path: root/jni/ruby/ext/digest
diff options
authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/ext/digest
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/ext/digest')
51 files changed, 6204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/Makefile b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0949ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# V=0 quiet, V=1 verbose. other values don't work.
+V = 0
+Q1 = $(V:1=)
+Q = $(Q1:0=@)
+ECHO1 = $(V:1=@:)
+ECHO = $(ECHO1:0=@echo)
+#### Start of system configuration section. ####
+top_srcdir = $(topdir)/.
+srcdir = $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest
+topdir = ../..
+hdrdir = $(top_srcdir)/include
+arch_hdrdir = $(extout)/include/$(arch)
+VPATH = $(srcdir):$(arch_hdrdir)/ruby:$(hdrdir)/ruby
+prefix = $(DESTDIR)/usr/local
+rubysitearchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(arch)
+rubylibprefix = $(libdir)/$(RUBY_BASE_NAME)
+exec_prefix = $(prefix)
+vendorarchhdrdir = $(vendorhdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitearchhdrdir = $(sitehdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/$(arch)
+vendorhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/vendor_ruby
+sitehdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/site_ruby
+rubyhdrdir = $(includedir)/$(RUBY_VERSION_NAME)
+vendorarchdir = $(vendorlibdir)/$(sitearch)
+vendorlibdir = $(vendordir)/$(ruby_version)
+vendordir = $(rubylibprefix)/vendor_ruby
+sitearchdir = $(sitelibdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitelibdir = $(sitedir)/$(ruby_version)
+sitedir = $(rubylibprefix)/site_ruby
+rubyarchdir = $(rubylibdir)/$(arch)
+rubylibdir = $(rubylibprefix)/$(ruby_version)
+sitearchincludedir = $(includedir)/$(sitearch)
+archincludedir = $(includedir)/$(arch)
+sitearchlibdir = $(libdir)/$(sitearch)
+archlibdir = $(libdir)/$(arch)
+ridir = $(datarootdir)/$(RI_BASE_NAME)
+mandir = $(datarootdir)/man
+localedir = $(datarootdir)/locale
+libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
+psdir = $(docdir)
+pdfdir = $(docdir)
+dvidir = $(docdir)
+htmldir = $(docdir)
+infodir = $(datarootdir)/info
+docdir = $(datarootdir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)
+oldincludedir = $(DESTDIR)/usr/include
+includedir = $(prefix)/include
+localstatedir = $(prefix)/var
+sharedstatedir = $(prefix)/com
+sysconfdir = $(prefix)/etc
+datadir = $(datarootdir)
+datarootdir = $(prefix)/share
+libexecdir = $(exec_prefix)/libexec
+sbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbin
+bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
+archdir = $(rubyarchdir)
+CC = gcc
+CXX = g++
+LIBRUBY_A = lib$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static.a
+LIBRUBYARG_SHARED = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)
+LIBRUBYARG_STATIC = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static
+empty =
+OUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+COUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+RUBY_EXTCONF_H = extconf.h
+cflags = $(optflags) $(debugflags) $(warnflags)
+optflags = -O3 -fno-fast-math
+debugflags = -ggdb3
+warnflags = -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-long-long -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wunused-variable -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wdeprecated-declarations -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat
+INCFLAGS = -I. -I$(arch_hdrdir) -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir)
+ldflags = -L. -fstack-protector -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic
+dldflags =
+DLDFLAGS = $(ldflags) $(dldflags) $(ARCH_FLAG)
+LDSHARED = $(CC) -shared
+LDSHAREDXX = $(CXX) -shared
+AR = ar
+RUBY_SO_NAME = ruby
+RUBY_VERSION_NAME = $(RUBY_BASE_NAME)-$(ruby_version)
+arch = x86_64-linux
+sitearch = $(arch)
+ruby_version = 2.2.0
+ruby = $(topdir)/miniruby -I'$(topdir)' -I'$(top_srcdir)/lib' -I'$(extout)/$(arch)' -I'$(extout)/common'
+RUBY = $(ruby)
+ruby_headers = $(hdrdir)/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+RM = rm -f
+RM_RF = $(RUBY) -run -e rm -- -rf
+RMDIRS = rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p
+MAKEDIRS = /bin/mkdir -p
+INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
+COPY = cp
+TOUCH = exit >
+#### End of system configuration section. ####
+preload =
+libpath = . $(topdir)
+LIBPATH = -L. -L$(topdir)
+CLEANFILES = mkmf.log $(HDRDIR)/digest.h
+extout = $(topdir)/.ext
+extout_prefix = $(extout)$(target_prefix)/
+target_prefix =
+LIBS = $(LIBRUBYARG_SHARED) -lpthread -lgmp -ldl -lcrypt -lm -lc
+ORIG_SRCS = digest.c
+OBJS = digest.o
+HDRS = $(srcdir)/defs.h $(srcdir)/extconf.h $(srcdir)/digest.h
+TARGET = digest
+TARGET_NAME = digest
+TIMESTAMP_DIR = $(extout)/.timestamp
+BINDIR = $(extout)/bin
+RUBYCOMMONDIR = $(extout)/common
+RUBYLIBDIR = $(RUBYCOMMONDIR)$(target_prefix)
+RUBYARCHDIR = $(extout)/$(arch)$(target_prefix)
+HDRDIR = $(extout)/include/ruby$(target_prefix)
+ARCHHDRDIR = $(extout)/include/$(arch)/ruby$(target_prefix)
+CLEANOBJS = *.o *.bak
+all: install
+static: all
+.PHONY: all install static install-so install-rb
+.PHONY: clean clean-so clean-static clean-rb
+clean: clean-so clean-static clean-rb-default clean-rb
+distclean: clean distclean-so distclean-static distclean-rb-default distclean-rb
+ -$(Q)$(RM) Makefile $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H) conftest.* mkmf.log
+ -$(Q)$(RM) core ruby$(EXEEXT) *~ $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(DISTCLEANDIRS) 2> /dev/null || true
+realclean: distclean
+install: install-so install-rb
+install-so: $(RUBYARCHDIR)/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYARCHDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(STATIC_LIB)
+install-rb: pre-install-rb install-rb-default
+install-rb-default: pre-install-rb-default
+pre-install-rb: Makefile
+pre-install-rb-default: Makefile
+pre-install-rb-default: $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.time
+install-rb-default: $(RUBYLIBDIR)/digest.rb
+$(RUBYLIBDIR)/digest.rb: $(srcdir)/lib/digest.rb $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.time
+ $(Q) $(COPY) $(srcdir)/lib/digest.rb $(@D)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(RUBYLIBDIR)/digest.rb
+ $(ECHO) installing default digest libraries
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYLIBDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+pre-install-rb: $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.HDRDIR.time
+install-rb: $(HDRDIR)/digest.h
+$(HDRDIR)/digest.h: $(srcdir)/digest.h $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.HDRDIR.time
+ $(Q) $(COPY) $(srcdir)/digest.h $(@D)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(HDRDIR)/digest.h
+ $(ECHO) installing digest libraries
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYLIBDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(HDRDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+ $(Q) $(MAKEDIRS) $(@D) $(HDRDIR)
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+site-install: site-install-so site-install-rb
+site-install-so: install-so
+site-install-rb: install-rb
+.SUFFIXES: .c .m .cc .mm .cxx .cpp .o .S
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) linking shared-object $(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ $(ECHO) linking static-library $(@)
+ $(Q) $(AR) cru $@ $(OBJS)
+ -$(Q)ranlib $(@) 2> /dev/null || true
+digest.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+digest.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+digest.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+digest.o: digest.c
+digest.o: digest.h
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/Makefile b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db0c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# V=0 quiet, V=1 verbose. other values don't work.
+V = 0
+Q1 = $(V:1=)
+Q = $(Q1:0=@)
+ECHO1 = $(V:1=@:)
+ECHO = $(ECHO1:0=@echo)
+#### Start of system configuration section. ####
+top_srcdir = $(topdir)/.
+srcdir = $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/bubblebabble
+topdir = ../../..
+hdrdir = $(top_srcdir)/include
+arch_hdrdir = $(extout)/include/$(arch)
+VPATH = $(srcdir):$(arch_hdrdir)/ruby:$(hdrdir)/ruby
+prefix = $(DESTDIR)/usr/local
+rubysitearchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(arch)
+rubylibprefix = $(libdir)/$(RUBY_BASE_NAME)
+exec_prefix = $(prefix)
+vendorarchhdrdir = $(vendorhdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitearchhdrdir = $(sitehdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/$(arch)
+vendorhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/vendor_ruby
+sitehdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/site_ruby
+rubyhdrdir = $(includedir)/$(RUBY_VERSION_NAME)
+vendorarchdir = $(vendorlibdir)/$(sitearch)
+vendorlibdir = $(vendordir)/$(ruby_version)
+vendordir = $(rubylibprefix)/vendor_ruby
+sitearchdir = $(sitelibdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitelibdir = $(sitedir)/$(ruby_version)
+sitedir = $(rubylibprefix)/site_ruby
+rubyarchdir = $(rubylibdir)/$(arch)
+rubylibdir = $(rubylibprefix)/$(ruby_version)
+sitearchincludedir = $(includedir)/$(sitearch)
+archincludedir = $(includedir)/$(arch)
+sitearchlibdir = $(libdir)/$(sitearch)
+archlibdir = $(libdir)/$(arch)
+ridir = $(datarootdir)/$(RI_BASE_NAME)
+mandir = $(datarootdir)/man
+localedir = $(datarootdir)/locale
+libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
+psdir = $(docdir)
+pdfdir = $(docdir)
+dvidir = $(docdir)
+htmldir = $(docdir)
+infodir = $(datarootdir)/info
+docdir = $(datarootdir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)
+oldincludedir = $(DESTDIR)/usr/include
+includedir = $(prefix)/include
+localstatedir = $(prefix)/var
+sharedstatedir = $(prefix)/com
+sysconfdir = $(prefix)/etc
+datadir = $(datarootdir)
+datarootdir = $(prefix)/share
+libexecdir = $(exec_prefix)/libexec
+sbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbin
+bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
+archdir = $(rubyarchdir)
+CC = gcc
+CXX = g++
+LIBRUBY_A = lib$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static.a
+LIBRUBYARG_SHARED = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)
+LIBRUBYARG_STATIC = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static
+empty =
+OUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+COUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+RUBY_EXTCONF_H = extconf.h
+cflags = $(optflags) $(debugflags) $(warnflags)
+optflags = -O3 -fno-fast-math
+debugflags = -ggdb3
+warnflags = -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-long-long -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wunused-variable -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wdeprecated-declarations -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat
+INCFLAGS = -I. -I$(arch_hdrdir) -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/..
+ldflags = -L. -fstack-protector -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic
+dldflags =
+DLDFLAGS = $(ldflags) $(dldflags) $(ARCH_FLAG)
+LDSHARED = $(CC) -shared
+LDSHAREDXX = $(CXX) -shared
+AR = ar
+RUBY_SO_NAME = ruby
+RUBY_VERSION_NAME = $(RUBY_BASE_NAME)-$(ruby_version)
+arch = x86_64-linux
+sitearch = $(arch)
+ruby_version = 2.2.0
+ruby = $(topdir)/miniruby -I'$(topdir)' -I'$(top_srcdir)/lib' -I'$(extout)/$(arch)' -I'$(extout)/common'
+RUBY = $(ruby)
+ruby_headers = $(hdrdir)/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+RM = rm -f
+RM_RF = $(RUBY) -run -e rm -- -rf
+RMDIRS = rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p
+MAKEDIRS = /bin/mkdir -p
+INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
+COPY = cp
+TOUCH = exit >
+#### End of system configuration section. ####
+preload =
+libpath = . $(topdir)
+LIBPATH = -L. -L$(topdir)
+CLEANFILES = mkmf.log
+extout = $(topdir)/.ext
+extout_prefix = $(extout)$(target_prefix)/
+target_prefix = /digest
+LIBS = $(LIBRUBYARG_SHARED) -lpthread -lgmp -ldl -lcrypt -lm -lc
+ORIG_SRCS = bubblebabble.c
+OBJS = bubblebabble.o
+HDRS = $(srcdir)/extconf.h
+TARGET = bubblebabble
+TARGET_NAME = bubblebabble
+TIMESTAMP_DIR = $(extout)/.timestamp
+BINDIR = $(extout)/bin
+RUBYCOMMONDIR = $(extout)/common
+RUBYLIBDIR = $(RUBYCOMMONDIR)$(target_prefix)
+RUBYARCHDIR = $(extout)/$(arch)$(target_prefix)
+HDRDIR = $(extout)/include/ruby$(target_prefix)
+ARCHHDRDIR = $(extout)/include/$(arch)/ruby$(target_prefix)
+CLEANOBJS = *.o *.bak
+all: install
+static: all
+.PHONY: all install static install-so install-rb
+.PHONY: clean clean-so clean-static clean-rb
+clean: clean-so clean-static clean-rb-default clean-rb
+distclean: clean distclean-so distclean-static distclean-rb-default distclean-rb
+ -$(Q)$(RM) Makefile $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H) conftest.* mkmf.log
+ -$(Q)$(RM) core ruby$(EXEEXT) *~ $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(DISTCLEANDIRS) 2> /dev/null || true
+realclean: distclean
+install: install-so install-rb
+install-so: $(RUBYARCHDIR)/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYARCHDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(STATIC_LIB)
+install-rb: pre-install-rb install-rb-default
+install-rb-default: pre-install-rb-default
+pre-install-rb: Makefile
+pre-install-rb-default: Makefile
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+site-install: site-install-so site-install-rb
+site-install-so: install-so
+site-install-rb: install-rb
+.SUFFIXES: .c .m .cc .mm .cxx .cpp .o .S
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) linking shared-object digest/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ $(ECHO) linking static-library $(@)
+ $(Q) $(AR) cru $@ $(OBJS)
+ -$(Q)ranlib $(@) 2> /dev/null || true
+bubblebabble.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+bubblebabble.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/digest.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+bubblebabble.o: bubblebabble.c
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/bubblebabble.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/bubblebabble.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..231f92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/bubblebabble.c
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ bubblebabble.c - BubbleBabble encoding support
+ $Author: zzak $
+ created at: Fri Oct 13 18:31:42 JST 2006
+ Copyright (C) 2006 Akinori MUSHA
+ $Id: bubblebabble.c 43754 2013-11-21 07:53:39Z zzak $
+#include "ruby.h"
+#include "digest.h"
+static ID id_digest;
+static VALUE
+bubblebabble_str_new(VALUE str_digest)
+ char *digest;
+ size_t digest_len;
+ VALUE str;
+ char *p;
+ size_t i, j, seed = 1;
+ static const char vowels[] = {
+ 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y'
+ };
+ static const char consonants[] = {
+ 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',
+ 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'z', 'x'
+ };
+ StringValue(str_digest);
+ digest = RSTRING_PTR(str_digest);
+ digest_len = RSTRING_LEN(str_digest);
+ if ((LONG_MAX - 2) / 3 < (digest_len | 1)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "digest string too long");
+ }
+ str = rb_str_new(0, (digest_len | 1) * 3 + 2);
+ p = RSTRING_PTR(str);
+ i = j = 0;
+ p[j++] = 'x';
+ for (;;) {
+ unsigned char byte1, byte2;
+ if (i >= digest_len) {
+ p[j++] = vowels[seed % 6];
+ p[j++] = consonants[16];
+ p[j++] = vowels[seed / 6];
+ break;
+ }
+ byte1 = digest[i++];
+ p[j++] = vowels[(((byte1 >> 6) & 3) + seed) % 6];
+ p[j++] = consonants[(byte1 >> 2) & 15];
+ p[j++] = vowels[((byte1 & 3) + (seed / 6)) % 6];
+ if (i >= digest_len) {
+ break;
+ }
+ byte2 = digest[i++];
+ p[j++] = consonants[(byte2 >> 4) & 15];
+ p[j++] = '-';
+ p[j++] = consonants[byte2 & 15];
+ seed = (seed * 5 + byte1 * 7 + byte2) % 36;
+ }
+ p[j] = 'x';
+ return str;
+/* Document-method: Digest::bubblebabble
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * Digest.bubblebabble(string) -> bubblebabble_string
+ *
+ * Returns a BubbleBabble encoded version of a given _string_.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_s_bubblebabble(VALUE klass, VALUE str)
+ return bubblebabble_str_new(str);
+/* Document-method: Digest::Class::bubblebabble
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * Digest::Class.bubblebabble(string, ...) -> hash_string
+ *
+ * Returns the BubbleBabble encoded hash value of a given _string_.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_class_s_bubblebabble(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
+ return bubblebabble_str_new(rb_funcall2(klass, id_digest, argc, argv));
+/* Document-method: Digest::Instance#bubblebabble
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.bubblebabble -> hash_string
+ *
+ * Returns the resulting hash value in a Bubblebabble encoded form.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_bubblebabble(VALUE self)
+ return bubblebabble_str_new(rb_funcall(self, id_digest, 0));
+ * This module adds some methods to Digest classes to perform
+ * BubbleBabble encoding.
+ */
+ VALUE rb_mDigest, rb_mDigest_Instance, rb_cDigest_Class;
+ rb_require("digest");
+ rb_mDigest = rb_path2class("Digest");
+ rb_mDigest_Instance = rb_path2class("Digest::Instance");
+ rb_cDigest_Class = rb_path2class("Digest::Class");
+#if 0
+ rb_mDigest = rb_define_module("Digest");
+ rb_mDigest_Instance = rb_define_module_under(rb_mDigest, "Instance");
+ rb_cDigest_Class = rb_define_class_under(rb_mDigest, "Class", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_module_function(rb_mDigest, "bubblebabble", rb_digest_s_bubblebabble, 1);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cDigest_Class, "bubblebabble", rb_digest_class_s_bubblebabble, -1);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "bubblebabble", rb_digest_instance_bubblebabble, 0);
+ id_digest = rb_intern("digest");
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/depend b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/depend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59c6d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/depend
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+bubblebabble.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+bubblebabble.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/digest.h
+bubblebabble.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+bubblebabble.o: bubblebabble.c
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/extconf.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/extconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa1cef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/extconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#ifndef EXTCONF_H
+#define EXTCONF_H
+#define HAVE_CONFIG_H 1
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/extconf.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/extconf.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53cb839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/bubblebabble/extconf.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require 'mkmf'
+$defs << "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H"
+$INCFLAGS << " -I$(srcdir)/.."
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/defs.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed9cb02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* -*- C -*-
+ * $Id: defs.h 25189 2009-10-02 12:04:37Z akr $
+ */
+#ifndef DEFS_H
+#define DEFS_H
+#include "ruby.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if defined(HAVE_SYS_CDEFS_H)
+# include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#if !defined(__BEGIN_DECLS)
+# define __BEGIN_DECLS
+# define __END_DECLS
+#endif /* DEFS_H */
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/depend b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/depend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbc2bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/depend
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+digest.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+digest.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+digest.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+digest.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+digest.o: digest.c
+digest.o: digest.h
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/digest.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/digest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37eb0af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/digest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+ digest.c -
+ $Author: nobu $
+ created at: Fri May 25 08:57:27 JST 2001
+ Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto
+ Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Akinori MUSHA
+ $RoughId: digest.c,v 1.16 2001/07/13 15:38:27 knu Exp $
+ $Id: digest.c 48662 2014-12-01 06:38:04Z nobu $
+#include "digest.h"
+static VALUE rb_mDigest;
+static VALUE rb_mDigest_Instance;
+static VALUE rb_cDigest_Class;
+static VALUE rb_cDigest_Base;
+static ID id_reset, id_update, id_finish, id_digest, id_hexdigest, id_digest_length;
+static ID id_metadata;
+RUBY_EXTERN void Init_digest_base(void);
+ * Document-module: Digest
+ *
+ * This module provides a framework for message digest libraries.
+ *
+ * You may want to look at OpenSSL::Digest as it supports more algorithms.
+ *
+ * A cryptographic hash function is a procedure that takes data and returns a
+ * fixed bit string: the hash value, also known as _digest_. Hash functions
+ * are also called one-way functions, it is easy to compute a digest from
+ * a message, but it is infeasible to generate a message from a digest.
+ *
+ * == Examples
+ *
+ * require 'digest'
+ *
+ * # Compute a complete digest
+ * Digest::SHA256.digest 'message' #=> "\xABS\n\x13\xE4Y..."
+ *
+ * sha256 =
+ * sha256.digest 'message' #=> "\xABS\n\x13\xE4Y..."
+ *
+ * # Other encoding formats
+ * Digest::SHA256.hexdigest 'message' #=> "ab530a13e459..."
+ * Digest::SHA256.base64digest 'message' #=> "q1MKE+RZFJgr..."
+ *
+ * # Compute digest by chunks
+ * md5 =
+ * md5.update 'message1'
+ * md5 << 'message2' # << is an alias for update
+ *
+ * md5.hexdigest #=> "94af09c09bb9..."
+ *
+ * # Compute digest for a file
+ * sha256 = Digest::SHA256.file 'testfile'
+ * sha256.hexdigest
+ *
+ * Additionally digests can be encoded in "bubble babble" format as a sequence
+ * of consonants and vowels which is more recognizable and comparable than a
+ * hexadecimal digest.
+ *
+ * require 'digest/bubblebabble'
+ *
+ * Digest::SHA256.bubblebabble 'message' #=> "xopoh-fedac-fenyh-..."
+ *
+ * See the bubble babble specification at
+ *
+ *
+ * == Digest algorithms
+ *
+ * Different digest algorithms (or hash functions) are available:
+ *
+ * HMAC::
+ * See FIPS PUB 198 The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC).
+ * RIPEMD-160::
+ * As Digest::RMD160.
+ * See
+ * SHA1::
+ * See FIPS 180 Secure Hash Standard.
+ * SHA2 family::
+ * See FIPS 180 Secure Hash Standard which defines the following algorithms:
+ * * SHA512
+ * * SHA384
+ * * SHA256
+ *
+ * The latest versions of the FIPS publications can be found here:
+ *
+ */
+static VALUE
+hexencode_str_new(VALUE str_digest)
+ char *digest;
+ size_t digest_len;
+ size_t i;
+ VALUE str;
+ char *p;
+ static const char hex[] = {
+ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
+ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
+ };
+ StringValue(str_digest);
+ digest = RSTRING_PTR(str_digest);
+ digest_len = RSTRING_LEN(str_digest);
+ if (LONG_MAX / 2 < digest_len) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "digest string too long");
+ }
+ str = rb_usascii_str_new(0, digest_len * 2);
+ for (i = 0, p = RSTRING_PTR(str); i < digest_len; i++) {
+ unsigned char byte = digest[i];
+ p[i + i] = hex[byte >> 4];
+ p[i + i + 1] = hex[byte & 0x0f];
+ }
+ return str;
+ * call-seq:
+ * Digest.hexencode(string) -> hexencoded_string
+ *
+ * Generates a hex-encoded version of a given _string_.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_s_hexencode(VALUE klass, VALUE str)
+ return hexencode_str_new(str);
+NORETURN(static void rb_digest_instance_method_unimpl(VALUE self, const char *method));
+ * Document-module: Digest::Instance
+ *
+ * This module provides instance methods for a digest implementation
+ * object to calculate message digest values.
