path: root/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb
diff options
authorJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-16 18:49:26 +0900
committerJari Vetoniemi <>2020-03-30 00:39:06 +0900
commitfcbf63e62c627deae76c1b8cb8c0876c536ed811 (patch)
tree64cb17de3f41a2b6fef2368028fbd00349946994 /jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb
Fresh start
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb')
1 files changed, 483 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb b/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6617396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+# Installs RubyGems itself. This command is ordinarily only available from a
+# RubyGems checkout or tarball.
+class Gem::Commands::SetupCommand < Gem::Command
+ HISTORY_HEADER = /^===\s*[\d.]+\s*\/\s*\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s*$/
+ VERSION_MATCHER = /^===\s*([\d.]+)\s*\/\s*\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s*$/
+ def initialize
+ require 'tmpdir'
+ super 'setup', 'Install RubyGems',
+ :format_executable => true, :document => %w[ri],
+ :site_or_vendor => 'sitelibdir',
+ :destdir => '', :prefix => '', :previous_version => ''
+ add_option '--previous-version=VERSION',
+ 'Previous version of rubygems',
+ 'Used for changelog processing' do |version, options|
+ options[:previous_version] = version
+ end
+ add_option '--prefix=PREFIX',
+ 'Prefix path for installing RubyGems',
+ 'Will not affect gem repository location' do |prefix, options|
+ options[:prefix] = File.expand_path prefix
+ end
+ add_option '--destdir=DESTDIR',
+ 'Root directory to install RubyGems into',
+ 'Mainly used for packaging RubyGems' do |destdir, options|
+ options[:destdir] = File.expand_path destdir
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]vendor',
+ 'Install into vendorlibdir not sitelibdir' do |vendor, options|
+ options[:site_or_vendor] = vendor ? 'vendorlibdir' : 'sitelibdir'
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]format-executable',
+ 'Makes `gem` match ruby',
+ 'If ruby is ruby18, gem will be gem18' do |value, options|
+ options[:format_executable] = value
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]document [TYPES]', Array,
+ 'Generate documentation for RubyGems.',
+ 'List the documentation types you wish to',
+ 'generate. For example: rdoc,ri' do |value, options|
+ options[:document] = case value
+ when nil then %w[rdoc ri]
+ when false then []
+ else value
+ end
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]rdoc',
+ 'Generate RDoc documentation for RubyGems' do |value, options|
+ if value then
+ options[:document] << 'rdoc'
+ else
+ options[:document].delete 'rdoc'
+ end
+ options[:document].uniq!
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]ri',
+ 'Generate RI documentation for RubyGems' do |value, options|
+ if value then
+ options[:document] << 'ri'
+ else
+ options[:document].delete 'ri'
+ end
+ options[:document].uniq!
+ end
+ @verbose = nil
+ end
+ def check_ruby_version
+ required_version = '>= 1.8.7'
+ unless required_version.satisfied_by? Gem.ruby_version then
+ alert_error "Expected Ruby version #{required_version}, is #{Gem.ruby_version}"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--format-executable --document ri"
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-EOF
+Installs RubyGems itself.
+RubyGems installs RDoc for itself in GEM_HOME. By default this is:
+ #{Gem.dir}
+If you prefer a different directory, set the GEM_HOME environment variable.
+RubyGems will install the gem command with a name matching ruby's
+prefix and suffix. If ruby was installed as `ruby18`, gem will be
+installed as `gem18`.
+By default, this RubyGems will install gem as:
+ #{Gem.default_exec_format % 'gem'}
+ end
+ def execute
+ @verbose = Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ install_destdir = options[:destdir]
+ unless install_destdir.empty? then
+ ENV['GEM_HOME'] ||= File.join(install_destdir,
+ Gem.default_dir.gsub(/^[a-zA-Z]:/, ''))
+ end
+ check_ruby_version
+ require 'fileutils'
+ if Gem.configuration.really_verbose then
+ extend FileUtils::Verbose
+ else
+ extend FileUtils
+ end
+ lib_dir, bin_dir = make_destination_dirs install_destdir
+ install_lib lib_dir
+ install_executables bin_dir
+ remove_old_bin_files bin_dir
+ remove_old_lib_files lib_dir
+ say "RubyGems #{Gem::VERSION} installed"
+ uninstall_old_gemcutter
+ documentation_success = install_rdoc
+ say
+ if @verbose then
+ say "-" * 78
+ say
+ end
+ if options[:previous_version].empty?
