path: root/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/to_rdoc.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/to_rdoc.rb')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/to_rdoc.rb b/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/to_rdoc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f16b4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/lib/rdoc/markup/to_rdoc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# Outputs RDoc markup as RDoc markup! (mostly)
+class RDoc::Markup::ToRdoc < RDoc::Markup::Formatter
+ ##
+ # Current indent amount for output in characters
+ attr_accessor :indent
+ ##
+ # Output width in characters
+ attr_accessor :width
+ ##
+ # Stack of current list indexes for alphabetic and numeric lists
+ attr_reader :list_index
+ ##
+ # Stack of list types
+ attr_reader :list_type
+ ##
+ # Stack of list widths for indentation
+ attr_reader :list_width
+ ##
+ # Prefix for the next list item. See #use_prefix
+ attr_reader :prefix
+ ##
+ # Output accumulator
+ attr_reader :res
+ ##
+ # Creates a new formatter that will output (mostly) \RDoc markup
+ def initialize markup = nil
+ super nil, markup
+ @markup.add_special(/\\\S/, :SUPPRESSED_CROSSREF)
+ @width = 78
+ init_tags
+ @headings = {}
+ @headings.default = []
+ @headings[1] = ['= ', '']
+ @headings[2] = ['== ', '']
+ @headings[3] = ['=== ', '']
+ @headings[4] = ['==== ', '']
+ @headings[5] = ['===== ', '']
+ @headings[6] = ['====== ', '']
+ @hard_break = "\n"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Maps attributes to HTML sequences
+ def init_tags
+ add_tag :BOLD, "<b>", "</b>"
+ add_tag :TT, "<tt>", "</tt>"
+ add_tag :EM, "<em>", "</em>"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds +blank_line+ to the output
+ def accept_blank_line blank_line
+ @res << "\n"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds +paragraph+ to the output
+ def accept_block_quote block_quote
+ @indent += 2
+ do |part|
+ @prefix = '> '
+ part.accept self
+ end
+ @indent -= 2
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds +heading+ to the output
+ def accept_heading heading
+ use_prefix or @res << ' ' * @indent
+ @res << @headings[heading.level][0]
+ @res << attributes(heading.text)
+ @res << @headings[heading.level][1]
+ @res << "\n"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finishes consumption of +list+
+ def accept_list_end list
+ @list_index.pop
+ @list_type.pop
+ @list_width.pop
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finishes consumption of +list_item+
+ def accept_list_item_end list_item
+ width = case @list_type.last
+ when :BULLET then
+ 2
+ when :NOTE, :LABEL then
+ if @prefix then
+ @res << @prefix.strip
+ @prefix = nil
+ end
+ @res << "\n"
+ 2
+ else
+ bullet = @list_index.last.to_s
+ @list_index[-1] = @list_index.last.succ
+ bullet.length + 2
+ end
+ @indent -= width
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prepares the visitor for consuming +list_item+
+ def accept_list_item_start list_item
+ type = @list_type.last
+ case type
+ when :NOTE, :LABEL then
+ bullets = Array(list_item.label).map do |label|
+ attributes(label).strip
+ end.join "\n"
+ bullets << ":\n" unless bullets.empty?
+ @prefix = ' ' * @indent
+ @indent += 2
+ @prefix << bullets + (' ' * @indent)
+ else
+ bullet = type == :BULLET ? '*' : @list_index.last.to_s + '.'
+ @prefix = (' ' * @indent) + bullet.ljust(bullet.length + 1)
+ width = bullet.length + 1
+ @indent += width
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prepares the visitor for consuming +list+
+ def accept_list_start list
+ case list.type
+ when :BULLET then
+ @list_index << nil
+ @list_width << 1
+ when :LABEL, :NOTE then
+ @list_index << nil
+ @list_width << 2
+ when :LALPHA then
+ @list_index << 'a'
+ @list_width << list.items.length.to_s.length
+ when :NUMBER then
+ @list_index << 1
+ @list_width << list.items.length.to_s.length
+ when :UALPHA then
+ @list_index << 'A'
+ @list_width << list.items.length.to_s.length
+ else
+ raise RDoc::Error, "invalid list type #{list.type}"
+ end
+ @list_type << list.type
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds +paragraph+ to the output
+ def accept_paragraph paragraph
+ text = paragraph.text @hard_break
+ wrap attributes text
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds +paragraph+ to the output
+ def accept_indented_paragraph paragraph
+ @indent += paragraph.indent
+ text = paragraph.text @hard_break
+ wrap attributes text
+ @indent -= paragraph.indent
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds +raw+ to the output
+ def accept_raw raw
+ @res <<"\n")
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds +rule+ to the output
+ def accept_rule rule
+ use_prefix or @res << ' ' * @indent
+ @res << '-' * (@width - @indent)
+ @res << "\n"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Outputs +verbatim+ indented 2 columns
+ def accept_verbatim verbatim
+ indent = ' ' * (@indent + 2)
+ do |part|
+ @res << indent unless part == "\n"
+ @res << part
+ end
+ @res << "\n" unless @res =~ /\n\z/
+ end
+ ##
+ # Applies attribute-specific markup to +text+ using RDoc::AttributeManager
+ def attributes text
+ flow = @am.flow text.dup
+ convert_flow flow
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the generated output
+ def end_accepting
+ @res.join
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes preceding \\ from the suppressed crossref +special+
+ def handle_special_SUPPRESSED_CROSSREF special
+ text = special.text
+ text = text.sub('\\', '') unless in_tt?
+ text
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds a newline to the output
+ def handle_special_HARD_BREAK special
+ "\n"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prepares the visitor for text generation
+ def start_accepting
+ @res = [""]
+ @indent = 0
+ @prefix = nil
+ @list_index = []
+ @list_type = []
+ @list_width = []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds the stored #prefix to the output and clears it. Lists generate a
+ # prefix for later consumption.
+ def use_prefix
+ prefix, @prefix = @prefix, nil
+ @res << prefix if prefix
+ prefix
+ end
+ ##
+ # Wraps +text+ to #width
+ def wrap text
+ return unless text && !text.empty?
+ text_len = @width - @indent
+ text_len = 20 if text_len < 20
+ re = /^(.{0,#{text_len}})[ \n]/
+ next_prefix = ' ' * @indent
+ prefix = @prefix || next_prefix
+ @prefix = nil
+ @res << prefix
+ while text.length > text_len
+ if text =~ re then
+ @res << $1
+ text.slice!(0, $&.length)
+ else
+ @res << text.slice!(0, text_len)
+ end
+ @res << "\n" << next_prefix
+ end
+ if text.empty? then
+ @res.pop
+ @res.pop
+ else
+ @res << text
+ @res << "\n"
+ end
+ end