+ */
+static void
+rb_digest_instance_method_unimpl(VALUE self, const char *method)
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "%s does not implement %s()",
+ rb_obj_classname(self), method);
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.update(string) -> digest_obj
+ * digest_obj << string -> digest_obj
+ *
+ * Updates the digest using a given _string_ and returns self.
+ *
+ * The update() method and the left-shift operator are overridden by
+ * each implementation subclass. (One should be an alias for the
+ * other)
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_update(VALUE self, VALUE str)
+ rb_digest_instance_method_unimpl(self, "update");
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.instance_eval { finish } -> digest_obj
+ *
+ * Finishes the digest and returns the resulting hash value.
+ *
+ * This method is overridden by each implementation subclass and often
+ * made private, because some of those subclasses may leave internal
+ * data uninitialized. Do not call this method from outside. Use
+ * #digest!() instead, which ensures that internal data be reset for
+ * security reasons.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_finish(VALUE self)
+ rb_digest_instance_method_unimpl(self, "finish");
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.reset -> digest_obj
+ *
+ * Resets the digest to the initial state and returns self.
+ *
+ * This method is overridden by each implementation subclass.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_reset(VALUE self)
+ rb_digest_instance_method_unimpl(self, "reset");
+ * call-seq:
+ * -> another_digest_obj
+ *
+ * Returns a new, initialized copy of the digest object. Equivalent
+ * to digest_obj.clone().reset().
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_new(VALUE self)
+ VALUE clone = rb_obj_clone(self);
+ rb_funcall(clone, id_reset, 0);
+ return clone;
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.digest -> string
+ * digest_obj.digest(string) -> string
+ *
+ * If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest,
+ * keeping the digest's state.
+ *
+ * If a _string_ is given, returns the hash value for the given
+ * _string_, resetting the digest to the initial state before and
+ * after the process.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_digest(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
+ VALUE str, value;
+ if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &str) > 0) {
+ rb_funcall(self, id_reset, 0);
+ rb_funcall(self, id_update, 1, str);
+ value = rb_funcall(self, id_finish, 0);
+ rb_funcall(self, id_reset, 0);
+ } else {
+ value = rb_funcall(rb_obj_clone(self), id_finish, 0);
+ }
+ return value;
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.digest! -> string
+ *
+ * Returns the resulting hash value and resets the digest to the
+ * initial state.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_digest_bang(VALUE self)
+ VALUE value = rb_funcall(self, id_finish, 0);
+ rb_funcall(self, id_reset, 0);
+ return value;
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.hexdigest -> string
+ * digest_obj.hexdigest(string) -> string
+ *
+ * If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest in
+ * a hex-encoded form, keeping the digest's state.
+ *
+ * If a _string_ is given, returns the hash value for the given
+ * _string_ in a hex-encoded form, resetting the digest to the initial
+ * state before and after the process.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_hexdigest(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
+ VALUE str, value;
+ if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &str) > 0) {
+ rb_funcall(self, id_reset, 0);
+ rb_funcall(self, id_update, 1, str);
+ value = rb_funcall(self, id_finish, 0);
+ rb_funcall(self, id_reset, 0);
+ } else {
+ value = rb_funcall(rb_obj_clone(self), id_finish, 0);
+ }
+ return hexencode_str_new(value);
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.hexdigest! -> string
+ *
+ * Returns the resulting hash value in a hex-encoded form and resets
+ * the digest to the initial state.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_hexdigest_bang(VALUE self)
+ VALUE value = rb_funcall(self, id_finish, 0);
+ rb_funcall(self, id_reset, 0);
+ return hexencode_str_new(value);
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.to_s -> string
+ *
+ * Returns digest_obj.hexdigest().
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_to_s(VALUE self)
+ return rb_funcall(self, id_hexdigest, 0);
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.inspect -> string
+ *
+ * Creates a printable version of the digest object.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_inspect(VALUE self)
+ VALUE str;
+ size_t digest_len = 32; /* about this size at least */
+ const char *cname;
+ cname = rb_obj_classname(self);
+ /* #<Digest::ClassName: xxxxx...xxxx> */
+ str = rb_str_buf_new(2 + strlen(cname) + 2 + digest_len * 2 + 1);
+ rb_str_buf_cat2(str, "#<");
+ rb_str_buf_cat2(str, cname);
+ rb_str_buf_cat2(str, ": ");
+ rb_str_buf_append(str, rb_digest_instance_hexdigest(0, 0, self));
+ rb_str_buf_cat2(str, ">");
+ return str;
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj == another_digest_obj -> boolean
+ * digest_obj == string -> boolean
+ *
+ * If a string is given, checks whether it is equal to the hex-encoded
+ * hash value of the digest object. If another digest instance is
+ * given, checks whether they have the same hash value. Otherwise
+ * returns false.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_equal(VALUE self, VALUE other)
+ VALUE str1, str2;
+ if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, rb_mDigest_Instance) == Qtrue) {
+ str1 = rb_digest_instance_digest(0, 0, self);
+ str2 = rb_digest_instance_digest(0, 0, other);
+ } else {
+ str1 = rb_digest_instance_to_s(self);
+ str2 = rb_check_string_type(other);
+ if (NIL_P(str2)) return Qfalse;
+ }
+ /* never blindly assume that subclass methods return strings */
+ StringValue(str1);
+ StringValue(str2);
+ if (RSTRING_LEN(str1) == RSTRING_LEN(str2) &&
+ rb_str_cmp(str1, str2) == 0) {
+ return Qtrue;
+ }
+ return Qfalse;
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.digest_length -> integer
+ *
+ * Returns the length of the hash value of the digest.
+ *
+ * This method should be overridden by each implementation subclass.
+ * If not, digest_obj.digest().length() is returned.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_digest_length(VALUE self)
+ /* subclasses really should redefine this method */
+ VALUE digest = rb_digest_instance_digest(0, 0, self);
+ /* never blindly assume that #digest() returns a string */
+ StringValue(digest);
+ return INT2NUM(RSTRING_LEN(digest));
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.length -> integer
+ * digest_obj.size -> integer
+ *
+ * Returns digest_obj.digest_length().
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_length(VALUE self)
+ return rb_funcall(self, id_digest_length, 0);
+ * call-seq:
+ * digest_obj.block_length -> integer
+ *
+ * Returns the block length of the digest.
+ *
+ * This method is overridden by each implementation subclass.
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_instance_block_length(VALUE self)
+ rb_digest_instance_method_unimpl(self, "block_length");
+ * Document-class: Digest::Class
+ *
+ * This module stands as a base class for digest implementation
+ * classes.
+ */
+ * call-seq:
+ * Digest::Class.digest(string, *parameters) -> hash_string
+ *
+ * Returns the hash value of a given _string_. This is equivalent to
+ **parameters).digest(string), where extra
+ * _parameters_, if any, are passed through to the constructor and the
+ * _string_ is passed to #digest().
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_class_s_digest(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
+ VALUE str;
+ volatile VALUE obj;
+ if (argc < 1) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "no data given");
+ }
+ str = *argv++;
+ argc--;
+ StringValue(str);
+ obj = rb_obj_alloc(klass);
+ rb_obj_call_init(obj, argc, argv);
+ return rb_funcall(obj, id_digest, 1, str);
+ * call-seq:
+ * Digest::Class.hexdigest(string[, ...]) -> hash_string
+ *
+ * Returns the hex-encoded hash value of a given _string_. This is
+ * almost equivalent to
+ * Digest.hexencode(*parameters).digest(string)).
+ */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_class_s_hexdigest(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
+ return hexencode_str_new(rb_funcall2(klass, id_digest, argc, argv));
+/* :nodoc: */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_class_init(VALUE self)
+ return self;
+ * Document-class: Digest::Base
+ *
+ * This abstract class provides a common interface to message digest
+ * implementation classes written in C.
+ */
+static rb_digest_metadata_t *
+get_digest_base_metadata(VALUE klass)
+ VALUE p;
+ VALUE obj;
+ rb_digest_metadata_t *algo;
+ for (p = klass; !NIL_P(p); p = rb_class_superclass(p)) {
+ if (rb_ivar_defined(p, id_metadata)) {
+ obj = rb_ivar_get(p, id_metadata);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (NIL_P(p))
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Digest::Base cannot be directly inherited in Ruby");
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, rb_digest_metadata_t, algo);
+ switch (algo->api_version) {
+ case 3:
+ break;
+ /*
+ * put conversion here if possible when API is updated
+ */
+ default:
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Incompatible digest API version");
+ }
+ return algo;
+static const rb_data_type_t digest_type = {
+ "digest",
+ 0, 0,
+static inline void
+algo_init(const rb_digest_metadata_t *algo, void *pctx)
+ if (algo->init_func(pctx) != 1) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Digest initialization failed.");
+ }
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_base_alloc(VALUE klass)
+ rb_digest_metadata_t *algo;
+ VALUE obj;
+ void *pctx;
+ if (klass == rb_cDigest_Base) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "Digest::Base is an abstract class");
+ }
+ algo = get_digest_base_metadata(klass);
+ pctx = xmalloc(algo->ctx_size);
+ algo_init(algo, pctx);
+ obj = TypedData_Wrap_Struct(klass, &digest_type, pctx);
+ return obj;
+/* :nodoc: */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_base_copy(VALUE copy, VALUE obj)
+ rb_digest_metadata_t *algo;
+ void *pctx1, *pctx2;
+ if (copy == obj) return copy;
+ rb_check_frozen(copy);
+ algo = get_digest_base_metadata(rb_obj_class(copy));
+ if (algo != get_digest_base_metadata(rb_obj_class(obj)))
+ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "different algorithms");
+ TypedData_Get_Struct(obj, void, &digest_type, pctx1);
+ TypedData_Get_Struct(copy, void, &digest_type, pctx2);
+ memcpy(pctx2, pctx1, algo->ctx_size);
+ return copy;
+/* :nodoc: */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_base_reset(VALUE self)
+ rb_digest_metadata_t *algo;
+ void *pctx;
+ algo = get_digest_base_metadata(rb_obj_class(self));
+ TypedData_Get_Struct(self, void, &digest_type, pctx);
+ algo_init(algo, pctx);
+ return self;
+/* :nodoc: */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_base_update(VALUE self, VALUE str)
+ rb_digest_metadata_t *algo;
+ void *pctx;
+ algo = get_digest_base_metadata(rb_obj_class(self));
+ TypedData_Get_Struct(self, void, &digest_type, pctx);
+ StringValue(str);
+ algo->update_func(pctx, (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str));
+ return self;
+/* :nodoc: */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_base_finish(VALUE self)
+ rb_digest_metadata_t *algo;
+ void *pctx;
+ VALUE str;
+ algo = get_digest_base_metadata(rb_obj_class(self));
+ TypedData_Get_Struct(self, void, &digest_type, pctx);
+ str = rb_str_new(0, algo->digest_len);
+ algo->finish_func(pctx, (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str));
+ /* avoid potential coredump caused by use of a finished context */
+ algo_init(algo, pctx);
+ return str;
+/* :nodoc: */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_base_digest_length(VALUE self)
+ rb_digest_metadata_t *algo;
+ algo = get_digest_base_metadata(rb_obj_class(self));
+ return INT2NUM(algo->digest_len);
+/* :nodoc: */
+static VALUE
+rb_digest_base_block_length(VALUE self)
+ rb_digest_metadata_t *algo;
+ algo = get_digest_base_metadata(rb_obj_class(self));
+ return INT2NUM(algo->block_len);
+ id_reset = rb_intern("reset");
+ id_update = rb_intern("update");
+ id_finish = rb_intern("finish");
+ id_digest = rb_intern("digest");
+ id_hexdigest = rb_intern("hexdigest");
+ id_digest_length = rb_intern("digest_length");
+ /*
+ * module Digest
+ */
+ rb_mDigest = rb_define_module("Digest");
+ /* module functions */
+ rb_define_module_function(rb_mDigest, "hexencode", rb_digest_s_hexencode, 1);
+ /*
+ * module Digest::Instance
+ */
+ rb_mDigest_Instance = rb_define_module_under(rb_mDigest, "Instance");
+ /* instance methods that should be overridden */
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "update", rb_digest_instance_update, 1);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "<<", rb_digest_instance_update, 1);
+ rb_define_private_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "finish", rb_digest_instance_finish, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "reset", rb_digest_instance_reset, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "digest_length", rb_digest_instance_digest_length, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "block_length", rb_digest_instance_block_length, 0);
+ /* instance methods that may be overridden */
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "==", rb_digest_instance_equal, 1);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "inspect", rb_digest_instance_inspect, 0);
+ /* instance methods that need not usually be overridden */
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "new", rb_digest_instance_new, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "digest", rb_digest_instance_digest, -1);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "digest!", rb_digest_instance_digest_bang, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "hexdigest", rb_digest_instance_hexdigest, -1);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "hexdigest!", rb_digest_instance_hexdigest_bang, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "to_s", rb_digest_instance_to_s, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "length", rb_digest_instance_length, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mDigest_Instance, "size", rb_digest_instance_length, 0);
+ /*
+ * class Digest::Class
+ */
+ rb_cDigest_Class = rb_define_class_under(rb_mDigest, "Class", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_method(rb_cDigest_Class, "initialize", rb_digest_class_init, 0);
+ rb_include_module(rb_cDigest_Class, rb_mDigest_Instance);
+ /* class methods */
+ rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cDigest_Class, "digest", rb_digest_class_s_digest, -1);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cDigest_Class, "hexdigest", rb_digest_class_s_hexdigest, -1);
+ id_metadata = rb_intern("metadata");
+ /* class Digest::Base < Digest::Class */
+ rb_cDigest_Base = rb_define_class_under(rb_mDigest, "Base", rb_cDigest_Class);
+ rb_define_alloc_func(rb_cDigest_Base, rb_digest_base_alloc);
+ rb_define_method(rb_cDigest_Base, "initialize_copy", rb_digest_base_copy, 1);
+ rb_define_method(rb_cDigest_Base, "reset", rb_digest_base_reset, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_cDigest_Base, "update", rb_digest_base_update, 1);
+ rb_define_method(rb_cDigest_Base, "<<", rb_digest_base_update, 1);
+ rb_define_private_method(rb_cDigest_Base, "finish", rb_digest_base_finish, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_cDigest_Base, "digest_length", rb_digest_base_digest_length, 0);
+ rb_define_method(rb_cDigest_Base, "block_length", rb_digest_base_block_length, 0);
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/digest.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/digest.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..528ce13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/digest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ digest.h - header file for ruby digest modules
+ $Author: nobu $
+ created at: Fri May 25 08:54:56 JST 2001
+ Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Akinori MUSHA
+ $RoughId: digest.h,v 1.3 2001/07/13 15:38:27 knu Exp $
+ $Id: digest.h 46826 2014-07-15 14:58:53Z nobu $
+#include "ruby.h"
+typedef int (*rb_digest_hash_init_func_t)(void *);
+typedef void (*rb_digest_hash_update_func_t)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t);
+typedef int (*rb_digest_hash_finish_func_t)(void *, unsigned char *);
+typedef struct {
+ int api_version;
+ size_t digest_len;
+ size_t block_len;
+ size_t ctx_size;
+ rb_digest_hash_init_func_t init_func;
+ rb_digest_hash_update_func_t update_func;
+ rb_digest_hash_finish_func_t finish_func;
+} rb_digest_metadata_t;
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/extconf.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/extconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda0cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/extconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#ifndef EXTCONF_H
+#define EXTCONF_H
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/extconf.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/extconf.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b94e54b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/extconf.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# $RoughId: extconf.rb,v 1.6 2001/07/13 15:38:27 knu Exp $
+# $Id: extconf.rb 25189 2009-10-02 12:04:37Z akr $
+require "mkmf"
+ "digest.h" => "$(HDRDIR)"
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/lib/digest.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/lib/digest.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef43c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/lib/digest.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+require ''
+module Digest
+ # A mutex for Digest().
+ def self.const_missing(name) # :nodoc:
+ case name
+ when :SHA256, :SHA384, :SHA512
+ lib = 'digest/'
+ else
+ lib = File.join('digest', name.to_s.downcase)
+ end
+ begin
+ require lib
+ rescue LoadError
+ raise LoadError, "library not found for class Digest::#{name} -- #{lib}", caller(1)
+ end
+ unless Digest.const_defined?(name)
+ raise NameError, "uninitialized constant Digest::#{name}", caller(1)
+ end
+ Digest.const_get(name)
+ end
+ class ::Digest::Class
+ # Creates a digest object and reads a given file, _name_.
+ # Optional arguments are passed to the constructor of the digest
+ # class.
+ #
+ # p Digest::SHA256.file("X11R6.8.2-src.tar.bz2").hexdigest
+ # # => "f02e3c85572dc9ad7cb77c2a638e3be24cc1b5bea9fdbb0b0299c9668475c534"
+ def self.file(name, *args)
+ new(*args).file(name)
+ end
+ # Returns the base64 encoded hash value of a given _string_. The
+ # return value is properly padded with '=' and contains no line
+ # feeds.
+ def self.base64digest(str, *args)
+ [digest(str, *args)].pack('m0')
+ end
+ end
+ module Instance
+ # Updates the digest with the contents of a given file _name_ and
+ # returns self.
+ def file(name)
+, "rb") {|f|
+ buf = ""
+ while, buf)
+ update buf
+ end
+ }
+ self
+ end
+ # If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest
+ # in a base64 encoded form, keeping the digest's state.
+ #
+ # If a +string+ is given, returns the hash value for the given
+ # +string+ in a base64 encoded form, resetting the digest to the
+ # initial state before and after the process.
+ #
+ # In either case, the return value is properly padded with '=' and
+ # contains no line feeds.
+ def base64digest(str = nil)
+ [str ? digest(str) : digest].pack('m0')
+ end
+ # Returns the resulting hash value and resets the digest to the
+ # initial state.
+ def base64digest!
+ [digest!].pack('m0')
+ end
+ end
+# call-seq:
+# Digest(name) -> digest_subclass
+# Returns a Digest subclass by +name+ in a thread-safe manner even
+# when on-demand loading is involved.
+# require 'digest'
+# Digest("MD5")
+# # => Digest::MD5
+# Digest(:SHA256)
+# # => Digest::SHA256
+# Digest(:Foo)
+# # => LoadError: library not found for class Digest::Foo -- digest/foo
+def Digest(name)
+ const = name.to_sym
+ Digest::REQUIRE_MUTEX.synchronize {
+ # Ignore autoload's because it is void when we have #const_missing
+ Digest.const_missing(const)
+ }
+rescue LoadError
+ # Constants do not necessarily rely on digest/*.
+ if Digest.const_defined?(const)
+ Digest.const_get(const)
+ else
+ raise
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/Makefile b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a85512a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# V=0 quiet, V=1 verbose. other values don't work.
+V = 0
+Q1 = $(V:1=)
+Q = $(Q1:0=@)
+ECHO1 = $(V:1=@:)
+ECHO = $(ECHO1:0=@echo)
+#### Start of system configuration section. ####
+top_srcdir = $(topdir)/.
+srcdir = $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/md5
+topdir = ../../..
+hdrdir = $(top_srcdir)/include
+arch_hdrdir = $(extout)/include/$(arch)
+VPATH = $(srcdir):$(arch_hdrdir)/ruby:$(hdrdir)/ruby
+prefix = $(DESTDIR)/usr/local
+rubysitearchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(arch)
+rubylibprefix = $(libdir)/$(RUBY_BASE_NAME)
+exec_prefix = $(prefix)
+vendorarchhdrdir = $(vendorhdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitearchhdrdir = $(sitehdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/$(arch)
+vendorhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/vendor_ruby
+sitehdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/site_ruby
+rubyhdrdir = $(includedir)/$(RUBY_VERSION_NAME)
+vendorarchdir = $(vendorlibdir)/$(sitearch)
+vendorlibdir = $(vendordir)/$(ruby_version)
+vendordir = $(rubylibprefix)/vendor_ruby
+sitearchdir = $(sitelibdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitelibdir = $(sitedir)/$(ruby_version)
+sitedir = $(rubylibprefix)/site_ruby
+rubyarchdir = $(rubylibdir)/$(arch)
+rubylibdir = $(rubylibprefix)/$(ruby_version)
+sitearchincludedir = $(includedir)/$(sitearch)
+archincludedir = $(includedir)/$(arch)
+sitearchlibdir = $(libdir)/$(sitearch)
+archlibdir = $(libdir)/$(arch)
+ridir = $(datarootdir)/$(RI_BASE_NAME)
+mandir = $(datarootdir)/man
+localedir = $(datarootdir)/locale
+libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
+psdir = $(docdir)
+pdfdir = $(docdir)
+dvidir = $(docdir)
+htmldir = $(docdir)
+infodir = $(datarootdir)/info
+docdir = $(datarootdir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)
+oldincludedir = $(DESTDIR)/usr/include
+includedir = $(prefix)/include
+localstatedir = $(prefix)/var
+sharedstatedir = $(prefix)/com
+sysconfdir = $(prefix)/etc
+datadir = $(datarootdir)
+datarootdir = $(prefix)/share
+libexecdir = $(exec_prefix)/libexec
+sbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbin
+bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
+archdir = $(rubyarchdir)
+CC = gcc
+CXX = g++
+LIBRUBY_A = lib$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static.a
+LIBRUBYARG_SHARED = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)
+LIBRUBYARG_STATIC = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static
+empty =
+OUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+COUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+RUBY_EXTCONF_H = extconf.h
+cflags = $(optflags) $(debugflags) $(warnflags)
+optflags = -O3 -fno-fast-math
+debugflags = -ggdb3
+warnflags = -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-long-long -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wunused-variable -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wdeprecated-declarations -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat -Werror=deprecated-declarations
+INCFLAGS = -I. -I$(arch_hdrdir) -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/..
