#include #include #include #include #include "screen.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/packet.h" _Static_assert(SCE_TOUCH_SAMPLING_STATE_START == 1, "Stop using old VitaSDK"); #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) #define BIT_TOGGLE(w, m, f) (w & ~m) | (-f & m) /** * Neccessary uinput / evdev constants */ #define UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE 'U' #define EV_SYN 0x00 #define EV_KEY 0x01 #define EV_ABS 0x03 #define BTN_DPAD_UP 0x220 #define BTN_DPAD_DOWN 0x221 #define BTN_DPAD_LEFT 0x222 #define BTN_DPAD_RIGHT 0x223 #define BTN_SOUTH 0x130 #define BTN_EAST 0x131 #define BTN_NORTH 0x133 #define BTN_WEST 0x134 #define BTN_TL 0x136 #define BTN_TR 0x137 #define BTN_TL2 0x138 #define BTN_TR2 0x139 #define BTN_SELECT 0x13a #define BTN_START 0x13b #define BTN_MODE 0x13c #define ABS_X 0x00 #define ABS_Y 0x01 #define ABS_RX 0x03 #define ABS_RY 0x04 #define ABS_HAT0X 0x10 #define ABS_HAT0Y 0x11 #define ABS_MT_POSITION_X 0x35 #define ABS_MT_POSITION_Y 0x36 #define ABS_MAX 0x3f #define ABS_CNT (ABS_MAX+1) #define SYN_REPORT 0 #define BUS_VIRTUAL 0x06 struct input_id { uint16_t bustype; uint16_t vendor; uint16_t product; uint16_t version; }; #define UINPUT_MAX_NAME_SIZE 80 struct uinput_user_dev { char name[UINPUT_MAX_NAME_SIZE]; struct input_id id; uint32_t ff_effects_max; int32_t absmax[ABS_CNT]; int32_t absmin[ABS_CNT]; int32_t absfuzz[ABS_CNT]; int32_t absflat[ABS_CNT]; }; struct timeval { #ifdef HOST_32BIT uint32_t tv_sec, tv_usec; #else uint64_t tv_sec, tv_usec; #endif }; struct input_event { struct timeval time; uint16_t type; uint16_t code; int32_t value; }; /** * We don't have way to poll for input being ready, so we have to resort for * having delay to avoid huge power drain while vita-uinput is running. */ #define INPUT_LAG 20 // ms /** * Expands the SCE button bitmaks. * We emulate these buttons by using the 2 touch screens. */ enum { SCE_CTRL_EXTRA_L2TRIGGER = 0x020000, SCE_CTRL_EXTRA_R2TRIGGER = 0x040000, SCE_CTRL_EXTRA_MENU = 0x080000, }; static struct timeval us_to_timeval(const uint64_t us) { return (struct timeval){ .tv_sec = us / (uint64_t)1e6, .tv_usec = us % (uint64_t)1e6, }; } static SceUInt ms_to_us(const SceUInt ms) { return ms * 1000; } static SceUInt s_to_us(const SceUInt s) { return ms_to_us(s * 1000); } static void setup(void) { sceCtrlSetSamplingMode(SCE_CTRL_MODE_ANALOG); sceTouchSetSamplingState(SCE_TOUCH_PORT_FRONT, SCE_TOUCH_SAMPLING_STATE_START); sceTouchSetSamplingState(SCE_TOUCH_PORT_BACK, SCE_TOUCH_SAMPLING_STATE_START); sceTouchEnableTouchForce(SCE_TOUCH_PORT_FRONT); sceTouchEnableTouchForce(SCE_TOUCH_PORT_BACK); if (!screen_init()) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "screen_init"); if (sceSysmoduleLoadModule(SCE_SYSMODULE_NET) != 0) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "sceSysmoduleLoadModule"); if ((unsigned int)sceNetShowNetstat() == SCE_NET_ERROR_ENOTINIT) { static uint8_t sce_net_memory[1024 * 1024]; SceNetInitParam initparam = { .memory = sce_net_memory, .size = sizeof(sce_net_memory), }; if (sceNetInit(&initparam) != 0) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "sceNetInit"); } if (sceNetCtlInit() != 0) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "sceNetCtlInit"); } static void terminate(void) { sceNetCtlTerm(); sceNetTerm(); sceSysmoduleUnloadModule(SCE_SYSMODULE_NET); screen_deinit(); } static void disconnect(int fd) { sceNetSocketClose(fd); } static int connect(const char *ip, SceNetCtlInfo *info) { assert(ip && info); if (sceNetCtlInetGetInfo(SCE_NETCTL_INFO_GET_IP_ADDRESS, info) != 0) { warnx("sceNetCtlInetGetInfo"); return -1; } SceNetSockaddrIn