path: root/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/command.rb
diff options
authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/command.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/command.rb')
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/command.rb b/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c6abec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'optparse'
+require 'rubygems/requirement'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+# Base class for all Gem commands. When creating a new gem command, define
+# #initialize, #execute, #arguments, #defaults_str, #description and #usage
+# (as appropriate). See the above mentioned methods for details.
+# A very good example to look at is Gem::Commands::ContentsCommand
+class Gem::Command
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ ##
+ # The name of the command.
+ attr_reader :command
+ ##
+ # The options for the command.
+ attr_reader :options
+ ##
+ # The default options for the command.
+ attr_accessor :defaults
+ ##
+ # The name of the command for command-line invocation.
+ attr_accessor :program_name
+ ##
+ # A short description of the command.
+ attr_accessor :summary
+ ##
+ # Arguments used when building gems
+ def self.build_args
+ @build_args ||= []
+ end
+ def self.build_args=(value)
+ @build_args = value
+ end
+ def self.common_options
+ @common_options ||= []
+ end
+ def self.add_common_option(*args, &handler)
+ Gem::Command.common_options << [args, handler]
+ end
+ def self.extra_args
+ @extra_args ||= []
+ end
+ def self.extra_args=(value)
+ case value
+ when Array
+ @extra_args = value
+ when String
+ @extra_args = value.split
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return an array of extra arguments for the command. The extra arguments
+ # come from the gem configuration file read at program startup.
+ def self.specific_extra_args(cmd)
+ specific_extra_args_hash[cmd]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add a list of extra arguments for the given command. +args+ may be an
+ # array or a string to be split on white space.
+ def self.add_specific_extra_args(cmd,args)
+ args = args.split(/\s+/) if args.kind_of? String
+ specific_extra_args_hash[cmd] = args
+ end
+ ##
+ # Accessor for the specific extra args hash (self initializing).
+ def self.specific_extra_args_hash
+ @specific_extra_args_hash ||= do |h,k|
+ h[k] =
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Initializes a generic gem command named +command+. +summary+ is a short
+ # description displayed in `gem help commands`. +defaults+ are the default
+ # options. Defaults should be mirrored in #defaults_str, unless there are
+ # none.
+ #
+ # When defining a new command subclass, use add_option to add command-line
+ # switches.
+ #
+ # Unhandled arguments (gem names, files, etc.) are left in
+ # <tt>options[:args]</tt>.
+ def initialize(command, summary=nil, defaults={})
+ @command = command
+ @summary = summary
+ @program_name = "gem #{command}"
+ @defaults = defaults
+ @options = defaults.dup
+ @option_groups = { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
+ @parser = nil
+ @when_invoked = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # True if +long+ begins with the characters from +short+.
+ def begins?(long, short)
+ return false if short.nil?
+ long[0, short.length] == short
+ end
+ ##
+ # Override to provide command handling.
+ #
+ # #options will be filled in with your parsed options, unparsed options will
+ # be left in <tt>options[:args]</tt>.
+ #
+ # See also: #get_all_gem_names, #get_one_gem_name,
+ # #get_one_optional_argument
+ def execute
+ raise Gem::Exception, "generic command has no actions"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display to the user that a gem couldn't be found and reasons why
+ #--
+ # TODO: replace +domain+ with a parameter to suppress suggestions
+ def show_lookup_failure(gem_name, version, errors, domain)
+ if errors and !errors.empty?
+ msg = "Could not find a valid gem '#{gem_name}' (#{version}), here is why:\n"
+ errors.each { |x| msg << " #{x.wordy}\n" }
+ alert_error msg
+ else
+ alert_error "Could not find a valid gem '#{gem_name}' (#{version}) in any repository"
+ end
+ unless domain == :local then # HACK
+ suggestions = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.suggest_gems_from_name gem_name
+ unless suggestions.empty?
+ alert_error "Possible alternatives: #{suggestions.join(", ")}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Get all gem names from the command line.
+ def get_all_gem_names
+ args = options[:args]
+ if args.nil? or args.empty? then
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError,
+ "Please specify at least one gem name (e.g. gem build GEMNAME)"
+ end
+ { |arg| arg !~ /^-/ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Get all [gem, version] from the command line.
+ #
+ # An argument in the form gem:ver is pull apart into the gen name and version,
+ # respectively.
+ def get_all_gem_names_and_versions
+ do |name|
+ if /\A(.*):(#{Gem::Requirement::PATTERN_RAW})\z/ =~ name
+ [$1, $2]
+ else
+ [name]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Get a single gem name from the command line. Fail if there is no gem name
+ # or if there is more than one gem name given.
+ def get_one_gem_name
+ args = options[:args]
+ if args.nil? or args.empty? then
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError,
+ "Please specify a gem name on the command line (e.g. gem build GEMNAME)"
+ end
+ if args.size > 1 then
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError,
+ "Too many gem names (#{args.join(', ')}); please specify only one"
+ end
+ args.first
+ end
+ ##
+ # Get a single optional argument from the command line. If more than one
+ # argument is given, return only the first. Return nil if none are given.
+ def get_one_optional_argument
+ args = options[:args] || []
+ args.first
+ end
+ ##
+ # Override to provide details of the arguments a command takes. It should
+ # return a left-justified string, one argument per line.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # def usage
+ # "#{program_name} FILE [FILE ...]"
+ # end
+ #
+ # def arguments
+ # "FILE name of file to find"
+ # end
+ def arguments
+ ""
+ end
+ ##
+ # Override to display the default values of the command options. (similar to
+ # +arguments+, but displays the default values).
+ #
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # def defaults_str
+ # --no-gems-first --no-all
+ # end
+ def defaults_str
+ ""
+ end
+ ##
+ # Override to display a longer description of what this command does.
+ def description
+ nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Override to display the usage for an individual gem command.
+ #
+ # The text "[options]" is automatically appended to the usage text.
+ def usage
+ program_name
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display the help message for the command.
+ def show_help
+ parser.program_name = usage
+ say parser
+ end
+ ##
+ # Invoke the command with the given list of arguments.
+ def invoke(*args)
+ invoke_with_build_args args, nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Invoke the command with the given list of normal arguments
+ # and additional build arguments.
+ def invoke_with_build_args(args, build_args)
+ handle_options args
+ options[:build_args] = build_args
+ if options[:help] then
+ show_help
+ elsif @when_invoked then
+ options
+ else
+ execute
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Call the given block when invoked.
+ #
+ # Normal command invocations just executes the +execute+ method of the
+ # command. Specifying an invocation block allows the test methods to
+ # override the normal action of a command to determine that it has been
+ # invoked correctly.
+ def when_invoked(&block)
+ @when_invoked = block
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add a command-line option and handler to the command.
+ #
+ # See OptionParser#make_switch for an explanation of +opts+.
+ #
+ # +handler+ will be called with two values, the value of the argument and
+ # the options hash.
+ #
+ # If the first argument of add_option is a Symbol, it's used to group
+ # options in output. See `gem help list` for an example.
+ def add_option(*opts, &handler) # :yields: value, options
+ group_name = Symbol === opts.first ? opts.shift : :options
+ @option_groups[group_name] << [opts, handler]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Remove previously defined command-line argument +name+.
+ def remove_option(name)
+ @option_groups.each do |_, option_list|
+ option_list.reject! { |args, _| args.any? { |x| x =~ /^#{name}/ } }
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Merge a set of command options with the set of default options (without
+ # modifying the default option hash).
+ def merge_options(new_options)
+ @options = @defaults.clone
+ new_options.each do |k,v| @options[k] = v end
+ end
+ ##
+ # True if the command handles the given argument list.
+ def handles?(args)
+ begin
+ parser.parse!(args.dup)
+ return true
+ rescue
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Handle the given list of arguments by parsing them and recording the
+ # results.
+ def handle_options(args)
+ args = add_extra_args(args)
+ @options = Marshal.load Marshal.dump @defaults # deep copy
+ parser.parse!(args)
+ @options[:args] = args
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds extra args from ~/.gemrc
+ def add_extra_args(args)
+ result = []
+ s_extra = Gem::Command.specific_extra_args(@command)
+ extra = Gem::Command.extra_args + s_extra
+ until extra.empty? do
+ ex = []
+ ex << extra.shift
+ ex << extra.shift if extra.first.to_s =~ /^[^-]/
+ result << ex if handles?(ex)
+ end
+ result.flatten!