+ldflags = -L. -fstack-protector -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic
+dldflags =
+DLDFLAGS = $(ldflags) $(dldflags) $(ARCH_FLAG)
+LDSHARED = $(CC) -shared
+LDSHAREDXX = $(CXX) -shared
+AR = ar
+RUBY_SO_NAME = ruby
+RUBY_VERSION_NAME = $(RUBY_BASE_NAME)-$(ruby_version)
+arch = x86_64-linux
+sitearch = $(arch)
+ruby_version = 2.2.0
+ruby = $(topdir)/miniruby -I'$(topdir)' -I'$(top_srcdir)/lib' -I'$(extout)/$(arch)' -I'$(extout)/common'
+RUBY = $(ruby)
+ruby_headers = $(hdrdir)/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+RM = rm -f
+RM_RF = $(RUBY) -run -e rm -- -rf
+RMDIRS = rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p
+MAKEDIRS = /bin/mkdir -p
+INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
+COPY = cp
+TOUCH = exit >
+#### End of system configuration section. ####
+preload = digest
+libpath = . $(topdir)
+LIBPATH = -L. -L$(topdir)
+CLEANFILES = mkmf.log
+extout = $(topdir)/.ext
+extout_prefix = $(extout)$(target_prefix)/
+target_prefix = /digest
+LIBS = $(LIBRUBYARG_SHARED) -lcrypto -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -lgmp -ldl -lcrypt -lm -lc
+ORIG_SRCS = md5ossl.c md5init.c md5.c
+SRCS = $(ORIG_SRCS) md5init.c md5ossl.c
+OBJS = md5init.o md5ossl.o
+HDRS = $(srcdir)/md5.h $(srcdir)/extconf.h $(srcdir)/md5ossl.h
+TARGET = md5
+TIMESTAMP_DIR = $(extout)/.timestamp
+BINDIR = $(extout)/bin
+RUBYCOMMONDIR = $(extout)/common
+RUBYLIBDIR = $(RUBYCOMMONDIR)$(target_prefix)
+RUBYARCHDIR = $(extout)/$(arch)$(target_prefix)
+HDRDIR = $(extout)/include/ruby$(target_prefix)
+ARCHHDRDIR = $(extout)/include/$(arch)/ruby$(target_prefix)
+CLEANOBJS = *.o *.bak
+all: install
+static: all
+.PHONY: all install static install-so install-rb
+.PHONY: clean clean-so clean-static clean-rb
+clean: clean-so clean-static clean-rb-default clean-rb
+distclean: clean distclean-so distclean-static distclean-rb-default distclean-rb
+ -$(Q)$(RM) Makefile $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H) conftest.* mkmf.log
+ -$(Q)$(RM) core ruby$(EXEEXT) *~ $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(DISTCLEANDIRS) 2> /dev/null || true
+realclean: distclean
+install: install-so install-rb
+install-so: $(RUBYARCHDIR)/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYARCHDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(STATIC_LIB)
+install-rb: pre-install-rb install-rb-default
+install-rb-default: pre-install-rb-default
+pre-install-rb: Makefile
+pre-install-rb-default: Makefile
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+site-install: site-install-so site-install-rb
+site-install-so: install-so
+site-install-rb: install-rb
+.SUFFIXES: .c .m .cc .mm .cxx .cpp .o .S
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) linking shared-object digest/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ $(ECHO) linking static-library $(@)
+ $(Q) $(AR) cru $@ $(OBJS)
+ -$(Q)ranlib $(@) 2> /dev/null || true
+md5.o: md5.c md5.h $(srcdir)/../defs.h
+md5init.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+md5init.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+md5init.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/digest.h
+md5init.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+md5init.o: md5init.c
+md5init.o: md5ossl.h
+md5ossl.o: md5ossl.c
+md5ossl.o: md5ossl.h
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/depend b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/depend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..288c30a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/depend
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+md5.o: md5.c md5.h $(srcdir)/../defs.h
+md5init.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+md5init.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+md5init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+md5init.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/digest.h
+md5init.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+md5init.o: md5init.c
+md5init.o: md5ossl.h
+md5ossl.o: md5ossl.c
+md5ossl.o: md5ossl.h
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/extconf.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/extconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..930d061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/extconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef EXTCONF_H
+#define EXTCONF_H
+#define HAVE_CONFIG_H 1
+#define HAVE_OPENSSL_MD5_H 1
+#define HAVE_SYS_CDEFS_H 1
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/extconf.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/extconf.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed4a8f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/extconf.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
+# $RoughId: extconf.rb,v 1.3 2001/08/14 19:54:51 knu Exp $
+# $Id: extconf.rb 47802 2014-10-05 02:03:55Z nobu $
+require "mkmf"
+$defs << "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H"
+$INCFLAGS << " -I$(srcdir)/.."
+$objs = [ "md5init.#{$OBJEXT}" ]
+if !with_config("bundled-md5") &&
+ (dir_config("openssl")
+ pkg_config("openssl")
+ require File.expand_path('../../../openssl/deprecation', __FILE__)
+ have_library("crypto")) &&
+ OpenSSL.check_func("MD5_Transform", "openssl/md5.h")
+ $objs << "md5ossl.#{$OBJEXT}"
+ $objs << "md5.#{$OBJEXT}"
+$preload = %w[digest]
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cd842b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5.c
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ L. Peter Deutsch
+ */
+ Independent implementation of MD5 (RFC 1321).
+ This code implements the MD5 Algorithm defined in RFC 1321.
+ It is derived directly from the text of the RFC and not from the
+ reference implementation.
+ The original and principal author of md5.c is L. Peter Deutsch
+ <>. Other authors are noted in the change history
+ that follows (in reverse chronological order):
+ 2000-07-03 lpd Patched to eliminate warnings about "constant is
+ unsigned in ANSI C, signed in traditional";
+ made test program self-checking.
+ 1999-11-04 lpd Edited comments slightly for automatic TOC extraction.
+ 1999-10-18 lpd Fixed typo in header comment (ansi2knr rather than md5).
+ 1999-05-03 lpd Original version.
+ */
+ This code was modified for use in Ruby.
+ - Akinori MUSHA <>
+ */
+/*$OrigId: md5c.c,v 1.2 2001/03/26 08:57:14 matz Exp $ */
+/*$RoughId: md5.c,v 1.2 2001/07/13 19:48:41 knu Exp $ */
+/*$Id: md5.c 47744 2014-09-30 05:25:32Z nobu $ */
+#include "md5.h"
+#ifdef TEST
+ * Compile with -DTEST to create a self-contained executable test program.
+ * The test program should print out the same values as given in section
+ * A.5 of RFC 1321, reproduced below.
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+ static const char *const test[7*2] = {
+ "", "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
+ "a", "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661",
+ "abc", "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72",
+ "message digest", "f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0",
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b",
+ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789",
+ "d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f",
+ "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a"
+ };
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 7*2; i += 2) {
+ MD5_CTX state;
+ uint8_t digest[16];
+ char hex_output[16*2 + 1];
+ int di;
+ MD5_Init(&state);
+ MD5_Update(&state, (const uint8_t *)test[i], strlen(test[i]));
+ MD5_Final(digest, &state);
+ printf("MD5 (\"%s\") = ", test[i]);
+ for (di = 0; di < 16; ++di)
+ sprintf(hex_output + di * 2, "%02x", digest[di]);
+ puts(hex_output);
+ if (strcmp(hex_output, test[i + 1]))
+ printf("**** ERROR, should be: %s\n", test[i + 1]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* TEST */
+ * For reference, here is the program that computed the T values.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+ int i;
+ for (i = 1; i <= 64; ++i) {
+ unsigned long v = (unsigned long)(4294967296.0 * fabs(sin((double)i)));
+ /*
+ * The following nonsense is only to avoid compiler warnings about
+ * "integer constant is unsigned in ANSI C, signed with -traditional".
+ */
+ if (v >> 31) {
+ printf("#define T%d /* 0x%08lx */ (T_MASK ^ 0x%08lx)\n", i,
+ v, (unsigned long)(unsigned int)(~v));
+ } else {
+ printf("#define T%d 0x%08lx\n", i, v);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* COMPUTE_T_VALUES */
+ * End of T computation program.
+ */
+#ifdef T_MASK
+#undef T_MASK
+#define T_MASK ((uint32_t)~0)
+#define T1 /* 0xd76aa478 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x28955b87)
+#define T2 /* 0xe8c7b756 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x173848a9)
+#define T3 0x242070db
+#define T4 /* 0xc1bdceee */ (T_MASK ^ 0x3e423111)
+#define T5 /* 0xf57c0faf */ (T_MASK ^ 0x0a83f050)
+#define T6 0x4787c62a
+#define T7 /* 0xa8304613 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x57cfb9ec)
+#define T8 /* 0xfd469501 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x02b96afe)
+#define T9 0x698098d8
+#define T10 /* 0x8b44f7af */ (T_MASK ^ 0x74bb0850)
+#define T11 /* 0xffff5bb1 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x0000a44e)
+#define T12 /* 0x895cd7be */ (T_MASK ^ 0x76a32841)
+#define T13 0x6b901122
+#define T14 /* 0xfd987193 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x02678e6c)
+#define T15 /* 0xa679438e */ (T_MASK ^ 0x5986bc71)
+#define T16 0x49b40821
+#define T17 /* 0xf61e2562 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x09e1da9d)
+#define T18 /* 0xc040b340 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x3fbf4cbf)
+#define T19 0x265e5a51
+#define T20 /* 0xe9b6c7aa */ (T_MASK ^ 0x16493855)
+#define T21 /* 0xd62f105d */ (T_MASK ^ 0x29d0efa2)
+#define T22 0x02441453
+#define T23 /* 0xd8a1e681 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x275e197e)
+#define T24 /* 0xe7d3fbc8 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x182c0437)
+#define T25 0x21e1cde6
+#define T26 /* 0xc33707d6 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x3cc8f829)
+#define T27 /* 0xf4d50d87 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x0b2af278)
+#define T28 0x455a14ed
+#define T29 /* 0xa9e3e905 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x561c16fa)
+#define T30 /* 0xfcefa3f8 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x03105c07)
+#define T31 0x676f02d9
+#define T32 /* 0x8d2a4c8a */ (T_MASK ^ 0x72d5b375)
+#define T33 /* 0xfffa3942 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x0005c6bd)
+#define T34 /* 0x8771f681 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x788e097e)
+#define T35 0x6d9d6122
+#define T36 /* 0xfde5380c */ (T_MASK ^ 0x021ac7f3)
+#define T37 /* 0xa4beea44 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x5b4115bb)
+#define T38 0x4bdecfa9
+#define T39 /* 0xf6bb4b60 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x0944b49f)
+#define T40 /* 0xbebfbc70 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x4140438f)
+#define T41 0x289b7ec6
+#define T42 /* 0xeaa127fa */ (T_MASK ^ 0x155ed805)
+#define T43 /* 0xd4ef3085 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x2b10cf7a)
+#define T44 0x04881d05
+#define T45 /* 0xd9d4d039 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x262b2fc6)
+#define T46 /* 0xe6db99e5 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x1924661a)
+#define T47 0x1fa27cf8
+#define T48 /* 0xc4ac5665 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x3b53a99a)
+#define T49 /* 0xf4292244 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x0bd6ddbb)
+#define T50 0x432aff97
+#define T51 /* 0xab9423a7 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x546bdc58)
+#define T52 /* 0xfc93a039 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x036c5fc6)
+#define T53 0x655b59c3
+#define T54 /* 0x8f0ccc92 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x70f3336d)
+#define T55 /* 0xffeff47d */ (T_MASK ^ 0x00100b82)
+#define T56 /* 0x85845dd1 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x7a7ba22e)
+#define T57 0x6fa87e4f
+#define T58 /* 0xfe2ce6e0 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x01d3191f)
+#define T59 /* 0xa3014314 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x5cfebceb)
+#define T60 0x4e0811a1
+#define T61 /* 0xf7537e82 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x08ac817d)
+#define T62 /* 0xbd3af235 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x42c50dca)
+#define T63 0x2ad7d2bb
+#define T64 /* 0xeb86d391 */ (T_MASK ^ 0x14792c6e)
+static void
+md5_process(MD5_CTX *pms, const uint8_t *data /*[64]*/)
+ uint32_t
+ a = pms->state[0], b = pms->state[1],
+ c = pms->state[2], d = pms->state[3];
+ uint32_t t;
+ /*
+ * On big-endian machines, we must arrange the bytes in the right
+ * order. (This also works on machines of unknown byte order.)
+ */
+ uint32_t X[16];
+ const uint8_t *xp = data;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i, xp += 4)
+ X[i] = xp[0] + (xp[1] << 8) + (xp[2] << 16) + (xp[3] << 24);
+ /*
+ * On little-endian machines, we can process properly aligned data
+ * without copying it.
+ */
+ uint32_t xbuf[16];
+ const uint32_t *X;
+ if (!((data - (const uint8_t *)0) & 3)) {
+ /* data are properly aligned */
+ X = (const uint32_t *)data;
+ } else {
+ /* not aligned */
+ memcpy(xbuf, data, 64);
+ X = xbuf;
+ }
+#define ROTATE_LEFT(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32 - (n))))
+ /* Round 1. */
+ /* Let [abcd k s i] denote the operation
+ a = b + ((a + F(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
+#define F(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) | (~(x) & (z)))
+#define SET(a, b, c, d, k, s, Ti)\
+ t = a + F(b,c,d) + X[k] + Ti;\
+ a = ROTATE_LEFT(t, s) + b
+ /* Do the following 16 operations. */
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 0, 7, T1);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 1, 12, T2);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 2, 17, T3);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 3, 22, T4);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 4, 7, T5);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 5, 12, T6);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 6, 17, T7);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 7, 22, T8);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 8, 7, T9);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 9, 12, T10);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 10, 17, T11);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 11, 22, T12);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 12, 7, T13);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 13, 12, T14);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 14, 17, T15);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 15, 22, T16);
+#undef SET
+ /* Round 2. */
+ /* Let [abcd k s i] denote the operation
+ a = b + ((a + G(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
+#define G(x, y, z) (((x) & (z)) | ((y) & ~(z)))
+#define SET(a, b, c, d, k, s, Ti)\
+ t = a + G(b,c,d) + X[k] + Ti;\
+ a = ROTATE_LEFT(t, s) + b
+ /* Do the following 16 operations. */
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 1, 5, T17);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 6, 9, T18);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 11, 14, T19);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 0, 20, T20);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 5, 5, T21);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 10, 9, T22);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 15, 14, T23);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 4, 20, T24);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 9, 5, T25);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 14, 9, T26);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 3, 14, T27);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 8, 20, T28);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 13, 5, T29);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 2, 9, T30);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 7, 14, T31);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 12, 20, T32);
+#undef SET
+ /* Round 3. */
+ /* Let [abcd k s t] denote the operation
+ a = b + ((a + H(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
+#define H(x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))
+#define SET(a, b, c, d, k, s, Ti)\
+ t = a + H(b,c,d) + X[k] + Ti;\
+ a = ROTATE_LEFT(t, s) + b
+ /* Do the following 16 operations. */
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 5, 4, T33);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 8, 11, T34);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 11, 16, T35);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 14, 23, T36);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 1, 4, T37);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 4, 11, T38);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 7, 16, T39);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 10, 23, T40);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 13, 4, T41);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 0, 11, T42);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 3, 16, T43);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 6, 23, T44);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 9, 4, T45);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 12, 11, T46);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 15, 16, T47);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 2, 23, T48);
+#undef SET
+ /* Round 4. */
+ /* Let [abcd k s t] denote the operation
+ a = b + ((a + I(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
+#define I(x, y, z) ((y) ^ ((x) | ~(z)))
+#define SET(a, b, c, d, k, s, Ti)\
+ t = a + I(b,c,d) + X[k] + Ti;\
+ a = ROTATE_LEFT(t, s) + b
+ /* Do the following 16 operations. */
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 0, 6, T49);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 7, 10, T50);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 14, 15, T51);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 5, 21, T52);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 12, 6, T53);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 3, 10, T54);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 10, 15, T55);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 1, 21, T56);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 8, 6, T57);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 15, 10, T58);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 6, 15, T59);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 13, 21, T60);
+ SET(a, b, c, d, 4, 6, T61);
+ SET(d, a, b, c, 11, 10, T62);
+ SET(c, d, a, b, 2, 15, T63);
+ SET(b, c, d, a, 9, 21, T64);
+#undef SET
+ /* Then perform the following additions. (That is increment each
+ of the four registers by the value it had before this block
+ was started.) */
+ pms->state[0] += a;
+ pms->state[1] += b;
+ pms->state[2] += c;
+ pms->state[3] += d;
+MD5_Init(MD5_CTX *pms)
+ pms->count[0] = pms->count[1] = 0;
+ pms->state[0] = 0x67452301;
+ pms->state[1] = /*0xefcdab89*/ T_MASK ^ 0x10325476;
+ pms->state[2] = /*0x98badcfe*/ T_MASK ^ 0x67452301;
+ pms->state[3] = 0x10325476;
+ return 1;
+MD5_Update(MD5_CTX *pms, const uint8_t *data, size_t nbytes)
+ const uint8_t *p = data;
+ size_t left = nbytes;
+ size_t offset = (pms->count[0] >> 3) & 63;
+ uint32_t nbits = (uint32_t)(nbytes << 3);
+ if (nbytes == 0)
+ return;
+ /* Update the message length. */
+ pms->count[1] += nbytes >> 29;
+ pms->count[0] += nbits;
+ if (pms->count[0] < nbits)
+ pms->count[1]++;
+ /* Process an initial partial block. */
+ if (offset) {
+ size_t copy = (offset + nbytes > 64 ? 64 - offset : nbytes);
+ memcpy(pms->buffer + offset, p, copy);
+ if (offset + copy < 64)
+ return;
+ p += copy;
+ left -= copy;
+ md5_process(pms, pms->buffer);
+ }
+ /* Process full blocks. */
+ for (; left >= 64; p += 64, left -= 64)
+ md5_process(pms, p);
+ /* Process a final partial block. */
+ if (left)
+ memcpy(pms->buffer, p, left);
+MD5_Finish(MD5_CTX *pms, uint8_t *digest)
+ static const uint8_t pad[64] = {
+ 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ };
+ uint8_t data[8];
+ size_t i;
+ /* Save the length before padding. */
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ data[i] = (uint8_t)(pms->count[i >> 2] >> ((i & 3) << 3));
+ /* Pad to 56 bytes mod 64. */
+ MD5_Update(pms, pad, ((55 - (pms->count[0] >> 3)) & 63) + 1);
+ /* Append the length. */
+ MD5_Update(pms, data, 8);
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
+ digest[i] = (uint8_t)(pms->state[i >> 2] >> ((i & 3) << 3));
+ return 1;
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25850fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1999 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ L. Peter Deutsch
+ */
+ Independent implementation of MD5 (RFC 1321).
+ This code implements the MD5 Algorithm defined in RFC 1321.
+ It is derived directly from the text of the RFC and not from the
+ reference implementation.
+ The original and principal author of md5.h is L. Peter Deutsch
+ <>. Other authors are noted in the change history
+ that follows (in reverse chronological order):
+ 1999-11-04 lpd Edited comments slightly for automatic TOC extraction.
+ 1999-10-18 lpd Fixed typo in header comment (ansi2knr rather than md5);
+ added conditionalization for C++ compilation from Martin
+ Purschke <>.
+ 1999-05-03 lpd Original version.
+ */
+/* $OrigId: md5.h,v 1.2 2001/03/26 08:57:14 matz Exp $ */
+/* $RoughId: md5.h,v 1.3 2002/02/24 08:14:31 knu Exp $ */
+/* $Id: md5.h 46827 2014-07-15 14:59:20Z nobu $ */
+#ifndef MD5_INCLUDED
+# define MD5_INCLUDED
+#include "defs.h"
+ * This code has some adaptations for the Ghostscript environment, but it
+ * will compile and run correctly in any environment with 8-bit chars and
+ * 32-bit ints. Specifically, it assumes that if the following are
+ * defined, they have the same meaning as in Ghostscript: P1, P2, P3.
+ */
+/* Define the state of the MD5 Algorithm. */
+typedef struct md5_state_s {
+ uint32_t count[2]; /* message length in bits, lsw first */
+ uint32_t state[4]; /* digest buffer */
+ uint8_t buffer[64]; /* accumulate block */
+} MD5_CTX;
+#ifdef RUBY
+/* avoid name clash */
+#define MD5_Init rb_Digest_MD5_Init
+#define MD5_Update rb_Digest_MD5_Update
+#define MD5_Finish rb_Digest_MD5_Finish
+int MD5_Init _((MD5_CTX *pms));
+void MD5_Update _((MD5_CTX *pms, const uint8_t *data, size_t nbytes));
+int MD5_Finish _((MD5_CTX *pms, uint8_t *digest));
+#define MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH 64
+#define MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 16
+#endif /* MD5_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5init.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5init.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f31a223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* $RoughId: md5init.c,v 1.2 2001/07/13 19:49:10 knu Exp $ */
+/* $Id: md5init.c 47745 2014-09-30 08:29:02Z nobu $ */
+#include "digest.h"
+#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL_MD5_H)
+#include "md5ossl.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+static const rb_digest_metadata_t md5 = {
+ sizeof(MD5_CTX),
+ (rb_digest_hash_init_func_t)MD5_Init,
+ (rb_digest_hash_update_func_t)MD5_Update,
+ (rb_digest_hash_finish_func_t)MD5_Finish,
+ * A class for calculating message digests using the MD5
+ * Message-Digest Algorithm by RSA Data Security, Inc., described in
+ * RFC1321.
+ */
+ VALUE mDigest, cDigest_Base, cDigest_MD5;
+ rb_require("digest");
+#if 0
+ mDigest = rb_define_module("Digest"); /* let rdoc know */
+ mDigest = rb_path2class("Digest");
+ cDigest_Base = rb_path2class("Digest::Base");
+ cDigest_MD5 = rb_define_class_under(mDigest, "MD5", cDigest_Base);
+ rb_ivar_set(cDigest_MD5, rb_intern("metadata"),
+ Data_Wrap_Struct(0, 0, 0, (void *)&md5));
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f08241e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+/* $Id: md5ossl.c 46829 2014-07-15 15:43:03Z nobu $ */
+#include "md5ossl.h"
+MD5_Finish(MD5_CTX *pctx, unsigned char *digest)
+ MD5_Final(digest, pctx);
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7523038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/* $Id: md5ossl.h 46829 2014-07-15 15:43:03Z nobu $ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <openssl/md5.h>
+void MD5_Finish(MD5_CTX *pctx, unsigned char *digest);
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/Makefile b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86c5ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# V=0 quiet, V=1 verbose. other values don't work.
