa, @tm["a:aa"]
+ assert_equal xx, @tm["xx"]
+ assert_equal bot_z, @tm["z"]
+ assert_equal mid_z, @tm["^z"]
+ assert_equal top_z, @tm["^^z"]
+ assert_equal top_z, @tm["^^^z"] # Over the top
+ assert_equal top_z, @tm["rake:z"]
+ end
+ assert_equal Rake::Scope.make("a"), @tm.current_scope
+ assert_equal bb, @tm["a:b:bb"]
+ assert_equal aa, @tm["a:aa"]
+ assert_equal xx, @tm["xx"]
+ assert_equal bb, @tm["b:bb"]
+ assert_equal aa, @tm["aa"]
+ assert_equal mid_z, @tm["z"]
+ assert_equal top_z, @tm["^z"]
+ assert_equal top_z, @tm["^^z"] # Over the top
+ assert_equal top_z, @tm["rake:z"]
+ assert_equal ns_d, @tm["n:t"]
+ assert_equal ns_d, @tm["a:n:t"]
+ end
+ assert_equal Rake::Scope.make, @tm.current_scope
+ assert_equal Rake::Scope.make, xx.scope
+ assert_equal Rake::Scope.make('a'), aa.scope
+ assert_equal Rake::Scope.make('b', 'a'), bb.scope
+ end
+ def test_lookup_with_explicit_scopes
+ t1, t2, t3, s = (0...4).map { nil }
+ t1 = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :t)
+ @tm.in_namespace("a") do
+ t2 = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :t)
+ s = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :s)
+ @tm.in_namespace("b") do
+ t3 = @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :t)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal t1, @tm[:t, Rake::Scope.make]
+ assert_equal t2, @tm[:t, Rake::Scope.make("a")]
+ assert_equal t3, @tm[:t, Rake::Scope.make("b", "a")]
+ assert_equal s, @tm[:s, Rake::Scope.make("b", "a")]
+ assert_equal s, @tm[:s, Rake::Scope.make("a")]
+ end
+ def test_correctly_scoped_prerequisites_are_invoked
+ values = []
+ @tm =
+ @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :z) do values << "top z" end
+ @tm.in_namespace("a") do
+ @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :z) do values << "next z" end
+ @tm.define_task(Rake::Task, :x => :z)
+ end
+ @tm["a:x"].invoke
+ assert_equal ["next z"], values
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_manager_argument_resolution.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_manager_argument_resolution.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43fa2ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_manager_argument_resolution.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeTaskManagerArgumentResolution < Rake::TestCase
+ def test_good_arg_patterns
+ assert_equal [:t, [], []], task(:t)
+ assert_equal [:t, [], [:x]], task(:t => :x)
+ assert_equal [:t, [], [:x, :y]], task(:t => [:x, :y])
+ assert_equal [:t, [:a, :b], []], task(:t, [:a, :b])
+ assert_equal [:t, [:a, :b], [:x]], task(:t, [:a, :b] => :x)
+ assert_equal [:t, [:a, :b], [:x, :y]], task(:t, [:a, :b] => [:x, :y])
+ end
+ def task(*args)
+ tm =
+ tm.resolve_args(args)
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_with_arguments.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_with_arguments.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8646fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_task_with_arguments.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeTaskWithArguments < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ def setup
+ super
+ Task.clear
+ Rake::TaskManager.record_task_metadata = true
+ end
+ def teardown
+ Rake::TaskManager.record_task_metadata = false
+ Rake.application.thread_pool.join
+ super
+ end
+ def test_no_args_given
+ t = task :t
+ assert_equal [], t.arg_names
+ end
+ def test_args_given
+ t = task :t, :a, :b
+ assert_equal [:a, :b], t.arg_names
+ end
+ def test_name_and_needs
+ t = task(:t => [:pre])
+ assert_equal "t",
+ assert_equal [], t.arg_names
+ assert_equal ["pre"], t.prerequisites
+ end
+ def test_name_args_and_prereqs
+ t = task(:t, [:x, :y] => [:pre])
+ assert_equal "t",
+ assert_equal [:x, :y], t.arg_names
+ assert_equal ["pre"], t.prerequisites
+ end
+ def test_arg_list_is_empty_if_no_args_given
+ t = task(:t) { |tt, args| assert_equal({}, args.to_hash) }
+ t.invoke(1, 2, 3)
+ end
+ def test_tasks_can_access_arguments_as_hash
+ t = task :t, :a, :b, :c do |tt, args|