+ result.concat(args)
+ result
+ end
+ private
+ def add_parser_description # :nodoc:
+ return unless description
+ formatted = description.split("\n\n").map do |chunk|
+ wrap chunk, 80 - 4
+ end.join "\n"
+ @parser.separator nil
+ @parser.separator " Description:"
+ formatted.split("\n").each do |line|
+ @parser.separator " #{line.rstrip}"
+ end
+ end
+ def add_parser_options # :nodoc:
+ @parser.separator nil
+ regular_options = @option_groups.delete :options
+ configure_options "", regular_options
+ @option_groups.sort_by { |n,_| n.to_s }.each do |group_name, option_list|
+ @parser.separator nil
+ configure_options group_name, option_list
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds a section with +title+ and +content+ to the parser help view. Used
+ # for adding command arguments and default arguments.
+ def add_parser_run_info title, content
+ return if content.empty?
+ @parser.separator nil
+ @parser.separator " #{title}:"
+ content.split(/\n/).each do |line|
+ @parser.separator " #{line}"
+ end
+ end
+ def add_parser_summary # :nodoc:
+ return unless @summary
+ @parser.separator nil
+ @parser.separator " Summary:"
+ wrap(@summary, 80 - 4).split("\n").each do |line|
+ @parser.separator " #{line.strip}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Create on demand parser.
+ def parser
+ create_option_parser if @parser.nil?
+ @parser
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates an option parser and fills it in with the help info for the
+ # command.
+ def create_option_parser
+ @parser =
+ add_parser_options
+ @parser.separator nil
+ configure_options "Common", Gem::Command.common_options
+ add_parser_run_info "Arguments", arguments
+ add_parser_summary
+ add_parser_description
+ add_parser_run_info "Defaults", defaults_str
+ end
+ def configure_options(header, option_list)
+ return if option_list.nil? or option_list.empty?
+ header = header.to_s.empty? ? '' : "#{header} "
+ @parser.separator " #{header}Options:"
+ option_list.each do |args, handler|
+ { |arg| arg =~ /^-/ }
+ @parser.on(*args) do |value|
+, @options)
+ end
+ end
+ @parser.separator ''
+ end
+ ##
+ # Wraps +text+ to +width+
+ def wrap(text, width) # :doc:
+ text.gsub(/(.{1,#{width}})( +|$\n?)|(.{1,#{width}})/, "\\1\\3\n")
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Add the options common to all commands.
+ add_common_option('-h', '--help',
+ 'Get help on this command') do |value, options|
+ options[:help] = true
+ end
+ add_common_option('-V', '--[no-]verbose',
+ 'Set the verbose level of output') do |value, options|
+ # Set us to "really verbose" so the progress meter works
+ if Gem.configuration.verbose and value then
+ Gem.configuration.verbose = 1
+ else
+ Gem.configuration.verbose = value
+ end
+ end
+ add_common_option('-q', '--quiet', 'Silence commands') do |value, options|
+ Gem.configuration.verbose = false
+ end
+ # Backtrace and config-file are added so they show up in the help
+ # commands. Both options are actually handled before the other
+ # options get parsed.
+ add_common_option('--config-file FILE',
+ 'Use this config file instead of default') do
+ end
+ add_common_option('--backtrace',
+ 'Show stack backtrace on errors') do
+ end
+ add_common_option('--debug',
+ 'Turn on Ruby debugging') do
+ end
+ # :stopdoc:
+ HELP = <<-HELP
+RubyGems is a sophisticated package manager for Ruby. This is a
+basic help message containing pointers to more information.
+ Usage:
+ gem -h/--help
+ gem -v/--version
+ gem command [arguments...] [options...]
+ Examples:
+ gem install rake
+ gem list --local
+ gem build package.gemspec
+ gem help install
+ Further help:
+ gem help commands list all 'gem' commands
+ gem help examples show some examples of usage
+ gem help gem_dependencies gem dependencies file guide
+ gem help platforms gem platforms guide
+ gem help <COMMAND> show help on COMMAND
+ (e.g. 'gem help install')
+ gem server present a web page at
+ http://localhost:8808/
+ with info about installed gems
+ Further information:
+ # :startdoc:
+# \Commands will be placed in this namespace
+module Gem::Commands