require 'test/unit' require "xmlrpc/marshal" module TestXMLRPC class Test_Marshal < Test::Unit::TestCase # for test_parser_values class Person include XMLRPC::Marshallable attr_reader :name def initialize(name) @name = name end end def test1_dump_response assert_nothing_raised(NameError) { XMLRPC::Marshal.dump_response('arg') } end def test1_dump_call assert_nothing_raised(NameError) { XMLRPC::Marshal.dump_call('methodName', 'arg') } end def test2_dump_load_response value = [1, 2, 3, {"test" => true}, 3.4] res = XMLRPC::Marshal.dump_response(value) assert_equal(value, XMLRPC::Marshal.load_response(res)) end def test2_dump_load_call methodName = "testMethod" value = [1, 2, 3, {"test" => true}, 3.4] exp = [methodName, [value, value]] res = XMLRPC::Marshal.dump_call(methodName, value, value) assert_equal(exp, XMLRPC::Marshal.load_call(res)) end def test_parser_values v1 = [ 1, -7778, -(2**31), 2**31-1, # integers 1.0, 0.0, -333.0, 2343434343.0, # floats false, true, true, false, # booleans "Hallo", "with < and >", "" # strings ] v2 = [ [v1, v1, v1], {"a" => v1} ] v3 = ["\001"*1000), # base64 :aSymbol, :anotherSym # symbols (-> string) ] v3_exp = [ "\001"*1000, "aSymbol", "anotherSym" ] person ="Michael") XMLRPC::XMLParser.each_installed_parser do |parser| m = assert_equal( v1, m.load_response(m.dump_response(v1)) ) assert_equal( v2, m.load_response(m.dump_response(v2)) ) assert_equal( v3_exp, m.load_response(m.dump_response(v3)) ) pers = m.load_response(m.dump_response(person)) assert( pers.is_a?(Person) ) assert( == ) end # missing, Date, Time, DateTime # Struct end def test_parser_invalid_values values = [ -1-(2**31), 2**31, Float::INFINITY, -Float::INFINITY, Float::NAN ] XMLRPC::XMLParser.each_installed_parser do |parser| m = values.each do |v| assert_raise(RuntimeError, "#{v} shouldn't be dumped, but dumped") \ { m.dump_response(v) } end end end def test_no_params_tag # bug found by Idan Sofer expect = %{myMethod\n} str = XMLRPC::Marshal.dump_call("myMethod") assert_equal(expect, str) end end end