+ assert_equal({:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}, args.to_hash)
+ assert_equal 1, args[:a]
+ assert_equal 2, args[:b]
+ assert_equal 3, args[:c]
+ assert_equal 1, args.a
+ assert_equal 2, args.b
+ assert_equal 3, args.c
+ end
+ t.invoke(1, 2, 3)
+ end
+ def test_actions_of_various_arity_are_ok_with_args
+ notes = []
+ t = task(:t, :x) do
+ notes << :a
+ end
+ t.enhance do | |
+ notes << :b
+ end
+ t.enhance do |task|
+ notes << :c
+ assert_kind_of Task, task
+ end
+ t.enhance do |t2, args|
+ notes << :d
+ assert_equal t, t2
+ assert_equal({:x => 1}, args.to_hash)
+ end
+ t.invoke(1)
+ assert_equal [:a, :b, :c, :d], notes
+ end
+ def test_arguments_are_passed_to_block
+ t = task(:t, :a, :b) { |tt, args|
+ assert_equal({ :a => 1, :b => 2 }, args.to_hash)
+ }
+ t.invoke(1, 2)
+ end
+ def test_extra_parameters_are_ignored
+ t = task(:t, :a) { |tt, args|
+ assert_equal 1, args.a
+ assert_nil args.b
+ }
+ t.invoke(1, 2)
+ end
+ def test_arguments_are_passed_to_all_blocks
+ counter = 0
+ t = task :t, :a
+ task :t do |tt, args|
+ assert_equal 1, args.a
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ task :t do |tt, args|
+ assert_equal 1, args.a
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ t.invoke(1)
+ assert_equal 2, counter
+ end
+ def test_block_with_no_parameters_is_ok
+ t = task(:t) { }
+ t.invoke(1, 2)
+ end
+ def test_name_with_args
+ desc "T"
+ t = task(:tt, :a, :b)
+ assert_equal "tt",
+ assert_equal "T", t.comment
+ assert_equal "[a,b]", t.arg_description
+ assert_equal "tt[a,b]", t.name_with_args
+ assert_equal [:a, :b], t.arg_names
+ end
+ def test_named_args_are_passed_to_prereqs
+ value = nil
+ task(:pre, :rev) { |t, args| value = args.rev }
+ t = task(:t, [:name, :rev] => [:pre])
+ t.invoke("bill", "1.2")
+ assert_equal "1.2", value
+ end
+ def test_args_not_passed_if_no_prereq_names_on_task
+ task(:pre) { |t, args|
+ assert_equal({}, args.to_hash)
+ assert_equal "bill",
+ }
+ t = task(:t, [:name, :rev] => [:pre])
+ t.invoke("bill", "1.2")
+ end
+ def test_args_not_passed_if_no_prereq_names_on_multitask
+ task(:pre) { |t, args|
+ assert_equal({}, args.to_hash)
+ assert_equal "bill",
+ }
+ t = multitask(:t, [:name, :rev] => [:pre])
+ t.invoke("bill", "1.2")
+ end
+ def test_args_not_passed_if_no_arg_names
+ task(:pre, :rev) { |t, args|
+ assert_equal({}, args.to_hash)
+ }
+ t = task(:t => [:pre])
+ t.invoke("bill", "1.2")
+ end
+ def test_values_at
+ t = task(:pre, [:a, :b, :c]) { |task, args|
+ a, b, c = args.values_at(:a, :b, :c)
+ assert_equal %w[1 2 3], [a, b, c]
+ }
+ t.invoke(*%w[1 2 3])
+ # HACK no assertions
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_test_task.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_test_task.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c4be79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_test_task.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'rake/testtask'
+class TestRakeTestTask < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ def test_initialize
+ tt = do |t| end
+ refute_nil tt
+ assert_equal :test,
+ assert_equal ['lib'], tt.libs
+ assert_equal 'test/test*.rb', tt.pattern
+ assert_equal false, tt.verbose
+ assert Task.task_defined?(:test)
+ end
+ def test_initialize_override
+ tt = do |t|
+ t.description = "Run example tests"
+ t.libs = ['src', 'ext']
+ t.pattern = 'test/tc_*.rb'
+ t.verbose = true
+ end
+ refute_nil tt
+ assert_equal "Run example tests", tt.description
+ assert_equal :example,
+ assert_equal ['src', 'ext'], tt.libs
+ assert_equal 'test/tc_*.rb', tt.pattern
+ assert_equal true, tt.verbose
+ assert Task.task_defined?(:example)
+ end
+ def test_file_list_env_test
+ ENV['TEST'] = 'testfile.rb'
+ tt = do |t|
+ t.pattern = '*'
+ end
+ assert_equal ["testfile.rb"], tt.file_list.to_a
+ ensure
+ ENV.delete 'TEST'
+ end
+ def test_libs_equals
+ test_task = do |t|
+ t.libs << ["A", "B"]
+ end
+ path = %w[lib A B].join File::PATH_SEPARATOR
+ assert_equal "-I\"#{path}\"", test_task.ruby_opts_string
+ end