+V = 0
+Q1 = $(V:1=)
+Q = $(Q1:0=@)
+ECHO1 = $(V:1=@:)
+ECHO = $(ECHO1:0=@echo)
+#### Start of system configuration section. ####
+top_srcdir = $(topdir)/.
+srcdir = $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/rmd160
+topdir = ../../..
+hdrdir = $(top_srcdir)/include
+arch_hdrdir = $(extout)/include/$(arch)
+VPATH = $(srcdir):$(arch_hdrdir)/ruby:$(hdrdir)/ruby
+prefix = $(DESTDIR)/usr/local
+rubysitearchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(arch)
+rubylibprefix = $(libdir)/$(RUBY_BASE_NAME)
+exec_prefix = $(prefix)
+vendorarchhdrdir = $(vendorhdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitearchhdrdir = $(sitehdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/$(arch)
+vendorhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/vendor_ruby
+sitehdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/site_ruby
+rubyhdrdir = $(includedir)/$(RUBY_VERSION_NAME)
+vendorarchdir = $(vendorlibdir)/$(sitearch)
+vendorlibdir = $(vendordir)/$(ruby_version)
+vendordir = $(rubylibprefix)/vendor_ruby
+sitearchdir = $(sitelibdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitelibdir = $(sitedir)/$(ruby_version)
+sitedir = $(rubylibprefix)/site_ruby
+rubyarchdir = $(rubylibdir)/$(arch)
+rubylibdir = $(rubylibprefix)/$(ruby_version)
+sitearchincludedir = $(includedir)/$(sitearch)
+archincludedir = $(includedir)/$(arch)
+sitearchlibdir = $(libdir)/$(sitearch)
+archlibdir = $(libdir)/$(arch)
+ridir = $(datarootdir)/$(RI_BASE_NAME)
+mandir = $(datarootdir)/man
+localedir = $(datarootdir)/locale
+libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
+psdir = $(docdir)
+pdfdir = $(docdir)
+dvidir = $(docdir)
+htmldir = $(docdir)
+infodir = $(datarootdir)/info
+docdir = $(datarootdir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)
+oldincludedir = $(DESTDIR)/usr/include
+includedir = $(prefix)/include
+localstatedir = $(prefix)/var
+sharedstatedir = $(prefix)/com
+sysconfdir = $(prefix)/etc
+datadir = $(datarootdir)
+datarootdir = $(prefix)/share
+libexecdir = $(exec_prefix)/libexec
+sbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbin
+bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
+archdir = $(rubyarchdir)
+CC = gcc
+CXX = g++
+LIBRUBY_A = lib$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static.a
+LIBRUBYARG_SHARED = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)
+LIBRUBYARG_STATIC = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static
+empty =
+OUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+COUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+RUBY_EXTCONF_H = extconf.h
+cflags = $(optflags) $(debugflags) $(warnflags)
+optflags = -O3 -fno-fast-math
+debugflags = -ggdb3
+warnflags = -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-long-long -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wunused-variable -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wdeprecated-declarations -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat
+INCFLAGS = -I. -I$(arch_hdrdir) -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/..
+ldflags = -L. -fstack-protector -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic
+dldflags =
+DLDFLAGS = $(ldflags) $(dldflags) $(ARCH_FLAG)
+LDSHARED = $(CC) -shared
+LDSHAREDXX = $(CXX) -shared
+AR = ar
+RUBY_SO_NAME = ruby
+RUBY_VERSION_NAME = $(RUBY_BASE_NAME)-$(ruby_version)
+arch = x86_64-linux
+sitearch = $(arch)
+ruby_version = 2.2.0
+ruby = $(topdir)/miniruby -I'$(topdir)' -I'$(top_srcdir)/lib' -I'$(extout)/$(arch)' -I'$(extout)/common'
+RUBY = $(ruby)
+ruby_headers = $(hdrdir)/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+RM = rm -f
+RM_RF = $(RUBY) -run -e rm -- -rf
+RMDIRS = rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p
+MAKEDIRS = /bin/mkdir -p
+INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
+COPY = cp
+TOUCH = exit >
+#### End of system configuration section. ####
+preload = digest
+libpath = . $(topdir)
+LIBPATH = -L. -L$(topdir)
+CLEANFILES = mkmf.log
+extout = $(topdir)/.ext
+extout_prefix = $(extout)$(target_prefix)/
+target_prefix = /digest
+LIBS = $(LIBRUBYARG_SHARED) -lcrypto -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -lgmp -ldl -lcrypt -lm -lc
+ORIG_SRCS = rmd160init.c rmd160.c rmd160ossl.c
+SRCS = $(ORIG_SRCS) rmd160init.c rmd160ossl.c
+OBJS = rmd160init.o rmd160ossl.o
+HDRS = $(srcdir)/rmd160.h $(srcdir)/rmd160ossl.h $(srcdir)/extconf.h
+TARGET = rmd160
+TARGET_NAME = rmd160
+TIMESTAMP_DIR = $(extout)/.timestamp
+BINDIR = $(extout)/bin
+RUBYCOMMONDIR = $(extout)/common
+RUBYLIBDIR = $(RUBYCOMMONDIR)$(target_prefix)
+RUBYARCHDIR = $(extout)/$(arch)$(target_prefix)
+HDRDIR = $(extout)/include/ruby$(target_prefix)
+ARCHHDRDIR = $(extout)/include/$(arch)/ruby$(target_prefix)
+CLEANOBJS = *.o *.bak
+all: install
+static: all
+.PHONY: all install static install-so install-rb
+.PHONY: clean clean-so clean-static clean-rb
+clean: clean-so clean-static clean-rb-default clean-rb
+distclean: clean distclean-so distclean-static distclean-rb-default distclean-rb
+ -$(Q)$(RM) Makefile $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H) conftest.* mkmf.log
+ -$(Q)$(RM) core ruby$(EXEEXT) *~ $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(DISTCLEANDIRS) 2> /dev/null || true
+realclean: distclean
+install: install-so install-rb
+install-so: $(RUBYARCHDIR)/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYARCHDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(STATIC_LIB)
+install-rb: pre-install-rb install-rb-default
+install-rb-default: pre-install-rb-default
+pre-install-rb: Makefile
+pre-install-rb-default: Makefile
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+site-install: site-install-so site-install-rb
+site-install-so: install-so
+site-install-rb: install-rb
+.SUFFIXES: .c .m .cc .mm .cxx .cpp .o .S
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) linking shared-object digest/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ $(ECHO) linking static-library $(@)
+ $(Q) $(AR) cru $@ $(OBJS)
+ -$(Q)ranlib $(@) 2> /dev/null || true
+rmd160.o: rmd160.c rmd160.h $(srcdir)/../defs.h $(HDRS) $(ruby_headers)
+rmd160init.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+rmd160init.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+rmd160init.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/digest.h
+rmd160init.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+rmd160init.o: rmd160init.c
+rmd160init.o: rmd160ossl.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+rmd160ossl.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/defs.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+rmd160ossl.o: rmd160ossl.c
+rmd160ossl.o: rmd160ossl.h
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/depend b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/depend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49cf2af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/depend
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+rmd160.o: rmd160.c rmd160.h $(srcdir)/../defs.h $(HDRS) $(ruby_headers)
+rmd160init.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+rmd160init.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+rmd160init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+rmd160init.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/digest.h
+rmd160init.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+rmd160init.o: rmd160init.c
+rmd160init.o: rmd160ossl.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+rmd160ossl.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/defs.h
+rmd160ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+rmd160ossl.o: rmd160ossl.c
+rmd160ossl.o: rmd160ossl.h
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/extconf.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/extconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcacaee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/extconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#ifndef EXTCONF_H
+#define EXTCONF_H
+#define NDEBUG 1
+#define HAVE_CONFIG_H 1
+#define HAVE_SYS_CDEFS_H 1
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/extconf.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/extconf.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b870e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/extconf.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
+# $RoughId: extconf.rb,v 1.3 2001/08/14 19:54:51 knu Exp $
+# $Id: extconf.rb 47802 2014-10-05 02:03:55Z nobu $
+require "mkmf"
+$defs << "-DNDEBUG" << "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H"
+$INCFLAGS << " -I$(srcdir)/.."
+$objs = [ "rmd160init.#{$OBJEXT}" ]
+if !with_config("bundled-rmd160") &&
+ (dir_config("openssl")
+ pkg_config("openssl")
+ require File.expand_path('../../../openssl/deprecation', __FILE__)
+ have_library("crypto")) &&
+ OpenSSL.check_func("RIPEMD160_Transform", "openssl/ripemd.h")
+ $objs << "rmd160ossl.#{$OBJEXT}"
+ $objs << "rmd160.#{$OBJEXT}"
+$preload = %w[digest]
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b834f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160.c
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+/* $NetBSD: rmd160.c,v 2001/03/06 11:21:05 agc Exp $ */
+/* $RoughId: rmd160.c,v 1.2 2001/07/13 19:49:10 knu Exp $ */
+/* $Id: rmd160.c 46827 2014-07-15 14:59:20Z nobu $ */
+ *
+ * FILE: rmd160.c
+ *
+ * CONTENTS: A sample C-implementation of the RIPEMD-160
+ * hash-function.
+ * TARGET: any computer with an ANSI C compiler
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Antoon Bosselaers, ESAT-COSIC
+ * (Arranged for libc by Todd C. Miller)
+ * DATE: 1 March 1996
+ * VERSION: 1.0
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
+ * 1996, All Rights Reserved
+ *
+#include "rmd160.h"
+#ifndef lint
+/* __RCSID("$NetBSD: rmd160.c,v 2001/03/06 11:21:05 agc Exp $"); */
+#endif /* not lint */
+/* header files */
+#include <sys/endian.h>
+#include <machine/endian.h>
+/* #include "namespace.h" */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifndef _DIAGASSERT
+#define _DIAGASSERT(cond) assert(cond)
+/* macro definitions */
+/* collect four bytes into one word: */
+#define BYTES_TO_DWORD(strptr) \
+ (((uint32_t) *((strptr)+3) << 24) | \
+ ((uint32_t) *((strptr)+2) << 16) | \
+ ((uint32_t) *((strptr)+1) << 8) | \
+ ((uint32_t) *(strptr)))
+/* ROL(x, n) cyclically rotates x over n bits to the left */
+/* x must be of an unsigned 32 bits type and 0 <= n < 32. */
+#define ROL(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32-(n))))
+/* the three basic functions F(), G() and H() */
+#define F(x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))
+#define G(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) | (~(x) & (z)))
+#define H(x, y, z) (((x) | ~(y)) ^ (z))
+#define I(x, y, z) (((x) & (z)) | ((y) & ~(z)))
+#define J(x, y, z) ((x) ^ ((y) | ~(z)))
+/* the eight basic operations FF() through III() */
+#define FF(a, b, c, d, e, x, s) { \
+ (a) += F((b), (c), (d)) + (x); \
+ (a) = ROL((a), (s)) + (e); \
+ (c) = ROL((c), 10); \
+#define GG(a, b, c, d, e, x, s) { \
+ (a) += G((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + 0x5a827999U; \
+ (a) = ROL((a), (s)) + (e); \
+ (c) = ROL((c), 10); \
+#define HH(a, b, c, d, e, x, s) { \
+ (a) += H((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + 0x6ed9eba1U; \
+ (a) = ROL((a), (s)) + (e); \
+ (c) = ROL((c), 10); \
+#define II(a, b, c, d, e, x, s) { \
+ (a) += I((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + 0x8f1bbcdcU; \
+ (a) = ROL((a), (s)) + (e); \
+ (c) = ROL((c), 10); \
+#define JJ(a, b, c, d, e, x, s) { \
+ (a) += J((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + 0xa953fd4eU; \
+ (a) = ROL((a), (s)) + (e); \
+ (c) = ROL((c), 10); \
+#define FFF(a, b, c, d, e, x, s) { \
+ (a) += F((b), (c), (d)) + (x); \
+ (a) = ROL((a), (s)) + (e); \
+ (c) = ROL((c), 10); \
+#define GGG(a, b, c, d, e, x, s) { \
+ (a) += G((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + 0x7a6d76e9U; \
+ (a) = ROL((a), (s)) + (e); \
+ (c) = ROL((c), 10); \
+#define HHH(a, b, c, d, e, x, s) { \
+ (a) += H((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + 0x6d703ef3U; \
+ (a) = ROL((a), (s)) + (e); \
+ (c) = ROL((c), 10); \
+#define III(a, b, c, d, e, x, s) { \
+ (a) += I((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + 0x5c4dd124U; \
+ (a) = ROL((a), (s)) + (e); \
+ (c) = ROL((c), 10); \
+#define JJJ(a, b, c, d, e, x, s) { \
+ (a) += J((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + 0x50a28be6U; \
+ (a) = ROL((a), (s)) + (e); \
+ (c) = ROL((c), 10); \
+RMD160_Init(RMD160_CTX *context)
+ _DIAGASSERT(context != NULL);
+ /* ripemd-160 initialization constants */
+ context->state[0] = 0x67452301U;
+ context->state[1] = 0xefcdab89U;
+ context->state[2] = 0x98badcfeU;
+ context->state[3] = 0x10325476U;
+ context->state[4] = 0xc3d2e1f0U;
+ context->length[0] = context->length[1] = 0;
+ context->buflen = 0;
+ return 1;
+RMD160_Transform(uint32_t state[5], const uint32_t block[16])
+ uint32_t aa, bb, cc, dd, ee;
+ uint32_t aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee;
+ _DIAGASSERT(state != NULL);
+ _DIAGASSERT(block != NULL);
+ aa = aaa = state[0];
+ bb = bbb = state[1];
+ cc = ccc = state[2];
+ dd = ddd = state[3];
+ ee = eee = state[4];
+ /* round 1 */
+ FF(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[ 0], 11);
+ FF(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 1], 14);
+ FF(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 2], 15);
+ FF(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 3], 12);
+ FF(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[ 4], 5);
+ FF(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[ 5], 8);
+ FF(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 6], 7);
+ FF(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 7], 9);
+ FF(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 8], 11);
+ FF(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[ 9], 13);
+ FF(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[10], 14);
+ FF(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[11], 15);
+ FF(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[12], 6);
+ FF(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[13], 7);
+ FF(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[14], 9);
+ FF(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[15], 8);
+ /* round 2 */
+ GG(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 7], 7);
+ GG(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 4], 6);
+ GG(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[13], 8);
+ GG(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[ 1], 13);
+ GG(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[10], 11);
+ GG(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 6], 9);
+ GG(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[15], 7);
+ GG(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 3], 15);
+ GG(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[12], 7);
+ GG(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[ 0], 12);
+ GG(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 9], 15);
+ GG(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 5], 9);
+ GG(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 2], 11);
+ GG(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[14], 7);
+ GG(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[11], 13);
+ GG(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 8], 12);
+ /* round 3 */
+ HH(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 3], 11);
+ HH(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[10], 13);
+ HH(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[14], 6);
+ HH(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[ 4], 7);
+ HH(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 9], 14);
+ HH(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[15], 9);
+ HH(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 8], 13);
+ HH(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[ 1], 15);
+ HH(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[ 2], 14);
+ HH(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 7], 8);
+ HH(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 0], 13);
+ HH(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 6], 6);
+ HH(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[13], 5);
+ HH(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[11], 12);
+ HH(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 5], 7);
+ HH(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[12], 5);
+ /* round 4 */
+ II(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 1], 11);
+ II(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[ 9], 12);
+ II(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[11], 14);
+ II(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[10], 15);
+ II(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 0], 14);
+ II(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 8], 15);
+ II(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[12], 9);
+ II(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[ 4], 8);
+ II(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[13], 9);
+ II(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 3], 14);
+ II(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 7], 5);
+ II(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[15], 6);
+ II(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[14], 8);
+ II(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 5], 6);
+ II(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 6], 5);
+ II(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 2], 12);
+ /* round 5 */
+ JJ(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[ 4], 9);
+ JJ(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[ 0], 15);
+ JJ(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[ 5], 5);
+ JJ(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 9], 11);
+ JJ(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 7], 6);
+ JJ(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[12], 8);
+ JJ(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[ 2], 13);
+ JJ(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[10], 12);
+ JJ(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[14], 5);
+ JJ(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[ 1], 12);
+ JJ(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[ 3], 13);
+ JJ(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, block[ 8], 14);
+ JJ(ee, aa, bb, cc, dd, block[11], 11);
+ JJ(dd, ee, aa, bb, cc, block[ 6], 8);
+ JJ(cc, dd, ee, aa, bb, block[15], 5);
+ JJ(bb, cc, dd, ee, aa, block[13], 6);
+ /* parallel round 1 */
+ JJJ(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[ 5], 8);
+ JJJ(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[14], 9);
+ JJJ(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[ 7], 9);
+ JJJ(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 0], 11);
+ JJJ(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[ 9], 13);
+ JJJ(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[ 2], 15);
+ JJJ(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[11], 15);
+ JJJ(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[ 4], 5);
+ JJJ(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[13], 7);
+ JJJ(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[ 6], 7);
+ JJJ(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[15], 8);
+ JJJ(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 8], 11);
+ JJJ(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[ 1], 14);
+ JJJ(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[10], 14);
+ JJJ(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[ 3], 12);
+ JJJ(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[12], 6);
+ /* parallel round 2 */
+ III(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 6], 9);
+ III(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[11], 13);
+ III(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 3], 15);
+ III(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[ 7], 7);
+ III(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[ 0], 12);
+ III(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[13], 8);
+ III(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[ 5], 9);
+ III(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[10], 11);
+ III(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[14], 7);
+ III(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[15], 7);
+ III(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 8], 12);
+ III(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[12], 7);
+ III(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 4], 6);
+ III(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[ 9], 15);
+ III(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[ 1], 13);
+ III(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 2], 11);
+ /* parallel round 3 */
+ HHH(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[15], 9);
+ HHH(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 5], 7);
+ HHH(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[ 1], 15);
+ HHH(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[ 3], 11);
+ HHH(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 7], 8);
+ HHH(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[14], 6);
+ HHH(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 6], 6);
+ HHH(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[ 9], 14);
+ HHH(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[11], 12);
+ HHH(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 8], 13);
+ HHH(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[12], 5);
+ HHH(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 2], 14);
+ HHH(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[10], 13);
+ HHH(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[ 0], 13);
+ HHH(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 4], 7);
+ HHH(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[13], 5);
+ /* parallel round 4 */
+ GGG(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 8], 15);
+ GGG(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[ 6], 5);
+ GGG(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[ 4], 8);
+ GGG(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 1], 11);
+ GGG(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[ 3], 14);
+ GGG(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[11], 14);
+ GGG(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[15], 6);
+ GGG(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[ 0], 14);
+ GGG(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 5], 6);
+ GGG(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[12], 9);
+ GGG(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 2], 12);
+ GGG(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[13], 9);
+ GGG(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[ 9], 12);
+ GGG(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 7], 5);
+ GGG(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[10], 15);
+ GGG(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[14], 8);
+ /* parallel round 5 */
+ FFF(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[12] , 8);
+ FFF(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[15] , 5);
+ FFF(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[10] , 12);
+ FFF(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[ 4] , 9);
+ FFF(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 1] , 12);
+ FFF(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[ 5] , 5);
+ FFF(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[ 8] , 14);
+ FFF(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 7] , 6);
+ FFF(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[ 6] , 8);
+ FFF(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 2] , 13);
+ FFF(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[13] , 6);
+ FFF(aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, block[14] , 5);
+ FFF(eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, block[ 0] , 15);
+ FFF(ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, ccc, block[ 3] , 13);
+ FFF(ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, bbb, block[ 9] , 11);
+ FFF(bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, aaa, block[11] , 11);
+ /* combine results */
+ ddd += cc + state[1]; /* final result for state[0] */
+ state[1] = state[2] + dd + eee;
+ state[2] = state[3] + ee + aaa;
+ state[3] = state[4] + aa + bbb;
+ state[4] = state[0] + bb + ccc;
+ state[0] = ddd;
+RMD160_Update(RMD160_CTX *context, const uint8_t *data, size_t nbytes)
+ uint32_t X[16];
+ uint32_t ofs = 0;
+ uint32_t i;
+ uint32_t j;
+ _DIAGASSERT(context != NULL);
+ _DIAGASSERT(data != NULL);
+ /* update length[] */
+ context->length[1] += (uint32_t)((context->length[0] + nbytes) >> 32);
+ if (context->length[0] + nbytes < context->length[0])
+ context->length[1]++; /* overflow to msb of length */
+ context->length[0] += (uint32_t)nbytes;
+ (void)memset(X, 0, sizeof(X));
+ if ( context->buflen + nbytes < 64 )
+ {
+ (void)memcpy(context->bbuffer + context->buflen, data, nbytes);
+ context->buflen += (uint32_t)nbytes;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* process first block */
+ ofs = 64 - context->buflen;
+ (void)memcpy(context->bbuffer + context->buflen, data, ofs);
+ (void)memcpy(X, context->bbuffer, sizeof(X));
+ for (j=0; j < 16; j++)
+ X[j] = BYTES_TO_DWORD(context->bbuffer + (4 * j));
+ RMD160_Transform(context->state, X);
+ nbytes -= ofs;
+ /* process remaining complete blocks */
+ for (i = 0; i < (nbytes >> 6); i++) {
+ (void)memcpy(X, data + (64 * i) + ofs, sizeof(X));
+ for (j=0; j < 16; j++)
+ X[j] = BYTES_TO_DWORD(data + (64 * i) + (4 * j) + ofs);
+ RMD160_Transform(context->state, X);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Put last bytes from data into context's buffer
+ */
+ context->buflen = (uint32_t)nbytes & 63;
+ memcpy(context->bbuffer, data + (64 * i) + ofs, context->buflen);
+ }
+RMD160_Finish(RMD160_CTX *context, uint8_t digest[20])
+ uint32_t i;
+ uint32_t X[16];
+ uint32_t j;
+ _DIAGASSERT(digest != NULL);
+ _DIAGASSERT(context != NULL);
+ /* append the bit m_n == 1 */
+ context->bbuffer[context->buflen] = (uint8_t)'\200';
+ (void)memset(context->bbuffer + context->buflen + 1, 0,
+ 63 - context->buflen);
+ (void)memcpy(X, context->bbuffer, sizeof(X));
+ for (j=0; j < 16; j++)
+ X[j] = BYTES_TO_DWORD(context->bbuffer + (4 * j));
+ if ((context->buflen) > 55) {
+ /* length goes to next block */
+ RMD160_Transform(context->state, X);
+ (void)memset(X, 0, sizeof(X));
+ }
+ /* append length in bits */
+ X[14] = context->length[0] << 3;
+ X[15] = (context->length[0] >> 29) |
+ (context->length[1] << 3);
+ RMD160_Transform(context->state, X);
+ if (digest != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 20; i += 4) {
+ /* extracts the 8 least significant bits. */
+ digest[i] = context->state[i>>2];
+ digest[i + 1] = (context->state[i>>2] >> 8);
+ digest[i + 2] = (context->state[i>>2] >> 16);
+ digest[i + 3] = (context->state[i>>2] >> 24);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+/************************ end of file rmd160.c **********************/
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a2135f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* $NetBSD: rmd160.h,v 1.2 2000/07/07 10:47:06 ad Exp $ */
+/* $RoughId: rmd160.h,v 1.3 2002/02/24 08:14:31 knu Exp $ */
+/* $Id: rmd160.h 46827 2014-07-15 14:59:20Z nobu $ */
+ *
+ * FILE: rmd160.h
+ *
+ * CONTENTS: Header file for a sample C-implementation of the
+ * RIPEMD-160 hash-function.
