path: root/jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND')
3 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee406c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# setup.rb -- setup script before calling TkPackage.require()
+# If you need some setup operations (for example, add a library path
+# to the library search path) before using Tcl/Tk library packages
+# wrapped by Ruby scripts in this directory, please write the setup
+# operations in this file.
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d44068e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb
+# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (
+require 'tk'
+# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
+require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
+# call setup script
+require 'tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb'
+# TkPackage.require('Shape', '0.3')
+module Tk
+ module TkDND
+ module Shape
+ extend TkCore
+ PACKAGE_NAME = 'Shape'.freeze
+ def self.package_name
+ end
+ def self.package_version
+ begin
+ TkPackage.require('Shape')
+ rescue
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+ class << self
+ def package_version
+ Tk.tk_call('set', 'shape_version')
+ end
+ alias shape_version package_version
+ def package_patchlevel
+ Tk.tk_call('set', 'shape_patchLevel')
+ end
+ alias shape_patchlevel package_patchlevel
+ def version
+ tk_call('shape', 'version')
+ end
+ alias xshape_version version
+ end
+ ############################
+ def shape_bounds(kind=nil)
+ if kind
+ ret = tk_call('shape', 'bounds', @path, "-#{kind}")
+ else
+ ret = tk_call('shape', 'bounds', @path)
+ end
+ if ret == ""
+ nil
+ else
+ list(ret)
+ end
+ end
+ def shape_get(kind=nil)
+ if kind
+ list(tk_call('shape', 'get', @path, "-#{kind}"))
+ else
+ list(tk_call('shape', 'get', @path))
+ end
+ end
+ def shape_offset(x, y, kind=nil)
+ if kind
+ tk_call('shape', 'get', @path, "-#{kind}", x, y)
+ else
+ tk_call('shape', 'get', @path, x, y)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def _parse_shapespec_param(args)
+ cmd = []
+ kind_keys = ['bounding', 'clip', 'both']
+ offset_keys = ['offset']
+ srckind_keys = ['bitmap', 'rectangles', 'reset', 'test', 'window']
+ cmd << "-#{args.shift}" if kind_keys.member?(args[0].to_s)
+ if offset_keys.member?(args[0].to_s)
+ cmd << "-#{args.shift}"
+ cmd << args.shift # xOffset
+ cmd << args.shift # yOffset
+ end
+ if srckind_keys.member?(args[0].to_s)
+ cmd << "-#{args.shift}"
+ end
+ cmd.concat(args)
+ cmd
+ end
+ private :_parse_shapespec_param
+ def shape_set(*args) # ?kind? ?offset <x> <y>? srckind ?arg ...?
+ tk_call('shape', 'set', @path, *(_parse_shapespec_param(args)))
+ self
+ end
+ def shape_update(op, *args) # ?kind? ?offset <x> <y>? srckind ?arg ...?
+ tk_call('shape', 'update', @path, op, *(_parse_shapespec_param(args)))
+ self
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class TkWindow
+ include Tk::TkDND::Shape
diff --git a/jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb b/jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38e05ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb
+# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (
+require 'tk'
+# call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries
+require 'tkextlib/setup.rb'
+# call setup script
+require 'tkextlib/tkDND/setup.rb'
+module Tk
+ module TkDND
+ PACKAGE_NAME = 'tkdnd'.freeze
+ def self.package_name
+ end
+ def self.package_version
+ begin
+ TkPackage.require('tkdnd')
+ rescue
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+ class DND_Subst < TkUtil::CallbackSubst
+ KEY_TBL = [
+ [ ?a, ?l, :actions ],
+ [ ?A, ?s, :action ],
+ [ ?b, ?L, :codes ],
+ [ ?c, ?s, :code ],
+ [ ?d, ?l, :descriptions ],
+ [ ?D, ?l, :data ],
+ [ ?L, ?l, :source_types ],
+ [ ?m, ?l, :modifiers ],
+ [ ?t, ?l, :types ],
+ [ ?T, ?s, :type ],
+ [ ?W, ?w, :widget ],
+ [ ?x, ?n, :x ],
+ [ ?X, ?n, :x_root ],
+ [ ?y, ?n, :y ],
+ [ ?Y, ?n, :y_root ],
+ nil
+ ]
+ PROC_TBL = [
+ [ ?n, TkComm.method(:num_or_str) ],
+ [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ],
+ [ ?l, TkComm.method(:list) ],
+ [ ?L, TkComm.method(:simplelist) ],
+ [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ],
+ nil
+ ]
+ # for Ruby m17n :: ?x --> String --> char-code ( getbyte(0) )
+ if inf.kind_of?(Array)
+ inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
+ inf[1] = inf[1].getbyte(0) if inf[1].kind_of?(String)
+ end
+ inf
+ }
+ if inf.kind_of?(Array)
+ inf[0] = inf[0].getbyte(0) if inf[0].kind_of?(String)
+ end
+ inf
+ }
+ # setup tables
+ _setup_subst_table(KEY_TBL, PROC_TBL);
+ end
+ module DND
+ def self.version
+ begin
+ TkPackage.require('tkdnd')
+ rescue
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+ def dnd_bindtarget_info(type=nil, event=nil)
+ if event
+ procedure(tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type, event))
+ elsif type
+ procedure(tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type))
+ else
+ simplelist(tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path))
+ end
+ end
+ #def dnd_bindtarget(type, event,, prior=50, *args)
+ # event = tk_event_sequence(event)
+ # if prior.kind_of?(Numeric)
+ # tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type, event,
+ # install_bind_for_event_class(DND_Subst, cmd, *args),
+ # prior)
+ # else
+ # tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type, event,
+ # install_bind_for_event_class(DND_Subst, cmd, prior, *args))
+ # end
+ # self
+ #end
+ def dnd_bindtarget(type, event, *args)
+ # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
+ if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
+ cmd = args.shift
+ else
+ cmd =
+ end
+ prior = 50
+ prior = args.shift unless args.empty?
+ event = tk_event_sequence(event)
+ if prior.kind_of?(Numeric)
+ tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type, event,
+ install_bind_for_event_class(DND_Subst, cmd, *args),
+ prior)
+ else
+ tk_call('dnd', 'bindtarget', @path, type, event,
+ install_bind_for_event_class(DND_Subst, cmd, prior, *args))
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def dnd_cleartarget
+ tk_call('dnd', 'cleartarget', @path)
+ self
+ end
+ def dnd_bindsource_info(type=nil)
+ if type
+ procedure(tk_call('dnd', 'bindsource', @path, type))
+ else
+ simplelist(tk_call('dnd', 'bindsource', @path))
+ end
+ end
+ #def dnd_bindsource(type,, prior=None)
+ # tk_call('dnd', 'bindsource', @path, type, cmd, prior)
+ # self
+ #end
+ def dnd_bindsource(type, *args)
+ # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
+ if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given?
+ cmd = args.shift
+ else
+ cmd =
+ end
+ args = [TkComm::None] if args.empty?
+ tk_call('dnd', 'bindsource', @path, type, cmd, *args)
+ self
+ end
+ def dnd_clearsource()
+ tk_call('dnd', 'clearsource', @path)
+ self
+ end
+ def dnd_drag(keys=nil)
+ tk_call('dnd', 'drag', @path, *hash_kv(keys))
+ self
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class TkWindow
+ include Tk::TkDND::DND