+ def test_libs_equals_empty
+ test_task = do |t|
+ t.libs = []
+ end
+ assert_equal '', test_task.ruby_opts_string
+ end
+ def test_pattern_equals
+ tt = do |t|
+ t.pattern = '*.rb'
+ end
+ assert_equal ['*.rb'], tt.file_list.to_a
+ end
+ def test_pattern_equals_test_files_equals
+ tt = do |t|
+ t.test_files = FileList['a.rb', 'b.rb']
+ t.pattern = '*.rb'
+ end
+ assert_equal ['a.rb', 'b.rb', '*.rb'], tt.file_list.to_a
+ end
+ def test_run_code_direct
+ test_task = do |t|
+ t.loader = :direct
+ end
+ assert_equal '-e "ARGV.each{|f| require f}"', test_task.run_code
+ end
+ def test_run_code_rake
+ spec = 'rake', 0
+ spec.loaded_from = File.join Gem::Specification.dirs.last, 'rake-0.gemspec'
+ rake, Gem.loaded_specs['rake'] = Gem.loaded_specs['rake'], spec
+ test_task = do |t|
+ t.loader = :rake
+ end
+ assert_match(/\A-I".*?" ".*?"\Z/, test_task.run_code)
+ ensure
+ Gem.loaded_specs['rake'] = rake
+ end
+ def test_run_code_rake_default_gem
+ skip 'this ruby does not have default gems' unless
+ Gem::Specification.method_defined? :default_specifications_dir
+ default_spec = 'rake', 0
+ default_spec.loaded_from = File.join Gem::Specification.default_specifications_dir, 'rake-0.gemspec'
+ begin
+ rake, Gem.loaded_specs['rake'] = Gem.loaded_specs['rake'], default_spec
+ test_task = do |t|
+ t.loader = :rake
+ end
+ assert_match(/\A(-I".*?" *)* ".*?"\Z/, test_task.run_code)
+ ensure
+ Gem.loaded_specs['rake'] = rake
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_code_testrb_ruby_1_8_2
+ test_task = do |t|
+ t.loader = :testrb
+ end
+ def test_task.ruby_version() '1.8.2' end
+ assert_match(/^-S testrb +".*"$/, test_task.run_code)
+ end
+ def test_run_code_testrb_ruby_1_8_6
+ test_task = do |t|
+ t.loader = :testrb
+ end
+ def test_task.ruby_version() '1.8.6' end
+ assert_match(/^-S testrb +$/, test_task.run_code)
+ end
+ def test_test_files_equals
+ tt = do |t|
+ t.test_files = FileList['a.rb', 'b.rb']
+ end
+ assert_equal ["a.rb", 'b.rb'], tt.file_list.to_a
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_thread_pool.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_thread_pool.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35a1fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_thread_pool.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'rake/thread_pool'
+class TestRakeTestThreadPool < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake
+ def test_pool_executes_in_current_thread_for_zero_threads
+ pool =
+ f = pool.future { Thread.current }
+ pool.join
+ assert_equal Thread.current, f.value
+ end
+ def test_pool_executes_in_other_thread_for_pool_of_size_one
+ pool =
+ f = pool.future { Thread.current }
+ pool.join
+ refute_equal Thread.current, f.value
+ end
+ def test_pool_executes_in_two_other_threads_for_pool_of_size_two
+ pool =
+ threads = {
+ pool.future {
+ sleep 0.1
+ Thread.current
+ }
+ }.each { |f|
+ f.value
+ }
+ refute_equal threads[0], threads[1]
+ refute_equal Thread.current, threads[0]
+ refute_equal Thread.current, threads[1]
+ ensure
+ pool.join
+ end
+ def test_pool_creates_the_correct_number_of_threads
+ pool =
+ threads =
+ t_mutex =
+ 10.times.each do
+ pool.future do
+ sleep 0.02
+ t_mutex.synchronize { threads << Thread.current }
+ end
+ end
+ pool.join
+ assert_equal 2, threads.count
+ end
+ def test_pool_future_does_not_duplicate_arguments
+ pool =
+ obj =
+ captured = nil
+ pool.future(obj) { |var| captured = var }
+ pool.join
+ assert_equal obj, captured
+ end
+ def test_pool_join_empties_queue
+ pool =
+ repeat = 25
+ repeat.times {
+ pool.future do
+ repeat.times {
+ pool.future do
+ repeat.times {
+ pool.future do end
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ pool.join
+ assert_equal(
+ true,
+ pool.__send__(:__queue__).empty?,
+ "queue should be empty")
+ end
+ CustomError =
+ # test that throwing an exception way down in the blocks propagates
+ # to the top
+ def test_exceptions
+ pool =
+ deep_exception_block = lambda do |count|
+ raise CustomError if count < 1