+ options[:previous_version] = Gem::VERSION.sub(/[0-9]+$/, '0')
+ end
+ options[:previous_version] =[:previous_version])
+ show_release_notes
+ say
+ say "-" * 78
+ say
+ say "RubyGems installed the following executables:"
+ say { |name| "\t#{name}\n" }
+ say
+ unless @bin_file_names.grep(/#{File::SEPARATOR}gem$/) then
+ say "If `gem` was installed by a previous RubyGems installation, you may need"
+ say "to remove it by hand."
+ say
+ end
+ if documentation_success
+ if options[:document].include? 'rdoc' then
+ say "Rdoc documentation was installed. You may now invoke:"
+ say " gem server"
+ say "and then peruse beautifully formatted documentation for your gems"
+ say "with your web browser."
+ say "If you do not wish to install this documentation in the future, use the"
+ say "--no-document flag, or set it as the default in your ~/.gemrc file. See"
+ say "'gem help env' for details."
+ say
+ end
+ if options[:document].include? 'ri' then
+ say "Ruby Interactive (ri) documentation was installed. ri is kind of like man "
+ say "pages for ruby libraries. You may access it like this:"
+ say " ri Classname"
+ say " ri Classname.class_method"
+ say " ri Classname#instance_method"
+ say "If you do not wish to install this documentation in the future, use the"
+ say "--no-document flag, or set it as the default in your ~/.gemrc file. See"
+ say "'gem help env' for details."
+ say
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def install_executables(bin_dir)
+ say "Installing gem executable" if @verbose
+ @bin_file_names = []
+ Dir.chdir 'bin' do
+ bin_files = Dir['*']
+ bin_files.delete 'update_rubygems'
+ bin_files.each do |bin_file|
+ bin_file_formatted = if options[:format_executable] then
+ Gem.default_exec_format % bin_file
+ else
+ bin_file
+ end
+ dest_file = File.join bin_dir, bin_file_formatted
+ bin_tmp_file = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "#{bin_file}.#{$$}"
+ begin
+ bin = File.readlines bin_file
+ bin[0] = "#!#{Gem.ruby}\n"
+ bin_tmp_file, 'w' do |fp|
+ fp.puts bin.join
+ end
+ install bin_tmp_file, dest_file, :mode => 0755
+ @bin_file_names << dest_file
+ ensure
+ rm bin_tmp_file
+ end
+ next unless Gem.win_platform?
+ begin
+ bin_cmd_file = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "#{bin_file}.bat"
+ bin_cmd_file, 'w' do |file|
+ file.puts <<-TEXT
+IF NOT "%~f0" == "~f0" GOTO :WinNT
+@"#{File.basename(Gem.ruby).chomp('"')}" "#{dest_file}" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+@"#{File.basename(Gem.ruby).chomp('"')}" "%~dpn0" %*
+ end
+ install bin_cmd_file, "#{dest_file}.bat", :mode => 0755
+ ensure
+ rm bin_cmd_file
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def install_file file, dest_dir
+ dest_file = File.join dest_dir, file
+ dest_dir = File.dirname dest_file
+ mkdir_p dest_dir unless dest_dir
+ install file, dest_file, :mode => 0644
+ end
+ def install_lib(lib_dir)
+ say "Installing RubyGems" if @verbose
+ lib_files = rb_files_in 'lib'
+ pem_files = pem_files_in 'lib'
+ Dir.chdir 'lib' do
+ lib_files.each do |lib_file|
+ install_file lib_file, lib_dir
+ end
+ pem_files.each do |pem_file|
+ install_file pem_file, lib_dir
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def install_rdoc
+ gem_doc_dir = File.join Gem.dir, 'doc'
+ rubygems_name = "rubygems-#{Gem::VERSION}"
+ rubygems_doc_dir = File.join gem_doc_dir, rubygems_name
+ begin
+ Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories Gem.dir
+ rescue SystemCallError
+ # ignore
+ end
+ if File.writable? gem_doc_dir and
+ (not File.exist? rubygems_doc_dir or
+ File.writable? rubygems_doc_dir) then
+ say "Removing old RubyGems RDoc and ri" if @verbose
+ Dir[File.join(Gem.dir, 'doc', 'rubygems-[0-9]*')].each do |dir|
+ rm_rf dir
+ end
+ require 'rubygems/rdoc'
+ fake_spec = 'rubygems', Gem::VERSION
+ def fake_spec.full_gem_path
+ File.expand_path '../../../..', __FILE__
+ end
+ generate_ri = options[:document].include? 'ri'
+ generate_rdoc = options[:document].include? 'rdoc'
+ rdoc = fake_spec, generate_rdoc, generate_ri
+ rdoc.generate
+ return true
+ elsif @verbose then
+ say "Skipping RDoc generation, #{gem_doc_dir} not writable"
+ say "Set the GEM_HOME environment variable if you want RDoc generated"
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ def make_destination_dirs(install_destdir)
+ lib_dir, bin_dir = Gem.default_rubygems_dirs
+ unless lib_dir
+ lib_dir, bin_dir = generate_default_dirs(install_destdir)
+ end
+ mkdir_p lib_dir
+ mkdir_p bin_dir
+ return lib_dir, bin_dir
+ end
+ def generate_default_dirs(install_destdir)
+ prefix = options[:prefix]
+ site_or_vendor = options[:site_or_vendor]
+ if prefix.empty? then
+ lib_dir = RbConfig::CONFIG[site_or_vendor]
+ bin_dir = RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir']
+ else
+ # Apple installed RubyGems into libdir, and RubyGems <= 1.1.0 gets
+ # confused about installation location, so switch back to
+ # sitelibdir/vendorlibdir.
