path: root/jni/ruby/golf_prelude.rb
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authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/golf_prelude.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/golf_prelude.rb')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/golf_prelude.rb b/jni/ruby/golf_prelude.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8034601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/golf_prelude.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+class Object
+ @@golf_hash = {}
+ def method_missing m, *a, &b
+ t = @@golf_hash[ [m, self.class] ] ||= matching_methods(m)[0]
+ if t && b
+ __send__(t, *a) {|*args|
+ b.binding.eval("proc{|golf_matchdata| $~ = golf_matchdata }").call($~) if $~
+ }
+ else
+ t ? __send__(t, *a, &b) : super
+ end
+ end
+ def matching_methods(s = '', m = callable_methods)
+ r = /^#{s.to_s.gsub(/./){"(.*?)" + Regexp.escape($&)}}/
+ m.grep(r).sort_by do |i|
+ i.to_s.match(r) << i
+ end
+ end
+ def self.const_missing c
+ t = @@golf_hash[ [c,self.class] ] ||= matching_methods(c, constants)[0]
+ t and return const_get(t)
+ raise NameError, "uninitialized constant #{c}", caller(1)
+ end
+ def shortest_abbreviation(s = '', m = callable_methods)
+ s = s.to_s
+ our_case = (?A..?Z) === s[0]
+ if m.index(s.to_sym)
+ 1.upto(s.size){|z| s.scan(/./).combination(z).map{|trial|
+ next unless ((?A..?Z) === trial[0]) == our_case
+ trial *= ''
+ return trial if matching_methods(trial, m)[0].to_s == s
+ }}
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def callable_methods
+ self.class == Object ? methods + private_methods : methods
+ end
+ private
+ def h(a = 'H', b = 'w', c = '!')
+ puts "#{a}ello, #{b}orld#{c}"
+ end
+ alias say puts
+ def do_while
+ 0 while yield
+ end
+ def do_until
+ 0 until yield
+ end
+class Array
+ alias old_to_s to_s
+ alias to_s join
+class FalseClass
+ alias old_to_s to_s
+ def to_s
+ ""
+ end
+class Integer
+ alias each times
+ include Enumerable
+class String
+ alias / split
+ def to_a
+ split('')
+ end
+ (Array.instance_methods - instance_methods - [:to_ary, :transpose, :flatten, :flatten!, :compact, :compact!, :assoc, :rassoc]).each{|meth|
+ eval "
+ def #{meth}(*args, &block)
+ a = to_a
+ result = a.#{meth}(*args, &block)
+ replace(a.join)
+ if result.class == Array
+ Integer === result[0] ? result.pack('c*') : result.join
+ elsif result.class == Enumerator
+ else
+ result
+ end
+ end"
+ }
+class Enumerator
+ alias old_to_s to_s
+ (Array.instance_methods - instance_methods - [:replace] + [:to_s]).each{|meth|
+ eval "
+ def #{meth}(*args, &block)
+ to_a.#{meth}(*args, &block)
+ end"
+ }
+ alias old_inspect inspect
+ alias inspect old_to_s
+class Symbol
+ def call(*args, &block)
+ proc do |recv|
+ recv.__send__(self, *args, &block)
+ end
+ end