+ * TARGET: any computer with an ANSI C compiler
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Antoon Bosselaers, ESAT-COSIC
+ * DATE: 1 March 1996
+ * VERSION: 1.0
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
+ * 1996, All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * from OpenBSD: rmd160.h,v 1.4 1999/08/16 09:59:04 millert Exp
+ */
+#ifndef _RMD160_H_
+#define _RMD160_H_
+#include "defs.h"
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t state[5]; /* state (ABCDE) */
+ uint32_t length[2]; /* number of bits */
+ uint8_t bbuffer[64]; /* overflow buffer */
+ uint32_t buflen; /* number of chars in bbuffer */
+} RMD160_CTX;
+#ifdef RUBY
+#define RMD160_Init rb_Digest_RMD160_Init
+#define RMD160_Transform rb_Digest_RMD160_Transform
+#define RMD160_Update rb_Digest_RMD160_Update
+#define RMD160_Finish rb_Digest_RMD160_Finish
+int RMD160_Init _((RMD160_CTX *));
+void RMD160_Transform _((uint32_t[5], const uint32_t[16]));
+void RMD160_Update _((RMD160_CTX *, const uint8_t *, size_t));
+int RMD160_Finish _((RMD160_CTX *, uint8_t[20]));
+#define RMD160_BLOCK_LENGTH 64
+#define RMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH 20
+#endif /* !_RMD160_H_ */
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05978ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* $RoughId: rmd160init.c,v 1.3 2001/07/13 20:00:43 knu Exp $ */
+/* $Id: rmd160init.c 47745 2014-09-30 08:29:02Z nobu $ */
+#include "digest.h"
+#include "rmd160ossl.h"
+#include "rmd160.h"
+static const rb_digest_metadata_t rmd160 = {
+ sizeof(RMD160_CTX),
+ (rb_digest_hash_init_func_t)RMD160_Init,
+ (rb_digest_hash_update_func_t)RMD160_Update,
+ (rb_digest_hash_finish_func_t)RMD160_Finish,
+ * A class for calculating message digests using RIPEMD-160
+ * cryptographic hash function, designed by Hans Dobbertin, Antoon
+ * Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel.
+ */
+ VALUE mDigest, cDigest_Base, cDigest_RMD160;
+ rb_require("digest");
+#if 0
+ mDigest = rb_define_module("Digest"); /* let rdoc know */
+ mDigest = rb_path2class("Digest");
+ cDigest_Base = rb_path2class("Digest::Base");
+ cDigest_RMD160 = rb_define_class_under(mDigest, "RMD160", cDigest_Base);
+ rb_ivar_set(cDigest_RMD160, rb_intern("metadata"),
+ Data_Wrap_Struct(0, 0, 0, (void *)&rmd160));
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f97274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* $Id: rmd160ossl.c 25189 2009-10-02 12:04:37Z akr $ */
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "rmd160ossl.h"
+void RMD160_Finish(RMD160_CTX *ctx, char *buf) {
+ RIPEMD160_Final((unsigned char *)buf, ctx);
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7b1fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* $Id: rmd160ossl.h 25189 2009-10-02 12:04:37Z akr $ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <openssl/ripemd.h>
+#define RMD160_CTX RIPEMD160_CTX
+#define RMD160_Init RIPEMD160_Init
+#define RMD160_Update RIPEMD160_Update
+void RMD160_Finish(RMD160_CTX *ctx, char *buf);
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/Makefile b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc81aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# V=0 quiet, V=1 verbose. other values don't work.
+V = 0
+Q1 = $(V:1=)
+Q = $(Q1:0=@)
+ECHO1 = $(V:1=@:)
+ECHO = $(ECHO1:0=@echo)
+#### Start of system configuration section. ####
+top_srcdir = $(topdir)/.
+srcdir = $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/sha1
+topdir = ../../..
+hdrdir = $(top_srcdir)/include
+arch_hdrdir = $(extout)/include/$(arch)
+VPATH = $(srcdir):$(arch_hdrdir)/ruby:$(hdrdir)/ruby
+prefix = $(DESTDIR)/usr/local
+rubysitearchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(arch)
+rubylibprefix = $(libdir)/$(RUBY_BASE_NAME)
+exec_prefix = $(prefix)
+vendorarchhdrdir = $(vendorhdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitearchhdrdir = $(sitehdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/$(arch)
+vendorhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/vendor_ruby
+sitehdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/site_ruby
+rubyhdrdir = $(includedir)/$(RUBY_VERSION_NAME)
+vendorarchdir = $(vendorlibdir)/$(sitearch)
+vendorlibdir = $(vendordir)/$(ruby_version)
+vendordir = $(rubylibprefix)/vendor_ruby
+sitearchdir = $(sitelibdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitelibdir = $(sitedir)/$(ruby_version)
+sitedir = $(rubylibprefix)/site_ruby
+rubyarchdir = $(rubylibdir)/$(arch)
+rubylibdir = $(rubylibprefix)/$(ruby_version)
+sitearchincludedir = $(includedir)/$(sitearch)
+archincludedir = $(includedir)/$(arch)
+sitearchlibdir = $(libdir)/$(sitearch)
+archlibdir = $(libdir)/$(arch)
+ridir = $(datarootdir)/$(RI_BASE_NAME)
+mandir = $(datarootdir)/man
+localedir = $(datarootdir)/locale
+libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
+psdir = $(docdir)
+pdfdir = $(docdir)
+dvidir = $(docdir)
+htmldir = $(docdir)
+infodir = $(datarootdir)/info
+docdir = $(datarootdir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)
+oldincludedir = $(DESTDIR)/usr/include
+includedir = $(prefix)/include
+localstatedir = $(prefix)/var
+sharedstatedir = $(prefix)/com
+sysconfdir = $(prefix)/etc
+datadir = $(datarootdir)
+datarootdir = $(prefix)/share
+libexecdir = $(exec_prefix)/libexec
+sbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbin
+bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
+archdir = $(rubyarchdir)
+CC = gcc
+CXX = g++
+LIBRUBY_A = lib$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static.a
+LIBRUBYARG_SHARED = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)
+LIBRUBYARG_STATIC = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static
+empty =
+OUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+COUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+RUBY_EXTCONF_H = extconf.h
+cflags = $(optflags) $(debugflags) $(warnflags)
+optflags = -O3 -fno-fast-math
+debugflags = -ggdb3
+warnflags = -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-long-long -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wunused-variable -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wdeprecated-declarations -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat
+INCFLAGS = -I. -I$(arch_hdrdir) -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/..
+ldflags = -L. -fstack-protector -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic
+dldflags =
+DLDFLAGS = $(ldflags) $(dldflags) $(ARCH_FLAG)
+LDSHARED = $(CC) -shared
+LDSHAREDXX = $(CXX) -shared
+AR = ar
+RUBY_SO_NAME = ruby
+RUBY_VERSION_NAME = $(RUBY_BASE_NAME)-$(ruby_version)
+arch = x86_64-linux
+sitearch = $(arch)
+ruby_version = 2.2.0
+ruby = $(topdir)/miniruby -I'$(topdir)' -I'$(top_srcdir)/lib' -I'$(extout)/$(arch)' -I'$(extout)/common'
+RUBY = $(ruby)
+ruby_headers = $(hdrdir)/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+RM = rm -f
+RM_RF = $(RUBY) -run -e rm -- -rf
+RMDIRS = rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p
+MAKEDIRS = /bin/mkdir -p
+INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
+COPY = cp
+TOUCH = exit >
+#### End of system configuration section. ####
+preload = digest
+libpath = . $(topdir)
+LIBPATH = -L. -L$(topdir)
+CLEANFILES = mkmf.log
+extout = $(topdir)/.ext
+extout_prefix = $(extout)$(target_prefix)/
+target_prefix = /digest
+LIBS = $(LIBRUBYARG_SHARED) -lcrypto -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -lgmp -ldl -lcrypt -lm -lc
+ORIG_SRCS = sha1ossl.c sha1init.c sha1.c
+SRCS = $(ORIG_SRCS) sha1init.c sha1ossl.c
+OBJS = sha1init.o sha1ossl.o
+HDRS = $(srcdir)/extconf.h $(srcdir)/sha1.h $(srcdir)/sha1ossl.h
+TARGET = sha1
+TIMESTAMP_DIR = $(extout)/.timestamp
+BINDIR = $(extout)/bin
+RUBYCOMMONDIR = $(extout)/common
+RUBYLIBDIR = $(RUBYCOMMONDIR)$(target_prefix)
+RUBYARCHDIR = $(extout)/$(arch)$(target_prefix)
+HDRDIR = $(extout)/include/ruby$(target_prefix)
+ARCHHDRDIR = $(extout)/include/$(arch)/ruby$(target_prefix)
+CLEANOBJS = *.o *.bak
+all: install
+static: all
+.PHONY: all install static install-so install-rb
+.PHONY: clean clean-so clean-static clean-rb
+clean: clean-so clean-static clean-rb-default clean-rb
+distclean: clean distclean-so distclean-static distclean-rb-default distclean-rb
+ -$(Q)$(RM) Makefile $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H) conftest.* mkmf.log
+ -$(Q)$(RM) core ruby$(EXEEXT) *~ $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(DISTCLEANDIRS) 2> /dev/null || true
+realclean: distclean
+install: install-so install-rb
+install-so: $(RUBYARCHDIR)/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYARCHDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(STATIC_LIB)
+install-rb: pre-install-rb install-rb-default
+install-rb-default: pre-install-rb-default
+pre-install-rb: Makefile
+pre-install-rb-default: Makefile
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+site-install: site-install-so site-install-rb
+site-install-so: install-so
+site-install-rb: install-rb
+.SUFFIXES: .c .m .cc .mm .cxx .cpp .o .S
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) linking shared-object digest/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ $(ECHO) linking static-library $(@)
+ $(Q) $(AR) cru $@ $(OBJS)
+ -$(Q)ranlib $(@) 2> /dev/null || true
+sha1.o: sha1.c sha1.h $(srcdir)/../defs.h
+sha1init.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+sha1init.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+sha1init.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/digest.h
+sha1init.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+sha1init.o: sha1init.c
+sha1init.o: sha1ossl.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+sha1ossl.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/defs.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+sha1ossl.o: sha1ossl.c
+sha1ossl.o: sha1ossl.h
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/depend b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/depend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ce73c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/depend
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+sha1.o: sha1.c sha1.h $(srcdir)/../defs.h
+sha1init.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+sha1init.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+sha1init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+sha1init.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/digest.h
+sha1init.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+sha1init.o: sha1init.c
+sha1init.o: sha1ossl.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+sha1ossl.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/defs.h
+sha1ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+sha1ossl.o: sha1ossl.c
+sha1ossl.o: sha1ossl.h
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/extconf.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/extconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..808ca65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/extconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef EXTCONF_H
+#define EXTCONF_H
+#define HAVE_CONFIG_H 1
+#define HAVE_SYS_CDEFS_H 1
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/extconf.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/extconf.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13c448b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/extconf.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
+# $RoughId: extconf.rb,v 1.3 2001/08/14 19:54:51 knu Exp $
+# $Id: extconf.rb 47802 2014-10-05 02:03:55Z nobu $
+require "mkmf"
+$defs << "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H"
+$INCFLAGS << " -I$(srcdir)/.."
+$objs = [ "sha1init.#{$OBJEXT}" ]
+if !with_config("bundled-sha1") &&
+ (dir_config("openssl")
+ pkg_config("openssl")
+ require File.expand_path('../../../openssl/deprecation', __FILE__)
+ have_library("crypto")) &&
+ OpenSSL.check_func("SHA1_Transform", "openssl/sha.h")
+ $objs << "sha1ossl.#{$OBJEXT}"
+ $objs << "sha1.#{$OBJEXT}"
+$preload = %w[digest]
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9740ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+/* $NetBSD: sha1.c,v 1.2 2001/03/22 09:51:48 agc Exp $ */
+/* $OpenBSD: sha1.c,v 1.9 1997/07/23 21:12:32 kstailey Exp $ */
+/* $RoughId: sha1.c,v 1.2 2001/07/13 19:49:10 knu Exp $ */
+/* $Id: sha1.c 46827 2014-07-15 14:59:20Z nobu $ */
+ * SHA-1 in C
+ * By Steve Reid <>
+ * 100% Public Domain
+ *
+ * Test Vectors (from FIPS PUB 180-1)
+ * "abc"
+ * A9993E36 4706816A BA3E2571 7850C26C 9CD0D89D
+ * "abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq"
+ * 84983E44 1C3BD26E BAAE4AA1 F95129E5 E54670F1
+ * A million repetitions of "a"
+ * 34AA973C D4C4DAA4 F61EEB2B DBAD2731 6534016F
+ */
+#include "sha1.h"
+#define SHA1HANDSOFF /* Copies data before messing with it. */
+#if defined(_KERNEL) || defined(_STANDALONE)
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/systm.h>
+#define _DIAGASSERT(x) (void)0
+/* #include "namespace.h" */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifndef _DIAGASSERT
+#define _DIAGASSERT(cond) assert(cond)
+ * XXX Kludge until there is resolution regarding mem*() functions
+ * XXX in the kernel.
+ */
+#if defined(_KERNEL) || defined(_STANDALONE)
+#define memcpy(s, d, l) bcopy((d), (s), (l))
+#define rol(value, bits) (((value) << (bits)) | ((value) >> (32 - (bits))))
+ * blk0() and blk() perform the initial expand.
+ * I got the idea of expanding during the round function from SSLeay
+ */
+# define blk0(i) (block->l[i] = (rol(block->l[i],24)&0xFF00FF00) \
+ |(rol(block->l[i],8)&0x00FF00FF))
+# define blk0(i) block->l[i]
+#define blk(i) (block->l[i&15] = rol(block->l[(i+13)&15]^block->l[(i+8)&15] \
+ ^block->l[(i+2)&15]^block->l[i&15],1))
+ * (R0+R1), R2, R3, R4 are the different operations (rounds) used in SHA1
+ */
+#define R0(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=((w&(x^y))^y)+blk0(i)+0x5A827999+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);
+#define R1(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=((w&(x^y))^y)+blk(i)+0x5A827999+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);
+#define R2(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=(w^x^y)+blk(i)+0x6ED9EBA1+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);
+#define R3(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=(((w|x)&y)|(w&x))+blk(i)+0x8F1BBCDC+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);
+#define R4(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=(w^x^y)+blk(i)+0xCA62C1D6+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);
+typedef union {
+ uint8_t c[64];
+ uint32_t l[16];
+} CHAR64LONG16;
+#ifdef __sparc_v9__
+void do_R01(uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b, uint32_t *c, uint32_t *d, uint32_t *e, CHAR64LONG16 *);
+void do_R2(uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b, uint32_t *c, uint32_t *d, uint32_t *e, CHAR64LONG16 *);
+void do_R3(uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b, uint32_t *c, uint32_t *d, uint32_t *e, CHAR64LONG16 *);
+void do_R4(uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b, uint32_t *c, uint32_t *d, uint32_t *e, CHAR64LONG16 *);
+#define nR0(v,w,x,y,z,i) R0(*v,*w,*x,*y,*z,i)
+#define nR1(v,w,x,y,z,i) R1(*v,*w,*x,*y,*z,i)
+#define nR2(v,w,x,y,z,i) R2(*v,*w,*x,*y,*z,i)
+#define nR3(v,w,x,y,z,i) R3(*v,*w,*x,*y,*z,i)
+#define nR4(v,w,x,y,z,i) R4(*v,*w,*x,*y,*z,i)
+do_R01(uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b, uint32_t *c, uint32_t *d, uint32_t *e, CHAR64LONG16 *block)
+ nR0(a,b,c,d,e, 0); nR0(e,a,b,c,d, 1); nR0(d,e,a,b,c, 2); nR0(c,d,e,a,b, 3);
+ nR0(b,c,d,e,a, 4); nR0(a,b,c,d,e, 5); nR0(e,a,b,c,d, 6); nR0(d,e,a,b,c, 7);
+ nR0(c,d,e,a,b, 8); nR0(b,c,d,e,a, 9); nR0(a,b,c,d,e,10); nR0(e,a,b,c,d,11);
+ nR0(d,e,a,b,c,12); nR0(c,d,e,a,b,13); nR0(b,c,d,e,a,14); nR0(a,b,c,d,e,15);
+ nR1(e,a,b,c,d,16); nR1(d,e,a,b,c,17); nR1(c,d,e,a,b,18); nR1(b,c,d,e,a,19);
+do_R2(uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b, uint32_t *c, uint32_t *d, uint32_t *e, CHAR64LONG16 *block)
+ nR2(a,b,c,d,e,20); nR2(e,a,b,c,d,21); nR2(d,e,a,b,c,22); nR2(c,d,e,a,b,23);
+ nR2(b,c,d,e,a,24); nR2(a,b,c,d,e,25); nR2(e,a,b,c,d,26); nR2(d,e,a,b,c,27);
+ nR2(c,d,e,a,b,28); nR2(b,c,d,e,a,29); nR2(a,b,c,d,e,30); nR2(e,a,b,c,d,31);
+ nR2(d,e,a,b,c,32); nR2(c,d,e,a,b,33); nR2(b,c,d,e,a,34); nR2(a,b,c,d,e,35);
+ nR2(e,a,b,c,d,36); nR2(d,e,a,b,c,37); nR2(c,d,e,a,b,38); nR2(b,c,d,e,a,39);
+do_R3(uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b, uint32_t *c, uint32_t *d, uint32_t *e, CHAR64LONG16 *block)
+ nR3(a,b,c,d,e,40); nR3(e,a,b,c,d,41); nR3(d,e,a,b,c,42); nR3(c,d,e,a,b,43);
+ nR3(b,c,d,e,a,44); nR3(a,b,c,d,e,45); nR3(e,a,b,c,d,46); nR3(d,e,a,b,c,47);
+ nR3(c,d,e,a,b,48); nR3(b,c,d,e,a,49); nR3(a,b,c,d,e,50); nR3(e,a,b,c,d,51);
+ nR3(d,e,a,b,c,52); nR3(c,d,e,a,b,53); nR3(b,c,d,e,a,54); nR3(a,b,c,d,e,55);
+ nR3(e,a,b,c,d,56); nR3(d,e,a,b,c,57); nR3(c,d,e,a,b,58); nR3(b,c,d,e,a,59);
+do_R4(uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b, uint32_t *c, uint32_t *d, uint32_t *e, CHAR64LONG16 *block)
+ nR4(a,b,c,d,e,60); nR4(e,a,b,c,d,61); nR4(d,e,a,b,c,62); nR4(c,d,e,a,b,63);
+ nR4(b,c,d,e,a,64); nR4(a,b,c,d,e,65); nR4(e,a,b,c,d,66); nR4(d,e,a,b,c,67);
+ nR4(c,d,e,a,b,68); nR4(b,c,d,e,a,69); nR4(a,b,c,d,e,70); nR4(e,a,b,c,d,71);
+ nR4(d,e,a,b,c,72); nR4(c,d,e,a,b,73); nR4(b,c,d,e,a,74); nR4(a,b,c,d,e,75);
+ nR4(e,a,b,c,d,76); nR4(d,e,a,b,c,77); nR4(c,d,e,a,b,78); nR4(b,c,d,e,a,79);
+ * Hash a single 512-bit block. This is the core of the algorithm.