+ if defined?(APPLE_GEM_HOME) and
+ # just in case Apple and RubyGems don't get this patched up proper.
+ (prefix == RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'] or
+ # this one is important
+ prefix == File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'], 'ruby')) then
+ lib_dir = RbConfig::CONFIG[site_or_vendor]
+ bin_dir = RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir']
+ else
+ lib_dir = File.join prefix, 'lib'
+ bin_dir = File.join prefix, 'bin'
+ end
+ end
+ unless install_destdir.empty? then
+ lib_dir = File.join install_destdir, lib_dir.gsub(/^[a-zA-Z]:/, '')
+ bin_dir = File.join install_destdir, bin_dir.gsub(/^[a-zA-Z]:/, '')
+ end
+ [lib_dir, bin_dir]
+ end
+ def pem_files_in dir
+ Dir.chdir dir do
+ Dir[File.join('**', '*pem')]
+ end
+ end
+ def rb_files_in dir
+ Dir.chdir dir do
+ Dir[File.join('**', '*rb')]
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_old_bin_files(bin_dir)
+ old_bin_files = {
+ 'gem_mirror' => 'gem mirror',
+ 'gem_server' => 'gem server',
+ 'gemlock' => 'gem lock',
+ 'gemri' => 'ri',
+ 'gemwhich' => 'gem which',
+ 'index_gem_repository.rb' => 'gem generate_index',
+ }
+ old_bin_files.each do |old_bin_file, new_name|
+ old_bin_path = File.join bin_dir, old_bin_file
+ next unless File.exist? old_bin_path
+ deprecation_message = "`#{old_bin_file}` has been deprecated. Use `#{new_name}` instead."
+ old_bin_path, 'w' do |fp|
+ fp.write <<-EOF
+abort "#{deprecation_message}"
+ end
+ next unless Gem.win_platform?
+ "#{old_bin_path}.bat", 'w' do |fp|
+ fp.puts %{@ECHO.#{deprecation_message}}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_old_lib_files lib_dir
+ rubygems_dir = File.join lib_dir, 'rubygems'
+ lib_files = rb_files_in 'lib/rubygems'
+ old_lib_files = rb_files_in rubygems_dir
+ to_remove = old_lib_files - lib_files
+ to_remove.delete_if do |file|
+ file.start_with? 'defaults'
+ end
+ Dir.chdir rubygems_dir do
+ to_remove.each do |file|
+ FileUtils.rm_f file
+ warn "unable to remove old file #{file} please remove it by hand" if
+ File.exist? file
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def show_release_notes
+ release_notes = File.join Dir.pwd, 'History.txt'
+ release_notes =
+ if File.exist? release_notes then
+ history = release_notes
+ history.force_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 if
+ Object.const_defined? :Encoding
+ history = history.sub(/^# coding:.*?(?=^=)/m, '')
+ text = history.split(HISTORY_HEADER)
+ text.shift # correct an off-by-one generated by split
+ version_lines = history.scan(HISTORY_HEADER)
+ versions = history.scan(VERSION_MATCHER) do |x|
+ end
+ history_string = ""
+ until versions.length == 0 or
+ versions.shift < options[:previous_version] do
+ history_string += version_lines.shift + text.shift
+ end
+ history_string
+ else
+ "Oh-no! Unable to find release notes!"
+ end
+ say release_notes
+ end
+ def uninstall_old_gemcutter
+ require 'rubygems/uninstaller'
+ ui ='gemcutter', :all => true, :ignore => true,
+ :version => '< 0.4')
+ ui.uninstall
+ rescue Gem::InstallError
+ end