path: root/jni/ruby/enc/unicode/case-folding.rb
diff options
authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/enc/unicode/case-folding.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/enc/unicode/case-folding.rb')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/enc/unicode/case-folding.rb b/jni/ruby/enc/unicode/case-folding.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d93de65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/enc/unicode/case-folding.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Usage:
+# $ wget
+# $ ruby case-folding.rb CaseFolding.txt -o casefold.h
+class CaseFolding
+ module Util
+ module_function
+ def hex_seq(v)
+ {|i| "0x%04x" % i}.join(", ")
+ end
+ def print_table_1(dest, data)
+ for k, v in data = data.sort
+ sk = (Array === k and k.length > 1) ? "{#{hex_seq(k)}}" : ("0x%04x" % k)
+ dest.print(" {#{sk}, {#{v.length}, {#{hex_seq(v)}}}},\n")
+ end
+ data
+ end
+ def print_table(dest, type, data)
+ dest.print("static const #{type}_Type #{type}_Table[] = {\n")
+ i = 0
+ ret = data.inject([]) do |a, (n, d)|
+ dest.print("#define #{n} (*(#{type}_Type (*)[#{d.size}])(#{type}_Table+#{i}))\n")
+ i += d.size
+ a.concat(print_table_1(dest, d))
+ end
+ dest.print("};\n\n")
+ ret
+ end
+ end
+ include Util
+ attr_reader :fold, :fold_locale, :unfold, :unfold_locale
+ def load(filename)
+ pattern = /([0-9A-F]{4,6}); ([CFT]); ([0-9A-F]{4,6})(?: ([0-9A-F]{4,6}))?(?: ([0-9A-F]{4,6}))?;/
+ @fold = fold = {}
+ @unfold = unfold = [{}, {}, {}]
+ turkic = []
+ IO.foreach(filename) do |line|
+ next unless res = pattern.match(line)
+ ch_from = res[1].to_i(16)
+ if res[2] == 'T'
+ # Turkic case folding
+ turkic << ch_from
+ next
+ end
+ # store folding data
+ ch_to = res[3..6].inject([]) do |a, i|
+ break a unless i
+ a << i.to_i(16)
+ end
+ fold[ch_from] = ch_to
+ # store unfolding data
+ i = ch_to.length - 1
+ (unfold[i][ch_to] ||= []) << ch_from
+ end
+ # move locale dependent data to (un)fold_locale
+ @fold_locale = fold_locale = {}
+ @unfold_locale = unfold_locale = [{}, {}]
+ for ch_from in turkic
+ key = fold[ch_from]
+ i = key.length - 1
+ unfold_locale[i][i == 0 ? key[0] : key] = unfold[i].delete(key)
+ fold_locale[ch_from] = fold.delete(ch_from)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def range_check(code)
+ "#{code} <= MAX_CODE_VALUE && #{code} >= MIN_CODE_VALUE"
+ end
+ def lookup_hash(key, type, data)
+ hash = "onigenc_unicode_#{key}_hash"
+ lookup = "onigenc_unicode_#{key}_lookup"
+ arity = Array(data[0][0]).size
+ gperf = %W"gperf -7 -k#{[*1..(arity*3)].join(",")} -F,-1 -c -j1 -i1 -t -T -E -C -H #{hash} -N #{lookup} -n"
+ argname = arity > 1 ? "codes" : "code"
+ argdecl = "const OnigCodePoint #{arity > 1 ? "*": ""}#{argname}"
+ n = 7
+ m = (1 << n) - 1
+ min, max = {|c, *|c}.flatten.minmax
+ src = IO.popen(gperf, "r+") {|f|
+ f << "short\n%%\n"
+ data.each_with_index {|(k, _), i|
+ k = Array(k)