+ pool.future(count - 1, &deep_exception_block).value
+ end
+ assert_raises(CustomError) do
+ pool.future(2, &deep_exception_block).value
+ end
+ ensure
+ pool.join
+ end
+ def test_pool_prevents_deadlock
+ pool =
+ common_dependency_a = pool.future { sleep 0.2 }
+ futures_a = {
+ pool.future {
+ common_dependency_a.value
+ sleep(rand() * 0.01)
+ }
+ }
+ common_dependency_b = pool.future { futures_a.each { |f| f.value } }
+ futures_b = {
+ pool.future {
+ common_dependency_b.value
+ sleep(rand() * 0.01)
+ }
+ }
+ futures_b.each { |f| f.value }
+ pool.join
+ end
+ def test_pool_reports_correct_results
+ pool =
+ a = 18
+ b = 5
+ c = 3
+ result = do
+ pool.future do
+ do
+ pool.future { sleep rand * 0.001; c }
+ end.reduce(0) { |m, f| m + f.value }
+ end
+ end.reduce(0) { |m, f| m + f.value }
+ assert_equal a * b * c, result
+ pool.join
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_top_level_functions.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_top_level_functions.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee702d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_top_level_functions.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeTopLevelFunctions < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @app =
+ def @app.called
+ @called
+ end
+ def @app.method_missing(*a, &b)
+ @called ||= []
+ @called << [a, b]
+ nil
+ end
+ Rake.application = @app
+ end
+ def test_namespace
+ block = proc do end
+ namespace("xyz", &block)
+ expected = [
+ [[:in_namespace, 'xyz'], block]
+ ]
+ assert_equal expected, @app.called
+ end
+ def test_import
+ import('x', 'y', 'z')
+ expected = [
+ [[:add_import, 'x'], nil],
+ [[:add_import, 'y'], nil],
+ [[:add_import, 'z'], nil],
+ ]
+ assert_equal expected, @app.called
+ end
+ def test_when_writing
+ out, = capture_io do
+ when_writing("NOTWRITING") do
+ puts "WRITING"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal "WRITING\n", out
+ end
+ def test_when_not_writing
+ Rake::FileUtilsExt.nowrite_flag = true
+ _, err = capture_io do
+ when_writing("NOTWRITING") do
+ puts "WRITING"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal "DRYRUN: NOTWRITING\n", err
+ ensure
+ Rake::FileUtilsExt.nowrite_flag = false
+ end
+ def test_missing_other_constant
+ assert_raises(NameError) do Object.const_missing(:Xyz) end
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_win32.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_win32.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc2746a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_rake_win32.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+class TestRakeWin32 < Rake::TestCase
+ Win32 = Rake::Win32
+ def test_win32_system_dir_uses_home_if_defined
+ ENV['HOME'] = 'C:\\HP'
+ assert_equal "C:/HP/Rake", Win32.win32_system_dir
+ end
+ def test_win32_system_dir_uses_homedrive_homepath_when_no_home_defined
+ ENV['HOME'] = nil
+ ENV['HOMEPATH'] = '\\HP'
+ assert_equal "C:/HP/Rake", Win32.win32_system_dir
+ end
+ def test_win32_system_dir_uses_appdata_when_no_home_or_home_combo
+ ENV['APPDATA'] = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\HP\\Application Data"
+ ENV['HOME'] = nil
+ ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] = nil
+ ENV['HOMEPATH'] = nil
+ assert_equal "C:/Documents and Settings/HP/Application Data/Rake",
+ Win32.win32_system_dir
+ end
+ def test_win32_system_dir_fallback_to_userprofile_otherwise
+ ENV['HOME'] = nil
+ ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] = nil
+ ENV['HOMEPATH'] = nil
+ ENV['APPDATA'] = nil
+ ENV['USERPROFILE'] = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\HP"
+ assert_equal "C:/Documents and Settings/HP/Rake", Win32.win32_system_dir
+ end
+ def test_win32_system_dir_nil_of_no_env_vars
+ ENV['APPDATA'] = nil
+ ENV['HOME'] = nil
+ ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] = nil
+ ENV['HOMEPATH'] = nil
+ ENV['RAKE_SYSTEM'] = nil
+ assert_raises(Rake::Win32::Win32HomeError) do
+ Win32.win32_system_dir
+ end
+ end
+ def test_win32_backtrace_with_different_case