+ */
+void SHA1_Transform(uint32_t state[5], const uint8_t buffer[64])
+ uint32_t a, b, c, d, e;
+ CHAR64LONG16 *block;
+ CHAR64LONG16 workspace;
+ _DIAGASSERT(buffer != 0);
+ _DIAGASSERT(state != 0);
+ block = &workspace;
+ (void)memcpy(block, buffer, 64);
+ block = (CHAR64LONG16 *)(void *)buffer;
+ /* Copy context->state[] to working vars */
+ a = state[0];
+ b = state[1];
+ c = state[2];
+ d = state[3];
+ e = state[4];
+#ifdef __sparc_v9__
+ do_R01(&a, &b, &c, &d, &e, block);
+ do_R2(&a, &b, &c, &d, &e, block);
+ do_R3(&a, &b, &c, &d, &e, block);
+ do_R4(&a, &b, &c, &d, &e, block);
+ /* 4 rounds of 20 operations each. Loop unrolled. */
+ R0(a,b,c,d,e, 0); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 1); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 2); R0(c,d,e,a,b, 3);
+ R0(b,c,d,e,a, 4); R0(a,b,c,d,e, 5); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 6); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 7);
+ R0(c,d,e,a,b, 8); R0(b,c,d,e,a, 9); R0(a,b,c,d,e,10); R0(e,a,b,c,d,11);
+ R0(d,e,a,b,c,12); R0(c,d,e,a,b,13); R0(b,c,d,e,a,14); R0(a,b,c,d,e,15);
+ R1(e,a,b,c,d,16); R1(d,e,a,b,c,17); R1(c,d,e,a,b,18); R1(b,c,d,e,a,19);
+ R2(a,b,c,d,e,20); R2(e,a,b,c,d,21); R2(d,e,a,b,c,22); R2(c,d,e,a,b,23);
+ R2(b,c,d,e,a,24); R2(a,b,c,d,e,25); R2(e,a,b,c,d,26); R2(d,e,a,b,c,27);
+ R2(c,d,e,a,b,28); R2(b,c,d,e,a,29); R2(a,b,c,d,e,30); R2(e,a,b,c,d,31);
+ R2(d,e,a,b,c,32); R2(c,d,e,a,b,33); R2(b,c,d,e,a,34); R2(a,b,c,d,e,35);
+ R2(e,a,b,c,d,36); R2(d,e,a,b,c,37); R2(c,d,e,a,b,38); R2(b,c,d,e,a,39);
+ R3(a,b,c,d,e,40); R3(e,a,b,c,d,41); R3(d,e,a,b,c,42); R3(c,d,e,a,b,43);
+ R3(b,c,d,e,a,44); R3(a,b,c,d,e,45); R3(e,a,b,c,d,46); R3(d,e,a,b,c,47);
+ R3(c,d,e,a,b,48); R3(b,c,d,e,a,49); R3(a,b,c,d,e,50); R3(e,a,b,c,d,51);
+ R3(d,e,a,b,c,52); R3(c,d,e,a,b,53); R3(b,c,d,e,a,54); R3(a,b,c,d,e,55);
+ R3(e,a,b,c,d,56); R3(d,e,a,b,c,57); R3(c,d,e,a,b,58); R3(b,c,d,e,a,59);
+ R4(a,b,c,d,e,60); R4(e,a,b,c,d,61); R4(d,e,a,b,c,62); R4(c,d,e,a,b,63);
+ R4(b,c,d,e,a,64); R4(a,b,c,d,e,65); R4(e,a,b,c,d,66); R4(d,e,a,b,c,67);
+ R4(c,d,e,a,b,68); R4(b,c,d,e,a,69); R4(a,b,c,d,e,70); R4(e,a,b,c,d,71);
+ R4(d,e,a,b,c,72); R4(c,d,e,a,b,73); R4(b,c,d,e,a,74); R4(a,b,c,d,e,75);
+ R4(e,a,b,c,d,76); R4(d,e,a,b,c,77); R4(c,d,e,a,b,78); R4(b,c,d,e,a,79);
+ /* Add the working vars back into context.state[] */
+ state[0] += a;
+ state[1] += b;
+ state[2] += c;
+ state[3] += d;
+ state[4] += e;
+ /* Wipe variables */
+ a = b = c = d = e = 0;
+ * SHA1_Init - Initialize new context
+ */
+int SHA1_Init(SHA1_CTX *context)
+ _DIAGASSERT(context != 0);
+ /* SHA1 initialization constants */
+ context->state[0] = 0x67452301;
+ context->state[1] = 0xEFCDAB89;
+ context->state[2] = 0x98BADCFE;
+ context->state[3] = 0x10325476;
+ context->state[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0;
+ context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0;
+ return 1;
+ * Run your data through this.
+ */
+void SHA1_Update(SHA1_CTX *context, const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
+ uint32_t i, j;
+ _DIAGASSERT(context != 0);
+ _DIAGASSERT(data != 0);
+ j = context->count[0];
+ if ((context->count[0] += len << 3) < j)
+ context->count[1] += (len>>29)+1;
+ j = (j >> 3) & 63;
+ if ((j + len) > 63) {
+ (void)memcpy(&context->buffer[j], data, (i = 64-j));
+ SHA1_Transform(context->state, context->buffer);
+ for ( ; i + 63 < len; i += 64)
+ SHA1_Transform(context->state, &data[i]);
+ j = 0;
+ } else {
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ (void)memcpy(&context->buffer[j], &data[i], len - i);
+ * Add padding and return the message digest.
+ */
+int SHA1_Finish(SHA1_CTX* context, uint8_t digest[20])
+ size_t i;
+ uint8_t finalcount[8];
+ _DIAGASSERT(digest != 0);
+ _DIAGASSERT(context != 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ finalcount[i] = (uint8_t)((context->count[(i >= 4 ? 0 : 1)]
+ >> ((3-(i & 3)) * 8) ) & 255); /* Endian independent */
+ }
+ SHA1_Update(context, (const uint8_t *)"\200", 1);
+ while ((context->count[0] & 504) != 448)
+ SHA1_Update(context, (const uint8_t *)"\0", 1);
+ SHA1_Update(context, finalcount, 8); /* Should cause a SHA1_Transform() */
+ if (digest) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+ digest[i] = (uint8_t)
+ ((context->state[i>>2] >> ((3-(i & 3)) * 8) ) & 255);
+ }
+ return 1;
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d175eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* $NetBSD: sha1.h,v 1.2 1998/05/29 22:55:44 thorpej Exp $ */
+/* $RoughId: sha1.h,v 1.3 2002/02/24 08:14:32 knu Exp $ */
+/* $Id: sha1.h 46827 2014-07-15 14:59:20Z nobu $ */
+ * SHA-1 in C
+ * By Steve Reid <>
+ * 100% Public Domain
+ */
+#ifndef _SYS_SHA1_H_
+#define _SYS_SHA1_H_
+#include "defs.h"
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t state[5];
+ uint32_t count[2];
+ uint8_t buffer[64];
+} SHA1_CTX;
+#ifdef RUBY
+/* avoid name clash */
+#define SHA1_Transform rb_Digest_SHA1_Transform
+#define SHA1_Init rb_Digest_SHA1_Init
+#define SHA1_Update rb_Digest_SHA1_Update
+#define SHA1_Finish rb_Digest_SHA1_Finish
+void SHA1_Transform _((uint32_t state[5], const uint8_t buffer[64]));
+int SHA1_Init _((SHA1_CTX *context));
+void SHA1_Update _((SHA1_CTX *context, const uint8_t *data, size_t len));
+int SHA1_Finish _((SHA1_CTX *context, uint8_t digest[20]));
+#define SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH 64
+#define SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH 20
+#endif /* _SYS_SHA1_H_ */
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3769ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* $RoughId: sha1init.c,v 1.2 2001/07/13 19:49:10 knu Exp $ */
+/* $Id: sha1init.c 47745 2014-09-30 08:29:02Z nobu $ */
+#include "digest.h"
+#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL_SHA_H)
+#include "sha1ossl.h"
+#include "sha1.h"
+static const rb_digest_metadata_t sha1 = {
+ sizeof(SHA1_CTX),
+ (rb_digest_hash_init_func_t)SHA1_Init,
+ (rb_digest_hash_update_func_t)SHA1_Update,
+ (rb_digest_hash_finish_func_t)SHA1_Finish,
+ * A class for calculating message digests using the SHA-1 Secure Hash
+ * Algorithm by NIST (the US' National Institute of Standards and
+ * Technology), described in FIPS PUB 180-1.
+ */
+ VALUE mDigest, cDigest_Base, cDigest_SHA1;
+ rb_require("digest");
+#if 0
+ mDigest = rb_define_module("Digest"); /* let rdoc know */
+ mDigest = rb_path2class("Digest");
+ cDigest_Base = rb_path2class("Digest::Base");
+ cDigest_SHA1 = rb_define_class_under(mDigest, "SHA1", cDigest_Base);
+ rb_ivar_set(cDigest_SHA1, rb_intern("metadata"),
+ Data_Wrap_Struct(0, 0, 0, (void *)&sha1));
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70391bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* $Id: sha1ossl.c 25189 2009-10-02 12:04:37Z akr $ */
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "sha1ossl.h"
+SHA1_Finish(SHA1_CTX *ctx, char *buf)
+ SHA1_Final((unsigned char *)buf, ctx);
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cd1660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* $Id: sha1ossl.h 25189 2009-10-02 12:04:37Z akr $ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <openssl/sha.h>
+#define SHA1_CTX SHA_CTX
+void SHA1_Finish(SHA1_CTX *ctx, char *buf);
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/Makefile b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a9fb9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# V=0 quiet, V=1 verbose. other values don't work.
+V = 0
+Q1 = $(V:1=)
+Q = $(Q1:0=@)
+ECHO1 = $(V:1=@:)
+ECHO = $(ECHO1:0=@echo)
+#### Start of system configuration section. ####
+top_srcdir = $(topdir)/.
+srcdir = $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/sha2
+topdir = ../../..
+hdrdir = $(top_srcdir)/include
+arch_hdrdir = $(extout)/include/$(arch)
+VPATH = $(srcdir):$(arch_hdrdir)/ruby:$(hdrdir)/ruby
+prefix = $(DESTDIR)/usr/local
+rubysitearchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchprefix = $(rubylibprefix)/$(arch)
+rubylibprefix = $(libdir)/$(RUBY_BASE_NAME)
+exec_prefix = $(prefix)
+vendorarchhdrdir = $(vendorhdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitearchhdrdir = $(sitehdrdir)/$(sitearch)
+rubyarchhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/$(arch)
+vendorhdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/vendor_ruby
+sitehdrdir = $(rubyhdrdir)/site_ruby
+rubyhdrdir = $(includedir)/$(RUBY_VERSION_NAME)
+vendorarchdir = $(vendorlibdir)/$(sitearch)
+vendorlibdir = $(vendordir)/$(ruby_version)
+vendordir = $(rubylibprefix)/vendor_ruby
+sitearchdir = $(sitelibdir)/$(sitearch)
+sitelibdir = $(sitedir)/$(ruby_version)
+sitedir = $(rubylibprefix)/site_ruby
+rubyarchdir = $(rubylibdir)/$(arch)
+rubylibdir = $(rubylibprefix)/$(ruby_version)
+sitearchincludedir = $(includedir)/$(sitearch)
+archincludedir = $(includedir)/$(arch)
+sitearchlibdir = $(libdir)/$(sitearch)
+archlibdir = $(libdir)/$(arch)
+ridir = $(datarootdir)/$(RI_BASE_NAME)
+mandir = $(datarootdir)/man
+localedir = $(datarootdir)/locale
+libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
+psdir = $(docdir)
+pdfdir = $(docdir)
+dvidir = $(docdir)
+htmldir = $(docdir)
+infodir = $(datarootdir)/info
+docdir = $(datarootdir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)
+oldincludedir = $(DESTDIR)/usr/include
+includedir = $(prefix)/include
+localstatedir = $(prefix)/var
+sharedstatedir = $(prefix)/com
+sysconfdir = $(prefix)/etc
+datadir = $(datarootdir)
+datarootdir = $(prefix)/share
+libexecdir = $(exec_prefix)/libexec
+sbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbin
+bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
+archdir = $(rubyarchdir)
+CC = gcc
+CXX = g++
+LIBRUBY_A = lib$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static.a
+LIBRUBYARG_SHARED = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)
+LIBRUBYARG_STATIC = -Wl,-R$(libdir) -L$(libdir) -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static
+empty =
+OUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+COUTFLAG = -o $(empty)
+RUBY_EXTCONF_H = extconf.h
+cflags = $(optflags) $(debugflags) $(warnflags)
+optflags = -O3 -fno-fast-math
+debugflags = -ggdb3
+warnflags = -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-long-long -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wunused-variable -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wdeprecated-declarations -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat
+INCFLAGS = -I. -I$(arch_hdrdir) -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/..
+ldflags = -L. -fstack-protector -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic
+dldflags =
+DLDFLAGS = $(ldflags) $(dldflags) $(ARCH_FLAG)
+LDSHARED = $(CC) -shared
+LDSHAREDXX = $(CXX) -shared
+AR = ar
+RUBY_SO_NAME = ruby
+RUBY_VERSION_NAME = $(RUBY_BASE_NAME)-$(ruby_version)
+arch = x86_64-linux
+sitearch = $(arch)
+ruby_version = 2.2.0
+ruby = $(topdir)/miniruby -I'$(topdir)' -I'$(top_srcdir)/lib' -I'$(extout)/$(arch)' -I'$(extout)/common'
+RUBY = $(ruby)
+ruby_headers = $(hdrdir)/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+RM = rm -f
+RM_RF = $(RUBY) -run -e rm -- -rf
+RMDIRS = rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p
+MAKEDIRS = /bin/mkdir -p
+INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
+COPY = cp
+TOUCH = exit >
+#### End of system configuration section. ####
+preload = digest
+libpath = . $(topdir)
+LIBPATH = -L. -L$(topdir)
+CLEANFILES = mkmf.log
+extout = $(topdir)/.ext
+extout_prefix = $(extout)$(target_prefix)/
+target_prefix = /digest
+LIBS = $(LIBRUBYARG_SHARED) -lcrypto -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -lgmp -ldl -lcrypt -lm -lc
+ORIG_SRCS = sha2.c sha2ossl.c sha2init.c
+SRCS = $(ORIG_SRCS) sha2init.c sha2ossl.c
+OBJS = sha2init.o sha2ossl.o
+HDRS = $(srcdir)/sha2ossl.h $(srcdir)/sha2.h $(srcdir)/extconf.h
+TARGET = sha2
+TIMESTAMP_DIR = $(extout)/.timestamp
+BINDIR = $(extout)/bin
+RUBYCOMMONDIR = $(extout)/common
+RUBYLIBDIR = $(RUBYCOMMONDIR)$(target_prefix)
+RUBYARCHDIR = $(extout)/$(arch)$(target_prefix)
+HDRDIR = $(extout)/include/ruby$(target_prefix)
+ARCHHDRDIR = $(extout)/include/$(arch)/ruby$(target_prefix)
+CLEANOBJS = *.o *.bak
+all: install
+static: all
+.PHONY: all install static install-so install-rb
+.PHONY: clean clean-so clean-static clean-rb
+clean: clean-so clean-static clean-rb-default clean-rb
+distclean: clean distclean-so distclean-static distclean-rb-default distclean-rb
+ -$(Q)$(RM) Makefile $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H) conftest.* mkmf.log
+ -$(Q)$(RM) core ruby$(EXEEXT) *~ $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(DISTCLEANDIRS) 2> /dev/null || true
+realclean: distclean
+install: install-so install-rb
+install-so: $(RUBYARCHDIR)/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYARCHDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(STATIC_LIB)
+install-rb: pre-install-rb install-rb-default
+install-rb-default: pre-install-rb-default
+pre-install-rb: Makefile
+pre-install-rb-default: Makefile
+pre-install-rb-default: $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.-.digest.time
+install-rb-default: $(RUBYLIBDIR)/sha2.rb
+$(RUBYLIBDIR)/sha2.rb: $(srcdir)/lib/sha2.rb $(TIMESTAMP_DIR)/.RUBYLIBDIR.-.digest.time
+ $(Q) $(COPY) $(srcdir)/lib/sha2.rb $(@D)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(RUBYLIBDIR)/sha2.rb
+ $(ECHO) installing default sha2 libraries
+ -$(Q)$(RMDIRS) $(RUBYLIBDIR) 2> /dev/null || true
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+ $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@
+site-install: site-install-so site-install-rb
+site-install-so: install-so
+site-install-rb: install-rb
+.SUFFIXES: .c .m .cc .mm .cxx .cpp .o .S
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) compiling $(<)
+ $(Q) $(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COUTFLAG)$@ -c $<
+ $(ECHO) translating $(<)
+ $(ECHO) linking shared-object digest/$(DLLIB)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ -$(Q)$(RM) $(@)
+ $(ECHO) linking static-library $(@)
+ $(Q) $(AR) cru $@ $(OBJS)
+ -$(Q)ranlib $(@) 2> /dev/null || true
+sha2.o: sha2.c sha2.h $(srcdir)/../defs.h $(HDRS) $(ruby_headers)
+sha2init.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+sha2init.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+sha2init.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/digest.h
+sha2init.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+sha2init.o: sha2init.c
+sha2init.o: sha2ossl.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+sha2ossl.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/defs.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+sha2ossl.o: sha2ossl.c
+sha2ossl.o: sha2ossl.h
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/depend b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/depend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a47a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/depend
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+sha2.o: sha2.c sha2.h $(srcdir)/../defs.h $(HDRS) $(ruby_headers)
+sha2init.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+sha2init.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+sha2init.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+sha2init.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/digest.h
+sha2init.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+sha2init.o: sha2init.c
+sha2init.o: sha2ossl.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)
+sha2ossl.o: $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/defines.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/intern.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/missing.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/st.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(hdrdir)/ruby/subst.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/ext/digest/defs.h
+sha2ossl.o: $(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h
+sha2ossl.o: sha2ossl.c
+sha2ossl.o: sha2ossl.h
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/extconf.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/extconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0891867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/extconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#ifndef EXTCONF_H
+#define EXTCONF_H
+#define HAVE_CONFIG_H 1
+#define HAVE_SHA256_TRANSFORM 1
+#define HAVE_SHA512_TRANSFORM 1
+#define HAVE_TYPE_SHA256_CTX 1
+#define HAVE_TYPE_SHA512_CTX 1
+#define SHA2_USE_OPENSSL 1
+#define HAVE_SYS_CDEFS_H 1
+#define HAVE_TYPE_UINT64_T 1
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/extconf.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/extconf.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64ce4b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/extconf.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
+# $RoughId: extconf.rb,v 1.4 2001/08/14 19:54:51 knu Exp $
+# $Id: extconf.rb 47802 2014-10-05 02:03:55Z nobu $
+require "mkmf"
+$defs << "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H"
+$INCFLAGS << " -I$(srcdir)/.."
+$objs = [ "sha2init.#{$OBJEXT}" ]
+if !with_config("bundled-sha2") &&
+ (dir_config("openssl")
+ pkg_config("openssl")
+ require File.expand_path('../../../openssl/deprecation', __FILE__)
+ have_library("crypto")) &&
+ %w[SHA256 SHA512].all? {|d| OpenSSL.check_func("#{d}_Transform", "openssl/sha.h")} &&
+ %w[SHA256 SHA512].all? {|d| have_type("#{d}_CTX", "openssl/sha.h")}
+ $objs << "sha2ossl.#{$OBJEXT}"
+ $defs << "-DSHA2_USE_OPENSSL"
+ have_type("u_int8_t")
+ $objs << "sha2.#{$OBJEXT}"
+$preload = %w[digest]
+if have_type("uint64_t", "defs.h", $defs.join(' '))
+ create_makefile("digest/sha2")
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/lib/sha2.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/lib/sha2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fffc1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/lib/sha2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# sha2.rb - defines Digest::SHA2 class which wraps up the SHA256,
+# SHA384, and SHA512 classes.
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+# All rights reserved. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the same
+# terms as Ruby.
+# $Id: sha2.rb 35293 2012-04-10 22:41:04Z drbrain $
+require 'digest'
+require 'digest/'
+module Digest
+ #
+ # A meta digest provider class for SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512.
+ #
+ class SHA2 < Digest::Class
+ # call-seq:
+ # = 256) -> digest_obj
+ #
+ # Creates a new SHA2 hash object with a given bit length.
+ #
+ # Valid bit lengths are 256, 384 and 512.
+ def initialize(bitlen = 256)
+ case bitlen
+ when 256
+ @sha2 =
+ when 384
+ @sha2 =
+ when 512
+ @sha2 =
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "unsupported bit length: %s" % bitlen.inspect
+ end
+ @bitlen = bitlen
+ end
+ # call-seq:
+ # digest_obj.reset -> digest_obj
+ #
+ # Resets the digest to the initial state and returns self.
+ def reset
+ @sha2.reset
+ self
+ end
+ # call-seq:
+ # digest_obj.update(string) -> digest_obj
+ # digest_obj << string -> digest_obj
+ #
+ # Updates the digest using a given _string_ and returns self.
+ def update(str)
+ @sha2.update(str)
+ self
+ end
+ alias << update
+ def finish # :nodoc:
+ @sha2.digest!
+ end
+ private :finish
+ # call-seq:
+ # digest_obj.block_length -> Integer
+ #
+ # Returns the block length of the digest in bytes.
+ #
+ # * 8
+ # # => 512
+ # * 8
+ # # => 1024
+ # * 8
+ # # => 1024
+ def block_length
+ @sha2.block_length
+ end
+ # call-seq:
+ # digest_obj.digest_length -> Integer
+ #
+ # Returns the length of the hash value of the digest in bytes.
+ #
+ # * 8
+ # # => 256
+ # * 8
+ # # => 384
+ # * 8
+ # # => 512
+ #
+ # For example, digests produced by Digest::SHA256 will always be 32 bytes
+ # (256 bits) in size.
+ def digest_length
+ @sha2.digest_length
+ end
+ def initialize_copy(other) # :nodoc:
+ @sha2 = other.instance_eval { @sha2.clone }
+ end
+ def inspect # :nodoc:
+ "#<%s:%d %s>" % [, @bitlen, hexdigest]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8673801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@
+ * FILE: sha2.c
+ * AUTHOR: Aaron D. Gifford -
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Aaron D. Gifford
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of contributors
+ * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ * without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * $OrigId: sha2.c,v 1.1 2001/11/08 00:01:51 adg Exp adg $
+ * $RoughId: sha2.c,v 1.3 2002/02/26 22:03:36 knu Exp $
+ * $Id: sha2.c 46827 2014-07-15 14:59:20Z nobu $
+ */
+#include "defs.h"
+#include <string.h> /* memcpy()/memset() or bcopy()/bzero() */
+#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
+#include "sha2.h"
+ * Some sanity checking code is included using assert(). On my FreeBSD
+ * system, this additional code can be removed by compiling with NDEBUG
+ * defined. Check your own systems manpage on assert() to see how to
+ * compile WITHOUT the sanity checking code on your system.
+ *
+ * You can define SHA2_UNROLL_TRANSFORM to use the unrolled transform
+ * loop version for the hash transform rounds (defined using macros
+ * later in this file). Either define on the command line, for example:
+ *
+ * cc -DSHA2_UNROLL_TRANSFORM -o sha2 sha2.c sha2prog.c
+ *
+ * or define below:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/*** SHA-256/384/512 Machine Architecture Definitions *****************/
+ *
+ * Please make sure that your system defines BYTE_ORDER. If your
+ * architecture is little-endian, make sure it also defines
+ * LITTLE_ENDIAN and that the two (BYTE_ORDER and LITTLE_ENDIAN) are
+ * equivilent.
+ *
+ * If your system does not define the above, then you can do so by
+ * hand like this:
+ *
+ * #define LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
+ * #define BIG_ENDIAN 4321
+ *
+ * And for little-endian machines, add:
+ *
+ *
+ * Or for big-endian machines:
+ *
+ *
+ * The FreeBSD machine this was written on defines BYTE_ORDER
+ * appropriately by including <sys/types.h> (which in turn includes
+ * <machine/endian.h> where the appropriate definitions are actually
+ * made).
+ */
+#error Define BYTE_ORDER to be equal to either LITTLE_ENDIAN or BIG_ENDIAN
+ * Define the followingsha2_* types to types of the correct length on
+ * the native archtecture. Most BSD systems and Linux define u_intXX_t
+ * types. Machines with very recent ANSI C headers, can use the
+ * uintXX_t definintions from inttypes.h by defining SHA2_USE_INTTYPES_H
+ * during compile or in the sha.h header file.