addr = { .sin_family = SCE_NET_AF_INET, .sin_port = sceNetHtons(5000), }; if (!sceNetInetPton(SCE_NET_AF_INET, ip, &addr.sin_addr)) { warnx("sceNetInetPton"); return -1; } int fd; if ((fd = sceNetSocket("vita_uinput", SCE_NET_AF_INET, SCE_NET_SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { warnx("sceNetSocket: %d", fd); return fd; } if (sceNetConnect(fd, (SceNetSockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr))) { warnx("sceNetConnect: failed connecting to %s", ip); disconnect(fd); return -1; } return fd; } static bool uinputd_ioctl_other(const int fd, const enum ioctl_dir dir, const uint8_t type, const uint8_t nr, const uint16_t bytes, void *arg) { const struct packet packet = { .type = PACKET_IOCTL, .ioctl.dir = dir, .ioctl.type = type, .ioctl.nr = nr, .ioctl.arg = IOCTL_ARG_OTHER, .ioctl.bytes = bytes, }; if (sceNetSend(fd, &packet, sizeof(packet), 0) != sizeof(packet)) { warnx("sceNetSend: failed to send %u bytes", sizeof(packet)); return false; } if (bytes > 0 && sceNetSend(fd, arg, bytes, 0) != bytes) { warnx("sceNetSend: failed to send %u bytes", bytes); return false; } return true; } static bool uinputd_ioctl_int(const int fd, const enum ioctl_dir dir, const uint8_t type, const uint8_t nr, int arg) { const struct packet packet = { .type = PACKET_IOCTL, .ioctl.dir = dir, .ioctl.type = type, .ioctl.nr = nr, .ioctl.arg = IOCTL_ARG_INT, .ioctl.integer = arg, }; if (sceNetSend(fd, &packet, sizeof(packet), 0) != sizeof(packet)) { warnx("sceNetSend: failed to send %u bytes", sizeof(packet)); return false; } return true; } static bool uinputd_write(const int fd, const int32_t bytes, const void *data) { if (bytes <= 0 || !data) return true; const struct packet packet = { .type = PACKET_WRITE, .write.bytes = bytes, }; if (sceNetSend(fd, &packet, sizeof(packet), 0) != sizeof(packet)) { warnx("sceNetSend: failed to send %u bytes", sizeof(packet)); return false; } if (sceNetSend(fd, data, bytes, 0) != bytes) { warnx("sceNetSend: failed to send %ld bytes", bytes); return false; } return true; } static bool process_touch(const SceTouchData *new, SceTouchData *old, SceCtrlData *ctrl, const bool back_touchpad) { // Exposing vita touchpads as multitouch wasn't particularly useful.. // Thus lets give them more useful function. // Back touch will be mapped to L2/L2 and front touch to menu button. // Button emulation will only be done on new touch. // e.g. Swiping back touchpad from left to right, will only trigger L2 or R2 from the starting touch point. if (old->reportNum > 0) goto end; for (size_t i = 0; i < new->reportNum; ++i) { if (back_touchpad) { // Touch x resolution is resx * 2, thus 960 is half // Touch y resolution is resy * 2, thus 544 is half // We add some padding for the touch area to avoid accidental touches. if (new->report[i].y > 362 && new->report[i].y < 726) { if (new->report[i].x < 960 && new->report[i].x > 480) { ctrl->buttons |= SCE_CTRL_EXTRA_L2TRIGGER; } else if (new->report[i].x > 960 && new->report[i].x < 1440) { ctrl->buttons |= SCE_CTRL_EXTRA_R2TRIGGER; } } } else { ctrl->buttons |= SCE_CTRL_EXTRA_MENU; } } end: *old = *new; return true; } static void ctrl_query_changed_analogs(const SceCtrlData *new, const SceCtrlData *old, uint32_t out_changed[4]) { assert(new && old); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) out_changed[i] = (uint32_t)~0; const uint8_t fuzz = 2; const uint32_t code[4] = { ABS_X, ABS_Y, ABS_RX, ABS_RY }; const uint8_t new_analogs[4] = { new->lx, new->ly, new->rx, new->ry }; const uint8_t old_analogs[4] = { old->lx, old->ly, old->rx, old->ry }; for (size_t i = 0, c = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(new_analogs); ++i) { if (old_analogs[i] - fuzz <= new_analogs[i] && old_analogs[i] + fuzz >= new_analogs[i]) continue; assert(c < ARRAY_SIZE(code)); out_changed[c++] = code[i]; } } static bool process_ctrl(const int fd, const SceCtrlData *new, SceCtrlData *old, bool *out_changed) { assert(new && old && out_changed); { // https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/gamepad.txt // Digital -> Analog emulation struct { uint32_t code, value; bool changed; } abs[] = { { ABS_HAT0X, 127, false }, { ABS_HAT0Y, 127, false }, }; const struct { uint32_t bit, abs, value; } map[] = { { SCE_CTRL_UP, 1, -127 }, { SCE_CTRL_DOWN, 1, 128 }, { SCE_CTRL_LEFT, 0, -127 }, { SCE_CTRL_RIGHT, 0, 128}, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(map); ++i) { if ((new->buttons & map[i].bit) == (old->buttons & map[i].bit)) continue; abs[map[i].abs].changed = true; abs[map[i].abs].value += (new->buttons & map[i].bit ? map[i].value : 0); } for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(abs); ++i) { if (!abs[i].changed) continue; const struct input_event ev = { .time = us_to_timeval(new->timeStamp), .type = EV_ABS, .code = abs[i].code, .value = abs[i].value, }; if (!uinputd_write(fd, sizeof(ev), &ev)) { warnx("write: failed to write %u bytes", sizeof(ev)); return false; } } } { // https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/gamepad.txt const struct { uint32_t bit, code; } map[] = { { SCE_CTRL_TRIANGLE, BTN_NORTH }, { SCE_CTRL_CROSS, BTN_SOUTH }, { SCE_CTRL_SQUARE, BTN_WEST }, { SCE_CTRL_CIRCLE, BTN_EAST }, { SCE_CTRL_START, BTN_START }, { SCE_CTRL_SELECT, BTN_SELECT }, { SCE_CTRL_UP, BTN_DPAD_UP }, { SCE_CTRL_DOWN, BTN_DPAD_DOWN }, { SCE_CTRL_LEFT, BTN_DPAD_LEFT }, { SCE_CTRL_RIGHT, BTN_DPAD_RIGHT }, { SCE_CTRL_LTRIGGER, BTN_TL }, { SCE_CTRL_RTRIGGER, BTN_TR }, { SCE_CTRL_EXTRA_L2TRIGGER, BTN_TL2 }, { SCE_CTRL_EXTRA_R2TRIGGER, BTN_TR2 }, { SCE_CTRL_EXTRA_MENU, BTN_MODE }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(map); ++i) { if ((new->buttons & map[i].bit) == (old->buttons & map[i].bit)) continue; const struct input_event ev = { .time = us_to_timeval(new->timeStamp), .type = EV_KEY, .code = map[i].code, .value = !!(new->buttons & map[i].bit), }; if (!uinputd_write(fd, sizeof(ev), &ev)) { warnx("write: failed to write %u bytes", sizeof(ev)); return false; } *out_changed = true; old->buttons = BIT_TOGGLE(old->buttons, map[i].bit, (new->buttons & map[i].bit)); } } { // https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/gamepad.txt const uint8_t values[] = { new->lx, // ABS_X new->ly, // ABS_Y 0, // ABS_Z new->rx, // ABS_RX new->ry, // ABS_RY }; uint8_t dummy; uint8_t* old_values_ref[] = { &old->lx, // ABS_X &old->ly, // ABS_Y &dummy, // ABS_Z &old->rx, // ABS_RX &old->ry, // ABS_RY }; uint32_t changed[4]; ctrl_query_changed_analogs(new, old, changed); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(changed) && changed[i] != (uint32_t)~0; ++i) { assert(changed[i] < ARRAY_SIZE(values)); const struct input_event ev = { .time = us_to_timeval(new->timeStamp), .type = EV_ABS, .code = changed[i], .value = values[changed[i]], }; if (!uinputd_write(fd, sizeof(ev), &ev)) { warnx("write: failed to write %u bytes", sizeof(ev)); return false; } *out_changed = true; *old_values_ref[changed[i]] = values[changed[i]]; } } return true; } static bool process_syn(const int fd) { const struct input_event ev = { .type = EV_SYN, .code = SYN_REPORT, }; if (!uinputd_write(fd, sizeof(ev), &ev)) { warnx("write: failed to write %u bytes", sizeof(ev)); return false; } return true; } static bool setup_uinput(const int fd) { if (!uinputd_ioctl_int(fd, IOCTL_IOW, UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 