+ ex = nil
+ begin
+ raise 'test exception'
+ rescue => ex
+ end
+ ex.set_backtrace ['abc', 'rakefile']
+ rake =
+ rake.options.trace = true
+ rake.instance_variable_set(:@rakefile, 'Rakefile')
+ _, err = capture_io { rake.display_error_message(ex) }
+ assert_match(/rakefile/, err)
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_thread_history_display.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_thread_history_display.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb5879c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_thread_history_display.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'rake/thread_history_display'
+class TestThreadHistoryDisplay < Rake::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @time = 1_000_000
+ @stats = []
+ @display =
+ end
+ def test_banner
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ end
+ assert_match(/Job History/i, out)
+ end
+ def test_item_queued
+ @stats << event(:item_queued, :item_id => 123)
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ end
+ assert_match(/^ *1000000 +A +item_queued +item_id:1$/, out)
+ end
+ def test_item_dequeued
+ @stats << event(:item_dequeued, :item_id => 123)
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ end
+ assert_match(/^ *1000000 +A +item_dequeued +item_id:1$/, out)
+ end
+ def test_multiple_items
+ @stats << event(:item_queued, :item_id => 123)
+ @stats << event(:item_queued, :item_id => 124)
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ end
+ assert_match(/^ *1000000 +A +item_queued +item_id:1$/, out)
+ assert_match(/^ *1000001 +A +item_queued +item_id:2$/, out)
+ end
+ def test_waiting
+ @stats << event(:waiting, :item_id => 123)
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ end
+ assert_match(/^ *1000000 +A +waiting +item_id:1$/, out)
+ end
+ def test_continue
+ @stats << event(:continue, :item_id => 123)
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ end
+ assert_match(/^ *1000000 +A +continue +item_id:1$/, out)
+ end
+ def test_thread_deleted
+ @stats << event(
+ :thread_deleted,
+ :deleted_thread => 123_456,
+ :thread_count => 12)
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ end
+ assert_match(
+ /^ *1000000 +A +thread_deleted( +deleted_thread:B| +thread_count:12){2}$/,
+ out)
+ end
+ def test_thread_created
+ @stats << event(
+ :thread_created,
+ :new_thread => 123_456,
+ :thread_count => 13)
+ out, _ = capture_io do
+ end
+ assert_match(
+ /^ *1000000 +A +thread_created( +new_thread:B| +thread_count:13){2}$/,
+ out)
+ end
+ private
+ def event(type, data = {})
+ result = {
+ :event => type,
+ :time => @time / 1_000_000.0,
+ :data => data,
+ :thread => Thread.current.object_id
+ }
+ @time += 1
+ result
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_trace_output.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_trace_output.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9aead9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rake/test_trace_output.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__)
+require 'stringio'
+class TestTraceOutput < Rake::TestCase
+ include Rake::TraceOutput
+ class PrintSpy
+ attr_reader :result, :calls
+ def initialize
+ @result = ""
+ @calls = 0
+ end
+ def print(string)
+ @result << string
+ @calls += 1
+ end
+ end
+ def test_trace_issues_single_io_for_args_with_empty_args
+ spy =
+ trace_on(spy)
+ assert_equal "\n", spy.result
+ assert_equal 1, spy.calls
+ end
+ def test_trace_issues_single_io_for_args_multiple_strings
+ spy =
+ trace_on(spy, "HI\n", "LO")
+ assert_equal "HI\nLO\n", spy.result
+ assert_equal 1, spy.calls
+ end
+ def test_trace_handles_nil_objects
+ spy =
+ trace_on(spy, "HI\n", nil, "LO")
+ assert_equal "HI\nLO\n", spy.result
+ assert_equal 1, spy.calls
+ end
+ def test_trace_issues_single_io_for_args_multiple_strings_and_alternate_sep
+ old_sep = $\
+ $\ = "\r"
+ spy =
+ trace_on(spy, "HI\r", "LO")
+ assert_equal "HI\rLO\r", spy.result
+ assert_equal 1, spy.calls
+ ensure
+ $\ = old_sep
+ end