#---------------------------------- # extconf.rb # $Revision: 38867 $ #---------------------------------- require 'mkmf' case RUBY_PLATFORM when /cygwin/ inc = nil lib = '/usr/lib/w32api' end dir_config("win32", inc, lib) def create_win32ole_makefile if have_library("ole32") and have_library("oleaut32") and have_library("uuid", "&CLSID_CMultiLanguage", "mlang.h") and have_library("user32") and have_library("kernel32") and have_library("advapi32") and have_header("windows.h") unless have_type("IMultiLanguage2", "mlang.h") have_type("IMultiLanguage", "mlang.h") end spec = nil checking_for('thread_specific', '%s') do spec = %w[__declspec(thread) __thread].find {|th| try_compile("#{th} int foo;", "", :werror => true) } spec or 'no' end $defs << "-DRB_THREAD_SPECIFIC=#{spec}" if spec create_makefile("win32ole") end end case RUBY_PLATFORM when /mswin/ $CFLAGS.sub!(/((?:\A|\s)[-\/])W\d(?=\z|\s)/, '\1W3') or $CFLAGS += ' -W3' end create_win32ole_makefile