+ *
+ * Machines that support neither u_intXX_t nor inttypes.h's uintXX_t
+ * will need to define these three typedefs below (and the appropriate
+ * ones in sha.h too) by hand according to their system architecture.
+ *
+ * Thank you, Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino, for suggesting using u_intXX_t
+ * types and pointing out recent ANSI C support for uintXX_t in inttypes.h.
+ */
+typedef uint8_t sha2_byte; /* Exactly 1 byte */
+typedef uint32_t sha2_word32; /* Exactly 4 bytes */
+typedef uint64_t sha2_word64; /* Exactly 8 bytes */
+#else /* SHA2_USE_INTTYPES_H */
+typedef u_int8_t sha2_byte; /* Exactly 1 byte */
+typedef u_int32_t sha2_word32; /* Exactly 4 bytes */
+typedef u_int64_t sha2_word64; /* Exactly 8 bytes */
+#endif /* SHA2_USE_INTTYPES_H */
+/*** SHA-256/384/512 Various Length Definitions ***********************/
+/* NOTE: Most of these are in sha2.h */
+#if (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_HPUX_SOURCE) || defined(__IBMC__)
+#define ULL(number) number##ULL
+#define ULL(number) (uint64_t)(number)
+/*** ENDIAN REVERSAL MACROS *******************************************/
+#define REVERSE32(w,x) { \
+ sha2_word32 tmp = (w); \
+ tmp = (tmp >> 16) | (tmp << 16); \
+ (x) = ((tmp & (sha2_word32)0xff00ff00UL) >> 8) | ((tmp & (sha2_word32)0x00ff00ffUL) << 8); \
+#define REVERSE64(w,x) { \
+ sha2_word64 tmp = (w); \
+ tmp = (tmp >> 32) | (tmp << 32); \
+ tmp = ((tmp & ULL(0xff00ff00ff00ff00)) >> 8) | \
+ ((tmp & ULL(0x00ff00ff00ff00ff)) << 8); \
+ (x) = ((tmp & ULL(0xffff0000ffff0000)) >> 16) | \
+ ((tmp & ULL(0x0000ffff0000ffff)) << 16); \
+ * Macro for incrementally adding the unsigned 64-bit integer n to the
+ * unsigned 128-bit integer (represented using a two-element array of
+ * 64-bit words):
+ */
+#define ADDINC128(w,n) { \
+ (w)[0] += (sha2_word64)(n); \
+ if ((w)[0] < (n)) { \
+ (w)[1]++; \
+ } \
+ * Macros for copying blocks of memory and for zeroing out ranges
+ * of memory. Using these macros makes it easy to switch from
+ * using memset()/memcpy() and using bzero()/bcopy().
+ *
+ * Please define either SHA2_USE_MEMSET_MEMCPY or define
+ * SHA2_USE_BZERO_BCOPY depending on which function set you
+ * choose to use:
+ */
+#if !defined(SHA2_USE_MEMSET_MEMCPY) && !defined(SHA2_USE_BZERO_BCOPY)
+/* Default to memset()/memcpy() if no option is specified */
+#if defined(SHA2_USE_MEMSET_MEMCPY) && defined(SHA2_USE_BZERO_BCOPY)
+/* Abort with an error if BOTH options are defined */
+#error Define either SHA2_USE_MEMSET_MEMCPY or SHA2_USE_BZERO_BCOPY, not both!
+#define MEMSET_BZERO(p,l) memset((p), 0, (l))
+#define MEMCPY_BCOPY(d,s,l) memcpy((d), (s), (l))
+#define MEMSET_BZERO(p,l) bzero((p), (l))
+#define MEMCPY_BCOPY(d,s,l) bcopy((s), (d), (l))
+/*** THE SIX LOGICAL FUNCTIONS ****************************************/
+ * Bit shifting and rotation (used by the six SHA-XYZ logical functions:
+ *
+ * NOTE: The naming of R and S appears backwards here (R is a SHIFT and
+ * S is a ROTATION) because the SHA-256/384/512 description document
+ * (see uses this
+ * same "backwards" definition.
+ */
+/* Shift-right (used in SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512): */
+#define R(b,x) ((x) >> (b))
+/* 32-bit Rotate-right (used in SHA-256): */
+#define S32(b,x) (((x) >> (b)) | ((x) << (32 - (b))))
+/* 64-bit Rotate-right (used in SHA-384 and SHA-512): */
+#define S64(b,x) (((x) >> (b)) | ((x) << (64 - (b))))
+/* Two of six logical functions used in SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512: */
+#define Ch(x,y,z) (((x) & (y)) ^ ((~(x)) & (z)))
+#define Maj(x,y,z) (((x) & (y)) ^ ((x) & (z)) ^ ((y) & (z)))
+/* Four of six logical functions used in SHA-256: */
+#define Sigma0_256(x) (S32(2, (x)) ^ S32(13, (x)) ^ S32(22, (x)))
+#define Sigma1_256(x) (S32(6, (x)) ^ S32(11, (x)) ^ S32(25, (x)))
+#define sigma0_256(x) (S32(7, (x)) ^ S32(18, (x)) ^ R(3 , (x)))
+#define sigma1_256(x) (S32(17, (x)) ^ S32(19, (x)) ^ R(10, (x)))
+/* Four of six logical functions used in SHA-384 and SHA-512: */
+#define Sigma0_512(x) (S64(28, (x)) ^ S64(34, (x)) ^ S64(39, (x)))
+#define Sigma1_512(x) (S64(14, (x)) ^ S64(18, (x)) ^ S64(41, (x)))
+#define sigma0_512(x) (S64( 1, (x)) ^ S64( 8, (x)) ^ R( 7, (x)))
+#define sigma1_512(x) (S64(19, (x)) ^ S64(61, (x)) ^ R( 6, (x)))
+/*** INTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES *************************************/
+/* NOTE: These should not be accessed directly from outside this
+ * library -- they are intended for private internal visibility/use
+ * only.
+ */
+void SHA512_Last(SHA512_CTX*);
+void SHA256_Transform(SHA256_CTX*, const sha2_word32*);
+void SHA512_Transform(SHA512_CTX*, const sha2_word64*);
+/*** SHA-XYZ INITIAL HASH VALUES AND CONSTANTS ************************/
+/* Hash constant words K for SHA-256: */
+static const sha2_word32 K256[64] = {
+ 0x428a2f98UL, 0x71374491UL, 0xb5c0fbcfUL, 0xe9b5dba5UL,
+ 0x3956c25bUL, 0x59f111f1UL, 0x923f82a4UL, 0xab1c5ed5UL,
+ 0xd807aa98UL, 0x12835b01UL, 0x243185beUL, 0x550c7dc3UL,
+ 0x72be5d74UL, 0x80deb1feUL, 0x9bdc06a7UL, 0xc19bf174UL,
+ 0xe49b69c1UL, 0xefbe4786UL, 0x0fc19dc6UL, 0x240ca1ccUL,
+ 0x2de92c6fUL, 0x4a7484aaUL, 0x5cb0a9dcUL, 0x76f988daUL,
+ 0x983e5152UL, 0xa831c66dUL, 0xb00327c8UL, 0xbf597fc7UL,
+ 0xc6e00bf3UL, 0xd5a79147UL, 0x06ca6351UL, 0x14292967UL,
+ 0x27b70a85UL, 0x2e1b2138UL, 0x4d2c6dfcUL, 0x53380d13UL,
+ 0x650a7354UL, 0x766a0abbUL, 0x81c2c92eUL, 0x92722c85UL,
+ 0xa2bfe8a1UL, 0xa81a664bUL, 0xc24b8b70UL, 0xc76c51a3UL,
+ 0xd192e819UL, 0xd6990624UL, 0xf40e3585UL, 0x106aa070UL,
+ 0x19a4c116UL, 0x1e376c08UL, 0x2748774cUL, 0x34b0bcb5UL,
+ 0x391c0cb3UL, 0x4ed8aa4aUL, 0x5b9cca4fUL, 0x682e6ff3UL,
+ 0x748f82eeUL, 0x78a5636fUL, 0x84c87814UL, 0x8cc70208UL,
+ 0x90befffaUL, 0xa4506cebUL, 0xbef9a3f7UL, 0xc67178f2UL
+/* Initial hash value H for SHA-256: */
+static const sha2_word32 sha256_initial_hash_value[8] = {
+ 0x6a09e667UL,
+ 0xbb67ae85UL,
+ 0x3c6ef372UL,
+ 0xa54ff53aUL,
+ 0x510e527fUL,
+ 0x9b05688cUL,
+ 0x1f83d9abUL,
+ 0x5be0cd19UL
+/* Hash constant words K for SHA-384 and SHA-512: */
+static const sha2_word64 K512[80] = {
+ ULL(0x428a2f98d728ae22), ULL(0x7137449123ef65cd),
+ ULL(0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2f), ULL(0xe9b5dba58189dbbc),
+ ULL(0x3956c25bf348b538), ULL(0x59f111f1b605d019),
+ ULL(0x923f82a4af194f9b), ULL(0xab1c5ed5da6d8118),
+ ULL(0xd807aa98a3030242), ULL(0x12835b0145706fbe),
+ ULL(0x243185be4ee4b28c), ULL(0x550c7dc3d5ffb4e2),
+ ULL(0x72be5d74f27b896f), ULL(0x80deb1fe3b1696b1),
+ ULL(0x9bdc06a725c71235), ULL(0xc19bf174cf692694),
+ ULL(0xe49b69c19ef14ad2), ULL(0xefbe4786384f25e3),
+ ULL(0x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5), ULL(0x240ca1cc77ac9c65),
+ ULL(0x2de92c6f592b0275), ULL(0x4a7484aa6ea6e483),
+ ULL(0x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4), ULL(0x76f988da831153b5),
+ ULL(0x983e5152ee66dfab), ULL(0xa831c66d2db43210),
+ ULL(0xb00327c898fb213f), ULL(0xbf597fc7beef0ee4),
+ ULL(0xc6e00bf33da88fc2), ULL(0xd5a79147930aa725),
+ ULL(0x06ca6351e003826f), ULL(0x142929670a0e6e70),
+ ULL(0x27b70a8546d22ffc), ULL(0x2e1b21385c26c926),
+ ULL(0x4d2c6dfc5ac42aed), ULL(0x53380d139d95b3df),
+ ULL(0x650a73548baf63de), ULL(0x766a0abb3c77b2a8),
+ ULL(0x81c2c92e47edaee6), ULL(0x92722c851482353b),
+ ULL(0xa2bfe8a14cf10364), ULL(0xa81a664bbc423001),
+ ULL(0xc24b8b70d0f89791), ULL(0xc76c51a30654be30),
+ ULL(0xd192e819d6ef5218), ULL(0xd69906245565a910),
+ ULL(0xf40e35855771202a), ULL(0x106aa07032bbd1b8),
+ ULL(0x19a4c116b8d2d0c8), ULL(0x1e376c085141ab53),
+ ULL(0x2748774cdf8eeb99), ULL(0x34b0bcb5e19b48a8),
+ ULL(0x391c0cb3c5c95a63), ULL(0x4ed8aa4ae3418acb),
+ ULL(0x5b9cca4f7763e373), ULL(0x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3),
+ ULL(0x748f82ee5defb2fc), ULL(0x78a5636f43172f60),
+ ULL(0x84c87814a1f0ab72), ULL(0x8cc702081a6439ec),
+ ULL(0x90befffa23631e28), ULL(0xa4506cebde82bde9),
+ ULL(0xbef9a3f7b2c67915), ULL(0xc67178f2e372532b),
+ ULL(0xca273eceea26619c), ULL(0xd186b8c721c0c207),
+ ULL(0xeada7dd6cde0eb1e), ULL(0xf57d4f7fee6ed178),
+ ULL(0x06f067aa72176fba), ULL(0x0a637dc5a2c898a6),
+ ULL(0x113f9804bef90dae), ULL(0x1b710b35131c471b),
+ ULL(0x28db77f523047d84), ULL(0x32caab7b40c72493),
+ ULL(0x3c9ebe0a15c9bebc), ULL(0x431d67c49c100d4c),
+ ULL(0x4cc5d4becb3e42b6), ULL(0x597f299cfc657e2a),
+ ULL(0x5fcb6fab3ad6faec), ULL(0x6c44198c4a475817)
+/* Initial hash value H for SHA-384 */
+static const sha2_word64 sha384_initial_hash_value[8] = {
+ ULL(0xcbbb9d5dc1059ed8),
+ ULL(0x629a292a367cd507),
+ ULL(0x9159015a3070dd17),
+ ULL(0x152fecd8f70e5939),
+ ULL(0x67332667ffc00b31),
+ ULL(0x8eb44a8768581511),
+ ULL(0xdb0c2e0d64f98fa7),
+ ULL(0x47b5481dbefa4fa4)
+/* Initial hash value H for SHA-512 */
+static const sha2_word64 sha512_initial_hash_value[8] = {
+ ULL(0x6a09e667f3bcc908),
+ ULL(0xbb67ae8584caa73b),
+ ULL(0x3c6ef372fe94f82b),
+ ULL(0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1),
+ ULL(0x510e527fade682d1),
+ ULL(0x9b05688c2b3e6c1f),
+ ULL(0x1f83d9abfb41bd6b),
+ ULL(0x5be0cd19137e2179)
+ * Constant used by SHA256/384/512_End() functions for converting the
+ * digest to a readable hexadecimal character string:
+ */
+static const char *sha2_hex_digits = "0123456789abcdef";
+/*** SHA-256: *********************************************************/
+int SHA256_Init(SHA256_CTX* context) {
+ if (context == (SHA256_CTX*)0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(context->state, sha256_initial_hash_value, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+ MEMSET_BZERO(context->buffer, SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ context->bitcount = 0;
+ return 1;
+/* Unrolled SHA-256 round macros: */
+#define ROUND256_0_TO_15(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
+ REVERSE32(*data++, W256[j]); \
+ T1 = (h) + Sigma1_256(e) + Ch((e), (f), (g)) + \
+ K256[j] + W256[j]; \
+ (d) += T1; \
+ (h) = T1 + Sigma0_256(a) + Maj((a), (b), (c)); \
+ j++
+#define ROUND256_0_TO_15(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
+ T1 = (h) + Sigma1_256(e) + Ch((e), (f), (g)) + \
+ K256[j] + (W256[j] = *data++); \
+ (d) += T1; \
+ (h) = T1 + Sigma0_256(a) + Maj((a), (b), (c)); \
+ j++
+#define ROUND256(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
+ s0 = W256[(j+1)&0x0f]; \
+ s0 = sigma0_256(s0); \
+ s1 = W256[(j+14)&0x0f]; \
+ s1 = sigma1_256(s1); \
+ T1 = (h) + Sigma1_256(e) + Ch((e), (f), (g)) + K256[j] + \
+ (W256[j&0x0f] += s1 + W256[(j+9)&0x0f] + s0); \
+ (d) += T1; \
+ (h) = T1 + Sigma0_256(a) + Maj((a), (b), (c)); \
+ j++
+void SHA256_Transform(SHA256_CTX* context, const sha2_word32* data) {
+ sha2_word32 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, s0, s1;
+ sha2_word32 T1, *W256;
+ int j;
+ W256 = (sha2_word32*)context->buffer;
+ /* Initialize registers with the prev. intermediate value */
+ a = context->state[0];
+ b = context->state[1];
+ c = context->state[2];
+ d = context->state[3];
+ e = context->state[4];
+ f = context->state[5];
+ g = context->state[6];
+ h = context->state[7];
+ j = 0;
+ do {
+ /* Rounds 0 to 15 (unrolled): */
+ ROUND256_0_TO_15(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h);
+ ROUND256_0_TO_15(h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g);
+ ROUND256_0_TO_15(g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f);
+ ROUND256_0_TO_15(f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e);
+ ROUND256_0_TO_15(e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d);
+ ROUND256_0_TO_15(d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c);
+ ROUND256_0_TO_15(c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b);
+ ROUND256_0_TO_15(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a);
+ } while (j < 16);
+ /* Now for the remaining rounds to 64: */
+ do {
+ ROUND256(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h);
+ ROUND256(h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g);
+ ROUND256(g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f);
+ ROUND256(f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e);
+ ROUND256(e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d);
+ ROUND256(d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c);
+ ROUND256(c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b);
+ ROUND256(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a);
+ } while (j < 64);
+ /* Compute the current intermediate hash value */
+ context->state[0] += a;
+ context->state[1] += b;
+ context->state[2] += c;
+ context->state[3] += d;
+ context->state[4] += e;
+ context->state[5] += f;
+ context->state[6] += g;
+ context->state[7] += h;
+ /* Clean up */
+ a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = T1 = 0;
+void SHA256_Transform(SHA256_CTX* context, const sha2_word32* data) {
+ sha2_word32 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, s0, s1;
+ sha2_word32 T1, T2, *W256;
+ int j;
+ W256 = (sha2_word32*)context->buffer;
+ /* Initialize registers with the prev. intermediate value */
+ a = context->state[0];
+ b = context->state[1];
+ c = context->state[2];
+ d = context->state[3];
+ e = context->state[4];
+ f = context->state[5];
+ g = context->state[6];
+ h = context->state[7];
+ j = 0;
+ do {
+ /* Copy data while converting to host byte order */
+ REVERSE32(*data++,W256[j]);
+ /* Apply the SHA-256 compression function to update a..h */
+ T1 = h + Sigma1_256(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K256[j] + W256[j];
+ /* Apply the SHA-256 compression function to update a..h with copy */
+ T1 = h + Sigma1_256(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K256[j] + (W256[j] = *data++);
+ T2 = Sigma0_256(a) + Maj(a, b, c);
+ h = g;
+ g = f;
+ f = e;
+ e = d + T1;
+ d = c;
+ c = b;
+ b = a;
+ a = T1 + T2;
+ j++;
+ } while (j < 16);
+ do {
+ /* Part of the message block expansion: */
+ s0 = W256[(j+1)&0x0f];
+ s0 = sigma0_256(s0);
+ s1 = W256[(j+14)&0x0f];
+ s1 = sigma1_256(s1);
+ /* Apply the SHA-256 compression function to update a..h */
+ T1 = h + Sigma1_256(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K256[j] +
+ (W256[j&0x0f] += s1 + W256[(j+9)&0x0f] + s0);
+ T2 = Sigma0_256(a) + Maj(a, b, c);
+ h = g;
+ g = f;
+ f = e;
+ e = d + T1;
+ d = c;
+ c = b;
+ b = a;
+ a = T1 + T2;
+ j++;
+ } while (j < 64);
+ /* Compute the current intermediate hash value */
+ context->state[0] += a;
+ context->state[1] += b;
+ context->state[2] += c;
+ context->state[3] += d;
+ context->state[4] += e;
+ context->state[5] += f;
+ context->state[6] += g;
+ context->state[7] += h;
+ /* Clean up */
+ a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = T1 = T2 = 0;
+void SHA256_Update(SHA256_CTX* context, const sha2_byte *data, size_t len) {
+ unsigned int freespace, usedspace;
+ if (len == 0) {
+ /* Calling with no data is valid - we do nothing */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Sanity check: */
+ assert(context != (SHA256_CTX*)0 && data != (sha2_byte*)0);
+ usedspace = (unsigned int)((context->bitcount >> 3) % SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ if (usedspace > 0) {
+ /* Calculate how much free space is available in the buffer */
+ freespace = SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH - usedspace;
+ if (len >= freespace) {
+ /* Fill the buffer completely and process it */
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(&context->buffer[usedspace], data, freespace);
+ context->bitcount += freespace << 3;
+ len -= freespace;
+ data += freespace;
+ SHA256_Transform(context, (sha2_word32*)context->buffer);
+ } else {
+ /* The buffer is not yet full */
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(&context->buffer[usedspace], data, len);
+ context->bitcount += len << 3;
+ /* Clean up: */
+ usedspace = freespace = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while (len >= SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
+ /* Process as many complete blocks as we can */
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(context->buffer, data, SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ SHA256_Transform(context, (sha2_word32*)context->buffer);
+ context->bitcount += SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH << 3;
+ len -= SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH;
+ data += SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH;
+ }
+ if (len > 0) {
+ /* There's left-overs, so save 'em */
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(context->buffer, data, len);
+ context->bitcount += len << 3;
+ }
+ /* Clean up: */
+ usedspace = freespace = 0;
+int SHA256_Final(sha2_byte digest[], SHA256_CTX* context) {
+ sha2_word32 *d = (sha2_word32*)digest;
+ unsigned int usedspace;
+ /* Sanity check: */
+ assert(context != (SHA256_CTX*)0);
+ /* If no digest buffer is passed, we don't bother doing this: */
+ if (digest != (sha2_byte*)0) {
+ usedspace = (unsigned int)((context->bitcount >> 3) % SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ /* Convert FROM host byte order */
+ REVERSE64(context->bitcount,context->bitcount);
+ if (usedspace > 0) {
+ /* Begin padding with a 1 bit: */
+ context->buffer[usedspace++] = 0x80;
+ if (usedspace <= SHA256_SHORT_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
+ /* Set-up for the last transform: */
+ MEMSET_BZERO(&context->buffer[usedspace], SHA256_SHORT_BLOCK_LENGTH - usedspace);
+ } else {
+ if (usedspace < SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
+ MEMSET_BZERO(&context->buffer[usedspace], SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH - usedspace);
+ }
+ /* Do second-to-last transform: */
+ SHA256_Transform(context, (sha2_word32*)context->buffer);
+ /* And set-up for the last transform: */
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Set-up for the last transform: */
+ /* Begin padding with a 1 bit: */
+ *context->buffer = 0x80;
+ }
+ /* Set the bit count: */
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(&context->buffer[SHA256_SHORT_BLOCK_LENGTH], &context->bitcount,
+ sizeof(sha2_word64));
+ /* Final transform: */
+ SHA256_Transform(context, (sha2_word32*)context->buffer);
+ {
+ /* Convert TO host byte order */
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ REVERSE32(context->state[j],context->state[j]);
+ *d++ = context->state[j];
+ }
+ }
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(d, context->state, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+ }
+ /* Clean up state data: */
+ MEMSET_BZERO(context, sizeof(*context));
+ usedspace = 0;
+ return 1;
+char *SHA256_End(SHA256_CTX* context, char buffer[]) {
+ sha2_byte digest[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH], *d = digest;
+ int i;
+ /* Sanity check: */
+ assert(context != (SHA256_CTX*)0);
+ if (buffer != (char*)0) {
+ SHA256_Final(digest, context);
+ for (i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) {
+ *buffer++ = sha2_hex_digits[(*d & 0xf0) >> 4];
+ *buffer++ = sha2_hex_digits[*d & 0x0f];
+ d++;
+ }
+ *buffer = (char)0;
+ } else {
+ MEMSET_BZERO(context, sizeof(*context));
+ }
+ return buffer;
+char* SHA256_Data(const sha2_byte* data, size_t len, char digest[SHA256_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH]) {
+ SHA256_CTX context;
+ SHA256_Init(&context);
+ SHA256_Update(&context, data, len);
+ return SHA256_End(&context, digest);
+/*** SHA-512: *********************************************************/
+int SHA512_Init(SHA512_CTX* context) {
+ if (context == (SHA512_CTX*)0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(context->state, sha512_initial_hash_value, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+ MEMSET_BZERO(context->buffer, SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ context->bitcount[0] = context->bitcount[1] = 0;
+ return 1;
+/* Unrolled SHA-512 round macros: */
+#define ROUND512_0_TO_15(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
+ REVERSE64(*data++, W512[j]); \
+ T1 = (h) + Sigma1_512(e) + Ch((e), (f), (g)) + \
+ K512[j] + W512[j]; \
+ (d) += T1, \
+ (h) = T1 + Sigma0_512(a) + Maj((a), (b), (c)), \
+ j++
+#define ROUND512_0_TO_15(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
+ T1 = (h) + Sigma1_512(e) + Ch((e), (f), (g)) + \
+ K512[j] + (W512[j] = *data++); \
+ (d) += T1; \
+ (h) = T1 + Sigma0_512(a) + Maj((a), (b), (c)); \
+ j++
+#define ROUND512(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
+ s0 = W512[(j+1)&0x0f]; \
+ s0 = sigma0_512(s0); \
+ s1 = W512[(j+14)&0x0f]; \
+ s1 = sigma1_512(s1); \
+ T1 = (h) + Sigma1_512(e) + Ch((e), (f), (g)) + K512[j] + \
+ (W512[j&0x0f] += s1 + W512[(j+9)&0x0f] + s0); \
+ (d) += T1; \
+ (h) = T1 + Sigma0_512(a) + Maj((a), (b), (c)); \
+ j++
+void SHA512_Transform(SHA512_CTX* context, const sha2_word64* data) {
+ sha2_word64 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, s0, s1;
+ sha2_word64 T1, *W512 = (sha2_word64*)context->buffer;
+ int j;
+ /* Initialize registers with the prev. intermediate value */
+ a = context->state[0];
+ b = context->state[1];
+ c = context->state[2];
+ d = context->state[3];
+ e = context->state[4];
+ f = context->state[5];
+ g = context->state[6];
+ h = context->state[7];
+ j = 0;
+ do {
+ ROUND512_0_TO_15(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h);
+ ROUND512_0_TO_15(h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g);
+ ROUND512_0_TO_15(g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f);
+ ROUND512_0_TO_15(f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e);
+ ROUND512_0_TO_15(e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d);
+ ROUND512_0_TO_15(d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c);
+ ROUND512_0_TO_15(c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b);
+ ROUND512_0_TO_15(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a);
+ } while (j < 16);
+ /* Now for the remaining rounds up to 79: */
+ do {
+ ROUND512(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h);
+ ROUND512(h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g);
+ ROUND512(g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f);
+ ROUND512(f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e);
+ ROUND512(e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d);
+ ROUND512(d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c);
+ ROUND512(c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b);
+ ROUND512(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a);
+ } while (j < 80);
+ /* Compute the current intermediate hash value */
+ context->state[0] += a;
+ context->state[1] += b;
+ context->state[2] += c;
+ context->state[3] += d;
+ context->state[4] += e;
+ context->state[5] += f;
+ context->state[6] += g;
+ context->state[7] += h;
+ /* Clean up */
+ a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = T1 = 0;
+void SHA512_Transform(SHA512_CTX* context, const sha2_word64* data) {
+ sha2_word64 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, s0, s1;
+ sha2_word64 T1, T2, *W512 = (sha2_word64*)context->buffer;
+ int j;
+ /* Initialize registers with the prev. intermediate value */
+ a = context->state[0];
+ b = context->state[1];
+ c = context->state[2];
+ d = context->state[3];
+ e = context->state[4];
+ f = context->state[5];
+ g = context->state[6];
+ h = context->state[7];
+ j = 0;
+ do {
+ /* Convert TO host byte order */
+ REVERSE64(*data++, W512[j]);
+ /* Apply the SHA-512 compression function to update a..h */
+ T1 = h + Sigma1_512(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K512[j] + W512[j];
+ /* Apply the SHA-512 compression function to update a..h with copy */
+ T1 = h + Sigma1_512(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K512[j] + (W512[j] = *data++);
+ T2 = Sigma0_512(a) + Maj(a, b, c);
+ h = g;
+ g = f;
+ f = e;
+ e = d + T1;
+ d = c;
+ c = b;
+ b = a;
+ a = T1 + T2;
+ j++;
+ } while (j < 16);
+ do {
+ /* Part of the message block expansion: */
+ s0 = W512[(j+1)&0x0f];
+ s0 = sigma0_512(s0);
+ s1 = W512[(j+14)&0x0f];
+ s1 = sigma1_512(s1);
+ /* Apply the SHA-512 compression function to update a..h */
+ T1 = h + Sigma1_512(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K512[j] +
+ (W512[j&0x0f] += s1 + W512[(j+9)&0x0f] + s0);
+ T2 = Sigma0_512(a) + Maj(a, b, c);
+ h = g;
+ g = f;
+ f = e;
+ e = d + T1;
+ d = c;
+ c = b;
+ b = a;
+ a = T1 + T2;
+ j++;
+ } while (j < 80);
+ /* Compute the current intermediate hash value */
+ context->state[0] += a;
+ context->state[1] += b;
+ context->state[2] += c;
+ context->state[3] += d;
+ context->state[4] += e;
+ context->state[5] += f;
+ context->state[6] += g;
+ context->state[7] += h;
+ /* Clean up */
+ a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = T1 = T2 = 0;
+void SHA512_Update(SHA512_CTX* context, const sha2_byte *data, size_t len) {
+ unsigned int freespace, usedspace;
+ if (len == 0) {
+ /* Calling with no data is valid - we do nothing */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Sanity check: */
+ assert(context != (SHA512_CTX*)0 && data != (sha2_byte*)0);
+ usedspace = (unsigned int)((context->bitcount[0] >> 3) % SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ if (usedspace > 0) {
+ /* Calculate how much free space is available in the buffer */
+ freespace = SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH - usedspace;
+ if (len >= freespace) {
+ /* Fill the buffer completely and process it */
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(&context->buffer[usedspace], data, freespace);
+ ADDINC128(context->bitcount, freespace << 3);
+ len -= freespace;
+ data += freespace;
+ SHA512_Transform(context, (sha2_word64*)context->buffer);
+ } else {
+ /* The buffer is not yet full */
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(&context->buffer[usedspace], data, len);
+ ADDINC128(context->bitcount, len << 3);
+ /* Clean up: */
+ usedspace = freespace = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while (len >= SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
+ /* Process as many complete blocks as we can */
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(context->buffer, data, SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ SHA512_Transform(context, (sha2_word64*)context->buffer);
+ ADDINC128(context->bitcount, SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH << 3);
+ len -= SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH;
+ data += SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH;
+ }
+ if (len > 0) {
+ /* There's left-overs, so save 'em */
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(context->buffer, data, len);
+ ADDINC128(context->bitcount, len << 3);
+ }
+ /* Clean up: */
+ usedspace = freespace = 0;
+void SHA512_Last(SHA512_CTX* context) {
+ unsigned int usedspace;
+ usedspace = (unsigned int)((context->bitcount[0] >> 3) % SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ /* Convert FROM host byte order */
+ REVERSE64(context->bitcount[0],context->bitcount[0]);
+ REVERSE64(context->bitcount[1],context->bitcount[1]);
+ if (usedspace > 0) {
+ /* Begin padding with a 1 bit: */
+ context->buffer[usedspace++] = 0x80;
+ if (usedspace <= SHA512_SHORT_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
+ /* Set-up for the last transform: */
+ MEMSET_BZERO(&context->buffer[usedspace], SHA512_SHORT_BLOCK_LENGTH - usedspace);
+ } else {
+ if (usedspace < SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
+ MEMSET_BZERO(&context->buffer[usedspace], SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH - usedspace);
+ }
+ /* Do second-to-last transform: */
+ SHA512_Transform(context, (sha2_word64*)context->buffer);
+ /* And set-up for the last transform: */
+ MEMSET_BZERO(context->buffer, SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH - 2);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Prepare for final transform: */
+ /* Begin padding with a 1 bit: */
+ *context->buffer = 0x80;
+ }
+ /* Store the length of input data (in bits): */
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(&context->buffer[SHA512_SHORT_BLOCK_LENGTH], &context->bitcount[1],
+ sizeof(sha2_word64));
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(&context->buffer[SHA512_SHORT_BLOCK_LENGTH+8], &context->bitcount[0],
+ sizeof(sha2_word64));
+ /* Final transform: */
+ SHA512_Transform(context, (sha2_word64*)context->buffer);
+int SHA512_Final(sha2_byte digest[], SHA512_CTX* context) {
+ sha2_word64 *d = (sha2_word64*)digest;
+ /* Sanity check: */
+ assert(context != (SHA512_CTX*)0);
+ /* If no digest buffer is passed, we don't bother doing this: */
+ if (digest != (sha2_byte*)0) {
+ SHA512_Last(context);
+ /* Save the hash data for output: */
+ {
+ /* Convert TO host byte order */
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ REVERSE64(context->state[j],context->state[j]);
+ *d++ = context->state[j];
+ }
+ }
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(d, context->state, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+ }
+ /* Zero out state data */
+ MEMSET_BZERO(context, sizeof(*context));
+ return 1;
+char *SHA512_End(SHA512_CTX* context, char buffer[]) {
+ sha2_byte digest[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH], *d = digest;
+ int i;
+ /* Sanity check: */
+ assert(context != (SHA512_CTX*)0);
+ if (buffer != (char*)0) {
+ SHA512_Final(digest, context);
+ for (i = 0; i < SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) {
+ *buffer++ = sha2_hex_digits[(*d & 0xf0) >> 4];
+ *buffer++ = sha2_hex_digits[*d & 0x0f];
+ d++;
+ }
+ *buffer = (char)0;
+ } else {
+ MEMSET_BZERO(context, sizeof(*context));
+ }
+ return buffer;
+char* SHA512_Data(const sha2_byte* data, size_t len, char digest[SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH]) {
+ SHA512_CTX context;
+ SHA512_Init(&context);
+ SHA512_Update(&context, data, len);
+ return SHA512_End(&context, digest);
+/*** SHA-384: *********************************************************/
+int SHA384_Init(SHA384_CTX* context) {
+ if (context == (SHA384_CTX*)0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(context->state, sha384_initial_hash_value, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+ MEMSET_BZERO(context->buffer, SHA384_BLOCK_LENGTH);
+ context->bitcount[0] = context->bitcount[1] = 0;
+ return 1;
+void SHA384_Update(SHA384_CTX* context, const sha2_byte* data, size_t len) {
+ SHA512_Update((SHA512_CTX*)context, data, len);
+int SHA384_Final(sha2_byte digest[], SHA384_CTX* context) {
+ sha2_word64 *d = (sha2_word64*)digest;
+ /* Sanity check: */
+ assert(context != (SHA384_CTX*)0);
+ /* If no digest buffer is passed, we don't bother doing this: */
+ if (digest != (sha2_byte*)0) {
+ SHA512_Last((SHA512_CTX*)context);
+ /* Save the hash data for output: */
+ {
+ /* Convert TO host byte order */
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ REVERSE64(context->state[j],context->state[j]);
+ *d++ = context->state[j];
+ }
+ }
+ MEMCPY_BCOPY(d, context->state, SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+ }
+ /* Zero out state data */
+ MEMSET_BZERO(context, sizeof(*context));
+ return 1;
+char *SHA384_End(SHA384_CTX* context, char buffer[]) {
+ sha2_byte digest[SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH], *d = digest;
+ int i;
+ /* Sanity check: */
+ assert(context != (SHA384_CTX*)0);
+ if (buffer != (char*)0) {
+ SHA384_Final(digest, context);
+ for (i = 0; i < SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) {
+ *buffer++ = sha2_hex_digits[(*d & 0xf0) >> 4];
+ *buffer++ = sha2_hex_digits[*d & 0x0f];
+ d++;
+ }
+ *buffer = (char)0;
+ } else {
+ MEMSET_BZERO(context, sizeof(*context));
+ }
+ return buffer;
+char* SHA384_Data(const sha2_byte* data, size_t len, char digest[SHA384_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH]) {
+ SHA384_CTX context;
+ SHA384_Init(&context);
+ SHA384_Update(&context, data, len);
+ return SHA384_End(&context, digest);
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d1734e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+ * FILE: sha2.h
+ * AUTHOR: Aaron D. Gifford -
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Aaron D. Gifford
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of contributors
+ * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ * without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * $OrigId: sha2.h,v 1.1 2001/11/08 00:02:01 adg Exp adg $
+ * $RoughId: sha2.h,v 1.3 2002/02/24 08:14:32 knu Exp $
+ * $Id: sha2.h 46827 2014-07-15 14:59:20Z nobu $
+ */
+#ifndef __SHA2_H__
+#define __SHA2_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Import u_intXX_t size_t type definitions from system headers. You
+ * may need to change this, or define these things yourself in this
+ * file.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#ifdef RUBY
+# undef NOPROTO
+# else
+# define NOPROTO
+# endif /* HAVE_PROTOTYPES */
+# ifndef BYTE_ORDER
+# define LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
+# define BIG_ENDIAN 4321
+# else
+# endif
+# endif /* BYTE_ORDER */
+#else /* RUBY */
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#endif /* SHA2_USE_INTTYPES_H */
+#endif /* RUBY */
+/*** SHA-256/384/512 Various Length Definitions ***********************/
+#define SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH 64
+#define SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH 32
+#define SHA384_BLOCK_LENGTH 128
+#define SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH 48
+#define SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH 128
+#define SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH 64
+/*** SHA-256/384/512 Context Structures *******************************/
+/* NOTE: If your architecture does not define either u_intXX_t types or
+ * uintXX_t (from inttypes.h), you may need to define things by hand
+ * for your system:
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_U_INT8_T
+typedef u_int8_t uint8_t; /* 1-byte (8-bits) */
+typedef u_int32_t uint32_t; /* 4-bytes (32-bits) */
+typedef u_int64_t uint64_t; /* 8-bytes (64-bits) */
+# else
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t; /* 1-byte (8-bits) */
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t; /* 4-bytes (32-bits) */
+typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; /* 8-bytes (64-bits) */
+# endif
+ * Most BSD systems already define u_intXX_t types, as does Linux.
+ * Some systems, however, like Compaq's Tru64 Unix instead can use
+ * uintXX_t types defined by very recent ANSI C standards and included
+ * in the file:
+ *
+ * #include <inttypes.h>
+ *
+ * If you choose to use <inttypes.h> then please define:
+ *
+ * #define SHA2_USE_INTTYPES_H
+ *
+ * Or on the command line during compile:
+ *
+ * cc -DSHA2_USE_INTTYPES_H ...
+ */
+typedef struct _SHA256_CTX {
+ uint32_t state[8];
+ uint64_t bitcount;
+ uint8_t buffer[SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH];
+} SHA256_CTX;
+typedef struct _SHA512_CTX {
+ uint64_t state[8];
+ uint64_t bitcount[2];
+ uint8_t buffer[SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH];
+} SHA512_CTX;
+typedef SHA512_CTX SHA384_CTX;
+/*** SHA-256/384/512 Function Prototypes ******************************/
+#ifdef RUBY
+#define SHA256_Init rb_Digest_SHA256_Init
+#define SHA256_Update rb_Digest_SHA256_Update
+#define SHA256_Finish rb_Digest_SHA256_Finish
+#define SHA256_Data rb_Digest_SHA256_Data
+#define SHA256_End rb_Digest_SHA256_End
+#define SHA256_Last rb_Digest_SHA256_Last
+#define SHA256_Transform rb_Digest_SHA256_Transform
+#define SHA256_Final(d, c) SHA256_Finish(c, d)
+#define SHA384_Init rb_Digest_SHA384_Init
+#define SHA384_Update rb_Digest_SHA384_Update
+#define SHA384_Finish rb_Digest_SHA384_Finish
+#define SHA384_Data rb_Digest_SHA384_Data
+#define SHA384_End rb_Digest_SHA384_End
+#define SHA384_Last rb_Digest_SHA384_Last
+#define SHA384_Transform rb_Digest_SHA384_Transform
+#define SHA384_Final(d, c) SHA384_Finish(c, d)
+#define SHA512_Init rb_Digest_SHA512_Init
+#define SHA512_Update rb_Digest_SHA512_Update
+#define SHA512_Finish rb_Digest_SHA512_Finish
+#define SHA512_Data rb_Digest_SHA512_Data
+#define SHA512_End rb_Digest_SHA512_End
+#define SHA512_Last rb_Digest_SHA512_Last
+#define SHA512_Transform rb_Digest_SHA512_Transform
+#define SHA512_Final(d, c) SHA512_Finish(c, d)
+#endif /* RUBY */
+#ifndef NOPROTO
+int SHA256_Init(SHA256_CTX *);
+void SHA256_Update(SHA256_CTX*, const uint8_t*, size_t);
+int SHA256_Final(uint8_t[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH], SHA256_CTX*);
+char* SHA256_End(SHA256_CTX*, char[SHA256_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH]);
+char* SHA256_Data(const uint8_t*, size_t, char[SHA256_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH]);
+int SHA384_Init(SHA384_CTX*);
+void SHA384_Update(SHA384_CTX*, const uint8_t*, size_t);
+int SHA384_Final(uint8_t[SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH], SHA384_CTX*);
+char* SHA384_End(SHA384_CTX*, char[SHA384_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH]);
+char* SHA384_Data(const uint8_t*, size_t, char[SHA384_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH]);
+int SHA512_Init(SHA512_CTX*);
+void SHA512_Update(SHA512_CTX*, const uint8_t*, size_t);
+int SHA512_Final(uint8_t[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH], SHA512_CTX*);
+char* SHA512_End(SHA512_CTX*, char[SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH]);
+char* SHA512_Data(const uint8_t*, size_t, char[SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH]);
+#else /* NOPROTO */
+int SHA256_Init();
+void SHA256_Update();
+#ifdef RUBY
+int SHA256_Finish();
+int SHA256_Final();
+#endif /* RUBY */
+char* SHA256_End();
+char* SHA256_Data();
+int SHA384_Init();
+void SHA384_Update();
+#ifdef RUBY
+int SHA384_Finish();
+int SHA384_Final();
+#endif /* RUBY */
+char* SHA384_End();
+char* SHA384_Data();
+int SHA512_Init();
+void SHA512_Update();
+#ifdef RUBY
+int SHA512_Finish();
+int SHA512_Final();
+#endif /* RUBY */
+char* SHA512_End();
+char* SHA512_Data();
+#endif /* NOPROTO */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __SHA2_H__ */
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a48a967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* $RoughId: sha2init.c,v 1.3 2001/07/13 20:00:43 knu Exp $ */
+/* $Id: sha2init.c 47745 2014-09-30 08:29:02Z nobu $ */
+#include "digest.h"
+#if defined(SHA2_USE_OPENSSL)
+#include "sha2ossl.h"
+#include "sha2.h"
+#define FOREACH_BITLEN(func) func(256) func(384) func(512)
+#define DEFINE_ALGO_METADATA(bitlen) \
+static const rb_digest_metadata_t sha##bitlen = { \
+ SHA##bitlen##_DIGEST_LENGTH, \
+ SHA##bitlen##_BLOCK_LENGTH, \
+ sizeof(SHA##bitlen##_CTX), \
+ (rb_digest_hash_init_func_t)SHA##bitlen##_Init, \
+ (rb_digest_hash_update_func_t)SHA##bitlen##_Update, \
+ (rb_digest_hash_finish_func_t)SHA##bitlen##_Finish, \
+ * Classes for calculating message digests using the SHA-256/384/512
+ * Secure Hash Algorithm(s) by NIST (the US' National Institute of
+ * Standards and Technology), described in FIPS PUB 180-2.
+ */
+ VALUE mDigest, cDigest_Base;
+ ID id_metadata;
+#define DECLARE_ALGO_CLASS(bitlen) \
+ VALUE cDigest_SHA##bitlen;
+ rb_require("digest");
+ id_metadata = rb_intern("metadata");
+ mDigest = rb_path2class("Digest");
+ cDigest_Base = rb_path2class("Digest::Base");
+#define DEFINE_ALGO_CLASS(bitlen) \
+ cDigest_SHA##bitlen = rb_define_class_under(mDigest, "SHA" #bitlen, cDigest_Base); \
+ rb_ivar_set(cDigest_SHA##bitlen, id_metadata, \
+ Data_Wrap_Struct(0, 0, 0, (void *)&sha##bitlen));
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2ossl.c b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2ossl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34353be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2ossl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "sha2ossl.h"
+#define SHA_Finish(bit) \
+ void SHA##bit##_Finish(SHA##bit##_CTX *ctx, char *buf) \
+ { SHA##bit##_Final((unsigned char *)buf, ctx);}
+#ifndef __DragonFly__
+#define SHA384_Final SHA512_Final
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2ossl.h b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2ossl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4229d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/sha2/sha2ossl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <openssl/sha.h>
+typedef SHA512_CTX SHA384_CTX;
+void SHA256_Finish(SHA256_CTX *ctx, char *buf);
+void SHA384_Finish(SHA384_CTX *ctx, char *buf);
+void SHA512_Finish(SHA512_CTX *ctx, char *buf);
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/digest/ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b5078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/digest/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# $RoughId:,v 1.5 2001/07/13 15:38:27 knu Exp $
+# $Id: 25189 2009-10-02 12:04:37Z akr $
+${RUBY} extconf.rb --with-cflags="${CFLAGS}"
+${MAKE} clean
+for algo in md5 rmd160 sha1 sha2; do
+ args=--with-cflags="${CFLAGS}"
+ if [ $WITH_BUNDLED_ENGINES ]; then
+ args="$args --with-bundled-$algo"
+ fi
+ (cd $algo &&
+ ${RUBY} extconf.rb $args;
+ ${MAKE} clean;
+ ${MAKE})
+ ln -sf ../../$algo/$ lib/digest/
+${RUBY} -I. -I./lib ../../test/digest/test_digest.rb
+rm lib/digest/*.so