+ ks = {|j| [(j >> n*2) & m, (j >> n) & m, (j) & m]} {|c| "\\x%.2x" % c}.join("")
+ f.printf "\"%s\", ::::/*%s*/ %d\n", ks, {|c| "0x%.4x" % c}.join(","), i
+ }
+ f << "%%\n"
+ f.close_write
+ }
+ src.sub!(/^(#{hash})\s*\(.*?\).*?\n\{\n(.*)^\}/m) {
+ name = $1
+ body = $2
+ body.gsub!(/\(unsigned char\)str\[(\d+)\]/, "bits_#{arity > 1 ? 'at' : 'of'}(#{argname}, \\1)")
+ "#{name}(#{argdecl})\n{\n#{body}}"
+ }
+ src.sub!(/const short *\*\n^(#{lookup})\s*\(.*?\).*?\n\{\n(.*)^\}/m) {
+ name = $1
+ body = $2
+ body.sub!(/\benum\s+\{(\n[ \t]+)/, "\\&MIN_CODE_VALUE = 0x#{min.to_s(16)},\\1""MAX_CODE_VALUE = 0x#{max.to_s(16)},\\1")
+ body.gsub!(/(#{hash})\s*\(.*?\)/, "\\1(#{argname})")
+ body.gsub!(/\{"",-1}/, "-1")
+ body.gsub!(/\{"(?:[^"]|\\")+", *::::(.*)\}/, '\1')
+ body.sub!(/(\s+if\s)\(len\b.*\)/) do
+ "#$1(" <<
+ (arity > 1 ? (0...arity).map {|i| range_check("#{argname}[#{i}]")}.join(" &&\n ") : range_check(argname)) <<
+ ")"
+ end
+ v = nil
+ body.sub!(/(if\s*\(.*MAX_HASH_VALUE.*\)\n([ \t]*))\{(.*?)\n\2\}/m) {
+ pre = $1
+ indent = $2
+ s = $3
+ s.sub!(/const char *\* *(\w+)( *= *wordlist\[\w+\]).\w+/, 'short \1 = wordlist[key]')
+ v = $1
+ s.sub!(/\bif *\(.*\)/, "if (#{v} >= 0 && code#{arity}_equal(#{argname}, #{key}_Table[#{v}].from))")
+ "#{pre}{#{s}\n#{indent}}"
+ }
+ body.sub!(/\b(return\s+&)([^;]+);/, '\1'"#{key}_Table[#{v}].to;")
+ "static const #{type} *\n#{name}(#{argdecl})\n{\n#{body}}"
+ }
+ src
+ end
+ def display(dest)
+ # print the header
+ dest.print("/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. */\n")
+ dest.print("/* Generated by enc/unicode/case-folding.rb */\n\n")
+ # print folding data
+ # CaseFold + CaseFold_Locale
+ name = "CaseFold_11"
+ data = print_table(dest, name, "CaseFold"=>fold, "CaseFold_Locale"=>fold_locale)
+ dest.print lookup_hash(name, "CodePointList3", data)
+ # print unfolding data
+ # CaseUnfold_11 + CaseUnfold_11_Locale
+ name = "CaseUnfold_11"
+ data = print_table(dest, name, name=>unfold[0], "#{name}_Locale"=>unfold_locale[0])
+ dest.print lookup_hash(name, "CodePointList3", data)
+ # CaseUnfold_12 + CaseUnfold_12_Locale
+ name = "CaseUnfold_12"
+ data = print_table(dest, name, name=>unfold[1], "#{name}_Locale"=>unfold_locale[1])
+ dest.print lookup_hash(name, "CodePointList2", data)
+ # CaseUnfold_13
+ name = "CaseUnfold_13"
+ data = print_table(dest, name, name=>unfold[2])
+ dest.print lookup_hash(name, "CodePointList2", data)
+ end
+ def self.load(*args)
+ new.load(*args)
+ end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ require 'optparse'
+ dest = nil
+ fold_1 = false
+ ARGV.options do |opt|
+ opt.banner << " [INPUT]"
+ opt.on("--output-file=FILE", "-o", "output to the FILE instead of STDOUT") {|output|
+ dest = (output unless output == '-')
+ }
+ opt.parse!
+ abort(opt.to_s) if ARGV.size > 1
+ end
+ filename = ARGV[0] || 'CaseFolding.txt'
+ data = CaseFolding.load(filename)
+ if dest
+ open(dest, "wb") do |f|
+ data.display(f)
+ end
+ else
+ data.display(STDOUT)
+ end