100, EV_KEY)) { warnx("ioctl(UI_SET_EVBIT): EV_KEY"); return false; } if (!uinputd_ioctl_int(fd, IOCTL_IOW, UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 100, EV_ABS)) { warnx("ioctl(UI_SET_EVBIT): EV_ABS"); return false; } if (!uinputd_ioctl_int(fd, IOCTL_IOW, UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 100, EV_SYN)) { warnx("ioctl(UI_SET_EVBIT): EV_SYN"); return false; } { const int keys[] = { BTN_NORTH, BTN_SOUTH, BTN_WEST, BTN_EAST, BTN_START, BTN_SELECT, BTN_DPAD_UP, BTN_DPAD_DOWN, BTN_DPAD_LEFT, BTN_DPAD_RIGHT, BTN_TL, BTN_TR, BTN_TL2, BTN_TR2, BTN_MODE }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(keys); ++i) { if (!uinputd_ioctl_int(fd, IOCTL_IOW, UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 101, keys[i])) { warnx("ioctl (UI_SET_KEYBIT:%d)", keys[i]); return false; } } } { const int abs[] = { ABS_X, ABS_Y, ABS_RX, ABS_RY, ABS_HAT0X, ABS_HAT0Y, ABS_MT_POSITION_X, // To disable Xorg from handling the analogs as mouse ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, // To disable Xorg from handling the analogs as mouse }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(abs); ++i) { if (!uinputd_ioctl_int(fd, IOCTL_IOW, UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 103, abs[i])) { warnx("ioctl (UI_SET_ABSBIT:%d)", abs[i]); return false; } } } { struct uinput_user_dev setup = { .name = "PS Vita", .id = { // http://www.vitadevwiki.com/index.php?title=USB .bustype = BUS_VIRTUAL, .vendor = 0x054C, // Sony Corp. .product = 0x04E4, // PS Vita .version = 0x0100, }, .absmax = { [ABS_X] = 255, [ABS_Y] = 255, [ABS_RX] = 255, [ABS_RY] = 255, [ABS_HAT0X] = 255, [ABS_HAT0Y] = 255, }, }; if (!uinputd_write(fd, sizeof(setup), &setup)) { warnx("write: failed to write %u bytes", sizeof(setup)); return false; } if (!uinputd_ioctl_other(fd, IOCTL_NONE, UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 1, 0, NULL)) { warnx("ioctl (UI_DEV_CREATE)"); return false; } } return true; } static void run(const int fd) { struct { SceCtrlData ctrl; SceTouchData touch[2]; } old = {0}, new = {0}; bool error = !setup_uinput(fd); while (!error) { sceKernelPowerTick(0); sceKernelDelayThread(ms_to_us(INPUT_LAG)); // NOTE: These don't actually block, thus ^ sleep above. // Sucks a bit for power usage and latency. sceTouchRead(SCE_TOUCH_PORT_FRONT, &new.touch[0], 1); sceTouchRead(SCE_TOUCH_PORT_BACK, &new.touch[1], 1); sceCtrlReadBufferPositive(0, &new.ctrl, 1); bool changed = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(new.touch); ++i) { // Doesn't actually send or "change" anything. // Just simulates button presses that will be appended to new.ctrl.buttons // Actual change checking and sending is done in process_ctrl. if (!process_touch(&new.touch[i], &old.touch[i], &new.ctrl, (i == 1))) break; } if (!process_ctrl(fd, &new.ctrl, &old.ctrl, &changed)) break; if (changed && !process_syn(fd)) break; } } int main(void) { setup(); atexit(terminate); // TODO: Needs way to input ip, if this ever goes out while (true) { int fd; SceNetCtlInfo info; const char *ip = ""; if ((fd = connect(ip, &info)) >= 0) { printf("vita-uinput %s\n", VITA_UINPUT_VERSION); printf("Vita IP: %s\n", info.ip_address); printf("Server IP: %s\n", ip); printf("sizeof(struct packet) is %u bytes\n", sizeof(struct packet)); printf("sizeof(struct input_event) is %u bytes\n", sizeof(struct input_event)); printf("sizeof(struct uinput_user_dev) is %u bytes\n", sizeof(struct uinput_user_dev)); run(fd); } disconnect(fd); warnx("Reconnecting after 5 seconds"); sceKernelDelayThread(s_to_us(5)); screen_clear(); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }