path: root/font/tools
diff options
authorJari Vetoniemi <>2018-02-01 08:31:01 +0200
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2018-02-12 03:34:18 +0200
commitf54e7e8c2aeb4fafebf0d5bd5570b060462c9ecf (patch)
treeb3bcc7ca21cda7d655bfcc0d9ec26d4a6668f27f /font/tools
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'font/tools')
3 files changed, 351 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/font/tools/ b/font/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64fa044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/font/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# This Perl script allows you to generate an ISO10646-1 encoded
+# BDF font from another BDF font in any possible encoding. It was
+# based on the script by Markus Kuhn.
+use strict 'subs';
+sub is_control {
+ my ($source) = @_;
+ return (($source >= 0x00 && $source <= 0x1f) ||
+ ($source >= 0x7f && $source <= 0x9f));
+# calculate the bounding box that covers both provided bounding boxes
+sub combine_bbx {
+ my ($awidth, $aheight, $axoff, $ayoff,
+ $cwidth, $cheight, $cxoff, $cyoff) = @_;
+ if ($axoff < $cxoff) {
+ $cwidth += $cxoff - $axoff;
+ $cxoff = $axoff;
+ }
+ if ($ayoff < $cyoff) {
+ $cheight += $cyoff - $ayoff;
+ $cyoff = $ayoff;
+ }
+ if ($awidth + $axoff > $cwidth + $cxoff) {
+ $cwidth = $awidth + $axoff - $cxoff;
+ }
+ if ($aheight + $ayoff > $cheight + $cyoff) {
+ $cheight = $aheight + $ayoff - $cyoff;
+ }
+ return ($cwidth, $cheight, $cxoff, $cyoff);
+print <<End if $#ARGV < 0;
+Usage: <source-name> <mapping-file>
+ <source-name> is the name of the source BDF file
+ <mapping-file> is the name of a character set table like those on
+ <>
+ 6x13.bdf 8859-7.TXT
+will generate the file 6x13-iso10646-1.bdf
+from the iso-8859-7 encoded file 6x13.bdf
+exit if $#ARGV < 0;
+# open and read source file
+$fsource = $ARGV[0];
+open(FSOURCE, "<$fsource") || die ("Can't read file '$fsource': $!\n");
+# read header
+$properties = 0;
+$default_char = 0;
+while (<FSOURCE>) {
+ last if /^CHARS\s/;
+ if (/^STARTFONT/) {
+ $startfont = $_;
+ } elsif (/^_XMBDFED_INFO\s/ || /^_XFREE86_GLYPH_RANGES\s/) {
+ $properties--;
+ } elsif (/DEFAULT_CHAR\s+([0-9]+)\s*$/) {
+ $default_char = $1;
+ $header .= "DEFAULT_CHAR 0\n";
+ } else {
+ if (/^STARTPROPERTIES\s+(\d+)/) {
+ $properties = $1;
+ } elsif (/^FONT\s+(.*-([^-]*-\S*))\s*$/) {
+ if ($2 eq "ISO10646-1") {
+ die("Font seems to already be ISO10646-1!\n");
+ };
+ } elsif (/^CHARSET_REGISTRY\s+"(.*)"\s*$/) {
+ if ($1 eq "ISO10646") {
+ die("Font seems to already be ISO10646-1!\n");
+ };
+ $registry = $1;
+ } elsif (/^CHARSET_ENCODING\s+"(.*)"\s*$/) {
+ $encoding = $1;
+ } elsif (/^SLANT\s+"(.*)"\s*$/) {
+ $slant = $1;
+ $slant =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ } elsif (/^SPACING\s+"(.*)"\s*$/) {
+ $spacing = $1;
+ $spacing =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ }
+ s/^COMMENT\s+\"(.*)\"$/COMMENT $1/;
+ s/^COMMENT\s+\$[I]d: (.*)\$\s*$/COMMENT Derived from $1\n/;
+ $header .= $_;
+ }
+die ("No STARTFONT line found in '$fsource'!\n") unless $startfont;
+die ("No CHARSET_REGISTRY line found in '$fsource'!\n") unless defined($registry);
+die ("No CHARSET_ENCODING line found in '$fsource'!\n") unless defined($encoding);
+$header =~ s/\nSTARTPROPERTIES\s+(\d+)\n/\nSTARTPROPERTIES $properties\n/;
+# read characters
+while (<FSOURCE>) {
+ if (/^STARTCHAR/) {
+ $sc = $_;
+ $code = -1;
+ } elsif (/^ENCODING\s+(-?\d+)/) {
+ $code = $1;
+ $startchar{$code} = $sc;
+ $char{$code} = "";
+ } elsif (/^ENDFONT$/) {
+ $code = -1;
+ $sc = "STARTCHAR ???\n";
+ } else {
+ $char{$code} .= $_;
+ if (/^ENDCHAR$/) {
+ $code = -1;
+ $sc = "STARTCHAR ???\n";
+ }
+ }
+close FSOURCE;
+delete $char{-1};
+shift @ARGV;
+$fmap = $ARGV[0];
+# open and read source file
+open(FMAP, "<$fmap")
+ || die ("Can't read mapping file '$fmap': $!\n");
+%map = ();
+while (<FMAP>) {
+ next if /^\s*(\#.*)?$/;
+ if (/^\s*(0[xX])?([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})\s+(0[xX]|U\+|U-)?([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/) {
+ $target = hex($4);
+ $source = hex($2);
+ if (!is_control($source)) {
+ if ($startchar{$source}) {
+ $map{$target} = $source;
+ } else {
+ printf STDERR "No glyph for character 0x%04x " .
+ "(U+%04X) available.\n", $source, $target;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf STDERR "Unrecognized line in '$fmap':\n$_";
+ }
+close FMAP;
+# add default character
+if (!(defined($map{0}) && $startchar{$map{0}})) {
+ if (defined($default_char) && $startchar{$default_char}) {
+ $map{0} = $default_char;
+ $startchar{$default_char} = "STARTCHAR defaultchar\n";
+ } else {
+ printf STDERR "No default character defined.\n";
+ }
+# list of characters that will be written out
+@chars = sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%map);
+if ($#chars < 0) {
+ print STDERR "No characters found for $registry-$encoding.\n";
+# find overall font bounding box
+undef @bbx;
+for $target (@chars) {
+ $source = $map{$target};
+ if ($char{$source} =~ /^BBX\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)\s*$/m) {
+ if (@bbx) {
+ @bbx = combine_bbx(@bbx, $1, $2, $3, $4);
+ } else {
+ @bbx = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf STDERR "Warning: No BBX found for 0x%04x!\n", $source;
+ }
+# generate output file name
+if ($fsource =~ /^(.*).bdf$/i) {
+ $fout = $1 . "-iso10646-1.bdf";
+} else {
+ $fout = $fsource . "-iso10646-1";
+$fout =~ s/^(.*\/)?([^\/]+)$/$2/; # remove path prefix
+# write new BDF file
+printf STDERR "Writing %d characters into file '$fout'.\n", $#chars + 1;
+open(FOUT, ">$fout")
+ || die ("Can't write file '$fout': $!\n");
+print FOUT $startfont;
+print FOUT "COMMENT Generated with ' $fsource $fmap'\n";
+print FOUT "COMMENT from a(n) $registry-$encoding encoded source BDF font.\n";
+print FOUT "COMMENT is based on by Markus Kuhn <mkuhn\>, 2000.\n";
+$newheader = $header;
+$newheader =~
+ || print STDERR "Warning: FONTBOUNDINGBOX not fixed!\n";
+$newheader =~
+ s/^FONT\s+(.*)-\w+-\w+\s*$/FONT $1-ISO10646-1/m
+ || print STDERR "Warning: FONT property not fixed!\n";
+$newheader =~
+ || print STDERR "Warning: CHARSET_REGISTRY not fixed!\n";
+$newheader =~
+ || print STDERR "Warning: CHARSET_ENCODING not fixed!\n";
+print FOUT $newheader;
+printf FOUT "CHARS %d\n", $#chars + 1;
+# Write characters
+for $target (@chars) {
+ $source = $map{$target};
+ print FOUT $startchar{$source};
+ print FOUT "ENCODING $target\n";
+ print FOUT $char{$source};
+print FOUT "ENDFONT\n";
diff --git a/font/tools/bdf2c.awk b/font/tools/bdf2c.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0f58167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/font/tools/bdf2c.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/bin/gawk -f
+# Converts bdf to nice C header
+# Glyphs should all have the same height, but width can vary
+# Put this in "font.h":
+# #pragma once
+# #include <stdint.h>
+# #include <stddef.h>
+# struct glyph {
+# size_t offset;
+# uint8_t width;
+# };
+# struct font {
+# const struct glyph *ucs2glyph;
+# const uint8_t *data;
+# size_t max_ucs;
+# uint8_t height;
+# };
+ bbx = 0
+ offset = 0
+ max_ucs = 0
+ encoding = 0
+ font = "unnamed"
+ print "#pragma once"
+ print "#include \"font.h\""
+/^FONT / {
+ gsub(/-/, "_", $2)
+ font = $2
+ idx2ucs[encoding] = $2
+ idx2ucs_offset[encoding++] = offset
+ if ($2 > max_ucs)
+ max_ucs = $2
+/^BBX / {
+ widths[bbx++] = $2
+ height = $3
+ bitmap = 0
+bitmap {
+ for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {
+ for (s = 0; s < length($1); s += 2) {
+ data = data "0x" substr($1, s, 2) ","
+ ++offset
+ }
+ }
+/^BITMAP/ {
+ bitmap = 1
+END {
+ print "static const uint8_t " font "_data[] = {"
+ filter = "awk -F',' -v OFS=',' -v n=24 '{for (i=n+1; i<=NF; i+=n) $i = \"\\n\" $i; print}'"
+ print data | filter
+ close(filter)
+ print "};"
+ print "static const struct glyph " font "_glyph[] = {"
+ for (i in idx2ucs)
+ print "[" idx2ucs[i] "] = { .offset = " idx2ucs_offset[i] ", .width = " widths[i] " },"
+ print "};"
+ print "static const struct font " font " = {"
+ print ".ucs2glyph = " font "_glyph,"
+ print ".data = " font "_data,"
+ print ".max_ucs = " max_ucs ","
+ print ".height = " height
+ print "};"
diff --git a/font/tools/mergebdf b/font/tools/mergebdf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..86c75f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/font/tools/mergebdf
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+if ($#ARGV < 0) {
+ die "Usage: mergebdf font1.bdf ... > newfont.bdf\n";
+foreach $font (@ARGV) {
+ open(F, "<$font") || die;
+ for (;;) {
+ while (defined($_ = <F>) && !/^STARTCHAR /) {
+ if (!$donehead) { print; }
+ }
+ if (!defined($_)) { last; }
+ $donehead = 1;
+ $c = $_;
+ undef $e;
+ while (($_ = <F>) !~ /^ENDCHAR/) {
+ if (/^ENCODING (\d+)$/) { $e = $1; }
+ $c .= $_;
+ }
+ $c .= $_;
+ if (!$char{$e}) {
+ $char{$e} = 1;
+ print $c;
+ }
+ }
+ close(F);
+print "ENDFONT\n";