path: root/jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_rdoc.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_rdoc.rb')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_rdoc.rb b/jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_rdoc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b60d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/ruby/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_rdoc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+require 'rdoc/test_case'
+class TestRDocMarkupToRDoc < RDoc::Markup::TextFormatterTestCase
+ add_visitor_tests
+ add_text_tests
+ def setup
+ super
+ @to =
+ end
+ def accept_blank_line
+ assert_equal "\n", @to.res.join
+ end
+ def accept_block_quote
+ assert_equal "> quote\n", @to.res.join
+ end
+ def accept_document
+ assert_equal "hello\n", @to.res.join
+ end
+ def accept_heading
+ assert_equal "===== Hello\n", @to.res.join
+ end
+ def accept_list_end_bullet
+ assert_empty @to.list_index
+ assert_empty @to.list_type
+ assert_empty @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_end_label
+ assert_empty @to.list_index
+ assert_empty @to.list_type
+ assert_empty @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_end_lalpha
+ assert_empty @to.list_index
+ assert_empty @to.list_type
+ assert_empty @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_end_note
+ assert_empty @to.list_index
+ assert_empty @to.list_type
+ assert_empty @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_end_number
+ assert_empty @to.list_index
+ assert_empty @to.list_type
+ assert_empty @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_end_ualpha
+ assert_empty @to.list_index
+ assert_empty @to.list_type
+ assert_empty @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_end_bullet
+ assert_equal 0, @to.indent, 'indent'
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_end_label
+ assert_equal "cat:\n", @to.res.join
+ assert_equal 0, @to.indent, 'indent'
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_end_lalpha
+ assert_equal 0, @to.indent, 'indent'
+ assert_equal 'b', @to.list_index.last
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_end_note
+ assert_equal "cat:\n", @to.res.join
+ assert_equal 0, @to.indent, 'indent'
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_end_number
+ assert_equal 0, @to.indent, 'indent'
+ assert_equal 2, @to.list_index.last
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_end_ualpha
+ assert_equal 0, @to.indent, 'indent'
+ assert_equal 'B', @to.list_index.last
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_start_bullet
+ assert_equal [""], @to.res
+ assert_equal '* ', @to.prefix
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_start_label
+ assert_equal [""], @to.res
+ assert_equal "cat:\n ", @to.prefix
+ assert_equal 2, @to.indent
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_start_lalpha
+ assert_equal [""], @to.res
+ assert_equal 'a. ', @to.prefix
+ assert_equal 'a', @to.list_index.last
+ assert_equal 3, @to.indent
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_start_note
+ assert_equal [""], @to.res
+ assert_equal "cat:\n ", @to.prefix
+ assert_equal 2, @to.indent
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_start_number
+ assert_equal [""], @to.res
+ assert_equal '1. ', @to.prefix
+ assert_equal 1, @to.list_index.last
+ assert_equal 3, @to.indent
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_start_ualpha
+ assert_equal [""], @to.res
+ assert_equal 'A. ', @to.prefix
+ assert_equal 'A', @to.list_index.last
+ assert_equal 3, @to.indent
+ end
+ def accept_list_start_bullet
+ assert_equal "", @to.res.join
+ assert_equal [nil], @to.list_index
+ assert_equal [:BULLET], @to.list_type
+ assert_equal [1], @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_start_label
+ assert_equal "", @to.res.join
+ assert_equal [nil], @to.list_index
+ assert_equal [:LABEL], @to.list_type
+ assert_equal [2], @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_start_lalpha
+ assert_equal "", @to.res.join
+ assert_equal ['a'], @to.list_index
+ assert_equal [:LALPHA], @to.list_type
+ assert_equal [1], @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_start_note
+ assert_equal "", @to.res.join
+ assert_equal [nil], @to.list_index
+ assert_equal [:NOTE], @to.list_type
+ assert_equal [2], @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_start_number
+ assert_equal "", @to.res.join
+ assert_equal [1], @to.list_index
+ assert_equal [:NUMBER], @to.list_type
+ assert_equal [1], @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_list_start_ualpha
+ assert_equal "", @to.res.join
+ assert_equal ['A'], @to.list_index
+ assert_equal [:UALPHA], @to.list_type
+ assert_equal [1], @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_paragraph
+ assert_equal "hi\n", @to.res.join
+ end
+ def accept_raw
+ raw = <<-RAW.rstrip
+ assert_equal raw, @to.res.join
+ end
+ def accept_rule
+ assert_equal "#{'-' * 78}\n", @to.res.join
+ end
+ def accept_verbatim
+ assert_equal " hi\n world\n\n", @to.res.join
+ end
+ def end_accepting
+ assert_equal "hi", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def start_accepting
+ assert_equal 0, @to.indent
+ assert_equal [""], @to.res
+ assert_empty @to.list_index
+ assert_empty @to.list_type
+ assert_empty @to.list_width
+ end
+ def accept_heading_1
+ assert_equal "= Hello\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_heading_2
+ assert_equal "== Hello\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_heading_3
+ assert_equal "=== Hello\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_heading_4
+ assert_equal "==== Hello\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_heading_indent
+ assert_equal " = Hello\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_heading_b
+ assert_equal "= <b>Hello</b>\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_heading_suppressed_crossref
+ assert_equal "= Hello\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_start_note_2
+ assert_equal "<tt>teletype</tt>:\n teletype description\n\n", @to.res.join
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_start_note_multi_description
+ assert_equal "label:\n description one\n\n description two\n\n",
+ @to.res.join
+ end
+ def accept_list_item_start_note_multi_label
+ assert_equal "one\ntwo:\n two headers\n\n", @to.res.join
+ end
+ def accept_paragraph_b
+ assert_equal "reg <b>bold words</b> reg\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_paragraph_br
+ assert_equal "one\ntwo\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_paragraph_break
+ assert_equal "hello\nworld\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_paragraph_i
+ assert_equal "reg <em>italic words</em> reg\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_paragraph_indent
+ expected = <<-EXPECTED
+ words words words words words words words words words words words words
+ words words words words words words words words words words words words
+ words words words words words words
+ assert_equal expected, @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_paragraph_plus
+ assert_equal "reg <tt>teletype</tt> reg\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_paragraph_star
+ assert_equal "reg <b>bold</b> reg\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_paragraph_underscore
+ assert_equal "reg <em>italic</em> reg\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_paragraph_wrap
+ expected = <<-EXPECTED
+words words words words words words words words words words words words words
+words words words words words words words words words words words words words
+words words words words
+ assert_equal expected, @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_rule_indent
+ assert_equal " #{'-' * 75}\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_verbatim_indent
+ assert_equal " hi\n world\n\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def accept_verbatim_big_indent
+ assert_equal " hi\n world\n\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def list_nested
+ expected = <<-EXPECTED
+* l1
+ * l1.1
+* l2
+ assert_equal expected, @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ def list_verbatim
+ expected = <<-EXPECTED # HACK overblown
+* list stuff
+ * list
+ with
+ second
+ 1. indented
+ 2. numbered
+ third
+ * second
+ assert_equal expected, @to.end_accepting
+ end
+ # functional test
+ def test_convert_list_note
+ note_list = <<-NOTE_LIST
+foo ::
+bar ::
+ hi
+ expected = <<-EXPECTED
+ hi
+ assert_equal expected, @to.convert(note_list)
+ end
+ def test_accept_indented_paragraph
+ ip = 2, 'cats are cool'
+ @to.start_accepting
+ @to.accept_indented_paragraph ip
+ assert_equal " cats are cool\n", @to.end_accepting
+ end