#include "packet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct proc { pid_t pid; int fds[2]; }; static void close_fd(int *fd) { if (*fd >= 0) close(*fd); } static void proc_close(struct proc *proc) { if (proc->pid) waitpid(proc->pid, NULL, 0); close_fd(&proc->fds[0]); close_fd(&proc->fds[1]); *proc = (struct proc){0}; } static bool proc_open(const char *file, char *const argv[], struct proc *out_proc) { *out_proc = (struct proc){0}; int pipes[4]; if (pipe(&pipes[0]) != 0 /* parent */ || pipe(&pipes[2]) != 0 /* child */) { proc_close(out_proc); return false; } if ((out_proc->pid = fork()) > 0) { out_proc->fds[0] = pipes[3]; out_proc->fds[1] = pipes[0]; close(pipes[1]); close(pipes[2]); return true; } else { close(pipes[0]); close(pipes[3]); dup2(pipes[2], 0); dup2(pipes[1], 1); close(pipes[2]); close(pipes[1]); execvp(file, argv); _exit(0); } out_proc->fds[0] = pipes[3]; out_proc->fds[1] = pipes[0]; close(pipes[1]); close(pipes[2]); return true; } static size_t safe_read(int fd, void *dst, const size_t dst_size) { size_t off = 0; ssize_t ret = 0; for (; off < dst_size && (ret = read(fd, (char*)dst + off, dst_size - off)) > 0; off += ret); return (ret < 0 ? 0 : off); } static void dump_packet(const uint8_t *bytes, const size_t sz, const char *prefix, const uint16_t type) { const char *local = getenv("TCPLOCALPORT"); char path[4096]; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "packets/%s-%s-0x%.4x.raw", local, prefix, type); FILE *f; if (!(f = fopen(path, "wb"))) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "fopen"); if (fwrite(bytes, 1, sz, f) != sz) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "fwrite"); fclose(f); } static void handle_select_character_res(union packet *packet, bool prologue) { packet->hdr.type = (prologue ? PACKET_CHARACTER_ENTER_PROLOGUE : PACKET_SELECT_CHARACTER_RES); struct pbuf pbuf = { .packet = packet, .cursor = sizeof(packet->hdr) }; pbuf.cursor += sizeof(uint32_t); // char id for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; ++i) pbuf_write(&pbuf, (uint8_t[]){0xff}, 1); // unknown const char *server_ip = getenv("SERVER_IP"); server_ip = (server_ip ? server_ip : ""); pbuf_write_str(&pbuf, server_ip); // server ip pbuf_write(&pbuf, (uint16_t[]){10100}, sizeof(uint16_t)); // port for (size_t i = 0; i < 38; ++i) pbuf_write(&pbuf, (uint8_t[]){0x00}, 1); // unknown pbuf_flush(&pbuf); } static void handle_character_enter_prologue(union packet *packet) { handle_select_character_res(packet, true); } static void handle_server_list(union packet *packet) { struct pbuf pbuf = { .packet = packet, .cursor = sizeof(packet->hdr) }; pbuf_write(&pbuf, (uint8_t[]){0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00}, 4); // unknown pbuf_write(&pbuf, (uint16_t[]){10000}, sizeof(uint16_t)); // port pbuf_write_str(&pbuf, "benis"); // server name const char *server_ip = getenv("SERVER_IP"); server_ip = (server_ip ? server_ip : ""); pbuf_write_str(&pbuf, server_ip); // server ip pbuf_write(&pbuf, (uint8_t[]){0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9f, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, 9); pbuf_flush(&pbuf); } static bool intercept(union packet *packet) { packet_crypt(packet); bool ret = true; switch (packet->hdr.type) { case PACKET_SERVER_LIST: handle_server_list(packet); break; case PACKET_SELECT_CHARACTER_RES: handle_select_character_res(packet, false); break; case PACKET_CHARACTER_ENTER_PROLOGUE: handle_character_enter_prologue(packet); break; default: ret = false; break; } packet_crypt(packet); return ret; } static uint16_t decrypted_packet_type(union packet *packet) { const uint16_t size = packet->hdr.size; packet->hdr.size = sizeof(packet->hdr); packet_crypt(packet); const uint16_t type = packet->hdr.type; packet_crypt(packet); packet->hdr.size = size; return type; } int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) errx(EXIT_SUCCESS, "usage: %s cmd [args]", argv[0]); } struct proc server = {0}; if (argc >= 2 && !proc_open(argv[1], argv + 1, &server)) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "failed to execute: %s", argv[1]); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); struct pollfd pfd[] = { { .fd = STDIN_FILENO, .events = POLLIN }, { .fd = server.fds[1], .events = POLLIN }, }; union packet packet; while (poll(pfd, 1 + !!server.pid, -1) > 0) { if (pfd[0].revents & POLLIN) { if (fread(packet.buf, 1, sizeof(packet.hdr), stdin) < sizeof(packet.hdr)) errx(EXIT_SUCCESS, "client close"); if (!packet_verify(&packet)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i) fprintf(stderr, "%.2x ", packet.buf[i]); errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "invalid packet"); } if (fread(packet.buf + sizeof(packet.hdr), 1, packet.hdr.size - sizeof(packet.hdr), stdin) != packet.hdr.size - sizeof(packet.hdr)) errx(EXIT_SUCCESS, "failed to read packet from client"); const uint16_t type = decrypted_packet_type(&packet); dump_packet(packet.buf, packet.hdr.size, "client", type); if (intercept(&packet)) { dump_packet(packet.buf, packet.hdr.size, "client-intercepted", type); warnx("intercepted client packet 0x%.4x", type); } else { warnx("client packet 0x%.4x (%u)",type, packet.hdr.size); } if (server.pid && write(server.fds[0], packet.buf, packet.hdr.size) != packet.hdr.size) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "failed to write to server"); } else if (pfd[1].revents & POLLIN) { if (read(server.fds[1], packet.buf, sizeof(packet.hdr)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(packet.hdr)) errx(EXIT_SUCCESS, "server close"); if (!packet_verify(&packet)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i) fprintf(stderr, "%.2x ", packet.buf[i]); errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "invalid packet"); } if (safe_read(server.fds[1], packet.buf + sizeof(packet.hdr), packet.hdr.size - sizeof(packet.hdr)) != (packet.hdr.size - sizeof(packet.hdr))) errx(EXIT_SUCCESS, "failed to read packet from server"); const uint16_t type = decrypted_packet_type(&packet); dump_packet(packet.buf, packet.hdr.size, "server", type); if (intercept(&packet)) { dump_packet(packet.buf, packet.hdr.size, "server-intercepted", type); warnx("intercepted server packet 0x%.4x",type); } else { warnx("server packet 0x%.4x (%u)", type, packet.hdr.size); } if (fwrite(packet.buf, 1, packet.hdr.size, stdout) != packet.hdr.size) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "failed to write to client"); } } proc_close(&server); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }